Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1914, p. 7

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§ Fore mm Por safety aml Chee: carry your travelfi [ravel frat i Ba "w Letters 0 Co . mek, alin ands Judred ad. any Give frm stopping * He ro a i -- one to obtain '- of cue long Rist. of correspondents, in- plitces in the East, INCORPORATED BANK or NE GEORGE yuare, . MCKAY Howard S. Folger - : INVESTMENT BROKER and Tife Insurance Fire High Grade Bonds and Stocks : Real Estate District Manager of The EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 4 Clarence Street Phone 995 Rand for ok in any quantity CE Chet MENT BRI CK FOR SALE pest Brick on the Market THE KINGSTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, - LIMIT 168 Princess Street. ED. Phone 286. How "About 1 That New House ' ? 0 On Upper York Street, built of Kingston brick. The owner says he has the 'best house i in Kingston. Well, it is just as such brick. ood, anyway hy not 'build your new house of them, We have plenty more and boost home industries. Phone 1396 Division St- Albert Neal FOR SALE We have a dwelling, modern a month, yearly lease, that we will sell for $4100, in every respect, renting for $35 How about it? A brick dweHing, on a corner, 8 rooms, verandah, good stable and drite house, front door in centre of house, allowing for roums | un bath sides of main hall. and Noa-Tariff Companies: J. K. Carroll A 48 BROCK ST. mom Fresh Seeds are a Prime Necessity Hf you are looking for results, sceds that will grow You can procure ther | from An exaet reptoduction of the fMmous Max Meyer Pearl 2 Necklace, which mysterfously disappeared Spam th the rog- istered wail between Pa dow. don, Ie on view in our South Win It ig an interesting exhibit strated in detail, telling the whole of its recovery. Newspupers everywhere and America © pontained reports of She loss. Rem in EFurope seusatifaal Fou may never again have the OOPOTTURILY of 'seeing this remarkable d Semonsttation Show. a big robbbery ma be committed--as we control Yn Yspecral me permit in King- ston. e have = Jimited nuntber of lets . telling the whole | story, which are distributed free in our store' While they last. JOHN DRIVER, Rep why not sow ) $3,200, See us ahiut your Fire Insurance. We Tarif repmesent both gency, Puoxs os The G a Tones nds Ri ish She who! ferviue stem, ma w Blood cine, Owres rons one." Menias int Brain Worry, , Palpilotion the Falling Memory, Price inl pet bos; six Foicase, #ix will A. Bold b; al rss, One i d in plain pl hig Wor N ine ¢B. oh mailed re, bor Auction Sales We arg sow. sur 'aprin ne suien. "hahd aie ui Estate on a commigsion fie. Our reputation tor the last fifteg - assures you of the utmost sa on, prompt re- turns, honest and efficient service. We will buy the Sete of mmx Bouse for cash. o Allen's s 113 Reach e ened . are also | Phoue 283. Brick house, modern, seven r oms, 118 Victoria® St, be-' tween 'Earl and - Johnson Sts. Possession June ast. Frame house; rooms, hardwood * Victoria St. { For farm of 40 acres good outbuildings and , land; seven {| sudden stop in the nom-jury [| £750,000 as her share and || vided for'in the will. tan nt sunburn," Penslar 1 Dole at Gibson's Red avec "of Newnan & Shaw ntend "hold an ao day' picnic at Kingston Hills Ladies' up Sasum moderate, Miss A. Keys, C ne street. ohare Juice on Ice." Gibson's Jed [ross @rug store fountain, A.M, Cordan and Miss Gordan, ot Glasgow, Scotland, came to King- Ston on Tuésday morning, "Chocolate-coated assortéll Nut meats." Gibson's Red Cross drug stor: i He Cimninghda, plano tuner 2 King' street. Leave orders at Mc- Auley's book store. Amy B. Davies and Charles Raitz, nf Rochester, N.Y., spent _ Monday Evening and Tuefday in the city. "Buy Zam-Buk,¥ at Gibson's Red Cross drug Store. Roy Shorts, Belleville, was called o 'his mother's bedside at New- pH First Appeal to Home Officials (0 lu- fluence Canadian Governmeus. - Vantour, tant Indian provinces be requested to call on the viceroy to demand in perial government and to the govern- ment of Canada to segure entry for the Hindus 'aboard 'the Komagata Maru, now in this 'port; was a resolu- tion passed at a meeting of East In- dians, when heavy subscriptions were made for their brethren on board the steativer. The threat was added that ufuch unrest would be fomented in india il the party are not allowed to land. The situation hes become rather aggravated because 640. Chinese arrived on the Empress of Russia Saturday and were admitted on pay- ment. of $500 head tax each. Boards of 'inquiry in the indivindal gases of the Hindus convened to-day, and will probably last all week. "Buy Brome Seltzer," at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. ohn. Kenville, Brockville, died on Sunday night.. He had been in ill Bealth for some months. A wife, twa. eons; and 'two daughters sur- viv 'It ¥s to buy Taleum Powders' at Gib 's Red Cross drug store. burgh. She Is in 2 eritical condi- tion. Weleh's Grape Juice on ice at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store fountRin. Those invited to a seac on the platform for "the ceremonies at Macqonaid park, included the mem- bags of the City Council, Board of cation,, Separate School board and theirJadies. "Buy Zam-Buk," at Gibson's Red Cross dryg store. William . Batcher, Joseph Lamont, Robert Simmons and William 8. Luckey, of Hammondsport, N.Y., ar- rived in the city on Tuesday morn- %. These are the four . aviators who will make ascénsfons here on Wednesday. BODIES RECOVERED BLACK RIVER CLAIMS THRER NEAR WATERTOWN. {Two Drown From Overturned Cande, While Third, a Woman Jumps to Her Death With Rope Around Her Neck, Watertown, N.Y., June 2.--The body of Frank Denning, East Watertown, one of the three victims claimed by | the Black river, "yesterday, was recov- ered. The bodies of the others, lLyls Curtis, grandson of the man, and Mrs. Sarah Miller, of Dexter, who is said to have committed suicide, were re- covered about noon. ' Denning, his grandson and Sennet Greene, at whose home they were stay- ing, were out rowing, They had gone to a nearby market to purchase meat for dinner, 'The hpat was Teaky and one of the men leaned over to pick up the package. In doing so the boat tipped over and the three fell in. aréene was saved by Hungarian track laborers, who heard the screams. boat -, overturned. and Greene grasped thie bout, with one hand and Denning with the other. Greene, who is about #ixty years old, lost his grasp and when: dragged out' was exhausted. A search was started immediately, but only the body of the boy was found. Mrs. Miller was first missed from her her home on Monday mopping, when her husband awoke and failed to find her. She had been ill for some time and it is believed her mind was af- fected. As dbou as she was missed the wa- ter near the house was searched, but no trice of the body was found until noon, when a daughter discovered a rope hanging from the dock. 'Phe body of the woman was discovered at the other end of the rope The Millers are well known here, where they lived until a short time ago. Mr. Miller was employed in the New York air brake plant. C.N.R, Guarantee Resolution Ottawa, Jume 2-~The government gave: notice of a resolution late last evening, which will be' moved in the house, to guarantees 'the bonds of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway, to she extent of three-quarters of the cost the completion of the' moun- tain" section of thé line. This will amount to $16,000,000. , The esti- mate of the company is that it will take about $20,000,000 to complete the 'section, but there. is intereit also 10 be provided for. For this the government accepts as security a mortgage on the western division and om fthe Lake Superior vranch * subject to all existing prior mortgages thereon. Widow Receives Bulk. The McViear will cage came to a assizes in , Toronto before Chief Justice TR. M. Meredith. when the plaintiffs, il|| eleven nieces and nephews of the late George McVicar, the Port Arthur mil lionaire, withdrew their case. . The fmal settlement has not yet been completed, but the widow of the late' millionaire will receive approximately as pro- His widow was Mids Finan, former- ly of Newburgh. New Teacher Appointed At a 'meeting of the management committee of the Board of Edueation a number of appointments on the teaching stafi and other changes were arranged for. The recommendations will be considered at: the next meeting of the board. The Kingston delegation of the An glicar Women's = Auxiliary left a noon on Tuesday to attend the con erence which' meets in Brockville. Some forty: members went on this delegation and will remain there un- til Friday. ; The crisis in the mediation ceedings - betwedh Mexico and United States Pro- the, at an acute Stage Tho heen South Anmefioen divlome the Americal nm delegates ey deadlock, Denning grabbed the child when the --USE-- S38 LIPTON'S LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD EXQUISITE FLAVOR turn that he shall appeal to the im-} Jine 3.--That the)! Marajahs of two of the most impor- CONDENSED ADVER' NG RATES First inserflon lc a word. sKach con- secutive insertion thereafter, haif- cent & word, Mivlmum churge for one fasertion, 2c; three 1 4 50c; wix, $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED te ei teat WAITRESS, APPLY RANDOLPH HO- le ne, ADVT, OF AN under 'tiris Tes So night, or 0c for three. WANTED, AT ONCE, AUTO MECHAN. ict ibby's garage. Phone 01 or IS OR LESS, ts 350 for one var \ A SMART, GENER AL SERVANT, WELL mmended Apply in the ne to Mrs, Kilborn, 2 {1 ree INTELLIGENT himself generally useful writing addressed Box oftice. Apply $1, Whig A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT duly 1st. Must have refe after 7.30 in Brigstocke, By z 1c 12 U niversity A MAID FOR GENER SL HOUSEWORK One who mnderstands plain cook- ing much preferred. Apply Mrs. ¥ Lockett; 24 Stuart St. oft just Barrie St. ALBERT SAU SDERS, ALL KINDS, OF eart done, Sullisfaction guaran- teed, © Pringess sircey, T0 LEY THESE EerECTIVE ADVTS. little. Once, 3 o.; Bee (imte, one week, $1.00. GERSE PE ATI, GoMman, 387 Dit ad TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Ounce, 26c; three thues, 60c. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. Aberdeen St. FROM INT MAY, NO, 372 ALFRED ST. Thomas Mills, 79 ClareSce St. nw NLiaxas AT $12, 820, £23, $30 AND $80. J. 8. R. McCann, $2 Brock St. STORAGE FOR FURNITUR oe BTC, clean and dry. McCann, 82 Brock street. cen steer ae eee: 4a [335 EARL ST, DETACHED ne el rooms, hot air furnace. McCann, 82 Brock St. FURNISHED FOUSK TO RENT FRONW May, No. ais Bagot St. Cun- ningham & Mud OFFICES IN CLARENCE, _ST, CHAM- ers. Apply to Cu nnifkham & Mu- dle, 79 Clarence St. A BRICK HOUSE IN GOOD REPAIR in Barriefield. No accommedation for cattle. 'Apply to. Mrs. George Wormington, Barriefield, INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no _ canvassing Send for pasticulars. Press Byna|. cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.X. AGENTS TO HANDLE selected Calgary oil leases. Must be Hf able, Give comple The Great West Fin tion. Limited, Box Afberta. CAREFULLY stock and , Calgary, AGENTS! BiG MONEY MAKER! OUR Notice To Contractors Tenders for mason and carpenter work will be received up to Saturday noon, the 6th inst, for the erection of proposed residence on William St. Plans and 'specifications may be at the office of SIMMONS BROS. cess Street. Lowest or any tende necessarily accepted. Apiary Demonstration. At B. A. Detlor's Apiary, 14, Arden, Friday, June Sen, 1.30 pom. sharp. » A qualified apiary will have charge of the demonstration, which includes rendering old combs into commercial beeswax by means of Sibbald Wax Process; finding the queen: removing bees from supers; op- erating to prevent po aimng, and ex: amining hives for disease Aadies especially invited and all are advi to bring bee veils so they out 'into the apiary with comfort, py I oat Con. 8, ot 1914, at instructor SEALED TENDERS > po Marked Tenderf on . the envelope, will be received at the office of the County Clerk, Court House, Kingston, up to noon on MONDAY, JUNE Sth, 1914, from BY person or persons, will- ing to furnis 100 TONS MORE OR LESS OF SCRANTON COAL to be délivered at the Gaol, and Registry required. The coal to well screened a also 40 cords, Court Buildings, House when be of a good quality, nd free from dirt. And more or less, of 11 a Wood, of Maple, Bee Hickor ph d to be soand and o 11d ro contain 128 « Ubi: delivers When required oh owest or ANY tender not neces accepted J. W. The sarily BRADSHAW, County Clerk I nutr meal in a choice, tastily spiced, thing to cook--- tin and see if it in Vg A Tasty and Handy FENWICK can come | Countyof Frontenac, repared SOCIETE. dollar book, "Destruction Empress of Trefand." Hest book published outfit free; best terms; freight paid; credit given Send postage ten cents, Nichols, Ltd, Publith- ers, Toronto. Fpl bbb bb EE PR Ed * - * : Intelligent vouth, of operating typewriter rapidly Apply at Whig office at once Soe FEPEOIEPESPL LPP FS TEA CHER WANTED capable CHER, WITH SECOND CLASS tificate, to take , in the public Todel term, ~ Salary Apply to the Se of Education STANT TEACHER School See. 16, Township Kin with Normal sshool in i Duties to commence Sept Ap- ply, stating salary, pT ations, to' J. 0. Ellerbeck, RM.D, 1, West- brook TEACHER, HOLDING AT YEAST A second class certificate, for the senior room of the Sydenham tweo- room Public School. State qualifi- cations, experience, and salary = pected. | Apply to F. Sine, Syd ham, Ont - CUSTOMERS TO RING UF 802 WHEN having halr or cotton mattresses to be renovated or recovered. King- aston Mattress Company, $66 Prin- cess St. STORE, BASEMENT OR 'BAC WK PRE W- {ses on Princess or near. Ii dae mensions, twelve to an wide; seventy-five or m State rental, Box 661, Whiy office GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and Tepairing one on the shortest notice homas Galloway 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Gar- age. ittous moment ES | Simply turn the key, and--Presto ! You have a cooked-meat paste fit t for any occasion. That', $e Ever ready--always Bagdycunc- perfectly pure. It tastes delcious. PARIS PATE is a masterpiece of French Cookery ~--made from the choicest of meats and ena CE Fr Chefs--cooked 'in hermeti- cally-sealed tins. Geta not oven nicer than we sayl by 5. P. A Ji DELICIOUS FOR SANDWICHES | Used Extensively For Pienies, sndiuevis, At Homes, Etc. For the Taricman's * Jameh. , HENDRY & ) N Room" House, 188 STUART St, B. and C nd gas: newly pap- ered and Painted Apply to J. R. Laidlaw, 248 Division St STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, «dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, - 299 Queen St. Phone 526b. FROM MAY IST. 7 ROOMED HOUSE, on Livingston Ave. B. ana C., Jur nace, electric light, go garden. Apply 28 Livingston y £54 -------------------------------------------------------------- FOR THE SUMMER, FURNISHED house, all oonveniences, electric light, Jas and telephone; centrally located. Address Box L, Whig office, TWO NEW HOUSES Barrie St, all TO north end, improvements: once. Apply to Quebec st, city. RENT ON eight rooms, possession at W. Jenkins, 15 re. co------------ee epee et HOUSE, 163 STUART ST, THIRD DOOR from University Ave, north side; 6 rooms, deep lot: immediate posses- sion. Apply 321 University Ave. Phone 1484, EASTVIEW PARK, ON THE ST. Lawrence, five miles, from King- ston, five and seven roomed furn- ished bungalows Apply to J. D Boyd, 108 Pine St, Kingston BLACK EARTH ANY qt or v. Apply BE. BE, Wathen, BY Mack : oY DOUBLE SETT OF SARE, -- Apply M. J. Dolan, rindess perry Yes Princess WEBER PIANO, MISSION cash, $6 per mouth, Phone 1544. noth REMINGTON PLAER Pf jo. = N $495--815 cash and § Ont 1 Princess 8t. Phone Ry SECONDH AND ORGAN, GUOD Shay Cheap. Victor Vitrolan Ta Sk GAS RANGES nn ki as: o pr! cen! w At Turk's, nie YOU A FIRE AES on as nsure in a first ln Bricieh © cohts pany. R. Chas. Bell, 239 Hagot St $2300 0 ROOM FRAME HOLSE oN Barrie St, imbroverents; central, Easy terms. Bond, 28 Frons tenac St, Phone 743. ANYONE HAVING SECONDHA Stoves or farniture Jor sale, call fi 1 rices. J. 333 Princess St Phosie 16007" $2100 BRICK V VENEER, FURNACE, B. and C, $600 cash; 350 h be to Vener 0 ig cash u arles 39 Bagot Breer" OFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LO in. high tn front and 56 1-2 IN at ask, Thies Jrawers yc ol Oop she K us British. Whig office, A LARG e 80 NUMBER OF BICY also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. A rders 4 romptly 4 Serine oe for rpet Clean and layin eorge Muller, 373 King S Ting MGROCERY STORE AND DWEL) 162 Ontario street, Tr SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, squarg pianos, piano-cased or gans, Angelus player and music rolls, organs and gramophones. Cash or time payments. Now Scale Williams Plano Agency, 38 Montreal St, Kingston. ------------------------------------------ : | APARTMENTS, PRETTILY AND CON- veniently furnished for light house- keeping: mas for cooking and § li . Apply Pioneer 214 Division St, Phone 1434, ---- see ee eee i. FURNISHED HOUSE, UNIVERSITY avenue, y $5,000-SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 10 large lot. rooms, all improvements, NEW, ALL Alfred St Mele EMT HOUSE, MORTGAGHS i SoveHr AXD SOLD, one RATEMAN & & GARDINER, PHONE 306, 7 Clarence St. Kingston. Apartments, head of Queen PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH- marks and all growths and skin blemishes re moved permanen* iy, without scar: 27 years' experieusce. Dr." Elmer J. Lake, Eve, Ear, Nose Throat and Skin Specialist, 208 Bagot Street. SCALP MASSAGE hair, dandruff, etc, ectricity (new method). treatment FOR FALLING treated by el Latest in shampooing, face | FOR SALE . Quantity of secondHand time ber. Apply J. A. McDonald, Gen eral Purchasing Agent, Canadian' Locomotive Co, Ltd, Kingston. ~ / 4 Fy | FURNISHED ROOM wih OR WITHOUT BOARD, WORK WR men Pielerred. Price reasons i ROOMS AND BOARD. FURNISHED Ri also table b 199 Brock Sireet. FINANCIAL MS WITH BOAR d, . Mes. ar a roy Tanas LOAN AND 1) ment Society; incorporated - President. Colonel Honty R Bmith: oney issued on city massage. manicuring, chiropody, up-to-date styles in hair work. Mrs. Herod, graduate 159 We? ington St, Phone 1495, Hours 10-to 12 am, and 2 to § p, m.. and by appointment. EXCAVATIONS - gree ROCK OR CLAY, CONCRFTING OF cellars, levelling and laying lawns. Estimates SYR Beardsell 102 Ear) BUSINESS CHANCES s-------------- -------------------------------- ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; no canvassing: be your own boss. Send for free booklet: tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y DOLLARS WIIERE chickens pay cents; small capital needed; small space required; al- ways penned up; ready markets: send for May issue of our Journai; fully explained 'there; price ten cents. Reliable Squab Journal, Versailles, Mo. CATERING ABSTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP- 7 pers, banquets, dinners, parties, ete. Stlverware and cutlery to rent. For particulars apply to IL H. Toye's King St. store. PIGEONS PAY WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc. also rent dishes, table linens and silverware, Reid and Hombroo M. P. Reid, 30 Union Street. Hambrook, = 176 Alfred ones 843 .or 303, MUSIC. TRACHER OF SINGING, MISS CARRIE Bajus, 47 Rideau St. 8 ND DRAMATIC "! nys Hon AN Frontenac St." Miss Norma Telgmauh, Alida Telgmann, BE. O. F. Telgmann, teachers of elocu- tion, plano, violin and all stringed instruments, LEGAV Street INSTRUC. masseuse, ° i fos eno oh RS properties, municipal and ar debentures; mortgages pu H deposits recelved snd interest lowed. 8. C M . McG Man ir, Clarence Stree ge rrmm-- ee AND GLO! "ire Insurance C assets, $61,187, n addition to which the policyholders have fo security the unlimited lability of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates old or givin rates from Agents. Phone 338. . Before renew new business ge & Strange, ARCHITROT N, ARCH. HET Domes. 00k Bagot Bid SR o W, J. GAVINE, UPHOLATERIN irk 4d carpet wor with grating. Drop a mattress or call 218 got streel. supplied promptly \ 'DENTAL A. BE KNAPP, DDS, ud To 13 Frm Street." minK, nl over Ca, SPARKS AND lington St Phone 246. DR. C. C. NASH, DENTS Renton, assistant. 1 Street. Phone 135. AM & MUDIE, BARR bial 3 Bile Heltors aw office, : t. I in" too Nice dry. hard and soft wood for the weather: will make a good five and not long. Sy Out Soft Wood, qr, cord, $1.80. - Cut Hard Wood, qr. cord, $2 23. i Teer

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