Ty E sep Pall p 15 thrée months pro rata. ------------------------------------------------------ of t bes b PE eM Canadas? 8 Jo REPR TIVE BD ot U, ot 226 Fifth Ave. fred Lt Cf rank R. Northrop, Manager. AN HISTORIC STRUGGLE. For several weeks before the C.N.R. deal was announced inspired press de- spatches told the people of Canada of a mighty struggle in progress between Mackenzie and ann on the ope side and the cabinet ministers an the other. Metaphorically speaking we could mee clouds of dust rising above Parliament Hill and the air was heavy with the sounds of the titanic encounter, which shook the earth and made the towers tremble. With plea- sure we pictured Premier Borden and his powerful supporters, Rogers, White and Meighen, with coats off, sleeves rolled up and perspiration pouring duced just as well in Kingston, There One of thé best ways for Kingston 'eves | The THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, | side points' for goods that are pro- are scores of different ways in which Kingstonians might be helpful to its own, both in the matter of ' cloth : would be a stimulation of Kingston ; industries with prosperity coming to t every commercial activity in the place. people to provide | t velopment . i to gow is for the seeds for futu CARELESS LOADING. It seems to take a whole genera- tion to educate a certain class of men to some regard for the looks of things about the streets. One will see during the day, and especially in the morning, load after load of earth excavated from cellars where \build- ing 18 going om, with waggons so overloaded that they jogglé off array. of bits of soil by which can tedok thes litaralty from the place of excavation" {6 the place of dumping. It only needs a few hours of sun and then the wind to have the sand blown into = the stores and into the of the people and into: the houses, to the just exasperation of all who suffer drom such carelessness. city should instruct these men to have some regard for a clean city and the police should be alert to enforce requirements. In Toronto and other cities canvas coverings kooked on to carts is msisted upon so that there will be no droppings. an one THE ARMAMENT TRUST. Dr. Karl Liebknecht, a German member of parliament, who proved to the hilt his charges that Prussian war office employees had been bribed by the Krupp company, now launches a more serious accusation. He asserts that the vice-president of the reichstag and the minister of the interior are directors in arma- profanity . seem to be clawsed no Nt ogeth The conservative member for Cal gary called the solicitor-feneral of he Borden government the gramo- phone for the Mackenzie and Mann in- terests. A man who has been on the nside of the conservative party ought 0 know whereof he speaks. The Board of Works is waking up o the fact that the best way to get formation about road-paving is to go after it.* Information on technical matters thing, 'and the city is well able to pay for it by sending its officials to the places where it can be had. -cannot, be secured for Kingston has suffered a distinot loss in the death of Professor A. K. Kirkpatrick. ® and trained here, and proved himself a useful, and helpful citizen. very approachable. and willingly gave for miley [of hiv expire Ihowledgs Tor (he vantage of his native town and the benefit of those who sought his help. Of solendid physique and rebust health his sudden cutting off comes with a great shock. the sympathy of the entire citizenship aver the lobs of so true and roble a man. He was born, educated He was ad- Those who mourn have PUBLIC OPINION His Crime. Hamilton HMerald W. I. Nickle, M.P. for Kingston, is not only young; he is youthful Anatomical Note. Galveston News » No matter how high he may roll the bottom of his trousers, no young man ever succeeds in making his ank- les exciting, A Curious Effect. Sedgewick Pantagranh. We can't understand why it is when a man places a ring on a wo- no- man's third finger he also places him- " Otherwise "Yes. grandma, when | gradaate, I. Intend following a 'MHterary career wrile for money, you know" "Why, Willie, my dear, yon haven't done anything else since you've heen at college." a It is impossible to do lots of bulld- ing without lots of buikilng lots "1 was very near selling my boots the other day," said Joe to a friend "How so?" "I had them half-soled."--S8t Globe- Democrat. Louis a a * Anchored On Them, in the spring the young man s fancy Turns to love-thoughts we're aware; 3ut the maiden's- Turn? Nay, nay! It's always there does it Fkewise A" Home Thrust. "All sorts and condition of lave excellent explanations for onditions in" life" A tramp, however, under my shservation 'whe had no ilMusions men their sald senator came the Men's Trouser Special $2.75 + Sizes 32 to 42, Hand tailored Ing- lish Tweeds and Cheviots, neat pat- terns. Regular $4.00 and $4.50 va'nes for $2.75. : Men's Trouser ~ Special $1.98 Sizes 4 to 48, Workingmen's Trousers, good tailoring good pat- terns, good tweeds and' worsteds, ff Sizes 34 to 44, hpowhs and greys in fng- lish and domestig tyweeds and chdviots, new two and three button sacks, regular $12.50 $13.50 and $15 valnes. for ment firms, and that German, French, British and Italian firms are inter- locked, making the warship industry international. Wholesale charges of graft are also laid against. German functionaries. The story is supported by the, re- ecot revelation that Krupps' paid large sums of money to French news- papers to try to alarm the French people into expenditures for/new guns by asserting that Germany bad stol- en a march in artillery. The ai- thors of this devilish work of set ting the natiows by the ears and pil- ing up their burdens, were punished by light fines and terms,of imprison- ment. Apparently the exposure lift- self 'under her thumb. bout the cause of his own condition. "A fine-looking and fashionably Iressed woman had just aligfied from ier limousine at the hotel entrance, ind was suddenly approached by this shabbily dressed man who v dime, *"*No, I have no money to spare for vou, I do not see why an able-bodied nan like you should go about ting.' ™ \ "1 suppose, ma'am,' replied the lazy ramp, 'it's fer about the same reason kL hat a healthy woman like you boards ii it a hotel instead of keepin' house" ( Harper's Magazine. " = . English Raincoats [a '. Speciai $7.00 Genuine Wool ' Parametta cloth. made in the plain or Raglan sleeve. A $9.00 or $10.00 value for $7.00. down 'their faces as they nobly bat- tled to protect the people's money from the grasping hands of the two railway knights apd their retainers. Day after day and far into the night the battle was w and reports from the. scene 'of battle in the inspired press told us of the courage of . the people's champions and of the dogged persistence' of 'the knightly cash hunt- ers. During the later stages of the struggle 'we were . given delightful mental pictifres of the 'approaching tri- umph' of the people. pally we saw Mackenzie -and: Mann ted by their restainers. and themselves lying batter- od andbriised xt "the feet of 'their vietors, who, though 'weary "from the dreadful' glo yet hate ale Si a: mon a smile in response ts the u- dits +f .ghe delighted populace. And 3 ty. san dire Junishmert meted out to . the yanquis knights. On cotner of the curtain. pain of ly daniage to their ansi- Saonly a ip ot > in KE tomy they were compelled to dip their |. nome juterests ju Europe arms into the public credit up to the | dePendent om the continuance of huge Siolders and in Shesefeom $15,000,- | expenditures on armaments are so in Ard cash and carry it away | vou 'that they = control governments ands . ' Rd. spend it. Deep must have been and parliaments. Fvidently nothing the lush of shame on the brows of the conquered, knights' as. Ahoy were | but an uprising of the masses. will skake off the incubus; but the masses 1 subjected to this ignominious treat. Ki E ment. Loth will they be to encoun- are syst tically: hoodwinked. by th ingston vents ter again the 'valiant champions of | 27¢ #¥stematically hood Wind Dy he 25 YEARS 4G0. ~ She's lovely." the people. Such punishment is se. | T00ans amployed by the Krupps in . 'I'm glad you think so Life vere and as io Tanlity of mercy is| France. Behind nearly every war tet not strained," lét us hope it will he ue i Th t di p finished scare lurks the figure of the arma- e county auditors have finished reserved for extreme cases. And now a "og he direct | their work. They find a deficiency of there remains only to crown the vie. | Ment maker. He was not the direct $1,243.28 for the year. tors with a laurel wreath and anoth- | cause of the Balkan war, but he saw James H. Metcalfe, M.P.P., for that 'the combatants were furnished Kingston, has returned to Winnipeg, with the sinews of war by the banks and will assume charge of the do- to prolong the struggle to the point | Minion government intelligence of of sheer exhaustion. $8.75 See Our Window Dis- play of These Suits A Wider Safety Kirst. Ruffalo Cour'er. "Safety first" is an all-round bene ficient rule. It should mean safety from sickness as well as from acci- dent. To avoid typhoid fever infec- tion it is as judicious as to keep out ok the track of a speeding automo- bile. ' requested beg- ¥ A Judicious Get-Away, Prince Rupert News. There seems to be no doubt that Nir Richard McBride is planning to make a quick get-away from British Columbia. Sir Richard hus always had: + keen scent for public opinion, snd nobody reslizes hetter than '"hi does that 'public opinion iS 'running strongly against his administration. He" knows, too; that his administra. tion has gambled recklessly. with the resources of the province and that the debts which his administration has vo | 0sd looks." rashly contracted will soon be pre "Handsome? sented for payment. ie," "Pretty face, but sueh a figure." 'Rather good figure, but her face!" but J The Correct _ Style In Shoes, The Plazza. Prices $4.00 and $5.00. Some Oplolons. co ONG ds certainly, a prétty girl," fer features are fot so bad, hé has such an insipid face." "Positively homely" "IL.16 whren't for her nose rather good looking." "Pity she is so affected; but she'd be spoils har --hut Rather too stm- 'She may net be so bad looking, saw her early one morning." Pleked Up In Passing, Wamen of 4 Manhattan congregation couse their pastor of "too frequent issing," but neglect to state just how nich kissing is epough for a pastor te dulge in "Cleveland Plain Dealer HAVING A HOT TIME. The Optaria government has deteri- orated over since Sir James Whitney left active service. The cabinet is divided against itself and, ag the To- ronto World says, the spoilsmen are in the ascendent. Hon. Mr. Hanna, the man who wants to fill Sir James' shoes, has two black mark that can- not he wiped out. In fact, the marks are so black and so bad that he fears 'to. let daylight into them. How such 'a man ean hope to obtain the confidence of the people is_a mys- tery. On the 'other hand, Mr. Rowell is championed by all the better forces in the province. His programme of social reform appeals to all those who wish see the betterment of the masses, and his own personal integ. rity, high-mindedness and hotesty "off Purpose are recognized by even hig opponents. GET INTO THE FIGHT. It would weenf that there is consid- erable disvonteq among the conserva- lives over the stand the Ontario gON- ernment has taken on the temperance issue. J. H. Ham, in South Brant: Mayor Carter, of Guelph, and C. I. Steele, of Welland, are candidates of former 'conservative faith who are to support the Rowell policy, They have not been steadfast supporters of the y liberal party, and in all probability | they would not have been in 'the com. tests were it nol for the new issue that has heen interjected into Ontario : politics. They have felt that they are needed to assist in the reformative. work and Xi Selentid spirit have |. Corpplaints are being made in Vienns Rc They that the liquor {that 'the landlords refusi evil manatibe wiped out and that the) tithes ic a rent 'dwellings to fathers of families. = coming provincial election will The Mouse-o int i > Eh ee f wners in the Austrian cap- ital x st 3 + : inent feature, ; must be as unpatriotic as some of or chapter in our national history is fice. closed. ~ Grain Growers' (Inide. Perry Mahood, B. A., has entered the office of J. Machar, with a view of studying law. Amitai---- Are Wonderful Assets. Ottawa Journal Parents have often teach children all they # ought or | would like to; but good manners, alias a little thoughtfulness, a: ligtle | generosity, a little civility, are a wonderful asset in life to fhe person who 'hils them, and a wonderful com fort in the community; and the pn rents. who sacrifice a little of thei time to help their boys and ~girls to good manners are sowing 'a fery noble seed. Next. ssssnsnssa seaiaeapenstagansa Button & Laced Boots Regular $3 for $2.49 All spring goods on up-to- . date lasts EDITORIAL NOTES. Twenty-nine the United States, according to the latest cenwas 'estimates, contain each more than half a million inhabitants, ery faulty in as it was post- This contribution is v but we wrdfed to ux WLS, give It We are fond af the eon cities of Fresh Garden ¥ ilies' nn, ibutor | "In a sweet Ohia villag dustry is tillage, I sought a barber. 10p to get my hair cul find we hair man, but a note tacked on the 'lam the stovepipe if you Charley Faireut' So I hit e pipe and waited till a girl came in, ha stated: paw he busy now it in the farmyard He's a-workin' ke a fool, elippin' of Hank Ramsay's You're the next one; but I'll bet get dern. tired!" Buck lanks --Cleveland Plain Dealer , Whose chief S not time to! Ounlon Sets, Gerantum bedding, Plants, ete., ete, Wedding Bou- fuetn, Funeral. Designs a Spee- ¥. F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST 324 King St. nen: Store 239 Residence 1212 Greenhouses, 233, I didn't Talking oi woman's inhamanity to yeoman, 225 women voted at a school #lection on Long lsland, while the wo- man candidate received only 134 votes. lair ran ant me 'Say, "General Funston proposes to drive out of Vera Cruz all the people. who do not work and who live on oth- * The general would find a-plenty ol that sort oi work to do in every community. mle we yon'il ers. The Need of Canada. Advertiser There is nothing that our country needs so much. as men in public life who, like Mr. Nickle, will think for themselves 'and refuse to abandon their convictions at the erack of the party whip. Both parties need then:. If there is to be a real democratic government, such public 'spirit, irde- pendence and courage is essential; without it there cam be only the forms of democratic' self-government, - but not the reality. London Near Boston they are cultivating dandelions on' farms which raise two or three crops a year. It is not ne- cessary to cultivate them up in this territory; they just grow and cannot be suppressed. - H. JENNINGS. A blacksmith shop, good lo- ution and plenty of work. In : A die a first class" welling Bood repair, stable, hen house, about one acre of garden land with a few fruit trees. The special {favors which Finance Minister White handed out to the steel uterests in 'his budget speech last a month have already begin to turn | This is the seventy-Second birthday monéy into the steel treasury. « Who {5 Sir Melbourne Tait, former ch.ef A hays * "The Canadian i; Justice of the province of Quebec, who fg 3. People RULES OF CONDUCT. ------ { was born' at Melbourne, P.Q., in the Ii you gmnnot9qro to. parliament to Never put off till tomorrow year 1842. He was for many vears light, you can imagine the 'flies to be what you ean do today. the law partuer of the late Sir John independents. and '- swat thas. This Never trouble another for what {Abbot in Montreal and attained con- Inn: b's Begin a Nigwton. How. you can do yourself, jiderable distinetion as an. advocate p eg n gRion y Never spend' your money be {in that city. He was: raised to the ever; ig time 'is late in coming this ||. Tore youl Da 4 3 be Bench In 1887 and in 1894 became year. : Ifhoy can't hatch out' on frosty days Bnd nights, Pp f WEDNESDAY, MAY TWENTIETH desirable for a kaon : for sale. ; Represent stromg fird fisur- ance and the Mutual . companies Life of New York. {acting chief. justice. He succeeded i 3 Never buy what you do not ru Money to loan or real' es { to the office in 1906, retiring a short want because it ts cheap. it will i ji i dear to time ago. . 'His, knighthood was con ferred by Queen Victoria on the oe- Pride costs us more than bup- casion of the Diamond Jubilee. Sir ger, thirst and cold. Melbourne has always taken an ac- »" We never repent of baring eat: | tive interest in the affairs of church X en too little. its most pro. and state and at the time of the Nothing is troublesome that we Venian Invasion saw active service. "do willingly. : the: Tamdlords i ities i : an new ark other cities. in the old How much pain have cost us Children's Hospital in Montreal ap a Ni Rea ay the evils which bave wever hap has reached Nigh rénk in the Masonle ¥ ishop, Farthing, Montreal, is a peed. tings > au jorge. fd * an 'advocate 'of good roads. JI. t always Ly 4 0 born: to-day: -- ha ats 4 = to'de than sim. || $mooth-isndies. |G. M. Aunabie, Moose Jaw, born oly : thi the cq ial aspiele' of When angry count ten before Winchester, Ont., 1858, ; 2 Sou speak: if very angry. 8 hug Hon. F. the countey, they have to deal with || gred Thomas Jeers: Mathias, { He was one of the founders of th