S and i FRsEnEr PB i onset] accounts i d. accounts ene] when required for two or more per- Sons, any one of whom may deposit or withdmw, evest is paid on balances, Accounts opened for Societies, Lodges, , or for private purposes. Executors Howard * INVESTMENT BROKE Fire and Life Insurance High Grade Bonds and Stocks 000,000 INOORPORATRD { | lw "ala he | | | Ring because it was BE BEGINNING. Apcient of World's Rivers and Did Not Have to Make Its Own Bed. The Youth's Companion. / What'is the oldest river in the world ? The St. Lawrence. It i Bo one of the fsw rivers that did t have to _ke its own Jud, and remained the ory beginning o. the ae con- Linent. Try to think of a time when Hearth was covered by a mass of water, hot, steaming, and oiten tre the throes t was shrin- cooled. HAs the globe shrunk, every - particle T. { ! | {of the outside was naturally palled.in toward the wentre, and the hardening ceast, which could wot be ~packdd more solidly than it was, had to writikle, binking = down here 'and bulging up somewhere else, S. Fo er ig 3 Real Estate Distriét Manager of The SUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 'Clarence Street Ww CHOICE LOTS Phene 995 AT BARGAIN PRICES. Street, 86 x 150 td's 1hne Wh REL 4 81,000 Btreet, 75 x 110 ..,.. Street, Russell Street. x OB to a lane .. x 130 to a lane .. Wallington Street, 40 x 66 , . .. Easy terms on some of the above. GEORGE BAWDEN Coal Insurance 168 Princess Street | How About "That New Howe ? -- On Upper York Street, built of Kingston brick. The owner says he'has the best house in Kingston. Well, After a time certain of these rising wrinkles, or folds, the thicker, or firmer parts of the earth's 'crust stood the strain, and become per- manent ridges, The oldest of Them that geologists know, and apparent iy the first that bulged np sbeve the universal ocean and remained ' high aud dry, was the broad mass on which Canada now rests. It is a part of. the original erust of the earth and we tan see it to-day whenever it is not covered with newer rocks or soil, just as it erystalized and ecool- ad ont of the primitive molten ma- ial. mass formed a hroad V from f.abrador down to Lake Huron, and thence northeastward to Alaska; on account of its shape, geologists cal it the Canadian shield. 1t is the oldest land known, and apparently the strongest, for there are no signs of any extensive changes in it (except the wearing away of the surface) since it frst rolled the ocean Off its shoulders. : Off the eastern coast of this primi- tive continent lay a chain of lofty jslands, about on the line of the Blue Ridge, the White mountaifis, the Maine coast and Nova Scotia. Be- tween these islands and the main- land was a trough-like space that! ran from Eastern Québec south- wost-! ward to Ohio. It was 200 or 300! miles wide, and filled with a shal- low sea; and just outside the Is- land chain was the great hollow that held the Atlantic ocean. Time went on. For ages the straining and creaking of the shrink-| ing globe, earthquakes, sun and frost, pounding surf, running water, blowing gales, ice--all labored to, Hear down the mountains and carry | the wreckage of rock® and dust away | into the valleys and seas. In his way vast masses of rock layers, in- fayers of shales, sandstones and he Fe i DA ic emetnio nt Maguificent Stream is One of the Most | tice 18 hereby give: that a rt of Revision Sf the Assessment Ro "= for tie 8k the "Pown- onday, June if 10 o'clock. a. i Cataraqui, on' 16th, 1814, at the hour m,. All persons baving business at the sald court win i se gover. them- selves accordion ADAIR, on awnship of Ringston, Cataraqui, May 185, 1924 S * Of Parlor and Bedryom Furniture, Friday and Saturday, 15th and 16th. -J. McAuley, Furniture Dealer dertaker. . 281 Princess St. Ambulance. Phone 861 and Un- Ea { in People "Can PutOn Flesh ATCH BRACELET. FINDER HE i ah municate with the Whig. 0 Mal N TO ACT a ederis. Ma to oo hos- Pi ONE PROVISION ment cutter. Limited. AND, ONE FRESH e Wm. Davies Co, MESSENGER BOY, ONE WITH BI- vyeie preferred. Apply Pr, Chown's drug store. EXPERIENCED HARDWARE clerk or young man to learn the hardware © business. Apply A Chown & Co, Bagot St, AN COTPON MILL HELP, PARTICULAR- ly speedy tenders and dnffers for pinning roem, Apply ro Supt Empire Cotton Mili Welland, Ont ORGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER RI quired for Sydenham Street Metho- dist church, Kingston, Ont. Apply stating salary. A, Shaw, 190 Uni- versity Ave. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 ont Sotresponding for newspap no Send for: DRrHCUIara, Pross ynal: cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. AN GOLD LOCKET WITH INITIALS, PIC. tures inside. Reward if returned to Dr. Ashcroft, 140. Wellington St, CARTING. Ard dong. Saitiction gue T0 LET Fes ONE OF THESE Once, 2c; thee tin FROM 1ST MAY, no Thomas Mills, 79° larence DW Tt AT $1 D Tob. J 8 I Mean YY A I ge D URNITUR rc. r 'MeCann, ti Broo STORAGE clean -- Rey) street. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR SUMMER months: Apply to Mrs. Goodwin, 1 Alice street. 325 EARL ST. DETACHED BRICK, 7 rooms, hot alr furpace. 8 RR. McCann, 82 Brock FURNISHED HOUS 1st May, No. 11 ninghatn & Mudie, OFFICES IN A bers. A) dle, 79 ence BE TO RENT FRO Bagot Bt. - Cun- CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES- tics, Parties arriving April 27th and May 10th. Special Scotch party: May 1 Apply now, The Guild, 47° Pembroke St. Toronto and 71 Drummond St, Montreal REPRESENTATIVE BY OLD ESTAR. lished Western Ontarid packing house for Kingston, panes ar nd Belleville, to sell a s of pac) ing house products, Goods to handled on commission basis. ply Box 616, Whig office SPEPIFEPPEPPE EBL PPP PRES L1 += + ! mene Good 'smart De Ap WANTED. i boy 'for mailing room. A good chance lor - 3 vancemend. Apply ireulasti Manager, Whig offic», &* THERE ede WANTRD--GENBRAL ROUGHCAST SIX ROOM Dw BLLING, 4 Colborne B. and 8 and Bo furnace. Apply 185 heen st. ot eee meee epee STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and + Rey. Frost's Clty Storage, 249 Queen St. Phone 526b, FROM MAY IST, 7 ROOMED HOUSE, on Livingston Ave, B. ana C., fur- nace, electric light, good &irden Abply 28 Livingston Ave 1 STABLES AND YARD ACCOMMODA. tion for fifteen horses and rigs: 2 80 dwelling if required. .;SApRlY Susman & Cohen, th) Ontario St. FOR , THE SUMMER, FURNISHED house," all conveniences, electnic light, gas and telephone; centrally located. Address Box I, Whig office. os UBLE SETT OF HARN Apply M. J. Dolan, 21% E Ti. - oh io a WELSH PONY, HARN 8 XN - a. o Shaap. jo for Ane sal ha A VEN ROOM FRAME house, B and C., and three loth, on Montreal Street; FOR A a3 © 1.0558 2 part of foe abe a R, Sp ORGAN Goon A Jagaon,, pianos SHAPR Viewer Victrotas, 244 AE Princess NE AAR a . GAS RANGES t Pea : ot aaa oan Tunis. Fir BRICK HOUSE oN, SN aduTsoN SP, " rooms, hy fro a gas; A eh N/ MOTOR g ndition. TEE er wb} x DIAN YCLE IN wri to EL So i ation, or ng ington , ~ Nelson, R24 FARM 105 ACRES, anp CONCESS township of Pittsburg. For sSin ulars apply Johnson St, to C. . Kingston, Ont. ANYONE = HAVING SECO stoves or furniture for a me for first class prices. son. 333 Princess St. Phone }) ANTIQUE MAHOGANY RED WwW new mattress and springs; v secondhand bath tub in good dition, Apply Box 161, Whig a $2100 BRICK VENEER n, FU ig ACH, Sctriclty; B. and , $60 . brie K, ¥e nts. "R. 39 Bagot Street. rant sms inane i tent atten ten ON JOHN ST, OPPOSITE NEW ROW houses, hardwood Jin'ng-room a= ble, centre table, other tables; ers 4 Kan, dishes, - good Inwn © mower, | Souvenir hall stoxe OFFICE DES HOUSE, 165 STUART or. THIRD DOO from University Ave, north side; 6 rooms, deep lot: immediate posses- sion, Apply 2321 University Ave | Phone 1484 CUSTOMERS TO WING UP 82 WHEN having hair or cotton mattresses to be renovated or recovered. King- ston Mattress Company, 556 Prin- cesw St. THE NEW LIVERY AND SALE STA. bl will be open May 1st, Clerg) St. between « Princess and Que Sts. All new rigs. Cabs at all hours Phone 637. McFadden & Lemmon Props. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up IMMEDIATELY, brick hou UNFURNISHED se, 146 Stuart St, eleetrls tights and g hot water heating: Recently done over. Apply at above address. hone 1449 as, SOLID BRICK HOUSE, ALFRED ST. ten rooms, all modern Iimprove- ments; hot water heated: deep lot; possession May ist. Phone 301. 1299 in evening.) EASTVIEW PARK, ON THE Lawrence, fly miles from ston, five and sev AT ST. King- SIX FEET LONG, 83 in. high it and 56 1.2 4 of $ Aoply at back, Three drawers a top azheif. Slightiy used. A LARGE NUMBER OF ne YoLEs also Dunlop tires, Bt GAR 8 ~ British Whig oifice. arders pramptly carpet cleaning and laying. ao . Muller, 373 King St, 3 GROCERY STORE AND DWELLL i Jutario street, or wi grocery stock and fixtures privilege of renting store dwelling. Doing a © » ness. Sood PoRsoh for sell] ply F. X. Bageau, on the sr EE FURNISHED ROOM it is just as good, anyway. We have plenty mare such brick. Why not 'build your new house of thent ished bungalows to-date sults. Price and vorkman § Boyd, 106 Pine St. ship gvaran eed to please, Presa Ing and repairing org on the Apply what not, were laid down in that ton parrow trough-like sea between the! a wih oR WIThOUT. BOARD, WORK. A New Disc Discovery. men preferted, Price and 'boost home industri ies. Phone 1396 Division St. Albert Neal FOR SALE Johnson St. solid brick; all modern Durham St., frame, furneee-and electric light. A snap University Ave., rough-cast, furnace and gas lights George St. stone, all modern, verandah; bargain at Collingwood St., double frame, at a sacrifice price. Solid brick dwelling, good barn and large grounds, close to Lake Ontario Park; u fing supuner home, at a bargain. J. K. Carroll Agency, 40 BROCK ST. | JOHN DRIVER, Fresh Seeds are a Prime Necessity » If you are looking for results, why not sow seeds that will grow. You ean procure tliem workman- shortest no= Bh » up the Hagen all. on. the prech- fixes VAY as powell A Show and quate prices i -- : SOCIETY ENGRAVER 347 KING STREET Where thé Clock is on the Walk PONT os Representative, The Great piish Remedy. Tones dnd invig igorates the Bhdle Pe 3 stem, makes pew Biv a Vein: eros Mental it Brin m dency; yy Me tar ana By Flo an of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per ho: One wi i pléuse, BX will eure, Bold by a at sts or mai ed n pinin vig HE Woon ice. New pamphlet ma i bd NE COL TORONTO, ONT, Auction Sales "We are sow: booking our spring sales. Come enrly and secure chalice of dates, We are also handling ael Estates on & commission basis." Our reputation for the last fifteen years assures you of the utmost satisfaction, prompt re- turns, honest and efficient service We will buy-the contents of house for Allen' 113 Broek St. Brick house, modern, seven r 6ms, 118 Victoria St., be- tween Ear! and Johnson Sts. Possession June 1st. : 'any Phone 2352. Frame house, modern, seven rooms, hardwood floors, 124 Victoria St... Rent. $18.00..per . month, Immediate possession. Apply Mdeod's Drug Store For Sale $1,500 For farm of 40 acres good outbuildings and land; seven miles from 4 postinan in' Kent, chain of islands and the continent. All "sedimentary" rocks were soft and weak as compared with the solid side of them; and the trough itself, 4 sagging fold, was a line of weak- ness in the crust. As the load of deposits became heavier and heavier, the floor of th.s trough slowly yielded, and as it sank towards the heated région below the under side melted and grew thinner and thinner. That could not go on forever, and soon the continental shrinking of ..e Zlobe and the enormous pressure of the weight of the ocean became ir-! resistible. The Canadian shield was immovable, so the rock in the trough began to bulge or erumple | all along its léngth. Gradually, not | all at once, but by slow and vary- ing movements, those folds were squeezed up, which in their broken Mand worn-down form, we know as the Appalachian mountains. Toward the south there was room for this action to be rather gentle and regular, but in the far northea' the trough was narrow; and the soft rocks were set on. edge, overturneu | and splintered against the solid con- tinent. Very early in the struggle a great fracture of the eatth's crust occurred here along a raryie north- east and southwest line. left a deep and broad trench Yih the crushed and displaced rocks of the troygh and the granite shore of the! Canadian shield. Into this trench rushed all the in- terior waters of the continent, drain- ing away to the sea, and the -St. Lawrenee river was born! the earth keeps its present form. At that time there was no Gulf of | St. Lawrence, the land extending {out to a coast life that stretched un- broken from Nova Stotia to Labra- dor. The present gulf is the result of a sinking of {lie ¢coast_ region. Most of it is very shallow, but a chart of soundings shows the ancient river bed as a channel winding up hetween Newfoundland and Cape Breton (0! the deep ocean. ---------------- Sent to Central Prison Brockville. May 19.~leopold Sim ard, the young Montreal man, ar rested last week for theft of $100 and a gold watch from the residences of J. C. Dickey, Yonge, Mills, and ot her articles. from a farmer...named. Baker, of Cataraqui, charges to which he pleaded guilty, was sentenced by Judge to twenty-three months in the Central Prison. "Noilson's i ice cream bricks," Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. hu is forty-eight vears Fog., James ing, who has just retired on a sion, niles. "MeConkey's Gibson's. General Huerta has expressed his willingness to step down, according to information received at Washing. ton. "MeConkey's Gibson's. Mavor Hocken, Toronto, will leave on Friday or Saturday for Regina at as will pen- sweets." high-class high-class sweets." for the meeting 'of the Grand Orange Lodge. bld granites deeply footed on eithe | There, | no doubt, it will remain as long as| walked a quarter of a million | Thin. men aad women---that big hearty, filling dinner you ate last night | What became of all the Jat-producing | nourishment it contained? You haven't gained in weight one ounce. That faod | passed from your body like unburned taal through an open grate. The ma- erial was there, but your food doesn't Be ork and stick, and the plain truth is you hardly get enough nourishment + om Jour meals to pay for the cost ! of cookin This is true of thin folks i tha world over. Your nutritive or- | gans, your functions of -assimilation, are sadly ont of gear and need recon- | struction. { Cut out foolish foods and funny saw- 'dust diets, Omit the flesh cgpam rub- jons. €ut out everything bu¥'Sge meals | you are eating now and eat with every fone o those a single Sargol tablet. in two weeks note the difference. Five to eight good solid pounds of healthy, "stay there" fat should be the net re- sult. Sargol charges your weak, stag- nant blood with millions of fresh new red blood corpuscles--gives the blood the carrying power to dellver every ounce of fat-making material in your}: food to every part of your body. 'Sar- gol too, 'mixes with your food and p pares it for the blood in easily assimi- lated form. way, from while takin stays put. 10 to 26 pounds a month Sargol, and the new flesh Sargol tablets. are a seien- tific combination of six of the best flesh-producing elements known to chemistry. They come 40 tablets to a | package, are pleasant, harmless and inexpensive, and all druggists sell { them subject to an absolute guarantee | of weight increase or money back. | LORD l'ro Return to Confer With Sir wand Grey | London, May 19.--The [ Standard is informed that j hones, who was recently in communi- ! KITCHENER Ed- Morning cation with the foreign office, will re- turn to England for a brief period at {an early date, to discuss -with Sir Edward Grey questions of the highest importance connected with the admin- Listration of Egypt. Although Lord | Kitchener's work since 1910 has been | most valuahle, it is understood thet, iin his opinion, the time is ripe for | the changes for some time discussed iby the imperial government. His suggestions are not confined to { fimancial matters, but include political , matters also. His scheme deals with the coordination of the administra. tive acts, and is not copfined to bigy 'pt, but also embraces the Soudan. pnt Kitchener will stay at Broome i Park, pear Canterbury. It is further understood that tha question as discussed during Sir Ed: ward Grey's visit to Paris, and that M. Cambon, the French ambassador in Losidon, will be in touch with Lord Kitcliener during his visit. "Spring Tonics." Gibson's. The Canadian Northern railroad an- nounces the appointment of louis bo hariton | Fritch, * to take entire "charge of the system. Salary is said 'to be £75,000 a year. Mr. Fritch has been with Baltimore & Ohio, Chicago Great Western and Illinois Central lines. 2 reat sacrifice sale of jewellery, bracelets, rings, tie pins; cuff but- tons, 'etc. absolutély half price. Dut- | ton's removal sale. With a thirty-two calibre bullet in his brain, Fdward Treu, New York, lived two davs. He shot his boss before he lost his job. "Charcoal Tablets," 10e. box. son's. There is a persistent rumor that Col, the Hon. John 8. Hendrie will ant again be & candidate for the leg- islature in West Hamilton, Gib- Thin people gain all the' Lord Kit | shortest notice. Thomas Galloway 131 Brock street, near ¥sibby's Gar- hood of Kingston, on the wager, Ar least iwo'baia- rooms and properly Squipped in re< mand 10 Kitchens and all other oo veniences. Jt would be an advan- tage if the servants now employed would remain on; a garage and motor launch would be an addi- tiandl attraction. An exceptionally large rental will be paid if a suit- able place can be obtained. Apply to). 8 R. MeCanm 82 Brock Strect POSITION. WANTED. WELL EDUC GUNG LADY sires position a8 A HOVOPTIOSS } Sa Apphy 'Bod. 510 Whg wince, NYO ls AX vedap- Se, a home 4 with a frontage Die sod - Sy 1 x a roa ® -buw Heaeock, :2 86 Lodkport. % Y or Jas es GUND "tN TaNaDA. Now ton mon doliar company: be- ing" formed by! Roglish, Canadin and American capital Yon can be- camp one bf the founders and par- teipate 'tn all dividends and spe ial profits by investing nd or me Write: quick for free boo fall information, . Pub her. Ti vestors' Balletin, 405 Wineh Bid: Vancouver BO. Canada, . CATRRING ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP. pers; I dinne~s, parties ove. < Shve: Land cutlery te rent, rtiontien apply. to R H. Yorerar Ing St. store. WE CATER 70° PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, barqguets, ete. alno Pent dishes, table linens and Shiverwara Brest Bhanes REX or TOR EXCAVATIONS ROCK OR CLAY, CONCRNTING OF cellars, levelling and laying lawns Ectimatea given. ardsell 102 Karl St t ROOMS: AND BOARD. FU nysuEn ROGNS WITH ROARD, table bonrd, Mrs. Buchanan, fr Brock Street, TEAMING. HEAVY AND LIGHT TEAMING promptly done. AlN modern ap silunces. Phone 854, or addresy E * Wathen, 47 Mack St Tuopel Under Lachine Canal Montreal, 'May: 19.~0n the sugges tion. .of Controller ~MoDonald, the i Roard . of Control. recommended that 83,000 be voted for the services of a competent. engineer to look into the 'proposal for the construction of tunnel under the canal rear the Wel lington street bridge connecting Point St. Charles with the rest of the eity and thus relieve trafic conditions. Con. Cote, works, expressed himseli as heartily n accord with the idea. Good Feed. For sale, damaged wheat. Purchase at James Richardson's wharf, foot of Princess street. The Brantford council will spend £23,000 this year in the construction, of sidewalks in the outskirts of the uty, iy SUMMER COTTAGE -- FURNISHED, in ¢harge of the. publie t Beautiful location at Eoint Pleas- ant, on lie lake silore (the second »oint be Fone Lake. Ontario Park.) Particulars on enquiring at Earl street, NEW BRICK, & ROOMS, mh St. $12.00. alow, 4 rooms, W. $9.00. Bonis for ant and prompt McCann, 82 Broe FURNISHED HOUSE, UNIVERSITY avenue, $5,000--SOLID BRICK ROUSE, 10 rooms, all improvements, large lot Alfred St ' CEMENT HOUSE, NEW, ALL mode: MORTGAGES Boy GHT AND SOLD. Money to loa BATEMAN & G ARDINER, PHONE 30a, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. nD & C, STE- New frame bun- C,, Patrick St, DORI tén- pam ment. J. R 8. For rent for summer "The Cove Two cottages, months, Sydenham, Ont fully furnished for summer housekeeping; in- cluding fuel and ice The cote tages are located an the shore of Sydenham Lake, have exten. sive. grounds, with shaded ten- Ms court, . excellent drinking ar, lighting facilities, boat Ate Cot rented separ ately P Lacey, Sy¢ BUSINESS NOTICES KINGSTON SHO RYHAND. rYre. writing and Copying Bureau, 32) Queen St. All yin strietly con. fidential. Rates moderate. -------------------------------------- JOSEPH BUSE, § CHESTNUT ST, HAS opened up a quarry on Stephen St. Cut, building and rough stone are Supplied promptly at reasonable prices, - PERSONAL HAIR, J Mot. &% WARTS, BIRTH- and all growths and skin a removed permanen'ly, without scar; 27 years' experience Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Noge Throat and Skin Sp # Bagot Street. > o Farl er ------ BOARD AND ROOMS © mae FIRST CLASS BOARD AND. @lso table board. Ap Hw lington St. opposite ot office FRONTENAC LOAN AND Vv ment Society; 'incorporated 1 resident, Culongl Henry R. Sm oney issued on city Rf properties, municipal and- coun debentures: mortgages purch flenuosiis FE Maan mhtereat owe C. MeGill an Clarence Street. Ager, id 3 an which the policyholders n security the unlimited HABINEY city property, insured 'at lowe possible rates rene old op new business giving rates. Ttrom trange Agents. Phone 338, Cl aniviey h LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire insurance Company, Aw assets, $61,187,215, In 'ad Before 4 DDS, RE moved to 258 ArT Street." SPARKS AND SPARKS, lington St. (over Phone 346. Si CRA Lo -- DR. 5 ©. ASH, DENTISTS DRT. B enton, assistan 3 PH moans Street. Phone 735. n Ss. Rn SIMPSON, LBS, DDS, DI NT ist, corner - Princess an streets. Entrance on Bagot street. 'Pelenhone 626. g 3 ARCHITECT WM, NEWLANDS "& SON. AR Fiona Soe, Oc. 301 Bagot POWER & chants' Bro - En St se ck snd ellington HOTFI1S. - THE ALBION T oF {atel, ONE THE BEST Kingston. SCALP MASSAGE hair, dandruff, etc, ectricity (new method), treatment massage up-to-date FOR ALLING BL by el Latest in shampooing, face manicuring. hiropody styles halr work Mrs. Herod, graduate masseuse, 159 We'iington St, Phone 1495 Hours 10 to 12 am, and 2 to b » m.. and bv appointment W, J. GAVINE, UPI pairing and arpet work. and mattress rencveting, Drop a eard LSTERING, RE. TEACHER a ne ING, MISS © ang Bajus, 47 Rideau : 5 A TELGMANN SCHOOL OF . mys Frontenac street. Act Sion mann, B.E, teacher $a action, i wi Nopma sind 0 ® enn, enc horse In, m ne no, "Term CUNNINGHAW wT MUDIE, BA ters and. solleltors, Law eo or call 218 Bagol sireel Clarence street, Kingston, Use Kentucky Cannel Coal. the op en grates. Quarter i ton $2.00