A little out of the way but it will pay you to walk Special Offering of Suits m---------- to Your Measure For Saturday and Monday Only $28 and $30 values in English Worsteds, Scotch Tweeds and Blue and Black Suitings. Made to Your Measure For $2500. Best Trimmings & Workmanship Satisfaction Guaranteed See Display\.in our Window. LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET SALE SATURDAY 830 a. m. ROR, The cold, wet, unseason= able weather condi tions, which is hold: ing back retail trade this Spring, compels usto continuemaking this big sacrifice. SUS, %5 PRICE COATS, 15 PRICE DRESSES 2 PRE 70 TAKE OVER THE GANANOQUE | tude was friendly, the American' ! ernment | and abruptly stopped the shipment of | sll arms into DRIVING PARK -- Boowing the Market -- Rev. 5. J. M. Compton, of Kingston to Preach Anniversary, Sermons in St. Andrew's Gananoque on May 10th. Gananoque, April 24.--Gananoque Lodge, No. 114, I. O. O. F,, celebrate the 96th anniversary Oddfellowship in Canada on Su next by attending worship in a body at Christ church. At the Town Council session, the matter of the town ' securing the Gananoque driving park was brought up by Mayor Gibson, who was one of the parties who had been looking after .the property, lest it might fall into other hands. The matter was very favorably received, and it will doubtless be taken by the council and paid for out of the proceeds of their annual Dominion Day celebra~ tions, y Cd (08 Anniversary Services ui. uc congregation of St. Andrew's church will be held on Sunday, May 10th. tev. 8. J. M. Compton, of St. An- drew's church; Kingston, will con- duct the services, Miss Bessie McClellan, River street, entertained a number of her young friends at a '"euchre" on Tuesday evening: N. A. Webster has been awarded the contract for the watering of the streets for this season The con- tract is $400, J. T. Green and famly have moved into their new home at the post off- ice, which is expected to open for public use on or about May 1st The market committee of the Town Council is making a big effort to boom the market and is urging the citizens in general to interest themselves in the matter which is for their own personal benefit. The attendance of farmers of late has { been very good, but quite often the attendance of buyers has been rath er small ---------- { "MEXICO CITY NEXT" ARMY AND NAVY SLOGAN. (Continued from page 1.) attack on Vera Cruz with re-inforce ments, and the possible necessity of a forward movement toward Mexico City, to protect fleeing Ame apd the Vera Cruz railroad, were underlying reasons for the movement. The restoration of the embargo on arms was officially announced after the pronouncement of Genel Carranza, the comstitutionalist chief, that he re- icans the military i garded the seizure of Vera Cruz as a violation of Mexican sovereignty had been considered by the administration. While Mexican constitutionalists here protested that Carranza's real atti gov- decided to take no chances Mexico. President Wilson has issued a state ment warning Geoeral Carranza that the United States was dealing vow and would continue to deal with those who Huerta commands, and "those who come to his support." Seeks to Uphold U.S. Dignity Washington, April 24.--Alter an ex tended cabinet meeting to-day, Presi dont Wilson again emphasized the fact that the vuarrel of the United States 1 not against Mexico but Huerta alon>. He declined to discuss foreign newspaper comment, and declared be was acting solely for upholding the dignity of the United States and the weace of the world. He did not think that Huerta would get support from Carranza. . So far as reported here, there been ne further developments in 3 ico. Americans Stabbed in Mexico London, April 24.--According to a cipher message received to-day by a big firm, -two Americans were stabbed to death on the City, and there is general rioting thi afternoon. British residents there ask that sail- At ors from British warships on the Jantic coast he sent to the Nerf capital to protect them. amie / LIQUOR LAW CHANGES Liberal Leader Rowell Would Have Welcomed Some Advance Toronto, April 24.--Mr. Hanna's bill to amend the liquor license act produced some discussion on the mo- tion for a second reading in the leg- isslature yesterday. It was ap- ~proaching the time for the supper recess, and the members seemed in- clined to take the temperance ques- tion less seriously than usual. Wil- liam McDonald (Centre Bruce) urged the provincial secretary to bring in amendment giving country-wide ap- plication to the local option law. The present weakness of this law was its teritorial limitations. He also want- ed the three-fifths elause abolished. Mr. Rowell declared that the gov- ernment's proposals were disappoint: ing. They had hoped for a larger measure of reform. He assumed that the government had received many requests asking for a shorten- ing of the hours of sale from peopl: who believed in the license system as the best means of promoting tem- perance. The opposition would glad- ly support any move in that diree- tion. The only change made in the bill was an amendment introduced by Albert Grigg (Algoma). requiring that all bottled goods sold by um- licenses persons would have to be labelled that they contained less than 21 per cent. of proof spirit, other- wise they would be liable to the us- ual penalties under the eect. Ladies' Raincoats In all sizes and, materials, $41.50 to | 810. Geo. Mille & Co. ------------ * 23c Butter, Butter, Butter, 25¢ Print butter, ie; extra fine, J. Crawford. . W wills streets of Mexico | SEEKING INFORMATION Dominions ~~ Royal Commission Would Like Evidence Here "The council of the Board of Trade has been asked to deal with the com- munication from the Dominions Roy- al commission, coming out from Eng- {land 'this summer, and which has asked to hold a session im this city. The board extends an invitation to any Kingstopian to go before the commission and give evidence. The imperial conference in 1911 decided to appoint a commissiop for the pur- pose of enquiring intoWnd reporting upon the natural resources of the dominions of the empire, the devel- opment of such resources, the facili- ties which exist or may be created for the production, manufacture and distribution of artieles, of commerce in the dominions, matters of food, raw materials and available resour- ces of the same. * * The commission Is composed of the following: Sir Edgar Vincent, K. C. M. G.; Sir Henry Rider Hag- gard, Thomas Garnett, William Lori- mer, Joseph Tatlow, Sir Alfred Ed- mund Bateman, K. C. M. G.; Hon. George Foster, Donald Campbell, Hon. John Robert Sinclair, Sir J. W. S. Langerman. The following subjects have been suggested for 'evidence in Canada: steamship, post and telegraph, har- bors, freights and bill of lading, rail- ways and railway finance, systems open for traffic, proposed extensions, capital and debt, agricultural, min- eral forests, irrigation and water power, fisheries, improvement of questions of vast importance. The commissioner has already tak- en a great deal of evidence in Aus- tralia, New Zealand and South Af- rica as to the production of raw ma- terials, as to the possibility of in- creasing and improvements in mar keting such products, and as to min- eral deposits. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE A lot of Short Items Run in To- gether. Formers' butter, 26c 1b. J. ford. The Brockville Chese Board holds its first meeting on May 7th. On Monday evening next a board of Trade will be organized at Tweed. \ Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Taylor, Na- panee, and family, leave on Tuesday to spend the summer ig Brandon, Craw- Children's dresses, boys' blouses, 43c.: baby's from. 25c, Dutton's sale. Sehorn Floater, Picton, has sold the two-year-old Holstein bull, Paul | Plus Berk No. 15900, to D. C. Flatt, Hamilton, for a fancy price. Pre. J. E, Forbes, No. 5 company of the Canadian Engineers, was ad- mitted to hospital, on Friday morn- ing. suffeding from a severe internal cold. Say, look, 200 25¢. pots Miller's Ir- ish jam, strawberry and raspbecry, new goods. Our price for a short time, three pots 49. Gilbert's stores. E. C. fGarhott has purchased boot und shoe business of the late J. . North, Picton, and intends 'ontinfting the business, Prints farmers' | Crawford. | The ice in Rideau Lake has not | startéd to move and old residents in {the vicinity are of the opinion that it will be the first of May before { the lake is clear Mail your music orders to Dutton's music store, Kingston. Noted for prompt attention and low prices, Dr." C. azetted 0c; conts asa lieutenant in the Ariny | Medical Corps, ahd has been detailed | | for duty as supernumery medical offi- | cer to the 16th regiment. Word has heen received from Mr. and Mrg, A. Albert Brown (mee Miss "Anna Segblin, formerly of Enterprise) | of their arfival in Brownville, Texas { During his absence Mr. Browne was {elected mayor. BOARD OF HEALTH AWAITS " Decision of Police' Commission Re- garding P. C. Timmerman | Members of the Board of Health are anxiously awaiting the action of the vulice commissioners with regard to the reguest 'of the City Council that he be relieved of regular duty in or der to become sanitary inspector. All will depend upon the commission's action as to whether Kington will have an active sanitary inspector this year. At present the Board of Health bas wo one it cam call upon at all times to perform sanitary du- ties, imcluding fumigation of houses, ote. 'The members are all satisfied that Police Constable Timmerman can fill the post to which he has heen ap- pointed by the council, and he is willing to undertake the dutiev, un- der the direction of the medical health officer. The health board has arran| a hig programme of worl for a but 'whether it will be carried out or mot will depend upon the release of Police Constable Tim- merman from the force, for the coun- oil has no money to' expend Jor ad- ditional samifary work this Your. A goon as the new inspector of- fice the medica) health officer and the board will be able to do something. Nude Statwes Not Objectionable Montreal, April 24--This city can- not be deprived of statues of nude women because certajn police offi- cials believe them to be offensive. This decision wae arrived at.yes- terday by Judge Bazin, when he found David Rubin, art dealer, not guilty of the charge of exhibiting indecent statuary by selling repro ductions of the Venus de Medici and other celebrated works. a test ease and was closely follow- ed by all art lovers. {hi -------- Georgia Went Aground The barge Georgia, in tow of the steamer Samuel. Marshall ran 'aground. on Friddy morning. at the toot of Carleton Teland. The Geor- gia is loaded with com! consigned to Brockville. The Donnelly Wreok- com! s+ steamer Cornwall butter, 20¢; J.| The prosecution of Mr. Rubin was| statistical methods and many other' the |! | | \ { ( _ STOCK MARKETS ¥. B. McCurdy & Co., 86 and 8d Brock St.--M. W, Nellis. Manager, - 245 pw., Apri 24th. Montreal, Caupers 39 Cement pid Cement com. EF &0 Toronto Railway Brazilian Textile SLawinigan Detroit Pominion Steel Bell Telephone Ottawa Light, 8 Heat and Power New York Coppers Smelters C.P.R. Reading Union Pacific United States Steel Frie ' Atchison Northern Pacific Brooklyn Rapid Transit Rubber ......... American Can. New Haven Railway Southern Pacific Cotton May July Dec mmr TIATIS (UAprice), L. Johnson. A scintillating fancy of surprising titess for the piano, By Chas. 7 Nathaniel Jobhasos. ee , Runaway on Barrie Street A serlous runaway occurred on Friday afternoon about 2.15 o'clock when a horse attached to.a butcher waggon dashed along Barrie street and smashed the waggon throwing out a young lad who was driving just as it came opposite the steam jaundry. The <dash-board of waggon flew across the street and almost struck a passer-by fn the ce. The A. Publow, Picton, has been | oun jad was badly shaken up but not seriously hurt. ------ Appointments Confirmed appointments of Charles Bost- B. Driscoll, as stew- ard and assistant steward at the Portsmouth penitentiary, have heen confirmed. W . McLeod, former The ridge and John | steward, was transferred to Prince Al- | | { ] { i i bert penitentiary as warden, and Wil- liain Kenny, assistant steward, re- signed. 25¢ Butter, Butter, Butter, 25¢ Print butter, extra fine, J Crawford. 25¢; Picton Board of Trade at its an- nual meeting selected these officers: President, C. Clapp Spencer; vice- president, Fred Newman; secretary- treasurer, P. C. Macnee; executive committee, Messrs. R. Davidson, L Frith Fraser and B. McDonald. The st ers Simla and India, owned by thee Calvin company, of Garden Island, will leave on Friday for Buffalo. At Wellington, it is the intention of the council to build considerable new cement walk this season. Mutt and Jefi musie, 19. Book® Store, College Were A Most Interesting Showing Of Women's Suits Suits in the newest and most becoming styles, in serges, tweeds, diagonals, and other light weight materials. $15.00, $16.50, $17.50, and on up to .00 I 1" NEW SPRING COATS shine If \ Peerleind spring coats for gene m and on up to $20.00. 5 Red Ry IH Joucle, serges, sports Coats al wear. $8.00, $9.00, $10, In fancy tweeds, To-Morrow We will have ready Children's Navy Blue Reefer -- Coats For spring wear, properly cut expert in children's reefer coats. REEFER COATS for Boys REEFER COATS for Girls $3.99 and $4.99. and made by an rs - The Famous $1.25 "Premier" Kid ' Gloves Thin gloves are made by Perrins of Grenoble, France, a famous maker of good gloves. The skins are carefully selected and the glaves fit snugly. They lv 'are finished with two dome fasteners, gusset fingers and Paris points: Colors are white, tans, greys, Myrtle, black, at $1.25 pair. Girls' Kid Gloves, special make in tan shades, at 50c pair. . Boys' Kid Gloves, real tan Cape gloves, made by Dent and Perrin, 69¢ pair. ) Children's Kid Gloves, in small sizes, 0.0.0, 0.0., 0., 1,2. These four small sizes, 69c. MEN'S GREY UNDRESSED KID GLOVES Special at $1.00 MEN'S TAN KID GLOVES, $1.00 JOHN LAIDLAW & SON adies' Colonials and Pumps. For Spring and Colonials are to be worn this summer and we have a splendid assortment to show: $2.50 to $5.00. "IN £t Ricton. 'on Wedoesday, the wed. cing ¢ 0 Fal Nias . Helen Davidson nd | and Ji Harriet D., left an Fri dis Christie occurred. | fa wllersonn fo pall dex of. We are selling bination pum pair of pump making We al and patent, and it retails at $3.50. a very nice shoe which is a.com-. and Colonial, being furnished with a ws, also a pair of buckles and tongue it a Colonial. We have shoe in gun met- »