OUR TOBACCO With "Rooster" | erowing Jouder as hi ly 45. per pound. Fer EY al paling AT AL MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. Store and dwelling, lot large for 1 12 $ one at $1500; one at 100.00, Ser Dominios ; m Cleaners, $10.90, HH RR OROMLEY awh t (Limited) Head of Queen Street Courses in bookkeeping, short- hand, typewriting, civil service, general improvement, and all commercial subjects. "Rates moderate free. H. F. Metcalf, Principal Information For the well dressed man who studies the art of dress Model 61 will ~gertainly be of more than passing interest. 5 aid * - The illustration is an exact reproduction from | a Fashion-Craft Suit of this type. We can show you it either from our ready for 'use stock for Spring or make it to measure from . P. Jenkins Clothing Co., 114 Princess St. Street. i finished sawing all the logs In his ro. cag od Farms i Jamwagth, 'Aprit 23. -- School started of Monday with a complete staff of teachers: George Paul was In' town for Easter, with his partuer. John Hunter has bought the MeKail farm from. Joseph' Huffman. Miss 'MeTavish, of Perth, is visiting 'her home. Peter and 'Overil Dowding, of the Stirling Bank, have' Jhedn moved to Mill Rush bank. Dr. Robertson spent Sunday in Kingston.* --_-- i At Sceley's Day. i Seeley's Bay, April 22.--Capt. J. Randall has his boats nearly ready | for the season's operations ' C. C. Gilbert, 111 with lumbago the past few days, 1s not much better. Moroughan's child is much better. J. Dormer fs meving into'the residence that he purchased lately {from H. Randall. R. Wright's condition is about the same, George Shook has purchased a lot from J. Stevenson on 'Helen street, and has' commen- ced the erection of house iheréon. The ice in the canal has- early | all disappeared. C. Hartley has mill 'yard. © Mrs, Cheethem is moving back to her home here after soveral months residence' at King- stom, At Slate Falls. Slate Falls, April 21.--Farm work is being ° started "around. this part of the community, but as yet no sedding has been done. The sug- ar making season is about over and those interested elaim it a poor year School hg opened again, after: Faster lidays with greater force; than ever. William A: Thompson rold a valnable cow last week. Miss Maggie Slater, who was working near Caldwell"s Street arrived home "Tast week, 'WW. A. Thompson made business. trip to Vennaehar and thereabout last week im Search of a horse, but returned honie unsuccess- ful. M. Thompson has resumed her duties as teacher at Kagle Hilk Ser- vice on Monday night, conducted by Rev. Hall, was well attended. ¥. C. Debee, Denbigh, made a business call here. The Easter Visitors Nowhurgh, April 21.--Our cheese factory opéned on Monday with Al- vin Perry as cheesempker and Stan- ley 'Ballams assistant. Joseph Ram- say and Wilfrid Sutton spent KEas- ter in Montreal. The mpsons are 'hisy getting lumber and other build- ing material on the ground this week to build wp agsin. A few of our Eas- ter visitors : © Miss Heloise Stick: ney, with her friend, Miss Viva Clan- ey; Mrs, Young, at her father's. C. Welbanks; Mrs. Peterson, Napanke, at Ler daughter's, Mrs. W. Stevenson; Little Miss Ballard, at her gtandfa- ther's; . Jolm Madden; Miss FE. Baker at her eunt's, Mrs. J. W. Courtney: Mrs. Wormworth and dau- hier; Mrs. White. at D. Seriver's; iss Cecily Kennedy, Bt "her aunt's, Mrs. Fitemartin. z At Washburn"s Corners Wasburn's Corners, April 21, -- The Anglican choir appeared for the first in their new surplices on Eas- ter Sunday and presented a pleasing appearance, Miss Gertie Moulton, who has been ill is recovering. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Prestin, of Chantry were visitors at the home of John Tavern recently. Oscar Webster visited here recently. Word was re- ceived here of the death of John A. Morris, on April 8th at Portland, aged 57 years. Some of the farm- ers in this dictrict took large loads of maple syrup to Kingston and re- port fair prices. A. Mulvena and daughter vigited Soperton friends recently. Mrs. W. Earl is fll. Miss Hazel Washburn is assisting in the Eaton grocery at Athems. Miss E. Earl is visiting relatives hore. Mes, Rufus Stevens, after visiting her!' daughter and other friends returned to her home in Portage La Prairie. The Late Mrs¥fcCarthy Frankville, April 22.--On Sunday a well-known resident" of Kitley township passed away at her home, in Toledo, in the 'person of Mrs. Bugetie McCarthy. She was taken ill with pneumonia less than two weeks ago, and despite ail that could be done for her she rapidly tilled' until the end came on Suaday. "The hody was taken to'Smi 80h Tus day' momtag, fi btw, 4, Roman Catholic cematery, a fa funeral * #erive in the chirch at Toledo. y Frank Mott and son were ft town on business. D. H. Love made a short stay in the town in which he went to work. He is not going to move. Frankville is good enough for him. R. Haston and' James Bourns went to Charleston - ing to-day. There wad a' small gath- ering at'the home of John Loucks on night, Tuesday honor of their niege, Miss Leta Davidnon, Vax -- W. hamite in the person of Mrs. «| } "PO with | sped up Annies i an hour. | Stewart spent the week- | end with her cousin, 3 Craig, at Verona. Mr 'and Mrs. Melville Irish Ton Deets os Sepamaal home Aer «No al visiting her sister a: Moscow. Mr. Pipe, of Kingston, has réturned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. Foster, and Moscow friends. | 3 Goode, of Deseronto. was in, the ge last week, calling on friends. Mr .and Mrs. S. Burgess t a few days at Moscow with t daughter, Mrs. Wilson, A. 'Babcock has refurned to his school" . Wilson was called conduct the funeral of a friend. Dr. Benson, "of Hagan ¥ as in the vi fu nday.. The r gons held "Sunday ev- ia the Methodist chu ening attracied 4 large Songrega- was de- n on "The tion. Ani ent se livered hy Rev. Mr. Wi The choir is to be on the good m Besuspaetion." eongratulat Soho Iogmen fgain after the Bas. tor Molidays, with Misses Keetthy and 'Boyes as teachers. © The '¥ar- ers are at work of the land. "Al. hough there is not much 'growth. the soil is drying up fast. Eugene Smith, of Odessa, spent™a day "or two with his unéle, D. Smith. Wal- lace Babcock has purchased a file road horse for driving this som- mer. Mrs. Bradford and Miss @arr, of Petworth, spent a few days with Mrs. BE. Joyner) * Death of a Sydenham Lady, Sydenham, April"22 Death came cary lust Sunday 'morning, "elaiming a much-beloved "and respeetad Nyden- Sidney Hicks: © During her 'brief ness © of threo weeks she was utténded by Drs. Bogart and Third at Kingston gene- ral hospital Her friends entertained hope for her recovery until the day previous 'to her death; which was "a severe shock to the community. The deceased was forty-eight years old. The greater part of her life was spent in and gear Sydenham. ~~ All who knew her saw in her life an example i + i " . {of Christian devotion, neighborly love and kindness. There are left to mourn her husband, one sister, Mrs. C. leonard, of Ilartington, and three brothers; Isaac Carseallen, of 'Harrow. siriith; 'Newton, vesiding at Deseron- to, und Frnest, of Brooklyn, N.Y. In religion she was 4 Methodist and was always identified with charitable works, Among the floral ' tribntes was a beautiful "harp, dobdted by the C.N.R." amployees, with whem = Mrs. Hicks spent many years. The Ladies Aid' of whic she was 'a member sent a heautifal shéai. The fumeral was held on Tuesday afternoon at' Sy- denhamn Methodist church. The ser- vices were conducted by the pastor, Rev, F. Tripp, assistéd hy Rev. Wad- dell, of Hartowsmith. Migs Adlena Sills; accompanied by I. Pool, Ottawa, spent a few days at E. Sills; Mrs. H. Creighton. is spending a fow weeks in To k Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, af DeserontoX wore in town Monday. Miss P. Fw- ing, Kingston, at William Trous- dale's. Mrs. F. Foxton is in 'the city for a few days while her 'two daughters are ft the general hospi- tal. The high school has re-opened again after the holidays with a few néw pupils. Miss Ocea Wood, King- stom, at her sister's, Mrs. J. McLean. The farmers are very busy in eed: ing, etc. They report that the su- gar. season, which has just ended, was an exceptionally good one. TRIED TO OBTAIN $7,500 Forged Tettér Saying Sir William Bass Needed Funds London, April 24.--A remarkable story was told at the Marlborough street police vourt when Alfred Raw- linson was remanded on a charge of uttering a cheque for $7,600 in favor of Sir 'William Bass, Bartt., and at- tempting to obtain from Washington Stringer $7,500 by means of the cheque. The accused, it was stated, forged a letter to Mr. Stringer purporting to be from Sir William Bass, and reading: "My wife and I are in a difficult position. We had to go to moneylenders ~ for the: enclosed cheque, and I cannot pay it into my bank, as my account has been gar- nisheed. It is vital for us to have the cash this morning. Would you be so kind as to send us by bearer your open cheque for the amount and pay ours into your account." Mr. Stringer discovered that the letter was a forgery and had Raw- linson arrested. Plumes Were Clipped Off London, Ont. April 24.--A lady vis- itor from Chiengo is movirning the loss of several beautiful bird of para- dise plumes, which were clipped off her hat in a picture theatre by 'a man who sat behind her, and whose request for the remove! of her hat she had ignored. The loss was not discovered until 'the lady reached home. USE "TIZ" FOR SORE TIRED, ACHING FEET i An plan ed "TIE is Wondeffal 'yor sore, barn- ing, swollen, sweaty, callonsed swollen feet, swea + du smell} > BI feet, tired feet. y hs Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions and raw apo. No more shoe tight. ness, ore lping with drawing up your facé in agon Toh * tts Fight off. ~TIZ* is magical' acts AD Row somtortabl Sour foot toe], ow m eo a a drugge a Gerartiaeas | more & Sor § Don't 'suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never Ye hetet hurt, never get tired. A year's foot at guaranteed or 'mony re | Pet cent. over proof William Mueller, "nounced ) 1 CO) draw, t all the Relganous y tons Witch bot "up the Yenc 5 "sma FETE Rh oF 8 ay | i = J i i: id 1} RATAN : x 5 " silt OT TA ee} "Réw York, Kpril 29 Ulidar the hnapd of Police Comitiissions| 'oods police reserves strove for ap Hour atid a halt ip Park Row yester- day afternoon 10 protect 1.W.W. ora: tors from injury. 'The orators, one lof whom was Becky Edelsohn," who became an LWW. heroine by throw- ing her 'arms' around "Wild Toe" ©"Carroll when he was helag beaten by the police 'w a riot 'm Union Squure, Were in ent upou denounc- ng che United Stated flag d% some- thing not worth going to war for, or defending under any conditions. Police had to hold off 2,000 infuri- ated persons who surged up 'to the Franklin statue determined to mob the speakers for their remarks. The meeting ended when the police be: came' exhausted from pushing the mob back and drrestéd two of the orators on charges of disorderly cob- duct. Miss Edelsohn and Sam Hart- man, the prisoners, were released in the custody of their counsel to await 2 hearing in the morning. 3 "Tt is-all a frame-up by the capi- talists in. which 'the bloed of good working men will be spilled to pro- {ect the lmvestments in Mexico of Hearst, Rockefeller and the Guggen- heima." This was the assertion on the part of the woman orater, whieh started the near riot. Cries of "Lynch her," "Kill the LW. W.," and similar out- bursts from the quickly gathering mob brought the police on the rua. The crowd was further infuriated when the speakers called them "cow- ardly tools of the wealthy." ; ol CLOCKS THAT CAN TALK Novel Device Tastalled on Railway Systeni in Berlin Railway revelers in Berlin are not allowed to run ahy risk of los- ing their trains or getting into the wrong train in the future, for at all the principal stations underground, "talking elocks" are to be installed for their benefit. Thege consist of électrie timepieces combined with phonographic aparatus. When properly adjusted people waiting on the platform will hear every quarter of an hour the exact time called out in loud, strenuous tones. Passengers also will be warn- ed of the approach of the train by they are to travel just before the Intter is about to enter the station Should the experimest prove suc- cessful, talking clocks will be adop- ted in all the large business houses There they can be adjusted to act as reminders in regard to appolnt- ments, this doing away with the necessary entries in a book of en- gagements. Herr Selan, the inven- tor of this wonderful device, will put on the market clocks which can speak English, French, German, Italian and Indeed almost any lan- guage, He is an engineer and re- sides in Berlin. IS LEO M. FRANK INNOCENT? Detective Agency Says Another Mur- dered Mary Phagan et Atlanta, Ga., April 24.--That Leo M. Frank, under sente of death for the murder of Mary~ Phagan, fourieen years old, factory employee, | is npt a pervert and igsnnbcent of | the murder for which "he has been convicted, is * the substance of a re- | port made public by the head of a na- | tional detective agency, who has | been investigating the case for sov- | eral weeks. The detective was em- | ployed by friends of Frank after the latter's conviction, The report asserted that Mary Phagan was killed by a "pervert of homicidal tendencies of the most pro- | nounced type" and charges a negro, | formerly employed as a sweeper at! the National Pencil factory, with | the crime. The hearings on the ex- | traordinkry motion for a new trial | and to set aside the verdict will be heard to-day before the superior court. STATUES IN MONTREAL Sir George Cartier Memorial he Most Elaborate, 2 Montreal, April 24. --Three memor- ial statues, the combined cost of which will exceed $200,000, will be etected in Montreal this year. They are those to King Edward VII on Phillips Square, to Sir.George Car- tier on Fletcher's Field, and to Adam Dollard, Sieur, des Ormeu, of Viger Square. The Cartier memorial, eosting over 2100000, will be the.most elaborate of the three. : The statue of King Edward VH, for which 860,000 has been collected in amowits ranging from five vents to $1,000, 1s now being 'cawt in Paris. It is' the work "of Phillips Hebert, well-known French scilptor. The base for the statue '1s already plete. WINE WAS OVER PROOF Two "Collingwood Hotelmen Fined $200 Each. Collingwood, April 24.~Tor selling wine that analysis showed was 12 win Proprietor of the Tremont House, and Fred, Danka, nant of the Shiewn's Hatel, bere, were each fined and costs by Police Magistrate Hoge. The wine was purchased from a London firm under a guarantee that it did not eontain over 23 per cent. of proof spirits, the rantee being producéd in court. ' The de fendants will probably "try to recov: ¢r from the vendors. Rerlin, 3@ril _31.--Dr. Dessauer an- : ion of a series of successful * experiments at Frankfort: onthe . © He asserts that. by a method which he has devised X-rays dodo ole Boiss glen rdinary tays, almost: ax We as radium in the treat disease. 1 It i= not often the fanciful, dainty positions that women hold. In Ger many there are feminine street clean: ers. ---- CXR RET # £0 2.3 Even wers it double the price, Bovril would still be an economical and indispensable article in every home, Bovril has been 'proved "to possess a Body-building power of from 10 te 20 times the amount taken. S.H.8 &. tie Fel opQn sins, weet * 108 28e.; 29% 40e.| ial i Sox 81.30; ok. Bovril Cordial; Large, A: 16 ox. Johnstea's Fe Real Vis $350. 2» 4 LABATT'S STOUT @- The very best for use in H-health and convalescence = Awarded ' Medal and Highest Points in America - : v at World's . PURE--SOUND-- WH AE i ne {/ {] gl YX 0 [> S AD. WN Ti 3 v xy NO N RY RAN nl RI » ES 314 Pines. Pioe 5 f THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME-IF YOU OWN IT. on Sydenham Street, House | $3600.00 | Solid brick bungalow, seven { rooms, summer kitchen, {me | provements, good stabling; | close to Princess Street. A | splendid home: -Must be sold {by May 1, $2550.00; casy [terms ean be atrahged. | Frame house on Albert St. | hot water furnace; the best { locality in the city. Must be | sold to wind up an estate. | $2650.00. Terms can be ar- | ranged. | Solld brick house on John | Street, seven rooms, improve- §-meénts, $3,000.00, ~ | | { HORACE F. NORMAN Real Estate and Geperal Inswr- ance. 177 WELLINGTON 8%. It's Dame Nature that gives this tidbit its cooling, refreshing benefits. She causes the pure, natural mint leaf flavor that's nat- ural aid to your teeth, appetite, digestion. »'. or young, strong or .* weak, can enjoy with. #¢ out limit--without harm. How: else can you get so