Homeseekers | ¢ Excursions -1914==Round trip tickets {0 Wes- tern Canada, via Chicago and Ncrth f Bay or Toronto on gale April 11, and every other Tuesday thereafter un- til October 27th, at very low fares. © Ta a tins. Each Cube enclosed m a dustproof wr: per--everyone a meal-ystcaplyadd hot water gi 10 work of for the digestion--a tonic to the whole system "A Cube to a Cup ns, Tickets good for two montis. We can make all arrangements to bring vour family and friends fron the "Old Country." ; For tall particulars ApPly Ww J. P. HANLEY, Rallroad and Steamship Agent Qor. Johnson and Ontario #ts The "Logical Route to WESTERN CANADA eouver Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. Ds ally, ig artment LL i! $a andard Rlec ping Cars, a Coaches and C Homeseekers' Busi. Every Tuesaday until Oct. 27th. Tickets good for 60 days Particulars rega ' ickets from PF. ( 'rincess and Well in gton & 191, Homesegkers Excursions MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October inclusive Winnipeg and Return - Edmonton and Return - 84 Proportionate low rates to oiler Polina, ~ Return Limit Two Months COLONIST RATES March 15 to April 135, Vancouver, Victoria, Portland, ete... San fi rancisco Full part feulars fre Way, City Ticket Office cess and Wellingtor 197. OUEAN STEAMSHIP AGKNUY 0. 8, KIRKPATRICK 43 Clarence St. Phone Sov - -------- free. plec da, Me. April § April 25 Apr. 23 Apr. 30 Steamers call Rates--Cabin British eastbound, bound $30 up. ROBERT REFORD €0, limited I. Toronte RATE | ro THE General Agent, 50 King St. F on Montreal Quebes Fi "ay 5 B N.S te say 18 R JiRe ¥ RAS Royal Lise Steasubips eoinbine 1 a ents or ce. ALLAN LINE 5 King St. W.. TORONTO LONDON PARIS For Winnipeg and Van- GOLD WATCH FREE, ea -------------- A A AA a A AAA ti Learn Music In Not 6 Years, 6 Months or 6 Days, But We mican just what we say and V to play the pt An Inve We send the ut once --wl You rec f 8 HR 1 SCANDINAVIAN SICILIAN 10 SCOTIAN 17 F or Sale $1,500 For farm of 40 acres good outbuildings and land; seven "miles from Klugston. W. H. Godwin | & Son #9 Brock St. Phone 024 Real Estate Fire Insurance, A Real Lever Simulation A straightiorward gemerons offer from sn eftabiished finn. We are ving away Watches ol of ear aes paid to wi With the which. which will be given Fres - (these watches sranteed five years), hould you take md- vaotsga of car marvel We evpect you to tell your friends ow fue the besutifol satel er tio good > be true, but send and asin Fred Wale You LEJANS * LIOYD, Wholesales iW, Qeanwatils Road, London, N., Sixty Minutes 60 Minutes. we can re n of all nook and ied er tire invention absolute It will e $ of m "Just nt) 1 Never Touched a Pisno Before." ive thee hensend ul monthly L FROM TO LIVERPOOL SAILING MONTREAL From Hallfax, St. John 1 AN i TO INTAN LONDON AND HAVRE May May A AN st? + ps and its gperation is hereby RS. ied, to £ cu CURRAM, . In hundreds of the letters I have re- JArous su These words or expressions hav. fog the same meaning are contained ceived during the past were {rom women who agonies from falling of womb; others from women who had escaped dang- cal operations, as the tumors and ulcers Tad been remov- ed by the action eof and others who had suppressed menstruation, rhoea, painful Dads, these and the pther troubles An Senarel as PWomens tif, fad wuftered - Zall eartain every saferng work 1 was caught one of those ndser. ont. Leading Druggists Everywhere --_ -_=.g A TENDERFOOT s WOON | BY CLIVE PHILLIPPS WOLLEY (AUTHOR OF "GOLD, GOLD IN CARIBOO," Supplied Exclusively in Canada by The British'& Colenial Press Service, , "Gong to a barvin', plied. "It's all de adheads to-day, added with a sneer, whieh Invited the approval of the disappointed whist players, "Will he be back soon?" 2 "It all depends, Mister, on how corpse travels. Corpses ain't ¢ on the hoof, as you may have he , and it's all of fifteen miles to Snow Guich. Don't see why they couldn't have left the old man where he was. One plac is as good as-another to be planted in to my mind." "There you're plum off the trick, sonny," broke in one of the pls reprovingly. "There's no call man to demean himself if he d in Sody Crik. Old man H decent citizen, "fix it whic A will; took his glass reg'lar, an' pal ft when Le had any dust, wd owes you a blanked cent, say so Ill foot the bill," and tha the Spe + who looked anything but opulent, ved the bar tender fiercely, and pulled out . Bn greasy deer-skin sack. "No, Jake, the old man ¢idnt owe tne nothin'. 1 didn't say as he « "An' you hadn't better, you sided cross between a gailoot buck nigger. I say as o'd man has a right to all the frills he mind to when it comes to buryi: I'd like to hear from thinks contrary." » To patch up. the breach; Jim Iriuks. It is the only civility show to your neighbor in some pi: and then for want of anything fo, rather than in the hope of h & funeral procession, Jim born Jake's cayuse, and rode the burying purty. ab. the ge: ood you can rying wed cut tu meet C HAPTE R XII, A Backwoods Funeral On a steep bluff, through the heavy brush of which a narrow trail bad been roughly cut, Jim found a party of about a dozen men, half of om wore black coats. They were almost the only black coats in Caribou. and had been collected with infininie trou ble to give tone to the proc There was also one top hat . I} longed to the doctor, and was w him. The bottle, too large for cine bottle, which protruded fron coat pocket, belonged to tiie pa When Jim first sighted them proper spirit of their occupation sessed them. Two and tw behind a sorry nag, a head paced the doctor and Al had their hats off, and thelr coate 08, and no one spok Upon the horse's kk wen all remained of handkerchief his face, an posed in a big In a corner of the pos © they paced whose anothe that reverent! dec} ankel. this, unfort.; sha boughs which B. C. people ex pike. and without a doctor wresiled with ti t and the horse stood still wi 80. At the caught th Gent next step a sinuil t e handkerchief and ! off the face. It was recovered Y placed without a word. As sobn as this had besn done the horse stumbled over af unseén log, and its pack moved up a foot nearer to fi neck. Phe doctor's companion caught the beast by the head and jerked at its bit, as a hint to it to take more c¢ and at the same moment another caught in the blanket. This time the horse could not stand still, neither would the rampike loese its hold. For nearly thirty seconds the two at the horse's head did their best to undo the tangle, then the horse plunged for ward, the blanket tore, some of the lashings gave, and old man Haves roll- ed out with a thump, brandishing one stiffened Hmb in ghastly fashion as he fell. The doctor's mate swore, and his fluency made up for his former silence. "This is a positive scandal, boys. It's irreverent io the dead," Jim heard the doctor say. "It's blanked poor packing, that's what it is," retorted one of them. "Ed don't know enough to tie a granny knot Jet alone the diamond hitch." "You tie it better yourself, you web- footed blue nose." "That's dead easy, and I'll tie your blamed neck in a knot when I'm through with it," said the other an- grily, taking off his coat to work and Swear more easily. But he did not find it "dead easy." "Cinch the beggar good and tight," suggested one. "Corpses ain't got no feelin's," and putting his foot against the horse he threw his weight into the rope. "Hold od, Mo; you'll break him all "Not much. He's stiff enough. There, git up now," and he gave the horse a slap on its quarter. Frightened by its mishap, or more conscious of the dead nature of its burden than its masters thought, the horse bolted, galloped through the range of timber, and on to the open hillside, where Jim was standing, and there with two or three vicious bucks sent the body of Mr. Hayes rolling down the slope. This denouement evoked a volley of imprecations from the mutes, but even that Jad no apparent effect upon the gravity of the late Mr. Hayes. Never in his life had he proceeded with more deliberate dignity than he did then in his death. The pitch of the hillside was only just steep enough to induce a bale of goods to roll, so that the swathed body went down. it in slow time; with grave pauses, whilst the limbs of it, which had broken loose, swung in solemn mockery as the body rolled over. In spite of pauses, it would no: stop. As soon 8s one moved to catch it, It swung Its arms and started again, re- coverig #s momentum sufficiently to elude its would-be captors. It was as if the dead man was play- Ing & grim games with his old cronies. At 'last # reached the road, which wound round the base of the hal AF o. « o | tion his own opportunity. ETC) everything. The old man alw¢ pig- headed, who'd '| he'd have kicked ltks™ that gt packed, and he's a corpse "Guess he ihinks 'he can i« of hissell now same as ne ¢ He's crossed (his many n when he hadu'it any/ more gous being before corpses "Corpse ot spirit . drinks, ¢ dry enter a look at that bottle." The doctor produced the medic ine, which was labelled Scott and Ac- kay's Special, and in turn each af We mutes drank to their old com < Ak travel more e wiping his m I "Bat we' Get "Guess he'll now," said Al his coat sleeve. pack him ourselves, our frills for that a sigh of relief ever his coat, and ticd it in a bath back. At this them, was given introduced to t! In return he it, and abandon cessional pace, or leuce, the party in its trotted to within sigl before dark. Here, nov cession paused, reform coats and funeral face with great pomp to tha Ideal. Here, again, an unéexpec!es ty met them. The Ideal was 1 place to which ony © ¢ ing at Soda Creck, b § former habits of the char; evidently now no place for Mr. "Poor old hoss. I guess you air lowed in. here now. Where'll him to, doc?" . An empty house where the body would } dogs until e clergym next day, and there it for the night. But even then the doctor ready for his patient at the Ranch. By unanimous conse held fitting that Seda. (Cr celebrate old .man Hayes' in due form, ard no pretest on Jim's part was of any avail. TLé& men had had enough w to make 1 as stubborn as Jim Comuz was in despair. y drink that k less crowd teok made it more noisy and more quarrel e, whilst the doc tor was rapidly ogressing from the convivial to the' mavdiin stags of drunkenness. Finally Protheroe dec] d tion of going to take o the old man him alone where he is," urged e won't understand now." "Wonsh undershtand, wonsh he? You think he'sh gone away. Non sensh; he'sh here all right. He'll un. dershtand, you bet." The idea was too grizzly. That any poor devil should be condemned even after death's release to hang round the Ideal, struck Jim as the climax of hor rors to which hell itself would be a mild punishment. But he saw In the sot's deterxina- Going vp to the only man in the place who was still sober, he touched him on the shoulder. "Bill, would you do something for a gh point Jim Combe a dari 1en- ith The big man, who was still drowsing by the stove, started from his apathy. "A woman'? There ain't no woman here. It's only whiskey and hell" "But there's women elsewhere, down to the Risky Ranch, for instance. Wiil | something to help one of the "Anythin'," he said, rising. "Then go up into that fellow's ," pointing to the doctor, "and corral all his outfit, instruments and gripeack, whatever he takes along With him when he goes visiting. No one will notice you as you live 'here, mand if they do they are too drunk to 4 "What do you want it for?" * "Phere's a woman dying down to the Risky, and I've got to get that little hog and his fixin's to save her. You heard him say he wouldn't come." "1 did, curse him; but he won't be any good lika that. They nover are any good when you want them," and he ra fb back into b "He won't be La aim to the Risky. you do ft "All right; if it's for a woman, Be slouched off to the part of house where its boarders slept. Meanwhile Jim Combe went out te pecure his own horse and another. The Jatter part of the business was horse stealing, almost yhe worst offence in Cattledom, but he ha dlied already to a friend, and was meditating a worse offence than horse-stealing. When be had tied the two horses at the back of the empty house in which old man Hayes lay, he returned to the bar room. There he found kis ally, Bill "Have you got the things?" "Yes." . i "Then sneak out and cinch them on end the $100 REWARD, $100 The roaders of this paper wiil be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh Mall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally aet- inz directly upon the blood and mu- cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the dis. amd giving patient strength by building up the constitution and agsisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith ir iis curative wers that they offer ne Hundred flare for any case (hat k fails to curs. Send for list of testl- adress F. 1. CHENEY & CO, To led Bald hy all Drug iste, 55, Take Hails F Fills tor consti pation. !die of my horse, »d up behind the g' body les, and walt there for Don't make any mistake, and don't speak till 1 do." | Bill took hi: orders in silence, and whilst he slipped out at the back, Jim Combe went up to the bar, and called for drinks for the crowd. "Thought you was going to take a drink wi the oN man," he said to te doctor, who was now half asleep. "So 1 wash, but { eal't get any fel low to go along." "And you're too scared to go.alone? I :thougat ¥oli were a scientific joker, w:lieve In ghosts or spirits, or any of them things you can"t'see or stick a Kuife in "Do 1 know what 1 believe, and 1 don'sh - know what blanked businegs ft is of vours, yway, but I'm not scared of anything, Mishter Jim Combe, if you are a foot taller than me." Jim laughed aggravatingly. He knew the man's peculiarities. "Why, you're afraid right now. I'll bet you the next round of drinks that you dare not go alone to take -with old Hayes." The bet just suited the humor of the s the form of settlement touched their personal interest. "It's up to you, doc," they cried. "You're the littlg man to win his meo- ney.' To do the doctor justice, he was no coward, drunk or sober. "Hand me the bottle, Ike," he said, rallying in the most extraordinary manner, and speaking 'quite soberly. 'And ane of those glasses. See you again, gentlemen," and he walked to- wards the door. "I guess it's my money that's up, so if no one has any objection, I'll still hunt the do¢ and see that he goes right to That's the bet, isn't it?" asked Combe "1 guess so." "Nobody else ledves the room until we come back. 1 don't want the doc tor's friends handy to keep his cour age up." "He don't want any. Don't you worry. The doc's got as much grit as the next man." "Appears like it," out, shutting door hind him said Jim, and stole the noiselessly be- CHAPTER XIII Abduction Very solemnly and placing each foot with carefu calculated precision, the little doctor made his way from the ldeal to the place where old man Hayes had been stored out of the way of the dogs. The awful heat and closeness of the bar room which he had left, made the *hill of the night air more noticeable. ft struck him like a bar of cold iron across the forehead and made him atch his bréath with a gasp. But his errand had no terror for him. He was one of those who, having learned a great deal about the mechanism of the tuman body, looked upon itgas an in- different piece of machinery capable of many improvements, and having about it nothing of the supernatural. As a locomotive he considered it be- neath contempt. Walking was at best but a succession of falls avoided. That had always been his opinion, but he had never known so much diffi- culty before in getting up that hind prop In time to save a collapse. Before 'starting from the bar room door he had taken a line upon the house which he wished to reach, and he had contrived not to lose sight of his points, but it was difficult fo keep them, moving 88 he felt compelled to do, at a knight moves at chess. Earth seemed for once to have no solidity; the laws of gravity in his par- ticular case seemed to have been sus- pended; his feet would not keep down snd he suffered from an almost irre- sistible temptation to allow his legs to gollapse altogether, a temptation which arose from a growing conviction that they really had nothing whatever to do with him, and that he could move perfectly well by the mere exer tion of will power. But he was ne sufficiently drunk yet to yleld to this temptation. He stil] had some contre over his memory, a he remenmbere that he had tried that game before and had been found in the street ver cold 'indeed the next morning. Dr. Protheroe had knowledge of the many inflr the flesh, but his knowicdge of { ferent expressions of alcoholic deme: tia was comprehensive. He even ding nosed his own cass accurately as he staggered along. "Drunk," ho said, severely; "vem drunk. Itsh the cold sir has done it Alwaysh dogs it; but I'm not 'fralé Who sald Doctor Protheroe was 'fraid?" He stopped, swaying dangerously iv the middle of the dark street to think out that preblem, but 'even his mind could only move now as the knight moves. It would not go straigh "Doctor Frotheroe 'fraid?"' ! peated this two or three times in & sort of sing-song, and then, suddenly "Dr. Protherce, he said. "Doc-tor Prother--oe, Thomash's, -- London -- England. Not Ontario! None of your bloomin' Canadian 'bout me. Doctor Protheroe, Thomash's, Lon don, England : Aman; profeshion- al man,' and then he burst into peal upon peal of derisive laughter, in the midst of which he fell flat upon his face in the mud. After lying there for a few minutes chuckling still to himself, he rose upon his hands and kvees, reached for his hat, put it rakis upon the back of his head, 2nd: continued his journey . as ica, gout, n to All rot. Cause--- riolate lawsh of na- n fool; meant to walk gel, tries to walk on two, Poshterior limbs aver worked; pain ful shwelling followeh, Of course" But in spite of the excellence of his reasoning ho was obliged after a time to conform to custom, and finished his journey in 2 wild burst upon two legs, which lendcd him in a heap at the old man's door. The violent exercise did somet to counteract the effects of the chill alr upon his heated brain, but not enough. He could remember that the door fasteriad with a lateh; be could even repeat to himself the necessary instructions for li £ the latch: but for the Jife of him he could not find - . (To be Continued.) hing The ultra deluded man has no in- clination fo listen fo arguments that will remove his delusion, a -- ust god and cut the labor of house- cleaning by using RONUK on your floors. RONUK is a cleanser as well as a polish, It elimi- nates scrubbing --apply RONUK with a cloth--it immediately removes stains, spots and dirt. Then polish with a dry cloth or brush and your floor is in perfect condition. And it will stay so, for RONUK is a unigie com- position that sinks into the pores of the wood" and pro- duces a finish that is hard and durable. Dust sits light~ ly on a RONUK surface and : collected. RONUK sanitary and antiseptic without being offensive or corrosive You will find it sible to keep a RONUK floor absolutely clean without ever scrubbing it by oe casionally going over the surface with RONUK A lttle RONUK covers a large surface--it is economical and easy to apply. Try RONUK for linoleum, painted woodwork, tiles, leather upholstery, auto bodies, atc. --an il find it a most satisfactory RONUK is lyour best aid in housecleaning. RONUK comes in two forme-- Paste at Sue the Ib, smaller tins 10c, 20c and 35¢. Liquid RONUK at 55c pint, $1.00 quart, On sale everywhere. RONUK LIMITED Head Office for Canada, 53 YONGE STREET, TORONTO Factoiy: 91.93 Youville Squ Portslade, Eng. Montreal For Aute Bodies Write for sample to Dept. Bo Enhance the natural beauty ol your Houre . ing one of s makers, 4, for evening wear, ight res favorably lar stores everywhere sell D & A Corsets, Dor inion Corset $ Eo. Qlae ede Manufacturers, 2 ds > LA BiVA Corsets. 678 ot sa "DS STABLE Let metalkto you aboutbeing Run-D When your eystem is u weh rmined by worry or overwork---when y vit lowered hen you fi ; how when your when the least are in a "run-down" -- ne 3 are 3 : exeruon tures you yon conditién. Your system is like a flower drooping far want of water. And just as water revives ' a drooping Hower--so Wincarnis ' gives new life to a "run-down" constitution. From even the first winegiass- ful you can feel it stimulating and in- vigorating you, d@nd as you continue, you can feel it surcharging your whole system with new health--sew strength--mew vigour and new bife. The result will delight you. Begin to get well FREE ad for a libezal free trial bottle of * Wincarnis." 4 lor postage. COLEMAN y Works, Norwich, England. can ohtain/regnlar supplies from «ull leading Stores, Chemists and Wine Merchants. own; PAGE ELEVEN HIB So SAN We, FA SE