! Maberly, May 28.--The regular Lu. of the Women's in- : . 's Stitute was held at the home of Mrs, Walroth on Wednesday with a g number present. be alos w elected: President, Mrs. Rev. Coles | A ry-tesasurer, Mrs, J. nam; _ directors, Mrs. OG. Duffy and Mrs, W. : John Buchanan is still very low. Miss Annie Robinson, nurse, King- ston isin attendance. Mr. Ehbs, M. P., is calling on his friends. Dr. Hanna, M.P,, was in the village on Sunday, Mra. Henry Moore has ar- rived from W 10. see . her brother, J. Buchanan. Rev. Mr, Hollingsworth was at the . a of meeting last night. Mids Stella Fife is visiting Miss Pearl Duly. John Dufty is: home from Kingston. Arden Tidings, May' 28.<A large 'crowd attended the CLR. and A. A. picnic held in Hawlpy's grove on the 25th, The Misses Blanche Detlor and Lavra: Greene the Messrs. Frank Hatwick and Cecil Barker were. at Tamworth iday. and family. to Welland. ©. W, Riley, Havelock, at B. Detlor's; Miss Mary Cox, at (. Loyst's. A merry. crowd of young people gathered at D. Gofrey's on the evening of 25th and a dance was Ming. Layst, Havelock, is Mise Buzune Steele Havelock. Miss Lula ley, Mowmtain Grove, at T. Baw- ley's; Mise Ethel Hoghes, at NM, Wil. lame'; Miss, Clow, at J. Barker's. Me. and Sirs. Heath and Miss May Hedth, Tweed, spent a fow days in their summer cotinge here. Budget from Bethany. ' Bethany, May 27.--Mr. and Mrs. B. Richardson spent ' Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Joseph Hicks, Miss Ada Nickle: recently visited at W. R. Miller's, S. Hambly and daughter, Mrs. Creighton of Na- panes, spent a day last week at 8. E. Haombly's, Nelson Dean 'and daughter, Mvs. M. A. Miller, spent a recent y and Sunday at Z. Rean's, Ri md. C,. Hawley, of Napanee, spent @ few days jast week at his farm. at Bardolph. Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer, Kingston, spent Saturday and Sunday at I. T. Spencer's, Miss Eva Clute is visi- ting her sister Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Alfred Kent, Napanee, spent a: few pe days In Mr. Stevens' cottage. Maud G f : Doings Delta, 'May. 83.-=Mr. and Mrs, Hillis and family are spending a few Miss was a her week-end visitor at the le causin, 'Mrs. (Rev.) D. D. Charles Davison, Brockville, Apent 3 ieComnell Brockyiley was. u sest Connell, Br Was a guest on Monday at. the Methodist parson. fge. Mr. and Mrs, James Phelps, Sarnia, are at present. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'T, N. Phelps. Mrs. Denaught,awho spent a few days' at the home of Mrs. Godkin, rei to her 'home in Brockville on Sat- uiday.. Mrs. J. A. Bell and Miss Bell returned héme to K on Tuesday. Mrs, Halliday and Mrs. Kelly Elgin were guests on Monday af the home of Mrs. R. Hanna. Mrs. Gedkin, sr, is in Croshie, , A num- ber -of the young people spent the. 26th 4t Jones' Falls, Mr, and Mrs, George Morris entertained about fitieen of their friends at their beau- . {tHul cottage on the lake shore on Monday. = Mr. and Mrs... Charles Pieston, Toronto, visited friends here recently. Mr, and Mrs. L. N. Phelps entertained a pumber of friends at their cottage on Monday. Mrs. Ready Portland is visiting her par: ents here. Mrs. (Dr) Kelly and Mrs. James Huffman spent Tuesday ir.' Brockville. Rev. D. D. Elliott attended the district meeting in Delta last week. KE. A, Pierce was in| Prescott last week attending dis triet meeting. Thomas Hazelton, Kempville, was a week-end visitor at his mothers' home here, Miss Madge Sawyer who has been visiting in Lyn returned home on Tuesday, Budget from Yarker. Yarker, May 28.--Ascension Day was observed in the Anglican church here. Mr. Taylor, of Toronto, gave an address in the English church Sunday last in the interest of the British and Foreign Bible society. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Dupn and son, Bruce, of Kingston, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting friends here; Mrs. M. Lake, of Lake View, spent Wednesday last with her mother, Mrs. Cambridge, % this place. Mrs, C. Peters was in Kingston last week for a few. days on friends, Fred Storms iis contract of carrying the mail from the stagion to « |THE _JIRE LOSSES DUR : Change in Form of Annual Statement g I= the United States and Camada last ni jeompared with $18,738,250 fér the Bo © TU MONTH OF APRIL to be Submitted by the Montreal Light, Heat and Power Compan | =Commercial Notes SY ' Montreal, May 29.-- The fire losses month amounted to $17,700,800, as ® month of 1913 and $16,349 }0 in April, 1912; the March losses f the current year, as alrgady re- ported, amounted ' to $25,512,750. The losses for the first four months fof this year were $88,162,450, as jagainst $76,527,100 for the: corres- ponding period of 1913, and $97. $85,050 for that of 1912. © Records Broken New York, May 29.---All records of production of coke in the Un States were broken in 1913, when [the total output was 46,311,369 short tons, valued at $128,951,430, according to. the report of the geo- logical survey, made to-day, Last gar's production was greater by 2,- eT 000 short tons than that of 1912, which was the previous high record year, New Brunswick Telephone Fredericton, N.B., May 29.--S, H. White, of Sussex, N.B., was re-elect- ed: president. of the New Brunswick Tqlephone: company, at the annual meetiog held here last night. 1. B. MacFarlane, Montreal, was re-elect- od. to the directorate, as was also F. B. Cavell, M.P,, Woodstock, - N.B. The gross revenue for the year was $422,700, and the "net $81,327. here are now 14,519 phones In use, an increase of 1,604 in the year. ea mma Montreal Power Montreal, 'May 29.--The annual freport of the Montreal Light," Heat and. Power company to be mailed to stockholders some time this week, will show a change from previous statements in that the amount writ- ten. off for depreciation will be de- ducted. from earnings before divi- dends. As a result the balance shown as available for the common stock will be smaller, probably just less than fitteen per cent. instead of the 18 per cent. that would otherwise be shown, The change, of course, is only a matter of bookkeeping. In the United States the approved method of presenting statements of earnings is to write depreciation off prior to determining the balance available for dividends. The Mont- ireal Power company is following the example set by many prominent Am- jerican companies. -- United States Copper Output New York, May 29.---The United States. gealogical survey, places the lsmelter output of copper in the Unit- ed States in. 1913 at 1,224,484,098 pounds, a decrease of about 1.5 per cent. compared with 1,243,268,720 iG a 1 Sesh! dnt expenses s by has ovis a veceipts for every it and does not require a large to begin with, ; 3 - KINGSTON BRA NGA, XING, ALBAN OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 : Capital Paid Up = = $11,560, Reserve Funds . 13,575,000 Total Assets . . . 180,000,000 § Having 370 Rranches throughout Canada and the COLLECTIONS West ladies, this Bank posscsseauntivalled facilities for handling collections with economy and espateh, 3 . LONDON, ENG., Office, NEW YORK AGENCY, BANK BLPAS. SRINAECS ATALET, £.C. COR, WILLIAM & CEDAR STReeT KINGSTON BRANCH, E. E NEWMAN, Manager. | We Offer Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Co. 62% Sterling Dehenture Stock At 98 and lnterest to. Yield 614 P.C. Particulars on Application. F. B. McCURDY & CO. 86-88 BROCK PHONE 1238 Members Montreal Stock Exchange H. W. NELLKS. Manager. ee Ce N An Investment We Can Guarantee You may put every dollar of your surplus funds into our * anteed Investment." + § Itis one of the safest in the Dominion, and Black or grey Llama coat, white or pear] gre vest, stripe worsted trousers; up-to-date selection, Prices right. Fit guaranteed. ~~ A call solicited. TAILORS Princess and Bagot Sts. : the postoffieg daily for the year. Mr, {PO""s In 1912. and Mrs. D. Stew: art was on Financial Notes last week, having an operatiom per-| at der i formed: on their son's. throat a3 Chinese government denies that it has borrowed $30,000,000 from the number. of people took in. the band Bethlehem Steel corporation. | last week swith her daughter v Sr. Seorse Hawley. Mr. dnd Mrs. © George - Tey A nt Saturday and Sunday last in K ber of of Ladies' : : 4 paysa goodinterest return. Each investor's a. dies' Tailoring in dais iaitans ax capital is secured by-a. first mortgage or Spd GF lA et mortgages, ear-marked and set aside as his personal security. Besides the mortgage, we give the Corporations guarantee of princ ipal and interest. ston. A num- Band Mrs, Ed- ward Bartley gathered at their home [Concert at Newhurg Wednesday last, on Tuesday Syening to bid farewell to Mr. Bartley as he expects 10 be absent during the summer sailing on the lakes. Miss Bessie Rombough and all were satisfied with the musie reridered by so young a band. Hdgar Walker and father. paid a business trip to Kingston last week. Leo A. Ward, Kingston, spent the 24th The Waterloo Serum Laboratories have been incorporated under the laws. of Delaware with a capital of $30,000, Toronto civic authorities are elat- ed because of a sale of $2,500,000 Nothing safer, nothing better, We accept sums of $500 and upward, for this form of investment. Write us if you are interested. THE Torento is visiting her. parents. Kepler Sunday School Kepler, 'May. 27»~8unday school TORONTO GENERAL CORPORATION ; ESTABLISHED 1652 CAPITAL $1.£00,000.00 RESERVE §1,500,000.00 ASSETS UNDER ADMINISTRATION $63,055,883,07 Head Office, Bay and Melinda Sts. Toronto. Branches, Ottawa, Winnipeg, 8 of 'May at home with his; parentd. Mrs. Amos Smith, of Toronto, spent Pe { days with her mother, Mrs. Weodhouse. Mrs. Wilson, of Mos- cow, spent a day recently with her ,| mother, Mrs. Burgess. The C. O. Fy held its annual society sermon in 4% per cent. bonds at 97.16. Imports of edible olive oil into the juited Stabés during. the first six nonths under the new tariff aggre- sated three million gallons, valued at. $4,000,000, or equal to the value githe Methodist church last Sunday Shy Year's dmports awn1e ang night, and was preached by Rev. W. g 1808. Er Poi Wilson. to a large congregation, Tr 1] Ye {Mx and Mrs. John Walker have re- NEW STOCK ISSUE. Thoroughly Drives ont Uric: Acid Poison. Theve: is only one way tobe free from Rheumat'sm-the accumulated Sabutities Saused by eve er She the season will take place on, Satur: the body. That fe what REBUMA|I2Y. May 30th, between Yarker nine will do and do it Thoroughly. It you and. a picked college team, of Kings- suffer from any form of Rheumatiom(!00: Mr, and Mrs. McGuire and --Selatica, Inflammatory. Arthritis, {J8uBhter," also Miss McGuire, of Herbert J. 8, Dennison REGISTERED A RN 1 King Street West, Toronto, ents, Trade-Marks, Copyright, where; wont en years' exper- fence, rite for booklet. ese---------- ----- oD RHEUMA turned to. their home in Lindsay af: pain Hons ter spending two weeks, among rela- | By United Cigar Stores Limited, of Lives. wand. friends. Andrew Wart ¥ ner spent 24th of May under the pa- rental roof. The first ball game ot Y, 18 at- Designs, eveary- Canada. A very attractive investment stoek is being offered to the public in Ca- nada and the United States in the '¥6rm of seven Per cent. cumulative preference stock of United Migar Stores, Limited, of Canada. The company is the largest retail distributor of cigars, protected In tan, black and patent, with flexible welted § soles and soft pliable uppers. We have them in a = number of different styles for both boys and girls. © They are the finest.line of summer play shoes ever ~ nr Muscular, Jumbago or Gout~--get a|TWeed, spent a few. days recently at bottle of RHEUMA from J. B. Mec- Leod for 60 cents--it is guaranteed. "For years I suffered with Rheu- matism in my arms and shoulders. Land bladder were affect- rapidly lost flesh. After five weaks' use of RHE] 1. was a} el iman: =x William Fry, Fort Er le, po BEL that to result of a , from th kink hashatd os money wasted ink' that is needed in the to se food and, clothing, O RINE has saved thousands of drink- ing men. Mtjsa it J and can be given secretly. Your Money i be refunded if, after a trial, it has 40 benefit. . Costs only $1.00 & bos I ae in and get a free booklet and let us tell: you . an re F This presct or the removal of freckles.was written' by a prom- inent ro i Wally so sues cessful in removing freckles and giv- ing a clean, ful complexion that it is sold: by: 'W. Mahood under gn Fhe 1 the home of Mrs. F. E. Benjamins. Grahampton Celebration: Grahampton, 'May 28.~<Entpire da was. prally celebrated. by the hd of 8.5, No. 10, known as Ballycanoe school. Aided by ir i ey, they gave an exhibition as can do in a short _officient training. After Several patriotic poems were read, the line of march f . at ten o'clock. school flag was attached to t earned by two of the 'others marched in and the regularity of their Col two ki senior girls, two y | movements, marching, wheeling and turning, won the n | who saw them. irhtion of. all They. ealled at Aber- Seen {actory and an. fhraugh a lag i rade. il partied a eg ack, wil of 'which were pre- viously painted by the pupils. After the performance, the genial manager, James Ferguson, made a few encour- ing . remarks, and his aasistant, ames Williams, ' gave the. : youthiu loyalists a salu £5 blowing the fac- tory whistle. Before leaving, the pu: pils circled round the flag and, thir: ty-four strong, they rent the air with cheers for the "flag" that braved a ousand rst cigarettes and tobaccos in the dominion and is at Present operating twenty-two stores in Toronto alone. The operations of the company have been so successful to date that they have decided to extend their buginess by opening stores in all the large towns and cities in the dominion. To provide the necessary capital for this extension of operations A. H. Martens & Co.. of Toronto, and Mesars. Ehrich & Co., of New York, are offering, the $5 seven. per cent. preferred shares of the company for public subscription 'at par earrying a bonus of twenty-five per cent. oi the company's $5 common shares. Application will be made in due course to have the shares listed on the Torpnto Stock xchange and the New York Curb. A large block of the shares has been taken up by the employees of the company and the issue Been well received by the public in Toromto, New York, Roch< E VEN in small amounts ors it to six per cent for Bilby's 'Garage. v Price Away Down i { Auto Repairs, Supplies ester, Chitago and Philadelphia. Phone bor, 300; 917° %: Res. A THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES {| introdiwced. hey aré not expensive. Sizes 5-to 71-2 "Sizes 8 to 101-2 Sizes 11 to 2 N, --.