- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1014. -- fe Bibby's Garage FOR SALE 1 Ford 1 Studebaker I Melaughlin ood condition. Phones: Garage 201; Res, 917 \ . - Why Pay High - : 2? Prices? Will Give Yon FIRST CLASS GOODS The Style and Fitting will be Faultless The Finsh and Workmanship will be perfect. The price will be from $2.00 to $7.00 LOWER than you have been paying RALPH SPENCER ilor. © 620 Pinal ss Street Opposite St. Andrew's Church Canadian National Horse Show TORONTO April 28th to May 2nd, 1914, Tickets ¢ from Kingst Good ret day, May 4th HOMESEEKERS' CURSIONS. 1914--Round #rip tickets tern Canada, via Chicago and N 1914 : to W Tuesday therealter at very low two montas. every 'other til October 27th, Tickets good for We can make all 'arrangements to friends from bring your family and the "Old Country." For full particulars apply ~ J. P, HANLEY, Rallroad and Steamship Agent' Cor. Johnson and Ontario éts mi LLC PACIFIC The "Logical Route' to WESTERN CANADA For Winnipeg and Van- couver Leave Toronto 10.20 %.m. Daily. I ry « ' 1 Car ist Sleepin Class Coach ---- Excursions Every Tuesday until Oct, 27th. Tickets good for 60 days Particulars regarding rail oceay om ' C.PA - pains whatever, and give "Fruit-a-tives"' EX. | eg- rth Bay or Toronto omsale April 4, and | un- fares. a PA ANN NM GURAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY 0, 8, XIRKPATRICK 43 Clarence St. CANADIAN SERVIC From Southampton From Portl land, Ra A April 9 Apri Apr Apr. Steamers, British bound THE ROBEIT REFORD C( emeral Agent, 50 King St. K. of 1915 Bre Cie «CLEVELAND From } New York, Jan. 31, 1915 Visiting famous cities and countries on a ie which serves as your Every luxury and comfort assured. 135 days--$900 and up including Shore Trips and all necessary oxpenses. ait Foeet" Also Cruises to the West Indies, Pan. ama Canal, and Mediterrancan trips. . Send for bookict, sicting cruise HAMBURG. AMERICAN 71 Montreal, AlN Tine, west, Hamburg Nofre Dame street, or local agents, Phone 50% | Limited. Toronto | I A CRIPPLE FROM RHEUMATISM Tortured Four Years Until He | Took "Fruit-a-tives" | RIDGETOWN, ONT., May 21st. 1013. '"Yotir * Fruit-a-tives" cured me of Rheumatism. It was the only medicine that made any impression on me. I was a terrible sufferer from Rheumatism. I was laid up for four winters with Sciati- caand Muscular Rheumatism, and was a cripple completely, not being able to #7 anything. I doctored with four dif- ferent physicians, but they did not help mé. Other advertised remedies were equally unsatisfactory, and I have taken several. Some neighbor of mine told me that "Fruit-a-tives" helped him, and I took them faithfully every day and the result was marvellous, For over two years now, A have been free from any Rheumatic the full credit for making a remarkable cure" W. T. RACHER If you are subject to Rheumatic At- tacks, Sciatica, Lumbago or Neuralgia, take "Pruit-a-tives" right now and start the permanent cure which * Fruit-a. * ives * will complete if taken faithful. . 50¢ a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. no mm OUR FRESH GROUND COO#. FEE AT 40c, CAN'T BE BEAT fry a sample order and be convinced. NOLAN'S GROCERY, Princess St, Phone 720. Prompt Delivery. "Wool's Phospholiss, J 5) The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the who! nervous st m, es new Blood in old Ve Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Dey spon dency, Loss of Energy, Palpitatio the Heart, Failing Mem . Price $1 pe x, SIX for $5. One will pleas will eure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Winduyt.) A The kind you are looking is the kind we sell Scranton Coal Is good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery oth' & Co. Foot of West Sireet RADWAY & Co, BUILDERS ! Have You Tr.ed '| GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time. P. WALSH 58-37 Barrack Street "Whooring Cough SPASMODIC CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS ESTABLISHED 1879 A simple, safe av vgs. ny ot Wi hooning Cc ughand relieves patonce. Itisa BOON to sufferers from Asths ¢ mir carrying the antiseptic vapor, inspired with every breath, makes breathing easy : soothes the Sore throat and stops the cough, assuring restful pights. It is invaluable to mothers with young children. Send postal for descriptive booklet. Ath DRugaisTS: YyCRESOLFKE ANTIREG FH ROAT TABLETS forthe irritated Bpasmodic < At They are simple, §fective and antiseptic. Of yo bur Gruatint' or from 0c. in sta Vere Crosolens Co, P 62 Cortlandt St, N.Y, Leeming Miles utiting Montreal, 3 her ted 'A TENDERFOOT'S WOOING | BBY -- CLIVE PHILLIPPS WOLLEY (AUTHOR OF "GOLD, GOLD IN CARIBOO)" ETT) dv. we Supplied Exclusively in Canada by ThS Britieh & Coleninl Press Service, ot titted Nr Br wavs Her husband smiled. He was not quite certain which would be the greater miracle, that anyone should not like Mary Rolt, or that an Indian should be grateful. He had known In- dians for a lifetime. After his wife had left the room on mission of charity, taking Kitty with her to "rummage" in the old clothes box, the Boss sat for some time, smoking and thinking, and his thoughts were not cheerful ones. ' A good many of his castles in the air had fallen since Anstruther's ar- rival, and without Jim's help he did not feel as satfuine of ultimate suc- cess on the Risky as he had done A sharp cry called him back the future to the present. "What is it," he ed. door, "l dont know, dear, answered wife from the lumber room have been Mr. Anstruther who cal "Where is Kitty?" "Here with me, looking oui thing for old Mary. "She ought not to But &t this point he and his ife reached the sick room together, where Kitty wag already bénding over An struther. "He has fainted: again," chafing his hands helplessly, as she spoke consciousness to him. "I beg your irom opening his 1 ~ some- sald even returied she but pardon," he murmured very faintly. "lI give vou all so nich trouble, but when I tried to call you 1 got another nasty one, and went off I suppose, as ustial. It 'seems to me | can't anything without fainting" and he closed his eves wearily, almost do as If he were going to illus last words "What did asked Rolr, you again. to do so." Anstruther | cating fashion. "Nonsense. 1 don't want looking' after, but when Kitt away I thought that I saw somec that little room.' "In my bath room? "Yes, Kitty site there when she wants me to stop talking sleep, and 1 thought that she had back.' "There ig no one there now Rolt, coming back from the "Who did you think ir was? "l don't know. | saw someone ing round the door at me. | that it was an Indian when | and called, you know wi } "Did you hear thie man "No; l-only saw the face, or that I did, but*perhaps it was ¢ sick man's fancy." "He Is a fraud, Kitty." decid with a good-humored | gh," h ed you pack, and invented this | a8 an excuse (to bring vou back. Be post again," and ing he dismissed the subjec nevertheless he went into the bathroom and looked round it carefully. On the table beneath his looking-glass lay a handful small silver, with his studs and old gold seals in a china tray his watch was hung on a nail in the win dow frame. These were the only small moveables of any value in the room and neither they nor anything else in the room appeared to have been touch As he went out of 'the room he noticed a damp patch upon the pol ished wood of the stairs, which a vivid imagination might have made the outline of a wet mocassin, but the Boss disregarded it. Five minutes later when he met his wife downstalrs, he asked whether she had found anything for the old woman. "Yes, I made up quite a bundle for her; a warm petticoat and all sorts of thick things, Kitty's and mine; but the silly old thing has gone without them." Rolt looked grave. "Oh, you need not frown were rather long, I know, but it is so hard to decide what one really has done with, aud if the old woman didn't get her clothes to-day, she will get them next week when she comes to give the house its morithly scrubbing." Rolt looked out over the darkening landscape. The November day was drawing rapidly to a close, and he knew that old Mary had seven miles to trudge back to her rancherie, but it was curious that she had not waited. He could see the trail which led to the gulch through which ran Marvs road home, but there was To sign of Mary. Old as she was she must have moved quickly to have gained the shelter of the gulch already, or she could not have waited long for, those clothes. A question which Relt wanted to ask was suppressed before it left his lips. Instead he asked his wife how long it was since old Mary had given the house one ot her "thorough scrub bings." "More than a honth, I'm afraid. but you know they have all been away from the rancherie. Why? Do any of the rooms want scrubbing very badly, old man?" "Oh, no, not a bit. I make a good deal of mess with my boots in the bath room, but you and Kitty look after the top floor, don't you, little woman. It is always as clean as a new pin in spite of my efforts to the contrary." "What a delightful old humbug you are, 'Dick, where I am concerned," she said fondly. "I did not know that you would miss old Mary's ministrations. She cleans the whole house' once a month, upstairs and down, but we ought to have kept up appearances at any rite in her absence. I will go and see to it at once." This was more than Roit had bar- gained for. He had obtained the in formation he wanted without alarm- ing her, but by suggesting .a fault Where he knew none existed However, he followed his wife to the room, and was relieved to be shown all sorts of dirt and disorder, which he himself would never have you want, old kindly "We wo It was very care! fted his hand in i vee £01 move 80 Sg not leave your \e of J0me and into Dick. We and { pose," | dear | exactly noticed, but no trace could he find of that for which he was looking. Nothing had been touched; nothing that he could think of was missing. Even that damp outline on the boards had dried off now. He wished that he had examined it more carefully, but, after all, it could not have been old Mary in his room, though she appar ently did know the way to it. He paused for a long minute, and went over evervthing carefully with his eye. By George! his Winches had gone. No, it hadn't. There it was behind his oilskin, and there was absolutely nothing else which she could have wanted. That face peering around the door way must have been a sick man's faucy, ' CHAPTER XVIL In order to keep Anstruther amused and . quiet, Mary Rolt had dinner served that night for the four of them in the bedroom, busying herself in making the prerty place as vivid a contrast as possible to the grim .world outside. A wood fire glowed merrily on the wide hearth, and the light of it was reflected by the silver and glass that nestled cosily in the folds of the rose colored: cretonne hangings "Do you want all the blinds drawn, Frank?" she. asked with her hand on the last of them. "Not unless you wish it." "Well, then, I'll leave this one un drawn, I always snuggle into bed more cosily when I can peep out into a bitter night like that. Can you see down the valley from where vou lie without moving? A peep at it will make the fire feel warmer and the room more homelike." "It always feels homelike where are, Mis. Roit." She curtseyed to him with a laugh, then, turning to Kitty, who had just entered the room, bade her he quick with the dinner. "And see, my girl "that is not the way to lay a table. and then with a few deft touches arranged some of the silver you she added re Kitty for the nonce had donned cap and apron, and Anstruther was the first to discover more charm and coquetry in a maid's cap than in her mistrei toilette "Does the family expect to be waited on oer does it stretch?' she asked, saucily. "What do you mean, Katherine?" "Where I was last, the family had to be walted on when it had a party, but when it was by itself it stretched iike this," and reaching across the table she possesed herself of a salt cellar "You not lady-help, 1 sup- Holt, severely, ike Migs Mo went -as a retorted Mrs lady and no hely "all ran." 'What asked An was her gtory | struther to help the poor They could help, and just the end of a discovered different things of which was, "the only thing never and actvally, guessing who it ho cleaned the boots, she put bed room door every "And "And? course they did except that boots now." ) But -Anstruther was not listening to Mrs. Rolt's libel on lady-helps. Iw stead, he was gazing intently through the uncurtained window at the foot of his bed, to which the ethers had their backs turned. "Who would valley to-night "In the hay "Is not that a fire? are not playing me false agal The Boss turned lazil "Yes, that is a fire sure There are two of them. Do that little one just beyond the Suddenly Rolt's face changed Sprang to the window, took one searching g e the valley, and then turned sharply' to his wife, his face working with some he strove to control "Mary, dear, 1 want for a momen Wiil you excuse us Frank?" and laving his hand on Kit ty"s shoulder as he passed, he whis pered, "Keep him guiet whatever pap pens. I rely on you," and then he fol lowed his wife (rom the room. Once outside door, his manner changed. our stacks, little wo man. . Those devils are firing our win ter feed. Keep cool and run now and tell the men in dining-room. I'm off to the mess house to get the half breeds. Keep your heart up; we'll stop them before they can do much damage." - He was running downstairs as he spoke, and snatched a Winchester from its rack as he passed out of the hall Mary Rolt's heart sank as she saw him snatch the Mfle, but she did his bidding as he would have had her do it, with the utmost coolness, and when the men had rushed out after their master, she went back to the sick: room. There was no need for any explanation there. Through the uncurtained window a glare of red light proclaimed the work that was on hand, even it the nolse of saddling up and the hurry of hoots beneath the window and the short sharp sentences of the HMOuNEE men had vot told the tale, CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought "Oh, boys, not afford to hire any pigged until she came fortnight sister she came ou her brothers their had ninety-nine each she could do, WHS W hers outside her nigh married, y do ©h, and she and her brothers whilst she was wit husband cleans her her be camping down the Mrg. Rolt?" he asked meadows"? NO one Surely, my eyes enough, you soe first He down feeling whic! to speak to you the "I's the tine - "1s it shoot, Al?" they heard some- one ask. : . "Shoot? Aye, shoot'to kill, curse them. Git, you devil," and a clatter of hoofs told that the horse had "got." Nevér mind the uedr stacks; boys; you can't save them. Ride for all you are worth to the first tbat 1s not light ed, and the Boss's volce died out 48 he galloped away with his men, At the back of the ranch and on both sides of (it lay a great enclosed meadow of about a thousand acres in a long parallelogram, and down the middle of it ran a chain of hay stacks, each fenced in, the feed upon which depended the safety of Rolt's stock if a hard winter should come. There are years, many of them, luckily, in which these stacks need not be touched. In an open winter the cattle are carried without having re- sort to the store laid up for a hard spell, and in cousequence some men trust to luck and keep little or no reserve of hay. These -are the men who fail in the cattle business. Sooner or later a deep snow comes; so deep that the cattle cannot paw it away to get at the grass beneath, and then the men who have not provided against such times lose every head of stock. It means ruin to the improvident, but Dick Rolt was not such a fool as to take any chances where the safety of his cattle was concerned. Three vears' hay 'was stacked in the thou- sand acres, and if none of it should he used the next vear's crop would be cut and stacked just the same, The sight which met the eyes of those who watched at the window would have been weirdly beautiful if the meaning of it had not been so hideous. The night was one which not only precluded any possibility of accidental ignition, but made it diffi- cult to understand the rapidity with which stack after stack burst into flames. The heavy Scotch mist with which the valley was filled--a freezing mist, which was almost rain--was crimson now, Over twenty stacks, beginning with the one nearest to the ranch house, were in flames, one here and there which had failed to ignite standing out black and exaggerated in size, in the fierce light made by fellows, whilst the roar of the burni could be heard where the watche stood Down in the middle of the valley ran a chain of red fire, whilst the walls of it were still darkness made darker by contrast, and in this, ima gination could paint the twelve ar fourteen men who rode with their weapons In their hands and murder in their hearts. Once or twice a figure was seen near the farthest of the stacks, thrown out in bold relief for a moment as the devil's work succeeded and the flames took hold, but though 'Mary Rolt held her breath to listen, there came no rattle of*fire' arms Twenty-three, minuter gince the "Stop where you its Mary, but it is last blazed up." are, Kitty ten Mr. Anstruther, for Gbd's sake, don't try to move. You can't help now," was Mrs. Rolt's only answer, and then she ran through her husband's bath-room and they heard her taking the stalrs in headlong flight. "Phon, oh, Phon," they heard her call, "bar the kitchen window, quick! Indiaus come cut your throat" and whilst she spoke they heard her turn- ing the keys in the main doors and putting up the great bars. 'Run to her, Kitty, and I shall be all right." "Will you swear Frank?" tl swear The girl moments later the frightened entered the room "They can't get in now unless they burst the doors," sobbed Mrs. 'Rolt; breathless with her exertions. "Watch that back door, Kitty, whilst I call the men," and she ran to her husband's room ugain for the revol- ver which hung there. help her. to keep still, Run, dear." obeyed him, and a Mrs. Rolt, Kitty, Chinese cook few and re- A lady' & , comment-- 'Tastes better--goes farther.' Red Rose Tez | "is good tea " tt Pl PN ii, An new Easiest LABATT'S LAGER IZING \ DD Arik. LABATT LIMITED James McParland, Agent, 339. 341 King Street Basi A A A a BEST DIET for INFANTS and INVALIDS Pure Full-cream milk and the extract of selected malted grain, reduced to powder form. Delicious, Invigorating Nourishing The Food-drink for All Ages. Juperior to tea, coffee, cocoa. A quick lunch digested by the weak- est stomach ; prepared in a moment by briskly stirring the powder in hot or cold water. Keep at home or when travelling. In Lunch Tablet Get the Well-Known Round Package Tearing away the curtains, and throwing the little window open, she peered out, but the light inside was too bright. She could see nothing. "Put the lamp out, Kitty," she call ed, and as the light went out in. obe dlence to her order, she saw dimly something moving in the shadow of a house where the stores were kept, At once her revolyer rang out, shot | after shot, until every chamber was It mattered"little whether she | The main thing was to | and almost before she | hoofs | and a hit or missed recall the men. had ceased thundered through voice hailed her. "That vou shooting, Polly? Take care Don't shoot any more". and then for a moment there was bedlam fn the darkness outside, horses gal loping amongst the buildings, and! men running, and twice the sharp me- tallic ring of a rifle After that the main body of gallop- ing hoofs seemed to recede towards the hills, but the Boss and old Al rode up to the house' » "Open the door and give me a lan-{ tern, my girl. They have all gone, I think, except two, and they won't do any more harm." There was a hardness in the Boss's voice, which Mary Rolt had never heard before in all the years she had known him, but then she had never seen him before in the light-of his blazing stacks. y "Did you see fired," he asked, let him in. "l think so, firing a horse's the corrals, anyone when you as soon as she had am not certain, Oh, Dick, 1 have not killed anyone, have 17" she cried, breaking down suddenly, and clinging to him. ~ "Steady, . there; steady, litile wo- man. Keep your nerve a bit longer. Yéu are doing splendidly. No, you have not hit any one, more's the pity. Ww here did you think you saw them?" "Over there by the store-house." "Ah! But they could not get in in the time. Lucky we tumbled to their game. Just go and look at the house, Al' touching his arm and whispering, "say nothing if the missus has shot straight." The old man hodded and went out. In a couple of minutes he was back again for the lantern. When he re turned again he handed the Boss a ey. "1 thought as you allus kept that yourseif, Boss." "Where did you find it?" "In the Coor of the store-house." Rolt looked down at it for a mo- ment. "The old devil," he muttered. "Jest so. But how did he come to get 1t2" "Old Mary mpst have stolen it from my room when she came begging this but | form, also, ready to eat. Ask for HORLICK'S 0 . _e « . riginal-Genuine All Chemicts, Hotels, Catés and Stores. FREE SAMPLES UPON REQUEST. Apply te Gilmour Bros. & Cc . Dept. M,, Montreal, van. Goce oR mi ed Ms Pres. 3000 30 Dents Nam TheOneDish That Agrees With The Aged