" You need not s 1ake the bottle " the new is so perfectly, blended there no, sediment --it the same allithrough; the lust drop is as delicious as the first is 15 H.R. 1s differen: different from any sauce, and known England as the One-and Only H.P. Sauce. quite other 15 in | Crowlake, June 4.-- J. Gosde reurned "after spending a few at W, B. Thorrett's. Mr. and Hicks called on the people of th place last, week. Miss Hug caught a pike which weighed nine and one-half pounds. Mrs, Munro and Mrs. Armstrong, Fall Riyer, called on Mrs. J. Knapp and Mrs. 8S. Jones on Saturday. Freigh: traing are quite numerous on new line. Mr, Clemens is at the sta- tion as operator. Mrs Dixon is tend- in the jump, Mrs. J. Knapp, In; has moved to Lake View Cottage. Bath Road, June 6,--The farmers who are thro . and now. doing their planting wi pleased to see the rain on Thursday, A little girl has come to brighten } home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Miss Jones, teacher of the Bath Road sehool, 1s preparing four pupils for ithe entrance examinations, Misses Veda Polk and Mildred Redmond, also Douglas Bushell, who have been attending the Kingston Collegiate Institute have been promoted to sec- ond form without having to try the final examinations: Mr Vanorder is beautifying hig home with a ] coat of paint, Mr, Abbott is build- ing a new hen house. a R. & W. J. BOYD Hacks and Automobiles PHONE 536 errr be Westport Concert, Westport," June 8.--The Westport Women's Institute gave an elaborate concert in the town hall last Thursday Jand Friday evenings. Besides a first- class musical programme the event of the evening was aw interpretation of an old-time institute meeting' at Mo hawk cross roads. The ladies whe took part were appropriately costum- ed 10 represent the era in 'which the event took place and the acting was excellent. 'I'he proceeds were far above anticipation, there being a goodly ats tendance hoth evenings. Dr. and Mrs. Lorne Yule, of Logans- port, Indiana, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Breakenbridge." Mrs. T. J. McCann was a visitor in Ottawa. Mrs. C. E. Taylor and the Misses lla and Mildred Taylor, of Deseronto, are eats of Mr, and Mrs. E. G. Ewing. . W. McDonald is spending a few duys of this week at home Maberly Has Worms, Maberly, June 6.--The worms are very destructive' on the gardens. The meadows are looking fine. meeting will be held on Wednesday evening to appoint a delegate to go g to Smith's Falls to the convention, The Women's Institute will aiees on "Wednesday evening when Miss )Speers will be the special speaker. The members of the Ladies Aid pre- sented Rev. Mr. Hollingsworth. and Mrs, Hollingsworth with two. splen- in a quick and easy way. It ia never sticky, never dust-collect- , " it is a case of In tins, 15¢, 256, 50c 4 Ib. tins 35¢ Ib., for use in large institutions. Whether it is a polish for floor, furniture, boots, grate or metal, "Cobra * does its work quickly sad" economically, Ask Your Dealer For 2¢ in stamps 6 cover postage sad bof Ent "Foor, "Futaliune and Boot Polishes. oor, did leather chairs. Mr, 1lings- worth will 'shortly leave Maberyy and go to some other missipni. The people are sorry to lose them. Mrs. Norman Buchanan and family have arrived to spend some time wich friends in Maberly and Parham. Thomas Briggs has purchased a new automobile. Mr. Chowm, of King- ston, wag in the village on Friday. Mr, Joh PalmeM\ spent Sunday at home. 3) A y Long Point Locals. Long Point, "June 6.--Mrs.- M. Ka* vannagh returned to her home in Charleston, on Sunday, after visiting | at Charles O'Connor's. Miss Lucy Bevens returned home, on Sunday, al- ter visiting in Morton, Mrs, A. J. Flood and Miss <Darlev Flood, Delta; visited at Charies O'Connor's, last week, Mrs, Harry Bevens is quite ill Mr, and Mrs. William Plunkett and son visited friends at Sweet's Corners on Sunday. 'The small son of A. Slack, who 'was ill, is improving. Mr. Latimer, Lansdowne, and J. Bevens Spent Sunday at the latter's home here. Recent visitors: Mrs. Thomas Berry, Sweet's Corners, af Mrs. Susan Seabrook's; R. Andress, at Mrs. 5. Burns'; Misa Rose Kodey, Outlet, at A. 0. Slack's; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Vanor- man, Sand Bay, at James Kelsey's; Ernest [eadbeater and Miss Anphie Leadbeater, Ellisville, at. Charles O'Connor's; Joseph Moorehead and little daughter, Sweet's Corners, al John Moorehead's; Mrs. M. Kavanagh, at A. Slack's. #2 Mallorytown Matters. Mallorytown, June 8.--A farewell dpcial and. address was given to' R. H. McCalpin in the 'esbyterian church on June 1st, before they left for their mew home at Darlington. As the Montreal conferénce meets this week at Montreal the church services are withdrawn. In the fore- noon the Sunday school meets at the same hour and a: prayer - meeting will be held at hour of the Sunday morning service. Mrs. Eugene Hag- erman is a patient at the Brockville hospital" John Tennant and Mal- milking machine. : Thé entrance pupils are improving the moments before the final exami- nations on June 17th, Rev, H; Crane of Regina, is the guest of bis father, Rev, B. W. Crane, before leaving for the conference at Montreak The township Sunday choo! convention meets here on Wednésday, June 17th, - * At Washburn's Corners, Washburn's Corners, June 5. A number from here attended the funeral of C. L. Lamb, who died on Monday evening, aged 67 years. Mr. Lamb was a veteran member of the I. 0. 0. F., and brothers of that or- der assisted at the obsequies which were conducted at the family resi- dence, July 3rd by the pastor of the Methodist church. Rev. George Edwards. Mr. A. BE. Stillman, of vi in the wreck of. dhe Af colm Trickey have each purchased a | Calgary was among those drowned | 'A Wedding at Wolfe Island, . Wolfe Island, June 8.--On ,Mon- June Sth, a pretty wedding was day, calobrated at 8 o'clock in the Roman . holic church, when Miss Louise penwood, the daughter of Mr. and h rs. Thomas Greenwood, became the bride of Ira Payae, of Wolfe Island. The ceremony was performed by vy. Father McNeil in the presence bo farge congregation. The bride [énter®™ the chruch leaning on the arm of her father to the strains of Mendelsshon's wedding march play- ed by Mrs. R. J. Spoor. Austin Piye sang appropriately. . The bride' wore a pretty Alice blue suit with waist to match and a white hat. She was assisted by her sister, Hattie, who wore a dark blue suit and hat to match; while George Casey cousin of the groom acted as best map, The groom's gift to the bride was a gold watch and 'to the bridesmaid a. pretty pin set with em- leralds dnd to the groomsman a gold ffob. The bridal party took the nine o'clock 'steamer at Wolfe Island and boarded the western Bound train for' a week's wedding .rip. The number of both handsome. and useful pre« sentd received showed the high es- fresh {teem in which the young couple are Held. The bride and groom will re- side on Walle Island. Wolfe Island News, Wolfe Island, June 8--Another wedding. is scheduled to place short- 1y the contracting parties being Miss May Raneons, and J. Pyke, both of the Island. The funeral of the late Angus Me- Donald togk piace last Friday morn- ing to thé ch\iféh of the Sacred Heart, A very 'large concourse followed the remains of 'him, who, in life was person. -He leaves a wife and a large family of well-to-do sons and daugh- ters. Also-one sieter Mrs. Scott, King- ston. The many frieads'of Michael Grif fin are plensed to zee him able to be around again. The first. of a series of dances which will take place during the summer, was held last Monday even- 'ng on" Allan McLaren's spacious grounds. A large number dttended and a very pleasant evening was spent. Soriie of the visitors to the Is- and are Mrs. Matthews, New York, at the home of her Greenwood. Mrs. Dr. Nichols, and. her two chil- dren, Master Bill and Miss Julien are at the home of her father Mr. Archi- bald Staley, #homas McGuire, Portsmouth, at Frank Greenwood's Miss Sadie McArdle is visiting with her mother, Richard Spratt, Lindsay, also his sister, Mrs. O'Keefe, Detroit, at Rev. Father Spratt"s, D. J. Davison and family, King- ston, have moved to Mrs. Dawson's former home in Batteau Channe), A. G, Woodman- has purchased from D. J. Dawson his former vil- lage home, the purchase price was $2,500. James Davis Sr. has moved inte Mr. Woodman's house, Hugh Morrisdn has purchased from Sheriff Dawson the house and lot on the water front, All is activity along the water front as cottages are being got in readiness and many are already oc- cupied. J. Andrfe, Kingston with a staff of men and his cement mixer, built a barn wall for George Rattary and Clifford. Stevenson last week. Dr. William Spankie, Calgary, is visiting his fatlier. father Frank Some men they prefer bathing in the Pacific to the same exercise in the Atlantic. The Padific is larger. The women who thinks is all right: it is the one who thinks she thinks that causes trouble. If fewer persons lived in glass houses there] would be less fun in throwing stones. ACHED SO FOR "Tz" "How glarious 'RZ makes your sore, burning, swollen, sweaty callonsed: feet. fegl," "Just: couldn' Sd oi Just take your shoes off and then put those weary, shoe-crinkled, ach: ing, burning, corn-pestered bunion- tortured feet of yours in & "TIA" bath. Your toes will wriggle with joy; they'll look up at'you and al- most and then they'll take another: dive in that "TIZ" bath. hen your feet feel like lumps of lead---all tired out--just try "TIZ.' It's grand--it's glorfour. Your feet will dance' with joy; alse you will find all pain gone from ' corns, cal- lotises and. bynions. 'There's nothing like "TIZ" It's the only remedy that draws out all the poisonous exndations which puff ap your feet and cguse foot torture, ot a/25 cent box of "TIZ! at any drug or 4 Sap known to have béen a very hospitable} are so constituted that | t .. store--don't BF A Tg, You can wear shoes a size smaller if + The Robert Livingston was desperately in love with pretty Hulda Roberts. The one cloud on his horizon was Carlton Carruthers. There he was even. nowy, dangling over the side of the piano at which' Hulda was play- ing softly. Suddenly Robert walked over to the piano. "Hulda don't you think it would 'be a fine stunt to-go for a short walk after that heavy dinner?" he sug- ence of Carruthers. "Hardly in this toggery," Hulda laughied in reply. "What have you against Miss Rob- eris, old man?" interrupted Carruth- ers, "that you should invite her fo; a stroll in the snow clad in a decol- lete gown and paper soled slippers?" "I wanted to speak to Hulda a moment, and' I knew you detested the: cold, so 1 suggested going out of 'doors to get rid of you." He was irresistible, and all three of them laughed. "Livingston," said Carruthers, "I'll make a bargain with you. I'll go up in the library and smoke just one hour, then I'l come back and claim Miss Roberts, and you to g0 to the libeary for an hour. What say you?" jp Carruthers was gone, and there was nothing for Hulda to do but stay with Livingston. ' Hulda felt something brush by her [skirts and, leaning over, saw her favorite Angora cat purring at her side. Terderly she picked the ani- mal up in her arms. "T*'Babby, dear," she coved to it. éxelaimed Livingston. "I was speaking to the cat," re- proved Hulda. "His name is Robin- son Crusoe, but we call him Bobbie for éhort." "You will forgive me, Hulda, won't you? But you must remember that my name is Bobbie. And Hulda," he «continued as he leaned a little closer to her, "do you think you could ever (come to think of me as Bobbie dear?" "Why, Hulda. "Could you ever care for me as much as for"-- "You have no right to drag Mr. Carruthers into this," interrupted Hulda. "He is nothing to me." "1 was not. thinking of Carruthers. Mr. for me as for Robinson Crusoe? you think"-- : "1 think we are sitting too near the fire and that it is high time that Bobbie was in bed like all other decent cats," answered Hulda. 'Please take him and give him to the paid, won't you? And you need not Hurry back," she added. Before Livingston could: remonstrate the huge gray ball of fur was thrust into his arms, Hulda then curled up again in the corner of the settle. Just then Carruthers appeared on the stairs. "Ah, there you are!" he cried as he discovered her alone. 'So Living- Do was up. My, my, but you must have made it disagreeable for him. May I sit upon the vacant throme?" he asked as he seated himself at the other end of the bench. For an hour or more Carruthers and Hilda talked in a low tone and habitants lived ont the globe. Suddenly the door leading to the back of the housé was thrust open, and. the maidservants came dashing through in wild disorder, yelling: "Fire! "Oh, my Bobbie! Bobbie! [#lulda. Carruthers looked at the girl once more to make sure the cry came from her. There was no mistake. She wanted" Livingston, "Where is he?" ruthers huskily. "Oh, He's in the kitchen! him, please do, for niy sakel" Carruthers waited for no more His heart was too fully, his brain whirling. Past the fsighteped. wo men, down the long corrider that lea to the Kitchen, hrushing. maids aside he strode to. save. his. rival, Bobbie Livingston, Ae he reached the kitchen he found the men had put ouf the slighi conflagration and that it amounted, to nothing. But Livingston was not in sight. Carruthers went back to Hulda. "Where's Bobbie?" she asked with great concern. "He's gone"--began Carruthers. ,~ "Oh, my dear, dear Bobbie!" wail: ed Hulda; not allowing him to finish his sentence. Then something brush: ed her skirt again, and, with a scream of delight, she picked up the cat. "You told me he was gone," My dear, dear Save him, someone!' cried demanded Car she she hugged the fluffy ball to breast, "Is that the Bobby you sent me for?" gasped Carruthers. "OF course it is," Hulda answered rather sharply. "Whom did you think I sent' yousfor?" "Why, Bobbie Livingston," weakly replicd Carruthers as le mopped the | perspiration from his brow. | Hulda hugged the cat for just 8 minute as she smiledi Then sudden: ly she turned serious and put him on Lthe floor. "41 Jove you better than I did be- he: be," whispered Hulda. And once fniore the earth was inhabited by two 'Persons only.--Kathleen O'Brien in 'the Poughkeepsie News. . The man who waits persistently for somethibg to turn up rarely re- 'cogiifzes his ambition even when he steps. on the of a barrel hoop. The man who talks too much has 'one advantage, No one can remember (exactly what he did say on any pro- i. The. poor rian who becomes rich | Beef, gested, absolutely ignoring the pres- | "Pid 1 understand you aright?" Livingston' --began | I meant could you ever care as much |; ston deserted you béfore the hoir} were utterly oblivious that other in: | said reproachfully to Carruthers a: pre | Leen fore the fire, if that could possibly {xr " FISANCIA : . Salt Lake City, Junie 8.-- {the Commerein) Club an organizagion of Utah : day. petitionéd Governor through the Attorney-General in pre- venting the distribution of extra divi- of $3 a share and'the division ef the feompany's holdings in Baltimore and Ohio stock. To Increase' Capitals New York, June 8.--Directors of 'the Pierce Oil Corporation have de- ¢ided to increase the maximum an- thorized capital' stock of the com- pany from $21,000,000 to $30,000,- ing of the stockholders to be held in 'Richmond, Va., at noon, June 25. Searching for Platinum. - Vancouver, June 8.--The British Columbia Platinum, Limited, a com~ pany backed hy English capital, are to start operations this month to search for platinum on the old Tul- amun Creek, where the company has taken over four leases and 316 acres of crown granted land, Largest Bank. London, June 8.--The Imperial Bank of Russia, with £12%928,000 in deposits and current accounts, is placed at the head of the world's banks in a compilation by the Lon- don Statist. 'Thé Canadian Bank of Commerce, and the Bank of Montreal are given 23rd and 25th rank in th 11st. : Output Last Month. Montreal, June 8.--The Domin- ion Steel Corporation had a better month {n May than was Indicated by the current trade reports. The pro- duction in all the departments of the | subsidiary companies was: Pig fron, 21,625 ford; steel fgriofs, 28,850; rails, 18{1¥3; rods; 2,041; bars, 2- 400; wire, ete, 2,250; shipments 24, 983; coal output 441,000: To Reach Agreement. New York, June 8:--It may be that the Consolidated Stork' Exehinge und the Produce Exchange will short- ly come to am agreenfent whereby 'members: of thé two bodies will ve mutually benefited. dn Commercial Notes. 'Calgary's new oil stock exchange is to open for business. A large quantity of excellent sand- stone has been discovered within a (ew miles of Weyburn, Sask. . Southern Pacific sued for $15,000, 000 by Development company, of 'America for alleged loan failure. Life insurance companies in Unit- 2d' States and Canada paid out $646,- 500,000 to policy holders in 1913. It is reported that the Ritz-Carl- 'on Hotel Co., bond intérest due June 1st will be deferred pending a rear- rangement of the company's finances. The Atlantic Sugar Refineries of 3t. John, N.B., will be manufacturing sugar in about two month's time. |. An agreement has been reached for the amalgamation of three great Japanese steamship lines, the Nippon ¥usen, Osaka Shosen, and Tokyo Ki- jen companies. There was a report on the street hat the. Eastern Car Co., the Nova Scotia Steel subsidiary, was about to nake an issue of $300,000 six per 'ent. notes. The Montreal Real Estate Ev- *hange is going to establish a mar- tet for unexpired mortgages which "yave in the past been sacrificed in Yoreclosure for want of proper mar- teting facilities. The businéss, plant and good-will of the Medicine Hat Milling Co., pas- tes to the Lake of the Waods Milling f0., the considerationi for which i¥ kstated to be about $300,000. kt The gross earnings of the Cana- dian Northern raffway for the ten last : fever of May, showed a decrease of Save i ver 40 per cent. from the level of the :orresponding period a year ago. fi: Berlin: Residents Thirsty, Tiondon Tit- Bits, A census of the church-goers of Ber. Jn having giyen most unfaverable Cesults, other inquiring minds hve attempted a census. of the - publia fouse or tavern-visiting population of the city. The figires are certainly 'more encouraging. Although the cen- 'suf wag taken at the dullest time of 'the ovening, hetWeen 5.30 and 8.30, it was found that during these three 'hour's ninety-eight . drinking places were visited hy 23,436 persons. b Tt must not be supposed: that there sre only ninety-eight drinking places pn Berlin. On the contrary a Single atreet. the DBlumenstrasse, which joutaing only eighty-four houses, has iO im actually a street in lin, the §aduintrases, which, with. only fit housgd, has sevemteen saloons and three hotels, There is very little drunkenness to he seen on the streets of Berlin, and [Sne must stay up late to see that, Fut that is not becaunde the thing 's not abundant, hut Because the po- fice will not tolerate any kind of dis- Forder in public,' 4 Toronto Street Market. Toronto, June 8.--Wheat, bush, $1.05 to $1.06; Wheat, goose, bush., Bie to $1.02; Oats, bush., 44¢ to 45¢: Barley, bush., 60c to 62¢; Jay, 5. 1, $18.00 to $20.00; Hay, mix- ol $16.00 to $17.00; Straw $16.00 to $17.00; dpessed Hogs heavy, $9.50 to $10.00; dressed Hogs; light, $11.25 to' $11.75; But- iter, dairy, 1b., 25¢ ta 28¢; Eggs, doz. 25¢ to 27¢; Fowl, 1b), 18¢ to 20¢; Chickens, year-old, ih. 22c to 24¢; | Ducks, 1b., 24¢ to 25¢; Turkeys, 1b, 22¢ to 25¢; Potatoes; bag, $1.20 to 1.30; Beef, forequarters, cwt., 10.00 to $12.90; Beef, hindquar- ters, cwt., $15.00 to $16.00; Beef, choice sides, cwe., $13.00 to $13.75; 'Beef, medium sides, cwt., $11.50 to .i richer than: the man' who is born ta fortune, Fear of being thought eccentric is n a symptom. of ! Re ;8 name 1s. seldom 00; Beef, medium, ewt., $8.50 o Mutton, light, cwt, $10.00 to $12.00; Veal, prime cwt, ; 00 to $15.00; Lanib, ewt, 8.50 to $14.00; Lamb, pri to 85¢. Sh dends by the Unfon Pacific rafllway Utan en tool a cash dividend | 000 and have called a special meet- |' rty saloons and an inw, and there | COLLECTIONS Having 370 Branches throughout Canada and the SANK BLDGS., PRINCES STACEY, €.0. West Indies, this Bank Jotsutacs unrivalled facilities for handling collections with economy and despatch, : LONDON, ENG., OFFICE, NEW YORK AGENCY, COR. WiLUAM & CEDAR STALEYTS KINGSTON BRANCH, E. E. NEWMAN, Manager, Bs -------- We Offer Nova Scotia" Steel and Coal Co, 6% ecm rhe BE eemma---- Sterling Debenture Stock At 98 and Interest to Yield 61 PC. ~ Particulars on Application, F. _B. McCURDY & CO. PHONE 1288 _ Eo Members Montreal Stock Exchange i " H. W. NELLES Make it point to hu original bags or ic on and barrel you'buy "The Mesufachuterls Problem Solved! solution wil be found on wal 15 place a copy of this Book in the hands of every progressive manufacturer in the country. It may prove to be worth manufacturer owes much of hundreds of dollars to YOU. his success to the intelligent In its page: appear many il- arrangement of his plant ° lustrations and suggestions the elimination of needless for manufacturers, retailers, effort and wasted énérgyt jobbers wd Fhaletalenny any This Book Joints the wip 8: ; one o ich may the bigger f eater solution of your individual pol" Ee problem. The successful YOUR copy. OTIS-FENSOM ELEVATOR COMPANY : LMITED 80 BAY ST., TORONTO Tear out, fill in and mail this Coupon now. 3 4 ~ [4 COUPON "NH * Please send rie your Be Name. . . ET ® 5,