Sv i Seeds 4 ORDER AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE a Ra ih TABLES--These pedestal are handsome and useful, $11 $13 up. Repair and upholstering promptly done. Lemon oil, finest polish. » Phone 90 "| men wearing Happetiings in =What the M the Readers of the "Kodak films." Gi s.. Corset Covers 25¢, Dutton's. Are Fe ? Use White Rose flour to got pest results. Major Gillespie is in Belleville in- Dairy School butter is made from pure cream and pastuerized. William Tomlinson, of Patham, was in the city on Thursday. i Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MecAuley's. 'Phone 564. Tee cream bricks." Gibson's. Ladies' up-to-date dressmaking. Terms moderate. Miss A. Keys, = Colborne street, ' Perfect comfort for men or wor Dr. Vernon's Cushion {Sole Boots, Dutton's. : 1. Queen's University Alumni Associa- tion, of Ottawa, reorganized on Tiiiraduy evening. _H. Cunningham; piano $uner, King street. Leave orders at Me Auley's book store. "Woduk' filmes." Gibson's. Special fish bargains at Gilbert's: No. 1 Labrador herring, 2 doz. 25¢; B. C. red salmon, salted, Sc av Ib. Dairy 3chool butter is made in our own city and in the cleamest and most up-to-date school in Canada. All grocers. "leo: cream bricks." Gibson's. Miss Florence StRofield. Princess street, left at noon on Friday for Ot- tawa, where she will visit her broth- er, Ir. Stuart Schofield. More Bargain! Summer Vests, 2 for 25e. Drawers, 2 pairs 45¢; Washing Underskirts, 49c. + Dut- ton's Removal Sale. Mrs. Lawrence Vreatt and Mrs. Leonard Gates, Cape Vincent, gave a dinner party last Monday afternoon in honor of their aunt, Mrs. George Sigsworth, of Sydenham. Sale! $1.35 White Underskirts, 75¢. Dutton's. Are you using Dairy School ter ? "Penslar Cold Cream." Gibapn's. R. Uglow, spending the month May at Atlantic City, was called Ottawa, owing to the death of only bfother, William Uglow. We want everybody to eat Dairy School butter because it' is cleaner butter and finer flavor than any oth- er butter. Made from "pure cream and pasteurised. "Penslar Cold Cream." Gibson's. Mr. Holder and son, Arthur, have returned from Verona, where they son feldspar company, for use on were huilding, a tug for the Richard- Thirteen Island Lake. Removal Sale! Skirts, $1.39. Blick Sateen Blouses from 75¢. Black Sateen Underskirts, 50c Dutton's. : "Penslar toilets." Gihgon's. jt Frank, Collins, the young man who had both feet amputated as 'the result il of having them frozen, left the Hotel { Dieu on Thursday evening. Mr. Col- lins has heen in this institution since Februgry 11th. Men! Buy your Boots at Dutton's Sale and save money, 209 Princess | street. '"Penslar goods." Gibson's. We want everybody to eat Dairy School butter betause it is cleaner butter and finer flavor than any cth- er butter. Made from pure cream and pasteurised. The merchants are complaining i that they should not be charged with H the expense of changing their electric ffeed wires from overhead to under- ground. - As the new work must be in conduits or pipes, the price is a big Hem. Clearing sale Children's Slippers, half price. Dutton's. "Teo evenm bricks." Gibson's. The Kingston Canoe Club held an enjoyable dance at their rooms, Ontar- io street, on Friday evening. Salis bury's orchestra fufnished the smusic, to which about fifteen couples danced until a late hour. ; The floor was in H excellent condition, ; the City and Vicinity y Offer to Whig, but- of to his Black Serge pn Baseball Record. National League--Pittsburgh, 7; Chi- cago, I. Brooklyn, 6; Philadelphia, 5. New York, 7; Boston, 6. St. Lou. is, 9; Cincinnati, 1. s. American * League--Boston, 2 New York, 0. Washington, 6: Philadelphia, 5. St. Louis, 2: Cleveland, 0. International League--Toronto, 6; Providence, 0. Baltimore, 5; Buffalo, 3. Rochester, 6; Newark, 5. Jersey City, 5; Montreal, 2. Federal League--Pittsburgh; 15: St. | Lotis, 7. Kansas City, 10; Buffalo. 0. Baltimore, 0; Indianapelis, 0 (5 wm- | mings, rain). wi ~ Blue Hats. 3 J Ad usual Campbell Bros. show, the latest. : During - sale, prize package, 3 sheets Musie, worth 40c for 10c, Dutton's. masse] off or Hit if Sa wou's a. tif fitted with mounting. It holds securely and comfortably--it's on to stay oi. . 0008 _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIg CITY AND VICINITY . Pineapples. . $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 - per dozen. Crawford's. Se ------------ : Blue Hats. All the latest Shapes now here, $2 to $2.50. Campbell Bros. 4 Homie Grown Vegetables' Green onions, radishes, lettuce, parsley, rhubarb, spinach, ete, at Carnovsky's. ei Not Yet on Duty. Constable Nicholas Timmerman has not yet taken over his duties as 'sani tary inspector, but it is expected that he will do so in the course of a few days. The Board of Health has a grist of work for the new inspector to take up. To-day's Arrivals at Carnovsky's Strawberries, . asparagus, = cauli- flowers, cucumbers, mintygreen peas, tomatdes, spinach, yodng carrots, beets and cabbage, iso Berbuda on. ions. 2 Young Liberals to Meet At-a meeting of the executive of the Young Liberals' club held on Thursday evening, it was decided to call a full/meeting of the young lib- erals of the city on Wednesday even- ing, May 13th, when ward and sub- division chairmen will be chosen. Toronto Wants a Game 0. C. Hett, of the Capital Baseball Club, oi Toronto, semi-professional champions of that city, is anxious to Secure a game in Kingston on May 24th. Stanley Trotter, president of the City Baseball League, stated that it was impossible to arrange a game in Kingston, as the local teams are not playing professional ball. Refuse Resignation At the congregatiomal:' meeting of Weleome Zion Congregational church, Ottawa, which met in consideration of the resignation of Rev. H. I Horsey, pastor of the church, it was uBianimously decided to refuse his ro- signation. The decision of the meet- ing was laid before Rev. Mr. Horsey last night who, though not inclined to withdraw his resignation, jpro- wised a reconsideration. Labor Delegates for St. Thomas At a meeting of the Trades and La- bor Council, held. on Thursday even- ing, W. A Driscoll, corresponding se- cretary, was elected a delegate to the Fducational convention, which meets in St. Thomas on May 25th. J. Sauve was also elected a delegate to this convention at a recent meeting of the council. A number of the unions are sending delegates. W. J. Saunders will represent the Tailors' Union, and Frank McGinty will be the Barbers' Union delegate. To Open Paving Tenders. The Board of Works Was called to meet at three o'clock this after- noon io open tenders for the pav- ing of Princess street, between Clergy and Alfred streets. What type of pavement will be used is a question, owing to the fact that light rails are being used by the street railway company for its double-tracking, and there is a feel- ing that no kind of permanent paving would hold in the track al- lowance. It will take seventeen votes in council to pass the by-law. A Fine New Play. The Clara Turner Stock company presented "What ' Happened to Mary", a very charming play, at the Grand: last night, to a wellpleased audi- ences. This - play is full of (good: clea comedy that created a I 5 of laughter and received well-deserved applause. Miss Turner and 'her ca- pable company each played their dif ferent parts in a perfect manper. "What Happened to Mary" will be presented again to-might, and for the wmativee to-morrow afternoon and to- mespow night. After the matinee to-morrow Miss Turner will give each of the children present a ride on one of her ponies. Nurses Comtiencement Exercises The twenty-sixth annual com- mencement. exercises in connection with the Kingston General hospital training school for nurses are to be held in Convocation hall on Mone day eevening, F. G. Lockett, chair man of the board of governors, will preside. Presentations of diplomas and prizes will be made by Canon Grout, Mrs. H. A. Calvin, Mrs. J. B. Robinson (Napamee)," W. F. Nickle, M, Py, Ur. A. E. Ross, M. BR. P,, Dr. H. A. Boyce amd Dr. A. RE i liamson The address to the gri uating class will be given by Miss Charlotte A. Aikens, Detroit. Songs will be remdered by J. D. Bankier, Miss Hazel Massie, H. S. Angrove and Miss Annie Tweddell, and 2a violin solo by Miss Christine Coch- rane. Who Wants This Cannon Ball? Cape Vincent Eagle. "Charles Colton, oi Pillar Point, \.Y., has & cannon ball that he wants to sell. relics and than he. thev can on the shore of Sherman's Bay, pay him for it. Mr. orkiug on a gravel bar near one day recently, when was Pillar Point, our FIRM ON | condition 1 A REMEDY NEEDED. But Have the Conservatives Such a i : Toronto World (Conservative). Some. observery perceive at least three parties contending for future Power in the present cabinet. Two of them may be irreconcilable. To what extent the breaches may be healed, if there be any, or the head- Quarters staff consolidated, if it be in- clined towards disintegration, no ome can quite say. The new element in the party, or at least the element showing its strength in the symptoms become acute enough for the simplest to discern. Whitney never permitted that ele- ment to have any influence to speak of. This was an easy matter while there was no competition for leadership. As soon ds the big office becomes a possible prize, the usual course is a general opening up of negotiations all round for the lesser prizes, a barter and sale condition! Which is-eréditable to nobody. Only the presence of a strong man with a strong policy nd a strong' following can furnish a remedy. Whether in the event of the retirement of . Sir Jamies the Ontario conservatives can produce such a leader is a matter of speculation. 3 It is to be.egretted that for pure- Iy local and pikate rousons the con- servative party » n gradually i jockeyed into a position which the opposition has tried hard for years to bring about. The non-partisan char- acter of the government's most suc- cessful policy has been its very strongest asset. For the sake of a local quarrel, however, the reaction- ary elements in the party have un- wittingly done what the opposition had failed to do, and brought about a situation of which the logical out- || come is a submergence of the whole non-partisan attitude of the govern- ment towards its leading activity. A strong leadership may still av- ert the danger, but it is impossible to ignore it. FIND NEW MOTOR FUEL. English Automobile Users Try New Oil, Economin. The Milwaukee Free Press A new feul for automobile and other internal-combustion engines is} announced in British' papers under ! This has | the name of Economin. for. its base 80 per cent. of kerosene, the remainder being which form an emulsion. which is cheaper than gasoline (in England at least) and which gives | more power from the same motor. It. is further claimed to give prac- that | tically perfect - combustion so RIDAY, MAY 8, 1914. party, | 'is the spoils element, and when this | §- element becomes predominant, the Sir James | : Appropriate Gifts for Mother Ppropria e S$ Framed pictures, mottos, ete., Beautiful sheet pictures, mottos, cards, ete., 10¢ to $2.00. Bibles, Prayer Books, Hvmuals, The Gospels of Jesus Christ, containin with references to the Bible; Cloth, 50¢.; le Everyone should make some gift y ete. shay | ranging in price from 25¢ to $5.00, g all the sayings of Our Lord ather, $1.00, »' no matter how inexpensive, ' 1 160 Princess St. N 7 chemicals Then the mixture js distilled and gives a fuel | lace and embroidery. i i one price, cach Travellers' up to $2.50. Saturday morning I The College Book S Half Price and Less 48 Only Children's White Drépses fo fit ages 8 to 14 years, dainty styles in white mull trimmed with samples worth i Saturday morning, for only there is almost no carbon deposit in | the cylinders, to be almost odorless | and to make an easy starting motor. It can be used with the same car- bureter adjustment as gasoline. The | fuel is not yet on the market, but The American Machinist learns that a plant to turn out 20,000,000 gal- lons a year is under construction. "The Hat Store" New Hats « You hear it all over, Wherever you go The best hats are sold By George Mills & Co. Never before were pleased with the styles amd big values can offer from our this season. We keep adding new flues cvery week. The New soft hats are so new and _ different to other seasons, they are proving big sellers. We | are sole agents for all the best makes, we so splendid that we big stock Knox $5 Stetson $4 . Hawes $3 Tress $2.50 Von Gal $3 Piccadilly $2.50 Waverly $2 Waldorf $1.50 He says he is not much on | if sothe¢ one wants it worse || have it, on the con- | We carry a big vatiety of all kinds of As for boys and | Strmws, Its, Tans, Caps, from . department. tensions of the franchise to. 28 Only Nobby Sport Coats, samples, the very latest { styles, crisp and new, values up to $12.50 each. your pick v | | fancy tweeds, Saturday half price 25 Only Beautifully Tailored Suits, a sample lot, in navy, shades; misses' sizes 16 and 18: 36, 38. Priced at #12. Copenhagen. and gréen ladies' sizes 34, 20 and ""$6.25up A clean-up in odd size corsets, from 18 to 30. all new models, priced from 75¢ to $1.25 per pair. Sat- urday morning, per pair See window full THE TIME 1S RIPE. | | For Advances Along Many Lines In 3 Ontario. Toronto Star The time is ripw for another [Yance in scientine agriculture, and for a great improvement ih the con- ditions of country life. 'the produc- tion of the farms of Ghtario could be j immensely increased if the question of farm labor could be solved, and if country life could be made mote at- { tractive to the farmer, the farmer's { family, and the "hired man." Many 'questions, such as distribution and j commuiication between farmer and teity consumer, are involved. The Atario government has refused even to mave enquiry. { The time 18 npc jor an advance in labor legislation, A department of labor is required, with a responsible minister 'at its head. . The govern- ment has réfused to create such a Such questions as fac tory inspection and the conditions of employment of women and children nist be carefully studied. We need a plan of insurance against unem- ployment. In these matters the gov- ernment stands still. It opposes "tem- perance reform. It opposes all ex- women enthusiasts in ad- who are naturally social reform. a The time is ripe for tax reform. The present system of land taxation 'encourages speculation and discour- ages progress. The municipalities of Ontario are ready for reform, but the government will mot allow them to move. : x We doubt that the return of Sir J Whitney to public lic would gi the needed impulse to those reforms. His vigor has been shown ratlier in resisting than in promoting i movements. Buy a Newcombe" Piano pow, during sdle you can sive $100.00, Dutton's sole agent. _ "Kentucky Lawn Mi son of 2 Rarn _------ a ------ ------ reocseBUILDERY SUPPLIES ew-eeyg MADE TO YOUR ORDER We make Sercen Doors or Sash to fit any . 4 opening. We use only the best galvanized or copper netting. 4 Does not for vears. S. high & Go: W audi ; (rong Beds rust--Ilasts toré £. Plions 919 See us for new patterns fin knives, spoons and forks. AT RIGHT PRICES f uinty patterns, small and wi lo All fancy pieces to match. WF Gout, WE BUY, SELL, LEASE OR'MANAGE Property in any part of the ity. Our services are at your dispusal A GOOD BUY A double brick dwelling, on Johns son St., centrally located, each side {has eight rooms, furnace, gas, man- tel in drawing room. Renting for $25 each. Price $5600, Houses to rent. A good building lot on Mack St, near Victoria Park, far $500. , Fire Insurance. _E. W. MULLIN "Real Estate Specialist. Cor. "Jobson. and: Ditision Streets, Phones 539 and 1436, Cor. Bay sna Wel sta. ] i RE. thas $ips s<esLUMBER, COAL & WOODeensy See our laundry 'with sleeves rolled up. Little machines and great, going and glowing: with mo- " tion, the en hustling and the . Birls hustling and performing their PaMyall working toward | one result: Cleanness' This 1s your invitation a PASS--bring: it. wit | You and see the sights: in Washland. its