St I a Le a nt an BR marti u v PRE Ce Rll him » SE ¥ BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY APRIL2S, 1914. aaa " LEATHER FROM FISH SKINS FINANCIAL i ATTERS pect prosperous season, according | DENIAL FROM VATICAN me" A : to a Dominion Coal official. So - : Many Food ih Are Used for Fine : Fifty U. 8. roads in February | Has Not Interfered Between U. 8 - Many kina of leather are goi from | WHAT WILL BE EARNINGS OF 42.1 per cent. in net as ompored and Mee toa do aca creatures, some of which are vor THE STEEL TRUST with January. RT a as it shows many. tiny prickles set, 2 -- . |, Estimated -that $1 057,000,000 is les Hat pas Interiure - hi eurious 'and beautiful. 'The skin of The Purchase 'of Steel Cars for 'the invested in Mexico by Americans Santier Metyeen ¥ ox i pi sharks is a beautiful burnished gray P Y. George A. Gaston has been clec-| United States, or in tr of bluish color. The surface resem- ast Ten Years --. The Present | (eq president. of "iL. Nor'nwestern | 415sensions of the former Sountrys bles finely / grained leather, inasmuch | Outlook--Late Commercial Notes. | Pennsylvania railway company, to In both countries there i tomplae all ono way. This property of shark New York, April. 24.--Estimates| Succeed H./W. Thoraton, who has Sears ons betwben . hi - akin renders it especially valuable to |of the amount of net earnings which become general manager ot the Sate 3} 08 oth lib o> ant - the manufacturer of '"'shagreen." Since | the Steel Trust will report for the Great Eastern railway of England. aug 3 rey ca ®t when- he skin is' af once tough and easy | quarter ending March 81 has lately The Suspension of the brokerage ude! protection: Je Nope. mods 10 work it can' be used for any pur ranged, between $18,000,000 and firm of Gay & Sturgis was announ- $ POS b hic 4 fve . oifec , : ; a4 .-{ ced at the Boston Stock Exchange | eration and has urged American and poses which decorative effects are | $20,000,000 in Wall street, but this The Rock Island rine ao 45 Mexican bishops when admitted to show 10.88 decrease in grass and BEHIND THE WICKE™ ( B; J. P. Buschlen. 264 Pages. Price, $1.00. Willian Briggs, To- - romto,* Publisher. R. Uglow & Co., City. Some time ago we reviewed Mr. Buschlen's book, "The 'Canadian Bank Clerk," which foreshadowed an organized effort to improve the posi- tion of bank clerks in this country. * Since the publication of the book the author has been engaged in preach ing his gospel of self help to the clerks in Toronto, but with indiffer- ent success. His new book, "Behind the Wicket," consists:of a number of short stories, all dealing with life from the viewpoint of the man be- hind the wicket. These stories are not very dissimilar from many of the incidents that went into the making of his first volume. They tell ot the awful monotony of a bankclerk's work, of the temptations that assail him, of the girls he loves and leaves, of unsatisfied ambitions and of con- ditions that embitter life. Most of them are very readable, and doubt- less all of them will be read with deep interest by those for whom they were written. They afford a strik- ing pleture--albeit somewhat over- drawn here and there--of one side of the dally life of a not inconsiderable part of our tewn and city workers, pleasing. Mrs, Wemyss has written a beloful and delightful book, and all readers who have grannies 'or children * or * granchildren--and that includes practically everybody--should uot miss this book - By Frances R. Sterrett. 309 Pages. Price, $1.25. William Briggs, To- ronto, Publisher, R. Uglow & An American heiress and an American heir, whose fathers are hoth engaged in the making of jam in an American town, meet on the frontiers of France. A cruel cus- toms officer has confiscated some of the pretty heiress' chocolate, and she is in tears. Enter the brave Ameri- can youth. He champions her cause, and falls head over heels in love, In America they meet again, but their respective fathers are business rivals and deadly enemies, and each would sooner disown their child than sce any family alliance But the 'jam girl and her sweetheart are resource- ful and persistent, and love finally conquers The elders shake hands and all goes merry as the marriage bell, which comes a little later. The story is crudely told, and at times very lifeless and dull. consequences of perjury and the irony of inte intervene. Stella falls in love, with another. man, while doubt I shall see, you again," he tells All of which was a sane and sensible thing to say and do: Notes Here and There "Of the things which man can do Co., City. CL ITEW books." --Carlyle. For the scene of his new novel, Parker leaves South and has chosen western Canada. previous novel, "The Southekner." chiefly in London, in typically bach- elor apartments. His fondness for velting itself. There is found' in Turkish, waters a strictly umattractive fish called the minions. V are trimmed with the skin of a food fish, the turbot, and in Egypt men wear sandals made from' the. skins cod among them the manufacture of leath er binding for books aud for braid pine heights. desired. week there was a revision downward, The sturgeon furnishes a valuable and estimates were made that the and attractive leather. It has been quarterly report of the trust, to be found that when the bony plates are | issued two weeks hence, will show removed. the patterns remain on the | between $17,000,000 and $18,000, skin, just as the pattesns of alligater [000 as the amount of the quarter's scales remain on alligator leather, a | net earnings. To pay fixed charges, circumstances that adds greatly to | preferred * dividends, and common the value of the product. From the | dividends without having to report a sturgeons that abound in our Pacific | deficit, the company must earn guar- coast and in the great lakes we get |terly, in excess of $24,000,000. If a tough leather that is used for the {the March quarter's earnings were making of laces to join leather belt- | less than $17,800,000 they were the ing for machinery., It is said that | smallest for the trust in the past ten the lacing frequently outwears the | years. ; The Ten-year Average New York, April 24.--In the past angel fish, classed among he littor- | gecade, says the Sun, railroads have al sharks. This fish yields an ex- |p opabed" new freight cars at the tremely high quality of green loath- | 1000 of 150,000 a year The best ar much esteemed in the Ottoman do year was in 1907, when 284,000 cars + ' ' on * - i . : '| were contracted for. The poorest In Kuassia certain peasant costumes year of the ten was in 1904, with but 61,000 cars. The quota of 1908 was 76,000, while 1911 had 72,000 eat } 8 new cars. Orders reported to date of fish caught in the Red Sea. In [in tha current year aggregate a total our own country, too, the cod has |; 25 94g cars, which is at the rate been used in 'a similar manner, forin |e approximately 125,000 cars a year, bygone days a good many shoes and |gqua1 (o five-sixths of the average gloves have been made in Glouces- | ave of building in the past ten years. ter from the skin of the humble [myo showing is not nearly so unfa- Loo : vorable as might be expected under Felskin is used for many purposes | oyiciine conditioms, Higher Mail Rates and C. P. Rt, will need $10,000,000 expended on | bis presence to do all in their pows it during the next five years. er to mitigate animosity and work R. B. Watson, the general mana-|to avoid conflict. ger of the La Rose Consolidatel In fact, the Vatican has been op= Mines company, in a summary of |!imistic, and until the last moment the year's operations, states that |the pope hoped that war might be the results obtained were much |avoided, trusting particularly to the better than expected a year ago.| Wisdom of President Wilson and to The preseut outlook is not promis- | his repeated statements in favor of ing. +| peace. Even on Tuesday night whea ------------ the American warships were already AT THE GRAND firing upon Vera Cruz, the pope, - speaking to a Cardinal, said that Tonight the New "Mutt and Jeff' is | his impression Was that the Tyorg Veritable Innovation from the United States an xico With a sensational melodramatic had been nach stasyerated, 5a he story under thre title of "Mutt and toule mot sieve ia wy No Eh eff in Panama," Gus Hill's peren- ks y J success of that name, re-appears furpats over a mere question of to-night at the Grand. *"Spick and punctilio 4 span," "everything new but the but- tons, to clean up the coin again as it has done for the past two years The irrepressible "'Gus" has evi- dently kept tabs on every line, thrill laugh song and situation during his entire "nearly a century' of theatri- Napanee ludge. No. 86. 1OOF.. pH cal experience. It seems that this oer ema oy to ra season's "Mutt and Jeff ; contains | poy Spencer, Trenton; BE. 1. Hoyle; nothing but the real essence of true |; po Daioe and G. F.- Ruttan, KC amusement without a hitch or a line | oo Meck, Kingston, gave on splens that does not go to every breath, a did' address song hit or an entrancing dance . Ihere are good reasons to believe that the drill hall for Napanee will be lerected this coming summers. J, Paul, M.P., informed Mayor Alexan- 8cr that the plans and specifications were being printed. number, wheneve} your sides begin t0 ache from excessive laughter, and a bunch of exceedingly ®retty girls to give the whole thing zest, THE WITNESS FOR THE DE ing into Whips. Montreal, April - 24.--Thornton 2 3 NESS . § - ------ : pn (Davidson and company, discussing PENCE. - Though possessing a most mascu-| SOU } THRASHES ASSAILANT | 7 . % 4 4 aca PENCE He ge a B Lacate st other | TOUIRE THRASH: Sy y Stork ang she Wéstera Yale RADIUM CAUSES CANCER ves n 0 [ ' : "ee ase, say: "Am r whic en By A. E. W. Mason. 312 Pages. |0of "The Law Bringers, The Al-| Locks Doors and Then Punches Man fully appreciated is likely to affect LL ---------- . : " . . ade lteory Advanced by Dr. Barlow in t Price, $1.25. Hodder & Stough. tar Stairs," etc. is In reality a lady Responsible. the attitude towards the stock is the | 1 CO" . ul « of very shy and reserved demeanor, . on Pe Michael 3 England. S$ S ton, Toronto, Publishers, RB. Ug- Er : . Sunbury, Pa., April 25.--Michael|claim that the roads are to obtain J WC Pdi Toronto, Publishers. R. Uglow & low & Co. City, a gg 1 ed i Tierney, a Northumberland squire, {a much better. contract for the ecar-| London, April 25.--Dr, W. S. Laz THERE are many in- " { { 5 as : : : s 8 v pe { the Cancer Co., City, . ¢ wig is > Viv a i who is athletic, gave a sound thrash-| riage of the mails than previously, | rus, Barlow, director of t a In Mes. Wemyss" | i duthe pither, wl Ie Byragiile, Zealand, Is sald to be vivid and in | 0% 0 Clarence Feathers, because he |The old contract has been in opera- | Research fabopston Mu the Middle- vestments to choose ia J mye tent book we are a he 1 role Rose a he Four a eresting. gave his wife a black eye. tion for prebably twenty years, and ger hosp: al Jotyring at the from, but you should be given a mos elightiul ohronicle o ers, © \e ruants = and many oth- 4 ee Mrs. Feather came into his office | the roads claim it never was profi eeds university yesterday advan- a grandmother who, though aged in |er admirable works of fiction has gain- | Although Norman -Angell's "The CIving And with an eye bandaged. totic. bt ii rt oe ced the theory as a result of a long careful to purchase only those most suited to your i i 2 d | ed for himself a reputation as a hn-| Great Illusion," has not won nearly - "oe I : : ribR OF aXDa onts tha adi JSuty, Ip still foun at Beas, Jud ished writer. His i latest book sus- [so much attention in America as in}and wanted her "hub" sent to sa took advantage of the parcels post Somes 2 SADeyIn: ois Dar Tadiem tal and grandchildren as guide, philuso- | taius the high quality of his work. | England, it has aroused enough in-|She explained that beeause she did matter i discuss the ~ hole situa- ig = 3 ' position. pher and friend. She untlerstotds In "The Witness for the Defence," the | terest to go recently into its ninth not have Bas y A en Hon ans Hat, the new JBrTangement Experiments, said' Dr Jarlow, b all, does this big-hearted and [interest is maintained to the veryiend, | reprinting. he came Rome lg q vei Ai 1s to their advaniage, the juss showed the Jium was present at them all, doe nS aeaked and the denouement is an unexpected ' - ed her down. She weighs ninety- in revenue arising out of the parcels Showed the radi Pp kindly old lady dole uniles pu and unusual one. The tale is well} , "Edwin Drood" trial will fve and le one hundred and Sixty|post being more than made up in Hines in normal Rumay Sissy bs ey love her. She . CK trial © 3 a i o ot 2 » RA i vas prese mu arger quan- exercises a renner Ealrens told, true to life and at times rugged be held in Philadelphia on April pounds... . t for Feathers the new mail contrast. on the whole, Bee ib cor iormeio rR : over their shortcomings, aud they | 20d stern. Once taken' up, the book 29th. A justice of the Pennsylvania fiquire Tierney sent for re therefore, the railways have not been On the evidence adduced Dr. Bar- I , a % will not be laid aside until the reader | * \ ol y and, whea he came in, Tierney lock-|too badly treated Instead of the BD lhe eyi(ence atcuced, be A.H. Martens & Co. odore 'her. She teaches a tender .sub- supreme court will be on the bench. led the door, took off his coat and|C.P IR. declining as a result of re.|10W Suggested that radium and Pp ; E100 learns just what the evidence of the . + : £ Members Toronto Stock Exch mission to the poignancies of life, and ¢| Among the jurors are George Ade hy g ; » begged | o . te A » .| radiatoni were cases of cancer pro- mbers Toronto Stock Exchange por unched Feathers until he begged |cent changes, it is believed b many y they reverence her. The children who Pp ¥ viding that they were present in BOND and SHARE BROKERS "Witness'" was and what the fate of and "Mr. Dooley." ; b for mercy. that once the situation is fully un- : : | : sa quantities capable of stimuating C.P.R. BUILDING, TORONTO x y : the fpir defendant. troop in and out of the pages of this The heroine, Stella Derrick, is in | - derstood the effect should be to M 0 ! : 3 cells which were ultimately to form 15-14 TO RESTRICT IMMIGRATION | cancer. book are just" ordinary, everyday Yovi i f Ton mt vk considerably." 'i ove with 'Thresk, but as he is poor The Shortest Book Review strengthen the stock considerably, children. They are not dressed - up hid toda. ha 8 Ee hia re Sho ¢ : 3 > and ambitious, he subjugates his own The time-honored precept, "The | GRANNIE FOR GRANTED ------ By Mrs. George Wemyss. 313 Pages, McClelland, Goodchild & Stewart, Upon request we shall be pleased to suggest suit- able investments for you. Municipal Bonds yield about 5% % 514 % Industrial Bonds, yleld about 6% Safe and saleable. Consult us before investing. -F. B, McCURDY & CO. 86-88 BROCK » PHONE 132385 Members Montreal Stock Exchange! H. W. NELLES, Manager. " -- .. ------ -- By "Bud" Fisher ° to us jukt as they are, and with all She goes to India. where ultimately King fan do no w Tou usp red | 'Burnham Resolution Calls for That | Ottawa April 24 Aufon th i Sheds fate iri tba 311s rh | one of the most caustic book re- i Llawa, J "ty 8 ie their ildigh defects and all their | she marries ( apt. Ballantyne, a brute Amongst Other Things companies whose incorporation. has Car or e------ study this bit of family life. so beau- | ror and fear. In the course of his . C gy 8 "ol [ bam of West Peterboro, gave notice | pw a is ] tiful in its every detail. Tt is good | diplomatic duties, Thresk = discovers | lentz," the Constitutionnel" gave it that he will move the following res- Se oe TIpEnY oui. n saplial C- , : to know a woman so gentle. 50 in: | (heir whereabouts and cannot resist | @ notice of exactly two lines: "If . . pT ompany 3 o 0 d ] 3 . ~ tte r 4 olution: carry on business as iron masters d t and withall so worldlv-wigse | the temptation of visit. Ballantyne | this litle volume was written by the : ths abid . arr) $ as sters, ulgen A " b i Jie lempialion of a ife" I King it is above criticism: if not "That in the opinion of this house, | gaa] makers, colliery proprieters, ommen a as Grammie. One feels the world |i; found shot,. with his wife's empty 5 ) the government should be €mpoOW- (sox manufacturers, miners, smelt. . : : . o i e evidence itella re s actice of French newspapers, this 6 First Mort d Bonds wmusin side. by which she brings | distorts the evidence Stella returns | prac . 2 such 'measures forthe unem- : Reeemk oi Weights and cheer into the gloom: | to Fnzland, and the reader naturally | review was unsigned, and the sec- | tO take such 'meas No Marconi Dividend | i Is of unemployment and undeser- 8 : CE nal Se Li ; sarlier days will be revived. But the | made public. | o¢ A 2 ers of the Marconi company at u of English family life is very earlier i re pS ay cease, and that : : J ture aglsh 'amily de "18 tery ved destitution may cease, ant their annual meting were told that | wethers, $8.75 to $0.75 fof M., Peincare. Queen Elena of . ¢ ) . -- Aird Ce Hogs-- Receipts lairiy liberal and {Italy spends only about £3,200 al LABORER 1 PS INTO OVEN next six weeks of the Transatlantic \12 King Street East - - - Toronto The Prices Paid at the Various Cen- | u tE ' > 1 : wireless service and of other lonx tres. ered $9 and $8.65 [. o. b. cars; and [Queen Elizabeth of Belgium does |. H a ss i + Lit gy Scar re He Plunge Into | 4: 2 it w . Union Stock Yards, Toronto, April | $0.25 weighed off cars not exceed £2.000. Her neighbor, | Scared by Blaze Ny L RES directors considered it would be bet 23.--~Receipts were light. 37 cars, ps s-------------- | Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, dress- Molten Metal. 2 ; ter to conserve funds as a reserve 2056 cattle, 1789 hogs, 33 sheep and Toilettes of Queens | es still more modestly, and spend: or Bethlehem, Pa., April 25 Mich- | against possible Syutingencies, ont our come oe : stea at Wednesday's quotations as ade iries as to ti nt But the palm of simplicity belongs |eonsumed by jumping into a core time in Canada have invested millions of dollars in Municipal Deben- y has made inquiries as to the amou " ¥ pi Choice butchers' steers, $8; good |ayxpanded annually by royal ladies ou | {0 Queen Mary of England, who rloven into which molten metal was S------ tures and other high grade securities. Many Kingston investors medium butchers' steers following facts:. Queen Victoria of [those for state occasions, made 2t| The man was handling a ladle, New York, April 24.-- Otto H by the large orders for Bonds and Debentures, filled through ous $7.40; common butchers' steers, ' | Spain easily takes first place as tho |home under her own supervision, and and, becoming frightened and be-| Falk, president of the Allis-Chal- Kingston office during the past few weeks. mon butchers' heife $7.25 to $7 tains all her dresses from Paris, and [ her budget is the lowest of all | making a mold ignited, leaped right| clares in the annual report that | 50; choice cows, $6 to $7; has to pay over to the great firms | es | into the core oven dividends on the preferred stock ed demand will likely cause an advance in prices. Municipal, Pub« lic Utility and Industrial Bonds are still cheap. We advise that you Feeders and ftockers-- Market The German empress has all her | to market one morning to buy gome | Ottawa, April 25.--On the sugges- | ed conditions. firin at steady prices. Choice steers, | dresses made in Berlin, at a cost not geese and found five hanging out- | tion of the two party leaders in the The report covers the eight and to $7.15; stockers, $6.25 to $6.70. expended by the Czarina, wno "I am a bdoarding-house Kkeepe. > Milkers and springers---Not many | dresses in private very simply, and | she remarked with a smile, Will |eriminal offence to publish pictures | manufacturing profit of 2406,596 Calves--Only 86 calves oun sale, | however, are not frequent in view of "Thank you," said the 'woman, |served by calling public attention to : which kept prices very firm. Sheep, |the retired life of the Russian imper- briskly. Now I'll take the other [this question. He promised to pre- \ Financial Notes. for the occasion. 'but are introduced feelings and puts her out of his life. . | New Steel Company S 3 - + , hs : fan 4 " Ake: han: Ai : views ever published. When Louis " ! loving qualities. It is refreshing to | of 4 man, who fills her life with hor- Xvi idl his "Voyage & Cob-| Ottawa, April 25.--J. H. BuId-\peen gazetted is the Universal Tool ' " re » him bo save her Thre » work of his majesty it is below 3 + would 'be vastly better were there |rifle beside him. To save her Thresk | the work of Jesty ered to restrict immigration, acquire [fo hs . Jiners, sme more like her. She has. too, her | becomes a witness for the defence, and ! eriticism." Contrary to the land, expend money, and 'generally ors, ehgmeRTS Yin plate makers, etc rd at recurring pe ; A ! ) " SO jest days. Such a wholesome pic- | expects that the interrupted love of | ret of its authorship has never been ployéd to the end that recurring pe New York, April 24.-- Stockhold- PARTICULARS ON REQUEST en la Ty eo, the true function of government be [fF SEOIH, HednE were told th ( awthra Mulo k 3 a KET to $6.50: lambs, choice ewes. and'|sents the cost of dresses to the wife or reali " le dividend was Fe cently passed ® THE CATTLE MARKET | ' 3 b. Sa12 further realized. owing to the opening within the | prices e Selected, fed and wai. | year, while the dress budget of J i distance services thereafter. The lambs, 36 calves. London Standard | her toilette only a few hundred |ael Mankos, a Bethlehem Steel com- that the board would el free to : Cattle--The cattle trade was| A. enterprising Belgian journal | pounds pany foundryman, was practically f make a dividend declaration at any | During the past few weeks the private investors and financial institutions butchers' steers, $7.50 to their toilettes, and has found the [all her dresses, with the exception of | being poured. Allis Chalmers' Affairs have taken advantage of the attractive interest yields as evidenced cholce butchers' heifers, $7.70; com-| host dressed roval lady She oh- [With her own co-operation, so that |wildered when a compound used in| mers Manufacturing company, ac-|Surplus funds are piling up all over the world, owing to the general slack. " | ening of trade. These funds are going into Bonds and the increase cows, $6.25 to $6.50; canners, $3.70 | of the Rue de la Paix a sum of no Fooled the Butcher : a were considered by the direciors, NN TI to $4.75. less than £8,000 a year | The smart youmg housewife went Newspaper Bill Dropoed but not declared owing to decreas- BUY NOW. Public Utility Bonds yield 7.35 to 37.50; medium steers, 37 !rar below £4,000 An equal sum ig | side the shop | senate, Senater Ohoquette dropped | one-half months from April 16th to q | | "| for this session his bill to make it a| December 31st last, ani shows ne' ou sale at §65 to $100 each, bulk only goes in for expensive robes on | vou pick out for me the three of !of persons accused of crime. He | Unfilled orders amount to $3,35¢- sold at $70 to $85 each state and festival occasions, which, | those geese that are toughest? | said part of his purpose had been | 684 $6.50 to 37.50; culls and rams, $4.50 "fal family The same sum repre-| two «<# sent a similar bill next session Nova Scotia coal companies ex- You'll Never Get In Trouble Wiring Yourself 765, Mig THAT'S RIGHT, TNE WHOLE 4q TelEGRAMS To THE one MAN, MR. A MUTT, MaTeL WALDORF, :Ya-as ANY MAIL . A ROR, ME, CLERK? GEE, THAT GUY nn LT) ; . MUST BE SOME Nes and Dutt £3 UAPERTANT CooT. He THRYIRE ALL FROM JONN D, Cerda Om GET ABour A ROCKEFELLER, MILLION TELEGRAMS fofutac f4 MORGAN AND A Dav. , TNOSE Guys ACCIDENTALLY on puRPesE und Lon #% edok dnp har 845000 amd gu Lou Yuck Len 74