. The Power of Better Clothes * - A man dressed in one of our handsome Spring Suits looks capable, confident and convineing! : A man who is poorly dressed looks = incompetent, inefficient and inconsequen- tial, No matter what be the qualifications of each, the well-dressed mane has a de- cided advantage at the start for a well-dressed man has a capable appearance, We'll go further and sav that you can find no hetter clothes--clothes with a more capable appearanee than the sort of garments we sell! For a clever, capable suit --a suit that is distinctive and stylish and entirely dif- ferent, we are at vour ser- vice! Moderate $12.00, $15.00, $18.00 To $2250. Prices Always ' BROCK STREET A Little Out of the Way But It Will Pay You to ~ Walk A eesti ee eee y | LIVINGSTON'S | H. M. PEACOCK, TORONTO, WAS THE HAPPY GROOM. 'A Wedding of Interest at the Home i Of Lieut.-Col. James Massie -- The Guests Were Olg Friends Some of Dresses Worn. On Wednesday morning at eleven o'clock a quiet wedding took place at the home of Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. James Massie, Karl street, 'when their youngest daughter, Hazel Ger- trude;, was matried- io Henry Mao Alister Peacock, Youngest som of the late Rev. William M. Peacock and Mrs. Peacock, Toronto, by Rev. KE. | LeRoy Rice, of First Congregational church. The _bride, who was Swen | away by her father, looked very love ile in her "wedding gown of ivory crepe de chine and broche crepe, | caught with crystal fringe, over | which ~ was draped, from one shoul- der to the hem of her dress,' some very beautiful old Italian lace. Her veil hung in soft folds from a pretti- {lv arranged coromet of orange blos- soms. 'The bridal bouquet was a shower of the-walley. and the only jewel was groom's gift, pendant of diamonds and es. Miss Fdith Massie, who was the bridesmaid, wore a gown of bro- caded charmeuse of wedgewood blue, 'with cream lace bodice and touches: of tango. An+ armful of sunset roses completed a very charming cos- | tume. Her gift from the groom was a platinum ring set with diamonds and pearls, and Dr. Ralph Peacock, of Toronto, the groom's brother, nnd best man, received a pink pearl tie pin. Mrs. J. R. C. Dobbs played the ; Wedding marches and after the ceremony Miss Carrie Bajus sang delightfully, Quantities of white lilacs and apple blossoms were. arranged in the drawing-room and also in the dining-room where a buffet luncheon was served. The polished table was laid with cluny lace and centred by the wedding cake surrounded by tulle and lilies-of-the-valley. Mr. and Mrs. Peacock left for ; Quebec and the Maritime provinces i on the noon train, and on their re- turn will reside im Toronto. The { bride travelled in a suit of gray sitk ; Bedford cord trimmed wich Paddy | ereen and her black hat was wrea- thed with marguezites caught with i Paddy green velvet. Mrs. Massie, the bride's mother t was handsomely gowned in black land green chiffon taffeta with pe- ,tunia vest, and girdle of Bulgarian i silk. She carried an Empire bouquet of roses and sweet peas. | Mrs. Peacock's gown. was black i | | worn a platinum sapphir- charmeuse and white lace, and her bouquet was sweet peas and lilies- of the valley. Mrs. John A. Cooper, Toronto, a | sister of the bride, wore a flame colored French gown draped with ecru and black lace, Miss. Marjorie Cooper wore yel- 8.30 O'clock | 3 Big Specials For Saturday This is the story. 'Our buyer has succeeded in purchasing from one of the largest high class New York manufacturers of ladies' wear, their over makes in white wear skirts and house dresses. 160 dozen Ladies' White . Muslin Gowns, Crepe Gowns, Princess Slips, White Skirts, etc., etc., goods selling regular $1.00, $1.50, $1.75. ~ Saturday 68c. 29 DOZ. WHITE REP. WALKING SKIRTS, made from Harrockses famous English Rep., made with high waist band fullness in back of band, New York's latest cut and style, a skirt sold regular $2.50 and $3.00. 5 - Saturday 98c. 40 doz. Muslin Street Dresses, Stripe, Crepe Dresses, House Dresses made from Anderson's Gingham, famous all over the world for their fast colors agains; the tub and sun. Among this lot you Il find dresses selling regular $2.00, $2.50, $3, 8 . \ : Saturday 98c. 'We canont by any means describe the many styles of these dresses. SEE THEM IN THE WINDOW low ninon and white lace and car- ried sweet peas. Miss Mabel "Sweet of Winchester, jin yellow chiffon and sable and Miss Jessie Armstrong, of Perth, who | wore lavender satin and lace were {afso house guests. ------ STOCK MARKETS F. B. McCurdy & Co., 86 and 8s Brock St.--H. W. Nelles, Manager. 245 p.m, June 4th. Montreal. Canners | ' 32 Cement pid. «90 Cement com. {R.&-0. i Brazilian i Shawinigan 'Detroft 0 Dominioy Steel Bell Telephone ......... ...... 0..." Ottawa Light, Heat and Power. MontrealyPower ai New York. Coppers... gs: eine | Smelters | LPR. ...... Reading ........ .. Union Pacific ........ .... i United States Steel .. Ered... .........0, ! Atchisbn ......... . Northern Pacific ......... .. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Rubber atk Lehigh Valley { American Can, ..... : New Haven Railway .... .. Southern Pacific | Cotton. July . " i Oet. ee. ...... Wheat -- July Corn-- July Oats BUI an cians . 99% Special Disaster Number \ special disaster number of the Salvation Army War Cry has been distributed in Kingston which con- tains cute of a number of the army officers who lost their lives on the steamer Empress of Ireland: At Belleville Wednesday the Poni- 5s basaball team, of Kingston, de- feated Belleville By 12 to 3. ointments for catarrh that contain mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the seage of gmell and completely derange the whole system when entering it throvgh (he mucous surfaces, Such arileles should never be used excent on prescriptions from reputable physie- iapk as the damage they will do is ten fold to. the good you can possibly de- rive from them. Hail's Catarrh Cure, manifactuted by F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, (, contains no mercury and je taken ingerpally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buving Hall's Catarrh Cure be sire von get the genuine. It is tak- en internally and made in Toledo, Ohio; By FF. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. + Sold by Druggists. bottle, Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- Beware of Price 8c per - Fe ASH white roses and lilies-of- | Buffalo, 1. SR BAY OF QUINTE CONFERENCE. EE es Changes Recomended in the First i Draft of Stations ; Napanee," June 4.--The ministerial session of thé Bay of Quinte confer- nce Was ¢ in Trinity church ves- terday. The report of the transfer committee showed Revs. J. B. Saun- ders, John Line, George J. Bishop and A. HW. Fwmsley as transferred out of the conference and \ Revs. Dr. Baker, UC. NS. Reddick and W. J. Wood trans- ferred into the conference. Rev. James Chant, of Newburgh, was introduced to, the conference, and in his jubiles-adidiess gave a most inter: esting account of early Methodism in Ontario. %hree superannuated minis. ters wery restored to the active work/ ten ministers were superannuated and one notified of location a year hence, one resigned and received credentials. Six. young men were received on pro- bation. The anniversary of the Sunday schools and Epworth League was held in Grace church at 8 pm. F. E, O'Flynn, Esq., Belleville, presided and addresses were delivered by Rev. F. L. Bartlett, 'Toronto, and Rev. Dry Ba- ker, principal of Albert College, t lle ville, Dr. Reynor and the p siden of conference, Rev. W. Limbert,* assist- Wd, Uhanges are as follows : Belleville district--No. 5, Belle ville, J. F. Chapman; West Hunting- ion, C. 8. Reddick; Foxboro', W., W. Jones; Plainfield, A. C. Huffman; Cannington, E. W. Rowland. Napanee district--Morven, Napa- aee, W. H. Buckler; Newburgh, E. Farnsworth; Selby, E. B. Cooke; Bath, A. H. Hore; Enterprise, S. A. {emp; Roblin, J. F. Everson; Moun- 'ain Grove, 8. T. Ainton. Picton He pictun, First, W. J. Wood; Wellington, W. R. Archer; Hallowell, E, Harston; Milford and 2oint Traverse, G. E. Ross. Brighton district--Brighton, Wes- lay Elliott; Hilton, M. Sharpe. Whitby district--Broklin, to be upplied; Pickering, John Bedford; Jlaremont, J. R. Real; Seagrave, ieorge W. Marvin, M. A, B. D, Ph, 5 Cannington district--Cannington, 's. Phelps; Woodville, A. L. Brown; Jalrymple; J. A. Davey, Coboconk. Lindsay district--Omeme, J. W. own; Bethel, A. Hie; Janetville, D. Balfour; Lifford, W. Wilkinson; Junsford, A, H. Webster; Fenlon "alls, D. BE. Johnston; Bobcaygeon, Lindsay district--Omemee, J. W Nhyte, Peterboro' district--Peterboro, Charlotte street, to be supplied. the News of the World From Tele- 8raph Service and Newspaper Ex- William R. Perrin, architect of the Toronto civic abattoir, died suddenly. A. B. Farmer was chosen liberal candidate for seat A in Northwest Toronto. ' ; A woman and. young child were kill: ed when an aufo was hit by a:ear at Montreal. The redistribution bill way wot agreed upon'and may stand © whtil next session. An immense gas gusher hay been struck at Oil Springs just below the 2,000 foot Jevel. 3 Sylvia Pankhurst said she would starve yatil Asquith received a de putation of suffragettes. A six-year-old lad was sufiocated when tHe walls of a Toromto excava- tiou caved in on him. Rev. Dr. Herridge, of Ottawa, Was elected moderator of | Presbyterian gen- eral assembly at Woodstock. A salvage firm is hurrying. divers to the scene of the Fmpress of Ire land's wreck to have her examitieds The liberal association of 'l'eronto, has been formed, with a view te tak- ing an active part in the coming elee- tions. v The anti-cigarette, bill and the amendments to the élection act will be held: over 10 next session of the parliament. Ewart EF. Foster, chemist, was fa- tally injuréd in an explosion which partially wrecked a building at the gas works. Robert McAndrew, Hamilton, was instantly killed . His head was crushed by a falling tie at the east end incline. The programme was given out for the Salvation Army mamorial ser- vice for victims of the Fmpress of Ireland disaster. Hon. 'J. J. Foy and George H. Gooderham were nominated.by the conservatives in Southwest Torento after a hard, fight. ; Over $100,000 has been raised in Fngland for the relief of the Fm- preas of Ireland's victims' families; 2900,000 is required. : Toronto's I'moress of Ireland vie tims are™ to be buried Saturday: Campbeliford district--Norwood, A. Mansell Irwin; South Dummer, J i.-Glover. Madoe district--REldorado, Thomas TALBOT-MORTON WEDDING ¥ n Calvary Comgregational Church on June 3rd. A pretty wedding took place in Cal ary Congregational church on .June rd, when ihe youngest daughter ot Ir. and Mrs, G. G. Morton, Russell treet, Kingston, was united in mar- riage to G, fe. atbot, of Warden, sheflard .collily, 'Que., by Rev. David . Melntosh. The wedding party en- tered tp 'the strains of Mendelssohn's narch, wed by Miss Pearl Bickham, 1 cousin of the bride. The bride was jiven away by her father. She was tttended by her sister, Miss M. Mor- ride wore a veil and wreath of or- nge blossoms, and "was beautifully ressed in cream panama trimmed ith satin. and pearls, and carried a hower bouquet of tite roses. The widesmaid wore a pratfy dress of ream-panama, trimmed with satin earls, and a picture hat, and carried t shower bouquet of pink roses. The bride and groom were the recipi- nts of a large number of beautiful resents from a host of friends, show- | ng the high esteem in which both are eld. 'The groom's gift to the bride | vas a beautiful china cabinet; to the ridesmaid, a beautiful gold signet ing; to the groomsman, a pair of cold cufi links, and to thé organist, a rold 'bar pin. After the ceremony the wedding par- v returned to the home of the bride, here a sumptuous wedding dinner was erved to about thirty relations of he bride and groom. Mrs. SN. Shuf- 'ebotham and Mrs. J. Callison cut he cakes and served the ices. The wppy couple left on the early morn: ug train for Montreal and eastern ownships, and will reside in Warden, due, where thé groom is a prosperous voung farmer. The bride wore a pret- y travelling suit of navy blue serge vith & white picture hat! Baseball Record. National league--Brooklyn, 6; Bos- ton, 3. Philadelphia, 10; New York, }. St. Louis, 6; Cincinnati, 2. Chi- cago; 6; Pittsburgh, American league--Washipgton, 2-5; ew Yook, 0-3, Philadelphia, 10-7; loston, 1-5. Cleveland, 7; Chicago, 2. St. Louis, 7; Detroit, 1. Federal league--Brooklyn, 10; Balti- more, 4. Pittsburgh, 5; Bufialo, 3. mlianapolis, 9; St. Louis, 6. Chica- 0, 5; Kansas City, 2. International league--Toronto, 3; Providence, 7; Newark, 5. Rochester, 5; Montreal, 1. Bal- timore, 4; Jersey City, 3. Left for Toronto. Mrs. Smith, wife of Ensign Smith, of the Salvation Army, has gone '9 Toronto to attend the funeral o the Toronto army workers, drowned on the steamer Fmpress of Ireland, <he will return Saturday midnight so as' to be present «t the memorial ser- vice to be held here Sunday after: hoen. ¥ = Weather Notes. A widespread depression extends from Alberta to the great lakes while pressure is highest in eastern Capada, rain has fallen almost gen- erdilly from the Rocky Mountains to western Quebec, but has been only locally heavy. i sp "Again We Say Strawberries, Prices now 10e for small box, 7c for Hig box aud only 20¢ roc the very best at Carnevsky's. Vallace; Bridgewater, O. Hargrove; iat Sarnia by Magistrate Coe Hill, D. Dickson. {three years in penitentiary. on, and the groom by V. Bryant. The | that twenty bands will accompany the re- mains to the cemeterv. 3 Two bigamists, John H, Knapp {and Mack Peace, were each sentenced Flack to William Otto Dauchretz, the fam- ous privy council lawyer, who figur- ed in many celebrated Canadian is- sues, left an estate probated at 22,- 600 pounds. Wireless received at New York states the Aquitania is making =a wonderful run and is expected to land her passengers in New York om Friday morning. Nominations by liberal conven- tions: --South Perth, D. K. Erb, ex- M.P.; North Ontario, J. W. Widdow- field; West Durnham, W. L. Smith; West Wellington, James McEwing, M. P. P.; South Ontario, W. E. N. Sinclair, M. P. P. The London Standard announces important negotiations are nending for a consolidation of Bri- tish shipping interests 'in order to fight the Hamburg-American and North =~ German Lloyd companies which have been suspected of hav- ing formed a combine. THE FARMERS BANK BILL The Second Reading Passed In the Commons, Ottawa, June 4.--It was 3.30 o'clock shis morning 'before the de- bate on the Farmer's bank bill con- ¢luded and the vote was taken: on the six months' hoist motion of A. K. McLean, of Halifax. The vote was G5 to 17, or a majority of 36 against the amendment and in favor of the second reading of the bill. The vote was not @htirely along narty lines. Duncan Ross, of West Middlesex, J. Angus McMillan, of Glengarry, and E. W. Nesbitt, of South Oxford, voting with the gov- ernment on the opposition side, while' Paul Lamarache, of Nicolett, voted against the measure from the side of the government. There is considerable speculation as to the proB#ble fate of the bill when it passes the commons and reaches the senate. Party lines will be broken and the fate of the bill is yncertain. The Canadian North: ern' bill comes .up in the senate this afternoon. It will likely go wirough. The health of the veteran Col. W. H. Jackson, Brockville, is giving his friends and relatives a good deal of anxiety. Lieut.- or Nea Charles NM. Warner, Napanee, has been elected president of the On: ear foes Prof. W, hE WHITE CREPE DE CHENE Silks for Summer Wear 'SOIE DE NERO, All Silk Lyons, Dyed Shantung Silk, 33 inches wide, price-$1 yd. This popular silk is the most serviee- able of summer silks. It is a Japanese shantuhg with=a genuine Lyons, France dye, guaranteed fast colors, and a per- feet washing quality. This is the weave so much in demand for suits, coats, dresses. The following colors now ready: Black, White, Copenhagen, King Blue, Tan, Natural, Panama. 33 Inches Wide and the Price $1.00 Yard Taffeta Silks For suits or dresses, Black, Navy, Light Navy, Copenhagen. Special Values, Wide Width Duchesse Silks Full 36 inches wide. Black, White, Navy, and a full range of colors $1 yd. and $1.25 yd : $1.25 $1.49 $1.25 $1.49 WHITE CREPE DE CHENE BLACK CREPE DE CHENE BLACK/CREPE DE CHENE- . And other wanted shades ast 1s This Regal Shoe for gentlemen on the As- the very latest in. style. >= In stock in Black and Dark Tan . Cand D Widths $5.00 | The Lockett Shoe Store ussia