y i 5 PLY bie of Killing a bustél +8 then ta iS the are sold by 49 avery where, qos a, : 0 a IE er Tt con 'JiR, B. GAGE, 254 Montreal St. ws anil 's an a beaten ot $400 We should be glad to show you our Boys' and Girls' School Boots at ules trom 3150 Ja won. -- ou : ptt's Shoe Store 2060 PRINCESS ST. Branch 200 Barrie St. REPAIRING DONE / @ fawn bk Wl Cw | smith. : eral hospital at Brockville, has About Your Ported Few yg hoarded lighten factories 740 Colebed choese "rir a0 tori. fnsge chedse soli at 128-186; at 112.5-16c. The buyers Cook. Publow, Sprague and were Sex- News From Chantry Chantry, May 13. Miss Gertrude Derbyshire, who has been in the gen- re= tirned home, Mr. and Mrs. Omer : were guests of Mr, and Ms, hf Davis on Sunday, Quarterly services Were hold here in the odist church on Sutlfay Jase. "The people have organized a tennis | roung club, Frank Seed has purchased a horse. A few of the farmers have been having their orchards sprayed and pruned, this past week. Fob Belo £ake Echoes Eeho Lake, May 14. Mr. and Mg. '| Charles Cox an? Ernest Cox, at Switzér's; Mareus Switzer and Miss Ella McLeod, at Wesley Storms'; Mr. "ME. WOStormy, Gt'L. Switzer's. W. A. Wagar has arrived home from his honeymoon trip. The son of Chester Babeock had ie misfortune to have his arm brok at school. Dr. Barker is in attendance. D. Mc- Cleod made a business trip to Enter- rise. .' Misses Ethel and Ella Me éod, it C. Cox's. The dance at C, Cox's was nibst ehjoyihle, ' Perth Road Budges. Perth Road, May 14.--The mis- sion circle "holds ite rogtjat fut. nightly Meéting %¥ the h of Mrs. Roland Thompson. J. M. Stonness is improving. Mrs. Willi Shales HAS returned home from | general hospital. ing completed his dxaminations at Queen's. J. M. Shales, of Quepn's, atter speniling a few days at hotae left for western Canada. Mae. Guth- rie, of Queen's, has returned home. John Silver and family have rented their farm, and have left to reside at Perth. H. Hadley is staying with his ghter, Mrs. 'M. Amey, Byden- bam. Mr. and Mrs. Card have ren- ted the house of H. Hadley. Mrs. George MeGillivary, Cedars, Que., is visiting her parents, Mrs. and | Mra.Mrs. W. Guthrie, Maple Liat. | Maynard Rhines Cedars, are at Wil- | lam" Ennis', © Miss Edna McFad- | den, Portsmouth, spent Sunday wits = } her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. ow Mo wer oe Does It Cut Right We have an expert on mowers. TRNEEER Ym Jeo ter respect ean DE shown for those departed than by erecting a Hiohument ver thelr graves. We : CArTY the largest and i ost beautiful oe line between Montreal and Toronto. Never fess than 100 to choose from. Latest designs. Marking a special- ty with us. A card will bring a re vresentative to your doer. ; "Phone 1417 Open Saturday Evenings. J. E, EEE igston Rev. Mr. Sager is visiting friends of the circuit, hav-; Be él, . Ad Seeding is get- Sa, i backward. ry 8 bver Sunday. $ Jui is able. to be "a after being ll of rheum- atism. The friends of Mr. Haydon, Camden East, sympathize with him In the loss of his Waughter who died stddenly in New ¥ork last week. burial took ptace'in Camden East cemetery. F. Dear, Yarker, visited his sister, Mrs. Frevbourn, recently, ¥ Keyes, merchant; Colebrook, {in StRrtod on his weekly trips {through Ahiese parts buying eggs. P. i Mamon had the misfortune to lose Meth- | one of his horses last week. Junetown Reports Junetown, May 15.~Sanderson For. guson left, on Monday, for Saskatohe wan. Alvin Avery apd Eli Tennant have each installed a milking machine. { The anntal Sunday sehool convention for" this" towhship will Be Held ai Mal- lorviewn, on June 17th. Farmers are very busy Weeding. © Arden Warren is Hill. Frederick Moore leaves, to-day, to work at Gananogue, Mr. and Mrs. {John Heérbison were in' Lansdowne on | Thursday. Mr. and Mes. James Pup | vis and Arley were guests at Freder- ick Temnant's on Sunday. Mrs. Z. Purvis and Miss Fula Tennant were ! in Brockville on Thursday. Messrs. A. | Avery, R, Purvis and William' Flood | spent Thursday in Brockville, Born, {to Me. and Mrs Betnard Flood, on the { 1th, a daughter. Miss Laura Cow- an, Athens, is nurse at B. J. Flood's. Nahderson Ferguson, of Lansdowne, spent Sunday at Fli Tennant's, © Misa Lovetia er, of 'Athens high school. spént the weekend with 'Her parents, Miss Gertrude Seoft, of Gananoque, high school, is expected home for = a few days, At Kaladar Station Kaladar Station, May . 18.--The news of the dcath of Mrs. Sagar Try- ofl, og Sunday fast, has cast a gloom over this place. Mr. and Mrs, Tryon moved to Napanee only about a month ago, and Mrs. Tryon was be- ing treated by ome. of the doctors there. Although she has been ailing for over a year "the news of = her y death came "a8 a' shock to all. The remains were brought to Arden for interment. Mrs. Tryon leaves a husband and two children, Steward, aged nine, and Fred. not quite ~ two i years old, also a fdther, mother and several Brothers and sisters. On Tuesddy morning Fvert Hughes {and C. Thompson left for Napanee, where they intend spending part of the , Gordon Hughes, Miss Violet Lewis dnd Roy Tewis Were Elm Tree visitors on Sunday. Mr. Fretz, of Vineland, was, the guest of R. T. Knowles, at the Carman house last i week. Stanley Wood left. on Wed- nesday for Sulphide. Mr. and Mrs, LE, bo family were at . C.. H. Woods' on Sunday. Mr. Hamlyn, | lumber merchant, is in the burgh ; this week. Misses Bertha and Em- ma Wood and Miss Myrtle Drew were lat K. Tryon's on Saturday after noon. At Washburn's Comers .t Washburn's Corners, y -- The funerdl of the late Mrs.'G. Watts was held at the Taniily residence on Tuesday last. Service was conduct- (ed by Rev. W. G. Swayne. A num- ber of young people attended a mas- querade party at J. | Morris on Friday night. Miss Vera Flood visited friends at Oak Leaf on Wednesday. The fine dry weather has enabled the farmers in this viein- is still a lot to do yet. A. E. Dono- van, M.P.P., of Toronto, called on friends in this viinity Jast week. Mrs. H. Sheffield, of Athens, is recoy- ering from fer recent serious illness; Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Pedt are return- ing from the Canadiafd' west, to oc- cupy their former home in Athens. Patrons of the Athefs post office re- gret the resignation 'of Miss Bolton she was a most capable and obliging official. J. Karley, of I¥. Miss Pearl Erwin, who bas been ig for the last féw weeks, is able to ton, had a barn rajsing last week ana work. 'Thé popular' drama "Valley Farm," will be presenfed in the town d pleted but ] B e J place Ee bron n Feitis Liatna 88 oe Morris', Glen ily to do a lot of séedink, but there from the sta¥ of that ilstitution, as Sharon, Pa., visited relatives at Soperton 'recent- he out agdin. I. Haliday, of Soper- carpenters are now completing the Mall, Athens, by Tocal amateurs, un Tr the auspices of the Women's In- : AAT Ho08 of CR "od 3 r a foe. oe actory en May 1th -R, engineers and sur- 7eyors who have heen in Parham for the past two ' other points along the Hne. On May 3rd, the Oddfe sermon. Rev, Mr. Boyd, of King: ston, was the minister in charge, The crowd was thé largest in years. I'he Methodist church was beautiful ly decorated with flowers for the oc 'sio) : "On Wednesday evening, May 6th; Mea. Margaret Taylor, of Hamilton president of the Rebekah assembly of Ontario, visited the Iva Leaf Lodge No. 64, of this place. After the routine business, Mrs. W. Clow, i{9ast grand, on hebalf of the lodge nade un address and presented Mrs. Taylor with an ebony hand mir- 'or, silver mounted and suitably en- graved, after which the lodge and several friends sat down to a table of good things. The evening was pleasaptly spent in music, singing and speeches. Mrs, F. Charleton Miss L. Barr ligve returned from Kingston = hos: sital, where they had been undergo- 'ng medical treatment. All were ilad to hear that Miss 8° Killins, nurse-in-training, had passed her ex- amination with honours at the King: ston general hospital: , Mrs. A. Ham- ilton received the sad. frews Of the sudden death of her brother on Mon- day. Mrs. M. Goodfellow and Litzzie spent. Sunday with: her daughter ai fichborne, Misses Mabel apd Liles tian Killing and Miss Hf. Goodfellow spent Sunday at J. Goodfellow's. A baby boy has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ball. THE SPORT REVIEW Items About Basehall--Dulie of Con. naught Interested in Game ¢ Pitcher Gaw was released 'Sattr! day by the Toronto club to ihe Port: land, Me., club. The Duke of Connaught made him- self right at home at his first game of baseball in Ottawa. He was out on the field playing eateh with the pbitchers and enjoyed IMmself im- mensely. The @Geuadian baseball league has made a splendid start, and jit looks like a prosperous. year for all the clubs on Président Fitzgerald's cir- cuit. 3 Montreal Star: H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught asked if a baseball was made of Wood. He would have some reason for asking if the heads of some 'of the players were made of wood. wn London Advertiser: The Ottawa club. looks to' be the t in the league right fiow. The pitchers are working in mid-season form, and the Senators look capable of securing a big Tead right at the start and hold- ing it for dome time. A ninth inning rally enabled Tor- nto to defeat Newark on Saturday, % to 5. This made it two straight, Pitcher Royce 6f Hamilton college, took lis place among record-holding baseball players, having equaled the college record by striking out twen- ty-one batsmen. Royce made his record in a game with Rochester uni- versity. Two weeks ago Royte struck out twenty-one men in oné game. In Toronto's fifth Tim Jordan made in two days. It was a mammoth hit that clegred the right bleachers clean and landed in the bay; scoring O'Hara ahead of him. inning Saturday his second homer me sein A WOMAN RESPONSIBLE } For Persuading 'Lefty Louie's" Widow to Testity New ¥ork, May 18.--That Mrs. Inez Mulholland Boissevain, lawyer. woindn suffragist, and duced Mrs, Lillian Rosenberg, 'widow Of the dead gunman, "Lefty Louie," to testify 'against Yormér Police Lieutenant Charles Becker dt Fri. day's session of the trial becanie known yesterday. ol Waiting for the promised dropping of the bombshell ' into Becker's de- fence by Mrs, Rosenberg, Mrs. Bois. sevain sat among the reporters 4t the tearing. No onee did she give a hint was to] pubiteist, in" | Lhe got out himsel. ibs ada | H 4 EU, KINGSTON, { ON SUNDAY. 1 .T. €.'Mclellan on Sathrday Cash or on Time . Gananoque Inn Being R Gananoque, May 18th -- William TF. C. MeLellan, eldest son of Mr.| and Nrs. William. McLellan, passed years, 'have left for | age lows had their annud! | knew hi ly two sisters; rs. (Dr) White, of New York City, and Miss Maud are left to} mourn his early decease. The fun- eral was held this afternoon from the family rdsidence to 'Gananoque cemetery. Leeds lodge, No. 201, A. F, & A.M, conducted the fun- oril with Masonic honors, Rev. Henry Grapéy, pastor of the 8t, An- dren church conducted the ser- vice. : John Ditton, a tighly esteemed business man of this town, passed away at the Hotel Dien, Kingston, | on Sunday, after a heroic fight of some five years with the dread white plague. Mr. Dillon was wide-| ly kmown and gent and industrious hard-working ; man, Iho fice smitten by disease, has worked up a well paying busi- ness ig the link of. fruit, .confec- tionery, etc, on King street. The eceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dillon, of this town. funeral flakes lace Tuesday from 9 ome of his. parents, to St. John's church w Ae requiem mass will be sung for the repose of his ; soil, and his remains laid to rest | in Gananogue cemetery, d Thomas Haesler, a prosperous and highly estegmed resident of Leeds! township passed to rest. on Saturday | at Brockville general hospital, wher, he was undergoing treapment for. several weeks. The remains were forwarded here yesterday and the funerals took place this . after- agon from. the home of his sister, Mis. 8, Cicprahe, Maple Grove, . Gananoque cemetery, Court Thousgnd Islands, No. 66, 2.0. F, to the i0 paraded to St. Andrew's church resterday, morning. Rev. Henry Iracey 'preached the society sermon. Rev. William Dewitt, of Prescott, oredached am educational sermon in grace chureh. yesterday morning, nd in the evening preached along 'he lines of the Worlds Peace Sun- lay. Rev. Melvin Taylor took *harge of Mr. Howitt's work in Pres- cott. ! Gananoque Inn is being renovated, Jréparatory for reopening on June 1st. At a session of the executive of 'he Gananogue Yacht club last week it was decided to open for the sea- ion on. Wednesday next, May 20th. 'Mack", Cotton has heen appointed steward. Keith Donovan of the staff of the Merchants bapk here, has been trans- ferred to the vecently opened branch at. Clarksburg. = His place here has Han hed by Mr, Smyth of Hunting- don. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Rang- °F and family left ducing the past days to locate in Rictop' CHANGES TN C, P. R. TRAINS The Express May Leave Kingston at ! 11 A.M, The new time-tard now being pre- pared by the C. Pp. R., which goes into effect the 31st of May., will very likely show some important changes. It is thought the fast trains, Nos. 17 and 18, on the Montreal, Smith's Falls and Toronto route will meet at Sharbot Lake between 12.30 and 1 PD. ., and that there will be two io- cal trains each way a few minutes before or alter the fast trains. These changes will prabably make an early leaving time for train 613 out of Kingston. | The time'is now D. m., but the new time will be about | 11a m. This earlier leaving would allow for a connection with the Win- nipeg, If these changes go into effeet, it will greatly improve the connections at Sharbot Lake with the west and out of Renfrew. t Under the roadbed ad and a much Is expected to be maintained. tli At the Breithaupt Teather com- Pany's tannery, Herlin, Ont. August Kaufman, night watchman, fol} intda vat of boiling lignid, Me called for adsissance arrived He was tecribly esteemed as a dili- | | to] 'Number of about] | i i | i ! "want. You ean select twelve records at 85¢ and take this $45 Jewel Colum- bia, making a total of $55.20 CASH, or else pay us on terms to suit you. Talking machines sold A DOLLAR A WEEK. Come and select what you : Bs . Pianos' Qua stock of New Scale Williams Pignos is worth seeing be- | fore you buy. You are not under any obligation. See them any- Way and see how easy our terms are. Store 'open from 9 a.m. tll 5. 30 p. m., and from 7 p.m, till 9 p. m, NEW J. R. Cote; Manager, 4 ILLIAMS PIANO AGENCY = = = 35 Montreal Street. All Orders Filled | For s Milk, Cream, Butter - and Ice Cream Price's Dair ? Office 277 Princess-St. Less | MENDELS | Our Anniversary Sale Is now in full swing. Hundreds of satisfied costo- mers visited our store to-day. Take advantage of Pay Here al Anniversary "Sale All This Week _ this bargain giving festival--it means money saved. $3.98 | Rain- $3.98 Rain-: Bargains for Tuesilay | 200 Ladies' & Misses' | Raincoats 200 | coats +In Poplins and Paramattas, every coat new this spring and fully guaranteed. All sizes, 14 yrs. to 44 bust. Raglan and set-in sleeve styles; colors are grey, navy, black, fawn and brown. Regular $6.50 and $7.50. Tuesday Only $3.98 Sale Price 150 Fancy and Plain Tweed Skirts 150--At $1.98 Each Colors are light and dark greys and browns, made from pure wool tweeds and homespuns, correct styles, all sizes for misses and ladies, values to $6.00. Tuesday Only $1.98 Sale Price coats 100 BUNCHES OF FLOWERS, 100, AT DERSKIRTS, 36, at $1.39 EACH Colors are cerise, em- erald, navy and brown, made with deep pleated flounce; good value at $2.25. Tuesday, $1.39 to clear, tute, on the evening of Wednes- day heft, May 20th. R. Shaw lias secured the services of J. Hanna to Diint the interior of his new resi- dente. T. Ross, who has been seri- ously ill of pneumonia, is decidedly better. '25¢c EACH Balance "of a manu- facturer's sample lot, "correct for present haw trimming, flowers in the lot worth up-to - $2.00. Take your choice while they last, Tuesday, 25c | to clear. i rtm a ine an . 50 NEW SPRING COATS CLEARING AT HALF : gt * PRICE. LE hurned, Harry K. Thaw is leaving Concord, NH. for a summer resort, under sherifi's control. He will later locate at Gorham, N.H. : 4 Of what was coming, that the Zuilt of ihe executed gunmen wonld be 3d mitted by the wife of thefr leader "Mrs. Rosenberg came to ime' to aid Wer to get Work," said Mrs. Boig- sevalm. "1 'advised her to tell fhe. : F truth. * The fmpression may have © r-- > {been created that Mrs, Rosenberg Parham News Budget | was revengeful; (hak she was de. Parham, May 15. Famers have ¢ termined to get eve with Becker] >" y their crops and garden nedrly in. As|because 'He had 'falled to free the |. It's true, the season is here with gunmen. 'That shotld Be corrected. its sudden changes, and the old idea - At 'np tine Qa Mrs. Rosenberg ex-| that: we need a blood 'medicine is not § 4 4 G press to me any 'hidtred of Tieute - without reason. Too much heavy ' : ' int Becker. On the other Hin pA food has caused a' torpid liver, shig. | 3 -) and a weak, tired out x 36 ONLY SATIN UN. | ) Nyx ' sedi § ¥ 8 +291 Suggests Grandivother's Remedy bad no Special love for My. gish blood, nam, 1 believe. She toitified th oie] feeling. : OF the fact that she would much ra] Sulphur, eream of tartar and mo- : h 3 Sr fookd Sher have deen Téet put of the ch y ogg aon grvamey but is as, 00kS | L know that she desired to tell the as ago been displaced by J} rand nothing' will make her look'| truth sn the interest of justice" or nati 01d 50 sively or sp quickly as gray | ; Black or grey Llama coat, white or vest, St¥ipe worsted trousers; u ces right. Fit guaranteed. pearl grey 4 p-to-date seleetion. $51 8 Take Your Choice of Any Suit in Store at Half Price Ee garment new this Season. All mar in plain figures. See our windows. posted. Read our ads, NX. G.Clife. of Opelika, Ala, says: ! rT Na lh dows 132134 MENDELS Princess BO A Vinol and was greatly benefited by . : ill as J, soon felt, strong nd J Kingston's only exclusive ready-to-wear stbre for T.J. O'CONNOR, Manager. of, the two namely, the curative elements of the without oil, sud iron for goods Keep - Feod's liver, the Blood. . Vinol builds "vou un, makes you ent more and digest better, votir blosd' rich and pure--pits heal thy color in your cheeks. £ of Connalight "will visit 'ob July Sth for the coming 16 Canada as gov- | aespn_Wuad" of militant" wuf- | ; the grand stand at Eng, rate tounie Mon. | Wel gantantos Vinol to satisfy vou abd refund. your money 'if it does i3eo. W. Mahood," Auggist, King.' bo. W- Malidod, Wein ing A call solicited. : bai, J} | brevent her hair turning griy or fo 4} | restore | gray hair to all its form- | y a | Hay's Feir Health wil ao tt. Tt 1s | § Rot a dye, It acco its in traiio | Hl IRA sn meg TAILORS of amd Be Bagot Sts. pd say that we will refund your | BS i s after a fair trial. re. 5 ¥ 1] FOR SALE AND RECOMMEND. [foe of Cun. : ED BY J. B, McLEOD, DRUGGIST, #0. : Ca "Hit is possible for any woman 'to ; : ér beaut » Hed s re- d and W alsh, [liso Same , We are sure enough of its resultd | $1.00, 0c, 25c. Get. at at our | U8 £4 % i '