Daily British Whig (1850), 15 May 1914, p. 12

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COAL! | Thelin you ae fuin is the bid we sof | Scranton Coal f | Techuieal behools and oth- --_ y er organizations. . For many years the Manufacturers' association and the Trade and Labor on Convention of Technical Asso-/couneil have been advocating tech- ciation ' aieal schools. 1 ogether they Jrged Two very interesting reports were |!€ Eovernment to form a Technica presented JA the ry of Education, Education commission of which Dr. on Thursdiy night, on from Trustee | Robertson was 'chairman, and which J. G. Elliott, who was sent as a dele-| 100k 'evidence in Canada, United "|gate to the recent meeting in Toron-|States and Europe, and which recom- RE Gg . to, of the trustees' department of the | mended to ihe federal government of Strawberries ] Ontario Educational Association, and | 40 expenditure of $33,000,000 spread At the other from F. R. Anglin, who r attended the convention of the On- ag | provinces according to 2 tario Technical association also held | POPulation. The government appear- aa J IF in Toronto. The following are the|©d.1o be indifferent in the matter, NEW YORK FRUIT YOU OWN IT. reports: and fearing that mothing would oe ss, f STORE - : Medical inspection was, possibly, Sune, Shia Souventian as salled or 8 Street the liveliest subject for consideration rpose rming aniz- He donhan at the mepting of the trustees' de-|!ion whose voice and influence would Solid brick bungalow, seven |p |partment of the Ontario Educational|be much stronger than that of the rooms, summer kitchen, im- {P [Association held in Torontoat Easter orEaniztions originally interested in provements, 00d stabling; |p |It has taken quite a time to bring!it. 3 \ close to Pincay Street. " the matter into' public notice, but| Te officers elected were: Honorary : splendid home. Must be sold trustees are now alive to the neces- | President, J. D. Allan, of the Toronto : ; by May 1, $2550.00; easy |B [sity of caring for the health of the Sour ey and a life long 5ty- : terms can be arranged. school children and considerable pro- nical ueation; presi- J AP 3 C ; Frame house art 8t., gress is being made. The trustees|{dent, R. D. Fairbairn: secretary- "Al A --the Gloom-Chaser were extremely interested in the sub- [{reasurer, Thomas Bengough, a mem-* . ; the bi ; ; id unc he gict and wherever instruction had been | ber of the commission. 1 HEN JAP-A-LAC enters your home, Gloom makes a hasty exit. For dust, gold to wind up an sstats, carried out they sought the fullest| ~ Mr. Bengough pointed out that it dint, and dangerous germs can find no resting place where JAP-A-LAC has been od 2650.00, Terms can be information as to .its advantage.| Was necessary to have an organiza- used. Old floors can be given a polished surface, easily kept clean by occasion ally 326506 Your delegate was plied with ques-|tion combining the interests out of & po y kep! by wiping with a damp cloth. i h on Johm tions as fo its operation here. Plans|the schools, manufacturing, indus- : : J a : hig roa, improve are under way to bring the smaller |irial, commercial, agricultural, etc., Dull, gloomy and unsightly fumiture can be made to like new. Tarnished : : . : ments, $3,000.00. towns and rural schools under the|a democratic organization springing radiators and hot water pipes can be given a permanent gold or luminum finish, which will If you are renewing your operation of investigation and in-|from the people, and 3 harbinger of not rub off. Kitchen linoleum can be beautified, and its wearing properties increased-- beds and bedding, I can HORACE EF NORMAN spection. - Truancy was also consid-| the new day that is coming to Cai straw matting can be made waterproof, and its life more than doubled--cracked and 1 ered, and final recommendation was|ada. Such an organization is neces- . : save you money. that the school trustees must have [sary to. form and direct public fraying window shades ¢an be renewed. Anyone can produce these wonderful results Real Estate and Gemeral Insurv the sole authority in connection with | opinioh. by the simple means of JAP-A-LAC--the gloom-chaser. : : ance. t {p |school delinquents rather than the| It was pointed out that the pro- | Made in 21 beautiful colors, and always put up in Green Tins bearing the name 177 WELLINGTON 8%. council. There was considerable talkfducts. of. Canadian factories are "GLIDDEN." ---- a, oi the wubjes ot wantiess 2k de- Bleater than the combined Droduote Get a can of JAP-A-LAC to-day at your local hardware store, and ask for a pent, s also supervise av. ' S A ! ~ : op ot : ~t------------ geet | GPQURAS, and _ in. connection with It was shown that t'.e apprentice JAP-ALAC color card) and a copy of the little book, "A Thousand and Oae Uses these the following resolutions were | svstem is breaking down and that f of JAP-A-L AC, ""y STOMACH IS FINE adopted: fame Jorm of training is necessary i . IN KINGSTON % 1. "We deplore the Ick of man-|for boys and girls of the téen age, 10 1 a. i , ners and deportment. in the youth [fit them for capable positions in our ? Jap a Jac is sold by HW. Marshall and Since Taking Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tables" | or the land, the lack of reverence |industrial lite. The quality of eur | Simmons Bros. and respect for age and position, and | Canadian life is as good as any in . i / 2 ) \ ! 0 Ne Mrs, J. Merkhuger, Waterloo, Ont., |a generally unappreciative attitude |the world to-day, and yet Canada js |' a 30 sample brass beds re- | estbusiastically recommends Na-Dru-Co [towards those things that make men twenty to thirty years behind other ! --- - Sos Pp. ass » Dyspepsia Tablets. Fer experience with |ang women, gentle, sweet, self-reli- {countries in technical education. { duced 10 to 20%, Tron beds, thew, na she outlines it, explains why. |an¢, sacrificing, and disciplined in Ong speaker remarked that we i $2.50 and up, all sizes. "I was tly troubled with my |speech, manners and conduct. Foui- [should bridge the gulf between the : : by ! _" Made | A ; The stomach", she writes. "I had taken so | ness in speech and in life is too much kindergarten and manual training ; : = Glidden Vamish Co., Limited, Toronto. much medicine that I might say to take |in evidence and we would have the |with handwork. .any more would only be making it {trustees seized with the responsibil-| A number of resolutions were pass- Wurse. My stomach just felt raw. 1 ity 'of making 'all pupils in our]ed and steps Will De taper ih bring - read of Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets, schools clean and moral, and well [the matter more forcibly before the ri mE and' a lady friend toid me hey were fitted to become citizens of 3 power- [attention of the federal government. a Dake. 2a 1 thought worked | ful. Drogressive state, and the par-{and it is hoped phat Ca course of \ x i ents of a strong and virile race. time the other provin will follow SB XX N SL, NER NER, nde. Ajouc havin ng ns 2. "Play as a force in the de- the example of Onta io and form AN "sii ym \ EN SSR " Na-Dru.Co. Dyspepsia Tablets a tial, | velopment of physical and mental similar "organizations. i « Cre 3 : they will do the rest. My stomach is [Power is now acknowledged every- The delegates were invited to see : + i Hercules spring, best S00 how an T an ost an food.' where. We urge the best play- [the new technical school in thel Clean--pure-- healthful = made mattress. Pillows, all| one of the many features of {ETOUNAS in country and city, so that [course of erection on Lippincott = : : 5 vy Ask t the Dixi Na Dru-Co pad Ie is that [Play may be exemplified as a vital |avenue, a building about 400 feet ets u ces, 0 8ee the 1hxie they are op and easy to take, {and invigorating element in the bet- |long, and 100 feet wide, of immenae 0. 2 tuft mattress. Best] The retief give from heartburn, |terment of the children of the land.' proportions, and consisting of class . gis flatulence, bilionsness and dyspepsia is { Playgrounds, properly conducted, j rooms, laboratories, auditoridms, an / prompt and permanent. Try ove after | will soon settle the necessity, jor)erecting room, gymnasium, ete. If tach meal--they'll make you feel like police, prisqns and. penitentiaries. |is intended for mate and female stu SINO e & new person. We recommend that the Education |dents, and is being built by the city 50¢c. & box at your dru 's com- | Department investigate the elements |of Toronto? pounded Ne, Nation Drug and lof play as an educational adjunct, on Chemical Canada, Limited, and to act according to their best bs Reports Discussed all da Montreal, M2 light." Trustee Renton ' asked Trustee The attendance was very large, | Elliott if the cadet corps were dis- one interesting feature was the un- [cussed at his meeting. usual attendance of rural represen- "Not in my department," replied ® -- no bad tatives. The rural side of school life{ Trustee Elliott, "In the public oe " 4 was commented upon and the com-|school department it was likely dis ( = ; ' mittee on resolutions in its report, cussed." =z Po = oF v How About Your \ emphasized the thoughtful presenta- Trustee Farrell stated that the re- \ @2727 7 = &77 " e ects al & Lr =) 5 fi NST Eta tion of the school ' problem, as it|port of Trustee Elliott was an ex- touches the school, the home, the lcellent one, and made reference to 2 community, and life generally. The!the part in which it referred to the » 2 EON Ri A os Gi i awn Mowe r uplift into a better status must come | deplorable lack of reverence for eld- od 4 = a -- AI il through higher edueational ideals, erly people on the part of children, % ¥ Aisa | wider and more intelligent co-opera-|and also the manners of children , . tion by the government and cities|He believed conditions should be Does It Cut Right in giving to ryral sections the ad-|remedied, but wanted to know if the > vantages that will tend to make them meeting in Toronto had set down self-reliant and progressive. any definite plans to bring about We have an expert on mowers. aa he sessiond altogether were pleas- | this much-needed change. ctive, and your repre- Trustee Elliott stated that no sentative, who. has been in attend-|definite conclusion had been reached A . - ance for a great many years, motes|It had been left with the boards to | T cle and iti Goods Co with: pleasure that the advanced deal with. { . steps made in many directions have Trustee Farrell then moved thai héen the outcome of the department's Trustee Elliott's report be referfad 88 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 529. KINGSTON, ONT. labors. Kingston is well abreast of [to the management committee, with It prevents throat irritations, aryness, the times in the conduct of its|the request that special attention be schools. Dr. Knight was one of the|given to the clause in the report re- hin mi ea Visitors to the department, and his Terring to the er dioneen ay or heartburn. . The refres g nt 1 f address on hygiene was greatly ap-|the board. Trustee F 11 said that fi 2] preciated. Several of the district the ers gro 4m oly p juice 0 is «S nicotine-- keeps your throat trustee organizations have asked him great deal, but the greater responsi- . to appear before them and discuss bility was in the home. cool and moist. Chew this delicious the topics of medical inspection, den- Trustee Birkett seconded Trustee tistery, and school hygiene generally. | Farrell's motion, and in doing so, pastime between each Smoke --- you'll Trust Aaghes Hemost gave his reason for the lack of rever- . . - rustee Anglin's Repo nce on th t of the children. H { i The report of Trustee Anglin fol- a. -- Beane Toe had enjoy smoking better. Chew it after- ows: b di ed with. = Hi ke .of 1 This convention was held for the ey the Fnglish lad wor, pt kin ward. Your breath will : be pure. purpose of uniting the different or-|ed when it came to receiving the rod, Sr Intersiod tache ivon in | he wares well mannered tor You'll have a better appetite besides! Ap chairman thanked Trustee The attendance was not large; there| Eliott for his report. He said that Were delegates present from Ottawn,| Trustee Elliott had been attending : Cornwall, Prescott, Brockville, Col-| these meetings in Toronto for many & f HE BO X years, and that every year he cane] 2 : home the members of the boar . looked with pleasure to the report he of twenty packages. It costs less -- of presented. ) any dealer--and stays fresh until used For Infants and Children. Trustee Anglin was also tendered Ch . . . : .|@ vote of thanks for his report, on ew it-aft very eal The Kd You Have Always Bought motion of Trustee Renton. : er € m : "The two reports are the best we - ' . the ever received from any members of : ee (Tt nea em Be sure- it's 5 NE . 4 . SAGE oto ------------ For Young men who want the newest styles, the : CITY 'COUNGR, UNABLE. WRIGI EY' right now fashions, we have a surprisingly large as- r hy | sortment of snappy new ; (Continued from page 9.) Ya street railwhy company fill in. the track allowance. * : : $ | Ald. Couper still maintained that oes an or Ss asphaltic concrete was the best pave- ment. No one had presented any- thing better. 3 : "yal : : ll Ald. Harrison again held back his New English lasts, Smart raise toe models in FIRST Chase GOODS amendment, to 'allow Ald. Graham Astoria, Terns, Slater and other famous makes. io move, seconded by Ald. Stroud, r >be s ate A 3 % s at the petition of the property They, must be seen to be appreciated ei etition of the proparty for a pavement of baltic macadam } g ni B Jl} on the sides of the "be grantegd. ; . 8 The amendment was lost on a vote of 'n Bla THRILL » \ ERT BEN RNC) RN gi? eh ) ort 18 to 2. . Yl 7 4 74 The amendment of Ald. Harrison : Ta Hi ; to refer back the matter, was car- THE 'HOME OF GOO Te oi | Hed attendanc rr ¥ or i i rer' i TL e at the meeting were and Alds. Bews, Couper, Hanley, . Harrison, | zr ro

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