aE : 6. P. GRAHAM PROPOSES GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF THE ROAD IN MEANTIME ¥ichoes of the Nickle-Bennett Bolt-- Termed Bull Moose Party -- Ben. nett Disappointed That He Was Not Made Solicitor<General. Ontawa, May 16--The first fighting speech on the Canadian proposals. from the Liberal side of the house was de- livered last night by E. M. Macdonald, of Pictou. It was followed by an amendment proposing that the résolu- tion before the house be given the six months' 4fdist. This is the only form of amendment possible upon the resolution. It was designed to indicate the Liberal opposition to the provisions which the resolution contained. On the second reading other amendments will follow, embodying the views of the opposition upon the 'government's agreement. Cer- tain of thege have already been suggest- ed in speeches from the opposition side. Last ight the debate was adjourned by A. K. MacLean of Halifax To-day non-contentious legislation is to be tak- en up, and on Monday the debate on the amendment of Mr. Macdonald will be resumed. So far the centré of the stage has been occupied by Messrs, Nickle of Kingston, and Bennett, of Calgary, whose action in flatly opposing the pro- posals and in defecting from their party, has caused considerable bitterness in governmental circles, Last night, however, the member for Picton aroused the house by a vehement attack upon the terms of the agreement which. the government has consummated and which it asked parliament to ac- cept. Hon. G. P. Graham's Proposals Now that the smoke of civil strife has lown awdy it is expected that the 'op- positiofi will line itself agdinst the terms of the compact with energy and vigor Some ication of the" opposition amendment was . gathered from the of Ho im, late , y after. ham proposed, first, thar Mackenzie « Matin should be com- pelled to pledge their. personal securities and assets ul the road which they asked the goverment to assist. He further Jroposed that the government should ave the complete control until such time at least as the road was on a safe basis and the present operators had satisfied the people that they could run Nickle-Bennett Bolt. Echoes of the - Bennett-Nickle were heard from both sides of Aluring the ay bolt the house From J. J. Carrick, member for der Bay and Rainy River, austrong C. N. R. advocate, there emanated a somewhat startling descrip- tion of the bull moose party, in which he included Mr. Bennett as leader, Mr. Nickle as first lieutenant, "Barney" Hep- burn, 'of Prince Edward, as prospective chief whip, but who had deserted, and J. A. M. Aikins, of Brandon, as "the dou quixote" of the party, who had con- sidered discretion as the better part of valor, and was now away addressing meetings of the bar association. Mr. Carrick ascribed the action of Mr. Ben- nett to the fact that he had been dis- appointed in politics, and his attack on the solicitor-general to his chagrin that he had not received his position, HAS $4,416,000 DEFICIT British P. 0. Benevolent Society's Methods Unsound Londor, May 16.--A bombshell] has fallen among the 30,000 mem. | bers of the United Kingdom Postal Telegraph and General Service Ben- evolent society, who have received an actuarial report showing that the so- cleoty Sant Tunds to meet any further that might arise. This deficiency is put at ¢+,416,460. The benefit provides payment to a meniber on Bis retirement from the service or for the loss of his services 15 his depen al on his death. There 5 no suggestion of fraud, the deficit being the result of unsound methods adopted at the establishment of i.e society. DAILY MEMORANDA ei top sil Hof 3, right hand corner, \ S------ and manufactur- an read this message with When Toh Svertne 'to reach the public. What do: they, the people, read every day? What do you read every day? . Any way you look at this question dhe answer is- always the ~ same--THE NEWSPA- PERS 3 you want The modern daily newspaper with its + iy concentrated C ig the beat medium of Mrs. Louis Ounningham was {and placed a French-Canadian, Jing down: a salary of $2,500 a Jin Montreal," sai® the mayor LIKELY FOLLOWING ROCKING CHAIR AS COFFIN Woman, So Desired--Body Was Cre. mated. Philadelphia, May 16.--The body plas- ed on a rocking, chgir instead of in a casket at her fun This was done in accordance with a wish - of the dead woman, who was foruwriy a vaudeville dancer, and the wife of Jerry Cunningham, the minstrel. Mrs. Cunningham's body lay in a rocking chair among the mourners. The hands were peacefully folded ana ithe head reclined a little to one side Fas though in slumber, 'pwas cremated, as Mrs. Cunningham " Pollowing the ceremony the body bad also desired. TOO GOOD FOR FOREIGNER Park Superintendent Degraded Be- cause He's American. Montreal, May 16.---On the ground {that T. McG. Black, park superinten- jdent, was an American citizen. May- for Martin ordered him reduced to a temporary assistant superintendent Dr. iGadbols, in his plala. "I will not have a foreigner draw- Year R. B. BENNETT, LL.D, KC Member of parliament. for Cal who made a spirited speech of Lours 'in denunciation of Mack Mann, and demanding a com thorough investigation of the under oath a ga TELLS OF PULMONARY CURE Mercury Solution Deadly to Bacilli of Tuberculosis Chicago, May 16.--Cure of nasal, throat, laryngeal and pulmonary \tub- erculosis with a mercury soldtion was announced to-day by Dr. {'. C. Hood, chairman of the clinical medi- cal department of the Illinois Hcmoe- pathic Medical association. 'For more than twenty-five years,' he said, 'I have experimented with a solution of mercury made by disgolv- ing bichloride of mercury in behch- wood creosote and treating it with hydrated calcium chloride and pow- dered albumen. This 1 cai albu- masine. It is used in a spray douche and by steam inhalations has cured bad cases of tuberculosis of the nose, throat and larynx and many cases of affected lungs. "The solution can be used hypo- dermically,® but it has power to kill bacilli only when it comes into direct contact with them. An iodine pre: paration is being used in the, sanmie way with good results. Iodine is the most important element of the human body. It may prove to ve the normal body's germicide." BLOW MADE HIM A THIEF Ex-Policeman Finds It Impossible tod Stop Stealing. Cincianati, May 16.--Alienists are puzzled over the case of Dwight Steb- bins, a former policeman, who admits that he cannot control his impulses to steal, and an X-ray examination of his skull' will be made before lnney charges ave pressed against him. Several years ago, while he was on the police force, Stebbins was in the habit of stealing flowers in the sub urban district when he was on duty For this he was discharged from the force. Since then at various times he has committed many purposeless thefts. He stole an anvil ftom a blacksmith shop. and on: one occasion a ponderous sand screen. Stebbins believes that his uncontrol- lable desive to steal is caused by « blow on the head which was inflicted by a prisoner seven years ago. Tr ------ A SHOCKING ACCIDENT To a Wireless Operator on a Lonely Island. St. Johu's, Nfid., May 16 --Wire- less Operator Peake, at Heath Point, was on Wednesday accidentally shot in the face by the discharge of a gun in the hands of a fellow-employee named Keating. Peake's face was terribly shatters ed, one eye being blown out. ; In response to a call the Allan lin- er Victorian went to his assistance and lay alongside the wireless sta- tion all night, taking the wounded 'man aboard yesterday morning. The latest report from the ship is that Peake is in a dying condition. Burglars Get Rich. Penticton, B.C., May -16.--Upder co- ver of a heavy raim, burglars foreed an entrance #uto thie post-office here, blew a safe and effected. an escape, gutting measly $6,000 worth of blank post. receipts and registered pack: ages worth $900. : They also took a registered pack- age consigned to.the branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, which contained $3,000, mostly in ten dol lar denomination: No Sunday Funerals in Welland Welland, May 16.~Welland minis ters have given notice' to the public that they' will not conduct Sunday funerals in, future except: in cases of extreme nk ity. Thay claim that Sunday funerals are unnecessary ahd &r¢ no more justified than other forms of unnecessary work on the Lord's Day. : * Good Feed. 3» For sale; damaged wheat, purchas- ed at James Richardson's wharf, foot of Princess street. Fires a k Sha an soles mass a man's fortune. ' s man's fore, "Guard aint MoCapm. © : * THE ROUTE OF NESBITT I W. Moyes Believed To Have Been At Parry Sound For Mail Loronto, May 1G--"]. W. Moyes is be lieved to have heen here about a week go and received letters, he has followed the route Nesbitt took." The above It is believed Dr. Beattie message last night / Sound is the latest contribution raws of, evidence to the whereabouts of the missing Ontario and West Shore railway promoter, whom the police are seekng on a charge of theft, The suggestion of a parallel route with that of the man who was wanted if connection with the wreck the Farmers' Bank i8 at least mteresting, if not significant Provincial Detective Greer has returned from Algonquin Park, where he expected to arre st Moyes. from as Is Moyes In Toronto? "Toronto, May 16.--~It is stated here this morning and helieved to Le correct that the missing presilent of the Ontario West Shore railroad, for whem Provincial Detective Greer stoured "Algonquin Park, is right ia Toronto ral hospital with a ner- vous breakdown. No person of that dame is a' patient there, but mimor says he is 'there under an assumed name, THREE RULERS TO UNKURL Flags In Montrel at Same Time on Sept 7th. Montreal, May 16-- Arrangements were sompleted to-day for the par- ticipation in the unveilng here of a statue of Sir Etienne Cartier, the Canadian statesman, on September 7, with King George, President Ray- mond Poincare of Frange and Presi- dent Wilson.. They will™o so by electricity. King George will press a at Sandringham which will a British flag. ' A+ button pressed by the presi dent of France in Paris will raise their color, while when President Wilson touches another button at the White House in Washington the United States flag will be hoisted. button unfurl DIES ON SWEETHEART'S GRAVE Girl Takes Poison a Year Death of Fiance Davenport, Wash., May 16.--Miss Ruth' Strong, seventeen-year-old dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Strong, of Oraville, committed suicide on the grave of her betrothed. Flmer Gas sert, who died a year ago and who wis buried pear Chesaw. Since the death of her sweetheart Miss Strong has made frequent visits to. the grave. She went to Chesaw, hired a livery rig and drove as us- ual to the cemetery. When she' did not return by dusk apprehension was felt by an acquaintamie in Chesaw, and a trip to. the cemetery was made. taken poison. No note was lelt. THE BANK DEPOSITORS ~ WILL GET 75¢ ON $1 The Offer Placed Before Them At A esting Held At : Madoc Madoe, May 16.--The depositors in the ill-fated Dale's bank will have to be satisfied with seventy-five cents.on the dollar, according to the offer placed be- ' fore them at a méeting held in the Ma- pranic hall, Veridlittle business is being done heke, and the population are. diss cng if losses at every street cord ner. Avery large nuinber of depositors were présent at the meeting. Mr. Duke wis nat present. The Canadian Bank of Commetce has guaranteed fifty cents jou: the dollar, twenty-five cents of which would: be paid on July 1st, 1914, and twenty-five cents on Jan. Ist, 1915. The remaining twenty-five cents would be pitid by the partners of J. C. Dale and who dre the entire shareholders. their own personal property and estern real estate. although no specified date for the payment of this latter: sum was made. ba considerable discussion the de- to accept this offer. were 1.400 depositors in the bank "total deposit of $478,000. After, "KINGSTON, ONTARIO, PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News of the World From Tele- ' graph Service and Newspaper Ex- changes, Manitoba has a land area of 148,- 432,698 acres, = nu Mrs. Thomas Bennett, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is 102 : Egypt in 1912 exported onions to the value of $1,920,257 There is great excitement over new oil diseoveries at Calgary. The" Mormon church is holding strong conference at St. John, N.B. British capital invested in Austral- ia is estimated at $1,791,820,96 Sweden yearly imports abont $20,- 000 worth--of surgical instruments United States Consul Silliman is safe and on his way to the United a | ! LOOKS AFTER PROBATIONERS. Watertown Man Has Charges Many Sections Watertown, JN. Y., May 16 --Peter A. Ward, city probation officer for eight years, the first man to hold the office in the state under a salary, has @ total of .157 probationers to look after. He is becoming more firmly convinced of the good results 'being attained by the system. Out of 157 persons reporting to him, Mr. Ward. estimates that 115 are living commendable lives. The remainder of the number are being shown that nothing is gained by con- tinuing a life of crime and they are becoming better citizens each week. i HUERTA MUST EXPLAIN Why An American Soldier Executed Near Vera Cruz, Washington, May 16,-- The United States yesterday demanded of the Huerta government news_of the fate of Private Parks, the American in- fantryman who strayed into Mexican lines near. Vera Cruz. President Wilson and Secrétary Bryan, it was learned last night drafted a strong commupication af- ter receiving word from the Brazil- ian" minister in Mexieo City that Parks had been "executed." LIQUOR LEDTO A 'Was States The United States will permit the Mexican rebels" to import arms at Tampico. a Austria will be officially represent- ed at the Panama-Pacific exposition | at San Francisco. 1 i British Columbia laid 650 miles of | new railway last year, not includ- ing double-tracking. There is much excitement all over | the Naples district regarding the ex traordinary activity of Vesuvius and | Etna. { Judge Hugh MeDonald Henry, of | Halifax, was accidentally drowned in Mill Race, near Riverside Park, Guelph. { The United Kingdom spent $833,- 405,000 on liquor in 1913. This is an increase of $25,640,000 over the figures for 1912. wo ip Anxiety is expressed in Montreal | for the safety of the freighter Bold-| well of the Roth line, twenty-five | days out, on a voyage from Antwerp to Montreal. Harley Beard, eighteen years old, arrested in Chicago Friday afternoon, confessed to the mur@er of three per- sons on a farm near Ironton, Ohio, last Thursday. File em dn gene. Mme. Donalda in. Vaudeville London, May 16.--' Everybody's doing it," remarked Mme. 'Donalda, Canada's prima donna, in confessing yesterday that she was booked to ap- pear shortly in an engagement at the Colisseum variety show in Trafalgar square Mme. Donalda has recent ly been singing in grand opera in Nice, BRITISH ELECTIONS MAY BE EARLY IN JULY There Is Great Danger Of Liberal Labor Split And Nationalist Break Away London, May 16.--That the general elections will take place early in sJuly is now regarded as almost certain, according to statements from liberal circles close to the government. Col- or is lent to this rumor by the fact that Lloyd-George had a long confer- ence with the king yesterday. This would mean that parliament would pass the home rule and Welsh dis- establishment bills and appeal to the rlectorate after they were rejected by the lords, which, of course, is inevit able. Even optimistic liberals admit that the prospects of such an election are not the brightest. There is great danger of a liberallabor split, and the nationalists are likely to kick over the traces unless they are promised that there shall be no amending bill to the home rule bill. Without doibt, Ulster's preparations for civil war will scare 'to the conservative side many independent voters who look with horror on such a possibility of blood- shed within the kingdom. a e--r------ Girder Drops Six Feet. Watertown, N.Y., May 16.--Through the snapping of a boom, an dight- ton steel girder, fifty-two feet long, fell a distance of six feet yesterday afternoon, while being raised into position at the new Y.M.C A. build- | ing. Workmen, warned by the | cracking of the boom, escaped before the timber and metal landed. Fail to Reinstate Cadets. Washington, May 6.--Efforts © to reinstate eight West Point cadets, who were dismissed for hazing sev- eral years ago, failed in the senate yesterday when Chairman Chamber- lain, of the military affairs commit- tee, adversely revorted' a resolution designed to bring it about, Kills His Girl Clerk and Himself Oxford, La., May 16.~Thomas J. Steele, a t herve, 'shot and killed Miss Hatiiq Boylston, 5 clerk in his store, and then sommitted sui- cide. = Steele leaves a wile and six children. No reason is known for the act. | at | The tulips in front of more" and the residence of Al W. McLean, William street, are very beautiful this year. The lawns in wa VERY TRAGIC AFFAR Two Men Were Shot fo Death_ Row At A Public Dance Bay, Ont. May 16.--~Woman a small hamlet on the C. P. K line 200 miles west of North Bay, the scence 'of a tragic shooting "af- fray, last night, which resulted in two men being shot 'to death \ public dance was being held Phe North Rive mam and it 118 said that considerable liquor was con- stimed by the male dancers, with the} result that a free fight occurred. John Chapman, L'Orignal, and Lee Fortin, We t River, drew revolvers amd be- gan shooting at each other. Both men were shot dead BRISTOL 8S BENNETT -- * Lins" Straight Charge As to C. N. R. Lobbying Ottawa, May 10.--The debate on the C. N. R. resolution was continued yes- terday by Edmund. Bristol, of Centre Toronto, who. first made. some refer- ences to statements made by R. B. Bene nett the previous day. Me: eit ha made much of a tail-end report on C. No R. systent. He would: like to ask who made this tail-end report which must have occupied a couple of months in the making. He would also like to know who paid for the making of that report and by whom it was Handed over tw the member for Calgary. Anony- nous attacks of this kind were hot the right method of dealiffg with a quéstion of this kind and Mr. Beunett need not imagine that he alone held the public conscience of the country Mr. Bennett had also said much about lobbying in connection with this matter, Did he impute that the government had been lobbied? If so, he should make that a straight charge, but members of the house would believe that if there had been any lobbying it wonld have been the worst for the men who did the lob- Lying. To Make Ki GAVE BIRTH TO FIVE Italian Woman Has Two Boys and . Three Girls. : Montreal, May 16.----A cable from Palermo, Italy, says that yesterday a woman named Rosa Salemi, aged 40, who is already the mother of a large family, gave birth to two boys and three girls. The mother and her five new-borns are doiug well. voted Canon Doyle in Canada London, May 16.--Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the famous author, sails or Canada next - week, and will . travel from Montreal via the Grand Trunk Pacific to Jasper Park, where he in- tends camping with a fanger, Col. Maynard Rogers, whom he first met in the Boer war. D.C.L. Degree for Mr. Plummer Halifax, <N.S., May 16.--At King's College convocation honorary grees of D.C.L. were conferred upon J. HB. Plummer, the Rev. T. E. Dra- per and the Rev. F. G. Que- Tec. STEAL STOCK FOR STORE GERMAN Eight Held On Shoplifting Charges And $10,000 Loot Recovered Pittsburgh, Pa., May 16.--With the arrest of eight persons, all slosly re: lated, and the recovery of $10,000 worth of merchandise in the various homes of (those in custody, thé police believe they have broken up an esten- sive shoplifting system. ee. Aten Those. under arregt are is Busch, Margaret Busch, Mrs. Angeline Bachman, Jacob Bachman, Christ: Geb- hart, Mrs. Sofia Gebhart, Fritz Val scaol and Melvhon Gebhart. The snerchandide was found in $ teen large trunks. There were pairs of shoes, 200 pieces of jewellery, statuary, clocks, dozens of = batping, 150 boys' suits, - ladies' i skirts, silk under garments and many Svott, front of both these residences might well be taken as an example great many hi of the making this other articles. : TE Jolice. state they, have loaned to y W ed to conduet a store : who neglect to do their share in| WIDOW OF A GUNMAN IMPLICATES BECKER LAST EDITION "lefty Louie's" Young Wife Caused A Sensation SHE SWORE SHE LIED TO. SAVE HER HUSBAND FIRST TRIAL. IN Before He Went to Death Chair, He Made Her Promise to Tell the Truth Aboutsthe Murder of Gamb- ler Rosenthal, New York, May 16.--Before "Lefty Louie" went t6 the death chair he made his young wife promise to tell the truth about the murder of Herman Rosenthal, So in her widow's black, yesterday, she took"the stand in the trial of Charles Becker and told the jury that the gun- men knew they were working for Beck- er when they shot down Rosenthal, and that she saw them divide the pay for the murder. wr. Manton did all any lawyer could 0 to blunt the effect of the story when he asked her if she had not testified in the trial of the gunmen that she hadn't heard a word of the talk between her husband and "Jack" Rose at the time Rose went to hire the gunmen, but she turned her blue eyes on the foreman of the jury and spoke ten words: "Well, | lied to save my husband at that time." Not the first nor the second trial has produced an episode of such dramatic intensity. Lillian Rosenberg's testimony definitely connecting Becker with the gunmen was a surprise to everybody save the district attorney and her lawyer and her rabbi. 'In the first Becker trial she was permitted to say merély that she was present when Rose visited "Lefty Louie." News 'Ulipped From Our Many Ex. John Dunkley has been appointed town engineer of Picton at a salary of $150 per month. Miss Adeline Bush, Delta, fractur: ed her skull by a fall on Friday, May 15th, and died later in the day. wa x M. Johnson has sold her fine residence on Paul street, Picto to Mr. and Mrs. or, E. PF, Case and family - have ye- turned to' Picton and will take up their residence in the Mcfaw Louse. Master Wilton Rielly/ Grand Val ley, coasted "down hill on a wagon. He lost control and broke his collar bone. C. E. Hadden has purchased from his "sister, Mrs, (Dr.) Philp, the Hogg & Lytle Seed House property, Picton. Major H. W. Kerfoot has lought. the residence of the late G.. C. [Cur- rie, corner Main and Jobuson atreet, Picton. Mrs. Thomas Black, mother of ¥ J.Black. Tweed. died at Cohourg on Tuesday, at the advanced age of . pine- ty-four years. John P. Cochram, formerly of doe, has purchased the license good-will of the Morgan Hotel, ronto, for $45.000 Joseph Cournoyea, Tweed, convicted of keeping liquor for sale in a local option district, was successful in having the conviction quashed. G. A. Leavitt, Picton, came Kingston an Wednesday last to dergo treatment for his. eyes, at general hospital. Mrs. D. Brisbin, a former resident of Picton, who 'died in Toronto aller a short illness, was buried in. Glenwood on Tuesday last. Rev. E. Howard and Mrs. celobrated the fiftieth anniversary their marriage at the Bayside sonage on Monday, May 4th. Mrs. R. R. McFarlane, living out- side of Brockville, died on Thurs- day evening, after a lingering illness, aged fifty-seven. A husband and five children survive. Capt. and Mrs. Ruston leave Picton on May 21st to take charge of their pew division in Montreal. Adjutant and Mrs. Wiseman, who were last sta- tioned at Gananoque, succeed them re. he Portland Benson, late of Ceb- allos, Cuba, who came north inthe winter and Snderwent a sdrious oper- tion in Dr. Bruce's hospital, Toron- oy ijsnow at the home of her fath- er, Blias' Slater, Picton, slowly re- covering. $80,000 SCIENCE BUILDING Extension to be Made to Agricultar- ' al College. Truro, N. 8,, May 16.--The grec- tion of an $80,000 science bullding is authorized by a bill in the legis~ lature, the structure to be in com- nection with the agricultural col- lege. The dominion government will contribute half of the amount. Work on the foundation has already Ma- and To- to un the Hower of par- that the building will be completed this year. The size of the new buil- ding will be 120 by 45 feet, three stories high and will be devoted to chemistry, woman's department and domestic science. The site for _the building will be the old agricultural college which razed by fire some twelve years ago. It is plan- ned to make the college a full term institution, the ' term being four been commenced, and it is expecfed | * REBEL SUCCESSES Washington, May 16.-- Rebel successes in Mexico continue to multiply to-day. It is officially reported that 'Tuxpam, sixty miles from Tampico, has surrendered to General Carranza's troops. AT CLERIC M.P.'S FUNERAL Dr. Clifford Pays 'Eloquent Tribute to Silvester Horne London, May 15~Mrs. Stephen of our free churches has been taken from us," was Rev. Dr. Clifford's tribute at the funeral service of Rev, Silvester Horne, held: at the City Temple Thursday. Principal Selbie referred to the deal pastor as a modern puritan, who was not a dour fanatic but a practical mys- tic. Harry Jeffs voiced the grief of the brotherhood movement at the loss™ of its president. Hundreds sought extrance to the ' temple In vain. _ Some sixty members of par- liament were present, including such prominent Irish members at T. P. Q'Connor'and Mr. Devlin. The body, which arrived from Canada by the Royal George on Wednesday, were interred in = Schropshire dn Friday. ass LEE ETT PEPE CLILRE CARNEGIE GAVE $100,000 Ironmaster the Largest Contributor to Fund for the Bling New York, May 16.--It was learned vesterday that Andrew Carnegie made the gift of $100,000 to help yaise - the £300,000 endowment fund for the New York Association fort "Blind; his donation having been mentioned befors the mame of, the giver was, ascortain- ed. 'A total of $248,952.50 has been raised by subscription to date. Good Feed. For sale, damaged wheat, purchas- * ed at James Richardson's whart, foot of Princess street. SR Fs After you have paid rént for ten years. yow . have paid for a but the landlord ot REE 5 ! . -_ i. i IS ON SALE AT THE FOLLOW ING CITY STORES Bncknell's News Depot ..205 | B, Clarke, J. |W. & Co...,... 888 onan College Book Store ......100 Princess Coultér's Grocery .... 50. .000 Princess Cullen's Grocery, Cor, Peindess & AlRred Frontenne Hotel ...,,..... Se. Gibson's Drug Store . Market Square VeAuley's Rook Store ....08 Princess WcGaill's Cigar Stgre Cor, Prin, & King. McLeod's Grocery ....51 Union St. 'W, Mediey's Drug Store 200 University Ave Paul's Cigar Store ........70 Princess FProuse's Drug Store ..,. 513 Princess Valleaw's Grocery. ...,;.008 Montreal Lowe's Grocery ..,.. Portamouth BORN. MeGARVEY-~On May [th 211. to Mr, and Mrs. Edwan rvey. Mount Chesney, twin Gavghters, HARPELLE---At Hs ol Dieu Hospital, May 14th, 1914, 1 k rancis Joseph Har- pe Funeral from his Iaty. tesidence Mur day morning at £.46 to Celi: ra C'r as! di smn requiem magh wi the repose of his soul. Fricadds and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend. ROWLAND---AL 96 Toronto, on May seventy -first yeas Rel widow of theglate Flemin nd, and mothef of John 8, Wand. Interment took place at taragui on Friday, Muy 15th. STEWART--On Thursday, May 14th, A814, at his late / ence, Har- rowgmith, Samuél: F. Stewart, in' his 5m yew . f ence Mor Wihare a 3 pson Avenue, 1914, a her ir. Funtlal Moy iaeh, of 4 3. inter y. May 80 poo, - ment at Cataragy Sotaters. VAIR--In_ Glenburnje, ay 16th, Tors. Rovere vah agen. of Sear Funeral from his son v burnie, gn Men ¢ Prog StL "riends and acq ¥ "fully jnvited to and. Kindly omit flowers. = ll he sung for