don't be - lieve san Don't you know ¢ Don't i know "a nde. be no green was - n't for in the Forthe Fair - ies flut - tring 'neath the in... Fair - know what I'm ~ will be son - ry, Wonld fade You all © the sham -rocks, have no Dblar - ney, It Who the Fair - ies spin' our Ire - land, Fair - ies a © Whist! "For ~ When your words to toad -stools, With {heir wings like lit - tle Music by LEE OREAN SMITH should = n't be seen them with you 've them are but told ter - flies rain ao a - way and dim - pled rogue... There left the Fair - y hv Copyright, 1912, by LEO. FEIST, Inc., 134 West 37th St, New York International Copyright and Performing Rights Secured and Reserved Publishers of the Sensational Song Hit, "WHEN I GET YOU ALONE TONIGHT" Usd by permiss ion, MURRAY MUSIC Co., New York It a was - nh for . the Fair - fem..ieeens the Fair - ies...... What would old Tre - land Co -. Bure qur she - rocks |' would 8 ioe, sesenens Selection Published Each Saturday A Extra Copies May Be Obtained _at the Office No. 359 ° dew,) 10 it Wosn" fos the Fairies seseee < a ---------- Bud ssaeseeees Ir The Above Music Can Be Bought at Dutton's Music Store, Phone 270 Dutton's has the largest and latest stock of Popular, Operatic and Classical Music, Song Folios, Etude, etc. Sole agents for Canada's leading piano, "Newcombe," noted for purity of tone and durability. Only piano having Howard straining rods. JUNGLE COMEDIANS / Dumb Clowas Play § Important Part in .. Trained Ani- mal Department. Her name is Della and although her vocabulary is somewhat limited, she is sald to be one of the expert fish eplcures of America. In round numbers she consumes about seven pounds of fish every day. All of which is cited show that Della is quite some little eater for a mod- est unassuming young lady scarcely in her teens. ' Hefore proceeding further with this fish story, however, it is neces- sary to explain that Della is not ex- .mctly like other girls. In fact Della is somewhat of a fish herself, being the head of a large and growing household of trained seals, that trav- ols all over the country in a private tank car with Ringling Brothers' circus. Della rules: her happy but damp little home with a rod of iron » ph Yok that is Rever Stiant. She oO 0! ain Hu- hi wonderful » troupe of trained seals and sea lions. \ Della and her Eompanions play balance globes on r noses, Masie blazing torches, play musical instruments and perform equilibristic feats with more than usual skill; nor are they the only surprise Ww! the circus has in store this season in the way of trained animal acts. In addi- tion are three herds of performing nts, the finest of their kind in I ty, that rm numerous new and atial thoka with almost human skill and intelligence. These -Jandrous performers dance, play Dushall, Jusgle and do almost avery: thing b Dut tak, Then there are two boxing Xai garoos who introduce the gentle art of self-defense in a scientific and truly wonderful manner. The circus appears here Thursday, June 18. CONTROVERSY ENDED Wish of Publicasirited Edinburgh | Citistu Reatinetl. Edin but a con-. FEATURE OF CIRCUS "Tom Tickles" Putting the Fox Ter ! rier, "Billie," to Sleep. Provost Brown and Ybe project has now heen completed "in a 'very satis: factory manner. Eaininirh in in possession to-day of a hall having - a seating capacity of 3000. One efiect of the long delay in erecting it has been that the money "has accumulated {0 such an eviemt sum now, on hand will not 'pay for the hall, but the site also, which cost $180,000. The building, which ite | i$ now finished, will be opened by Usher. the widow of Andrew Aey and live so world<will be for not i} |.comi iylomae"s new that the capital; THINGS THEATRIC AL. About Plays, Players Playhouses, aris has fewer than moving picture theatres. Che season "just closed was barren of musical comedy Londoners are soon 54 The Firefly," with tini as the star. "Grumpy," with Cyril Maude, been voted the most popular of the New York season. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw is going Furopve this summer to fll a of musi¢ hall engagements, It ix said Nance O'Neil is to ap- pear-in a one-act play called "The Hurricane," by Gertrude Atherton. "Ben Hw' has rounded out a £8 reer of fifteen successful years. Tt 'will take to the road again at the be- ginning of next season. Louise Dresser has been engaged for the title part in the new comedy "Cordelia Blossson."" by George Randolph , Chester and Lillian Ches- ter. . Charles Hawtrey has obtained Fnglish rights to the Cohan farce 'Seven Keys to Baldpate," and will produce the play in~{.ondon early in the: autumn Al. I. Woods, the theatrical man- ager, has lormed an Fuglish thea- trical corporation with a view ito embarking upon productions Mr that country on a large scale. Among the early attractions of the season will be Philip Bartho- musical comedy culled "The Mohel Maid,' with music Lv Silvie. Hein. Cliver Morosco is to produce at the Burbank theatre in Los Angeles a three get play called "The Lady We Love," -by Frank Mandel, a Fan Francisco writer. Al. H. Woods has engaged Pauline Frederick to create the title role of "Innocent," a recent' Viennese sue- cess for which he "has obtained the American right. Otis 'Skinner is to appear the conm- ing season under (harles Frohman's direction in "The Mob." '"'Kismit,' Mr. Skinner's success for several seasons past, will be sent out %n the fall with another star. William Faversham has bought a new pomedy drama from Bertram Marburgh, author of "Marrvmg Monev." This, with Fdwin Milton Ro¥le's new comedy and the Parisian lay, "L° vier," Rt ype Mr. Faversham. Henry E. Dixey is again in vaude- ville. ; Ralph Connor's vovel, "The Shy Pilot," is soon to be dramatized. Mise Constance "Collier isto pear with Sir Herbert Tree don. Blanche Bates . denies the that she intends to leave Notes and P, twenty-five almoiy SUCCESSES. to be treated Emma Tren- has SUCCOss to series the ap- in Lon- ux the Poe ' will be produced Iingion will be starred | Margaret i season in "Within the Again next Law." Hazel Dawn, of "Pink Lady" it to star mm a pew musical next fall. Nelwyn.& Co. has aoquired rights to" Uwen Johnson's dramatiza tion of "The Salamander." Miss Pauline Frederick and the ve teran, James O'Neill, are to he in the cast of "Joseph and Mis Brethren' next season. 5 <'harles Frohman has obtain d the American rights to "Sybil," a new comely recently produced in Budapest. : Arthur Bourchief opened this year's | Shakpspeare's Festival at Stratiord on-Avon with "The Merchant of Venice." "Money Mania," by Max Marcin, i to have an experimental production by a stock company iin Rochester the latter part of June. The Shuberts have purchased American' and English rights to new Austrian farce '"Papa's Baby,' by the authors the "Blue Mouse." Georgia Caine. whe has been play- ing in "Adele," will desert musical comedy at the end of this season and Fappear next year in a straight com- edy. lane.Cowl has been selected to play Ded, the hercineof "The Saaman- der." dramatized from his own novel by -Pwen Johnson for Selwym & Co. "Myre. Bernard Shaw. wife of' playwright, and Miss. Lena Ashwell. the celebrated English actress too! {part in the recent suffrage parade in Boston. i, There is soon. to be unveiled in {London 2 monument to W. 8. Gilbert. Tt will be situated near the Savoy theatre, where for sg many years the Gilbert and Sullivan operas ' were first given to e public fame, COMeGY the the A of others, if our baby suffers from howela are out of arder, wive him Raby" 3 Own Tablets. They never fail to give relief and. an occasional dose will banish constination snd keep the stomach and bowels in Riect ondey Congerning the: «Tablets, oR. Gagnon, Kf Simon. mon. ue. writes © "I enunot recommend Baby's Own Tab' lets too highly as n cure for consti: nation a= vo favmd them the vere heet medicine in the. world "for this trouble," The Tablas are sold hy medicine dealerss ar he mail at Pie: a" box from The Dr. Williams' Medi cine Co., Brookville, Ont. | The reputation of many a Anan is Nf you. constipation, if "his "little stomach or hd sha i that it . wt a good thing Cig COMMENTS BY ZAUCCHEUS "No Money, No "Friends, " He Telly His Readers A--Another comet bas been dis- covered, this time without a tail, and going it madly like a suffragette. B---Bush fires madg quite an early start this season. ~Causing caterpillars to tango it up a good bit. D--Deep thinkers shew this par- ticularity: the more they delve down, the higher they rise up. E-----Empire day, Victoria day, Ceorge the Fifth's birthday are all] but where does good King Ed-! ught, ward, the peace-maker, ruader, the beloved come in through all tions? F--Flunkeyism denounced in.Brit- ish house of commons remind the badger setling its own hair firo for a -hange, G--Gum chewing chronic affection It way help digestion, but this cow- like mastication is suggestive of neither dignity nor gentility. H---Huerta has been, not only a perplexing conundrum, but a regular stone of Sisyphv The more they tried to be done with him, the more he was in the way. I--Iconinm, acrording to tradition, -limmy was the first place settled af- ter the flood. J----Jerico, the fest entered by the Israelites after long march through the desert. K--- Kind of forgetten those things the stern old pedagogue of earlier days taught us over Ris learned spec tacles, L--Ljf¢'s struggle .and epemy to literayf pursuit. M---Massinger, Marlowe, Tdgar Poe and « host of others left not enough after them to be buried de- cently. N:+<No money, no friends! ~O-++0dd world! Have their coin and splash it. and all will gather round Have it not, aud a thousand ras separte you from the teem- £ throng. P--Philosopher and life in deaph. Q--Quite certain that from the very cradle converges our existence towards the grave. and from the grave starts the life that shall have no end. R---Real wisdom is to so live that to die will only be to return {o the happy home above. S--Some sing, some sigh; are content and some cry. To Thi litle sid a-=th ps and downs, its good and ill, its tievors and its frowhs were a puzzic but for the certitude that the Divine Dispenser will arrange all things a the harvest tinte. U--hion and liberly for all un: Tale! ; the tactful of the people, these celebra: on now seems a gath in life some eden ve us of | in some quarters.' - V--Vive I'Irlande! W---Weave her deliverer's name with your praises and petitions to Ged for the future peace, glory and prosperity of all her children. X--Xtenl warm hand of concila- tion to adversaries as well as of gratitude to friends. Y---You trust one another as hon- ext, upright, loyal manly men should, and we dare not limit our possibilities of progress, renown, as # united, contented people, --LACCHEUS, After All The missionary was deseribing' to a fashionable audience the horrors of the Gold Coast. "And they buy their wives!" said the wissionary. "A bushel of cow- ries--a dozen fat bullocks--the wife fetches a high price or a low, accord- ing to her beauty." 'The migsionary paused to let full horror of his words sink in, and Mrs. Gobsa Gold, the beautiful girl wilé of the nonagenarian banker, ex- changed a smile of disgust with her mother, i "And," said the missionary, "they déem it a fine thing to steal. They hold their most dextrous thieves in the highest honor." -- "Horrible!" said Stolon to the Widow Cashe. ma'am, if you want these gold mine hares, 141 let you in on the ground floor at----" "They are polygamists, toe, un the fiold Coast," said the inissienary, "Polygamists! Oh, the nasty, things!" exclaimed Nat Goodwin the Coupons "And now, vile A Deliberate Lie. In Arnold Haultain's new biogra- phy of Goldwin Smith there is a unpy story of the late Duke of Came bridge. It is pretty well known that in his old age his roral highness devel oped a habit of tnioiing aloud that was sometimes rater awk ard for taoge pear him. He farly inclined to this when ia ch and it was guite a commen thi hear a 'graft, loud comment from his pew when everyvhody else was. silent. ibe marriage of some princess or oier fx an AR Sa German orince of whom the duke apparently did not approve. : The ceietiony was proceeding smoothly, and ihe bridegroom re- peated the words: "With all my worldly s 1 thes endow." Suddenly the duke rapped out: "Rubbish! . Way, the bools he's standing in aren't paid for yet!" Hs W. Crews and Rev. £. 8 Suedutonk, fore viccted prosi- 4 seoniney of tha Manion Rev. Colwell, deus its + On one accasion he was present at it That gives our blush - - % mm---- By a Stomach Speelalisf. As a specialist who has t many years In the study and A roatment of stomach troubles, 1 have been fore to the conclusion that most people who complain of stomach trouble pus sess stomachs that aro ahsolutety nealthy and normal The real trons ble, that witch caures all the pain aad difficulty, ix acid in the stomach, us- ually due tv, or aegrayated by. food fermentation. Acid leritates the deli- vate lining of the stomach and food fermentation causes wind 'which dis- tends the stomach Abnormally, ci is ing that full bloated feell both acid and pr EL Pintrtela with and retard process of diges- Unu, The stomach is usually healthy and normal, but irritated almost bast endurance by these foreign elements -~ acid; and wind. In all such cases--and ey comprise over 90 per cent. of all stomach diMculties-- the first and only Step necegsary is to neutralize the acid and stoff the fermeutgtion by taking in a little warm or id 1, water imme- diately alter eatin one two a of Msurated magnesia, which is its : less the best and only really effe 3 antacid-and food corrective known. 3 acid will be neutralized and the fot mentation stopped almost instantly, and your stomach will at once proceed to digest the food in a healthy, normal manner, Re sure to ask veur d far the bisnrated maghesia, found other forms utterly I 1 3x peculiarly valuable pronértios =F. J. G, an esp in i i rt. msi nt Fresh Go - Salmon The ORRINE. treatment for thio Drink Habit can be used with : lite confidence. 11 destroys sre for whiskey, beer or. hoile stimulants.' successfully used it abd: cs restored 10 a liven of sobriety will be o fren baoklet (Ping " Laren