| -- TO SUICIDE IN COOK COUNTY INCLUDING CHICAGO A Chicago Coroner Also Foretelld the Number of Murders in Hi District During 1914, Chicago, May 13.--That at the Present moment there are some twelve thousand persons in Cook county, which Includes the city of Chicago, who are contemplating sui cide, and that he can within a rea- sanable degree of accuracy -deter- mine the number of Chicagoans who will meet with violent deaths within the next twelve months, is the as- sertion of Coroner Hoffman in his biennial report for 1913, just com- pleted Aa The report gives a record of 10} 992 deaths in Chicago, of which Cor- oner Hoffman asserts "nearly one- half could have been avoided by a comprehensive crusade of education on the lines of public safety." In addition to a study of such con- ditions for several years Hoffman seems to have made a study, of Her- bert Spencer's "Law of Morfientum" and applied it to hig figures. By his process the coroner believes him- sell able to foretell, as does a weath- er forecaster, approximately how many will be murdered this year, and also the number that will be shot, stabbed, poisoned and beaten to death. "We know," the report reads, "that in 1914 approximately 1,000 persons in Cook county will attempt suicide; that of these 583 will suc- "ceed, and that there are about 12,- 000 people contemplating suicide all the time,: a.percentage of whom, with the constant accretiéns, will form the suicide rolls of the coming year, About 150 people will com- mit suicide by poison, of whom 90 'will use carbolic acid, fifteen corro- sive sublimate, seven cyanide of po- tasium, six arsenic, ete. We know, too, that with the present population and until our social and economic education Systems undergo a vital change each year approximately 140 will commit suicide by shooting, 120 by asphyxiation, 60 by hanging, 24 by stabbing, 20 by drowning and 14 by jumping out of windows." ~S FIRST THROUGH CANAL 5,000 Ton 88. Pennsylvania to Open It for World Traffic, Panama, May 13.--It is proposed to send the first commercial vessel trough the Panama canal in. a few " hi wessel is the. Pacific mail liner Pennsylvania, lof 5,000 tons. She will cross St, Cristobel, enter there, and take out a cargo for New York. Tight- powill follow the vessel to the At- ie side, towed by a tug. Thus, without ceremony, will be in- augurated the world traffic of the $200 an Acre. NeillsvNle, \| Wis,, May 13.--The here has demonstra- ted that fh is no better crop for the farpsers than begfis for canning purposes. Sevagal fyrmers have'pro- duced as mueh a It is the opinion of those who have in- vestigated the matter that beans will be a competitor with peas in the can- neries of upper Wisconsin in the fu- ture. Dominica in 1912 exported 37,038 barrels of limes and 141,318 galons of lime juice. EU -------- vard, wants all CELEBRATED FORTY-SIXTH "WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - SIR WILFR ID LAURIER. A A AA AAA A tN A tN ELIOT WOULD REVAMP CREEDS Symbols and Rites of Chr Also Need Brushing U Boston, May 13.--Dr, Chatles W, Eliot, president emeritus o Har- he religious creeds ianity reinterpreted. '""Not only creeds, but symbols and rites of the Christian church need brushing up; they are rusty and some even moth eaten," he says in a statement published in the ecur- rent number of the Christian Regls- ter, the Unitarian weekly of Massa- chusetts, "The ancient creeds and dogmas are full of ideas about God, whith civilzed man rejects as unworthy. Tn this respect the old creeds and dog- mas caw, of course, be reinterpreted from generation to- generation, and in the evangelical denominations a remarkable amount of reinterpreta- tion is now being done. IlIn these processes of reinterpre- tation, however, the original eoncep- tions are apt to disappear; and there | is sometimes reasonable doubt con- cerning the effects of such interpre- tations on the mental habits of the interpreters." : The same tale does "not sound same to the sceptical and the dulous, Tt is a wise talker gauges his words to suit his or. Fashions change, and to be able requireg change. Some people are not on speaking the ere- who hear- fashion- terms with their duty. _-- ICEFIELD 450 MILES LONG. teported by Uranium an Halifax, Halifax, May 13.--lce fields of un usual length lying off the Newfound fand coast and the grand banks were reported by Capt Agassiz, of the steamer Uranium, which put in here on her vovage Rotterdam New York, Capt. Arrival at from for \gas the Az's obgervatjons and those revenue Seneca, which maintaining show the presence of a broken field of extending more than 450 miles The Seneca reported hy radiogram to thee Branium: that there was ice fron 42 to 47 degrees north latitude. 'The Uranium was pointed for 47} degrees, but met an impenetrable ice barrier Capt. Agassiz headed for 49.15 de grees, only to encounter more ice, and then returned to 47.1%, where a lane as found narrow, but the steamer through I'he great of cutter 18 an ice patrol, threaded wan for eleven mil lane proved a convenience to y *h 'also pa sued rs vicihle walter thoroughfare of hive steamers; the large other in safety on either side "Cigarettes not tolerated. dull the brain," was the met 6,700 Edison ployés at West poison in the asserts, Logking for an aeroplane, Alfred Rolling tumbled seventy feet from a window in New York and broke both legs A young sapling broke his fall and sav>1 his life. They order that company em Orange. There papers, the inventor tropical climes. R. BREAKFAST "& ? 2 fre M. S. "ELLENGA™ * 2 Wherever the white man goes--for fun; fame or fortune--wherever max- imum food value and minimum bulk are prime fadthrs=--there you'll find this sturdy, appetizing footl, made of whole wheat and harley. Grape-Nuts is prababis the longest baked, the most thoroughly dextrinized, and the most easily digested of cereal foods. Because of this quality, Grape-Nuts produecs great energy with effort in digestion, and s so furnishes a most admirable diet for hot weather or (Digests gene wally i Ready to eat from the package, fresh and crisp. Served with cream, milk or fruits, and sugar if desired. Keeps indefinitely anywhere, "There's a Reason' for. Grape: 'Nuts soli by Urocexs everywhere, On §. 8 Cea 2. wet Rincon Fost Treat elo Lert NL vy about an hour.) little HH = { | LADY LL SIGNS POINT. | - To An Early General Election Ontario. | Toronto, May 3.-- If the organiza-| tion of provincial ridings is to be| taken as an indication of an proaching election the signs are strong. Word was received last ev ening of preparation for in three different quarters. Hon. W. H. Hoyle, speaker of the | « provihcial assembly announced that the conservatives of North Ontarie were arranging for a convention at Cannington on Friday, May 20. This will be the regular nomination meet- ing, and several prominent speakers have been secured. Hon. L. B. Luc- as will be the chief provincial re- presenfative, and fgveral will from the Ottawa House. On June 6th the call will to the conservatives of West and a large convention go out York is expec ted On thie 18th instdnt two meetings | will be held simultanegusly in Wes- | tern Ontario tonstituencies. Bast | Kent conservatives will assemble in Ridgetown, and temperance workers of South Huron Will atfempt or- ganization in' Hensall. FRENC H StU CESS IN MOROCCO General fi rte Occupies Steg: tegic Post Near Capital. Paris, May 13 The foreign office has received a despatch from General Baumgarten reporting that he had occupied Teza, Morocco, 75 miles east of Fez, with a loss of only four men killed and 13 wounded. The natives were surprised at the rapidity of the French operations. At first there was but slight resist- ance, but the Beni Oudjam tribesmen rallied outside the town and fought stubbornly. Their losses were heavy The capture .of Teza is considered the most important step yet accom plished by the French in Morocco The town is the Key' to the eastern approaches to Fez Up to the pres- ent all expeditions into the interior of the country had been made from the Atlantic coast. The occupation of Teza will permit the completion of the railroad from Oran, Algeria, to Fez and bring Fez within 62 hours of Paris. FOR CRIM ON BORDER "Native of Digby, N.S. der Arrest. N.S., May 13. --Harry under here, chargetl with a number of crimes com- mitted along the international hound- ary line, His arrest was made at thé mstigation of the deputy sheriff at Littleton, N.H. Among the offences enumerated forgery, obtaining money under falsé pretenses, disposing of mortgaged property, ete. It is al leged that sixty . horses have heen smuggled across the baundary . into New Hampshire, and that the opera- tions have extended as far west as Chicago. Van Va has been Is Now Un- Yarmouth, Van Tassel 18 est are el is a native of Dighy; but away irom his native town for many years. He denies he is the man wanted, but admits having work: od in New Hampshire Tmmdintely after his arrest he said he Id go back without extradition proceedings, but he Ras since retained counsel we Blind Man Ww ounds PNjthless Wife St. Petersburg, §. 13.---After fifteen years of ha & 'married life, an artisan named Nejdanoff went blind and he Became aware that his wife, still young and pretty, was ne- glecting him and paying attention to a comrade of his named Lipine.: One night he heard their voices in an ad- joining roo From what they sald it was evident they were decid- ing to leave him. Groping his way to the yard, he found ah axe and then rushed in upon them. Guided by their voices, hie struck.at but hit his wife, wounding her in shoulder 100, he wounded come | {including 4 In| Temps' ap- | chamber {lows activities | de Liert, 4 OUR FRESH GROUND COF. FEE AT 40¢c. CAN'T BK BEAT fry » sample order'and be convinced NOLAN'S GROCERY, Princess St, Phone 720. Prompt Delivery. H 8 CRUMLEY 116 BROCK ST. Cleaners m # Vacuum Cleaners e Cannda Accident Assur- tlonury FIRE crs' Liability of Eng- Fire nud Marios 'Insurance ' The Acadia Flre binioiuee Ceo. PHONE 1442 AA A AH A AANA NAN LAURIER. RE-BALLOTING FOR DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful has OR- RINE been in restoring the victims "Drink Habit" into sober and and so strong is our i ive powers, IN FRANCE | Analysis of New Chamber of | : | of the Deputies. | useful citizens. Aj Paris, May -3 { second balloting for of deputies the new cham | that ORRINE about as fol-|tive guarantee, Extreme socialists, 102; in- | get no benefit, spendent an republics socialists | funded. ORRINE costs only 10: united radicals, 136; independ-|per box. Ask for Free Booklet, nt radicals and republicans of the G. W. Mahood, cor. Princess 102; democratic alliance, 100; | Bagot streets, and federated republic ional liberals, right, composed royalists and. extreme conservatives. 26; independents, 16 ns have not Deen received no {two distriets. a result of the | confidence in is sold under this posi- ber will be composed , after a trial, you What Dyspeptics Should Eat A PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE Progressives ans, 54; ety Taking another form of erotstog] the Temps gives to the Briandists a part of the independent | ocialists, independent radicals and | republicans of the left, 177; minis- alists (including unitedr radics and moderate socialists and some In { dependent 3), 180; extreme socialists, 102: united republicans and progres sives, 69; the right (consisting of the consery royalists, Bonapartists, tholics some independents), 73 Yor The Temps, analyzing the position i! of the deputies, according to their |, pre-election declarations, places 308 | out of thé 602 members. as in favor} ofthe three years' |milijary service, | the others being designated as against such service or doubtful; 27 members for the income tax and ! for proportional representation. The socialists' success in.the elee- tions appears to have been due to their well-defined programme and their adequate organization The radicals and other groups had al- t most as many platforms as candid-|and thus mov 8 r the [ch inflames the deli ates. , it does more than The Briandists, py a by any drug or brilliant men, As a physician, 1 believe Ju preparation medicine whenever campaigning. ter atives, antl nally =o thin, 1 that vital e1 p 1 woul meal alize , OF whic h ad of tl rd fu who include many lost ground by lack of and gener al slackness in I must admit that I ls of 1 1 i auge of all the traahie; a little bisurated magnesia from your r druggist, eat what you want at your next meal, take some of the bisurated magnesia as we ted above, i e if I'm not right." the past three United States in 53,760,000 pounfis years produced bof maple supar. Grafonola Out on the River ~ On Your Islands At Your Summer Cottage Make your evenings enjovable hy having grand operas, orchestras, any musical instrument or any singer you like with von all the time. Join the Grafonola Club at £10.00 - cash and %5 a month for 8 months. ' || livery. ORRINE ------------ _racus 9 12 Notice Arrange yonr coal bin so that Paskets will not be required in der This will save you the extra charge of 25 cents per ton. Stove Coal, $7.50 if shovelled in, _ Stove Coal, $7.73, if carried. Nut Coal, $7.75, if shovelled in. Nat Coal, $8.00, it. carried. THE JAS. S. SONARDS COAL CO lh PHONE 15: ne | Gage's Fire Sale efaz Pork' and Beans, he or KE nglisk Jams, | . Shey le price, 2 for 40 English Mar- . Sule price, 2 I e packages were slight "1y aarkerd by woke bul cons tents not damaged. st JR. B. GAGE, 2564\ Montreal St. members of the |that we want to emphasize the fact| and 1 a | . No wonder your money will be re- | $1.00} Woman has -a perfect {right to be particular about \shoes, for a woman's foot is be prettily clad. fmeant to What could be mor sy than the LHR shown? dres- patent button Note the u 2 styles to the graceful lines, jue smart appearance. the Invictus 21% | Shoes give pleasure and hi omfort to the wearer. The Sawyer Shoe Store Agent, ------ Club Enjoy Your Summer