RY i 3 $., 5 Jog | -- Council of Board of Trade Granted A* the Quarters There ire Most Sim of $75 to Help Out the Work '| Modern = Two of the = Women ~-- Delegates for City Planning Were Convicled of Murder y | Convention 3 The population at the female quar- [if With a view to. helping along theses ak the: Hortumouth. penitentiary : a was iogreased by wine om "Monday al- stato growing contest. . which Has ternaon, by the arr t numb foen organized for the young,men of ' be HE the arrival of that number Ob of prisoners front the penitentiary ot thawgounty of Frontenac, and which ato 'Alta. E. H. Cummings, x » wider the charge of C. Mai Pe---- iB -- = By _C. LAVALEE English words by Ed. Teschémacher Arranged by Emcrson James Printed in two keys. Price Part Song Arrangements S.A.T.B., 8¢ per eopy T.T.B.B., 8¢ per copy Mail orders 2¢ pér copy extra for postage. pel Was Consecrated -- Father Kelly, of Smith's Falls, Preach- the Sermon. : ' The official opening and blessing of the new wing of Notre Dame con. | | Yent coupled with the comsecration | | of the new chapel contained by the Same, was observed on Tuesady morn before a large gatheripg, The public was admitted to the ceremony in the chapel at §.:0 o'clock, after which mass was cele- brated by 'Archbishop Spratt assis- ted by Rev. Fath il | and Rev. Father R. T. Halligan. Surrounding the altar were Father Kell, of Smith's Falls; Father Car- son, of Picton; Father Keho, of Gananoque; Father McDonald of Portsmouth and Fathers McNeill, | B, | deputy. warden® Mrs: EE. MH. Cum fepresenting Frontenac county, mings, matéon, and Mrs, W. K. How. for the Ontario goverfiment, the coun- lery, assistant matron at the Edmon- cil of the Kingston: Board. of Frade, | {on prison, aceompanied the women Lo at a meeting held on Monday evening, the Portsmouth institution. faited the sum of $75 tho The deputy" warden, when speaking * ..| to the Whig, on Monday afternoon, af- reported that the sum of $85! (or he women had been placed in the had been collected for the contest bY | Portsmouth institution, stated that the president, Robert. Mosk. from di | tne trip had been made in good time, | ferent citizens, who showed an cinterest (The party left Edmonton last Thurs. | . inthe under 4 combined | day evening at 9.30 o'clock, and ar- ' Sum, amounting to $160, makes it pos- iviyed mn. Wingston on Monday after- . towards -15¢ per copy It was iS + Nips . i ORDER. AS EARLY AS styles are handsome POSSIBLE No and i Parlor Suites, $25 up to $150.00. DINING TABLES--These pedestal and useful, $11 1 $15 up. 1 Repair ang upholstering 'promptly done. Lemon -0il, finest polish. Phone 90 Yours. : I. f. HARRISON Co. Carpet and rug buyers are Bound to patronize the store 'where reliability of quality is not questioned, where styles Are correct and prices right. Buyers at the Kingston Carpet Warehouse are sure of getting honest value for their money. 471 Johnson St., || { frame; 7 rooms, 8; C,, Turnace, electric lights '#14, 116 and 118 Ordnance | St.. stone, 3 tenants, B. and C, | 196 i | 3 St., brick, 9 | rooms, B. and C,, stable. Own. | er leaving city. : Building Tots ia-all parts of z i} one part of the building to another Pische and Maher of Kingston. The convent girls, during the mass sang hymns. The singing was of a very sweet nature \ Following mass an eloquent ser- mon was preached by Rey. Father Kelly, of Smith's Falls who based his text in the twelfth chapter. of Daniel. The principal points brought out in the sermon included the duty of church members to stand by and carefully assist the sisters of the convent to upbuild the highest standard .of virtue and per- fection in the girls under their care- ful guardianship. Faith must be observed in the church for without it, 1t not only displeases but is also 8 hindrance to the furtherance of God's work. Father Kelly said that every blessing should go forth to the children. ore as faith is ous vision into the unseen, we must 'forever keep this quality preserved in the church, « ' . As the fathers of the church instil good and moble deeds into the minds of its adherents, so likewise do the sisters over the young girls who en- ter. the convent. Father Kelly here paid a warm tribute to the sisters and asked what duty we owed them ? In answer, he asserted that it way the duty of everyome present to Sup port them at all times and uphold the honor of the church. The youwlig girls who have passed under ~ these sisters' care some time in their early vears, will always have a-respect for them and when they reflect back upon their convent days they will always remember the dear words spoken then. Women's influence upon = the world has a more telling influence than that of the men, declared the speaker, betause they possess a stronger allegiance to the church. If nothing more, them, we should uphold the sisters and encourage them along in their wonderful work. After the sermon, Archbishop Spratt and the varidus priestq, went frém and blessed the various departments. THE GENERAL HOSPITAL Has Purchased the Most Modern X. Ray Machine, sible for Mr. Main to carry on the cond test Mr. Main will now make. the final arrangements for the contest, and get it in full swing. It will be remember - last meeting of the Board of Trade, when he pointed out his plan for the cofftest. It was reg: with favor by all ths members, and &n this ac- count, the president immediately got busy and secured the money to help defray the expenses. The board -is to be commended on its action taken to promote the interests of the farmers. Contests of various kinds are at present being held in different coun- ties! and they are meeting with great success. In many places it has been the means of stirring up renewed in- terest among the farmers, and it is hoped that 'the contest about to be started in Frontenac county will Le of great benefit to those who are taking advantage of it, and that it will also sUiF up intérest, The council received "an invitation fron the commission on conservation, appointed by the Dominion govern- ment, asking that the Losrd send a delegate to an international. confer- ence on city planning, to be held in Toronto on May 25th, 26th and 27h. It was decided to ask Prof. 0. b. Skelton, of Queen's University, who is a member of the hoard, to act as the board's delegate at the conference. A MYSTERIOUS MAN. Was Caught Opening Cupboards in the Police Station The police station is about the last. place one would look for a bur- glar to get im his work, but strange things do happen sometimes. Monday a sterious man made his way into police station and without announcing himself proceeded to open the different cupboards used by the members of the police force for their clothing. . "What are you looking for 2" auk- ed a bluecoat, who noticed ' the man at his work. . "I'm looking for Mr. ---" the stranger, rather upset. "Well, you will not find him here," replied the constable. The man of mystery then leit police station. As he did mot take replied . the The board oi governors of the | Kingston general hospital met, on | Monday afternoon, the following wem- | bers being present: A. FE. Chown (chairman), Prof' D. H. Marshall, B. | W. Robertson, R. FE. Kent, George Mills, Lieut.-Col. J. Massie, Canon ! Grout, ¥. (i. Lockett, Rev. D. Laing, Jobn Gilbert. A new X-ray machine has been pur- chased. 1t is thoroughly modern and has all the latest attachments, so that now instantaneod pictures of the heart 'and other movable organs can be taken without blurring of the nega- tive... With the new interval timer, exposures of one - hundredth of a se- cond can be made. | © The visiting, goverpors for - last month, G. Y. Chown and': Canon Grout, stated that they wore well sat- isfied with their visit and had no sug- gestions or recommendations to make. '1t was agreed to purchase a paper press for use in the hospital. R. Uglow and D. Couper were ap- pointed visiting governors "for the present month. . To Hold Reception. After the mati performance of "The Littlest Rebel," at the Grand on' Wadnesday afternoon, Miss Clara urner will hold a reception on the stage for the ladies and children, She will present each one with a photograph of herself and her three | ponies, _~ 5 Clean-up Commiitee There will be a meeting in the gen- eral committee room at 'the city hall to-night, of the clean-up committee ro- cently appointed. The idea of having special clean-up days in the city has met with general approval. In many Dither places clean-ip days 'are being' eld, 5 201 - Your eyeglasses won't come off or tilt If they have been fitted ~with our FIRM ON mounting. it holds securely and. comfortably--it's on to stay on. Hof i lithe members. anything he was mot detained. Had he taken something, even to Con- stable Timmerman's old. boots, © he would have been in trouble in short order. rep, TOOK LIQUOR WHEN SICK And Afterwapds Landed in the Po- - lice Cells. ; It is wonderful just how many peo- ple charged with being drunk, on coming before the magistrate, claim that they had been sick and that they had taken the liquor to help them. "I. was sick and took a few drinks," is so often heard in the po- lice court. The statement came from a man in the court on Tuesday morning, who stated that it was Kis first appearance, or to use his own words, his "first appearance in the lock-up." | 45 The accused, a stranger in the city, came here to go.to work, but happened to meet a few friends upon his. arrival and then his visit, was celebrated, and his job was allowed to wait. . "I have been sick all winter," he added, "and I guess the few drinks I had"were too much for me." " REBEKAH LODGE VISITED By Mrs. Margaret Taylor, Prosident - Ontario Assembly Louise, Rebekah Lodge, No. met Monday evening and was visited by Mrs. Margaret Taylor, of Hamil- ton, prgfiident of the Rebekah as- sembly of Ontario. After routine business, an address was read by Noble Grand Mrs. Davy,sand Mrs. Taylor was presented with 4 souvenir spoon. Mrs. Taylor responded to the address and her words were full nspiration and a great benefit to Bros. Reid, Jordan and Marshall responded.to Mrs. Tay- lor's pddress. After lodge meeting a lable of good things awaited the members and which was enjoyed by all. | While in the city Mr . Taylor is Reins Shtertained at the home of 1s. Thomas Walsin, 243 Eart street. i ed Very Suddenty: Mrs. Emma Mitchell, wife of Dapinl M. Tyuck: 40 Tove Tagot. site: Sind very only at her residence on fonday evening, shortly after mix o'clock. The deceased had Been nil: ing for about four years. She had been 'around 'as usual on Monday. The late Mrs. Mitchell a ad of Mr. and Mrs. Mitehell, of this city. , She was born in Brock. ville thirty-two. years ago. sud 'over Manitoba wile pros a highest * in. Pritish i and M loaslly. in Alberta and from Ontario to evestern New "Kentucl v- Rue Grasse Seed." Gib ed that .he gave an address, at they 10, |. noon about two o-clock.. The trip was made over the Canadian Pacific railroad in one special car. The twelve persons ate and slept in. this car, which 'was well fitted up for the long journey. Mr. Cummings .stated that e had experienced no difficulty with any of the women from the time he left" Edmopton. Only 'one change was experienced on Junction. At that point 'the special coach was hitched on to the 'mixed train. which arrived in this city about two o'clock, It id stated that the women pleased with the change, as ters at Edmonton were [af {rom pleasant. / The Portsmouth institn- tion has the best equipped female cells of any prison in Canada. The build- ing was Only recently erected. Four of the women are serving time for serious offences. Two of the four were sentenced on the charge of murder while the other two committed on the charge of slaughter. Nome of the nine serving dife sentences. Their senten- ces range from fifteen years down, Another young girl, who was Pine time in the western prison Ww to have been brought to the Poris- mouth institution, but was turned over to nuns, who agreed to take care of her. . A No handeufls or shackles were used on any of the women while they were being brought east. POST OFFICE IN DARKNESS e well e quar- 1 being man- Interfered With Handling of Mail on Monday Night On Monday night, shortly after the street mail was collected and brought to the post office, the electric current went off, and stayed off for an hour, thus interfering with the sorting of the mail, as the gas at the post office cannot be used owing to the that the fixtures Have not yet been put in place, The staf worked like Trojans after the current came on mt out on time. -The gas should ave been ready for use, so that all such trouble of this kind avoided, p------------------ The Late Mrs. Downie. Mrs. Downie, wife of Canon Downie, Port Stanley, was buried in Toronto on Monday. one of Kingston's daughters. She Her father, the Rogers, sgttled at Kingston in forties, She.gas the third daughter, and was married in 1869. Mrs. Downie had a remarkably = winning personality. "Fresh seidlitz powders." Gibsen's. Special Sale of Waists WEDNESDAY MORN. ING AT EIGHT THIRTY Fin T In order to make room for new goods we will offer our entire stock of wajsts at exactly HALF PRICE To-morrow morning The lot consists' of tailored waists that sell regularly from $1.75 to £3, and silk waists from $2.25 to £6.50. * These prices will be cut in tivo, the trip and that one was at Renfrew | 'were are | fact | again, and, as a result, the mail was | could be Deceased was | was born in the worth of Ireland. ' late David Dixon the | Poa ii 160 Princess St. } I The College Book Store House Furnishings A big range of the best values inl house furnish- ings now ready for your inspection. f Lace Curtains by the = signs and at correc Beginning at 50c a pair. hundred, newest de- :t prices. Curtain Nets, Bungalc Fancy Serims, Muslins, Madras » Serims, ete., ete. are both useful an price at Art w Nets; Plain Serims Muslins, Dotted Muslins, Bordered Pretty designs that d ornamental. Startin 10c a yard. 30¢ a yard. | at Table Cloths, Table L Towels, good lined at a rea We have a snap in Unbleached Sheeting, 7 inches wide, extra good quality, worth Towelling, Hemmed Pillow Cases. 9 'This week special, 26¢c a yard. inens, Table Napkias, Hemmed Sheets, All are extra sonable price. ---- 4 » NEWMAN THE ALWAYS SAYS FROST WOULD NOT REACH ! The Copcrete in Which 'Water and Gas Pipes 'Would Go. When General Manager Folger jbested to the city ehgineer against (laying water and gas. services under the sidewalks in concrete, as advised by W. F. Graves, the chief engineer of maintenance and ways of the Mont- wal Tramways Limited, owing to the danger of the frost in winter getting ,8t the pipes gnd bursting them, the engineer telepffoned Mr. Graves of this { objection, wiftch seemingly had not been considered. Mr. Graves has writ- jten in reply that in his opinion the ifrost would not get througlr the pav- jing foundation of concrete and down ; through the intervening clay to the jconcrete around the pipes in the exca- (vations. There seems to be a differ- ence of opinion on this point. pro- At Davis Drydock. The steamer Lake Michigan, has been undergoing repairs at Da- vis' dry dack, for the past few days, was floated from there on Tuesday alternoon. Fhe schooner Helen went into the dock after, the former left and will be there for a day or so. By the latter end of the week the schooner New Dominion will enter for repairs. The new tug, which was built James Pendergast, of Cornwall, the Davis company, {been named the 'James Peoder- gast." "It is thought. tha will leave on Wednesday roing. i Strong, Strange Food Byron took only one daily meal, consisting principally of old Chester cheese, pickles, abage, wine or liguors. - He used 'to drink great tquintities of tea. Bismarck -'n his younger days was very fond of hard boiled om and cognac, which he pre- erred t , & bever- age whi that for : by last winter, has and L hE considered: the chief came of n pothouse polities and lack: of resolute and harmonic. s action. : x This Month for Pineapples. Prices run irq 10e. fo 25e., each, or ¥3 per orate, ar Carnovory' 3 - "Buy Pensular Face Cream" Gibson's, . } -- ' he heat | & SHAW! BUSY STORE . bre peeeeBUILDERY SUPPLIEYeweoy . : THE TIME To Order Screen Doors and Sash 1S Now We make perfect fit- ting doors and sash with rustless galvanized "or copper wire netting, outlags three of the or- dinary kind. S. hgh & Cer. Bay sad Wellington "Stu. *eeaLUMBER, COAL & WOODw-wwy est, Fr | B 919 | rer §ONNT SPA ibn Jewplers Issuers of " . NE Ee Hin | 'We grind lenses for eyeglasses on the premises.- WE BUY, SELL,. ... . ./ LEASE Of MANAGE %5 vi +4 Property in any part of the - i . City. Our services arewwt your disposal A GOOD BUY A double brick dwelling, on John- son St., centrally located, each side has eight rooms, furnace, Sas, man- tél in drawing room. Rentigg for $25 each, Price $5600. « Houses te rent. A good building lot on Mack St., near Victoria Park, for $500. 4 Fain Fire Insurance. E W. MULL Cor.- Johnson and Division Streets, Phones 539 and 1456 » ho - * Sights in Washland See our laundry with sleeves rolled up. : * Little machines and going and ghywing with' mo- tion, the men hustling and the girls hustling and performing their part, all working toward one result: Cleann ess. . This is your invitation and PASS-----bring it with you and see the sights in Washlapd. i