er ___ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1014, News From Villages and Farms Throughout the Adjoining Coun 'Hose ments of the People. . : Canonto Notes Canonto, April. 21.--The surprise ty held at James Campbell's re- i tly was a decided success. At the Boman Catholic church, Lavant, 20th, Michael Manion, of this in marriage to Annie B, Ranger, of Darling, by Rev. Father Powell, of Flinton.. The far- mers who are making sugar, report a School has re-open- ed with a fairly good attendarice. O. H. Lawrence is spending a few days was united . Poor run of sap. With his brother in this vicinity. Railway Run-Of at Hillier Picton, April 20.-On Saturday the Central io train due to arrive in Picton at 7.25, ran off the rails close to "Hillier Station. No one was hurt but much inconvenience was caubed to the passengers of that train and also to those of the fol- lowing train, due in Picton at eleven pam. Temporary repairs were made add passengers of both trains reach- ed on at about 9 a.m. Sunday. To add to the discomfort the place accident ocourred was "swamp" #0 all had to keep strictly to the track. ' LE ; Bethel Personals Bethel, April 18. Frederick Deare and Move ing a few days in Westport, Miss Hughes, teacher, spent Easter at her home near Arden. A number of men are finishing up the séwer at the station. : y : i . Reports From Forest Forest, April 21. The roads 'are in fine condition. Automobiles and motor cycles are numerous. The young bachelors of Sydenham and vicinity are to hold a dance on ¥ri- day evening in the town hall, Syd- enham. Miss Estella Mcre'r nd, of Queen's, left on Thursday for Saska- toon. 2 . Frank O'Conor, of Queen's is holi- daying at his home. Miss Alice Joyce and Miss Mabel Harrigan were sucessful in their examinations st Ottawa. Miss Jennie Nichols, Rockwood and "friend spent Sunday at her home Mrs. Pixley and children, Kingston, are at William Nivhols. . Beal Trevelyan Tidings Trevelyan, April 20.--Sugar-making was very successful. Miss C. J. Flem- ing, Elgin, spent the past week the guest of her sister, Mrs. BE. J. Leeder. Misses Alice and Agnes Lappan spent Easter in Kingston. I'he remains of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. "Jed" Flood were placed in the vault on Wednesday, Miss Joreta Leeder, of Athens high school, is holidaying at her home here, owing, to the fact that the high school 'is closed, on account of the scarlet fever epidemic, which has prevailed in that village, fof some time past. The remains of the late John lLappan were removed from the vault here to Lansdowne cemetery, where interment takes place. Freder- ick Leeder and Misses Hann, Irene and Loreta Leeder spent Sunday, guests of MEALS HIT BACK 7 DYSPEPSIA, GAS, SOUR STOMACH 7 PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN TRY IT! IN FIVE domes IN. DIGESTION GOES AND STOM- ACH FEELS FINE. Time it! In five minutes all stom- ach distress gone. No indigestion. heartburn, souraess, or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undiges'- ed food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach doctor in the whole world, and beo- sides, it is harmtess. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear has returned from Chalk River. L. Halliday is able to be out again. Sugar-making is about over. G. Boulton and sister, Caintown, have rettirned home after spending a month- with their sister, Mrs. E. King. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kavanagh attended the ball at Delta on Friday evening. J. McKenney, Athens, has been doing some carpentering work for W. Eyre. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lati- mer spent Saturday evening at Lynd- | hurst. Mrs. J. Ferguson is ill. R. Foster went to Ogdensburg on Wed- nesday to see his father, who is ill News Fgom Arden Arden, April 20.---A large number attended the kitchen shower at G. Nugent's, when many useful and beau- tiful gifts were presented to Mrs. W. Steele. Rew. Nr. Scammell, they know it is neediess to have a bad. stomach. . Get a large, fifty-cent case . of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug Store and put your stomach right. Stop being miserable--iife is too short--you're not here long, so make your stay agreedble.. Eat what yon like and digest if; enjoy it, without fear of rebellion in the stomach. Pape's Diapepsfn belongs in you. home. Should -ome of the family eat gomething which doesn't agree with them, or in case of an attack of indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stomaclr derangement, it is handy to "give Instant relief. my, predecéased him about a year ago. For about sixty-five years they had lived together, and had celebrated their golden wedding an- nivérsary about three years ago. 'Two sons, Willlam of Picton, and Manson, of South Bay, also two daughters, Mrs. Lewis Garrison and Mrs. Andrew F. Welbanks, both of Picton survive. The funeral service was held at the house by Rev. Mr. Emsley, and interment was made at Glenwood cemetery. At Maclntosh's Mills 4 MacIntosh Mills, Apgil 20.--~The su- zar-making season is over and the farmers report a good wield. C. Fodey and Leonard O'Grady, Outlet, spent the week-end here with friends. Miss Genevieve, Leeder retuyemed (0 her school at Bowell, on Monday. Miss Kay, factary opened April 20, under the management of Mr. Sly. The sugar séason is about gver. Farmers have begun ploughing. The mission clecle met. at Mrs. William' Guthrie's Thursday aftergoon. The members reorganizéd the Maple Leaf Sunday scoool, with Mrs. William Gughrie as superintendent. The Sunday school Is to open May 3rd. The circle is to meet in two weeks' time at the Wome of Mrs. Robert ~Mae- Miss L. Guthrie has returned from Toronto, and resumed her duties af teacher at Latimer, Miss Jean Crozier. has returned from Mountain Grave. Mrs. E. Todd has deturned-to Buffalo. J. B. Stonness is still very low. Walter Shales has returned to Kingston. 'A few drove to the home of Carl Shales on Thursday evening = and spent! a pleasant time. B. Nodgrove and family are moving to Kingston. Late Saturday evening, April 11th Walter Holden had the misfortune of haying his hog and ken houses burn to the ground. The alarm was given by Edward Stokes. One hundred hens, several pigs and a few sheep were in the building; un- fortunately none were saved. The season of pike fishing has arrived. Miss Rachel Roberts and Miss M. Raymond have returned to Syden- ham. Mrs. J. B. Hennigar, Smith's Falls, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. Guth- rie. . Mrs. William Raymond, Sr, is at William Guthrie's; Miss Bdna Dukinson, Leland, at Migs Sadie Guthrie's; Mr. and Mrs. Buck, Syd- enham, at their daughter's; Mrs. J. S. Robert's; Robert and Mrs. Wil- lam Ritchie spent Sunday at Mrs Alex. Darling's, Opinicon; S. Hobba, Watertown, N. Y., at Mr and Mrs Votary's; 'Mr. and Mrs. Wailer Rif- NEMRLY IN "CONVULSIONS With Acute Indigestion. "Fruif-a-tives" Cured Me. Newsury, ONT., MAY 29th. 1013 "Iam not astrenuoususerof medicines - or'patent medicines, but I have taken nearly ing recommended for Indigestion and Constipation. I have been so bad with. Acute Indi- gestion that I was nearly in convulsions and had tobe held. I have used *'Fruit. a-tives" and I have not had another attack nor suffered at all with Indigestion since taking them. "Fruit-a-tives" Is the only remedy I ever used that did me any good, and I am grateful to "Fruit-a-tives' making me as well as [ am today, and everyone agrees that I look in firstclass health. My husband likes "'Fruit-a-tiveés" very much and takes them whenever he has occasion to use a remedy for Constipa- tion" Mgs. D. MCRAR "Pruit-a-tives)' are sold by all dealers at soe a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢, or will be sent to any address on receipt of - price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, 2 AAA Aang FLOUR Our Robin .Hood Brand has a guarantee In every good quality. ANDREW MACLEAN, for of flour bag for OUR FRESH GROUND OO#. FEE AT 40c. PAN'T BK BEAT Try a sample order and be convinced. $1,600 3 For farm of 40 acres good outbuildings and land; seven miles from Kingston. ----WE SELL -- Scranton Coal Co's Coal fot a Sh Vines in Pennsylvania, - Place your order with 4 THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO North End Ontario Sao." Store and divelling, 10¢ large - wat with his sister, Mrs. J. E. Free | Miss Winnie Ronen, McIntosh Mills. burn during the holidays. Perry, Al 'combisc was at Wilton recently, FE. Galbraith, Queen's, Kingston, is at his for a few days... Mr. and + Mrs. Gibson, Toronto, at Samuel Hamilton's; Miss Smith, at C. Fm. berley's; 'Mr. Sutton, Toronto, at-W. Jackson's on Sunday last; Mr. Allan and Wiss Allan, Moscow, at W. Me. William's on Sunday.. Earl Gal braith and Mrs. J. C. Davison. intend leaving for Cupar, Sask., this week. ~ Miss Card, Odessa, is at J. Jack- son's. Mamie Ieeder gave a sugar party one | chie at Mrs, R. Ferguson's, Leland Easter week, and a very ---- Jjofable time was spent by a munber of yQuug people, Donald Patience and Lansdowne, spent Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Leeder. Fhe scarlet fever scare is about 'over. NO new cases have heen reported, and the old cases have improved ise Mary vLeeder, Brockville, spent Faster with her mother. Miss Mamie 1.eedor was a guest of Miss Mayme Anglin on Sunday evening. Miss Loretta Flood, Lillie's, returned home on Sunday, ai- ter staying Faster week with her sis- ter, Mrs. A! Leeder. The 'suckers beginning to run and a number of the local sports getting busy 3 leeder and BD. Patience spent Sunday evening at Mrs. B. Leeder's The ton, conducted the Paul's, on Supday. C. Barker visited at Mount Vale. d Miss Clow, at J, Barker's. Mr. and Mrs. S. Loyst are visiting friends at Bancroft. tev. Mr. Lloyd has gone to his home in Newfoundland, where he will remain until the latter part of + May. The Misses Detlor and Greene prosperous young farmer Mr. and are at Greene Grove; H. Wormworth, and Mrs. T. W. Kerr, are at 0. B. at the "Royal hotel; Russell Gendron Henderson's, Murvale. Mr. and Mrs. is howe from: Havelock. D. Heck Melville Bradford, at J. Lee's, Mur- | snon¢ the week ut Montreal. Mrs. Ly- vale. Secord Watson, Montreal, is| nay Peterboro, is visiting at H. Han visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. luah's and Ib. Detlor's: J. Hughes, at A. Watson. Mrs. W. Clark. Verona ) Crozier's; Mr. Loucks, at Willism McLean Budget at Edgar Hughes Mr. ang yr, Loyst's. 'Miss R. Thornton has gone . ; 1.--~The Pemains | Harry Watson, Hartington; Mr. and {io Tweed. James Williams is ill of elean, Anal. Waki of this | Mrs. E. Joyner and Roy Freeman, at -- : place, were taken from the vault at |T. Bardford's; Mrs. M. Walker, To- Marriage at Verona Centreville on Saturday, where in-|ronto, at Mrs S. Kerr's; Mrs. T. terment took place. Mr. and Mrs. | Bradford and Miss Orlene Kerr Rufus Wager and Mr. and Mrs. |spent Easter week at Yarker Alfred Cousins made a trip to Cen- . treville on Saturday. Misses Francis Foster and Charlotte Wood have re- turned from Moscow. Mrs. William Cousins and daughter, Zelda, are at William Ri.vley's. There was no service here on Sunday on account of bad roads. Mrs. Sarah Pardy is at A. Foster's. Mrs. F. Thompson, of Méscow, visiting at her father's, L. Sills', was obliged to return home on account of the illness of her hus- enough for four houses, 13 reoms $4,200, in St Ontario Street. 90. n St, York St., near Chatham, (hee - . ' Petworth Personals Miss Greene and Petworth, April 20.--Alfred Wat- son, Petworth and Miss Lena Wag- er, Enterprise, were quietly war ried at the home of the bride c= thé 11th inst. They will reside in this place, wheres the groom 1 a At Mountain Grove Mountain Grove, April 17. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood have returned fron their wedding trip. and taken house-keeping on North street. y AAA AAA A % : houses. Improvements: one at $1,706.00: one at $1,500; one at $2,100.00. * 7 Tuee Vacunm Cleaning System Estimates given nion wood wurd 18 gn busy place now eady Boomhower, Marshall and bs Vacuum Cleaners, $10.59, 4 Davy's mills are all at work there. Mrs. Drake H. 8. CRUMLEY has moved home after spending the 116 BROCK ST. winter on Miller's ranch. Mr and Mrs. William: Knight and baby, IK] sie, visited Kingston last week. John Hawley, seriously ill, is better, 'Ihe Chis. ¥ Young people enjoved a sugar ahi itis. 2 at the parsonage tie of Radway's Rea also a party at J Fhe relict roads are almost impassable, especial day evening. a wlore night, The relief I have esperlenced is { vellons, 1 most heartily indorse BR. R | , By : |1y between here und Athens Easter visitors: Miss Maude | derson, Kingston: Miss Evalena Be CURES ASTHMA t Ready Tidings From Delta rice. Peterboro Normal: Misses Flor Te vo the Re rorveot id Taaswarts Tui daughter, Nettio May, was united. in Delta, April 20.--Mrs. Spankie | ence Abbott and Agnes Price, SHS, marriage to Charles Henry. son of and Dr. Spankie, Kingston, spent | at home; Stewart Somers, Toronto, Albert Buskard, of Belley ifle, by the [Faster guests at the home of Mr. and with his parents over Sunday; Mrs Rev. F. J. Dowdell. of Sydenham. |MTS- A. Davison. . Miss Jennie Davi- | D. MacDonald with her parents, West The bride was accompanied: by her son, B.A. is Visiting at her home | brook; Miss Lena Crozier and broth sister, Jella. A wedding reception | Here. Miss Eliza Collister is spend- | er, W. G., at Kingston; Mrs. T. H.1- was given by the bride's father and | \N& a few days with friends here. | Flyun, at Napanee; Mrs. R. Hywley mother on Saturday evening and a Mr. Gibson and C. Davison, Brock- Kingston; Mrs Ira Davy, ill for a very dainty repast was partaken of ville, spent Easter in Delta. Miss ow days, is able to be out by the guests. Mabel Hill, Brockville, was a visitor Miss Maggie Card spent the week-end "The bride looked very charming in al the home of her brother, T. Hill. | at the parsonage, the guest of Miss up I'he are BUILDERS! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Baves Time. FP. WALSH 83-87 Barrack Stree party on Fridav ey ening, Grey Thur are : . taken cach er bef ing $s on mar. Verona, April 20.--A quiet wedding took place on Saturday morning, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bur oette, of Verona, when their second | San tiatil a burping sensat! Pills must be taken fo bowels thoroughly open, be given at short inter aud ae dessertspoouful of retiring 0 Give a teaspoonful of the Nesolvent wher ® paroxysm occurs, # RADWAY & Co. A A ii Howe Island Happenings Howe Island, April 21.--The roads are reported as very bad in thi vicinity. The sugar making seasor is over and is reported to be a rathes poor one. The ice is nearly all gone and the ferries are running once more. A deep gloom was cast over the vicinity when it was learned that John Cox was dead. Robert Simp- son, who has been confined to the | STOP SKIDDING again It's Dangerous Mrs. Dr. Kelly and little Arnold | Grace Carr. Ft Crow Lake Items Crow Lake, April 20. -- The 'Weather is more spring-like. Some of the farmers are)busy with their spring work. Not much grain has been sown yet. Mrs. Lewis Bain got hort quite badly by falling off a chair while house-cleaning. R. Rey- nolds is able to take a walk a short distance. Mrs. Knapp is very poorly. A number of people from here took a trip on a hand car to Mud Lake bridge on Sunday. Mrs. George Duff is home from Orillia, taking care of her mother, Mrs. Knapp. Visitors: Wr. and Mrs. William Kennedy at J. W. Knapp's; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bain and Mr. and Mrs. F. Knapp spent Easter Sunday at W. B. Thar- rett's. Miss Bina Tharrett is spend- sumed sity for his vacation. the farm Hotel Dieu with a broken leg is im- proving. Miss Nellie Welsh has re- her duties as teacher on Wolfe Island. E. Melville has re- turned home from Queen's Univer- Nelson White is erecting a new frame house on he purchased last year. Miss May Melville spent Easter at her home here. Miss Vera Prior re- turned to Glenburnie. Miss Katie Kane, of Kingston, is visiting rela- tives here. Charleston Doings Charleston, April 20.--Mrs. T. Heffernan and Miss Kathleen Beale spent a few days last week in King- ston. Born on Wednesday, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heffernan, a daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. B. Flood spent Sunday at D. Heffernan's. J. Ward a cream satin dress with trimmings to match, and her sister, Bella, was daintly attired in a pale silk The bride received many pretty useful presents. The young couple will soon leave for the north where Mr. Buskard will follow his profession of mining engineer and Death at Point Traverse Point Traverse, April 20.--~Death has called away another old and respected resident in the person of Isaac Head, formerly of this vici- nity at the ripe old age of ninety. Mr. Head was born in Marysburg, in the year 1824, and had lived in this township all his life, except the last four months spent in Picton. He scarcely knew a sick hour until he was afflicted with a stroke of paralysis. His wife, Isabella Georlo- pretty! In the making ot ' all the "rich products" of wheat and barley, from which the food is made, ave retained. 7 A regular ration of Girape-Nuts is not only a but admirably supplies the mine "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts --sold by Grocers everywhere. > 7 WRNSEE CANADIAN POSTUM CEREAL C0, LTD, WINDSOR, ONT. 53 vous prostration, dullness, languor, Sees Menace In White Bread The eminent scienti --Prof. Le Tulle,, of Paris, recently made a remark- able statement regarding food conditions in France. able to this country--he said: + 'France has changed an essential of her nourishment. White bread ¥ is made more and niore starchy, and is less and less nourishing. The rich products which are extracted go to feed the pigs. The baker now utilizes only fifty per cent. of the wheat elements, whereas fifty years ago he utilized eighty-five percent. ~~ ~~ The *'rich products' referred to, which are "extiacted' from wheat, are the mineral element--phosphate of potash, iron; sodium, ete. These elements ave absolutely essential to proper nutrition of body, nerves are nearly all throsvn-out by millers just to make ~ the flour look white and EP ed a | & The lack of these invaluable phosphates is one of the ¢hief causes of nei- constipation and other ills--big and little. ERIS tol sma Grape-Nuts o* . + % i delicious part of the meal, ral salts which the ordinary diet often lacks. { It is even more applic- and brain, yet they 2 ross TERR 5" RW mull.ej spent Easter at her home near Addi- son. Mrs. Warrington and babe spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Mclllray. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sher- man were guests recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stafford. Mrs. Bailey was a guest during Eas- ter at the home of MY. and Mrs. C. L. Broley. Mrs. A. Denaught, Broek- ville, was a recent visitor at the home of Mrs. Soper.. Miss Jessie Davison left last Thursday for. Warkworth, where she is engaged to teach school. Mrs. R. Stevens, who spent the win- ter with her daughter, Mrs. C. T. Broley, returned last week to her home in the west. The W.M.S. held its annual Easter meeting at the home of Mrs. T. N. Phelps last Wed- nesday afternoon. A good pro- gramme was given and the district organizer, Mrs. Lovern, of Addisen, gave an interesting talk: Miss Anna Taber, Morton, was a guest for a few days at the home of her aunt, Mrs. T. N. Phelps. Dr. Cornell, Brock- ville, made a trip'to Delta last week and during his stay hére was enter- tiined at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Kelly. The Odd Fellows gave an old- time ball in the hall Friday evening. A good number were present. Dr. Rupert Stevens is spending . some time at his home here. Wedding at Verona Verona, April 21.--A wedding took place here in the Methodist church yesterday morning at"10.30 o'clock, in which William Allan Wagar, of Wagarville, and Elizabeth Pearl Jéffrey, of Reynoldston, were the contracting parties. The groom was assisted by Ralph Batting, Rey- noldston, and the bridesmaid was Mrs. Ralph Batting, sistef of the bride. After the ceremony 7 the party dined at the Vanderwater house, after which they left for a honeymoon trip in the north. They will reside at Wagarville. Rev. W. F. Perley was the ofliciating clergy- man. Jabez Dixon, an old and much re- spected resident, passed away yester- day morning at ten o'clock. The fun- eral will take place Wednesday at the Free Methodist church, of which deceased was an ardent member. A large family of grown-up children survive, Kerr Brothers set their sawmill in operation yesterday. The work done is very satisfactory. John Amey, Perth. Road, spent Sunday. with his brother, Frederick, here. CC. G. Yorke, of Queen's, Kingston, spent Sunday with his parents here. Far- mers are complaining about the backward spring. Miss Pearl _Wil- kins has returned after spending some time with friends at Sharbot Lake. Mrs. Michael Kenyon, ill for fome time, is improving. Harry Mc- Coy, Albert college, BeHeville, spent Easter holidays with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Levi Brown. Harry Snider iz moving to Piccadilly. Mrs. Dr, Wellwood returtied from Ottawa Festerday. A. Trousdale has returned fron "Kingston general hos- pital somewhat improved in health. A pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr, and Mrs, John Burnett, when their third daughter, Nettie, was married to Charles Bus- cart, Belleville. Rev. A. W. Dowdell, of Sydenham, officiated. Perth Road Fire ; Perth Road, April 20--The cheese v _ The auction sale of stock and farm implements at T. G. Flynn's was well attended. Mr. Flynn and family leave | shortly Yor the west where he and his son have homesteads. Howard Ab. bott has secured a situation near Peterboro and left last week to come mence work. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liams, Belleville, spent some time with her mother, Mrs. D. Cox. Miss Winnifred Thompson has returned from Godfrey, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Ida Kennedy. A. Ww. Thompson. reeve, went to Ompah this week on business in connection with the road and bridges commit- tee. William Barr has about pleted . sawing wood in this neighbor hood. Miss Temtle, Toronto, spent a few dhys the guest of Mra. George Som- ers. The beginners Sunday school class presented their teacher. Mrs. T. G. Flynn, with a beautiful gold brooch set with pearls, and a hymn book, on Sunday. She is gomg west soon. Master Kemmeth' Loyst read address while Master Earl Youmans made the presentation. Mr. Dunsmore returned on Sunday after spending his Easter holidays at his home m Stratford. William Cowdy has been sawing wood .on North street. There has been a week of good sap weather but, it seems to be over. The rain on Sunday has started the grass nicely. EDISON BOESN'T LIKE WAR He Says That the Mexicans Ought to ----Behave Themselves West Orange, N.J., April 22. ==" It is too bad these Mexicans don't know how to conduct themselves and haven't respect for a superior nation and its honer," said Thomas A. Edi- son in his laboratory here this after- noon. "Of course, I think it's bad business for a nation to march around with a chip on its shoulder daring the other fellows to knock it off and I would be inclined to let my pride suffer a little before*I would plunge our country into war. Why, I wouldn't sacrifice the life of one brave American lad for all the gold there is in Mexico." Mr. Edison also said that he be- lieved that the United States should repaal the tolls clause in the Panama canal controversy. ministration probably made a mis- take," he added, "and our word should be considered binding--just as good as a government bond. We cannot expect to win profits out of all bargains and, if a mistake was made in that treaty medicine like men." com-{ "The earlier ad- | let us eke our Get } TIRE CHAINS At the KINGSTON AUTO- . MOBILE CO. Queen and Bagot Sts. Phone 1170 Why that pain, when Blue-jay would stop it instantly? Why have a com, when Blue<jay would remove it in two days? Why that discomfort, when millions of people could tell you a way to get rid of it? 'These are the facts: Blue-jay is applied in a Jiffy. And from that instant all pain is stopped. Then, while you work or or play, Blue-jay undermines the , com. In twoglays you can fife it | out, without any pain or soreness. Think how easy, low simple. Whi pare corns, or doctor theps le petty ways, Blue-jay J is taking out a million corns a month, It is simply folly, in these modern days, to Sather from a com. A | single test will prove this. ~ Blue-jay For Corns i 15 and 25 conts--at Druggiets | Bauer & Black, Chicago and New York 'Makers of Physiciasis' Supplies FOR FIRST CHOICR OF CON. ING SEASON'S NEWEST SUIT. INGS, NOW ON HAND BEST VALUR IN CITY, Ashby the Tailor 76 Brock St, "Phone 1518 i in -------------------- a Why Pay High Prices ? Will Give Youn NEW YORK FRUIT STORE Phieapples 20¢. + Oranges, 13¢, 20¢, 830c. New Figs, 15¢ pound Tomatoes, 15¢ pound. Bananas, 13¢, 20¢ Ib, © Malaga Gra jes, 20c ih. 314 Princess St. Phone1405 FIRST CLASS GOODS The Style and Fitting will be Faultless The Finsh and Workmanship will be perfect, | The price will be from $2.00 to $7.00 LOWER than you have been paying RALPH SPENCER The Tailor. 820 Princess Street Opposite St. Andrew's Church Baby Carriages & Go Darts 1914 Line" Carriages ...... $10.50 to $35.00 Go-Carts ........ $8.50 to $18.00 Sulkies ....... $3/9, $3.00 $3.50 ne : "eo : ri hite enamel, fiom, a WLS Sham $6.00, 8 00 up Mattresses to. fit. Cradles, High Chairs, Baby Walkers Come Early ? § &