Ten Most Popular of the Season: ARRANGED IN THE ORDER OF THEIR SALES DURING MAY PENROD--By Booth Tarking- net $1.25 THE WORLD SET FREE--Ry H. G. Wells +. net $1.25 THE INSIDE OF/ THE CUP Winstg Churchill wooo not $320 QUICK ACTION--By Robert W. Chambers ....net $1,35 . BARNABETTA--By Helen R. Martin net $1.36, POLLYANNA--By Eleanor i Porter .. net $1.25 THE FORTUNATE YOUTH-- By Willlam J. Locke. net $1.95 DIANE OF THE GREEN VAN Dalrymple net $1.25 DAN'S DAUGHTER-- C. Lincoln net $1. $1.35 T. TEMBAROM--By Frances «Hodgson Burnett . net $1,25 CAP'N Soa ( 0. "141" Plincéss * ... Street MERCHANT TAILOR Every. man likey good clothes and likes getting good value for his money. We believe thoroughly that the goods we sell are the-best that money can buy. We give special attention to details in making up and a customer can depend on having the inside of a garment as good as the outside, and the workmanship all that can be desired. We have also a special assortment of samples from ? wholesale tailoring firm at $15.00 and $18.00 a suit. These 'are made to measure and guaranteed to fit. THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor, Cadillac | Tre most envied car at the price in the world. The engine that don't give trouble, The leader in self-starting cars. PORRITT GARAGE CO, LTD. Catalogue on Request Taxi Service hone 454 Taxi Service BUY THE BEST 'Sun-Kist Raisins Beeded and Beedless in Packages At All Grocers. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED, Don't Delay ; vice changed. Unless you haye the necessary chang' es made before JULY 1st, vou will be without elec- tric currenty Remember We are prepared to give you entire satisfaction and exceptionally prompt service. v Ps Book your order now to have vour electric sei" | Largest display of eleetrieal goods in the cit Y. W. J. MOORE & SON THE ELECTRIC SHOP MACHINE SHOP IN CPNNECTIO _.. White Nu-buck Butt Boots, Pumps and Oxfords 'White Canvas, in Colonial, Pump and Strap' Design. | Styles for the: little miss, every bit as distine- tive as those for grown-ups. vary, D.D., minister. Services, 1318 University | with Musical ~~Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor, will preach' morning and evening. Bible school at 2.45 p.m. with junior, in- termediate and adult departments. Class meeting at 9.45 a.m. A cordi- al welcome to all. * Chalmers, , Presbyterian, Barrie and Earl 'streets---Rev. M. Maegnili. 1 am, and 7 p.m. Sunday school 3 pom. Sirangers cordially invited St. Paul's--Holy Communion, 8 a.m.,; morning prayer, 11 .o'clock: préacher. Rev. Willlam Frederick Fitzgerald, M.A. Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p.m.; evening prayer, 7 o'clock; preached, Rav. William F. Fitagerald. { First Baptist church--Rev. Douglas ' Laing, pastor, at both services. a.m., "Adoniram Judson, the God- sent Apostle to Burmah"; 7 p.m., "Be Ye Also Ready," a voice from the Em- | press - of Ireland's calamity; Bible school, 2.45 p.m. Strangers cordially invited to all the services, St. Andrew's church-- Rev. S. J. M. Compton, B.D., minister. Ser- vices 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday school, 3 p.m. The Rev. J. Mackie, D.D., minister Emeritus, wil con- duct the. morning service. Mrs. Wellwood (nee Miss Perley), soloist : at both services. Queen Street Methodist church--Rev, G. I. Campbell, B.D., pastor. 10 a.m., brotherhood and class meeting; 11 a.m. subject, "I'he Golden Art of Sei: ence'; 2.45 p.m., Sunday school and adult classes; 7 p.m. subject, *"The Tragedy of the - Empress of Ireland." Special music; Mrs. H. G. I. Coleman, soloist. | St. George's cathedral--The Ver: Rev. Dean Starr, MAL, D.D., rector: | Rev. €. K. Bourne, M.A., curate, 60 William street, 'phone 920. Whitsun- | day. 8 alin, holy communion; 11 a.m., choral' communion: preacher, Rev. CU. K. Bourne, M.A. 3 p.m., Sun tay school; 4 p.m., baptisms; J p.m. evensong; preacher, Bishop of Kings- | fin. Cooke's Presbyterian Brock sireet. Rev. tosh, M.A, minister. Residence, avenue. 11 am, The pastor, "The Great Shipwreck." 7 p.m, Rev. W. A. Beecroft, B.D. 3 p.m. Sunday school and Bible Strangers cordially invited church -- ' J. W. Mcln- Classes, to all services. Union Street Baptist people's church home. Rev. G. A. Lowes, minister; residence, "'\ictor: Heights," Mack street. 11 am. and 7 p.m., quiet and helpful hours with God. We are pleased come to us, but if for any reason you may not care to do so, if you have no church home, we are just as glad to go to you with all the practical love and help that we can command to make vou truly happy. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets--Sunday service, 11 a.m.; subject, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced." Wednesday evening, testimonial meeting. Public reading-room, same address, open ev- ery afternoon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cordially invited to the services and the reading-room. First Congregational, corner John- fon and Wellington streets--Rev. E, LeRoy Rice, B. A., pastor. Resi- dence, 281 Alfred street; phone 1068. Morning worship at 11 o' clock; sub- ject, "Comradship in Christ." Even- ing service at 7 o'clock; subject, "Buried Talents." Prayer service and business meeting on Wednesday evening. Strangers in the city are very cordially invited to worship us, St. James' church, corner Union and Arch streets---All seats free. Rev. T. W. Savary, B.A., rector. The rectory, 152 Barrie street. Whitsunday. 11 am., morning player and Holy Communion. Ser- mon subject, "The Work of the Holy Spirit. 3 p.m. Sunday school and Bible classes. 7 p.m, evening player and Holy Communion. Ser- mon subject, "The Temple of the Holy Spirit." Princess Street Methodist churely, corner Princess and Albert . streets-- Rev. Frederick (i. Robinson, minister: parsonage, 620 Princess street. Tho minister will preach at both services on Sunday. Junior league, 10 a.m.; class meeting at close of morning ser- vice; Sunday school and Bible class 2.45 pm.; Epworih League, Monday, 8 p.m.; general prayer meeting, Wed- nesday, S p.m. Special music at both services on Sunday. The uptown church with u welcome for all. Come. Brock Street Methodist church, corner of Montreal and Brock Rev. John Webster, rector. Resi- dence, 242 Johnson street, 10 a.m. Class meeting; 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., preacher, the pastor. Anthem 'morning, "My Rock of "Refuge" Robertson: anthem evening, "Like a Shepherd," Wilson; sblo,. Miss Da- vies; "I Have a Saviour 3p. wi, Sabbath school. Brotherhood and Young Ladies Bible classes, Monday 8 p.m. Young People's society meet- ing; Wednesday, 8 p.m., mid-week service. All made welcome. church-----The rie and Johnson--A central church. Rev. A. P. Mershon, minister, 176 University avenue. 'The preacher for the day, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m., is Rev. D. > Morden, of Erskin Presby- terian church, Ottawa, a former pas- tor of the congregation, commemor- ating the 40th anniversary of the founding of the church. It should be an occasion of re-union and rem- iniscence with former and present friends and members, and every one will be gladly greeted. Full volun- teer choir. = Seats free. Sunday school, 3 p. m. Married at Buffalo. At Bufialo, on Wednesday, Miss Ca. therine lease. youngest daughter of Mrs, William G. Lease, 173 Edward street, Buffalo, was quietly married to Clayton Molyneux Stevens, roungest won of eal Mrs. Charles Steven, #0 : couple ceremony th reused io Nepanos ito) to. all the services. : to have you' Bevhel Oongregational, corner Bar- Sydenham Street Methodist church | The Sunday Sohoo! Amateur sociation's junior baseball series was officially opened at the cricket figld on Friday evening, whem Cooke's and St. George's met in the first gavite. Atter a hard battle the boys from 1). A. Shaw's school pulled out 'winners by 6 to 5 For a time it looked as though the Presbyterians would win out by a larger margin, but St. George's pulled together during the last ioming and put four over the home plate. During first inning Stewart Toland made one of the most sensational hits of the game when he hammered the ball for a home run with one man on base. The ball went down in the city park. : Both teams played® exceptionally good "ball considering it was the first game in which many of the 'Players had taken part this season. The games in this series promise to be more interesting than on for- mer occasions. young men, who are members of the S.S.A A.A. execu- tive, are giving considerable time to make the baseball series a credit to the association. A collection is to be taken up at all the games so as to defray the. gxpenses of the league. - The teams lined up as fol- lows : Cookes'--Toland, ¢.; Smith, p; Paul, 1b.; Somerville, 2b.; (. Stew- art, 8.8.; Shaw, 3b.; Simmons and Douglas, r.f.; Kennedy, c.l.; W. Sim- mons, Lf. St. George's--Rae, c.; Stinson, Ps; Hall, 1b.; Baker, 2b.; Thompson, s.5.; Twigg, 3b.; Butler, r.i.; McLaughlin, Li Umpire--George Holland. Public School League Game. The boys of the 0.C.I. added other scalp to their collection . ves- terday afternoom, when they went through Froatemac school for 25 runs to 8... 0.C.1.'s record is clear so far, having played three games and won all of them. The game. yesterday was not up to the usual form, hemg too one-sided. 0.C.1. is developing a great little team, and will give the mighty Centrals a hot go for the pennant. The usual big crowd of men and boys . were at the cricket field to ' watch the fun. 'Toland handled the game and gave good ser- iviee. At the beginning of the sea- son five K.C.L boys volunteered to umpire through the entire schedule and up to date Have been right on | the job for every game, thus taking a great load off the management of {the league. § / A oor} ! pect. for "Mo + an- tle; game is in ay When Central o pros- hn and 0.C. '¢.; Brouse, p.; 'Yow- sell, 1b.; Mi 2b.; Nickle, s.s.; Grr, { 3b. ilkx Scruton, c.f; { Hoods, Lf. Frontenac--Sherman, e.; Esiord, p.; { Gilchrist, Ib.; ol, 9 Johnson, i 8.8.; Knox, cf.joMacDonald, Lf; Su- gel, r.f.; Tavis, 3b. Score by inmaigs OLL ou NR Frontenacs 1 93 1-0 0 0 -- Kriday's Baseball Results International" League--Rochester, 6 loronto, 5. Bufialo, 4; Montreal, 1. Canadian League=~Torento, 3; Otta- wa, 0, Erie, 4; Brantford, 3. Lon don,' 3; Peterbore, 3. Hamilton, 2; St. thomas, 1, 4 American ~ League--Washington, . 1-5; Joston, 0-6. Philadelphia, 6-3; New York, 2-0. National Brooklyn, 0. 1 6.011 3 0-26 5 League -- New York, 1; Philadelphia, 3;:Boston, Cincinnati 3; Pittshurgh, 3 Federal Fepfue-St. Louis, 5; han sas Uity, Ww Bulialo; 3; Brooklyn, |. Pittsburgh, 7; Baltimore, 5. Will Act As Starter. The horsemen .of the city will be interested to kmow that W. H. Ke nand, of the Race. Horse association, of Ontario, has been "obtained to of- ficiate and act as starter in the horse races to be held here on June 3rd. Mr. Renaud has been here twice and according to the opinions of the horsemen of the ity he is one of the | squarest and most impartial cf jro- fessional judges they have caced hor- ses under. Second Game on Tuesday. - The second game in the S.S AAA; junior series will be played at the {cricket field, on Tuesday evening, at 6.20 o'clock, when St. Paul's and Syd- {enham line up for the first time. St. Paul's, who entered the series for the | fest time this season, are looked upon The as having a first-class team. Sydenham boys will have a number of new players. A collection will be taken at all the games to defray ex- penses, nt City League Games To-day. Fine weather greets the third game of the eity baseball series slated Nol the cricket field this afternoon. Sa- polios and Park Nine will play in the junior series commencing at 1.30 o'clock. Athletics and Ponies meet ) in the senior exhibition commencing at three o'clock. c---- Died in General Hospital. Sandford T.owcks, of Napanee, died in the general hospital, Saturday morning, after a lingering illness. He was sixty-four years of age. A wife and family survive. : State of Ohta, City of Toledo, ucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of I. J. Cheney & Co. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- sa and that sald firm will pay the sum of ONE HU D DOLLA for exch and every case of Catarrh that cannot cured a use of Hall's Cattarrh Cure. ANK J. CHENEY. fn presets thi Sn ay, SF Bens n sence, this ¥, of em- be AD ih W. GLEASON Notary Public, 'Hails Catarrh Cure"ls taken inter: and acts he blood ystem. nally, X directly on EY IO F. EY & C0. Toledo, O. Button Cloth Tops Spool Heels Plain Toes I STRAWS. Our prices on men's straw hats represent the extreme of good value. Every correct shape and braid--a good many styles that vou'll seek in vain flsowhore: Special falues im fine straws, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50. Special values in Pan- amas, $4, $5. CAMPBELL BROS The Name That Guar- antees HUTTON'S LIMITED. 8 Market St. Kingston, Ont Insurance and Real Estate Telephone 703 DEATH OF HORSE. Believed to Have Been Work Foul Play. A fow days ago'a man named Payne lost a valuable horse, shich died in a 'most mysterious. manner. Mr. Payne stables his horses in a barn on Divi sion street. After the animal:died the owher, desiring to '(know "the exact cause of death, had%h local veterinary surgeon 'perform a post-mortem exam- mation upon the animal. As a Lasult, it was cléasly ascertained what caused the death, when a nail was found sticking in the horse's kidney. How the nail got there is more than Mr. Payne can make out, but he believes it is a case of foul play. He says that one morning last 'week, on going to the stable to attend to his horses, he found the door of the barn open but, at the time, did not think any- thing of it. A few days later, one of the horses' showed signs of illness, of To Hold Confirmation The 'Bishop of Kingston, Dr. Bid- well, will administer confirmation at Trinity church, Wolfe Island, on Sun- day (Whitsunday), May 31st at 10.30 a.m. . The members of Trinity church have chosen Wednesday next, June 3rd, as "cemetery decoration day.' . Christ's church, Wolfe Island, will fold its ammual picnic in R. Smith's grove. as in former years, on Wed- nesday 17th June. Change of Time. C ing Monday next, Ca Pacific Xpress, now leaving Kingston at 1 pam., will leave at 11.35 a.m., ar rive Tweed 2.25 p.m., Peterboro 4.23 p-m., Toronto 7.10 pm, Smith's Falls 3.10 p.m., Ottawa 4.20 pan. Montreal = 6.10 h. Express' from Pembroke, Renfre®, Ottawa, etc) will arrive Kingston »3:20 p.m. 'Gilbert's Ice cream bricks. Sold only at Prouse's Drug Store. Tele- phone 82. - Edwin F. Davis, inventor of the elec trie chair which bas put to death 150 persons since that method of: capita) punishment was adopted in New York state, is seriously ill at his home in Corning, N.Y. - "Yiolet glycerine soap" sold at' Gib son's Red Cross | Store. } Mrs. Blanché Woodward's husband left her, he told reporters, because her Persian cat paraded his spine at , "He leit me for another kind "replied Mrs, Woodward. 'This comes irom Chicago. te. Boots--- 5 yl * The Very Latest in Ladies' Footwear Price $5.00. As worn in New York to-day. « ® Abernethy's ; Government Test of ce Cream Government Bullétin No, 276 - Shows Our Ice Cream To Be The BEST and PUR- EST In Kingston VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Is it a Door? Is it a Boat? Is it a Carriage? Is it a Bath-room? Is it a Store front? Is it inside? Is it outside? S Is it dull ahd dingy? VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Kopal is made as good as a varnish can be. It's for general use. ft wears ~=S0LD BY ~ Corbett's Hardware GAS STOVES AND -------- ORS Ww e have a large stock of \Refriger- ators and Gas Stoves; also all\kinds of new and second-hand furnituck; all to be sold at reasonable prices. Come, see-the bargains. HB. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1586. Opposite Craig's Wholesale il ASSOCIATED AD- VERTISING CLUBS i TRUTH OF AMER10A - ' THIS EMBLEM repre. ~ sents' the most powerful influence for honesty amd square dealing in the business world. It is the insignia of the Associated. Advertising Clubs of Am- erica, an organization of 127 clubs, with 10,000 - members, pledged to the cause . of tymthiul adver. "tising and straightfor- methods. of A., Toronto, June 21- 25. Be informed as to the latest and most effice ient advertising, able speakers and the op; program of the Convens Address att i PR | for. consti. Baby Walker strengthens limbs and saves defor ' ~ Ideal Drop-side Safety Iron Cots. Children's Toy Setts. Rockers and Bedsteads. He Reid Quality Reid Low Prices JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, Phone 147. ) Women's Footwear That Beautifies It is essential to tity a shoe t is pre! shaped to obtain attrac- tive effects, so. much de- sired by well dressed womer. \ finish that them 'beautifiers of women's feet. Ci