Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1914, p. 14

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0. E. Hurd, of King- are bolidaying at their home, The steamor Missisquoi took up ot fair sized crowd to the city Sat trip. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lattimore, Stone street, are & few days with relatives friends in northern New York. ,. and Mrs. Harold Nicholson, , are spending a short time local relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith have left for an 0 10 Picton, where they spent ® hi 3 gy Nirs. George Millard, Mr. and Kingston, are spending a couple of with relatives in town: Mr. Mrs. Douglas Pound, Kingston, spending a short time in town of the latter's parents, Mr. id Mrs. Danial Smith, Brock street. Mis: trite G. Alkens spent the week end with Rev and Mrs. Thomas Joech, Wolle Island. Mr. and Mrs. . H, Baker, Lindsay, are spending time in town with relatives. ! Robert McBroom, a former resi- | of the town, now residing in to, is spending a short time in n with friends, i "Gananoque, May 26.--The annual, rnament of the 1000 Islands Gun ub was hald yesterday. There was Gite a stiff breeze the greater part of the day preventing extra high scoring. The team shoot between the old rival five man teams of Ganan. ~ogue and Ogdensburg was a keenly contested one, the local team win- ling by ore polnt; score, 99 to 98. fhe high gun in the Morse event was « H, Green with W. K. Patrick and BE. Timley second and third. The At Sa att ma A ct stn, and the retarn made without sign of mishap. At the Sourh Victoria consePvative convention dt Lindsay Reeve Mullin- gain, Omemee, one of the nominees, protested against the "three-fifths clause as udfair, and called on Hon. Mr. Duff to bse his influence to have George Dimk was master of onies. the handic removed. cerem y as 1000 Islands Motor league t According\jo the bulletin of the department o trade and commerce, of the total land area of the nine provinces thirty-one per cent. is fit for cultivation and only 2.6 per cent, is cultivated. 8 firat club run at 10.30 yester- ' to Jones' Falls. Some twenty Eg in the line up. Lunch was served by Mr, Keiiney at the Falls | 4 : find mili HI =a hundred years ago--thought he would Bain trade and a name if he could. give people WHITE BREAD instead of dark, the only kind anybody had ever known before that. 50 he removed the bran from flour! 4 This made the flour white and pretty, and people took to WHITE BREAD. But what really happened when the miller threw out the brap- coat? The Hour was robbed of practically all the MINERAL SALTS Ji Of the grain--the particular elements of most vital need for pre- serving normal balance of nerve and brain. . y 2 > he 5 ane "4 Sclentists now know that this lack in white flour and products made from it {s responsible 10 a great degree for a host of present day fs, such as nervous prostration, constipation, kitney trouble, brain fag, and so on. rime whole wheat and barley. retains ALL the mineral re grows them in the grains, together with ALL it of these rich food cereals. Grape-Nuts is a perfect "baked, easy of digestion. appetizing, and builds sturdy brains and steady nerves. ' : hd ~ Comes ready to eat from the package. A ration of G lacking in white fresh and erisp Nuts with other food supplies perfectly what r products. ' \ 3 1 "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts 3 --sold by Groton s everywhere. - SR 5 ob a { Ri ¥ Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Lid, Windsor, Ont. ¥ fim & FERENCE J PARIS PHYSICIAN SHOWS IT AS CURE FOR INTEMPERANCE Dr. Berillon Does Not Put His Pati- ents. Under Hypnotie Trance, But in an Envirenment Which Creates an Appetite for Sleep Paris, May 26.---Dr. Berillon, of Paris, asserts that psychgtherapia or soul cure is the medicine of the fu- ture.- He does not put his patients under « hypnotic trance, but places them in an environment wigeh cre- de in ates ah appetite for sleep.,' Xe in- vites them to repose oy bed~amd think 'of nothing. Then he leaves them. Thay finally succumb to the "tick tack' of a' metronome. When the patient is in a hyphotic slumber, If it is desired he should be cured of excessive indvlgence in alcohol, the psychotherapist suggests to him that he car to his lips, and repeats the sugges- tion until tha prohibition is so en/] graved on his brain that if he would he could not dw so. Berillon is fre- quently consulted by those who wish to be cured of the unhappy love or passion, ani through hypnotism they obtain release. : Stepped Back Into the Lock While Playing Iroquois, Ont., May 26.---A drown- ing accident' happened on Friday evening, when Zidon Everetts, the second son of P. H. Everetts, a youth of sixteen years, lost his life while playing 'with two other lads around the old locks at the Iroquois canal. He was too near the edge and step- ped back and fell about twelve feet The body cas recovered two hours afterwards, He was a bright boy and was a Yavorite among his nign school friends. A Feminist Apartment House They are going to build a feminist WEALTHY WIDOW ENDS LIFE CALLS IT SOUL CURE! { died last April, was found drowned in Ot raise a glass of absinthe |. fold. apartment house in New York; that is, a place designed for occuunation | by families in" which the wife and | mother has busitiess that takes her outside during business hours. This establishment will have about 400 rooms, with provisions for special attendance for children that have to be. left at home; - with community cooking, laundry, mending and" "like facilities. A school will be conduct- ed for ehildren too small for the pub- Yie*schools." It is insisted that im- portant economies will he effected in many directions, while the problem of the mother who must leave her home during the day will be solv- Doubtless this type of establish- ment. once having demonstrated that it cam be conducted successfully, will be a t aid to women who meust earn their part of:the family in- come, . But 'the guess is ventured that its conveniences, is assurance of greater freedom from the responsibil ity of houmshpld pod children, will equally olarize it with women would sdorn to earn their liv: ing, who don't wawt-tq vote, who are. opriain that "woman's place is in the home" but wha find that thome * duties interfere unduly with bridge, dansants and the like.~~Wash- ington Times. ald B. Binclgir has accepted @ Pont on the secretarial staff of the General Reform association, Tor- onto. Mr. Sinclair is an gl gradu ate in pplitical science and for some years wa on the staff of the Cana- te aur next month on the Consila Tomp rance act, or Scott act, of | . 'was about four months old he suffered tor- Husband Dies Last Month -- Child Inherits Great Fortune. Berlin, May 26.--Fran Stern, widow of the, millionaire managing directos of the National bank of Germany, who the River Hevel, near Potsdam. She had gone out in a canoe. At the side | of her husband's grave.on the day of the funeral she declared she would not live loug without him. Her only child, a son fourteon years old, in herits the great fortune and one of the finest collections of paintings in { ermany. Sir Thomas Crossley Rayner, chief justice of the British Guiana colony, died suddeniy while on the bench hearing a suitNp the supreme court. He was born In 4460 at Manchester, England. Ap auction sale in behalf of the Britfsh Columbia government of pro- peify at Prince George and Fort "forge has been concluded. Approx- nately $300,000 worth of land was SAN CTEM STARTED A Rigi Suffered Terribly. From Eyebrows Spread to Neck, Chest and Arms, Compl Cured by. Cuticura Soap ra Briercrost, Sask. -- * When my baby boy , ribly from eczema. The trouble started in {TE a rash and was very itchy. es It made him very cross and fretful. 1 noticed the rash first in bis oye-brows, cwt., $12.75 to $13.2 --~A Splendid Address Delivered by Mr. Kyte, M.P. meeting of the Lennox and Adding- ton Liberal association was held here in the town ha'l, on Saturday morn- ing. The meeting was well attend: ed and the following officers wi elected: M. 8. Madole, president; 8S. Warlman, * vice-president; Davy, secretary. It was decided to engage a salaried organizer for the county. . In the aftsrnoou George W. Kyte, M.P., for Richmond, N.S., addressed a large gathering of citizens and far- lared that the liberals in parliament were determined to continue the kenzie and Mznn aid proposals at legislation now before the commons. the government's deal with the rail- way promoters would be put in con- crete form in a series of clear-cut amendments which would place every member of the house on record in regard to the various , specific of the main amendments foreshadow- ed by Mr. Kyte, was in regard to re- quiring Sir William Mackenzie and Sir Daniel Mann to pledge their per- sonal fortunes as multi-millionaires in security for the new forty-five million bond guarantee, in addition to the $280,000,000 of public aid al- ready graniad. Anther liberal ready granted. Another liberal amendment would be along the line of ensuring the economical af hon- est, application of all moneys raised on the bond grarantee towards the actual complation of the Canadian Northern system. This would in- volve the letting of contracts on specific terms at the lowest figures obtainable, instead of as at present merely trusting to Mackenzie, Mann and Co. to perform the work at what- ever prices they liked without the existence even of any definite con- tract 'with the Canadian Norther company, as has been the case hither- to Mr. Kyte touched on the leading general issues of federal politics not- ing the record increases both in con- trellable expenditures and din cus- toms taxation under the Present gov- ernment and the restriction of trade through unjastifiable and unecono- mic tariff barriers. Michael Clark, of Red Deer, Al- berta, was billed*to speak in the af- ternoon, but through illness, was un- able to be present. The meeting was well attended. Toronto Street Market. Toronto, May 26.-- Wheat, bush, $1.04 to $1.05; wheat, goose, bush., 98c to $1.09; Oats, bush., 44¢ to 45e Barley, busa.; 60¢ to 6ic; Hay No. 1, $18.00 to $20.00; Hay, mixed, $16.00 te 417.00; straw, $16.00 to $17.00; dressed hogs, hedvy $10.00 to $11.00; dressed dressed hogs, light, $11.25 to $12.00; butter, dairy, 1b., 25¢ to 30e: Eggs, doz., 25¢ to S7¢; fowl, 1b., 18¢ to 20¢; chickens, year-old, 1b, 25¢; ducks, 1b., 24c to 25¢; turkeys, 1b. 22c to 25c; potatoes, bag $1.25 to $1.40; beef, forequarters, cwt., $10.50 to 311.50; beef, hindquarters $14.00 to $14.50; bepf, choice sides 1 of. beef, medium cwt., $11.50 to $1175; beef, com- mon, cwt., $9.50 to $10.00; mutton, light, cwt., 510.00 to $12.00; veal, prime, cwt., $13.00 to $15.00; veal, spring, each $7.00 to $9. 1 5 Strong Competition In Colorado, remember, the wo- men vote as well as the men. | In the fall of 1910 a man named Smith was running for sheriff against A man named Jones. One evening just before election Smith rode up to. the barnyard of an old farmer The farmer was milking a cow, and was having difficulty with a lusty calf 'that continually tried to "butt in." The candidate, to gain - the favor of the farmer, took the calf be- tween his legs and held it until the wilking was done. He then intro- ductéd himself: "I am Mr. Smith, the republican candidate for sheriff of. the county. I suppose you know the wan who's running against me?" The farmer's eyes twinkled as he slowly drawled: "Waal, I reckon I do. He's in the house now, holding the baby.* 2 Time to be a Friend Detroit Free Press. When a feller's down an' out, Then's the time he needs a friend; When his heart ain't over stont An' his nerves is at an end: When he don't know where to turn; When he don't know what to do; Then's the time he'd like to learn That he's ot a friend in you. When he's plumb fagged out an' worn, An' his cheaks are pale an' white; When his clothes are old an' torn: An' he's lost his grit to fight; When he's lagging far behind, An' he hasn't got a sou; Then's the time he'd like to find That he's got a friend in you. Poem Never Copyrighted It may be recalled that Rudyasfd Kipling's poem, "The Recessional," ("Lest We Forget"), was never copy- righted, but was a gift to Britain, the empire and the world, says the 'Ifidianapolis News. It was published in the London-Times at the diamond Jubilee and a check for sent in payment, che 1 turned, he would accept nothing for this poem, which he dedicated to the nation, so that if is open for all the world to print or use. : i The Aunual Meeting of the Lennox | and Addington Liberal Association | Napanee, May 25.--The annual} B. Poh mers, and in a vigorous manner de- § fight against the government's Maec- | every stage io the progress of the | He intimated that the criticisms of | phases of the whole agreement. One | OYAL-the most cb rated of all powders in the the baking world-- leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., » it insures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go withthe cheaprbrands. The only baking powder made from Royal Cream of Tartar. Grape : Royal Cook Book-- 500 Receipts--Free. Sead Name and Address. ROYAL BAKING POWDER GO., NEW YORK, i ------ PITH OF THE NEWS Tidings Told in Terse Measure For Busy Readers. The peopie of Cobourg voted in favor of granting a $10,000 loan to a felt company. King George and Queen Mary have decided not ro attend the theatres for some time: Cheese sales, Cornwall, 11 34e 12¢; Perth, 12¢; Picton, 12 Iroquois, 122. The liberals of Guelph endorsed the candidative of Mayor Carter for the legislature. The home rule bill will probably pass the British house of commons within forty-eight hours. Items aggregating $25,000,000 for public buildings were passed by the house of commons on Saturday. Arthur Duckman, Toronto street car conductor, fell from the running- board and died from his injuries. Gustav Hamel, Great Britain's crack airman, is believed to have been lost in the English Channel. Ex-Ald. Michael Judge; Montreal, has been arrested on perjury charges regarding eivic land transactions. Sir Max Aitken, M.P., is progress ing favourably and hopes are now entertained for his speedy recovery. The provincial hydro commission will build a large office and testing plant in University avenue, Toronto. Sir James Whitney will not\be a candidate in Toronto at Aly ext to I-16¢; provincial election. He will [stay with Dundas. Dr. Bruce Smith, Toronto, has suf- ficiently recovered from his recent Illness as to reitrn to his home from the hospital. The government bas decided defin- itely not to take up the Aldwych site project in London, England, for the present at least. The steamer Royal Edward of the C.N.R. Vne, struck an iceberg while in the Guijf of St. Lawrence, but did herself no harm. Alfred Buit has bought Queen's theatre and the theatre, in Shaftsbury avenue, don, for £66,000. William Kuttan, the Muskoka murderer, came out of ambush on Saturday morning, and surrendered to Inspector Greer. The condition of the French treas- ury makes it imperative that a huge loan of $300,600,000 be issued be- fore the middle of July. Twenty five Scotsmen, members of the crew, are reported to have been lost when the new lightship Halifax, No. 19, was wrecked at Liscombe Is- land, off the Nova Scotian coast. The czar of Russia will visit Lon- on in August us a fitting conclusion {0 the visits being exchanged among the heads of the powers known as the niembers of the triple entente. A farmer jn Thorah township was the Globe Lon- shooting at sroundhogs, when a bul- let from his rifle entered the head of Hughena, daughter of Duncan Me- Lean. She is in a critical condition. The failure of a fuse saved from destruction the aqueduct which car ties half of Glasgow's water supply from Loch Katrine, forty-two miles away. Suffragettes had placed the bombs.' Are ik Do you realize the wonderful con- trol over theworgans of the body that is exerted by the nerves? Through 'the voluntary nerves you walk, taik and work, but there are other nerves control every movement every muscle in the body. When 'these nerves become weak Your Nerves Alive yi Sa and Full of Vitality Nervous, Loitable nd Pooling Out of Sore? E Read What Dr. Chase's Ce a GAREAU APPOINTED my [nspector for the Weighing of But- ter and Cheese Hon. Martin Burrell, minister of agriculture, has appointed J. BE. D. Gareau as inspector of weighing of butter and cheese in accordance with the recommendations made by the royal cominission. which inguired into this question a short time ago. Mr. Gareau is now ready to inves tigate complaints of excessive 'short weights" or discrepancies . between the nfirked weights of butter and cheese and the weight as found by public weiglar at Montreal Cese factory and creamery salesmién and receivers of butter and cheese, are requested te notify him at the de- partment of agriculture, 223 Com- missioners street, Montreal, if they have any complaints to make re- specting the weighing of these arti- cles. The inspector has instructions to keep in touch with the work of the public weigher. at Montreal, and in cases where bo finds any evidence of excessive short weight it will be his duty to investigate without specific request. - CRANK "KIOKED" PROUDFOOT M. P. P. For Centre Huron Has Arm Dislocated Goderich, Ont., May 26.--William Proudfoot, K.C., M.P.P.. met with a severe accident here, while oranking his auto. The crank flew back and, hitting Me. Proudioot on the forearm, caused =n double dislocation, which Dr. Hunter, wha attended him, pronounced a very bad one. Mr, Proudioot, who is in great de- mand at liberal gatherings in view pf the coming elections, it is feared will be forced. to cancel several engage- ments. A New Candidate Canadian Courier A vacancy has existed for several months in the county court judge- ship of Renfrew, and there has been much pressure brought to bear on the government regarding certain as- pirants. One thing insisted upon by the minister of justice is that the man chosen shall not be too oid. - A short time ago Gerald White, who sits for North Renfrew in parla- ment, had an addition to his house- hold in the form of a big bouncing boy. One of his friends congratu- lating him thereon remarked: "Why, Gerald, he will be right in line for the Judgerhip." "Yes," replied White, "and by the time he is of age I expect the gov- ernment will be about ready to fill the vancancy!"" Drowned In the River. Waddington, N.Y., May 27. ] by a frightened horse into the swift current of the St. Lawrence river, be- tween Crapser Island and the main shore here Sunday afternoon, James MeMorrow, nephew 'and ward of Rey. Daniel E. Cahill and one of the best known young men of this vill was drow: before help could him. The horse, also, was lost. -- Dr. Chase's Nerve Food would bring | about in their condition. - i 'Headaches sleeplessness, in vi Ham, viability, DOrvovaNe Tage iy 0 y 3 ambition and com among "the warning sy; : Hausted is tatiure of the or- gans * body perform their action of as 8 i the lungs ¢ a

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