TC INTO THE ST. LAWRENCE OPPO- SITE ALENANDRIA BAY, In the Year 1872--Great General Was a Guest at Pullman's Island l--Early History of Building of Famous Summer Resort Watertown Times " Few persons now-a-days have ever héard or read of the time when Gen- eral Grant tumbled into the river at Pullman's Island, opposite Alexan- dria Bay. Very few, probably, but on your valuation, Tole. phone 489. oh John 'McKay, Ltd & Fumed Oak The newest finish. beautiful rich several reputable persons who claim- led at the time "to have been wit- | nesses, declare it to be fact; and, al- | though great efforts were made to suppress knowledge of the humiliat- ing accident to the great commander from going abroad, the news leaked out to be tattled about the surround- ing country and to appear in more or less exaggerated form in partisan newspapers that were glad of any opportunity to belittle the general color, produced not by the brush, but by chemical fumes, permeating the pores of the oak, making a per- manent color tone. © You'll like it. Dining room, den, library suites look tandsome. Prices not high, . Divans, Davenports and Bed Couches, good variety, $7.50 to $60. ~ Nery convenient. Rugs, all sizes, patterns and rich colof effects, newest 1914 makes, from best European mills. Curtains, lace, Brussels, Net, Mad- hs, éte. Idnoleum--Some handsome flora! designs, 1-2 to 4 yds. wide. © Our Uj and Repairers are at your service to do your old furniture and make it new. Phone 90 "T.F. HARRISON CO. Carpet Sweepers The best sweeper manufactured is the Bissel Sweeper. We can sell you the best at $2.75 . McFAUL Kingston Carpet Ware- house. 'WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING PROPER- TIES FOR SALE AT A BAR- GAIN 283 Montreal St.--Detached brick dwelling, 7 rooms, furnace, B. and C., lot 66 x . 132, barn 50 x 30, hen house. 139 Bagot St.--Facing John St. detached brick dwelling, 7 Tooms, gas, large barn with stalling for 4 horses and 5 cows, drive house. Sd, Bagot and Dufferin Sts.--Lot 958 x 132, fine dwelling loeca- tion. 9 Russell St.--Detached frame dwelling, 5 rooms and barn. 687 Princess St.--Brick, seven rooms, hot water heating, el- Sstsisity, large barn and stables, 320 Albert St---New detached dwelling, brick, 7 rooms, hot Water heatigg. electricity. to Loan on easy terms. {1S. R McCANN 8 BROCK STRRWY Phone 396 of 821. yon account of his political faith. When at the time of the construc- tion of the Thousand Island House at Alexandria Bay in 1872, Staples, its i promoter and builder, made his fam- {ous prediction that he would live to see the shores from Alexandria Bay to Clayton the location of a great summer city, the lands on which are now located Thousand Island, West- minster, St. Lawrence parks and Fine View were cow pastures, the only buildings in site being farmers' residences. Round Island or Fron- tenac, was cultivated as a farm, and Murray Hill and Grenell parks were | jungles of underbrush inhabited by {every species of ferocious man-eating insects known to this northern clime. With the completion of the Thou- sand Island House, the Rome, Water- town and Ogdensburg railroad placed a boat on the river, the J. H. Kelley, afterward renamed Islander, which was burned a few years ago, to run from Cape Vincent, then the only railroad terminal along the river, to Alexandria Bay, the only stop be- tween those ports being Clayton, and passengers from along the river shores and Wellesley island from the present loeation of Thousand Island park and along down river, desirous of connecting with Cape Vincent trains, were taken out in row boats to mid-channel, where the steamer would be halted, and muscular deck hands would lift the traveler dnd baggage on board. The first cottage to be constructed along the river was a small affair owned by the late D. C. Porter, of Clayton, and used by himself and family as a week-end resting place, and that is still standing, being used as a kitchen attached to a cottage valued at ten times the cost of the original, near Mr. Rose's cottage at Frontenac. During the small cottage was occupied by a young couple, but who and from where no one knew, and whose dwel- ling together in this far-off locality, neither associating with nor making acquaintance with others, was sug- gestive of a somewhat romance, as viewed hy sentimental ones, but that if the truth had been known there would probably | have been revealed evidences of homesick- ness, regrets and tearful seances in A daughter was born to there, and not long after the child was adopted for a time by a local family and the couple departed, as some who claimed to have learned of their secret said, for Virginia, from whence they had eloped; the woman being a daughter of an old aristocratic former slave-owning family, and the man a former north- ern soldier, with whom she became acquainted during the Civil war, and that er masculine relatives had threatened to kill if he should ever return. ' The mother came regularly every Summer after with money and fine clothing for the child, departing every time with tears and lamenta- tions, and when the girl was about eight years old she disappeared, no one here seeming to know where, but probably taken away by her mother The second cottage to be erected was on Pullman island, a moderate sized, boarded up and down, white painted structure, that to-day would be considered as very ordinary if located at any of the resorts. Mr Pullman selected the site as a sum- mer, resting place and in 1872 in- vited General U. 8S. Grant, with whom he had been acquainted from boyhood, to become his guest for a time. The news of the arrival of the famous commander at the Pull- man island home took passage on wings of wind, and a multitude of that type of free-born Americans, who are ever ready to grovel in the dust at the feet of famous and suc- cessful men, and just as readily and cheerfully kick them if failures. gathered at the river banks to seek passage on anything floatable to Pull- summer of 1877 the In buying glasses In to eall on n reliable Dutpmetsinti the next of importance is to have vour giaas- ex made optically trae. mysterioudy man's island, which in a féw honrs was "in such. a complete state of blockade aud siege as to,almost make prisoners of the Pullman family and guests. Everything imaginable in or, on which the ¢rowd could take pasfage across the waters was there; sfeam- boats, sail boats, row boats, sail and rowing scows, punts and even slab- rafts constructed and manned by the neighboring farmers' barefoot boys, whose legal guardians, joining in the wild rush to' extend welcome to the illustrious visitor, had forgotten and left them behind. On the arrival of each new addition to ihe flotilla of water eraft, the general arose from his seat on the piazza to silentiy greet visitors by simply lifting his silk hat, probably longing at °the time for a lodge in some vast wilder- ness away from gaping, curiosity- seeking crowds, that would be equal- ly entertained if a dog fight were go- ing on in the vicinity. There were several different ver- sions floating about a few days later of how the general came to take an involuntary bath in the mighty St. Lawrence, the most likely one of which was that one day, when the crowds had _become thinned out, he walked down to where several row- boats were tied to the dock, to place his foot on the gunwale or edge of one, that like a circus jackass side- stepped from underneath its would- be rider, and the general descended between boat and dock to make a loud splash in the waters. The ladies on the piazza screamed, and 'the en- tire masculine population of the is- land frantically rushed to the rescue of the victim of misplaced confidence who, landed on the dock, with cloth- ing dripping, presented such a sor rowful aspect of humiliating defeat that the momentary fright of the wit nesses was succeeded by merry peals of laughter, in which the general himself joined, and who was warned against a possible repetition of such disaster by Mr. Pullman, who said 'General, you have led- the greatest armies of modern times to victory, but allow me to caution you to not recklessly again seek open conflict with one of these rowboats, for they are as treacherous as untamed army mules, and they are liable to bring defeat to you at any time.' NEW COURT OF A, O. F, Was Organized Friday Night--Cal- led Court British Oak. A new lodge of the Ancient Or- der of Foresters was instituted at the Sons of England hall Friday night. A splendid start was made when twenty-five members were duly installed 'by Bre. Budd super- intendent of organization, and Bro Sterry, district organizer The first' business was the selec fion of a name and finally it was decided to call Kingston's baby court, the Court British Oak The selection of officers resulted: chief ranger, Bro. Allen; secretary Chief ranger; Bro. Batten: sub Bro. Moore; treasurer, Bro. Black- ley; --recording secretary, Bro. Rid- ley; senior woodward. Bro. Bland: junior woodward, Bro. Adams: Senior beadle, Bro. Dennis: junior beadle, Br. J. Smith; past chief ran- ger, Bro. Armiston; medical officer Dr. Keyes After the transaction of the busi- ness, Bro. Budd gave a lantern lec- ture on the benefits of the order, which was greatly appreciated Bro. Allen moved, Bro. Clark secon- ded a vote of thanks to the organi- zer for their splendid work, Bro Sterry made a brief reply. Each officer said a few words. The court will meet again on April 30th. bp: THE LATE CHESTER W. WOOD A Well-Known Millwright Died day Evening. On Friday eveming at nine o'clock one of Kingston's well-known carpen ters and mill-wrights, passed away in the person of Chester W. Wood, at his residence, 275 King street west, Up until three days ago Mr. Wood was in good health but was stricken with an acute attack of pneumonia. The deceased was born at Syden- bam fifty-eight years ago and spent the greater part of his life as a reo sident of Kingston, being for many years employed at the locomotive works, He was a member of Brock street Methodist church and also connectdl with Cataraqui lodge of Masons His wife, his mother, a brother, a sister and two sons sur vive. The brother is H. J. Wood, of Buffalo, N.Y.; the sister, Mrs. FE. Lawrenson, of Kingston: the sons, Chester H. and Stanley I. Wood, of this city. The funeral will be held on Monday afternoon at the family residence, where Rev. John Webstar will officiate. The remains will later be interred in Cataraqui cemetery. ' eres Fri- Y.MC.A. Junior Baseball The last game in the Y.M.C.A junior. baseball series * was ' held Sa turday morning. The game was he- tween Athletics and Giants. The Athletics won by 21 to 6. The trophy, presented hy Frank Kinnear, will be engraved with the following players" names: W. Mer shon, F.: Wilson, OC. Drury, 8. Gib. son, C, Mershon, D. Nickle, J. Me Kelvey. Not So Easy. Mr. Hoggenheim--Come 4d dine with me to-morrow Mr. Walker--Sorry: I'm I'm going to ses "Parsivall Mr. Hoggenhefin-- That's bing "im along with you.- Weekly an fixed up all "right T. P's Named as Caretaker. Thomas Frizzell has been recofn mended by the Kingston conservative association for the position of care taker of the custom house. This is a newly-created position. ------------ 25¢ Butter, Butter, Butter, 28¢ Print butter, 25¢; extra fine, J. Crawford. Look ! Children's dresses; .40c.: boys' blouses, 45c.: baby's coats | OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF ----GENERAL INTEREST . » - Happenings in the City and Vicinity ==What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Prints farmers' butter, 25¢; J Crawtord. Magistrate Fareell returned home from toronto ou Friday night Children's outdoor slippers regular 1.95 for T5e. Datton's removal sale. lhe "Mutt and Jel ' company ar- rived in the city on Saturday morning at ten. o clock, 13 Tne papers will be exaniined . by the local general secretary and the boys' work secretary, Rev. W. ¥. FiwGerald, Kingston, lectures at Berwick on April 28th, und at Crysler. on April 29th. The final meeting of the Y.M.C.A. Sunday morning Bible class will Le addressed by Dr. A. I. Mail music store, Kingston. Noted prompt atfention and low prices, A Jarge number attended the varity shower at C. W. Scott's, Ar- den, for Mr. and Mrs. J. Hughes. Ihere were two drunks in the police court on: Saturday morning. One was lined 23 and costs and the other dismissed ss Myrtle Chown, Deacon street, who is teaching school near Ottawa, has returned after a few days' visit at home Dr. B. ( versity, Knapp.- lor was Hardiman, of Queen's Uni will take the position at Wellesley of house surgeon hospital, Toronto. : Rev. Father Kingsley, oi Kingston Mills, who has been visiting his sister in Germany, Friday afternoon George arrived home on H, permit ox dwelling on Raglan Road Formers' butter, 2 ford. . The corner stone of the new Re- giopolis college on Russell street will be laid about the end of May by Archbishop Spratt. ' E. Eves, cabman, who was ously injured last Sunday while alighting from his cab, progres sing favorably at the Hotel Dieu The Y.M.C A. National bible stu- L dents study examination which were held on Thursday and Friday, had twenty-six candidates Bargain suit case. $1.50 Dutton's. I'he Post speaks flatter ingly of Rev. .1. W. MeIntos Arthur Craig and William Eva, y part in the anniversary services of tne Presbyterian church there ed effective A number orderly fred and Pearson has taken out a the Sydenham frame near erection of a street, ib. "J. seri Deseronto took All gemder- SCFV ice ol manner boys, acting in a dis near the corner of Al Union streets, on Friday night, were given a lively chase by Constable Nicholson. "The latter on his bicycle. He secured names. Sidney McCann, taking a post gra duate course at Yale University, New Haven, Conn., has won a scholarship in economic geology. He has been at. tached to the geological survey party leaving early next wonth ior Atha baska Formers' butter, 25¢ 1b. ford. Arrangements have been made to hald the celebration to be held by the Hibernians in the new assembly hall, at Notre Dame convent, Mon- day evening, and not in the city hall as already announced. Miss T. Convery, Arch street, ex- pects to leave Kingston in a few days to visit friends in th ecountry, after which she goes to Fort Wil- liam. The many friends of Miss Convery are very sorry to see her go. was J. Craw- your music orders to Dutton's | Craw-| writing | line of Popular Msi at the theatre at 25¢ Joc--Sweethearts musi, All the April and M Sweethearts record. } | 160 Princess St. om Ss ---- o-Night : that we have not got, 19¢, 3 for 50e--All the numbers from Mutt and Jeff, and every one per copy, Our price, 19¢ complete line: Voeal Score, ay records for dise sss sme OPEN NIGHTS Pen Angle brand, seamless, black, special Genuine French Kid black, grevs, tans, quality, for Ladies' Extra Fine Quality Cashmere Hose sizes guarantee, in all sizes, 53-4 to 7 1- perfectly made, fast 81-2 to 10, 3 for $1.00 double white Gloves, with 4 browns, modes, $1.25 Just We have size, 18 to 30. Spec this week. dressers. New Models in Ladies' Corsets received the kind for stylish v SIX ial models in any long sleeves, sizes ment for Ladies' White Marquisette Waists, styles, trimmed with pleating and with natty 34 to 42. A $1.50 gar- Newman '""The Hat Store" Wonderful Hat Values Buy To-Night And whether the hat is a man's stiff or soft | hat, a ladies' trimmed! hat or a child's cap, felt or straw hat, we have a. big selection at almost any 'price vou eare to pay. " . Raincoats Umbrellas Gloves 1 from 23c. Dutton's sale, | ®hart, leaving Kingsten for Ottawa i SAA i A St STOCK MARKETS F. B. McCurdy & Co., 86 and 88 Brock St.--H. W.- Nellis, Manager. 12 mo, April 25th, Montreal Canners Cement com. R.& 0 loronto Railway . Brazilian Pextile Shawinigan Detroit Dominion Steel Ottawa Light, Heat and Power New York. Coppers Smeltors C.P.R. Reading Union Pacific United States Steel Erie Atchison Northern Pacific Brooklyn Rapid Transit Rubber Lehigh Valles American Can New Haven Railway Southern Pacific siusmrhes Cn + bi. oy Cotton. May : July Dec. . . 1250 drersinat stirs avin anes JOS Rideau Lakes Nav. Co., Ltd. The steamer Rideau Kinz has been thoroughly overhauled during the past winter and the saloon and state rooms refurnished throusuout She will make her first trip on Monday, May 4th from Swift's at 6 am. Her schedule will be every Monday and Thursday at 6 a.m., Ottawa and return. Special rate of $7.90, including meals. and berth for round trip dur- ing the month of May. Office, 3 Johnson street. a 25c Butter, Butter, Butter, 25¢ Print butter, 25¢; extra fine, J. Crawford. Thomas M. Conkey, of Halifax ards, , Was THE ALWAYS BUSY BTORE. a & Shaw ™ toes BUILDERY SUPPLIESeeesey We Make BOAT LUMBER ; BOAT TIMBERS to order - We specialize on SHIP PLANK, DECK- ING and TIMBER for shipbuilding S. Anglin & Co. Woodworking Factory Lumber Yards 5 Cer, Bay and Wellington Sts. ewes LUMBER. COAL & WOODwsoe We guarantee A INES paint to cover one-half more than any other make. Insist on getting the best quality, sold only at : 2 Mitchell's in Kingston on Sat Ye : . Hardware - Princess St. College Book Store Specials i 45c--The Harvester apd all other 50¢ reprints of £1.50 books. ha 2 for 25¢--All the lagdst popular nisic of the day. There is nothing in the a hit. Sold 2 IN), THE VITAPHONE Come and hear the latest and best in talking machines. machines, also © double-faced | The College Book. Store Phone 919 Sterling . Silver Table Ware See us for new patterns knives, spoons and forks. AT RIGHT PRICES Dainty patterns, small and well formed. All fancy pieces to match. in it | Smith Bros. Jewelers Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. We grind lenses for eyeglasses on the premises, mr ee tet cea------------ es. Furs Stored Telephone 700 We: Will Call W. F. Gourdier, 78.80 BROCK 8ST. Rent Money -You Never See Again Buy a Home of Your Own $2750--Albert St, hot 'water heating, N rooms, $100 will handle, $3000--Reverly St, detached niodern. R1000--Hagot St, defached brick, mide ern, with good stable. £3100--Colborne St, ' detached frame, 10 rooms, good céllnr aud yard, $3200-- Abert St, detached brick, 8 rooms nad barn, § $I800--Montreal St, double brick, and | good cellar and yard. y $4100--Hagot St, (om a corner), tached frame, and 3 lots, S300---Froutende St, sew holld brick, all Improvements, Houses remt at $14, $16, $17, $18, $20, 5, . Possession ont May 1, E. W. MULLIN Real Estate Specialist. Cor. Johnson and Division Streets, Phones 339 and 1436, frame, des GRUMBLE AND GRIN, Grumble: But how do you manage always to lopk so spick and span? Your shirts and collars are immaculate, Grin: That's as easy as slip- ping on a banana peel--I pat- ronize the BEST LAUNDRY in 'town. Try it, old man, try jt-- it's a winner, Grumble: Name and address please? Grin: Why, it's Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenham "Phone £2, of course, |