Stray 18¢ gt. or _ 2 qts. for 35c. 'NEW YORK FRUIT ORE : CULT ep LEIS EN \ SYSTEM 'Homeseekers' Excursions 1914~Round trip tickets to Wes- tern Canada, via Chicago ani North Bay or Toronto on sale June 2, and every other Tuesday thersafter. un- til October 27th, at very low fares. Tickets good for two montas, We can make all arrangements to bring vour family and friends from the "Old Country." For full particulars apply to 37 P. HANLEY, Raflroad and Steamship Agent Cor. Johnson snd Ontario Sts. Ocean Steamship Agency. C, 8, Kirkpatrick. ' 82 Clarence street, 'Phone 568 S------------ A -- LOT ms OANADIAN BERVIOR. From Southampton From Montreal ALAUNIA May 30 AUSONIA June 13 June 4 ANDANIA June 20 Steamers call Plymouth sastbound. Rates--Cabin (11) $46.25. 3rd-class, British eastbound, $30.35 up. . West- bound $30 up. 3 Apply Loeal Ticket Agent, or ROBERT REFORD C0, eral Agents, 30 King St, Ki ™E DOMINION LINE ViA LIVERPOOL To GREAT BRITAIN and CONTINENT Palatial Steamers, Excellent Service ? « June 6 = June 13 "» - AND EVERY SATURDAY June 20. Rates to Liverpool from $92.50 15t Class " " " $50.00 2nd -" Only four short days af sea. Local Agents J. 8. Kirkpatrick, C- P. B J. P. Hanley, G. T. R. 4 " "CANADA" TO LIVERPOOL Montreal Vir 1 roti From From From Quebec OGL M ne 4 . 18 Jupe 11 July Corin, For full ndermat THE ALLAN LINE, 95 King St. W,, Toroute, RAILWAY WPROVED TRAIN SERVICE: EFFECTIVE MAY 31st NEW. LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN" Pacific Railway and Michigan Central Railway THROUGH MICHIGANUENTRAL TUNNEL VIA WINDSOR, ox, p |" Via Canadian WESTBOUND DAILY Eastern Time. Leave Montreal (Windsor St. Depot) ......,... SAS am. Arrive Toronto . «AO Pom, Leave Toronto . Leave Londen ... Arrive Detroit (Michi Central Depot) Central Time. Leave Detroit (Michigmn Ararat Depot) LiL ALES pom, ve teago Station). ONLY ONE NIGHT ON THE ROAD IN EACH DIRECTION. Soild Bleetrie-lighted Trains with Buidt-Library-Compartment-Observa. tion Standard and Tourist Feupers and a ® Montreal and Chicago in each direction. Standard S| 19, Detroit, and » A ) A Westbound and No, - Eastbound, : | TALITY REGAINED) "Fruit-a-tives" HaoxrsviLLE, ONT, Aug. 26th. 1913 "About two years ago, I found my health in a very bad state. My kidneys and liver were not doing their work, and I became all run.down. 1 felt the need of some good rewedy, and having seen , "Fruit-a-tives" advertised, I decided to try them. 4 ; Their effect, 1. found more than satisfactory, Their action was mild and the results all that could have been expected. . My liver and kidneys resumed their normal action after I had taken upwards of a dozen boxes, and I regained my old time vitality. Today, I am as well as ever, the best health I have ever enjoyed, and I unhesitatingly give you 'this testimonial for publication if you wish" B. A. KELLY. In hundreds of letters received by the Fruit-a-tives Company, the same expres- sion is used *'Fruit-a-tives is the best kidney remedy in the world", At any rate, these tablets have proved the best.s to the hundreds of men and women, whg have been cured by taking them. Soca box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. mea CANADA STEAMSHIP "[INES, LIMITEL SS. KINGSTON--SS, TORONTO Commencing June 2nd, ax M ; . ¥. eal. At 5 p.m, to. . Prescott 3 ite ir Rochester and Toron : SS Commencing J Wed CASPIAN : 7th, leaves Sun- Fridavse a calling at SS, BELLEVILLE Leaves at '7 a.m. Wednesdays, for Montreal, and on Saturdays at mid- night Tor Teronto. CITY OF OTTAWA-CITY OF H AMIL- TON Leave at 8 Thursdays for days and Wedn Toronto and Hamil » SS. AMERICA Commencing June 1si Sundays, for Ca and 1.3 rives 11,45 a.m. SS, a.m on Sundays Montreal, and on Sy AVS at midnight for ton leaves dafly Vincent at urping ar- aily except intermediate Bay of Qui Right reserved to ck © steamers time with or without ice can J. P. HANLEY, E BE City Ticket Agent Agent HORSEY, General --T #rom Bristor ward July 1 July 16 July 29 ehec I Log July Royal a Suites of a3 tments with private baths, luxur. fuusly 'fitted public cabing treated after historical periods, club-like comforts and service provide ® complete rest and pleasure on the Atlantic Royals. For heawifully illustrated book- write to 52 King St Bast Toronto, Ontario, OUR TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on it. is crowing louder as ho; Koos alo; Only 46c, per pound. Fo ewing an¢ smoking. Montreal Viet Quebec Calg LASGOW TO LONDON & 0 ¥ 20 June lanian 7 June 1 1 June Bic"ln 14 June Cars will ae he AT A. MACLEAN'S, * Ontario Street. Stay June June 7 . 18 June 16 ginian 26 satis n duly Scot, 21 June 26 | v June 2 Aug Tunisian July '9 Aug. on apply local agents or EASYBOUND DAILY, Central Time. Leave Chicago (Central Station) 2.30 fehigan Central Fogel oil » ' 0 Eadtern Time, eave Detroit; ( Michigan Central Depot) Leave London . Arrive Toronto "20 Leave Toronto 11.40 Arrive Montreal (Windsor St Depot)... ...... S55 First<class Coaches be " operated between Montreal Tofon- cific and Michigan Centen) Rail 4 mel via Windsor on trains No. 21 Gloria understood that thére was no time to temporize,. She must do something and that quickly. Close by where she stood next the bed, and on the side away from the door, was Little Ella's trunk. Behind@it on hooks hung a number of garments, and on a chair were more clothes. was the only chance and Gioria took it. How she' ever maneged to get him, a dead weight, across the intervent space and safely stdwed behind the trunk she never knew. She dragged, she hauled, she pulled, she rolled, and the forlorn hope that she would sare him yet gave her strength. As she snatched skirts from the hooks and all the clokking from the chair to pile ame more and more vindictive, © girl was out of breath, but as ske bent er the prostrate form of tue man she loved, she managed to gasy. "Joe, listen to me. If you can hear me, dear, listen. Don't stir, don't yo: hear me, Joe?" But he was deaf to all ent'goties. Seeing this was sc, she turt™d to Little Ella: "Get hin {0 go away. Offer him anything. prom ise him anything. I'll do it; ouly keep that man on the other side of thal oor." ¥'There's at least two of 'em.™ "That doesn't matter--a thousand-- it's all the same. Get them to go away." This was easier said than done, but Little Ella was willing to make the effort. "You git away from that door, an' leave me alone." "Open this door, you she-devil™ threatened the hesleger, "or I'll--" And then interrupted anothér voice with a suggestion that made Gloria grow faint 2 "Aw! Let's bust it in. He's in there all right." "Let 'er go," one, Then came the heavy thuds as the men threw themselves against the door The knocking at the gate in "Macbeth" had no mere portentious sound in the play than had this at- tack upon her stronghold to Gloria. She felt all the nervousness of troops under fire that must remain inactive awaiting orders. There was nothing she could do but wait until the door was battered down. This was not long in happening. As she stood 'in front of the trunk ner answered the first "You Can't Fool Us With That Soft Soap Talk." > vously twisting her handkerchief in der hands, at one last mighty effort the bolt yielded; the door flew open and two men stumbled into the room. Little Ella recognized 'them both fn- stantly. 'They were Buck Kelly and Turkgy Ryan, notorious denizens of the underworld. If ever thers were two vicious-looking cutthroats, these men answered their descriptions. To make their ruffianly appearance worse they bore the marks of their recent encounter. Kelly's left eve had swelled almost closed, and Ryan had a long cut across his cheek where Wright's ring had left its mark with a slashing blow. He had done even more damage than this, but these showed the plainest. Needless to say, thelr tempers had not been sweetened by the episode. : "Now, damn you--" Ryan began savagely. : "Stop!" Gloria commanded. are you doing here?" a § Until she spoke they had not seen hor, and both men were taken much aback. To find a lady there was something they had not expected. "What the--" Ryan gasped, but checked himself and then continued in a slightly more respectful tone. "I begs 'yer pardon, miss, but what are ¥ou doin' here?" "That's none of your business. You clear out, both of you" This encouraged Little Ella to take her part in the discussion, which she did with her most strident tones. "What do youse mean, buttin' into here? Beat it,"you two. I'm a lady, an' when | have & lady frien' avisitin" Me fhey ain't no place for bums. On "What Lh Yer way." : It was not this tirade which had the apon him, the pounding upon the door ~ other, and without a word of apol shambled out into the hall. CHAPTER XX. It Gloria believed that she had put to flight for all time such gentlemanly assassins as Mr. Kelly and Mr. Ryan, her feeling of Triamph did not last long. As the door into the hall was" still open she did not dare make a move In Wright's direction. She de termined to close the door and pull the washstand in front of it, wedging it under thé knob, before trying fur ther to succor the injured man. When she walked toward the-door, it again framed the forms 6f Ryan and Kelly. As a result of a short conference just out of earshot, they had decided to return and get their man, "What do you want?" Her heart sank. "YWe'rg, lookin' fer a man," Kelly a . "And he come into this room, too," Ryan added doggedly. "We don't want to make you uncomf'table, lady, but we gotta git that man." The way he said {t ndade Gloria feel that he meant business. All she could do was play for time and pray for Mrs. Hayes to return. "There's no man here," she ex- plained in Wer most winning manver. "You can seo that plainly for yourself. [ came over from the mission to take care of this sick woman. You are saly making her worsé by bursting into her room in such a rude fashion. Mease go oui gently; she must have it perfectly yuiet." Turkey Ryan so far forgot himself o the presence of his betters 'as to grin at this explanation. "We don't want to have to make ven give 'im up." This threat had ound. Hitherto feared for her<own surly remark frig X thing that kept her steadfast was the thought that she was protecting 'the man she Had loved; yes, the man- she now loved more than she ever had. She did not know how he happened to be there; she did not, know how he regarded her; she only knew that she loved him, that she would give her life a sacrifice to save him. Ryan next appealed to Little Ella. "Ella, that guy come in here. Where is he? We "ain't goin' to be scared by any fool girl. She don't know who wants him. Now give im up" ° "Don't say a word," Gloria told her. "You gotta stick by us, Ella. This ain't no ordinary job." a At Ryan's injunction to stick &bg iim, Little lla seemed to waver. "Don't you fergit who yer friends ire. Who keeps you from bein' ugged? Mike Noonan. Who lets you tay here when you can't pay, an' ceeds you? Mike Noonan." "That's so. He has been good ne." Giorla was quick to cateh the note of indecision," 'But now I'm going to ake care »f you." "Yes, goin' to, goin' to," sneered Kelly. "You know what church prom- ies 18. Don' you fergit we gotta stan' together down here, all of us." It was the old, old appeal of class 0 serve a selfish end. "Yes, that's true. say anything, but--" Ryan immediately pressed the ad- vantage he thought he had gained. "This is yer chanct, Ella. You know what she'd say to you if you was in her house. Are you with us? I see you git yours." Ao It was a moment when a man's life was at stake. Gloria believed that ifthe woman told and they tore Wrig from her she 'might never see him alive again.. She had prayed si- lently for help to come, but she wag still alone. Already she was giving up hope from that quarter and was conscious that upon her own efforts in all probability the very life of the man she loved would depend. To add to her anguish was the fear that he might regain conscionsness and be tray himself by a moan. Now it all depended-upon Little Ella. It had been a clever stroke, that of Ryan's, asking her how she would be treated in this woman's home. Against this appeal to class rejudice Gloria had not scored. "Ill tell," said the woman. an uppleasan the to I don' want to and smiled. i "Stop!" cried Gloria, looking not at the men, but at the girl who lay pale and trembling upon the bed. "Do you rentember what you said a while ago? What you accused me of? You swore that | hadn't loved. Even to my sorrow you shall- have proof of it now that I do. he very man whom I'm defending: from these bullies fis the one man on earth I love." Ryan and Kelly looked at each other in amazement. "You shall see if you loved more than I You've gone through fire and storm for a man® rn do no less. If need be, I'l die for this man--here and now---because I love him." The fire died out of har eyes. - She stretched out her hands to Ella etieticallr\ans begged hum- bly, "My whole hearts happiness is here. Are you going to help them to take him from me?" 2 The woman, a creature of impulse, was moved. : i . "You'd better give it up, Turkey. I ain't goin' fo let you touch that man." "Ah, you're a woman," sighed Glo- ria. "You know a woman's heart" "Nix on that love spiel, Ella," com- manded Ryan. "This ain't no valen- tine party, lady. You can't fool us with' that softsoap talk. We gotta carry out the boss' orders. Buck, loo} in that closet." A Ryan recognized that the time for action bad come. On his side he had the overwhelming brute foree which woiild enable. himyto do ak he pleased. Kelly had turned to look into the closet when he was stopped by Gio- ria's outburst. What Rysa had said bad reminded her of her own power. thugs! obeyed? if you are above the law, The two men looked at each other "Stand where you are, you infamous | Must 1 tell you the truth to BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1014. ET ---- speak of your boss, then learn the truth." : "What yer givin' us? jeared Ryan as he advanced toward the place whers Wright lay hidden, "Stand back," she cried. ria Kerr." . The two men looked at each other in astonishment, and Little Ella sat bolt upright in bed. . "The boss' "Daughter," Gloria finished Ryan's exclamation. "I am the Jaughtei of David Kerr. Now go." Something in her bearing mada them feel that she was telling the truth. Kelly, timid now and apoio getic, was the first to speak "Well, we didn't know you' was-- why didn't you say--" "I guess we'll go see Noonan," was Ryan's method of beating a retreat. "He can't git away, any» -" Kelly whispered to him. 3 Gloria breathed a' sigh of relief as they turned to go, but in an instant the shrill scream from Ella which brought the men back to the center of the room froze her blood. "The boss' daughter!" It was a witch's screech ending in a peal of un- sarthly laughter. = . Gloria sank into a chair gasping, 'What have I said?" She felt the curse upon her. "Come back, Turkey, come back" sbrilled Little Ella, laughing wildly, 'The boss' daughter! The boss' iaughter!" Her thin hands plucked at the cover 1 am Gio- 1d, and her blazing eyes were fixed upon Gloria, who had shrunk into a weak lump in her chair. Only a few moments had 'passed since all had admitted that 'Little Ella dominated the situation. That fact she recog nized as readily as did the others. Now she determined to make use of her power. Gloria herself had aroused the savagery of the woman by having inflamed Hes against the boss, not knowing that the creature's rage was directed against her own father. Feverishly stimulated" to an unac- customed mental acuteness by the thoughts of her wrongs as Gloria had lain them bare, all the cruelty of the Woman's nature asserted itself. Re- venge with her was sweetness long drawn out. It was the dainty morsel over which the gourmet lipgers. It was the tantalizing antics of the. cat that gloats over the mouse beneath its paw, and even lets 'it run -a little way to arouse the wild hope that it may vet escape. Having decided upon the ultimate disclo of Wright's hiding place, Little Ella was now bent most of all on making tl! the boss suffer "What's the asked, "Let them go, I say. them go," Gloria implored, "You want them to go, do you? Ha! The boss' daughter! daughter!" The last words she utttered in . piercing tones horrible to hear as she j swayed back and forth, keeping time with her body to the cadence of her ery. Gloria tried to gather herself to- gether to meet this new attack. but without much success. She felt so weak from the shock that she was only able to rise from her chair with diffi- culty. "You're out of-xour head. mad. Keep still, I tell you" The men still standing irresolute, she turned upon them. "Why are you standing there? Leave this room." Little Ella was, enjoying herself hugely. Gloria's every pleading tone was music in her ears. Her eyes burned with excitement. Yet the cruel cat delayed to crush the mouse. Its quiveripg was too soul-satisfying. Realizing that if she admitted Gloria was the daughter of David Kerr the men would forego their pursuit of Wright, Little Ella knew her best course was to deny the relationship, (To te continueu. re 1e daughter of to th i matter, Kila?" Ryan Please let Ha! The boss' You're \ man occasionally interferes with the afiairs of a woman without get- ting the worst of it--in a vel. decqrate an old It's all right to house with paint, but a cynical old face--well, that's different. Finishing Touch To A Perfect Meal CHASE & SANBORN Pure, clean, flavory ? and strong, in sealed packets. Lite NI nll a Pr errr YOUNG HERRINGSTovito FISH on FRIDAY lweuldbewellforevery his diet to fish on Friday. This reform willbe accomplished. if the popularity of Young Herrings in Tomato Sauce in-. creases. This new. delicacy which 1s just being introduced in Canada has long been a favoriie in the oldwcountry. Every grocer is supposed to hve the Acme Brand of Young Herrings in Tomato Sauce. If your grocer does not have it write us: we will see that you are suppli W. G. PATRICK & CO., LIMITED, 51 Wellington St. West, TORO SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CANADA & Extra Granulated Sugar is put up at the Refinery in 2 Pound and 5 Pound Sealed Cartons and in 10 Pound, 20 Pound, 50 Pound and 100 Pound Cloth Bags When you buy, Extra Granulated Sugar in any of these original packages you are sure of getting the genuine Reco , Canada's finest sugar, pure and clean as when it left the Refinery. It's worth while to insist on the Original Package. €anada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, - « Oxtords Sms, This will be a great Oxford season, as Oxfords are strictly the correet thing for Yummer. You should see our showing of all the new CORRECT STYLES All the newest English models, as wdll-as the . smartest raise toe shapes from the best makes. ~ 1H. SUTHERLAND & THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES