" + ! 81_%0. IN SENDING OF BOYS TO PORTS MOUTH PENITENTIARY 119. . J. J. Kelso's Scheme for the Care of the Wayward: Boys----Says Mimico School Should be Closed That the Mimico school for erring | leas! boys should pe closell at once, is the opinion of J. J. Kelso, Ontarlo's superintendent over neglected child- ren, who was in 'Kingston on Tues- day, on his way to the old country on <a trip for the , benefit of his health. : In speaking dn the hatter Mr. Kelso: said: "Once a man is publicly branded as a criminal it is almost impossible for him to reform. Many a young fellow has struggled hard, but in vain, to get out of the met woven by his own misdeeds, eyil associa- tions, an intricate, vigilant and re- lentless police and legal system, and a curious gossip-loving phblic. Just as he almost succeeds in extricating himself some blundering official or companion gives him a jolt'and he is in the meshes deeper than ever. "In addition to giving a man a bad name, the institution provided by the state for his rehabilitation ac- quires in time a most unsavory repu- tation. It may be doing fairly good work with unpromising material, but it is sure to be classed as the com- munity's inferno. 'Sent to the Mer- cer' means iy the estimation of the average citizen that a woman is be- yond hope, and has been thrown into a horrible prison from which she will emerge ten times worse than when she went in. It is useless fo explain that the superintendent is a capable, sympathetic woman, who devotes her lite to the work of restoring the un- fortunate committed to her care. 'That is. seldom considered. The place has a bad name, and is unani- mously condemned anyhow. = The term 'Sent to Penetang' grew so un- savory that the old reformatory for boys had to be closed, for the lads known to have gone there had no chance when they got out. Although itis a fine university town, to be 'sent to Kingston' conjures up at onee a vision of the cell and the stane-pile that the poetic traveller's guides can never dispel. Auburn, Sing-Sing, Dartmoor--do not these names instantly suggest the lock- step, the sullen cropped heads, tue Starg on the wall with his handy rifle? x "Pleasant Valleys" "It is a grand thing for Ontario 2s wall as for many a poor devil who # mistake that the expre- sion "Hekt to the Centra will soen ~ forgotten. .. new institution starts with a clean record, a new hope, a 'fresh inspiration, and en- thusiasm=~in fact, with a well-nigh irresistible appeal to a man to re- veal his best nature, and that is one- half the battle in getting back to good citizenship. "The time has come. when 'the * Mercer should be wiped out, and the name forever abandoned. A country home or training school for women away back if he hills, with a name like 'Pleasant 'Valley, or 'Sunry Glen,' or 'Sheltered Nook' would do more for its whilom visitors than all the bolts and able-bodied guards in the world. It is justice, sympathy, kindness that this old world wants, whether in the correctional institu- tion or out of it. And the great curative tiles are the simple 4hings of life: sunshine, fresh air, agreeable occupation, humane treat- nent. Strive #s we may, the ills of Ask Your Doctor ir falling out? Troubled with dandruff? Hair Want more hair? An elegant dressing? Ayer's Hair Vigor: Conticam Sage Alber Wen portend: Wi endorse this, or de ST OT COLOR "THE HAIR pseparate e! human such med I Boy Avight "Then the s'the wayward boy Lm my way 1 up the Min iest possi the slighte ent m is long endl tution" to Mimico bo, corrigible prineiple institution crowded, It should tive as th should h with a fafhe more thal each. Sep ate play- for any in une Biel - 5 - & § yely referred t sh a rut, it js oe icaral college. It ing. This is class. that diseriminal should be all work ment of a vation, an tal traini moral po help and guidance. d and sugge "This i tunity, thé Save thes saved a t ship, and burden off life-long iy together, bh DOYS imation, #velopment ve leaders who prompt siher than de. 1 problem, the oppor- , the imperative call. MB, and the nation dous #pEnse in: maintaining finals and wastrels." f IZ IN TORONTO? With Six ¥ * Seclusion, Toronto} reason to present h ew ofthe fon tor of the is believ the West: street, w. cans, he clusion. Falls, N. ronto Mo at the pri te. del Rigy Their o pletely ob advices 1 that the the Westy party, on ed to ad and also sonnel of the grou lance to It is sign their me! the hotel have also the hotel Senor of the pi of Toron past thre Monday the part FELI e that Toronto is at lic, Porfirio Diaz. It Mix Diaz is a guest at hotel on i. Jmday and came to To- morning, registering party." and it was only on iy vay finally located at ier. The leader of peing i 'fle presence to discuss the party. bore a distingt resemb- ied pictures of Diaz. of the secrecy is that they entered fe rear door. They i Ris, the apparent agent fy, bas been in and out « PEACE IEA FROM JAPAN Remove Suid Says Okuma Tokio, Mi of the wa phd of misun between Premier Qo addressi and forei@n joumalists. these : ions to bh world's lings and mfions was Shi ma bu Okuma but relations ""Whosoev right ch so." Nati and exact rape The unjustifi fortificati as New so what > for_ their rights. premier had led and Australia, "America had no enemy Made dy J. 0; A¥er Company. Montreal. Canada. i -- | of the P: and reformation mn id have a Here is the Tamen. oppor- far more seri- 'the country than to-day, the Was scant- he pro titution at the earl- , this without On upon the pres- y-five years reform insti ex iA, $ come to mean an in- gon the same general The ] oer L #100 close tq the city. nd fully. as attrae- f-contained cottages and mother, and not to twenty boys in dining-rodms, separ- 8, and, it possible, d not be thrown in- Buildings fantial, but plain, and ed on the develop- power of obser It is not men- boys need, but the t comes through self nder the is loss in citizen- heleavy and eontinuous Mexicans Is Living My 21, --There is every hg Félix Diaz, neph- president and dicta- Jaryis i, With six other Mexi- fig in the utmost se- party were at Niagara tel simply as *'Agus- nts have been ecom- Nisgara Falls last night the nterrogated, declin- of Diaz per- A member of of d every secrecy upon Wweral times during the Weeks, but returned on ik the other members of Misunderstandings and 2A plea to the press work for the removal hy igenol 'in & patheri of Japanese ey He declared andings and suspic- tattle obstructions to the added that the time had arived in international the Christian. text; smite thee on thy fi to him the other &]- Ie said, must be strong declared that ison to the paceful countries mh. and he ge of the fortification 1 BEING SLOWLY NURSED BACK TO HEALTH, By Old Retainers As if a Child--His Subjects Hold a Strong Affection "For the Aged Monarch. All eyes, In Europe at any rate, are turned just at present towards the Palace of Schoenbrunn, in the suburbs of Vienna, where the aged ruler of Austro-Hungarian mon- archies is being slowly. nursed back to health. + This last attack of illness has been a serious one, and his recovery in view of his vears---he is eighty Jour--Iis nothing short of marvelous, He occupies a part of the extreme left wing of che palace, the sunniest portion thereof, the remainder of the huge building presenting a somewhat strange aspect, with its shuttered windows, and blinds drawn down. alle most remarkable feature of this favorite abode of Francis Joseph, is its quietude and absence of noise and bustle. . This silence only broken now and then by the calling out of the guard at the en- trance of the courtyard, on the ar- rival 'or departure of some member of the reigning family or great dig- nixary of the state, The emperor is watched over al- most as a child by a number of an- cient and faithful servitors to whom his welfare is as the salt of their existence; and not only they, but ev- en the emperor himself are un- der the ordérs of his princip- al medical attendant, Dr. von Kersl, white baired himself, and who, for more than a generation in con- stant personal attendance om his sovereign, occupies an old-fashioned apartment in one of the long, low, one-story annexes of the palace. Francis Joseph is not an €asy pa- tient to manage, and is stubborily determined to have his own way, at any rate where his personal habits are concerned. Dut Dr. von Kerzl has shown how to reduce the em- peror to obedience, and is celebra- tafleas being the only man in the length and breadth of the dual em- pirg that can enforce his will upon his sovereign. It was Dr. von Kerzl who some years ago insisted that Francis Joseph should give up in favor of a milder smoke, those terribly strong so-palled Virginias-- a long thin Austrian cigar with a Straw running down the center----of which he was particularly fond. Dr. Kerzl has now forced his imperial patient to abandon smoking altogether, ' and this has no doubt contributed to his recovery from the severe bronchial attack which reduced his vitality te 80.1ow and alarming an ebb. Perhaps the best proof that the emperor is ou: of danger, is the fact that, his favorite daughter, Arch- ducliess Valerie, has been able to leave Schoenbrunn, and to return to her easile of Wallsee. But for all that, he requires careful watching, and to be kept from any impruden. ces. The solicicude concerning him prompted largely by = affedtion, where his own subjects are concern- ed, but abroad by the fear that kis demise will give rise to grave dis- turbances in the daa) empire, in which. are comprised some sixtden or eighteen different nationalities, most of them terribly antagonistic towards one another. The likelihood . of something of the kind occurring when he dies, has been so often discussed, both in is State of Ohic Lae mdkes oath that is senior parts th fF. Cheney & Co, usiness in the City of Toledo, County and State afore. said, and that said firm wil] pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that CANNOt be cured by the use of Hall's Cattarrh Cure. . FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to befdire me and subscribed in my presen this 6th day of Decem- ber, AD, 188 (Seal) he J e, e. A. W. GLEASON; Notar 3 ry Publie, Halls Catarrh Cu is taken nally, and aots di iv on the blood mucous sarfaces the system Send for testimonials free P. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O Sold by all druggists, 75¢c ke Hall's Family Pills for eonsti- pation. inter- ar KINGSTON, ONTARIO THURSDA his dominions and abroad, that it may safely be assumed that all ar- rangements have been made to avert any trouble of the kind for the peaceful {ransfer of the crown to Archduke Francis Ferdinand, on the demise of his uncle. In the same way, this eventuality has been to such an extent discoun- ted by the principalf foreign powers that ic is hardly probable that the fears expressed with regard to the fate of the empire, on the death of Francis Joseph, will be realized. WAITERS CLING TO TIPS, Those at Chateau Frontenac Protest to Senate. Ottawa, May 21.-----The waiters of Canada, or some of them, object to being deprived of gratituities by act of parlifment. In the senate a peti- tion of the Chateau Frontenac wait- ers against the anti-tipping . bill . of Senator Davis was, read. It stated that should tipping be made illegal waiters would be fortunate if pro- prietors paid salaries f $75 a month, and upon that a fian with a family could mot live and \dress as a waiter was obliged to dress and that évery one of the forty-five waiters in the Frontenac were opposed to the bill; and belief was ¥&xpressed that ninety per cent. of the waiters (of Canada were against it. The pe- tition stated that tipping was now optional, and should remain so communications on the same subject which he would read at the proper time DROWNED ON HONEYMOON Newly-Weds Victims 'of Overturned Canoe at Chicago. Chicago, May 21.--Gordon H. Hig- gins, a student at North-Western Acdpdemy, and his bride of a few hours, Mrs. Verle Stewart Higgthi, daughter of Dr. Harry Stewdrt, of Kewanee, Ill., were drowned when the canoe in which they had started on a honeymoon trip overturned in the Chi- cago drainage canal. Mrs. Higgins has hog a student of voice culture here and was about to return to Kewanee alter completing her course. . She met Higgins, whom she had known for a year, and they decided to wed. They were married by Judge La Buy in the City Hall and started on the canoe trip at once. The canoe was being barge when to bargemen. ered. Neither pody was recov INDIAN CHIEF AT OTTAWA Co., Before Government dian agensies, (Hem C ll, arrived in the capital with three chiefs of the Stony Indians----lLittle Thunder, Walk. ing. Buffalo and Rupning Rabbit. The Stony Indians have a claim for com- pensation against the Calgary Power company. This company has built a dam on the Bow river inthe reserve of the Stonies near Morley. In the construction of the dam the Indians elim damage was dome to their hold- mgs in the reserve. They have been unable to secure compensation the company and have come to Otta wa to place their ease before the min- ister of the interior:~ They had a con- ference with Hon. Dr. Roche SAYS HE IS KING OF SIAM. Boston Bartender Lays Claim Mourtri's Thron Boston, May 21.-- Declaring that he is a direct descendant of Chaufa Ekaduat Snamak Moutri, former throne of that the recent grandfather, country because of death in: prison of his Devan Mouiri, Better ing attention here. He is a bar- tender at the American house. Russell says his grandfather was thrown into jail on a false charge of invading the royal harem and was subjected to ecruelties which caused his death. He says he has plans for an uprising in the north of Siam, with the expeefation of regaining the throne It is is in sickness when we fully foalize what a blessing good health s Many people, without Cause or rea- son, make martyrs of themselves, Had 1ff Has The Sam lea Of War That Sherman ET Brostbyn nas ARTER ADDING e vp Murry BANKROLL wk FIND THAT Hg BALANCE is exAacT oY "81 0g joa | | WHAT DOYou | | WANT FOR | THIS "JOINT ? EF I Senator Davis said he haa some Lay Stonies' Plaint Against Power | Ottawa, May: 2.--Inspector of In. | from | to king of Siam, and the heir to the!" known as George Russell, is attraet-} $8210.8° | MAY 21, 1914 riced baking Caneda that does not contain' slum (or ssdic sluminic sulphate, or sulphate of Sluming ] and which has aif ite ine orediants plsinly stated on the | | Aly, selected. smoked, away, You are miss] ASK He is sure to have it. towed by a | it overturned, according | | Open: Evenings | | | & j £ a wee | " packed in tins end hermetically sesled, fection. They are simply delicious. deep. Packed full to the top with 9 ounces of fish. something if you do net If he does mot. 13 cents a tin, 2 tins for 25 cents. W. G. PATRICK & CO., Limited, 51 Wellington St. West, TORONTO i We have a few lft to be sold 5 5.00 Treadgold Sporting Goods!Co (4 PAGES® TO 12 = TY - "Safety First" Is the **Golden Rule" nowadays, you should desl w goods in which is why ith the Groeér who wraps ins Eddy's Antisep tic Paper Bags Eddy's Bags combine great strength with their sanitary ties--they will ngt burst at an in- I convenient moment.and scatter their contents. I you need to make your meals a little better an- usual is to occasional new and popular fish delicacy known as Acme Brand Young Herrin IN "TOMATO SAUCE This is the finest form of fish food for those who are not situated at sea-port towns" where fish may be had fresh. selected for size. vniformify and condition ly indulge in the 8S The Young Herrings put up for Acme Brand, are Caught in the 69% "Welérs of Norway, then baked to per in. long. 31¢ in. wide. and 115 in. You should try this brand right Esch tin is 6 YOUR GROCER write us and we will see you supplied. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS. FOR CANADA You will enjoy the summer eve ning if you have music and song in your home or summer resort, This is the Jewel we have been selling so many of. Completely en- closed with a piano hinged top. Columbia tone, control shutters, giving variety of volume and the new bayonet tone arm, which has done so much to clarify and per- feet production of the sound waves