341-7 Priccess Street Paotie 78. Promst Delivery frival of Strawberries | | NEW YORK FRUIT ; STORE * Pineapples, 10 and 15c each. 314 Princess St. Phone! 405 | Fresh Caught Salmon Live Lobster . Dominion Fish Co. | PHONE 530 Come Early? ING SEASONS WRWEST SUNY INGS, NOW ON HAND BEST VALUE IN OITY, { Ashby the Tailor | 78 Broek Bt Phone 1518 Fruit Land Fresh strawberries daily. Pineapples, 10c and up. All seasonable fruits at low prices. We also carry a line of choice candy. ; JAMES PAUL $18 PRINCESS ST. Why Pay -High Prices? Will Give Yon FIRST CLASS GOODS + The Style and Fitting will be Faultless The Fi and Workmanship 11 be perfect, The price will be from $2.00 to $7.00 LOWER than you have been paying RALPH SPENCER The Tailor. 620 Princess Street Opposite St. Androw's Church won et -- pe asm Ee -- ten . FURNITURE If you are renewing your beds and bedding, I ean save you mdhey. 80 sample brass beds re- ed 10 to 20%, Iron beds, 50 and up, all sizes. Hercules spring, best] ile mattress. Pillows, all 5. Ask tossee the Dixie 2 tuft mattress. Best You remember > that sample of we sent you from England. 'Everybody is delighted with 'the new and delicious flavour. It is so easy to obtain H.P.at all the local stores, and . most folks now enjoy it | 'atevery meal, every day. DO YOU? Of course, it must be the One and Only H.P. Sauce. homas Copley Telephone 987 a card to 13 Pine street when g anything done in the carpen- line. Iistimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention, Shop. #0 Queen Street. 1 The Dye that colors ANY KIND of Cloth Perfectly, with the SAME DYE. eo No Chance of Mistakes. Clean and Simple. Ask your Dru or Dealer. Sead for Bookler. aa: Limited, Montreal Practically every garment, worn by man and woman * canbe thoroughly cleaned by our Dry Cleaning Process. 14 KINGSTON BRANCH 69 Princess Street. 2 | one end WHY WORRY | Choose your variety and SIE THE DAILY BRITISH BCL COE ei WHAT WHIG . HAVE TO FEL. News From Villages and Farms Throughout 'we Adjoining Uouu- ties--Rural Evcits, and Move ments. > At Emerald, Amherst Island Emerald, May 17~--Farmers have nearly completed seeding. A. Hitchins has put a steel réof on his Barn. Davy Bros., Bath, have put a new roof on Christ church, Emerald. The voung fellows of Emerald are organ- izing a football team. Emerald school is preparing for Fwpire day celebra Lou. Notes from Glendower Glendower, May 16.--A large number of farmers are putting in seed. The factories have all started. Mrs. M. |. Gowdy held service in the Friends' church last Sunday. 7T. Babeock drawing his lumber from Glendower. Worms are commencing to show on the trees. Charles Babcock has mov- ed to Godfrey. Alexander Hoppins intends building a new home, Vennachar Reports Vennachar, May 16.---Miss Stella Storms, Yarker, has been engaged as teacher in 8.8. No. 8, to fill the vac- ancy caused by Miss F. A. Banford resigning. A. C. Barry, Wolfe Is- land, is visiting His daughter, Mrs. Alvin Snider. Charles Briggs moving to Oswegatchie, N.Y. Wil- liam Holmes has completed the car- penter work on his brother Welling ton's house and.the painters have commenced painting. Andrew Cowan has been laid up for the past two weeks withva sprained ankle. is Hartington Happenings Hartington, May 18.--Born, to Robert Gooderham and wife, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Alconbreck, Camden East, at John Dowker's; Misses Pauline Mac Donald and Jessie Popal, Kingston, at George Fairweather"s. Benjamin Campsall is spending a few days in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Shangraw are at Leroy Leonard's. Mr. and Mrs George Deer visited at Edwardf Freeman's Miss Lillie Woodman, Wolfe Island, is visiting Miss Dot Campsall. Mr. Porter, Elginburg, { visited at George Trousdale's. I---- Centreville Notes Centreville, May 15.-<Most of the farmers in this vicinity are finishing up sowing this week. The weather has been ideal for seeding and the ground is in perfect condition. A large number from here went to Newburgh on Monday .to. be present at Dr. M. I. Beeman's funeral as he was well and favourably known, hav- ing been a former practitioner here. James Cassidy and James O'Ray were in Kingston on Wednesday. Misses Kitty O'Connor and Mary Fitzmartin visited at Henry Brown's on Sunday. Frank Lochhead is expected home from Napanee to spend some time. Frankville Items Frankville, May 17.---The farm- ers have nearly finished:\seeding here There are two new automobiles in our town owned by Frederick Stew- art and Frederick Montgomery. Vis- itors on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Soper, Smith's Falls, at L. Soper s; Norman Davidson, Smith's Falls, and Lloyd Davidson, . Escott, at John Davidson's, Lehigh Corners; Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Smith, at Harlem; Fred- erick Stewart and Mrs, Peter Stew- art, and Miss Millie Stewart spent the week-end in Prescott at the home of Frank Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. KE. Smith, Athens, spent Sunday here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. William King, Addisen, at Robert Grey's. Tidings from Stella May 1Sth.--A great many farmers have already turned their stock out grass, the feed being about done. The supply of milk be ing sent to Stella cheese factory 1 not as large as at this time last year, a number havicg disposed of their cows and others are making but ter. Robert Caughey met with a painful accident on Friday last. While driving 'a land roller through a gate, of it caught on the post, breaking the pole, and throwing him ofi. His arm was injured and he also received a bad shakipg up... Dr. G. H. Patterson, Odessa, was telephoned for, and is now attending him. Misses A. and J. Glenn are spending a few days with their sister in Adolphus town. Mrs. R. P. Sanders is spending a few days in the city. Stella, to Philipsville News Philipsville, May 18.--~The past week has been a great one for the farmers. The seed is going into the ground at a rapid rate. Pastures and meadows are getting' a good growth. ing train from Philipsville station is causing the inhabitants to sit up and take notice, and the evening mail wil not reach us until about 8.30 p.m. the funeral of the lato Adelaine Bush on Saturday at Delta. Miss Lucille Whitmore is the week-end guest of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jd. N. Phelps, at Delta. Mys./ Clifford Ranson and boys returned to Brock- ville Thursday from a few weeks' visit with her grandfather, W. B. Phelps. Mrs. H. CU. Davison, Brock- ville, is visiting er father for a few days. E. A. Whitmore will move into his new renovated home this week. Mrs. Julia Davison will occupy her new purchase as soon as Mr, Whit- more moves out. W. B. Plelps un- loaded part of a car of fertilizer on Wednesday last. Frank Willows is very low. Late Mrs. W. White, Plevna Plevna, May, 15.----On Monday night, May 11th, death claimed one of Plevna's oldest residents in the person of Mrs. William White, Sr, after a few weeks' illness. Five sons are left to mourn her joss: John, of Harlowe; William, of Ardoch; Nor- ton, of Fernleigh: Edward and David, of this place. The funeral was Sel er Sdnesaay trom the son, ward, with she resided for some' WHIG, Ee FOR COMMENCEME Point. beg ed in a corsage flower of purple. PREP mains weld interred in the Methodist cemetery at Ardoch by the side of her husband, who predeceased her some years ago. Much credit is due Rev. Mr. Pringle in having successfully pass- ed his examinations. He will now #& ordained. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wood, of Northbrook, are the guests of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Simpson, of Folger, attended the Temke-Tooley wedding on the 13th inst. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kring have moved to Ompah on the Baw- den farm. Mrs. J. Ohlman is with her daughter, Mrs, J. Brouse. At Bedford Mills Bedford Mills, May 15.--One even- ing of the past week tHe young peo- ple of this vicinity wera _entertained right royally at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James Foley. They gather- ed in large numbers from Westport, Chaffey Locks and the neighbour- ing vicinity to celebrate Mrs. Foley's birthday. Dancing was the main amusement of the evening and the music was rendered in splendid style by the orchestra. At the ne of the evening's entertainment, the merry makers wished Mrs. Foley many happy returns of the'day, and all agreed that it was the hest time that has been afforded them in long time. Seeding is the order of the ~day The employees of the C.N.R. are busy keeping the big trestle in good condition. This sys tem is a great boon to the people of this vicinity A gentleman passed through here buying pulp wood for the manufacture of paper. The rural telephone company are getting the poles up, and it is expected that all will be completed within a month. Miss Eliza €©'Neill, Elgin, spent the week-end with her father, M. J. O'Neill. The Misses Margaret Moul- ton and May Enzlow are visiting at Mrs, Kirkpatrick's. Miss Anna O'Neill and Miss Nina Murphy visit- ed with friends in Westport on Fri- The outgoing of the morn- | A number from here attended, FEET AREN'T ACHING OR TIRED NOW-"TIZ" "FIZ" is wonderful for sore, burn- ing, swollen, sweaty, calloused feet and corns. "How *'TIZ' does help sore fect." Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No more shoe tight- ness, no more limping with pain or drawing up your face in agony. "TIE" is magical. acts right off, "TIZ" draws out all the poisonous exuda tions which pnff up the feet. Use STZ sad wear: smaller' shoes. Al! how comfortable your feet feel. .. Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ' now at dny druggist or department store. Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad feet that never swell, naver Se JEK AT WEST POINT. The pretty girl who is invited to partake in June gaities gins to plan her costume far of the glorified week. This lovely white frock has been added to a spring | wardrobe with West Point in view. The skirt is crepe, Tooped up at the back by a sash. in is appliqued with pale lavender roses and the lavender shade is deepen- The hat is of purple straw, lace and flowered Dresdgn ribbon in white and lavender shades. NT WE A A A A A A AA AA AAA SAAN TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1914, CLEAN-=No "chutes dust or flying ashes. Ash - ide all ashes into convenient pan. A : 'ERE RRP ® : Pe... No ah shovelling Farnace near. See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. = at West ahead--to add to the anticipation of brocaded Egyptian d The bodice of white nocturne sat- day and Saturday of last week. James and Maggie Leeman are at M J. O'Neill's. Michael O'Neill is at Kirkpatrick's and William Kirk- patrick at James Moulton's. A Wedding at Plevna Plevna, May 15.--On Wednesday, May 13th, a pretty wedding was solemnized in Holy Trinity church, which was prettily decorated fer the occasion,"when Judd Tooley, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tooley, and Miss Louise Lemke, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lemke, all of Plevna, were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Pringle, in the presence of a large congregation. The bride entered the church lean- ing on the arm of her father, to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played by Mrs. G. Ostler. The bride wore a pretty suit of navy blue serge, with waist to match, and a white hat. She was assisted by her sister, Aygusta, who wore a navy blue suit and white hat, while John Tooley, brother of the groom, acted as best man. During the signing of the register the congregation sang "The Voice That BReathed O'er Eden." After the ceremony about seventy-five guests repaired to the home of the bride's parents, where a reception was held, and a dainty lunch partakén of In the evening a goodly number of young people as- sociies of the hride and groom gathered and held a dance. At mia- night lunch was served and shortly after the guests left for their homes, all wishing Mr. and Mgs. Tooley a long and happy life. The number of both ' handsome and useful presents received showed the high esteem in which the young couple are hela. The bride and groom will reside on the Mountain. r= NOT "TIRED" OF FAIRS No Fewer Than Pour This Year. Berlin, May 19.-When the semioffi- cial German Exhibitions Commission frowned upon the San Francisco ex- position and opposed German partici- pation in it, one of its main alleged arguments was that (Germany was *'ex- position tired." Germany herseli, nevertheless, breaking dll records this year by holding no fewer than four big exhibitions, at least three of which have appealed for interna-| tional participation. The Book Industry and Graphic Afts in Germany' is 6th. The German Arts and Crafts ex- hibition at Cplogne opened yesterday. An electrical exhibition dealing with éverything in the realm of applied electricity, including numerous foreign displays, will open its gated at Frankfort-on-Main in June, and due- ing July and August an exhibition called "Gas," dealing with electricity's great rival in the field of illumination and heating, will .be held in Munich. Foreign exhibitors will be prominently represented at Munich. All these enterprises enjoy the sup- port. and backing of this exposition tired government department at Ber- lin which boycotted the Panama-Pa- cific fair, TOUCHED LIVE WIRZ Youth Had a Narrow Escape From Death. Kingsville, Ont., May 79. son of H. Governs had 5 escape from death when his Came in contact with a live wire which passed through a tree he was clibing on Main street. The wire carried 2,200 volts, and the made the child I is hold and f; exhibition at Leinzig opened on May }- Your Oven Gains ; Le by Our Oven Test Your oven becomes a certain producer; of .more bread 'and better bread. We can promise that. For from each .shipment ~ of wheat delivered at our mills : we take a ten pound sample. "We grind it into flour. We bake the flour into bread. If this bread is high in quality and large in quantity, we use the shipment. . Other. wise we ell it. There is no guess-work about our promise of more bread and 'better bread from flour bearing this name. ol £ i : "Mbre Hread and Better Bread" and \v "Better Pastry Too" © 6&8 PUCITES ITO COUPON "N- 4." Please send me your Book. Address Business. . .... put it off until another time. Are YOU Getting a Profit From Every Square Inch of Floor Space? HIS Book will tell you how you can double tion for the retailer, whole sale merchant and manufac- your available floor space turer. It may prove worth hundreds of dollars to YOU. It is brimful of suggestions without adding to your pre- sent building. It will show you how to make every for the wideawake business man who desires to increase Well gladly send it free upon request. square inch of floor spite, pay a profit. It contains a his efficiency. wealth of valuable informa- OTIS-FENSOM ELEVATOR COMPANY 30 BAY ST., TORONTO YNES dn somos Tuarioes of money Fo 1 Te- funded: Loe