2 1A GRATEFUL COUPLE MADE GOOD CITIZENS) OF THE HEAD OF HUNTERS OF | LUZON, PHILLIPPINES Ex-Gov. Pack of Luzon Shys Oppres- | sion Would Undo Great Work -- | Withdrawal of Officials Who Know | : Hill Tribes May Have Serious Re- 3 3 a ; : % ' BY _ difference GIN | ny 5 8B a NN PILLS can ake in | ahve, : Eo ; | the bome1life can be | After twelve years spent as gover- uessed irom the nor of the mountain province of Luz letter below, Where on, in the Philippines, Where he formerly both | taught the Wild, bead-hunthg Igor- hpshand and wife rotes to 'become good, law-abiding red x or pea citizens and helped Yo make of them fons aut ery With tompanies of thé bést police in the | i Teh re Phitlppines, Willjam 'F. Pack has | Imost free SPtHS old settled on the Isle of Pines, which He a | believes is the fdeal Spot of the World. He 'is'in New York on al Lyons Brook, N.S. visit now, 4nd when he heird yester- "You are perfectly day the reports that Dégn Worcester, | 7 free to use my name te Secretary of the interior in the | { . inany way to hinest inular government, had beef mak-| GIN PILLS, for Suey deserve tlie high- ing in Tetters to the New York times est My back has never troubled Cabos e since taking GIN PILLS, end my. | -- mdjtions LYS Some A0Ut, Hite feels mich better after taking GIN same govértior general of thie phil- | as er Buck eS cu IY Hppines, ex:Gov. Pack 'Was faclined | ' A JAMES NA L to be sad. Ny Why n't you or any of your "1 worked under Worcester, and it | f a ; friends who may be suffering with anybody has ever done anything for, i, " i : : Backache, | $1, For farm of 40 acres good outbuildings and land; seven miles from Kingston. ok The Finishing Touch To A . Perfect Meal Rheumatism, Lumbago, the islands and their people he is Sciatica, Weak or Strained Kidneys, the man," Mr. Pack said. "He was | Z Burning or Scalding Urine, Painful Always just in his dealings with the | Urination or frequent colds im the natives and with those under him, | Kidneys and « der, get the same and he always backed us up in our| relief that so uickly came to the Nauss work, x home when y started to use GIN "l am a democrat, and I would PILLS? : Dot say anything in adverse criticism Remember, you buy GIN PILLS on Jot the administration, but I almest our standing Faagatee that they will wish I had not resigned my post a ou a Ming of 50, year ago last January. The work Sample free you write National Drug that was being done was of such a and Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited, difficult nature' and required above Toronto, all such a thorough knowledge of the people that men unacquainted with conditions are up against seri- ous problems. . "We have got those former sav- ages not merely subjugated but thor- oughly subordinated to government to-day. The Fgorrote and his breth- ren never submittéd to government " The Bast that mozey eau sur. TWO POINTS OF VIEW Ry BEST CARTOONIS D \ This is how the present situation appeals to the fore ; the right is taken from a publication cated Minister Lind. ? ; Journal called Multicolor, i CANADA AND PANAMA TS OF MEXICO, most cartoonists of Mexico. The one on the , Te Ar mim a nn --~ , STEAL A MARCH | DRRINITE PROG ON FATHER TIME The cartoon on left is taken from a Popular RESS MADE Huge Reductions in Freights 'Résult, Says Lecturer The ' enormous advantage accru- clin wre epitome 1 Gray Te Mako You Look ing paper read by p Vroo- | end Fematurely ¢ 1, man, the wel-known writer ang | NOthing will'se quickly explorer, at a meeting of the Royal {rod a woman of her Colonial Institute, held in the White. and faded hair, hall room, Hotel Metropole, Lon {easily preventable : don, last week. 3 i 3. fe Vv applications of Hay's Hai before the American occupation: The] How greatly Great Britain is ar | Jealth Wh Finis ® els hay ° y Igorrote was a head-hunter. To at-| fected may be Yeon When It is real- D3 UT ve rod tote (ace a complish what has been done requir- | ized that nine-tenths of British pos- (10 Prd vik: ie Ee A it ed infinite patience and pains. The |sessions are in the Imperial Pacific | °° Foots to the broden eT ag Way it was brought about was by giv- | British domain. So profound is the io hel tun fion y . a ¢ Dring Ing the savage absolute justice. We {change to be wrought in Famada that |, ok the or anon aap rre the a Were always careful to put oveér|the Panama. canal is already throw- |' : ord eh pror.of the them men who not only would not {ing up across the dominion a new | Vorb SuGY oppress tl em but who would always {economic continental divide. This| falls to do this. see that they were treated with the means that the movements on the | "°° : at Got it at ou Store Mississippi and Texas. The utmost fairness. These individuals new Pacific Will draw two-thirds of | For sale aid recommended by 7 local-option tates Net Be | te were always the selection of Mr. |the Dominion's surplus resources}, ol, AC and re ET vp "off prion States, where the law is Worcester, who was most success. [towards it. |B. McLeod, Drugpist : l eftect in certain Sp untien only, Jo in securing the kind of men need-| Liverpool sets the world's price on | FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED | are Marylund, Virgin and Lows. CHASE & SANBORN "MONTREAL. States With Compulsory School Attendance. Although mx states in the are still without compulsory schugl- attendance laws, and four others hia via ws that apply only partiably, delinite Progress during the past de cade 18 reported in a bulletin issued by the United States Burdaa of Education, Sica' 1905 cight States Previously without compul- sory laws have adopted them. and it 1S. thought to be a matter.of ouly a few years when compulsory séhool attendance will bg in effect in every state and territory of the United States. Fhe six pulsory sch 142 In union A tp rl ir A iN nein OUR Our Robin Hood Brand of flour has a guarantee in every bag for ~~ F inti Why Pay High Prices? Will Give you FIRST CLASS GOODS ThedStyle and Fitting will be Faultless The Fingh and . Workmanship will be perfect. The price will be from $2.00 tJ $7.00 LOWER than you have been paying RALPH SPENCER The Tailor. 620 T'rincess Street Opposite St. Andrew's Church (Igmited) Head of Queen Street Courses in hookke: hand, typewrs Hi HS i & and surely charm as gray and nothing is so | just | good quality. ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. mri [= general mprovemen t, commercial subjects. , Rates moderate. Information ree. owed] w You Can Remove Unsightly Hair or Fuzz , (Boudoir By having a smal Secrets) 1 package of dela- tone handy, you can quickly banish ugly, unsightly hairs Wherever they Just enough paste~o iry surface is made with powdered delatone and water. This ig applied for about 2 minutes, then removed and the skin washed. This simple method not on- ly banishes every trace of hair or fuzz, but leaves the skin firm, smooth and free from bleniish. States stil] without coin ool laws are : South Car- olina, Georgia, lorida, Alabama, will be refunded if it 1.00, 50¢ some of the i ' + | Fd LEA TGGIST. mna. ed. and In impressing them with the | the World's wheat. In Canada, for [BY J. B. McLEOD, DRUGGIST a The biiwau's investivatio value of the work that they were [axample, the price of wheat whether | a # ACI i} Aiblec gation called upon to do. for export or home consumption, is|'e cutting of the Panama canal, the | su Bject se eals . ¥ 2 ps : is ani f a. & p a ing | twe "Why, you cannot pay men to do the price at Liverpool less the cost i awakening of Asia, and ibe pe opling ween work such as the American officials of getting it there {of the prairies, ancouver is being i ili | made a world city whose future can have dope in the Philippines Since | It-must be remémbered, therefore, | "4 sor be Teck ad 'ith apart the occupation. I mean that it was | that the actual cash value of the|!0 Jonge Ea Red i apar Bot a question of earning a salary. canal to the prairie farmer accrues, {| rom the future o CE Joan uot only to the export grain, but to) Vancouver, concludes Mr Vrooman, It was the fact that in each man was uy er fo 1 vill inte awakened the desire of doing some- [avery commodity, export or import, |* Erowing out i ud village | of mine, factory; forest and farm, | World metropolis. thing that had never been done be- fore--something that would show | whose cost of freight into or out of the world what Americans could ac-|rhe country will be reduced by the | Panama highways complish. "To withdraw such men and put Hlustrating by the single commod in a class who don't know the peo- |ity of grain; the new Pacific economic | ple, their habits, and their customs, drajnage system, which is being cre- | ! ¥ No matter what class the new officials [ated from the continental divide al-| sale of townsite lots in the history belong to, is apt to lead to misunder-. | ready mentioned, the startling fact | of the North American continent was standing between thé hill tribes.and [at once stands out that grain rates| the disposal by the Grand Trunk Pa- those that govern them. There is [from Vancouver to Liverpool, via [cific railway of its holdings in Prince danger that history will repeat itself | Pabama, will be less than half the |George, the eagerly bought land The least oppression would send the [rate from Albertan points to Vancou- | bringing at auction over $2,500,000. people back into warfare and savag- | ver | The government of British ( olumbia ery again, and all the good work This means that the Panama canal reserved one-fourth of the lots in done toward their civilisation would | will put the Alberta farmer in the | Prince George and it now announces be lost. And.I want to tell you | Sammer about seven cents, and fin |that it will sell its holdings during the winter fifteen cent a bushel | the coming summer at Vancouver that the Igorrotes know more about | oH ! £ fighting than they used to. They |néarer Liverpool. Averaging these { Prince George will become, it is figures, and using round numbers, have been taught how to fight by it (conceded, the clearing centre of Cen- Americans, and they make the best |is thus evident that the canal will | tral British Columbia. Sitnated on add ten cents a Dushel to the valye | of the a close connection he- ack of compulsory attendance laws and illiteracy. The states rank In percentage of illiteracy very much in accordance with the length of time compulsory Schooling has been in ef- § fect and the completeness with which it is enforced. The states very widely in number of years and amount of attendance re- quired each year. The period of com- pulsory attendance is from eight to twelve in North Carolina and Vir. ginia. In most states it is eight to fourteen or fifteen. The present tem- dency is to raise the upper limit of | compulsion. In seventeen : states the compulsory age limit is sixteen years or above; in Idsho jt is eighteen, As 'a general rule, however, children in all these states are allowed to leave school at fourteen years of age if they secure employment or have completed the eighth grade in school. There is a constantly increasing ef fort to safeguard the child between fourteen and sixteen years of age, the period of special importance for the vocational preparation of most children Cotton and Wool Waste Acme Sanitary Cotton Wiping Cloths for Pow Houses, 1 PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT Offers for Sale Its Lots in George. Probably the most remarkable: Prince this year it will pay you fo our prices for cement, b! , a Houses, (Jacking Duin tte. as you bi sive i ! fine 0c nis, | ind any. 250. ween soll brick madhinety' 1s Gien>" *hers MIR ang coment pions, ld Also olls, Breases, Sponges, We also have all sizes in chamois, polishing cloths, soft sills, lintels, pier blocks, caps and vases at reasonable Irieg Sodp, packings, belting, eto. Kingston Cement Prodects Our prices are the lowest and our quality the highest It win Uactory Cor. of. Pathick en Office: 177 Wellingtos st. = the pieces you tressure~to be cleaned. Our' work is perfect in every way Parker's Dye Works, TORONTO. aY you to get in touch with us, 'e shall bé glad to make yvoar &cquaintance, and you will be Just as glad when you have nade ours. 'We are the largest manufacturers and dealers in Canada is constabulary in the islands." a flat table land in the angle formed KINGSTON BRANCH 69 Princess Street. A NEW IMPORTED - DELICACY Young Herring Be, & NeW impor in great favor. The caught, , smooth-flavored, | young Nerriggs of Norway - supreme with thosowho ure a of fish. Packed in Tomato See and ked in a spotless Nore Wegian factory-by-the-fea, "Acme Brand" Young Hers rings will tempt. you to wore fish. eat have it, we will see that you "1 might have stayed longer in the Phillipines," said Mr Pack, "but 1 felt I was getting old. When I Was campaigning down in Cuba I Paid a visit to the Isle of Pines, and I then made up my mind that some day I would go there and live. Some time later I bought a place down there, and when I tell you that I "| managed to ship about 7.000 'cases of grape fruit between September 1 and Thanksgiving Day, you may guess It was not a bud investment. "I don't suppose it js generally realized at home that we have about 2,000 Americans on the island | 'hroughout the year, and about 1.- 100 through the winters, most of thém landowners. There are about 3.000 natives--a pretty good class they are--and, of course, the officials are alt" Cubans. Onee fn a while there is a little misunderstanding, but It is always promptly straighten- ed out "We have a model and modern } colony. There are good little hotels in every. town, and automobile roads lead all over the island. About 200 automobiles are owned. Then We 'have American stores, and American automobile stages, and freight trucks. The gredt mass of Americans down there are people rather advanced in life, who. have of every bushel of grain to he grown {In Alberta | Had the canal been finished, and had there been proper and adequate flock and harbor facilities at Van- cotiver to handle the grain the Pan ama highway would have meant a Clear gain to the farmers of Alberta alone of about £4,000,000 on the 1912 crop. It is easy 10 see, not far hence, for the farmers of Alberta and Saskatchewan, a free gift of £50,000,000 a Year in freight rates saved. Mr. Vrooman suggesis that with the opening of the Pacific hinterland, with its million mouths te feed, it is not at all unlikely that the world price for the world's wheat will be named at Shanghai, Hong Kong or Vancouver, instead of at Liverpool. Vancouver is the only Pacific port of Canéda which hax or ever will have every great railroad coming to the North Pacific coast converging. in Ode metropolis. This city, therefore, is to be the metropolis of the British empire ih 'the Pacific Ocean, andl nothibg can ever stop it if the people of Vancouver exercise foresight and 'energy in the matter of dock and harbor development. By three great world movements, wished to retire in the winters to a little place of from ten to twenty acres and plant it in grape fruit, or oranges, or lemons, calculating that when these came intb bearing they Would have a mice IHttle bungalow to live in, and could spend their {days in peace and comfort. "Bungalows dot the island, and there are some residences that are really very ambitious. E. 1. wan, of Chicago, has a place that cost $50,000. Taxition is low, and the Of access from Havana. Those Aniericans who have gone there think it is an idéal spot." DALE RANK SITUATION Seé Assignnient. Belleville, April 21.---No new d ts have m place in the situation. . The doe 'stated, not i erioul of ut Shareholders' Meeting To-day May Had Nervou i ) { | by the confluence of. the Nechako {and Fraser rivers it is an tnportant | divisional town on the Grand Trunk Pacific and also the point where the Pacific Great Eastern line from Van- couver will join the Grand Trunk Pacific main line and proceed north- wards into the rich Peace River dis- trict | /A GOLDEX ANNIVERSARY | {To Be Celebrated in Honor of Mgr. | J. 0. Routhier. Ottawa, April 23.-- Roman Catho- lics of every church in this city and arch-diocese of Ottawa will unite on May 26 in a great celebration to mark the golden anniversary of the ordination to "the priesthood of Mgr. J. O. Routhier, vicar-general of the diocese, and parish priest of | the Basilica of Notre Dame. Mgr. Routhier is one of the most distinguished and revered of eastern Canadian cdergymen. He was born at St. Benedict, Que., in November 1836, 'and was ordained by Bishop jourget at Montreal in 1864, and was appointed parish priest at St Therese. In 1869 he had the honor of being chosen chaplain of the Pap- al Zouaves at Rome. s Prostration | and Frequent Headaches | After Two Doctors Had Failed She Began Using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Cured Two Most doctors feel helpless when brought face to face wiih nervous prostration. They do not understand diseases of the nérves very well, and |recovery is often so slow that both | doctor and patient lose patience. For this reason the results accom- plishéd by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food are almost beyond relief. And yet this ttreatmeént does not perform mir- acles, but works in the most natural Way imaginable to. produce health and strength. J Here is described a Shoe. of ane year®' standing which was thorough- Iv cured & year ago by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. df is like thonsands of jother cures which are being brought aboiit by this great nerve restorative: Mrs. H.C. Jones, Scotch Lake. C. B., Writes: «I "suffered- from ner. and Was Co Years Ago. yous prostration for years. | had frequent headaches, had no appetite . and was troubled with my heart After consulting two doctors without obtaining satis- factory results I began the'use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and was com- pletely cured by this treatment. It is nearly a year since 1 was cured, and 1 want others to know of this splendid medicine. 1 now attend to my housework with pleasure and comfort, and am glad to have the opportunity of recommending Dr. n weight stion the mpletely nearly three \j Chase's Nerve Food." By nating your increase Fou can prove beyond qu benefit that your system is from the use of this great Dr. Chase's Nerve + box, © for $2.56, n%1 dente manson, Bates & Co., Ltd. CARNEGIE'S GIFTS TO CANADA Ontario Has Benefited to the Extent of $1,886,800 in Libraries Alone Over three and a half million dol- lars has been promised or given to people in the Dominion of Canada by Andrew Carnegie, the Liard of Skibo, the erstwhile controller of the 'destinies of 'the, United States Steel corporation This has come to Canadians through one ore other of the funds which Mr. Carnegie instituted some Years ago, for the furthérance of some of his hobbies. In some cases the beneficiary was some brave man or woman, boy, or girl, whose héro- ism stood out in marked degree. Other beneficiaries are some of the faithful old teachers and proféssors who have given the best years of | their lives to the development of the intellectual life of the ; nation, through their lecturing at the universities, and have been given, through the beneficérice of a foreign- er, some compensation for the pit- tance of a salary which they enjoyed when in active service. Others, and by far the major por- tion, are the people of the munigcipal- ities which have benefited by 'the public libraries which have been erected, or planned, Aas places in Canada. From the hero fund there has come to Canada about $39,700 as re- wards to twenty different people for their acts of heroism. Pensions capitalized at $612,000 have been granted to university pro- fessors, or their widows throughout Canada and Newfoundland. But it is the work of the Carnegie corporation which supplies funds for the building of libraries that has most affected Canadians. According to the statements pre- pared by W. R. Nursey, inspector of public libraries for Ontario, ne t than $3,883,215 has promised throughont Of this amount by for the larger portion has come to Ou- tario, which has received $1,866,800 up to the present time. . > Sergeant Phillips, Toranty, was awarded 36,000 damagés for injurl- es in 2 C. P. R. wreck. Don't place too wuch faith in the early bird; he may have heen up all ht. "Te erally man who borrows trouble pen. gives 'his peace of mind as se Buy From Us and Support Cana. A ian Industry, H. Gray & Co, 21-26 Dalhouste St, TORONTO MAN WEAK AND NERVOUS Finds Health in Lydia E. . wo Pinkhant's Vegetable | Baby Compound. | Creston, Towa. --* I suffered with fo- | mae troubles from the tite I came into BH overworked or Bat 3 pi eavy, and ould be 50 weak and ner- vous and in so much misery that I would be prostrated. A friend told me what | 1 and done Sor her nd 3 tried it. £ made me strong and healthy and our home is now bappy with a baby curity, Phone's 201 &07. Carriages G Ti Sulkies .. Carriages & Oo Oifts 1914 Line" i ese $10.50 to $35.00 serscens $8.50 to $18.00 seaee $2.00, $3.00 $3.50 M Cradles, High R JRE