Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1914, p. 1

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KINGSTON, ONTARIO, YEAR 81 NO, 135 THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1914 PITH OF NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. Trary---- T0 MAKE AN APPEAL TO HOME 60 Amendments Asked To The TRADE COMMISSIONER. Brockville Resident Appointed to Post at Shanghai. Brockville, June 11.-The announce." ment 1s made of the appointment of Dr. J. Walter Ross, a Leeds ecoun- ty boy and former resident of Brock-. ville, as trade commissioner for Ca- nada at Shanghai, China, Dr. Ross has had an' extensive and interesting experience. rn and brought up in Leeds, 4 member of an UNIFORM RATE OF WAGES, Hon, My. Crothers Promises Legisia- tion Next Session. Ottawa, June 11.--When the esti- mates for public works were under discussion in the house, Hon. T. W, Crothers stated, in reply to Alphonse Verville, the labovite from Montreal, | that berore fhe next session he ex- pected to have the regulations re- specting wages of a uniform rate to! be paid on governmént contracts Anybody who has a contract must COMMONS VALEDICTORY ~~ T0 DUKE OF CONNAUGHT BothLeaders Spoke Eloguently SCONE STONE DAMAGED, Ret OrB. NA SENATORIAL INCREASE IS NOT TO BE PRESSED AT THIS + SESSION. Amendments to be Songht to Govern jestern Provinces in Senate and ¢ Edward Island in the Com- mons. : 2 then pay the union rate of wages. He made it clear that this did not imply auy promise to provide any regulation under whieh the workers' pay would be raised in consequence of a raise in the rate after the com- mencement of the work. This whole matter would receive his considera- tion. Mr. Crothers also stated that a cir- cular was being sent out to labor men, labor unions and employers asking suggestions for incorporation in the bill to be brought down next session, in order to reduce to the last THE LATEST TIDINGS PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM, BAL | The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News of the World From Telo- " graph Service and Newspaper Ex- changes, . Ogdensburg, N. Y., is to edlebrate on July 4th. The Canadian Manufacturers' Asio ciation voted $2,000 to the Empress fund and De. Macaulay, of Brockville. Af fowed his profession in "hicago and in the Straits Settlements and to (hina. all the remarkable political and com- old family, he entered thes employ of the late George Hutcheson, long a leading merchant of Brockville, and after some years service with him took up the study of medicine with marked success at Trinity ~~ Medical College, Toronto, where he was a fel- low student with both Dr. Harding ter graduating from Frinity he fol Belleville. In the winter of Dr. Ross went to India and later 1904 to Dr.Ross has been in China through IT WILL ADD LUSTRE TO The Duke Did Not Spare Himself-- Of H. R. H. Service CANADIAN HISTORY, PREMIER BORDEN, SAID Duchéss and Princess Have Also Endeared Themselves to the Cana- dian People. . EPFL ab Ib bg +E London, June 11.--Suffra- . Bettes to-day exploded a bom under the famous coronation chair in Westminster Abbey, The Scone stone, which is an historical relic, and part of the chair was broken by the explosion and considerable damage was done to the inter- ior of the sacred abbey, No- body was hurt. The explo- sion was heard in the pariia- ment buildings, not far away, and caused great excitement. No arrests have been made Patrick lgan, of Cornwall, had his while dynamiting fish. The Colombian senate has ratified the Colombian treaty with the United States without amendment. Railroad communications between Mexico City and Vera Cruz is men- aced by constitutional forces. Sir William Macdonald's dona.ions to the Macdonald college of Agri- culture, now total $7,000,000. William Crane, Ingersoll, who died Tuesday, was the father of twenty four children; ten of whom were twins Ivan Pieree, youngest son of the late Fred Pierce, Athens, passed away early in the week at Bassano, Bombay, head . {degree any element of friction. Touching on a matter of technical education, the minister said: "I am favorable, and we will do ull we can for technical and industrial educa- tion, but we must wait until we hear from the provinces. I do not think the provincial' governments will ob- ject to getting some money for these matters, I think the parliament of Canada is willing to assist the local legislatures th providing technical and industrial education." BUMPER WHEAT CROPS IN CANADIAN PROVINCES Alta., after a brief illness. At a convention of 'the liberals There Is An Optimistic Foeling| io ovine hod o All Over The Canadian township, was to; J. M. Killiott, Winnipeg; H. Pp. West the nommation. The United 'States government has i placed an order at Philadelphia fo: Smith, R. F. Angus, E. A. Macken Chicago, June 11.--Reports gathered thirty tons of candy and 80,000 pack zie, Brockville; i. 1.. Kezar, Ottawa; there, by prominent grain men, from ages of sulted peanuts, for the use of W. D. Brown, Montreal; A. 8S. Mat |all the grain growing, provinces and United States sailors. thewman, Ottawa; G. S. Read, Len- states of Western Canada and the Un Michael Cronin, aged fifty, died at poxville; E. H. McCall," Montreal; R. [ited States, and subimarized by ex-|the St. Lawrence State hospital. Og- G. Godson, Vancouver; J. B. Free | Perts, this morning, indicate the Pro- | densburg, where he had been a pa- land, Toronto: .J M. Hazen, Otta- [%Pects for bumper crops generally all font for two months, He was a wa; (i. P. Strong, D. 6. Robert- | through the wheat country. Indica: veteran hotelkeeper. son, Hamilton; €. A. MeMurtry, To- tions in the ! anadian provinces are nev. R. (i. MacBeth, pastor of the onto; H. D. Warren, Toronto; H. 1, [Particularly bright. There has been ronto, C C.F Sharve. Port {Just enough rain and sunshine to bring Ho a ae Guelph : 2 | wheat, onts and alfalig along in good ope; 78. p, Gi . near blown if yet. At the time of the ex- plosion this afterncon; Hon leginald McKenna was mak- ing a speech in the commons on the suffragette question. cotin- knowl- and the lo- mercial changes of that great try and has an exceptional edge both of the people cal conditions. He should prove an admirable representative of Canada, and a host of friends in Canada will congratulate him upon his appoint- ment and confidently predict a sue- cessful career in his new office at the vital trade centre of Shanghai. Dr. Ross is a son of Mrs. Mary Ross, King street east, and a broth- er of Miss Isabel M. Ross, of the Brockville public sehool staff, HUERTA WANTS TO SAVE HIS LIFE AND FORTUNE Villa And Other Leaders Will Soon ¢ Be At Gates Of Mexico City Washington, June 11.--Word has been received here of continual con- stitutionalist victories in Mexico, and it is believed that within a month or two, unless they receive some set- back, Villa and the other leaders will be practically knocking at the gates of Mexico City. It is persistently rumored here that Huerta is ready to resign if 'ar rangements can he made satisfactor- ily to the AB.C medfators, without prejudice to Mexico's position m the peace negotiations. -At best: Huer- ta's position is dangerous. He de- sires to get out while he has a Ottawa, June 11.~The House Commons, this morning, presented its formal validictory address to His Royal Highnéss the Duke of Con naught, whose term of office as gov ernor-general of the dominion expires this summer. Both leaders, in sup porting the address, spoke eloquently of the service of his royal highness to Canada. "1 am convinced," said Premier Bor den, "that his course as constitutional representative of his majesty will add additional tustre Canadian his- tory. "To accomplish all that he desired," added the premier, "his royal highness has not spared himself, and he may be assured that his visits will be held in happy remembrance by out people in every province from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Mr. Borden referred to the deep sym- pathy of the people of Canada--at the time of the serious illness of the Iuchess of, Connaught. "In offering our very sincere congratulations, ' said the premier, "that her highness has made such complete recovery of her health, we add that she and the Princess Patricia, with equal tact and graciousness, have also endeared themy selves to our people." Sir Wilirid Laurier said the Cana- dian people should take advantage of every opportunity to testify to the deep regret caused by, the 'early dey parture. df their royal Righnesses, "The i adisn people are essential- ly'a democratic people, and pomp and ceremony which: surrounds royalty does little or Jibthing to increase our respect. for the crown," said Sir Wil- to save hindi I fortune as irid. "Hut the Canadian people ap- r : : précinte these 3 he is a wealthy anil solid qualities which are characteris- ties of their royal highnesses." REV. DR. CARMAN OBJECTS of Ottawa, June 1}.--the question of increasing ihe senatorial representa tion of the western provinces will be referred to the imperigl parliament for legislative authority; an the bill pro- viding for the proposed increase not be pressed this session here. Formal notice was given by » the prime minister last night of resolu: tions providing for the presentation of an address praying for amendments to the Hritish North America act, to the imperial parliament. The amend ments to be sought are to govern the Tepresentation of the weslern pro vinces in the senate, and the province of Prince Edward Island in the com- mons. One amendment is to provide for the creation of a new western senatorial division with twenty-four members, six from each of the four provinces. There were established by oe British North America act in 1867 three senatorial divisions, each with twenty-four mem- bers, Those divifions were the mari time group, Ontario and Quebec. The western proviwes have been given re- presentation, but no new group has vet been formed. It is now proposed to create the fourth division and bring the senate up to ninety-six members. Another amendment is to provide that in an emergency the overgor general may, under section 56 of the British North 'America act, appoint four or eight additional senators. Up to the present it-has been possible to appoint three or six members. A third amendment is 10 permit Newfoundland, should it enter the con- federation, to have a senatorial repre SPIE EIRENISE P00 EEL will POE EP LES 1 . : HENRI BOURASSA Is studying the bi-lingual (problem London, June 11.---It is under as seen In the Welsh and lIrish)schools, stood that an influential body of a. ford men are anxious to induce Sir William Osler to succeed Sir \ Anson, as member of parliament for Willilam's MILITARY COLLEGE EXAMS, omen to The List of Those Who Passed in Order of, Merit: Results are announced aminations for entrance to the Royal Military College. There is accommo- dation for forty candidates angd-those in the list, in order of meri are : P. E. Biggar, Ottawa; E. IN MM. Burns, Montreal; W. Db. tobertson, Brockville; (i. D, McTaggart, Toron- Oxford university. © Sir gifts of speech and erudition, dnd also his understanding view, would be much appreciated in che House of Commons, Sir William Osler yesterday re. ceived the honorary degree of doo. tor of science at Cambridge univer. sity, in the presence of Prince Ar- thur of Connaught. A BUD FISHER'S WIFE DYING IN HOSPITAL Ste Had Hor Chest Crashed in dn tomo ein t New York, of the ex- of Roslin, John councillor of Thurlow selected 'and accepted New June 11.--Heg crushed in, Mrs. Rud isher, go. Tress, "the wife of well-known "Mutt and Jeff" carton st, isd; in hospital here, follo ng an auto mo. cident early this morning. : tele so-- = Joy Riders Killed. Omaha, Neb.; June 11.--Pour ple out on 'a 'joy ride 1 were instantly killed early this morn- ing on a level crossing of the Un ion Pacific railway, by a west bound = flyer. g heir Jmaching got stalled on the track. leading Presbyterian church in Paris, has been invited to take up evangeli I i i chest i shape. n compar i . ' W. W. Davis, Ottawa; A. A. he Don IL Pa ean © with Fla gown, Toronto; II. HR. Simpson, Ham- |? | 3 Ma a and low ve A Sled dob bb PEPER EERE REP ton; G. SN. Grant, Halifax; J. RB. |%F parte of Saskatchewan, the outlook Stratton, Peterboro; (i. B. Matthew | 7, Very bright, . | "From Winnipeg comes news of opti: ym Dt tkes kon Tone a mistic feeling all over thes Uanddian Fans MN. B amon. Ae etn: Meats ant iututi and Hamilton; J. M. Sharpe, Port Hope; MoRsole _ ndes will "henefit im H. V. Page, Moosomin; C'. 'M. Dobel, It i 3 rediel ia han as Rugby, England; 1). F. Angus' Brock: |. oie ah ed that there will, in the ville; H.W. Beck, Hamilton; D. S. [immediate future, be lots of menless Gwyn, Lennosville, and (. C. Thack- {i°P8 instead of jobless men. It will ray, Ottawa. require. a greater army than ever to The following passed the examina harvess ; anada s grain crop in 1914, tion, but will be admitted only hy _-- nneial results to Capada as there accommodation by some of [* WA will be tremendous the. forty dropping out : F. P. Dow, Port Hope; W. T. Sapte, Winnipeg; H. 1. Fripp, Ottawa; (i. (. Hilliard, Ham- ilton; J. W. Harris, Moncton: W. J. Whitehead, Lennoxville; T. C. Stew- art, Yaneouver; [. A. Welsh, R, 0. Bull, Port Hope; T. A. Warren, lo: ronto; BD. I. Savage, Montreal; 1). M. Ham, R. M. Rov, R. H. Kida, Hamil ton, and F. .. Farncombe, Newcastle, DOMINION ELECTION IN OCTOBER Ottawa; Jub. The ovi- dent suxiety"ol the. govern- ment '16 'put the redistribu- tion bill through this session, coupled with the fact that the party, organizers throughout the dominion have been quietly told to get busy, lends color to a well-defined rumor that has been going the rounds in parliamentary circles for the past few days to the effect that the govern- ment may spring a general election in October next. he iat in the cof © fall 'below its. representation in™ the senate. 'Phis would cover the case of Prines Edward Island, whoch has four senators, but will have, under the new redistribution bill, only three mem bers in the cotmons, Ii the amend ment is passed by the British parlia- ment, «rinck « Edward Island will be entitled to four members in the lowdr house, Of Constitutionalist Sympathies. Niagara Falls, Ont., June 1-1 is believed here that a man of constitu- tionalist sympathies, but not Carran- za, himself, will be nated as provi- sional president of Mexico, when Hu- erta retires, as is now felt inevitable. No reply came from Carranza, to- day, to the mediators' suggestions, but conlterences went on during the afternoon, between the delegates 'and mediators, + To Good Christian Advice in Rev. C W. Watch's Address. Toronto, June 1l.--Fireworks promised in the Phe bbb eed T eG were is Methodist cond; ence here to-day, when Rev. Dr. Carn the venerable" superintendent of Methodist church for Canada, rose f- ter President Rev. C. W. Watch had delivered his opening address, and oh- jected to the address being decepted. He intimated 'that he would call for a vote on it before it was passed out #8 the conference address. Mr. Watch had made some pointed political re- ferences. . He said, speaking of the liquor trafic: "Ihe time has now come when we must not act from ex- pendiengy. The time has come w hen the Godly ma%h in the presence of the ballot box must cast his ballot, not from the party ery, but from the con- tact of his heart with the heart of Christ. The problems suggested to us this day are the challenge of the world to the Christian church, 1 he church is a part of the national life, not in politics, but in teaching and example." ---- ek REPEAL COMPROMISE MATRIED, ac. : COULSON--BOWMAN~-At. St John! ADOPTED IN SE ATE church, Bath, June 10th, 91g ak A. Bowman to Bdgar 8 Co ls Line-up: On "Tolls Amendment In- dicates Success When Final Ballot Is Taken Washington, June 11.~The senate last night adopted the Simmons-Nor- ris amendment qualifying the canal tolls exemption repeal bill.1 The vote was 60 to 24. This was the first test vote six weeks of debate on the BRILLIANT CLIMAX TO TOUR. utiful - 'taloum powders." S008 Red Uross Drug Store. THE DAILY BRITISH Y IT GN SALE AT THE FOLLOW ING OITY STORES Bucknell's News Depot ..208 Clarke, J. W. & Ce.. LL nek College Book Store in Coulter's Grocery ......,. Cullen's Grocery, Cor, Princess Frontease Hotel .......... Gibson's Drag Sture , Market MeAuley's Rook Steve ....03 MeGails Cigar Store Use, McLeod's Grocery ..,.51 Gih« th eS Postal Bill is Dead. Ottawa, June 11.--Hon L. P. Pel- letier's bill to amend the Postoffice act will not be passed this session, bécause of the senate's amendments. "I cannot actept these amendments," sald Mr. Pelletier this morning, "and AS a consequence the whole thing 806s, rates on postage, increases in salaries for mil clerks, igsumnce or letters; everything. The bill is now dead." It is stated thag 1,400 postal em- ployees would have been affected by increases in salaries provided for by clauses of bill, i A Dandy Cadet Corps. Major George Gillespie was in Wil- liamstown this week inspecting the cadet corps in that town. The corps which is forty-one strong will come to for the cadet camp on July 6th, : boys wear kilts, ed THE HOME 1S CEASING which wer given hem be peo T0 TEACH RELIGION $1,200. The corps will also bring o (Beha : bund do Samp, Because itis Ceasing To Be Religicus Says Canon Tucker, Of London, Ont. Toronto, June 11.~"The ceasing to teach religion," said Rev, Canon Tucker, of St. Paul's cathe dral, London, Ont., spedking on 'the sixth annual report of the Sunday school commission of the Anglican church, ' because the home itself 'is Rowell Meetings at North Bay and Laskeard--Enthusiastic Reception. North Bay, June H.--~With ring addresses and sions of confidence j the election, Mr, Rowell concluded his hurried tour of northern (Ontario With a bumper Meeting here last night. It was a brilliant climax to the evidences that have been given all along the line of the rising tide | of liberalism in the province, and brought. ju addition its full endorse ment of the liberal Programme, _ Possibly stirred by the other 'meet- ings both at the head of the lakes and at New Liskeard vesterday the large theatre was crowded to over- flowing. Two bands supplied music during the early hours of the even. ing, and visitors from all 'parts of | ERE G TREE PPR E RETEST > LePd stir- continued ®xpres- n the outcoms of | SEALE PEI b bd bbb LOCKS CARRIED AWAY. ! Steamer Speeded up When She Should Have Reversed. Sc. Catharines, Ont., June 11.-- A serious and peculiar accident oc- curred yesterday in the Welland canal, when for the first time in its (history, a steamer carried away six {lock gates at one time. About five o'clock the sceamer Pueblo, owned by the Canada Cement company, of Montreal, bound down with a load of coal, entered lock 8 at rather ra- pid speed. The captain gave the sig- nal to reverse, but this was evident- ly misunderstood, and the steamer went ahead at a more rapid pace, and struck the two foot gates hea- vily, knocking both from their fas- tenings and throwing them into the level 'below. The heavy rush of wa- ter following drew the two head gates, which had not yet been clos- closed, from their fastenings, and these, along with the steamer, were carried into the short level above ick 8. The rear gates of lock 8 had been opened to receive the Pueblo as she passed down, and the rush of water also tore these away. The banks of the canal were badly washed away, and considerable dam- age to the surrounding land was done by the flood of water. The stea- mer was not much damaged, and jt is expected chat navigation will be tied up for about twenty-four {eal work in Western Canada. and it is | altogether likely that he will accept | the ofier. The post ollice department is consid- | ering whether' or not it would be pos- sible to undertake the collection of parcels for transmission by mail in cities where there is a mail delivery | service. 3 {| At Vancouver, B, C., twenty Hin- | dus. passengers on the Kemagata { Maru, have been permitted to land {by the immigration officers, - they having proved they were former re- | sidents of Canada. President Yuan Shi Kai of China, has placed a price of $30,000 on the head of Tse Yng Pak, who has beey {hatching up a revolution and who {is new in the United States collec- ting funds te earry on the fight. ENGLISH WOMEN MAY GET mw The Late J. R. Donaldson, TOWN AND COUNTY OFFICES The remuins of J. Ross Donaldson, Ser express messenger, who was killed in | 8: CNR. wreck at Kamwack: Sask., | will arrive in the city Friday morn- ing, at eight o'clock. iThe funeral will be from the residence of deceas- ed brother; Bert. Donaldson, ville, to, Sand Hill cemetery, The vice will be conducted by Rev. 0. 8. Stiers. No Higher Interest. Ottawa, June 11.--FHon, W. T. Vhite, minister of finance, stated in the house to-day that it has been found impossible to raise the in- erest for post office savings de- osits. He said tnat if the rate of interest was raised it would mean in increase in discount rates by banks. This problem had been fac- *d by many ministers of finance. The statement was given in reply to \ question from Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, the district took advantage of My. Rowell's presence to come and hear Nim speak. In fact, a hall twice the 126 eould easily have been filled, With compelling conviction, Mr. Rowell arraigned the Whitney gov. ernment for ita lack of an aggrossive nelicy for New Ontario. + DIED, "ky NONALDSON--At Cote, Sask, Pri June 5th, 1914, .broth- formeriy of Jowcevill Japanese Murderer Hanged. ot do o, morn Funeral will Juke be from, Seoul, Koreas," June 11.-Tomitaro Joycovihie on" Saturda Watanabe, the «Japanese slayer of Dr June 13th, at 10 o'clock, to Sa Fdgar DeMott Stryker, an American home ss AT bo: June surgeon, was hanged, yesterday! Wa- 8 18 Pp "RSON--In Lotghboro on Ju went to the hospital wire Dy. tn, 1914, William Martin Patie Stryker was located, on March 29th, Funeral, trom his 1a reaidenon : and shot and killed him. . riday mornin hs ock, to 8 i1t, ; The goverament has decided to solemn requiem Ba with Tere & build the new Toronto postoffice on wit 3 n the site it. has already acquir.d London, June 11.--The liberal gov- 'ernment has promised to introduce [two new. measures which, if carried after . repeal bill. sens- Patrick's chup for the repose Of through e: tion. DAILY MEMORANDA a ALA Bh HSI ang sornme Garden Party fn ald of Home for Friendless Weainen and Infants, at the residence of Mrs. Hugh Macpherson "Elmhurst" Friday, June 12th, frow ¢ ta 7 o'clock. : ceasing to be religious. "As for the schools only twe out of one hundved and git entrance pupils in London knew the golden rule. Only fifty knew who condemned Jesus to death and most of these spelt it "pilot." That gives some 'idea of the effect of the religious teaching as far 88 our schools go. This leaves it all New Vein of Mica Discovered, The Whig received a report Thursday 'that a new vein of mica hid been discovered on the Stoness property, near Buck Lake. From all accounts the find is a good one and may possibly yield the owners of it a on return. by parliament, will make it possible for a much larger number of women to become eligible for election for town and county councils in England and Wales, and for town, county and parish councils in Scotland. As the law stands, only electors are eligible for these bodies, and as only householders may exercise the hours. is Endeavoring to Make Kingston a THE BOARD OF TRADE Tourist Centre. The Board of Trade has been put- ting forth every effort possible to Martine, 0'Gorman, Even the most optimistic tors who favored repeal had not sex- pected the amendment to carry by so large a majority. ed, be put through by so gin. It is not believ- however, that the bill itself can great a mar Nine+democratic senators, Ashurst, Pomerene, Rans- I. ly Friends and acqualntdnees are respects © fuily invited to attend, oT ROBERT J, REID, the I 'Phone 577 good It was also reported that -this new veintcontains a su. perior quality of mica to that mined heretofore. Boat House Robbed, A sneak thief broke into the boat house of Herbert Francis, living én John street, and made off with quite an extensive equipment of fishing tac- kle. help along the tourist traffic for Kingston. Following up a plan an advertisement was placed in the lo- eal newspapers asking for the names of boarding. houses where tourists could be accommodated by the day or week, but in answer to this ad- vertisement only five replies were re- ceived. This number 'was sot at all regarded as satisfactory as it is known that there Are man; hoard. ing houses in the tial it was thought that these would only be too glad to help along the tourist aE ) Cut Requests are. being made almost every day from outsi ats from « Meaple dell, Reed, Shields, Walsh and Wil liams voted against the amendment. Several of those, however, are expect- ed to vote for the repeal bill, while several republicans who supported the amendment are expected to line up against the bill. The amendment as adopted reads / oy ovided that the passage of the ae ar a municipal and local franchise, com- paratively few women are eligible. The new bill will make it possible for anyone who has resided in the distfict for ome year te stand for election in that section. The prac'.- cal effect of this law will be that married women and other women living in the homes of their relatives may become members of these local bodies. < to: the churches." FIRE ON EARL STREET In Residence of Thomas J. Lovitt On Earl Street A fire which broke out in the home | of Thomas J. Lovitt, 16 Parl street, | on Thursday afternoon, shortly after 1.30 o'clock, did damage to the ex- tent of about $500. By the time the blaze was discovered by Mrs. Lovitt the fire had gotten a good = head- in oi mie warm | 1 He Issue Is Clear What's the News? Each line in this newspaper is of interest to some one. Each hag been written and printed with a deunite purpose. To many men and women the 'most lmportant thing this journal offers for their consid: eration is the advertising. It 48 constructive, helpful brightly written, often cleverly illustrated. It is sup) fo have a punch" init. It is the news of business "the voice of opportunity. To overlook reading the ad- vertising is to neglect one of the best features in the news- : all not be construed or held aiver or relinquishment of any rights the United States may have under the treaty with Great Britain, ratified Feb. 21st, 1902 or the trea. ty with the republic of Panama, ra- tified . Feb. 26th, 1904 or otherwise to. discriminate in favo® of its ves- sels exempting the vessels of the United States or its citizens from the payment of tolls for passage through said canal, or as -- way ai ing, impairing or al any right of the' United States andes said trea- ty or otherwise with the respect to otro (hove d 'or charges of traf ed smoke. Upon poing down stairs she found the flames making their way through. the parlor. Wt is thought the fire started in the alley. av at the. rear of the home and then Every Christine Endeavor Soelety made its way through the window at | Tempernnee Socletien the rear of the parlor. The piabo in ah Risagiony the parlor was damaged. The | loss is partially covered by fisur- 4 ance. E who are anxious to secre ac- commodation for a féw days or a week, and it is for this reason the Board of Trade has been' taking this action in the matter. : When Carnovsky says good Straw- Cantalou Exery Christian Church. Every Sabbath School : say the Bar must go berries also California

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