2 officiated. ik tet WHAT WHIG CORESPONDENTS : ° HAVE TO TELL. News From Villages and Farms Throughout the Adjoining Couns. ties -- Rural Events and Move- ok ments, Newburgh Tidings Newburgh, June 1.-lhe stores of Newburgh will be closed on Wednes- day, Jupe rd. 'Thomas 1. Winter is building a new bay window in front of his house. Rev, Mr. Young and wife are spending d few days with J, 8. Aylesworth. The band concert held last week . wns great success. The weds were about 865. The swprk t a houncing baby girl. with Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Perry. i At Point Tgaverse Point Traverse, June 1.---The fun- eral of the late Marchal Brewn, of this place, was held at Carman, Mon- day, May 25th, Rev. E. Farnsworth Interment took place at Milford cemetery. Mrs. 3 trandergjof Milford, is spending a few ys with Mrs. A. Collier. Roy Spafford has 4 new buggy. Sylves- ter Church, of Picton, is staying at the Point. Miss Clara Head, of Pie- ton, Is spending a week with Mrs, Anson Collier. Reports from Picton, $ Picton, June 1.<On Thursday last, fire destroyed the - residence oi leslie McCaw, with nearly all the contents. It was a brick house of many years standing and at one time the finest in the county. It was partly covered by insurance. Donie Thomson, town, has heen spraying fruit trees in the coun- try. Rev. Mr. Harrison leaves, this waek, to attend conference, and all hope to have hign back for adother year. Visitors : Mes. KeCormic and Miss Tena Head, at Glenbrook; Mr. and Mes, 1. H. English, at Mapel Dell Mr. and Mrs. Walter Colliver, at Fd- win McCaw's, * Echo Lake Echoes Eeho Lake, June 1.--Quite a num- ber gathered at the school house on Sunday last. FParmers are all done seeding and glad to see the rain. Myo and Mra. W. Wager and Ashley Wagar, of Wagarville. Vietor Kirk- ham at A. Wagar's; Archie and Ern- est Cox at Joseph Cox's; Misses Louise McCleod and Madge Buckley at J. Switzer's; Ella McCleod visiting * friends at Parham; John A. John A. Ruttan visiting at Moscow; Mr. and Mrs. I. Switzer, at William Hicks; Mrs. C. Cox, Earl Babcock and Mar- cus Switzer at J. Switzer's. McLean Items MeLean, June 1.-----A heavy electric storm passed over this district on Sunday evening with very high wind. Some damage was done to trees. No service here next Sunday on account of the pastor having to attend con- ; ference at Napanee.~ Visitors: Earl Bertrim, of Uarham, and Miss Me- Kinley and Elgin Vanvolkenburg af Rufus Wager's; Mr. and Mrs, E. Wood, of Béthany, at H. Woods'; Miles Sills and wife and Misses Mabel and Marie Sills and Mr. and Mrs. A. Cronk at A. Foster's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Cousins at William Rawley's. Chantry News Chantry, June 1.-- Knowlton Davis and his brother, Omer Davis, spent! "the week-end with friends in Athens. Joseph Chant found one of Lis cows - dead one morning last week. Among the young people who'celebrated the 26th of May at Jones' 'Miss M. J. Carty, T. C. DeWell, Charlie Chant and Miss Doreen Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seed and family spent Sunday with her par- ents in Elgin. John Patterson. of Chantry, is helping Alfred Irwin, of New Boyne, in his factory. Miss Pearl Beed, of Chantry, left last Mon- day for Toronto. News From Westport 3 Westport, June 2.--Mrs. J. H. Menzie, Smith's Falls, is the guest of Mrs. J. Shellington. Mr. and Mrs. M. E, Fagan spent a few days of last week in Ottawa. Dr. W. D. Stevens has opened a dentistry office in the Murphy block, Bedford street. Dr. Lillie left yesterday on a business trip to Toronto. Walter Whelan re- [kitchen to His house. - W. Johnston, L. A. Os Falls were | nr Mrs. W. H. Storms and Levi Grant took very ill last week, and there is not much (mprovement for the het- ter at this time, Andrew Hayes, of Mountzin Grove, is expending the commution money on the road in this division which is making much im- Oh June the first the ; Tictory received 5,600 pounds of milk, The tent catapil- lars are causing fronble with orch- ards and other bush." Mr. and'Mrs. Manoah Cronk, Wagarville, at W. Johnston's; Mrs. = Babcock, Wagar- ville at F. Scott's. Petworth Pérsonals Petworth, June 1.---Mrs. Edgar Hughes has returned homé from Mountain Grove, W. Bradford has bought a valuable new horse. Mr. and Mrs, J. Kerr at T. A. Kerr's; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darling and Mr. and Mrs. T. Bradford spent Sunday at Yarker, Mrs. E. Garrison has returned home from Peterboro, where she was visiting her daught r. Mr: and Mrs. Alfred Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson at M. Bradford's. Mr, and Mrs. A. Hill, Watertown, are visiting relatives here. A daughter has come to brighten the home of O. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. E. Joyne at T. Bradford's, George Husband at 0. Clark's. Mr. Sutton is convales- cent. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bradf:rd spent Thursday and Friday in t.e eily. News From Stella. Stella, June 1--E. Dence. King- ston, has purchased quite a lot of hay from. farmers here, and is having it pressed. T. J. Hill, road engineer, sold a number of road jobs on the different highways to-day. Quite a number of liberals and conservatives from the island atténded the liberal and conservative sociation meet- ings held in Napane# last week. Mrs, H. Filson has been undergoing treat- ment in the eity. R. Fleming lost a valuable mileh cow last week. Hugh Filson has purchased a new motor boat Miss Broughton is havving a new engine installed in her row boat. Mrs. A. E: Howard and son have been visiting friends at Conway. Vis- itors: Mrs. Turcott and son, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Pringle, Kingston; Miss L. Pottie, Deseronto Wolfe Island Notes Wolfe Island, June 2.---A large crowd attended the confirmation held in Trinity church on May 31. George Boyd had a raising on Monday last, putting up his new barn. Quite a number from here spent Wednesday in, Kingston. A. McDonald, Sr. is very ill. Miss Edith Hennessy, of Watertown, N.Y., is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Donald Mc- Crae. Miss Vera Walker is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Kyle. Adrien Grant spent Sunday at W. Keeley's. Miss Lilliam MeClement, of Pitts- burg, is the guest of Miss Anna Me- | Cready. Miss Edna McDonald, of| Kingston, is visiting with her sister, | Miss Avery, at T. White's. Earl Kemp spent Sunday at D. Bustard's. Charleston Notes. " the words of "0, C the Empress of Ireland disaster. 11th at Quebec or Montreal. tanic disaster. i - Wise. Mrs. Haller Harlome has been renewing acquaintances in the neighborliood. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Merrick were guests of Miss A. Pres- lar on Tuesday. Marshal Preslar made a business trip to Napanee. A Long Point Locals Long Point, June 1.--Mrs. John McDonald, Sand Bay, spent a week with her sister, Miss Ellen O'Connor. Joseph Bevens and William Burns engaged at carpenter work for Mr, Latinier, Lansdowne, spent Sunday at their home here. Some from here attended .the camp meeting at Out- let. Mrs. M. Kavinagh, Charleson, was the guest of Miss Madeline O'Connor. Miss Rose Fodey is vis- iting her sistar, Mrs. Arthur Slack. C. O'Connor spent a day in Ganan- oque. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. James Danby, Delta, and George Danby, Short Point, at Philip Kel- sey's; Mr. and Mrs. J. BE. Donnelly, Seeley"s Bay, Dr. and' F. J. O'Con- nor and children, and Miss Loretta O'Connor, Gananoque, Mrs. John Me- Donald, Sand Bay, at Charles O'Con- nor's; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Grady, | Qutles, Mr. and Mrs. James O'( ady, Brockville, at Mr. Arthur Slack's; | Raymond Berry, Berryton, at BP. Townsend's. At Washburn's Corners Washburn s Corners, June 1.- Among the young men called to the bar at the convocation exercises of Osgoode law school recently was John A. Donaven, son of Z. F. Donaven, M.pP. It was with deep regret word was re ceived here of the death at Brockville of Sterns Ransom, a lifelong resident of Soperton, until three years ago, Charleston, June 1.--J. D. Weth- erell, of Lyndhursc is buying eggs in this vicinity. 8. M. J. Kavan- agh has returne me from a visit to friends at Lowg Point. Mrs. T. McOonnell and Mrs, S. Jacobs, Lynd- hurst_were visitors at Mrs. Mulven= na's dn Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Crozier M. J. Kavanagh and B. Slack motored across the lake on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. Webster and son, Harry, and Mrs. Johnson and Miss Daisy Masterson motored to Gananoque on Sunday. Miss Maggie Sterry, Lyndhurst, is Visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Latimer. Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Kelsey and daughter, Miss Cora and Miss Gertie Kelsey, and Mr. and Mrs, H. Latj- ' mer motored across the lake p Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. J. King, | Athens, spent Sunday at Mr. Jeffri-.' es'. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey visited at W. C. Taylor's on Swinday. Northbrook Notes | Northbrook, June 1.--Miss Hep- | burn, Mise Clark and Miss Cham- pagne took tea with Mr, and Mrs. | Both on Monday. The people are glad to have Mr. George Wheel'r here again.' He intends opening a ! flour and feed store. "Mr. Reid, ' I. P. 8,, visited the school on Thurs- when he retired from business and moved to Brockville. W. Earl re mains very ill and little hopes are en. tertained for his wecovery. Mrs. Wash- burn and Miss. Washburn were recent | visitors at BE. J, Suffel's. A great improvement to Soperton Sunday school is the orchestra of nine pieces, A large number from here intend go- ing to Brackville June 3rd A. Kari of Leeds, was a visitor here last week Mrs. R. Shaw was called to Lans. downe to see her sister, Mrs. Trusell, who is spriously ill. R. Tate, Lynd- hurst, cabled on friends here recently. Mrs. W. Flood, Junetown, is here for a few days. The tent caterpillars have robbed our orchards of bloom and foliage, despite all efforts made to repel them. Much regret was express- ed when the report gained currency that Principal Sexton 1s about to se ver his connection with the local high school. ------ak Ompah Notes 7 Ompah, June 1.--The heavy show- er on Sunday was much appreciated James Moore and Mrs. Simpson, of Folger, were quietly married on Wednesday last. A number of their friends gave them a surprise party on Friday evening. A very enjoyable time was spent, William MeCulloch made a business trip to MacDonald's Corners last Friday. Miss Pearl TO PROBE E SIR ADOLPHE ROUTHIER, anada." * LORD MERSEY (chairman, va, YHIEF JUSTICE McLEOD, of the New Brunswick Admiralty C ourt. Yoh ---- AAA Aer A AAA Are er A Ams eA AA SA ai sic Leeder, Misses Alice and Agatha Lappan, Trevelyan; Mr. and Mrs. A. Levder, Fdward Flood, Misses [ena and Loretta Flood, Lillies, at M. Anglin's; Mr. aad Mrs. Berne Flood, Trevelyan, at A. lLeeder's. Perth Road House Struck. Perth Road, June 1.-----Adam Rit- chie had the misfortune of having ris residence destroyed by lightning. The Mission Circle. met at the home Mrs. J. Raymond on May 28th, and will again meet at Mrs. R. McCrim mon's on June 11th. R. Harris is putting «u stone wall under his barn; which will add much to the improve- ment of the farm. H. Johnston has left for work in other parts, and will be greatly missed from the midst of the young people. Mrs. J. Raymond spent a day last week at Mrs. Rich- ard Harris'. Miss Sarah Darling is improving her residence by a cement walk and porch. Mrs. L. Corkill is visiting Mrs. R. Harris. A new hoy .has come to sty with Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Pines. Mrs. B. Har- ris who is visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Babcock, is ill. Elwood Shales has erected a flagstaff for Mrs: J. Raymond. T. Foxton's mill was mysteriously destroyed Sunday night. It is thought that it was dynamited. A little girl has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ritchie's. A concert of measure is to be held the last of June. An excellent pro- gramme is:being prepared. Donald Guthrie made a business trip to the city, Saturday. Maynard Rines and Mac Guthrie have left for Cedars, | Que. Miss Edna McCadden is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mc Cadden. LIVE STOCK MARKETS The Prices Paid at the Various Cen- A Union Stock Yards, Toronto, June 1 teceipts liberal. 150 cars, 2717 cattle, 1953 hogs, 260 sheep and lambs, 427 calves, Cattle---The quality of the cattle generally was good to choice, some very fine loads being on sale. Choice light butcher cattle sold at steady prices while heavy cattle were slow sale at 10c to 15c per cwt. lower. C'hoice butcher's steers, $8.30 to $8.- good butchers' steers, $8.15 to 35; medium butchers' steers, $7.2 to $8.10; cemmon butchers' steers, $7.35 to $7.75; choice butch- er's heifers, $8 to $8:25; common butchers' heifers, $7.75 to $8; choice cows, $7 to $7.50; good cows, $6.50 to $6.90; canners, $4.50 to $4.75. Feeders and stockers--Scarce; few being on sale. Choice steers, $7.75 to $8; medium steers, $7.25 to $7.50; stockers, $6.50 to $7.25. Milkers and springers--Moderate supply sold at steady prices, at $65 to $100 each, bulk sold at $70 to $90 each. Calves--Receipts were fairly lib- eral. Choice veals, $9.50 to $10.50; common to good, $7 to $8.50: Sheep and lambs--A light supply MPRESS WRECK judge of the Quebec Admiralty Court. appointed by the British government to the Board of Enquiry to probe He will sail immediately, and the investigation will likely start on June Lord Mersey was the British Admiraity judge who the supreme law of self-préservation to Sir Adolphe is the writer of investigated the Ti-. ~ -- CANADA ENTITLED TO ACT Against Hindus Under Supreme Law of Self-Preservation. London, June 4.--There is no ques- tion about the nature of the imperial government's reply to the resolution the British' Indians in Vancouver about to be sent through the vieeroy of India. The reply will be a reitera- tion of the words of Lord Curzon, when vieeroy of India: "Common hip cannot of rights of British citizen. be held to over-ride the rights of seli-protection conferred on the Relf-governing colonies. Fhe best and most responsible Brit. ish journals have repeatedly endorsed this dictum. Since the Komagata Maru incident arose the Times, the Morning Post, and other leading Journald unite in asserting that this matigr of emigration rests primarily with the dominions affected, namely, Canada, Australia; «ann South Africa, who are fully entitfied to act under ep their lands as white men's coun ries The Times advises the British India population to find outlets in Asia it- sell, not in countries like British Co. lumbia, where it i impossible for British Indians to become useful col OuIsLs Splendid ! Well worth the. Is the universal verdict of every house-keeper who buys Campbell's Varnish Stain for staining and var- nishing Floors, Woodwork, Chairs, ote Easily applied. Dries. hard wears well. W. A. Mitchell, King- ston. Ont., sells it Silence may mean censure as well as consent. money ! bas a guarantee good quality. i il White Rose flour put up in 6}, 12, < ms . > FLCUR: ~ Our Robin Hood Brand of flour in every bag for ANDREW MACLEAN, Outario Street. Pr R. & W. J. BOYD Hacks and Automobiles PHONE 535 - Pianos Exchanged 'Have you a square plano you wonld like 'upright? Come in any time and see our large to exchange for an stock of New Scale Williams Pianos and select the plano you would like to have and we will make you a proposition allowing you for the piano or the organ 'you have fait exchange price at home : Never buy a plano until you have seen ours, Columbia Grafonolas If you would like to own u talk- ing machine, it would pay you to come and select a machine and ar- range to either pay cash or any terms to suit you. You can have -the records you wish at the 'same time as the machine and on time payments. ia 'Store open from 9 aap. till 5 p.m, and 7 till 9 p.m. y , f > THE NEW SCALE WILLIAMS PIANO AGENCY. 4 J..R.. Cote, Manager, a, a J 85 Montreal Street, June 'Weddings Prices right. Princess and Bagot Sts. Black or grey Llama coat, white or pear] grey vest, stripe worsted trousex 8; up-to-date selection. Kit guaranteed. A call solicited. Crawford and Walsh, TAILORS : » Kingston, Ont. Ladies' Tailoring in connection. 49, 98 1b. packages, at all grocers: BUNT'S COOKING DEMONSTRATION You are invited to a demonstration of Gas Ranges and Appliances at 72% 8 i Eady was the guest of Miss LL. Me- {Dougall on Sunday last. Miss Maggie | McDougall and her sister, Miss Ther- day last. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley sold readily; demand being active. Wheeler and family spent Sunday ; 4 pr turned to town on Friday. Dr~G. J. Fat sheep lower. ' Sheep, $6 to $7.- 5¢ Forster lait on Tuesday - Walked Floor at Night - To Quiet Irritated Nerves Was Impossible--Suffered Dizzy Spells--Great Change for Ne York city, where he was pa 4 this week to Miss Catherine H. Mac- Donald, of Alexandria. Mack Alford has purchased Mrs. R. W. Prevost's fine residence on Concessfon street. Miss Irene McCann and Mrs. O'Regfn have returned to Ottawa. 8 Long lake Locals, Long Lake, June 1. -- G. Boomhower has finished cutting the lumber here. More rain is need- ed as there bas not been much since the first of May. H. Drew is pre- paring to build a cement wall under his barn. G. Drew is building a2 with Mr. and Mrs. Both. Benjamin Thompson has returned from God- frey where he was employed with the Krast Lumber company. Mrs. | James Head Clovie is spending a few days under the parental roof. | Mrs, Code is spending a few with her husband at Godfrey. Miss B. Campbell, Ottawa, is visiting her aunt, Miss A, Preslar. _ Rev Mr, Eas. ton paid the vicinity a call on Mon- day. William Bath is il. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Miss Preslar and Mise Campbell called on Miss Bertie Kim- merely on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and little daughter, Velva, 'were recent visitors' of Mrs i ~ From Faintness and Effected by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. _. Monotony as-wel] as over-excite- ment is oftén an unbearable strain on the nerves. And who can say that «woman's work jn the home is not deadly monotonous? Doing the same thing day after day, year in year out, gets on the nerves, and after a while the strain is more than system can stand. You feel faint and dizzy at. times, . bannot rest and sleep at night, little ngs worry and annoy, ¥ou lave no te and cannot digest what you Mf you are a stranger to the mer- of Dr. Chase's Nerve Road as 4 means of restoring feeble, wast irves, this letter will 'be a revela- on brings a message , Mrs. J. E, Berryman, 35 Bay street dorth, Hamilton, states:--*1 was so Very nervous that frequently I could not sleep at ll, "and would be so un- easy that I could not remain in bed, but would have td get wp during the night in order to quiet my nerves. 1 also suffered considerably from faint- ness and dizzy spells, and, though 1 had dootored for some years, I never seemed to get anything that did me any real good until I began the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. It worked most Immediately, and after a regu- lar use of this preparation I believe that it has effected a permanent care," : "Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, 6 for $2.50, all dealers, or Ed- Bates & Co, Tor- day evening of last week. 4 great change in my condition al-~ essa, absent for some mgnths at Lansdowne, are visiting their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William MecDoug- all. Mr. and Mrs. R. Eady and-Miss Edith spent Sunday last with friends at Ardoch. Mrs. A. Watson, Perth, is visiting her son, E. Watson, and renewing acguaintan@ with friends here. James Stewart was the guest of James McDougall on Sunday last. R. Eady is preparing for "his sale on Thursday next. Mrs. Charles Dun- ham and family, Snow Road, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunham. ! C. Dunham, Ardoch, spent Saturday nd Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Ran- dall Kring entertained a number of their friends at a party on Wednes- At Macintosh Mills Maclutosh Mills, June 1.--The much needed Bhawer came on Sunday eve (ening but still' she crops would stand a great deal more. Philip Lebder has heen engaged for the past week building 3 cement verandah and i walk arotind the residence of James | Williams, Cintown. Miss Anna Pa- tience, ; Lansdowtie, is spending o couple of wéeks with her sister, Mrs. B. ¥. Leeder. Wiss Anna Anglin, Frankville, was a week-end guest at her home. . Mrs. B. Leeder and dau ghter, 4 Miss Bertha, and, ¥. Healey, spent, Sunday. at J. McAvoy's, Tre velyan. "Mr. and Mrs, (i. Leeder made a business trip to Brockville on Mon- day. Charles. Fodey, : Lansdowne, spent the past week with friends. Nr. nd Mrs. B. F. Leeder and Miss A. N tionte wore guests of Miss Fanny Ihidson, Charleston, .on Sunday. F. Healey is visiting his daughter, Mrs. B. Leedet\ The Aberdeen ° cheese factory has started operations on Sa- torday pights. Recent visitors: RB, Slack, Watertown, at I. Flood's; Miss Mamie Leeder, Miss Anna Patience, tanley | » a Fe iy to $9; shipping, 5 culls and rams, $4 to $6; spring lambs, $5 to $9. Hogs-- Receipts large: 2400 north- west being on the market. "Prices were 15¢ to 25¢ lower than last week Selected, fed and watered $8.10 and $7.75 1. 0. b. cars, and $8.35 weiged off cars. \ East Buffalo Live Stock. East Buffalo, N. Y., June 1.-- Cattle-- Receipts, 2,400; slow and 10c to 20¢ lower; prime steers, $8.85 $8.25 to $8.75; butchers, $7.25 to $8.75; heifers, $7.25 to $8.40; cows, $3.75 to $7.25; bulls, $6 to $7.75; stockers and feeders, $6.75 to $8; stock heifers, $6.50 to $7; fresh cows and spring- ers, steady to easy, $55 to $90. Veals--Receipts, 1,100; active and 25¢ higher, $5 to $10.40, Hogs--=Receipts, 14,500; active and 10c to 15¢ lower; heavy and mixed, $8.40; yorkers, $8 to $8.40; pigs, $7.95 to $8; roughs, $7.10 to $7.26; stags, $6 to $6.76; dairies, §8 to $8.40; Canadas, $8.25 to $8.35. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 5,200; active and steady; lambs, $6 to $8; yearlings, $5 to $7: wethers, $5.75 to $6.25; ewes, $2.50 to $5.75; sheep, mixed, $5.50 to $6; spring lambs, 7 to $10.50. Chicago Live Stock. nh Chicago, June 1--Cartle--Receipt 18,568; market steady; beeves, $7.40 to $9.25; steers, $7 to $8.15; stockers and feeders, $6.35 to $8.30; cows and he $3.75 to "$8.75; calves, $7 to $9.50. Hogs-- R ts, 37,000; market slow; light, $7.80 _o0.$9.05; mixed, $7.60 to $8.07 1-2; rough, $7.60 to $7.75; pigs, $7 to $7.75; bulk of sales, $7.05 to $8. > Come In----Bring Your Friends Thurs. Afternoon June 4th. June 5th. SaturdayEvening June 6th. Friday Afternoon in A ration Served 3 Till 5 PM.