Daily British Whig (1850), 29 May 1914, p. 10

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tr PURT UN] May be as Dangerous as a Live One! It is certainly more repuliive, and. if laft, will - far mors disease than ever It did when alive, It fs not sufficlent to kill the fly. Yeu must 'destroy the Sermy an well, Fheee, i" uly ¥. will tp Sane And death. Seng atier and the TRAIT leky on . al the flies fn the house In & few hours. Neo dead flies left lying about. : Be éaretul to f ir: In cach ollow directions found 'Thomas Copley ~ Telephone 987 Drop a card to 13 Pine street when wanting anything done in the carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard. wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention, Shop, 60 Queen Street. 5s OLE 116 BROCK ST. 8 Have You Tried | GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? Tuee Stationary Cleaners Dominion Vacuum Cleaners The Canada Accident Assure ance Co, FIRE The Employers' Liability of Eng- land; St. Payl Fire and Marine " Acadia Fire Insurance Co. . PHONE 1442 v A DEAD FLY; * Na-Dru-Ce Laxafives {are different in that they (do not gripe, purge mor. [cause nausea, nor does {continued use lessen their effectiveness. You can ! ys depend on them. g5¢. a box at your Deliciousty cooked and economical. FOOTWEAR lines in Men's Shoes, which cannot be beaten at $4.00 We should be show you our Boys' abd Girls' School- Boots at prices from $1.50 to $8.00. All good solid leather, Scott's Shoe Store glad to {Jtion and he acts badly it is doughnuts sfto fudge that you will be blamed €or it ja. +4on a honeymoon trip, anyhow." - 3 motor car," the patient growled. : doctor.--New York World, (Public Ledger. "visit to the new Sunday school. Patience may be the lazy man's only virtue. An easy way to borrow trouble is te lend money, Monee "Woman lg better a thau nails. » The uncertalntw&of life's sure things, riving bargains ve is one of Woman's wring glory fooks it in the early mon seldom | But the man who restricts his joy riding to street cars doesn't have to worry about punctures. To die is landing on some silent shore Where billows never tread, nor tem- pests roar, Samuel Garth. An Exhibition. Have ring? Of course! Did you have an idea that she was making an effort to hide it. You seen Susie's engagement ---- 4 If you recommend a man for a posiy, for the rest of your days. A Short Story. Algy met A bear. The bear was bulgy, * The bulge was Algy. '--London Opinion. Sentence Suspended. Magistrate--You 'are accused mistreating your wife by pulling hair. Mr, Cole--It's a durn lie, Jedge. Ah tried to, AWN admik; but \after Ah'd gone through a pink wig an' a wad of false front, an' a net of wire rats an' Ah hadn't come to.it Wit, Ah Jest natch. urly got disgusted an' Up an' biffed her instead.--Puck. 3 ne. What Mother Missed. Little Rollo had been reproved for his table manners by papas amd mam- He trained his - baby stare on mamma to ask, "When you was a little of her caffe?" "No, my dear," with a tinge of acer- bity "Y'ot to try it Buffalo Express MN / Nuff Said. "You are cliarged," wgaid a magis- trate, "with telking back to an officer, Have you anything to say?" "Dayvil a word, your honor," replied the culprit. "Of've sa'd too much al- reddy."--Pittsburgh Dispatch. Gems of Thought. Immodest works admit no defence, For want of decency is want of sense, --Earl of Roscommon. Heaven is not hiways angry when strikes, But most ghastises those whom most he likes. John Pomfret Gee, is great!" -- he "I do not know what I may appear to the world but to myself I seem to have been only a boy playing on the sea Shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary. whilst the great océan of truth lay all undiscov- ered i 4 me. --~Igaac Newton. wy The Bright Side. "Both my husband and I had to go to a hospital on the day we were mar- ried and submit to operations for ap-\ pendicitis." "What an unfortunate experience," "Oh, It might have been worse. We would probably have spent the money ---- The Exéreise For Him. <{'¥ou must take exercise," sald a phy- sitian to a patient. "The hot in a case like yours, gives the Des} exer- cise that--" : "Bat, doctor, I can't afford to buy a "Don't buy," just dodge," said the Had Experience. "I want a pair of button shoes for my wife," "This way, sir. wish, sir?" Doesn't matter, just so they don't button id. the back."--Philadelphia What kind do you ------ 'K Full Report. "What did they say to you?" asked Hittle Harry's mother after his first "The teacher sald she was glad to see me there" "You?" #And she said 'Sile hoped I woud AF, | smith, J account of ill-health, he was compell- | marked deg +more during his gis didn't y'ever dip your jally roll ny Jamarter than boys. Fok: the relative _THE DAILY BRITISH WHI, FRIDAY, MAY 29,1914, © THE LATE SAMUEL F, STEWART. TL A Prominent Harrowsmith Resident And a Godly Man. 'Harrowsmith, May 27.--After an ill- ness of nearly thirty-five years, twen- ty-eight of which be was unable. to the latter four of which in bed, Samuel Finlay of Harrowsmith, passed Teheefally away on Thursday night, iy. 14th. Mr. Stewart was the ald- est son of the late" Samuel Stewart and was born in Wilton in 1841. When a boy his parents moved to Harrow- then called. Spike's Corners, and his father engaged in the mercan- tile business After leaving public school, Mr. Stewart graduated from Georgetown Business College, and ene tered in business with his father, af' whose. retirement he, sith his brother Charles, took over the business, run- ning .it ugder the name of S. Fo Stew- art. & Bro. Se When still: in the . prime of life, on were spent Stewart, d to retire. This seemed. a cruel blot coming as it did at his time of life, and activity, but was received by him in the same patient spirit which Lg ex- hibited during the many years of suf- fering which followed. : While engaged in business Mr. Stew- art also held the position of postmas- ter and notary public, In politics he was a staunch conservative, and in re- ligion a Presbyterian, and it was en- tively due to his father's, father's-in- law and his 'own efforts that a Pres- byterian church was built in Harrow- smith, in which church he held the oflice of secretary-treasurer and Listed for thirty-five years. In 1873 he married Frances Cece- lia Shibley, eldest daughter of the late Oharles Shibley, - who pre-de- ceased him on November 20th, 1913, after a life devoted to th« care of her invalid husband. He is survived by his son, Charles Shibley Stew- art, and daughter, Flora B., both of Harrowsmith; one brother, Charles of Toronto, and two sisters, Mrs, J. P. Day and Miss Isabella Stewart, of Harrowsmith. y Deceased was a man. of . remark- able ability and of a christian char- acter more. than extraordinary. Dur- ing all his years of 'illness and ' in- tense suffering he was never heard to complain, and always showed a of thoughtfulness toward his family and nurses, and in spite of his condition took a won- derful intrest in everything and was niuch better posted regarding cur rent events and the doings of the outside world than are most men. While in business his life was an active and exemplary one, business through and through, but. honesty and integrity first, a life that might well be theld up a8 an example to young business men of to-day. But his true greatness was shown even illness by his patience, courage and consideration of others, more than all by his faith in hig God. In his death hig children have lost a devoced and indulgent father, the church an ardent supporter and the community a friend, ddvisor and helper. . Although half of his life was spent as an invalid, it is imp-s- sible to measure its. influence upon the entire community. No one with whom he came jm'¢ontact could help' but benfit by it. Im the, words of the Rev, A. A. Acton, who conduc- ted the. brincipal. services, he could have said with the apostle Paul, "I have fought a good fight, I have fini- Shed my course, I have kept the aith." GIRL SMARTER THAN. BOY California Educator Compares Intel. lects' of the Two Sexes. San Francisco, May. 20. Girls are Standardized tests #Hitelleets of the sexes, age for age, favdr the physically weak. er sex. Lhis is what Lewis H. Ter man, assoviate, professor of education at: Stanford University, told the San Francisco Uoachers': Anstitute.. Vyof, Terman explained that the dif- ference was one rather of temperament; and emotion than mind, however, He also punctured some Othge ancient the- ories. when he said : "Work that is the most rapid is the most accurate, : "Children seven or eight years old should not go, to school more than an hour and a half a day, "Grouch, griel, loss of sleep--all these things has a direct effect on in- telligence. FARMS TO REPLACE JAILS Hon. W. J. Hanna Issues Regulations for Management. * Toronto, May 29.--To carry out the policy of superseding county jails with industrial farms in Ontario, Hon. W. J. Hanna, provincial secretary, issued, to-day, - the regulations to be used in the management of these new penal in- stitutions. The regulations, which: are sixty-seven in all, ave based on the practice which has been: successful at the arm Aer Fort Winn, 4 e regulations, which are approved by order-in-council, : declared hat any Person convicted of being found drunk or disorderly in a public place within three months after a prior conviction for any ofience may be committed to an industrial {arm for an indetermin- ate period, not exceeding two years, How Tunes Are Built. Woman's Werld. The mastery of music never just 'came _ naturally" to human be- | ing. The world han ri known a wore industrious worker than the il- illustrious Franz Schubert, = Yet, if to anyone in the world music "came na fhrally ; ne -.. When the school principal ask- ol is harmony pi gmp have received his straight from heaven." Yet, in of such -superh gifts, there was never a worker than he. And don't} sou think that we, with our lesser | gilts, should follow hig esample::.. If, he, with all his - heaven-sent could not: succeed without. daily. labor, ; how can. we. hape. Ey anything worth wit) joome every Sunday." "And was that all she said? out re pa patient - and conscienti- ) on the 'Arlington hotel, | wound of any kind. 'hundred wards dis ranz Schubert was , the | teacher said ; "He iy a. wonder. When genius, }- % - MARRIED PA'S CHAUFFEUR Ingersoll Watch Head Loses Adopted Paughter. : New York, May 29.-- Robert H. In- gersoll, president of Robert H. In- gersoll and Bro., manafacturers of the Ingersoll watch, gave out a type written statement saying that his eighteen-year-old. niece, Naomi. Nol and, "had married his chauffeur, Ar- thur Liberty, denouneing the chayf- feur and intimating that proceedings for the annulment of the marriage ight be taken. = Miss Noland, who is a daughter of Ellis A. Noland, of St. Marie's, Idaho, & passenger engineer on the Chicagd, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad, haw lived Willi" thé Ingersolls for several years, practically as a daughter. For the last two years she has been study- ing under the direction of her uncle and aunt for a musical eareer. chauffeur, who according to Mf. In- hy gersoll, "practically stole" the girl, has been in the employ of the Inger- The solis for two years. He bears the name of Laliberte, which he short- ened for the sake of convenience to Liberty. He comes from St. Johns- bury, Vermont, and has been prepar- ing-to returm there to open a garage soon after 'the marriage, which took place about ten days ago in this city, The Ingersolls did not learn of the marriage until. Monday, when some; ~F one who did not give his name tele- phoned to Mr. Ingersoll. Mr. Ingersoll made it clear to-day that his niece would have to choose between his family and her husband. ------e oa PROJECTILE'S WIND KILLS French Savant Tells of Cases In Balkan War, Paris, May 29. --Curious .gonfirma- tion. of the belief that men can be killed and' wounded by the wind . of passing projectiles was given in a paper by Prof. Laurent, of Brussels," read recently . before the French Aca- deny of, Science. M. Laurent declared that soversd sases had come under his notice dur ing the Balkan wars of soldiers who showed symptoms of cerebro-spinal disturbances, though they had no The symptoms were fainting, a tingling sensation and tven partial paralysis. In the more serious cases the victims became cata- leptic. Sometimes death resulted. In the latter cases autopsies were per- formed which failed to show any nerv- ous lesidbns. it then appeared to Prof. Laurent that the vibrations of air produced by the passage of a ball and the sud- den variations of atmospheric pressure, affected the nerve cells and. caused the phenomena of inhibition. Prof. Lau- rent recalled that during the war in Manchuria™Dr. Matignon had also ob- served nervous inhibition produced by cannon balls. Since the speed of modern projectiles has been ingreased and they have become more important to warfare, Prof. Laurent looks for a larger number of cases of the kind in- dicated during conflict. TO VISIT CANADA Wife's Health Requires a Change of Climate. » London, May. 29.--Danald Mac- Master, M. P. for Chertsey, who has sailed for New. York with Mrs. Mac- Master, whose health necessitates a change of climate, will ¥e in Montre- al next week. The Chertsey liber- als have just nominated Bertram Le- vinson, a-solicitor of Australian birth, to oppose Mr. MacMaster at the next election. The latter had three thous- and majority in the election of Jeu ary, 1910, and was unopposed ih the general election of December in the same year. - BARBER'S CLOSE SHAVE, = ad Has Narrow Escape as Bullet Whiz- 4 .zes by Head. St; Thomas, May 29.--Edward Merritt, . barber, had a narrow escape when a bullet from a rifle fired off, it is supposed, at-a point a couple of at, tore through the window and whiz past. his head as he was shaving a customer. The latter had his hair filled with pieces. of glass from the window. No trace has been found of the man who fired off the rifle. Same Ring for Eight Brides. Warrenburg, Mo., May 29.--Frank Winchester Deering, of Columbia, Mo., and Miss Mary Martha Suddath were married 'at the home of the bride's parents, Coloneel and Mrs. J. W. Suddath, in this city, Rev. Bishop Partridge of the Episcopal diocese of Kansas City officiating. Bishop Partridge used the full ring. Episcopal ceremony and the ring used was a gold band which had been used by seven maternal ances- tors of the bride at their wedding ceremonies. EER J rr nourishing, ~ fast dishes. MAPLE BUDS The Delicioiis, Solid Chocolate Confection Cheer Jour sedions journey with these Rich, full flavored, velvet-smooth, and pure aj sme, they agree with - young and old alike. Sold everywhere. The Cowan Company, Limited Toronto, Canada 5 ZI 7 i |" 8 . HN I | i | IS; yi JAP-A-LAC -- the Content-Produces INGY, discolored and unsightly floors are not con- D ducive to contentment. Why not bring about 'their : cpmplete ranifotmation by means of the JAP-A.LAC _ Mode] "process? kid * : Ths process consists in applying two coats of JAP- ALAC giound color, 'a coat of JAP-A-LAC grdinthg ' a of Ae TG, i A of ndtur -A- 0 Eh ls a A ut pin ens Ti ing the ha CL TOE ot your local store for a JAP-A.LAC Uhlos cod and a <opy of the little book, "A Thousasgtand One PT HIS delicious bacon served with fresh country eggs forms one of the most tasty and wholesome of break- It never surfeits. For Rose Bacon 7is cured according to an Old English recipe that conserves all its delicious appetizing qualities. Every piece is the same no matler when you buy it. Sold everywhere. MATTHEWS - BLACKWELL LIMITED BRANCHES ALL OVER TANADA

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