Daily British Whig (1850), 16 May 1914, p. 8

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That are Value for $12, $13.50 and $18 For $8.95--Its Time To Buy $9.95 is the price we have put on a lot of suits, odd lines, none worth less than $12. 00. Your choice at . ...$9. 3 See showing in our window of $25.00, '$28.00 and $30.00 suitings made to your measure for $22.50 20 per cent. off all. Men's Furnishings. Livingston's, Brock Street A little out of the way but 1t will pay you to walk. A ng baseball 1 bri week, with these ~ will probally jals for To-Ni At Waldron's AA Pt A A PAA ti 25 5 A A er i Ag a a 60 pairs White Nottingham Lace Cyrtains in 6 different patterns, 3 and 31-2 yards long; double thread and patent binding, all good designs. Regular price $2.00 and $2.25 a pair. On sale to- night $1.19 A ce tN Pl 5 tM i \L ~~ 30 dozen Men's Pure Irish Linen Handker- chiefs, hemstitched, 1-4 and 1-2 inch hem Good value at 20c cach. On sale to-night. r 2 for 25c. A a tp rt Children's Ribbed Cotton Stoe 'kings, fine ribb and good weight, guaranteed fast colors; every size from 6 in. to 10 in. Reg- ular price 18%and 20¢, On sale to- night *. 2 Pairs for 25¢. AA AN At Muslin Dresses, House Dresses and Suma mer Parasols. On sale to-night. himsel i y bo ------ i TO TAKE UP THE COVERED RINK PROPOSITION. The New Post Ofice Opens on Mon day --- Catholic Literary and Ath. letie Club to Have Two Baseball Teams.' Gananoque, May 16.~The Catholic Literary and Athletic Club will be whey muck in Fo avidance -- ines, having organ Ying ory Presi dent, M. McPheland; manager, Frank Corrigan; ant managers, W. UC. MeCarney and Krank Willis; secretary: treasurer, Robert O'Brien. The club proposes putting a senior team in the field as well as a, junior team, which he entered an the Com munity Bascball oe A session of Ea agus, commitiee of the Community Movement met, last evening, to hear an explamation of the principal features of the covered rinks tepdered for by A. A. Byers, of Montreal," formerly "of the Byers & Anglin company, and Mr. Gilmour, of Preston. The tenders were for build © ings of value of from $14,000 to $15, 000. The town, however, does not iat pres(at see its way clear to put up that amount, and desire to keep the igure at or pear the 310,000 mark The schoorer Horace Taber arrived yesterday, with a cargo of coat Capt. DD. J. Kenncy's ferry launch Yeénneck opened up the season on the tiananoque-U' layton route yesterday. Postmaster J. T. Green has gives hotiee that' on Saturday, May 19th, _ the mail delivery from the od office will be discontinued, . on Monday © morning the new office will formally gpén for the general distribu. tion of mail matter. Mys. R. E. Cook. of Ottawa. bas beeu stmmoned to town by the seri- Lis illness of her mother-in-law, Mrs. C. Cook. John street. Frauk Sey- wis Water street, was taken to the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, yesterday, for n Serious operation. . Nuttall, Charles street, re: dried as seriously ill some time ago is aul in a Tious condition. Tis sis ter, Mrs. W, H. Pradley, of Maple Ridge, Mich, is at his bedside, as are also his wom, .l. B. Nuttall, of Michi gan, and dapghter, Mrs. Alma Green- zen, of Killu¥hey, Mau. Mr. and * Mrs. Isaac Cole, King street, left, this week, for a visit 'ip Saskatchewan, with their son, "FAQ M. Cole. Mrs. William Bulloch, Sr. aod her daughter, Mrs, Lena Hoekstra, who have been spending the past win tor in Chicago, have returned to pnd the summer at their home here. STOCK MARKETS i ¥. B. McCurdy & Co, 86 and 8k I Brock Stowell, W. Nellis, Manager { ' 12 m., May 16th. Montreal, Canuers .... . Cement pid. Cendept com. R. & 0, Toronto Reitwny Brazilisn Textile ii Shawinigan ......... Detroit... . Dominion Steel Twin City ......... .... Bell Telephone ...... ....... ..... Ottawa Light, Heat and Power. Montreal Power . ... : | New York Coppers Araiss ig baie Smelters wer thas has * United Savile. Steel Erie ........ "ur . Soo .. i Atchison... aoa sd Northern Pacific ... : Brooklyn Rapid Transit , Rubber Lehigh Valley American Can... New Haven Railway Southern Pacific Ootton May ....... ; AT aly ini r= . Oct. . Dee. Wheat May 3 ii July bethany 87¢ Corn July Eo aeiane 671 Max... Nimes tisegoas 684 | Ounts-- Joly ' Sd as} 36} The Early Fly. The early fly is here; you see hin buzzing near; so take your stand with club in hand, and soak him ir the ear. The early flies are worst of all the breed accursed; for they'll give rise to countless flies which can: not bé dispersed. . One active Apri' fly, unless you make it die, will bring a slew, 'your meat to chew, and spoil the wilk aud pie. So, like the Maid "of Arc, arise in helm and sark, and swat the flies between the eves, from daylight' until dark. Thus serve Four native ladda swatter in your hand, and then your name 'in Hall of fame, on "geulptured stone wil stand. There is no better plan to help your fellow man; a peril dies with dying fijes, 80 swat them while you ean. ust so you kill the brutes, the method little boots; one takes an axe and breaks their backs. one takes his gun and shoots. 1 know one earnest gink who drowns | his flies in 'Ink; some fellows hoil their flies in ofl--a firét-rate scl scheme, 1 think. But any plan will just 80 you kill a few, each passing day, 0 slay and slay, with purpose high and true. "Established New Battery x Major D. I. V. Eaton arrived injas the city 'Friday -night from Sauel, B.C. whore He has been establish- ing battery "C" of the R.C.H.A. EN From Rls point of view, no man gral Darrles a woman smarter than optimist is always quite sure ow will be mote prolife tnd | 1 | icquaintances. Every year. many hundreds ¢f people {rom all parts of Canada in care- fully kept diaries, in an effort to capture the hundred dollars in gold offered for 'he best diary. So 'many particular] well ritten Jiflries were sent in this year that it was with the greatest difficulty that the judges selected those which were to win prizes. For this reason they have con- sidered it advisable to divide the first hree prizes among ten competitors who stood highest. 'The committee of judges, J Kay of the Globe, Geo. E. Scroggie of The Mail and Empire, and Mr. Somer- ville of The World, have made the following awards :-- 1.~$50 in gold--Miss Edna Gibson, VNoodview, Oxford St. W., London, dnt. $25 in gold---Miss Ethel Pack. ~0od, Point St. Peter, Que. $154in jold--Miss Harriet Turner, Hardey, NB. $10 in gold--Robert Hazelton, lodinorden, Ont. 2-325 in gold--J. J. Murphy, Iona, PEL $15 in gold--Mrs. Christie, King" st. Ww indsor, N.S. $10 in gold--Mrs. seorge H. Gordon, 43 Dalton St, Bar- ce, Ont. 3-810 in gold--Mrs. John Ayers, 716 10th Ave, East Vancouver, B.C. $10 in jold--Miss Ella E. Hollett, Great Bur- in, Nfld. $5 in gold--Miss Beatrice looker, Yarmouth, NS. » 4.85 in gold=--G. J. Tovey, Youngs- opi, Alta. } 5.85 in gold--Alrs.'A. C. Suser, V illa | Lea, Sask 2 0.~$5 in gold=DMiss [ranscona, Man. 7.-%5 mn gold Mrs. N. H. Beers, Mel bourne s Ridge, Q 8.-8$5 in iss Ethel C. Holmes, pagans N.B. 9-<Dr. Chase's Receipt Book, leather ~Mrs. J. M. Gibb, Box 373, Leaming- ton, Out. 10--Dr. Chase's Receipt Book, Sothes vrs. H. E. Stuart, Conn's Mills, N.S. 11.--Dr. Chase's Receipt Book, cloth -Mrs. A. A. Colquhoun, Stafia, R.R. 1, Jutario. ' 12--~Dr. Chase's Medicines, $2.50-- Mrs. Chas. D. Mills, Sussex, N.B. 13.~Dr. Chase's Medicines, $225-- Miss Laura 'A. Matthew, Grenville, Que. 14,~+Dr.<Chase's Medicines, ¥, Irs, John Blue, Blue's Mills, 15.--Dr. Chase's Medicines, Nel 75 Mrs. Myra Huffman, Hay Bay, Ont Dr. Chase'e. Almanac is seat to prac- ically every home in Uanada. If you ave not received your copy, send your ame and address to Edmanson, Bates t Co, Limited, Toronto, and they will nail you & copy free. You can then cad all about this Diary Contest and ry your hand at winmingi prizes. Rly ios so oiil INCHDENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Our Reporters Sarah Toews, Busy Mrs. MeMabou and Mrs. Archibald Lou 3 Kin igiton, wef® in Victon on Tuesday, Httending (he funerai of their || sister, the Jute Mrs. Daniel Brisbin. Miss Alice O'Gorman and a aww- ver of her friends motored to Naanee on Friday, where they spend a Tew days with Mrs. L. Be- lore. Summer is here according to the street railway calendar because ou saturday morning the big open tars were put om in place oly the closed cars. Me R. Gage, who resides at Carick iouse, Whitesboro, N. Y., and who ormerly was an old resident of King- ston, was here on Saturday renewing James Crawford, grocer, bas pur- chased a new motor-car. The car was driven down from Oshawa! where the factory is, instead of be- ing shipped down. Miss Helen Gilmour, Barrie street leaves next Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Potter and children, to spend some time at the iatter's home in Calgary, Alta. Next Tuesday, Capt. A. J. Smith will leave for Montreal and thence roceed "to London, Eng., where he vill be one oi the representatives « of ha Salvation Army at the interna- Jdonal congress. Miss Whitaker, Lucknow, India, vishes, through the local treasurer, Mes. R. A. McLelland, to convey her leep gratitude to the Jadies of Kings- ton who are 80 kindly supporting the Kingston bed in the Kinnaird hospi- tal, Lucknow. At the annual meeting of She Wo- man's auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A held on Friday afternovou, yt was| lecided to allow the present offi- 'ers to remain im office until Sep- tember when a complete re-organi- cation' of the auxiliary will take place. Malcolm McMillan, of this city, late ly employed by the Montreal Trams- ortation company, was taken to the Hotel Dieu, on Friday evening, where ae will undergo an operation for a soncer on the inside of his lower lip. Mr. McMillan is also suffering from blood-poisoning in his left aru. Kaflirs in Trousers The Afghan who adopts Western 'lothes seems often te be content with the coat and not to worry ibout the trousers, It is otherwise, according fo Dudley Kidd in "The Essential Kafr," with the young man returning to his kraal from Jo- hannesburg. Old trousers particu- larly appeal to his imagloation, aud the more patches the better, especial- ly if they differ widely from the main. pattern, while loud checks are tremendously popular. The Kafr 00y's way with a waistcoat is also described by Mr. Kidd. First, tries to pur his his head through one of the arm-holes; but finally find- ing that impossible even with the help of pushing from the rear by his | little brother, "he uses the waistcoat trousers "thrusting his legs piece of grass string Ate outfi --Lon- Every vear ior. year to the youbg widow Who 1s wise to the Ge 'pleasure than to-day. Ph a F. Mac- || 300 Men's | : Silk Ties All this spring's new shapes and stylish colourings, made by Tooke Bros. of Montreal, who are acknowledged as famong the best thakers of men's ties. The regular value is 50c. each. Not one in the lot worth less. Your Pick To-night 25c¢. 200 Pairs Men's Black Cashmere Sox A good make, right weight far spring wear; seamless feet and pro- perly made; excellent value at 25¢. regular. Yours Tonight 35c for 2 Pr. or 18¢ Pr.| 240 Yd. White Sleeve and Coat Fillings 2 1-2 inches wide, very dainty new pattern, worth 20 to 25¢ vard Yours To-night 10c Yard. For the Woman "Who has not yet secured her spring and sunimer suit. We invite yon to see some stylish new suits just received at $15.00. These are worth from $18.00 to $20.00. Come to-night even if not prepared to buy--you may select any suit you wish and have it ready when wanted. ' NEW MILLINERY RIBBONS NEW KID GLOVES DAINTY NEW YORK Neckwe ar uss received. Johii Laidlaw & Son. Thirty-five pairs of Men's Oxfords, all formerly $5.00. Ouly 51:2 to 7 sizes. Choice for ....

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