i 5 Current accounts opened for business firms, cor- | 0) t feposie orations and individuals on favorable teerms. Loans ade to responsible people. Interest allowed on ts. - Our many Branches and ex" banking 'arrangements provide a § hdl collection 'service INCORPORATED Hons S. F olget INVESTMENT BROKER LIFE, ~BQUITABLE LIFE 4" Clarence Street 168 Princess Street. er of The URANCE SOCIETY any quantity KX FOR SALE on B the Market Yards, Sowsards' Dock On Upper York Street, bun How About That New House ? _= ilt of Kingston brick. The owner says he has the "be st house in Kingston. Well, it is such Just as good, anyway. We have plenty more rick. Why not 'build your new house of them and boost home industries. ne 1396 Division St. Albert Neal St., 'solid brick, all modern St., frame, furnace and éleciric light. A snap 'University Ave;, rough-cast, furnitce and gas lights .... St.. stone. all modern, verandah; bargain at St., double frame, at a sacrifice price. dwelling, good barn and large grounds, close to Lake Ontario "Park; a fine sammer home, at a bargain. J. K. Carroll #6 BROCK ST. JOHN RIVER, resh Seeds are Prime If you are looking for : why not Sows eds that will grow. lou ean procure them Agency, PHONE 68 Representative. Br apts ot ag We are now booking sor prin Come early and secure ten, We are also handling notes 31 Tat on a commission basis. Our mires y far the pastiAticen years you of the pt re. turns, We ot i Noese Allen's Phone BE TENT Sas reais. ANE ~ | Ka or Auley's Book "sok "was Moron of the inion Edmonton 4. week ago Toate; night and gave an 'address hirey "mandtes' durasi Come to 'the great jewellery sule att Dutton's. a a 'mew uniforms for the players on the Ponies 'baseball team on ex- hit mn Jooking' window. 'teat will she 'able to wear them in ith' A drbuate, 'Brockville, sent to the' dity, Nesterduy, 'his large special Me- Laughlin racing motor cars He in tends to put lit in the races at Yoron-, to. The car left for Napanee this! morning. "Taleum Powders," "Gibson's. H: Cuwoningham, piano suner, Leave 'orders wt MWe A + #hitadelphin, Pa., re, ceived, yesterday, his two large tour- dag cams. Mr. Campbell and party intend to tour through this: province and through Quebec during the eom- ing summer. © "Invisible Face Powder," Gibson's. Ladies' up-to-date * dressmaking. Terms moderate. - Miss A. Keys, 33 Colhorne street. A. H. Blackaby, superintendent of figencied "of the Oddfellows' Relief As- sociation, left, to-day, for Winnipeg "whéré he hopes to meet in cohsulta- tion with R. Meek, secretary 'of the *adsosintion, early in the week,! # © "Meremaid Toffee," Gibson's. The letter carriers in the Kingston {post 'office have already commenced their "series 'of summer "holidays. 'This meek Messrs. 'H. Nicholson, George Meqowan, F. Connors and = Alex: Buck started on their vaeations. "Film Packs," Gibson's. Two prominent Kingston pitizens own oil dand near Calgary and are | likely to be many thousand . dollars the richer as a .result of the - discov- ery. At present their holdings are worth sixteen times as much as they put in. 'Boat Spopges, Gibson's. Cofton nightgowns, 50c. Dutton's. D. G. McMartin and John Tew, of : Perth, brought three prisoners to the city on Wednesday afternoon to spend terms in Portsmouth penitentiary. >) 1 The ki . Lad of Thanks Cliureh Ha -_ hb + a i : thelr than Camieers oh Ring id. mod In Ki § A - in rie Ratios dvi ake pans "Sov ara he | Ea re o east of "awry 'other fae- Ary who recesidy pure chased Lasso Jirand tomatoes in Preference to Buy other will hear out- our claims. you yypmt the hrsud of quni- ty get the "Lasso Beand" if 'your 'grocer hasn't stocked It yet, 'phone ze, city, ar welte drow, WK Hahbs Co. e- 'tom, Ont. Our prices are 'lower and (he wunlity In better, Buy if x. oct © CO SOrR WENVIC x HENDRY & O60. Intribators.) The three are 'hoys of about vighteen or nineteen years of age anil 'were accused of shon-hreaking and theft. "Taleum Powders," Gibson's. Great sale, print blouses, 50c. Dut ton's. | The friends of Mrs. R. J. Bowes, formerly of Kingston, who lias been sotiotlsly ill in New York, will he | pleased to hear that she is now on | May "to 'rarovery. Ter siate | Miss Teng O'Brien, of this city, left on Satufday for New York to he at the bedside of Mrs. Bowes and will | ain with her until she is convales- 1 THE LONG BOW. Still Used by Hunters in Jungles at; Ceylon, Bows and arrows are still in use in some parts of the workl. now there are a few tribes of sav- age Veddabs, running wild in the 1wagles of the south-eastern part of fe [sland of Ceylon, who make theéir Hving by snaring birds, eateh- ing figh; and killing small animals with bows :and iron-headed arrows. | They are the deseendants of the 'uboriginal 'inhabitants -of the island 7 and number less than 4000 persons, ravresanting a little over 1 per eent. of 'che 'population of Ceylon. But, "although they dwell in caves or park | huts and lead the wildest Kind of | savage lives, they are shy, simple | folk, and anything but dangerous.' In stature, they are slight, seldom more fu 5 feet tall, and have ex- 'treme alt "heads. There are,' | ew It , other savage tribes Shay | To not Bow use fire-arins. Even | Leader Rowell. Canadian 'Cotirfer. In Ogtober, 1911, Newton Wesley Rowell 'wis chosen leader of the lib- eral phfty to succeed Hen. A. GC. MacKay, who has since gone to Ed monton in the offices of Attorney General Cross. Mr. Rowell had never been in' parliament, though in 1900 fie made & run "for 'thé house of con: mons ini East York and was beater. He wasiwéll entitfed "to thé leader- ship, 'because 'he 18 #n dhle atwyer, '1a highly moral man, an unimpeach-' tween Earl and rin Bi. Sts. Possession June 1st. Frame house, modern, seven rooms, hardwood floors, 124 Vietoria St. Rent $18.00 per, month, Immediate possession. Apply For farm of '40 acres good sulbuiiarigs sud Ih 'and Tend; 'seven miles fro Linu 45 ped Orelnrd wires JERE able citizen, a fine student of politics and a splendid 'speaker. Mr. ell began life as a parcel boy in a London, Ont., dry goods store. He ! went to the public school 'and be | came a clerk. All the education he | got afterwards was based upon self- helpp afd Mr. Rowell may be consid- | ered an educated man, who has made the best 'possible use 'of his oppor- tunities. He is a member of the! University of Toronto senaté and of the board of regents of Victoria col- Tege. And by great diligence and 'ability he has worked himsel up tof ition where he may naturally be expected some day to become :pre- | Shareholder' s miér of Ontario. The abbisl etitn a of the sharehold- orn of the North American Smelting Co., | Ltd, Will take pluce ut the compenvia a located corner jt tq | 4 1 i do i { Row- | 281 Princess Street A meeting of the Liberals of Kingston will 'be held in the rouvms of the Kingston Reform"! { Associttion, "Golden Lion Mloék, | Wellington 'Street, at '8 pm) | {on TThuesday, May 28th, 1914, or "this purpose of 'selecting a | eundidate for the Ontario Leg ishature. TYUYTTUTYYY E. KENT, President, WwW. B, WU BLE, TOSITION WANTED. EG LADY 28 YEARS OLD WANTS situstion as démestic. Apply Box 'K." Whig office. ¥Y¢ MER CAN 0) MARRI "PD, DESIRES pasition as &e neral cP manages, vianae yoars' experince as book- Keeper, system and typewriting. Exeellent (ana- dian references. Meadorsite salary to start. Address Box D. A, Whig ce. > Wosio. nt -------- in sh ---------- TEACOHER dr SIVGING, Miss CARRIE Bajus, 47 Rideau St MUSIC AND. DRAMATIC INSTRUC. tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss, Norma, 2 nn, Alida Telgmann, BE . Telgmann, texchers of elocu- Son . instruments. _ CATERING re ATE GIVEN ROR BALL , banquets, Pao a ong For . Tove's PRTC cutlery - to riiculars apply to R ng St. store. WE CATER TO RTILS, Weading braakinats, ba PRU also ren dishes, table wrd SH umtLuok., 4070 Jonion AiGeng" Birset Ha mbrogk, reet Ohne YAY ow ns ATES, ete verre MP, EXUAVATIONS. on Thwreday, June th, ng mw 2 Jp, ty ay 4B, RED, ' ROCK OR cuAY, eau veilges, level AR wp Esthmites given. 8. 102 Earl Su NG oF fit MESSENGER ROY. | MH NG 3 Hom A I | A GENERAL work, advertising | piano, violin and all stringed! HEAVY na. 1, ONE WitH Bi- vopdle-préferred. Apply Pr. Chown's drug. store. w Massa nm « Work A Jronienne. Sa 3 NO WASH. 36 rrie Bt, afger 7 'evening. SOO! SEERA Lbs. Pi ; App ath in A GOOD PLAIN ences Tequing non Baten, re PWENT FINE o MRE NTRS, WAG- vo ggxanced, at "At once té Stones, AY inion oe city. G Rn. COTDON MILL EBLE, ly speedy tenders and doffers for spinning room, APPIV to Supt, Empire Cotten Mills, Welland, On! PARTICULAR YOUNG WAN PO ASSIST IN CARE OF invalid 'gentleman; small remuner- ALON ADU & BOO Nand and ume for recreation, Whig office, AN ui Box INTELLIGENT NERSON earn 3100 monthly Jor newspapers; 'Send H r is cate 3 WAY SOtIRaponMing no canvass) re flare. £5" Syndi CAPABLE OL COUNTRY DOMES. tits, Parties arriving A Hl } and May 30th. Specia party May 12th. Apply Guild, #7 Pembroke Hr, and il Drummond St. Sc now, To WANTED, bay Tar-maiing Hood. elmnce for ade emenl. Apply Clréulation Whig oifics, NAL obo dl Sind HEL TF 1h smart a Manger > LTR Sole WANTED---GENERAL CUSTOMERS TO RING UP 802 WHEN bavteg hair cotton mattresses to he Penovited or recovered. King- ston Mattress Company, 656 Prin- cess St, THE NE W LIVERY AND SALE STA - s will be open May ist, Clergy Be between Pringess and Quee Hts. AllLnew rigs. Cabs at all hours Phone 647. McFadden & Lemmon, Props. GENTLEMEN TO cloth and 'have + to-date suits, ship guaran sed fog and repo dore on the dnoftest notice homes Galloway, 131 Brock street," near Libby's Gar- Age. BRING THEIR t made up thto up- rice and workman- to please. Press- A GENTLEMAN WITH grown-up family, a completely fur- nished residence in the neighbo hood of Kingston, with a front on the wifter., At deast two ba rooms and properly equipped in gard fo kitehens and all other veniences. It would be an advan tage if the servants now emploved would remain on: a garage and motor launch would bes an addi- tional attraction. An exceptionally large rental will be paid if & sunit- able Plage eax oltained. App) to I. 8. R. McCann, £2 Brack Street SMALL res con- BUSINESS CHANCES i ANYONE -- CAN ¥ booklér: 1 2,969 Lockport, NY, OIL ATAS BERN FOUND "IN CAN ANA, Rew tenmillion dollar company be formed by Baglish, Canadian nd American capital. You can be come one of the founders and par- ticipate i all dividends and spec jul profits by investing $10 or mor Write quick for free: booklet and full Information, Publisher, In- vestors' Bulletin, As Winch Big Vancouver. B.C. Canada. Teor THE EW oURLY BLACK RETRIBYER § answers to 'Su 4 fered for STR Tou, Gi wood, Upllon St' fori? est mete eb "ite WLR Be} aie i + TRY ONE OF PHINE | ALL Ro Once, 2c; three t : AR OF HARNESS bt iy M. J Dolan AT Fite JAaqu LAN TITY OF SAWDL XT OR FALE Ar. SEV [eS TR GRESE FEATHER Pr. pa Gejdman,, 287 vines x 1 cosy rey PONY, Foe. Aply Sawmill Btephd Phone 1181. open pr. FROM 1ST MAY, NO, 872 G Thomas Mills, 79° Cia PWEL dines AT #17, $20, . McGann, STORAGE FOR FURNITUR Clean and dry. McCann, § LFRED ST. Bt. $30 AND rock St. ETC. Brock St MMER CAMP HOUSE ON WOLFE land, water frontage, handy to Jalan Apply 461 Princess St. 325 EARL ST, DETACHED BRICK, Jims, hot air furnace. J. 8 MgCann, $2 Brock Bt. 7 R PURNISHED Nov SE TO RENT FROM 1st May, No; iis Bagot St. Cun- niNEBa & Mud OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. ors. g JHAM. Apply to Ciinbingham & Mu larence Bi LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, modern . conveniences and phone Apply X.XY.%., Utlice. ALL tele Box Whig EIGHT ROOMED 10 E WITH MoD. ern improvements, 'corner Division and Quebec sty Apply I Boyd, 106 Pine St. city n pore RNITU ut. CLEAN, i: Your own jock and City Storage, 299 Phone §26b Queen FROM MAY IST, 7 ROOMED, HOUSE, on Livingston Ave, B. and C., fur. nace, eleetric light, 'good garden Apply 28 Livingston Ave mph pee et. 8 MER, FURNISHED house, all Sanven lances, electric light, gag and telephone; centrally located. Address Box lL, Whig office. HOUSE, 16 STUART » THIRD DOOR from University narth side; 6 rooms, deep lot: immediate po - sion. Apply 321 University hone 1484. v8 Ave MMEDIATEL briek hous 1 ights ' ntly ¢ add re 88 A UNFIL Ry N I SHED 6 Stuart , electric r heating at above Phe one $2000 POR SEVEN ROOM FRA Bones, > io +a free a pn $1600 FOR A LOT 68 FP. X 132 FT, IN the bést part of the ety. It. Chia Bell, 239 Bagot St . ¥ SECONDHAND ORGAN, GOOD SH! Cheap. DIL Dawson, pianos Victor Victrolas, 244 Princess PR i GAS. RANGES AND ors at ah. in they last, At Turk's. Bont FH HRICK HOUSE ON JOHNSON TR rooms, hot water heating, gas; frontage and back lot. Apply Johnson Bt. L INDIAN MOTOR condition. Apply to Kingston Station, Garage, Kingston. CYCLE IN GOOD 1' HOF or Angro 's FARM 103 ACRES, 2ND CONC KSSIaN, township of P ites) Urg. For partie~ ulars apply to C Nélson, 224 Johnson Kingston, O1 " AVING He SECONDHAND stoves or furniture for sule, call on we for first glass vrices. J. Thomps son. 33% Princess 8. Phone 1600: a nen wirn new matiress anil spesiies secondbund Lat) « i ih tab i Hien, Apia Hox 161 A HYONR ANTIQUE MAHOGANY sz100 BRIC K VE ectricity, B. a 500, * solid brie $ ash will buy 8 x Stra hi 4} R Charles ON JOHN § houses, ble, ------------ NEW Row E-raom tas taliles, are no wnwer, " hardwi entry Ahi SLES Souvenis nan at OFFICE DESK, SIX W Er in, high 'n i ut fn at back Three a tap, shelf, Slightly used British Whig office. A LARGE NUMBER Aliso Dunlop tire orders promptly Rondon to For carpet col RE dnd Naying, George LONG, 43 2 in. high and ope Agply OF nic routs $2.00, SOLID BRICK HOUSE, ten rooms, all ments; possession May (299 In evening.) EA EW Lawrence, five ston, five and seven roomed furn- ished bungalows Apply ta J, , 106 Pine St, Kingston. ALFRED ST. modern hot water heated; deep lot; isc Phone 301. miles. from King~ SUMMER COTTAGE «= FURNISHED, Beautiful Jacajion at Point Pleas- ant, on the lake saopre (ihe 'second »olnt beyond Bake Ontario Park.) Particulars on ntuiriivg at Earl street. mm erie tt et erp ei, NEW BRICK, 4 Woowy, Ba Cc, 9] phen St $12.00 New {rame bun- ralow, 4 roams, W. C., Patrick St, 9.00. Hoey for ema ten- ant and prompt ps Aymeng, «8. R McCann, §2 Brock St, FURNISHED HOUSE, UNIVERSITY SVenus. $5,000-~-80LID BRICK HOUSE, "10 Some. all improvements, large lot Alfred Hz RANT HOUSE, NEW, ALL ode MONTE AGES BOUGHT AND SOLD. Money to loan, BATEMAN & GARDINER, PHONE 396, | LR] a Clarence St, Kingston.- PU Sb ddd doped dd feb dd | | + For rent for summer "The Cove,' Two cottages, fully fur for summer hounsckes cluding fuel and ice tages are lodated denham Lake ounds, th ire, excel lighting f p { months, Sydenham Ont VEE oodefe Bifure dosfeds x. 2 2 PUPPEPP EPP oie dofede aia ascents oe lb he BROUGHT I MANY REPLIES. improve- * rere met PARK, ON THE ST. | i Muller, 373 1. "heh Aith ure Hat clitey Sean og. bolug a Sed reason for selling. - X. Bazeayu, on the sremises. GROCERY STORE AND Dw, 163 Ontario street, or wil grocery stoek and fixtures' griviicae ol renti dwellin ness. ply F. FURNISHED ROOM OR WITHOUT M0. as, hen preter fron wank. i ttibtntins BOARD AND ROOMS ee a i, FIRST CLASS BOAR so @180 table board. Ae LAND Ro. lington St, ft pos: FINANCIAL FRONTENAC ment "ifice LOAN AND INVER Society; Incarporated di 3; pre sident, Colonel Henry I. foney Issued on ¢ity "and fades properties, municipal and & un debentures; mortgages pu deposits received and 'inte lowed, B Meal, Man Clarence Street. Lav ERPooL, LUNDON AND "ire insurance Company, Avalla assets, $61,187,215, In ia, to which the policyholders have #ecurity the unlimited ability 'of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates Before a old or giving new business rates from St ge & vr Ly Agents Phons 335 HOES. THE BEST, Kingston, GL ONE oF Hotel, ™E Amox - LEGA). CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and solicitors. Law office, 70 Clarence street, Kingston. . "Please discontinge adv advt. of Welsh pony, har- ness and bu A. Palme many replies; ggy for sale. Your 'advt.' r, 32 Erontenac St. HAIR, OLIN, WANTS, BICEN- marks and all growths and skin ishes removed permaneii'ly. without soar; 27 years expe Flags Dr. Elmer J. La yo. Bar, N Throat and Skin Batiatier. By Bagot Street, SCALP MASSAGE air, dandru ect treatment fied FOR #ALLING vB Jreated by el rom tly one Pihans y wit A aok Bt Wathen, KINGSTON Fl LE riting_and 408 RT, ST, HAS ------ iarey on Stephen 8. Lut, ding an and i Stone Ei Dele, rs DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, RE moved to 268 Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, lington St. (over Phone 346. 159 WEL. Carnovsky's) DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST: DR, enton, . assist ant, 133 treet. Phone 7315, TB Princes S. MH. SIMPsoN, ist, corner brought could have sold many times over." -- wm, ha Vint "30 mR Fone LEER OPHOLSTERNR w, Fh fave, NG, Na and arhe work et as rencoating. Drop a "or cal 12. Bagot sie Use Kentucky Cannel Coal in. LHe open grates. Quarter ton 32 00.