YEAR 81. NO. 97. ROYED MEXICANS DESTROYED CITY OF NUVEO LAREDO * Rathed Than All Allow U. S. Troops To Occupy It THE CITY IN FLAMES A VOLLEY WAS POURED INTO AMPBPRICAN GUARDS, On Other Side of River and Prompt. ly Returned--Mexicans Were Pree vented from Blowing Up the In- ternational Railway 'Bridges. Laredo, Texas, April 25. The United States consulate, municipal building, aud the station of the National rail- ways of Mexico, customs house, Banco' Lational, Concordia Theatre, barracks of Mexico federals, Laredo flour mills, electric light plant and a number of other buildings in all parts of Nuevo Laredo, just across the border, reduc ed to a mass of ruins, tell the de structive work by Mexican federal sol "diérs upon their departure from Nuveo Laredo yesterday afternoon at two o'clock, upon special trains, The quaint old Mexican city was de- stroyed rather than let it remain, as it was to ge possibly, occupied by Am- |; soldidry; «if they: crossed the river. As the trainapnlled out with i the Mexican soldiers, some of them poured a volley into the American guards on the bank of the American side, and the fire was promptly re | sponded to. Then two men attempted to blow up the International and railroad bridges from the Mexican side, and they were shot down by American sharp ers, Jk Last night a heavy military patrol | was on daty about the city at the two | bridges, and at intervals along the river, Nuvre Laredo is still in flames erican shoot To Hold Vera Cruz. New York, April 25.--The World says | it learns from the highest source that | it is the purpose of the administra | tion to retain ils possession of Vera Cruz for a few weeks, perhaps months, unless something unforseen occurs; then to evacuate and consider the Tampico incident closed. According to the World's informant, unmolestetl occupation of Vera Cruz do a period of several weeks' dura- woud arded as due re * pation re to the na tion. There will be no indemnity asked for the death of seventeen American sailors and marines, and the wounding of seventy, or the great expense sus tained by the United States in forcing reparation, Congress Wants to Know Policy Washington, April 25.--The diploma- tic tangle over Mexico has created a situation of unrest here in Washing- ton. Congressional leaders are vain- ly importuning the White House for an announcement of a definite policy No word comes from the president He and his advisers may have ade cided plan but all knowledge is with | held from the public. To-day there is u tenseness in congress which may break into a storm of open criticism of President Wilson and Secretary Bryan at any moment. Among the latest news this morn- ing is the alarming fact that Mexico is looking upon the situation as de finite war, although the United States does', not admit it or act acconding ly. Huerta has ordered that not United Staters be permitted to leave Mexico City. It is also known that in the interior cities all English | speaking people are being held pri soners. Many people here who know the Mexican capital says ba perfect reign of terror will be there in a few days. i Safe in Mexico City. London, Ont., April 25.--Relatives DAILY MEMORANDA and Jeff," Grand Opera Hous more "Mutt $.15 pm to Oddfellows am, fupaay. §t. church, 1 Queen See t f page 3, right hand corner, Cor Srobabilities, Regular monthly Woman's Ald Soclety, Kingston ul Hospital: Monday afternoon o'clock in board room. at of Ge at meeting How Many Soaps Can You Name Offhand? This is not a new story but it is worth repeating. A friend went to a large soap manufacturer and said to him: "See here, you are spend- ing a fortune in advertising. Why do you waste your mon- ey?" "How many soaps can yeu name?" asked the soap manu- facturer. ' The friend studied and nam- ed six--all advertised brands. "That's the answer," replied the . soap manufacturer. Out "of the hundreds of soaps made, you oa name only six, and mine heads the list. "1 CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO ADVERTISE." That soap manufacturer was a large user of space in the daily ne pérs. He died the other leaving an immense fortune and a name known from one end of the country to. the other. "All repre resided the mon have { the erta's erta arm Guards, a4 mes tary that cluding dren, Dig T comp 1 the er- TORONTO ght hos- War the Donly, m't Fecent ly Tlowics cable Mexico City Donly an government at the capitol twenty-hve received A.W well; d to-day rom in py was mtil sentative in Me NCO ears News from Mexico. > Overtures the Huerta force constitutionalists to make eom- against the Unite States ted by the from cause been rej constitu tionalists Nelson Vera Cruz Americans are Mexicans ()'Shaug 83 afe at hne be men- ori the reported to aced by ar Ensenada, Mexico I'he "United States warships at pico have cleared for Vera Cruz Mrs. Nelson O'Shaughnessy, wile American d'affair the of President san. During the ceremony Mrs. O0'Shaughnessy sat beside Senora Hu- and the procession had the of commander the Rural est coast Of I'am of charge res, tended wedding mn the of WERE EXECUTED go, April 25.- 25.--~According to y received of Bryan, twenty refugees, nineteen United Statesers and one Brit- named Boyd, and women and executed the coneern, 34 State it them ish subject, three have been antation of 1y, Chicago Mexico Bryan's information Vera Cruz and is apparently It said that thesé people their way to the coast when train was stopped by al troops; and they were taken near in the heart of came from were on their oners. The despatch says: "It is reliably stated that all the prisoners may executed It is further added that Admiral Badger has this informa- tion before him and it he is taking immediate {ection save the lives of these pégple, is not too late Ae is if it / PITH OF THE NEW? Tidings Told in Terse Busy Readers The Salvation 'Army, Toronto, will erect a $100,000 lodging house for homeless men. The T. & N. 0. Elk to Gowganda and Sudbury built if it pay. Governor Goethals has «leclared mar- | tial law in Panama canal zone, owing to pro-Mexican feeling there. 4 Major-General Turner strongly | defended the British army .in its action during the Ulster crisis. The Midland District Press sociation was formed at Peterbaro for five counties in Central Ontario. Mounts Vesuvius and Etna are lof ported to be very active and great | fear 'is evidenced by the inhabitants. | At Owen Sound, Ontario, it is re- 'ported that several of the cement | 'plants may not open for work his | summer, A petition to wind up the Domini: | on Bond company was heard and] one creditor showed a deficit of $600,000 : t i F. A. Lawson has been engaged! for three years as secretary of Wel- land county Temperance and Mora Reform league. i William Carroll, employed in the pulp mill of the Dryden Timber & | Power company, was accidentally! drowned in a vat. . Admiral Howard / has reported that | there was an anti-American demon stration, "Saturday, at Nasations. South America, but the Seen | has made all preparation The contract for section 4A of the new Welland canal, to connect with the old canal, has been let to Ma- guire & "Cameron for slightly less than $84, 009. Measure Lake railway will be a os 25¢ Butter, Butter, Butter, 25¢ | Print butter, 25e¢; extra fine, J. Crawford. first page of He has | 10 | at Hu- | here from Secre- | is probable | {| For Man Who Shipped Stolen Brass tod in- | two chil- | the | Montzorongo | official. | Mexican feder- | pris- | be | presumed | to | For | KINGSTON, ONTARIO. SATURDAY, APRIL PRUSTEES HAVE PLAN Park Association to Interést Outside 3 Capital. Watertown, N. Y., April 25-- An important move is about to be made taward securing a new hotel at Thousand Island park, in place of the Hotel Columbian, burned two years ago. A proposition to be sub- mitted to a company capitalized with millions has been drawn up. The company will be asked to construct a hotel, the site being vir- tually given by the Thousand Is- land Park association. It is expec- ted that the proposition will devel- op something material in the way of building a hotel. The plan has been under consid- eration for some weeks, bnt has been' kept quiet by the members of the Board of Trustees. A hotel costing from $200,000 to 275,000 thoroughly fireproof, sought by the association. The argument is to be presented that the site offered is without an equal on the St. Lawrence river and that from the business done by the ho- tél Columbian that there can be no doubt to the future success of an- other large hotel at-the park is $3000 Free anniversary sale _ in business Ow e that sav event u 000 in seasonable merchandise £ sanplement | for details ings on 70 ASK QUESTIONS IN HOUSE OF COMMONS There Is Considerable Legislation To Come Before Parliament Yet Ottawa, April 25.- volving - little discussion, {the time of parliament | Mr. Foster's estimates jup in committee i subsidies and coming first Next week resolutions, of the tariff adjustments, troduced and débated It is expect- jed also that the C. N. R. legislation | {will come up. Redistribution still hangs fire Hon. Charles Doherty, minister of justice, has given notice on Monday, that he will move to increase the sal- aries of judges of the superior court of Quebec from $5,000 to $7,000 per annum Mr. Proulx, Prescott, will ask, on Monday, if it the government's intention to set up statute of Hmita~ tion as a bar to Selkirk settlers of { Manitoba who have been deprived of | their civil rights through the failure fof the crown to take over the cus- | tody of land registers and state pap- ers of Lord Selkirk's estate froin {1812 to 1838, at the transfer of that {country to Canada in 1870 THREE YEARS IN PEN Routine, occupied erday. taken the mail subsidies y we of supply, teamship arising out will be in- is to Kingston. result of the finding of two and a 'half tons of brass in a junk | shop in Kingston, Patrick MeCann was sentenced at Ottawa, on Friday by. Deputy Magistrate Askwith, to three years in Portsmouth tiary, The As a to the Kingston the property of railway Con- brass sold junk dealers, was the Grand Trunk stable James Bateson located the stolen property, and Inspector Tis- dale of the Grand Trunk came here to look into the matter and as a re- sult of the investigation he made Yhe arrest of McCann followed Binder Twine. Sask., April 25 company has apparently decided that the monopoly the hinder twine business of the west has heen long enough in the hands of United States manufacturers, and for the first time this, the largest con teern of the kind on the other side, | has decided to compete. As a pre liminary.' six hundred tons of binder twine will' reach the west about July next. Spgeial angenients have al ready been mac its distribution («Fhe farmer anticipates the outcome j with, an interest which mingles hope 'THE LOSSES T0 BE MET BY THE GOVERNMENT Irish | Raskatoon, | Ropeworks ol quite The Money Réfunded to Depositors| In the Farmers' Bank Ottawa, April' 25. Depositors in' the Farmers' Bank, who lost their money, are going to have it refun- {ded by the government. Hon. W. T. White, minister of finance, has given notice that he will move tha | following' resolution: "Resolved that it is expedient to provide that there may be paid out of the coms solidated revenue fund of Canada, | not excdding '$1,200,000 to be pad 10 persons," who were creditors for money on 'deposjt in Farmers Baak | of Canada, the respective amo:nts standing to their credit in the | books of the bank when bank sus. | pended payment.' tS "The City Beautiful." Saskatoon, Sask.,, Avril 25.----F. S. "Cahill, a prominent citized. has just 'offered cash prizes amounting to a to- fal of $1,000, for the most artistic gardens and city blocks. The combve- tition will be handled hy the City | Parks Board, and in- conjunction with {other similar competitions, it is ev pected that the result will be an en- fianced attractiveness for the city a whole. peniten- | The | a third of a | | | | | 1 | beliford. PASSED INARTS The Students of Queen's Who Have Won fon Degrees 118 BACHELORS OF ARTS TEN WON MASTER OF ARTS -- RETURNS INCOMPLETE One of the Biggest (Classes Ever Sent Out Queen's -- Fifty Young Ladies Are the Winners of the Coveted Degree -- Scholarships and Prize Winners, The 'following is the 1 dents who secured their de University : of 1st "of stu Sin arts at Queen s Masters of Arts, Peterboro Lyn Kingston H. Adamson, Cy umming, \. Girdler, G. Lockett, Kingston Master, Berlin Muttitt, Vancouver, MeCUree, Sunderland McGill, Paisley Melay, Renfre Wilson, Perth J.( Ing Bachelors of Ahern, Smith's Atkinson, Renirew Bannerman, Parham Frances: Barlow, Ly Gananoque Pincher ( Arts. May Irene €. J W. E Helen H. M 1. B ~ adie Barnes, Beddome, Brooks, Kingston Brough, Vancouver, Ruth C'. Puchanan, Bhabra Gi. W. Bunton, Pori Hope Helen Irene Purnett, A. R. BushixConsecon A. F. G. Cadeuhead, King C. CC, Calvin, Kingston 13. W. Cannon, Portland, W. B. Car Lumsden, WN. Gi. Carter, Westwood Elsie M. Caverhill, ldertor I'. (. Caverhill, llderton Maude Chalmers, Sudbury (i. Churchill, Kingston. Mildred A. Clow, Kingston. Rebecea Maude M Cole, Piains, Man. Jessie V, Connor, Kingston E. F. Corkill, Napanee. H. J. Coutu, Regina, Sask. Eva M. Cumming, Cornwall R. D. P. Davidson, Camborne. C. H. Donnelly, Kingston. R. O. Earl, Winchester. H. B. Eastman, Ottawa. Florence M. Elliott, Kingston. W. H. Ellis, Kingston. J. 8. Fitzsimmons, Rockport. Jean H. C, Fleming, Creighleith Wilhelmine M. Ford, Goderich Beatrice Louise Foster, North Battleford, Sask. E. G. Frank, St. Mary's Mary Grace Free, Campbellford Eva Maude Gallagher, Saskatoon, B.A India JON Regina, Ore Sask Gilbert Sask Alta River /. M. Gilbert, Red Deer, H. H. Green, Rainy i. F. Guest, Connor. Dorothy Hooper, Kingston. H. L. Howson, Arthur Annie Isabel Hume, Campbellford N. A. Irwin, Ottawa. Grace Helen Jeffrey, Ottawa Jessie E. Johnson, Nokomis, L. G. Keill, Kingston. J. A. Kearney, Westport, Mary V. Kennedy, Windsor. Sadie Lee, Kemptville. Charlotte E. Leddingham, guard, Sask. Clarice M. Leighton, Yorkton, Sask. Elizabeth Martin, Craighmyle, Sask Van- 8 | Alta. J. L. Medcof, Hartington Ethel M. Miller, Kingston Annie Eleanor Minnes, Kingston. A. B. Morrison, Marion Bridge, N Mowat, Warkworth Irene McAllister, J. H Gertrude Blondeau. C. P. McArthur, A. J. McIntyre, Crystal City, Katbmrine McKay, Cornwall. G. BE. McKinnon, Nova Scotia Sarah J. McLeish, Parkhill. R. W. McLennan, Toronto. W. H. McMillan, Blenheim. Marie McMinn, Ottawa J. McNab, Belfast, Ireland. A. W. McNally, Walkerton. Jean I. Macnee, Picton. N. B. McRostie, Ottawa. Eva E. Nelson, Vankleek Hill J. G. F. Niddrie, Mound, Alta. J. L. O'Grady, Sudbury. Kathleen O'Shaughnessy, Chute Martintown Man. Camp- Lenna R. Ostrander, Picton. Jennie Page, Brewer's Mills Erma M. Panter, Belleville. R. M. Parker, Dunsford. J. Philp, Reabow, R. F. Pirie, Dundas. E. W. Poole, Neepawa. . S. Reddick, Kingston, -' I. E. Revelle, Kingston. Berenice Robinson, Kingston. Ella G. Rolston, Metealie. Mildred GG. Scammell, ' Kingston. A. G. Scott, Inglewood. W. J. Scott, Beaverton. W. J. G. Scott, Dominion Man. J. M. Shales, Perth Road. Jennie S. Shields, Smith's Falls, R. Shimizu, Japan. Margaret H, Smith, Ni rtintown. " Olga F. Somerkille, § Thomas. R. M. Spankie, Wolfe sland, Mary E. Staples, Cobourg Ruth, Stewart, Hillier. Laura Stillwell, Merrickville Dora Stock, Tavistock. x F. Stonness, Perth Road. . J. Taitt, Bridgetown, B.W.L a E. Thompson, Bornholm. Lilly 8. Tobin, Cornwall. +Lillie A. Traver, Strathroy, Brampton. id City, . H. H, Valens, Toronto. W. A. Vanderburg, Cayuga T. M. Weatherhead, North Augusta. J. FF, Wedderburn, Clydebank, Scot- land, Bessie I. Weese, Kingston T. R. Wellwood, Neudori, A. Woods, Elm Returns the complete : Sask of following are in -- M.A. H. T. Archbold, B.C. Victoria, B. A, BB. Denyes, Morven. Marion; ¥dmonton, Alta McKay, Vancouver, B.C Murton, Portsmouth. Roach, Sault Ste. Marie I. Spring, Kingston Tomlinson, Box Grove Wells, Kingston. Williams, Fort w 8 Bessie F. G. DB.) J. J.T 1 A. 1 Pitt, Sask Scholarships and Prizes. Alumni scholarship in George Fred Quest, New York Animal Biology- Connor, Ont. The Andrew in Colonial History Johnson, Nakomis, Talbot, Dorchester, The N. F. Dupuis Junior Mathematics Canton, Ont Professor's Prize in French Dorcas M. Kelly, Sudbury Roughton Prize in German- Dorcas Kelly, Sudbury The James C. Rogers Prize in English--T. W. Kirkconnell, Lindsay Gowan Foundation No. I, fa Po- litical W. C. Lurs, Peter- boro Gowan any---1D Cowa litical frew The Mary Fraser Hebrew FE. Frank, The Professor's Prize in English History--T. W. Kirkconnell, Lindsay. J. Macdonald Mowat Prize in Po- litical Science ---C Reddick, Kings- tor Profe Ang Hayden Scholarship Miss Jessie E. Sask., and Harold Ont. Scholarship in R. G. Brown, Miss Miss Science Foundation No. II, in Bot MeGill, Pai Foundation No. III, McKay H n ley in Po nce--J. E Ren McLennan Prize in St ary's. S s Prize'in European His- Mowat, Kingston Medals In A. G A. G ssor' tory u Arts. Cumming, M Cumming, Latin Greek Lyn English Kingston Ger istock French Kingston, History--0. Master, M. A., Colonial British History--C ler, M. A., Kingston. Mental *hilosophy- Toronto. Moral Philosophy---1. A., Vancouver, B, C. Political Seience---0. Master, Berlin. Mathematics--W, A., Peterhoro. Botany---Arthur ronto Animal Biology Lewis Stevenson, Dumfermline, Scotland Chemistry---D. H. MeGill, Paisley. Alexander Gold Medal in German Miss M. D. Reynolds, London (Continued on Page 6.) H. G Lockett, man-- Dora Stock, B." Ruth C. Buchanan, B. A, Berlin. Gird- A. Bennett, A. M. M.A, H. Adamson, M. M. Wynne, To- M. A, RIFLE ASSOCIATION SPLIT Meets and Elects Offl- the Year. report has been re- One Section cers for The following ceived irom D. T. MeManus 'A meeting the Kingston Association was held at which the jority present The general club was dis- with the result taken to place good sound basis The were elected, who executive committee © secretary, 1. 1 assistant secretary, W wer, J. J. Barrett; andi- lohnstone, and J. A oflicer; J. Howdle. about to com- t the ranges, prior to various matches which the season. of those not ac quainted with ritle associations, it is pointed out that the militia depart- ment supplies the club with rifles, also two hundred rounds of ammunition to 'ach member annually. There is also {ree ammunition furnished when teams wre entered for the Canadian Rifle [eagne matches (four). Three classes of marksmen's certificates are also is- sued annually the abovh league to members who make a certain per cent- age of points. - The shooting vear is losed by -a club shoot in which matches are arranged and prizes are riven in money and Kind. "Arrangements have been made so that the younger shot will not eom- nete with older shots while he is gain- tg experience; this will place him in + more advantageous position . than hitherto." It seems that there has not been harmony in the Kingston Rifle Associ: tion, and a split has occurred, the ci- ilinn members deciding to form **a I'he secretary of the as- sociation last vear states that the an- aunl meoting of the K.R.A. does not take place until May 11th. - Death of Admiral Stokes Kingston friends were advised to- day, of the death at Admiralty house, Queenstown, Ireland, on Fri- day, of Admiral H. R. S. Stokes, R. N. The death evidently was very sudden, because, within the past few days, letters were received in- timating that he bad 'been placed in charge of the British squadron on the coast of Ireland. Deceased was married to Miss Simpson, daughter of the late Isaac Simpson, of this city, to whom sincere sympathy will of Rifle of members were of the length, have heen business cussed that the club follo at some steps on ing of also lorm Captain MeManus; Knight; treas: tors, W A Jaquith; range "The mence taking will be the \. Atkins club is now practice a part arranged for "For the henefit in by be extended in her sudden bereave- ment, Muttitt, | tHow? ma-* land Ludlow, asking that they respect WAST EDITION {LANDED and | Mr and with was x verdict case, on The class in domestic science, in served in the domestic science rooms, A Mrs, J ack ¢ x We Mr. and Mrs. John Macdonald, ed, the Authorities Were Heolp- of reception entertainment was {and police authorities, the unionists carried out tributed all over Ulster. (A County [Constable Arrested For | amburs on the steamer Fanny. ling of 200 automobiles and several the asbize court yesterday was fol minutes were hustling in fifty direc- the Faculty of Education, which Jad, corner Princess and Sydenham, streets, and Mrs, J Ettinger. a less--Munitions Landed on Crag. given most careful attention | of Ulster to-day carried out the great- AN AWARD OF $1,000 With this war material at Wind, ) They were landed at several points | Perjury In Breach of Promise thousand men, was merely a mobil- lowed by the sensational arrest of tions to all parts of Ulster. When during the winter, been 'in char and those who attended were Dean | THE WIRES TO DUBLIN "W I'he dinner wags excellently prepared ged Coast, and Taken by 200 The young ladi together est 'gun running" in the history of | Ulster leaders say they are now on a cragged coast, at Larne, Ban- Case ization test, but under cover of dark- County Constable, McMullen, a wit the plot was discovered, the govern- "TENDERED A DINNER. Faculty of Education Staff Enter iter Now Pr Prepared pe t ained by Domestic Science Class Resist Home Rue Miss Booth, gave, on Friday bh a formal dinner to members of the pi and their wives. 1 nner Vv and Mrs. Coleman, Profi. and Mrs. FOUND CUT, Macpherson, Principal and Mrs, Sl - ter, luspector and Mrs. Stuart Aud When the Plot Was Discovers and admirably served, the decora- tions of the room and of the table Automobiles. were most artistic, and everv detail Belfast, Ireland, 'April 25 --Com- | pletely outwitting the government Miss Booth, were the recipients many of mplimy is upan the ii j rel and, and landed 90,000 rifles and way in which the whole affair ) {five million rounds of ammunition, and within a few hours had it dis- ASA HEART HEALER | reaay to resist to the limit the en- diniin , { forcement of home rule in Ulster: These munitions of war came from gor, and Donaghadee The government authorities were Toronto, April 25.--A for | deceived, and believed that a gather- $7,000 damages for breach of promise in the Davis vs. Wettlaufer suit in ness the rifles and ammunition were brought ashore quietly, deposited in $a the the charge of autos and motor cars and in a few ment police found that the wires to Dublin were all cut and they were helpless. ness perjury. I'he award oi the three days' ford, the last cupied with the sel and judge. jury came after a trial. before Justice Latch day being largely addresses of the coun The plaintiff in the ase was Miss May Davis.and the de fendant George Wettlaufer, ler ior mer employer, both of whom had liv ed in Bufialo. She sued for $15,000. Wettlaufer's conduct relations with the plaintiff in the mn came in for a scathing denunciation. Y. |W ill be Delivered at the Ideal Thea- "tre Sunday 3-p.m. "Christ's Second Coming: Why? When?" is the subject an- nounced for the second of the series of Bible lectures now being given nere under the auspices of the Inter- national Bible Students Association. The speaker is a man who believes that the Bible alone should be con- sulted on this subject. He is not in favor of the many rash statements that have been made concerning the Lord's return. It is believed that in his coming lecture he will present only what the Scriptures fully author- ize. A hearty invitation is extend- ed to all As usual, in all I. B. S. A. lectures, admission will be free, and no collections solicited King's Birthday Horse Racing The horse racing committee of the | King's birthday celebration held a i meeting on Friday evening, presided ! over by F. Whitney. It was decided to ask for $775 for purses for the | various classes which include, 2:15, | $300; 30 class, $250; 2.50 class, $200. he races will be run in mile heats Strong execptidnswas taken to a letter in the Whig, signed "Horse Lover," knocking previous racing. y The committee asks that this anony mous writer be present at the next meeting and make good his Jtate- ment oe ire ---- Adam Reidt, a farmer of Wallace township, after chopping grain im his barn, was killed by being caught between a pulley and the belt of the engine he had evidently tried to throw off. Lady-Gixouard has secured a divorce from her husband, Sir Edward Percy Girouard. She was a daughter of the late Sir Richard Sole THEDAILY BRITISH WHIG 12 CN SALE AT THE FOLLOW ING CITY STORES Ducknell's News Depot ..205 Kiang PF. Clarke, J. W. & Co. .» College Book Store Coulter's Grocery .. and acti B.S A, YOND LECTURE iibson's Drug Store . Market Square MeAuley's Hook Store ....93 Princess MeGall's Cigar Store Cor. Prin. & King McLeod's Grocery ....51 Unlom St. 'W. Medley's Drug Store 200 University Ave Paul's Cigar Store «70 Princess Prouse's Drug Store L312 Princess Valleaw's Grocery arocery .. BORN. England, on Sth § the wife of T. tank of British North ne a son. MARRIED. MARTIN--McCREADY--At St. Romuald, St. Romuald, Que April 21st, by the Rev, Father Roches. (uncle of the bride), Yvonne McCready, of New rrpool, Que, to Harry J. Mare 8 of . Chas. J t. ) T the Church DIED. ~In Kipgstea. on April 22, James Johnston, aged 6&8 at his late residence, liversity Ave. on onday, Interment at Cataraqul. vant, oh April 16th, Jane Daifour, reliet of the late John aged 7 id years, At Queenstown, t 24th April, 1814, . Stokes, admiral royal navy. WOOD---In Kingston, on April { 1914, Chester W Wood, H8th year. ral from lute residence, 275 Kir to Cataraqul cem- JOHNSTON 1014, A TRUCE JEGURED iN IN COLORADO LABOR WAR... Sixty Deaths and On One Million Dol- lars Property Loss In A Week, The Cost | April 25. ~At the end | of the most dramatic industrial war in | Colorado, a truce was declared last | night, which may temporarily check | the atrogities in Southern Colorado | coal fields, which have startled the | world from the very K magnitude of | their horrors. { The events of the week have para: lyzed the state of Colorado, The cost in lives is nof under sixty. The pro- | perty loss exceeds the one million | & mark./ Business qfasvery kind is at'a | standstill. F } Acting-Governor Fitzgerald and Hor- 4 ace Hawkins, attorney dor the miners, made the agreement. The state pro: mises that the soldiers will not fire | 4 unless they are fired upon. Hawkins has communicated with the strike lead- | ers at. Aguilar, Waldenberg, Trinidad | - i sT Ireland, on H, R. 8 24th, i in his Denver, Cal, Wont Das and acquaintances are respects Tully tend invited to attend. ROBERT J. REID the leading Undertaker 3 577 230 Princess streek. rat Armour's: Simon Pare In3and§ Ib. tins. Chatrs, Sofas and Ti Tables. w- lot 1 at URIS, the agreement jor, cessation of hos: tilities for two days : Before King George and at least a, hundred thousand le, Burnley, with a score of 1'to ted Liver pool, Saturday, at soccer. The king resented the 'championship cup to the victors The Management committee of ithe Board of Education sat till elev len o'clock last night considering the cadet corps and other business. Miss 8. Moore of Kingston will ke charge of L'Amable school, May 1st. | General Maas is reported rendy to atfack Vera Cruz with 5,000 men.