SAU GRID PASH ¢ # SEE o lat, you our boy to the te the opportunity 354 Princess Street. T rh Copley Telopnone 987 Carpet and rug buyers are hound to patronize the where reliability of quality is store not questioned, where styles are correet and prices right. Buyers at the Kingston Carpet (Warehouse are sure of getting pst value for their money, ST. onal fons MADE The Hotel Frontenac Baseball Club Has Received Challenges--Mayor baw to Pitch the First Ball. 'In the pmior S.8.A.A.A. baseball we Fink] at the po Sew. | on evening, St. George's eat- 4 Bars by & 'score of 16 he secontl inning the apd got ning. fe Sey] The teams Milner, George s--McLaughlin, Germain, Hall Stinson, Thompson, Teeple, Beating and' Baker. Sydenham--bearle, Vanalstine, Greg. lees, Reynolds, Clark and Gibson. Umpire~*Cam' Toland, Mayor Shaw to Aét. Mayor Shaw will pitch the first ball in the opening game of the senior 5. S.A.AA. baseball series at the cric- ket field on Wednesday evening, June 17th. D. A. Shaw (father of pre league) will be, be behind the bat. The Senior wv League Game. The Senior City Baseball game, on Saturday, will be between Pouies and Victorias. This game will, no doubt, be one of the best games played here this year. The Ponies, in a ten inn- ings game, in the first senior game, beat Victorias by one run apd the result of this com game cannot be foretold. Victorias will likely |. have McCammon in the box al though Walsh may be used. Ponies are now at the head of the league. Baseball Record. / National League--Philadelphia Pittsburgh, 1. Boston, 3; Cincinnati, 2. Breoklyn, 2; Chicago, 1. St. Lou- i, 5; New York, 2. American League--Chicago, 7; New York, 4. Boston, 9; CUleveland, 6. Philadelphia, 7; Detroit, 3. St. Louis, 4: Washington, 3. . ue--Baltimore, 7; Indic Lansas City, 2; Buffalo, . St. Louis, 6; Pittsburgh, ! Chi- cago, 3; Brooklyn, 3, International League--Baltimore, 7-6; Jersey Uity, 1-2. Providence, 1; ark, 0. Rochester, 8; Toronto, 1. falo, 5; Montreal, 1. Buf- Montreal Excursion. Per SS. Alexandria, leaving King- ston, on Monday, June 135th, at 8 p.m. Fare for the round trip, in cluding meals and berth, $6.50. .J. P. » | Hanley, agent. Sheldon Brbwn has disposed of his farm near Iivn|to Zicharias Purvig, of Caintown. he Barl of Misto Tea at Pickering's. LUCKY. We are not all up in the air, but on the level. If you want eye-glass comfort, consult J. §. Asselstine, D.0.5. Registered Optometrist and Optician. Phone 1019 New- | ~ THE DAILY _BEGULAR MEETING Of the Roman Cat i Whe regular meeting of the Ro- man Catholic separate school board was héld on Tuesday evening. The following members were present: Rev. A. J. Hanley, chairnian; Méssrs. Behan, Cook, Cochrane, Duffy, Gih- son, Leahy, 'Lavghern and McFadden. The chairman reported on behalf of the Finance committee the steps that had been taken re school taxes and the result thereof. = The report of attendance of the various classes during the month of May was read and after some discussion was order- ed to be filed. y + An application was received trom F J. 'Quinn asking to be appdinted as the bodrd's representative on the Collegiute institute examination board. On motion the request was granted. ° An application was re- eeived from Mr. Fowler, caretaker of St. Mary's school, askipg Tor increase in salary. Increased $2.50 per month. Applications were received from Misses O'Connor, Clearey and Guirey for the vacahey on the teaching staff of St. Mary's school, caused by the kesignation of Miss McDermott, Miss Connor was engaged, providing the Management committee were satis- fied that she had the necessary quali- fications. Applications for re-engagement were received from some of the teachers of St. Mary's school. . The secretary-treasurer was instructed to notify them that applications for re- engagement were unnecessary as the by-14Ws of the board provided for thelr continuance on the staff unless otherwise notified. The Property committee were in- structed to have the necessary re- pairs made to the different schools during vacation. HELIER EERE RA TO WQRE FOR HARRISON. + & ---- * At the monthly meeting of 4 the Woman's Christian. Tem- 4 perance union, held in the Y. 4 WC. A building on Tuesday % afternoon, the 'women ex- je pressed themselves stongly in {* favor of. the N. W. Rowell, opposition in 1% the Ontario legislature on his % "abolish the bar," platform. {% The ladies pledged themselves # to do all in their pawer to % elect T. F. Harrison for King- + * + |* leader of the db hbb bp rb eRe dR ston. LJ HRB b bl bd ddd dodo de bdo de be " REGISTRATION OF VOTERS ~ For the Ontario Election Began .on Wednesday Morning. On Wednesday morning at nine o'clock the registration for manhood suffrage opened at the court house, city ¢ouncil chambers, and the police court room. It is expected that the registration will be very la; It is very | important that every young man in Kingston who js twen- ty-one years of age should register before Saturday night. Do not wan until Saturday, but do it it once, is the advice of the registrars. Visitors in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Levvy, New York, have been in the city for the past few days and intend remaining here for about a week Mr. Levvy is a portrait painter and travels about extensively carrying with him some beautiful masterpieces valued at anywhere between $500 and several thousand dollars. On Wednesday morning a Whig reporter had a con- versation with him and was informed that although he has been some forty odd years travelling about this was his first visit to the Limestone City. When . asked how he liked us the answer was that he was very much impressed with it and thought that it was about one of the nicest cities that anyone would wish to live in. Mr. Levvy has crossed the Atlantic sixty-three times and has had a wide experience in almost every coyp- x» | try of the globe. Hé is almost sev- li suitably furnished. We can ido it for you, from kitchen lito parlor, Rugs, . Curtains, Linoleum. PHONE 90 : active and spends enty years of age but still spry and some of his time n fpor such as shooting and fish- ing! The latter pastime he delights to participate in and asked the Whig representative if he knew where the hést spot for catching the finny erea- | tures was. Mr. Levvy took a trip about the city on Wednesday morning, viewing the principal places of-interest. An Explanation Required. The Imperial Oil company is very much surprised at the action of the Kingston Board of Works in pur- chasing 20,000 gallons of oil for dust laying at 1034¢, a Montreal concern getting the order, when their com- pany offered to furnish the oil at 7c, guaranteening it to be equal to any- Mr. Morris says that the people of St. Thomas were asked as to their opinion of the oil," and the chairman of the committee replied that it was very satisfactory, and that they in- tended purchasing it again this year. The Board of Works complains that it had not the equipment neces- sary for laying the oil, but if it had made a contract at 7c¢ instead of 10%e, it could have purchased all planation as to the board" s action is necessary. < Made a Presentation. Joseph Catlin .was presented with an a an' a dining- room suite of quartered osk on the ueension os his recent marriage. Joseph rell read the address and ©. Ta made the presentation." Principal Gordon, of Queen's uni- versity, who is at Woodstock as a commissioner, has been unable to at- tend the general assembly for the He is pro Roy Smith is with ithestheft of committed for Two mission g favorably. at Brockville . He has heen 'pianos to rent > player at \C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 294 Prine thing else produced for the purpose. | the equipment required. Some ex- | past few days, owing to indisposition. |i gressin ISDAY, Jee 10, Jud. oT THE JUNE SESSION BEGAN TUES. DAY AFTERNOON. CC, P. R. Train # bot Lake Discu Verona to be Malle a Permanent Entrance Ey- amination Centre, The Frontenac county council con- vened on. Monday afternoon at four o'clock for its June session. In at tendance were : John A. Kennedy, warden; John Gray, P. J. Wensley, H. A. McKnight, or Hawkey. Benson Coulter, L. iy Abbot Thomp! son, Robert McVeigh, W. J. Fraok- in, 3 Freeman, James Hallida;, Nonstie C. W. Sleeth, Dr Willian Spankie. These communications were referred 10 committees : Rev. A. FE. Smart, inspector hild- ren's. Aid Society, asking for fncreas- ed grant. Curtis Wells and kevs of jail, salaries. ' Deputy minister of education stat- ing that the legislative grants for Frontenac are $1,591.55 for public schools and = $125.95 for separate s¢hools. County council of Dufferin asking Frontenac council i to co-operate mn having the motor vehicle law amend. ed, whereby motor vehicles would he taxed and the money given coun- ty councils for road improvement. Joseph Duff, secretaryv-treasurer of Sydenham high school, asking sani- tary improvements in the building and the enlargement of the athletic field. MN a John Ewing, turn- asking for increased The council adiourned until m. Wednesday when Councillor Trus cott was the additional member in attendance. Councillor Thompson, of Olden, reported: that the C.P.R. company was pot stopping its night drain from the west at Tweed and points between that and Sharbot Lake so that peo- ple could come to Kingston and re- turn home the next day. Warden Kennedy stated that the railway company had offered to stop ita night train at Tweed and inter. mediate points, if satisfactory to the county council, which had petitioned for better train service to Kingston. Tt would be necessary to accept: the company's offer, by a resolution, be- fore it would be carried into effect. Tt was moved by Councillors Free- man and Spankie, that Verona be recommended as a centre for high school entrance examinations. Dr. Spankie said that entrance examina- tion centres should be established at as many convenient places, as possi- ble. One was: needed at Verona and the council should authorize it. An adjournment was made until the afternoon to give the commit tees a chance to do business Weather Notes. The disturbance which was in northern Ontario yesterday passed to eastern Quebec. Showers have again occurred in the western provinces. The heat wave which has prevailed during the past two days in Ontario is now eastward. spreading Boy's First Communion Suits. Prevost, Brock street, has an exira large stock of them in blue and black serges and cheviots, beautifully made. Price extremely low; variety lagge. David Jamieson, of Kars, died on Monday, aged ninety-five years. He was a brother of Thomas Jamie son, Napanee. "The Hat Store.' Hats New and Attractive Styles and Materials. are mak ing a dis- finet spec dalty of Chil- dren's" Headwear. If vou are looking for something new and dif- ferent for the "kid- dies" come to "the hat Straw Hats, 15¢ to $1.50 Linen Hats, 25c to 50c. , Ot fo 7c. Wel, are showing a great varety of shdpes and shades and the prie- esare very lew, H0e, Toe, "Calvin, Joh Foley, C. G.#i has If I e West of Shar! The Official eady. | | vinees, Automobile Road Guide of Canada is now This Guide is anthorized by the Ontario Motor League, oe contains maps and description of about 10,000 miles of good roads in the Provinee of Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritime Pro- Price $3.00, 160 Princess St. The College Book Store Notes From Our Ready-to- wear Department Busy, Busy is the Word in This Department popular priced Ladies' and Misses' Wash Dresses in white and colors, all the very latest ideas and $1.50 up Ladies' Wash Skirts in White PK, Indian Head, Ratine, very serviceable as well as comfortable; all sizes, begimming in +. /89c pretty Ladies' Marquisette Blouses, white, with fancy collars, dainty designs, long or short sleeves; all sizes Ladies' Crepe Blouses, 'white, styles / ) t0 select from; all $1.00 up very many $1.00 up cess slips. Ladies' Whitewear in a big range of nobby styles, underskirts, corset covers, Prin To see is to buy. Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns. The pattern that pleases. Pictorial Review Magazine for July. . .15¢c Pictorial Review Quarterly, summer edi- 25¢ NEWMAN & "THE ALWAYS BUSY $TQ THE ANNUAL ME ETING The Officers for the Ensuing Year | Were Chosen. | The Kingston general hospital nurs- 'ses alumni met, last night, to trans- act the annual business and: elect the officers for the ensuing year. The ofli- cers elected were :° Honorary presi- dents, Miss Boskill and Mrs. W. J. Crothers, jr.; president, Mrs. George Nicol; first vice-president, Miss = M. Draper; second vice-president, Miss Emily Baker; secretary-treasurer. Mrs. S. F. V. Campbell; asdistant secre- tary-treasurer, Miss Carrie Milton; corresponding secretary, Miss Annie Baillie. Miss Carscadden, of the Lillian Massey School of Domestic Necience, succeeds Miss ' Lambert as dietitician. Miss Wilson read: a paper entitled ; "A Few Practical Suggestions on the Prevention and Cure of Tuberculosis." Miss Annie Tweddell rendered a solo, | The reports of the year's work were read and owing to the increased in- | terest of the nurses in the associa- tion the past year was, a great suc- cess. In the - nurses' residence the ! reception room was! renovated and bedding and linen 'was also supplied. | There were several visitors to the meeting, "among them being Miss | Grace Hiscock, Clifton Springs, ' and | Miss Clark, Wensley hospital, Toron- i to. There are now forty-four members lin the allocation and in the up- -keep {and = furnishing of the nurses: resi- dence much good work is bting ac { complished. A registry for graduate nurses is being kept in the hosnital by Miss: Hunter. The next meeting will be on the first Tuesday of Sep- tember. First Summer Concert. The first of the season's coucerts of the band of the R. C. H. A. will in Macdonald park on evening Juné 18th. PW. Gon Pm.B., son of Rev. ee BUILDERS BUPPLIESeeesy HEAT-YES A Qui Hot Fire Made from our cedar ~ shingle block. The ideal kindling wood. We of- fer exceptionally dry stock. Half cord, $2.50. Quarter cord, $1.40. Phone 919 | | | -- For Late ring and Something worth the having and yet far from expensive he patterns are not extreme, -are desirable and dainty. Toros. and Opticians Lenses Ground GRAY, BROWN, WHITE AND BLACK OSTRICH To Suit All Purses $275-=John St. (33 x 149) $200--Orchard St. (33 x 68) $360--Stanley St, with barn (48 x 64) $375--Livingston Ave., (32 x 182) $450--Montreal St. (66 250) $500---Mack St. (33 x 00) $350--Raglan Road (62 x 83) KTT5--Garrett St. (26 x 123) to laneway. $850--FEarl St. (33 x 163) $1100--Albert St. (33 x 99) T0 LET 316 Brock St., $12.00 per month. v for cleanliness, whiteness, spotlessness and sanitary treatment of your wash- ables, and . will: anor the call and give you just what you want, just when want it, and at a that will please you.