TenMost Pop ularBooks of the Or "ARRANGED IN ™HE ORDER OF THEIR SALES DURING MAY Sim-- SER POLLYANNA--By Eleanor H net $1.25 THE FORTUNATE YOUTH by Winiam J. Locke. net $1.25 DIANE OF THE GREEN VAN 'leona Dalrymple PENROD--iBy 'Booth Tarkiog: ton .. G net $1.25 THE WORLD SET FREE~--By - H, G. Wells . met $1:25 THE INSIDE OF THE CUPs-- Winston Churchill net $1.25 CAP'N DANS DAUGHTER C, Lincoln net $1. $1.30 T. TEMBAROM--By Hodgson Burnett R. UGLOW & CO. *! Qu 10K ACTION-By Robert .W. Chambers ....net $1.35 BARNABETTA---By Helen R. Martin .. .i...net $1.30 Frances nei $1.25 Princess . Street . T. LAMBERT : MERCHANT TAILOR Every man likes good clothes and likes getting good value for his money. We helleve thoroughly that the goods-we-sell are the best that money can buy, We give special attention to details in making up and a customer can depend on having the inside of a garment as good as the outside, and the workmanship -all that can be desired. We have also a special assortment of samples from a. wholesalé tailoring firm at $15.00 and $18.00 a suit. These 'mre' made to measure and guaranteed to fit, 8 THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. > 157 Princess Street! in The most envied car at the price in the world. The engine that don't give trouble. The leader in self-starting cars. PORRITT GARAGE CO., LTD. Catalogue on Request Phone 454 Taxi Service Taxi Service 4 BUY THE BEST Sun-Kist Raisins Seeded and Seedless in Packages At All Grocers. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. Xx Don't Delay Book vour order now to have vour electrie ser- vice changed. Unless vou have the necesdary chang es made before JULY 1st, vou will be without elec- trie eurrent. Remember We are prepared to give you entire satisfaction and exceptionally prompt service. Largest display of Llestzical goods in the city. W. J. MOORE & SON THE ELECTRIC SHOP MACHINE SHOP IN CONNECTION | White Nu-buck Butt Boots,' Pumps' 'sind Oxfords White Canvas, in Colonial, Pump and Strap Design, Styles for the little miss, ev ery hit. as distine- tive. as those for grownps. { (loud applause). N CONTEST T0 WIN 'HE WILL GIVE HIMSELF UP T0 THE CAMPAIGN. 'A Big Rally In the Liberal Rooms-- There Was 'Much Enthusiasm and a Number of Fine Addresses -- Kingston to be Redeemed. Ald. T. F. Harrison will be the standard-bearer for the liberals of Kingston, in the coming election for the Ontario legislature. . Ald. Harriron was nominated by a unanimous vote on Thursday even- ing, at one of the largest and most enthusiastic meetings ever held by the Kingston Reform - association. {| The association's room in the Golden Lion _block was filled to overflowing, and Ald. Harrison was tendered an ovation when he accepted the nomi- nation. The meeting was attended by 'old war horses" in the liberal ranks, as they were termed, 'with a large attendance also of the young * ALD. T. F. HARRISON Kingston's Ldbe ral candidate Ont o Legislature I hi» men of the party, members of the Young Liberal elub. Cols R. EK. Kent, 'the president, presided at the meeting. Ald. Harrison made a striking speech following his nomi- nation, in which he dealt with many of the issues before the public, giv- ing wari support to the policy of N. W. Rowell, the leader of the liberal party in the Ontario house. In addition to the candidate, there were addresses by Ex-Ald. Robert Elliott, N. C. Polson, Jr., president of the Young Liberal club; Dr. A. W.: Richardson, A. E. Weller, ex- president of the county of Frontenac Reform association; J. G. Elliott and Ald. N. E. O'Connor. In his opening remarks, Col. Kent stated that thé meeting was called for the express purpose of selecting a candidate, and stated that if the right man was nominated, the party would have no trouble in bringing about his election. He took occasion to pay a warm tribute to Mr. Rowell and the good work he had been carrying 'on, Mr. Rowell, he said, had been making great strides, and the people of Ontario were at his back. There was a general feeling that the Whitney government had been long enough in power, and the lib- for 4 eral party had a policy which was sure to be a winner. The chairman spoke but briefly, after w hich he cali- ed for nominations. W. A. Mitchell moved that the nomination be tendered to Ex-Ald. Robert Elliott, but the latter declin- .{ ed, and nominated Ald. Harrison, his selection being seconded by Ex-Ald. Dr. W. A. McCarthy. Robert Elliott's Address Mr. Elliott thanked the mover and seconder of his nomination, but stat- ed that at the present time, it would be impossible for him to-allow his name to go before the meeting. His withdrawal was largely through busi: ness reasons. He had served the, city, in the council, for twenty years, and he did not begrudge the time he had given to civic affairs. He was glad to know that after his twenty years' service in the council, he held the confidence of the people, but begged to be excused from allowing Lis name to go to a ballot. "But 1 have the name of a gentle- man to place before this meeting which will mean victory for the lib- eral party," added Mr. Elliott. 1 will move that Ald. T. F. Harrison be the . standard-bearer for the party.' The name of Ald. Harrison was re- ceived with cheers and loud ap- pliiuse and it wag some time hefore Mr. Elliott was able to proceed with his' address, so enthusiastic was the faudience over Mr. Elliott's selection. "1 am pleased that the name TI have mentioned has bee met with such hearty approval,' - continued Mr. Elliott. ~ "Any person would 'con- sider it a great honor to follow a man 'lke Mr. Rowell. He is a gentleman who is well qualified to } ill any office in the gift of the gov- ernment, for the people of Ontario If we are to judge by current events, and by the fight he Ras put up from one end of the province to the other, and alse in Dur the legislature 1 say ws, as liberals, | oe oy Other reason, give i loyal and hearty "have secured a gentleman who is im hearty accord with Mr. Rowell's sen- timents and wews of liberalism." Praise for Rowell Mr, Elliott proceeded to point out some of the good things Mr. Rowell had put forth. He said there were one or two things the people of Kingston were directly interested in" One matter which Mr. Rowell was igterested in, and which would work for the welfare of the people of On- tario, was, that of .tax reform. Just think what it would mean to the eity of Kingston. In his tax reform pol- icy, he was working to have the tax taken off buildings and houses, and placed on the land. Some might ask what improvement this would bring about. He would say that it would mean a vast improvement. "If we were given this privilege in Kingston, the many shacks would disappear as if by magic, and why? Becguse the land would be Yoo valu- able for the houses on them. Every vacant lot would be built upon. The land would be too valuable to be left vacant. More buildings would be erected, and more buildings would mean that rents would go down. ~ "And this is a most important question in these days of high cost of living. What percentage of the people of Kingston are household- ers? 1 took the trouble to find this out, and I learned that there are fifty per cent. more tenants. Every workingman for, this one reason alone, should rally to the support « Mr. Rowell in this campaign. If we elect Mr. Harrison he will help put this legislation into effect. But this is not the only issue we have to con- sider." Mr. Elliott stated that the fight for Mr. Rowell would not be fought by the liberals alone; the fight would also bd engaged in by the progres- sive parfy against an unprogressive party. Abolishing the Bars The speaker said that the "abolish the bar' policy would be an import ant issue in the contest. In the campaign a great many deserters, no doubt, would be found in the liberal ranks. S@jiie whose business would be injured by the abolishing of the bar, would vote against it, and we could n blame them. It was through/fio fault of theirs that they were in the liguor business, as it was a licensed business by the govern- ment. - It was carried on in a legiti- mate way. "But it does seem that we have something stronger to face," added the speaker, warming up to his sub- 1jeet. "We have something more to consider than one hotelkeeper or'ten hotelkeepers. «Thefe is more at stake. I notice tHat the Toronto Globe, and even some of the conser- vative newspapers, refer to the mat- ter by saying that it is a question of saving the boys or saving the bar. 1 think it is the duty of every liberal to try and save the boy and -let the bar go (loud applause). There are good active men in the liquor busi- ness. They will soon be able to find other employment, and I am inclin- ed to believe some of them will not need other employment, as they will be in a position to retire as a result of the fruits of their labor. "In the candidate we have selected to-night, nothing can be said against him. During all the time he has liv- ed in Kingston, he'has been an ard- ent worker in the cause of temper- ance and moral reform. Our con- servative friends can have no objec- tion to voting for Mr. Harrison if they have a leaning towards the tem- perance cause. (Continued on Page 9.) Placed a Brass Tablet, A brass tablet beneath a splendid picture of "The Shepherdess' has been placed in the main hallway In Victoria school to commemorate the long and faithful service of the. late Miss Martha Crawford as teach- er guide and counsellor to somany of the young people of the city, The talflet bears this inscription: 'In lcving memory of Martha Crawford, a faithful, honored and much-loved teacher of this school." The trib- ute comes from lier associate teach- ers. >» Farewell' Social. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church, Smith's Falls, will entertain the congregation at a social gather- ing thig Friday evening. The im- mediate object of the social is to give the people of the church a chance to say good-bye to Judge Lavell and Mrs. Lavell, who expect to remove to Kingston early next week, as well as to afford thea an opportunity of the church. en iss Cus! Reports. Show that import more hats than all other K¥ on' dealers com- bined. t's ti X Mills & Co. meglee Straws. George Special sale ! Ladies' ties, silk or poplin, 20c., for one week. Dutton's. There is great enthusiasm in the city over the selection of Ald, T. F. Har rison as the liberal candidate. Strong support' of his chndidacy will lead to viotory. ~ quality of White Rese flour never: varies: The "Newcombe" piano Jo led for purity of tome and dur Ruy now and sive at Dutton's, . ns. R. . MacDowell 'and Miss 'Elda hein a few diye with Mrs. priv Robertson, &t Tweed, on their way home to Kingston from , Califor- nia. ual ability. least $100. saying farewell oa their friends inf Button Boots--- Cloth Tops Spool Heels *Plain Toes - Our prices straw hats 'represent the extreme of good value. Every correct shape and braid--a good many styles that vou'll seek in vain elsewhere. Special values in fine straws, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50. ; Special values in Pan- amas, $4, $5. CAMPBELL BROS The Name That Guar- antees on. men's A SmartSuit at $9.00 This in a special with us, and is very popular. It cannot be duplicated any- Where for the price. Hand-tallored, up- to-date style, smart patterns. In brown gray, ete. Other sults at $12, $15, $18 and $20. Don't forget that we earry an big line of Boots and Shoes, Hats, Shirts, ete, ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST." HUTTON'S LIMITED. 18 Market St. Kingston, Ont Insurance and Real Estate Telephone ' 703 -- The Very Latest in Ladies Footwear - #* Price $5.00. As worn in New York to-day. Abernethy's S. Government Test of Ice Crean Government Bulletin No. 276 Shows Our Ice Cream To Be The BEST and PUR- EST In Kingston SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House "CHILDREN'S - FURNITURE Baby Walker strengthens limbs and saves deformities. (TTI iH DTH Ih nnd gui FEI SE = Ideal Drop-side Safety Iron Cots, Children's Toy Setts. Rockers and Bedsteads.: Reid Quality. Reid Low Prices JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, Phone 147. Sr------------------------------------------- GAS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS We Have a large stock of Refriger- ators and Gas Stoves; also all kinds of new and second-hand furniture; all to be sold at reasonable prices. see the bil It is essential to wear a shoe that is prettily shaped to po 2,0 attrac- tive effects, so much de- sired by well dressed womer. As great care i#" essary in. selection of Joctwear as in gown or t a Our shoes have grace of line and el ce of finish that 4 them beautifiers of women's feet. The Sawyer | RONEY & CO'S BIG SALE Extra Specials for Saturday; ~and Monday Selling --36 Men's Fine Suits, hand tailored, 'dark shades, reguldr £15.00 si sale Saturday ......... On iso fitters, light and $10.95 36 Men's Blue Serge Suits, new models, hand tailored, guaran: teed Indigo dyed, same quality. sold all over at $18.00 and $20.00. We need. the money, Your choice Saturday and Monday for ..... 50 Boys' Suits, best to be had; regular Ho. 00. On sale Saturday for .. i $1345 $6.95 NEW NECKWEAR, NEW SET ON SALE