Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1914, p. 5

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A Strong Novel "Unto Caesar" : BY BARONESS ORCZY With Frontispiece 8 Oolor and Picture Jacket. et $1.35 This novel of Tmperial Rome at the time, of the world conflict between Caesar and Christianity is ranked second only to "The Last Days of Pompeii' and is the most notable work of Baroness Orezy, not excepting those remarkable world successes, "The Scarlet Pimpernel" and * El Dorado." : UNTO CAESAR Now Ready. Price $1.25 Every man likes good clothes and likes getting good value for his money. We believe thoroughly that the goods we sell are the best that money can buy. We gi¥e special attention"to details In making up and a customer can depend on having the inside of & garment as good as the outside, and the workmanship all that ean be desired. We have also a special assortment of samples from a wholesale tailoring firm at $15.00 and $18.00 a suit. These are made to measuro and guarantaed to fit. THOMAS LAMBERT il Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Street A b5Passenger McLaughlin-Buick Automobile In good condition, fully equipped, with top and windshjeld, 5 lamps, and tires slightly used. Must be sold and will sell cheap. Price $750. PORRITT GARAGE CO., LTD. . ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WELLINGTON ST. PHONE 454. AND SENTENCED TO GUELPH | PRISON FARM ik Wn Judge. Madd Said' the Jury's Verdier Ww. nite Proper. ny Found guilty by a jury in the co un. oi "the theft or $237 from Express comp ny, Sam Ja the young mén wno acy i agent tor the com ¥, 3 duntain trove, wus, a, ternoon, sentenced by Judge Madden to the Ontario eformatusy (prison farm at Guelph) to an inde- finite period of not less than six WILL OPEN WITH RACES ON JULY FOUR. The programme of the Thousand Islands Yacht club, Alexandria Bay, for the season of 1914 has been an- nounced, Satyrday evening, July 4th, there will be dancing. The regular dances will 'be held cu Wad- nesday and Saturday evenings throughout the season. Thai> wii also be music at dinner every even- months and not' more than a two year term less one day on the charge of stealing the sum of $225, and a Week in the county jail at. hard la- bor on the charge of the theft of $2 from the county, there being TW specific charges luid against the pr soner. y Hoover had nothing to say apart from declaring that he was innocent of the charge and did not appear to realize his position .when sentence wig passed upon him. ° - The jury was out on the case one hour, and on returning submitted a report which read : "We find the pr soner guilty on the two charges, aud recommend mercy." "What have vou to say as to why the sentence of court should not be Passed upon yeu ?"' asked the judge of Hoover, "I am not guilty" soner quite bluntly, "And ix that all you have to say 7" "Yes, that's all." "Well," said his honor, "the Jury has found you guilty and 1 think properiy so on the evidence. The ei dence éstablished Leyond any tion that yeu tobk the $2 you should bave given tg 'the man named Mills for his claim against the company, and the evidence also went to show that Tou gave no account whatever for 'the #225." ('ontinuing, his honor stated that he would consider the request of the jury that he show mercy. However, said the pri les / The Warm Weather Breakfast Cereal At All Grocers ~ of GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. * Don't Delay Book your order now to have your electric ser- vice changed. Unless you have the necessary chang" es made before JULY 1st, you will be without elec- trie 'current. 'Remember We are prepared to give you entire satisfaction and exceptionally prompt service, Largest display of electrical goods in the city. W. J. MOORE & SON THE ELECTRIC SHOP MACHINE SHOP IN CONNECTION 5 s Ta Misses' Patent and Gun Metal Colokiials, Bille Straps and Oxfords. Prices $1.50 Boye > Patent Buttbn Boots, prices $2.60 to Boys' Gun Metal and Patent Oxfords, pric 6s $185, $2.00 and $2.50. 'without pain-or difficulty. Dr. Chase's the case was of such a serious na ture that he could not give him his liberty. Had it been a case of the theft of oniv $2 it would have been a different thing. But there was a far more serious charge to answer for. Had the jury not found the accaped guilty he would have regard- ed the verdict as a miscarriage of justice and would have preferred chay- ges of forgery and perjury "| against the prisoner. ' The judge then passed sentepck and Hoover was led away to the jall by a constable. DISTRICT MEETING OF LOD.F. Was Held in Kingston on Wednesday N ; 0 The annual district meeting of the I. 0. O. F. was held here Wednes- day evening. Representatives were present - from . Snow Road, Parham, Harrowsmith, Gananoque, Lans- downe and the city lodges. J.D. Donovan, district master, presided. Reports were presented showing that the order~1s flourishing hereabouts.! Disbursements for fraternal assist- ance were quite heavy but the more this order pays out the more it seems to have to give. Charles Higgins, of Granite lodge, will be the next D. PD. 'G~M..and R. J. Diack was re-elected district secre- tary. At the close a fine spread, prepared by A. Arthurs, was given. Meeting of the W. C. T. U. The W. C. T. U, held its monthly meeting in the Y. W. C. A. parlors on Tuesday afternoon, -Mrs. Lyon presided. As it was the last regu- ar meeting before the annual meet- ing which will be held the first Tuesday in September, all unfinish- ed business that it was possible io dispose of was attended to. Further arrangements were made to assisc the officials of this city in law enforcement, particularly the "Children's Protection Act." A ndim- ber of copies will be distr Luted. Familiarization- with these acts and the penalties actached may aact as a deterrent. A member submitted to the in- spection of the union a photograph of a beautiful building, a hotel in a town in Ontario, a témperance house that is paying sylendidiy pa has been pronounced z bless. a: to the community in' several wuvs The union recommends the er:tija and establishment of such a place to consideration of the tempeianca men of this city. Bishop Bidwell was the special speaker at the synod of Toronto on Tuesday night. ' Crippled With Reumatsy WSR IR es 8. Ey Ang Skeptical Arter Trying - Many ines--Dr, Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills Cured Him. When the kidneys fail to purify the blood the poisons left in the sys- tem cause pain and suffering, such ag backache, lumbago and rheuma- tism. Read how this skeptic was cured by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. . . Mr. F. W. Brown, Kingsbury, Que. writes: --"1 have been completely cured of backache and lame back by using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. 1 also recommended the pills to a man who was a eripple from rheu- matism. He was eptical, said that he had tried nearly every. thdug on earth. Finally Te cousent- ed to try them; and to his surprise 'was greatly benefited 'in the first week, and the pains left his legs un- til he was so supple he could walk Kidney-Liver Pills have worked won-| as he | ing. * On Saturday, July 4th will al- so be held the elimination races to select a boat to represent the Thous- 11d Islands Yacht club a' the Told Chalienge Cup races. Fm July 13th to 18th the tennis tournament will be held at the Thousan : Islands Country club and from Jal: %)th to 26th will be reghtta week. On July 29th, 30th and 31st the gold cup races will be * held ec Lake George. SR from August 3rd to 8th the annu- al luncheon and meeting will fake place. On August 17:h *h. gold tournament at the Thousani Is- iands Country club opens an? eon cludes on August 22nd. The annual La'l will be held on Friday evening, Agust 21st and the club se1:on wil' be practically brought to a cleso on September 7th which is the last day of the polo tournament, which be- gins August 26th. The pols tourna- ment will be held at the Thcusand Islands Country club and teams from Cleveland, Montreal, Naraganset: Pier and other places will compete. Card evenings will be enjoved at different jotervals during the ssa- son. IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of Vessels Along the Harbor The schooner Marshall and the steamer Jeska cleared for, Oswego. The steamer Mississquoi was in port from Gananoque to-day. The schooner Bertie Calkins ar- 1ived from Oswego to-day with coal for the Frontenac Coal and Lumber company. The steamer Sowards arrived from Oswego, with coal for Robert Crawford. M. T. company's ' elevator: Tug Bartlett, from Toronto with three scows for Montreal: steamer Kinmount, grain-laden, from Fort William is due to arrive on Satur- day to discharge at this elevator and at Richardson's » The steamer John B. Ketchum nassed down to Quebec at 11.00 p.m. Wednesday with a cargo of timber. The steamer Torgpona at 12.00 p.m. for Montreal. The steamer Bickerdike 4.30 a.m., for Port Dal- housie. Swift's--Steanier Kingston up and down Wednesday; steamer To- ronto down Thursday; amer Brockville from Picton Thirsday: the steamer Belleville passed east Wednesday: the steamer City of Ot- tawa and City of Hamilton are due. The steamer Pueblo, of the Can- ada Cement company, bound east ran into and seriously da ® d one of the locks of the Welland canal on Wednesday night. Reported BUSINESS MEN. A Big Party is to Come East This Month. western business men are about to start east on a trip They represent 'the Edmonton Indus. trial Association and will travel in a special Grand Trunk Pacific train com posed of observation car and stan dard sleepers with two dining cars and baggage cars attached. Their route will be over the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific to Winnipeg and they will then dip south, visiting Nt Paul, joining the Grand Trunk again at Chicago and inning up to lo ronto, The big trip scheduled to start from Edmonton . on Sunday. Calls willbe made at many cities and most of the travelling will be done by night with daylight hours spent. at the vari- ous stopping pointss On the journey from Chicago to Toronto the cities of South Bend, Battle Creek, Lansing, Detroit, Mount €lemens, Fort Huron. Stratford and Guelph will be visited. Toronto will" be reached on .June 20th, and although this is the destination of the special 'teain, many of the Fd- monton men intend to make a hur- vied trip to Montreal. Two hundred is NOT FORMALLY PASSED. But the Organization Stands True to Principle, Yesterday we were 'informed the ladies of the W.C.T.U. had proved 'a resolution , favoring abolition of the bar. To-day we told Akiat .such a resolution is the books. The matter, we derstand, was talked about, and that ap- the are not un- the ladies," with almost entire unanimity, endorsed the policy, but a formal resolution did not find its way on the books, It would have strongly em- phagized their position had the re solution been submitted. Nobody who knows the organization would, for one single moment, think it would stand for anything else. The organi- zation has been of the leaders for the wiping 'of tM drink trai- fic, and even though it did not for- mally pass the tion its actions in the past, and the prospective work that its Members will do for the protection of home and young man- hood in the coming election shows how tml} sonvineed the ladies are that the must be. closed. Working Till 9 P, M. The men engaged by Foley and Gleeson, contractors, are working day and night so that the street cars will be to run on the new rails on Princess street on Thursday, June 18th, circus day. On Wednesday 'evening, men worked up until nine o' men will work in ders in this place, and we think there no 0 : like them." gt Ba Dressy Footwear We show the illustraton for summer wear for women. Patent toes, spool heels--nothing could be neater. Price of this shoe, $5.00 i Abernethy's of one of the newest street shoes Buttons, cloth tops, plain A Straws Panamas felts Your particular style is included in our im- mense stock. Men's Straws from 50c up. Genuine South Amer- ican Panamas, special values, $4, $5. Soft Felts, in the new shades of Mahogany and Blue, $2, $2.50. CAMPBELL BROS The Name That Guar- antees No More Ugly Hairs To Mar Your Beauty Any woman can keep her skin free from bothersome hairy or fuzzy growths by the following simple and speedy method. Mix a stiff paste with a little powdered delatone and some water; apply this to the objec- tionable hairs and let it remain about two minutes, then rub off, wash the skin and every hair will have vanished. No harm or incon- venience attends this method, but to be certain of results it is advisable to buy the d®Matone in a small orig- inal package 4+ A TORONTO WEDDING. Kine Bessie Sherlock and S. V. Adams Married. At a charming ceremony amid snowballs, lilacs, bridal wreaths and roses which adorned "Easteliff," Kingston road, Toronto, the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sher- lock, their daughter, Elizabeth Tracey, became on Wednesday after- noon, the bride of Stanley Vietor Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams, Jarvis street. Rev. Dr. Cleaver officiated and Frank Sherlock played the wedding march. The bride wore a graceful gown of white charmeuse gnd lace with tulle veil and orange blossoms and carried or- chids and lilies, She also wore a pearl and diamond necklace, the gift of the groom. Miss Margaret Sher- lock, the bride's sister, and Miss Phyllis Sherlock, Cleveland, her cousin, as bridesmaids in yellow sat- in and lace with picture hats and ear- ried baskets of yellow roses and mauve sweet peas. Stewart Craw- ford, Kingston, was best man. "After the reception Mr. and Mrs. Adams left for southern points, the bride: wearing tan silk crepe with hat to match. Sanitary aprons, towels, ete. Dut- tons. Max Turk, Queen street has gone ito Three Rivers, Que., where he will be employed in the Wool vortL company's new store. White Rose flour put up in 63, 12, 49. 98 1b. packages, at all grocers. Rev. Dr. Kingsley, Kingston Mills, Who has been ill during the past few weeks, is improving. DO YOU SUFFER FROM BACKACHE ? When your kidneys are weak and torpid they do not Propeiiy perform their funetions: vour aches and you do not feel like doing much of anything. You are likely to be désponden) and tg borrow po ? ri Government Test of Ice' Cream Z <8 Government Bulletin No. 276. - Shows Our Ice Cream To Be The BEST and PUR- EST In Kingston AUTOS FOR HIRE At Bibby's Garage Moderate Charges Phone 201 Garage, 917 Residence e----°e-- Fruit Land Fpesh strawberries daily. Choice eating apples. Oranges, all prices. California peaches, and cherries. Alsu a choice dies. plums, line of can- JAMES PAUL 348 PRINCESS ST. ASmartSuit at $9.00 This is a special with us, and is very popular. It cannot be where for the price. H tod style, smart pa gray, ete. Other suits at $12, $135, $18 and $20. Don't forget that we carry a big line of Boots aud Shoes, Hats, Shirts, ete, ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. GAS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS We have a large stock of Refriger- ators and Gas Stoves; also all kinds of newsand second-hand furniture; all to be Sold at reasonable prices. Come, see the bargains. HH. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1580. Opposite Craig's Wholesnls RY An oumce of prevention is a good antidote for remorse. Food or reflection fattening, } ~tallored, up- ras. In brown is never very 'Weddings nt Black or grey Llama coat, white or pearl | 2 r vest, stripe worsted trousers Prices right. Fit guaranteed. smoked and ceoked meats rfect clean and sanitary. Ne flea--io dunt." Gage"s Busy "Skiff and Canoe Seats; Launch Cushe ions made to order; Launch o Chairs, Ete. i JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, Phone 147. Too Hot To Cook Then let us suggest the following for dinser or lunch. Sliced cooked ham, 35¢ pound. Sliced corned beef, 25¢ pound. ' 5 Sliced jellied hocks, 20¢ pound. Sliced headcheese, 10c nd. Pickled pigs' feet, 10¢ pound Our refrigerator counter Keeps "our . Store, 254 MONTREAL +3; --~-- - J ; up-to-date select. ' A call solicited. : od Crawford and W. TAIL trouble, ORS

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