Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jun 1914, p. 1

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PID NOT UTTER WORDS ATTRIB- UTED TO HIM. Ho Did Not Rise In His Seat or Leave the Service in Sydenham Street + Methodist Church on Sunday Even- ing. On Monday there was a lot of wild tulk around the streets concerning the sermon ched in Sydenham street Mothodist church 'on Sunday evening by Rev, (, S.. Keddick, =a conservative in, polities, who stated that he favored the Rowell anti-har icy and ealled upon the church to support the Rowell candi date in the coming election. On the street it was said that John Hughes, en aged member of the cungregation, had Ho quote the Standard) arisen "in his seat and in a voice which quavered with emotion he rebuked the minister, saying, 'We came to church to hear the word of God, and not to listen to political sermons." " The street gossip and the Standard also said that Mr, Hughes left the church protest in A Whig er happened to sit not from the pew ocou- wv Mr. Hughes on Sunday ev. ) snd he heard or saw nothing of kind, and his eyes and ears are quite keen for anything sensa- tiomal, There was no rebuke admin istered to the ¥ , who could 'the few words mumbled In 2 a9 be was about to sit However, to get further ovi- at nothin. so starthing ax re: be . moth in. the: 8 3 t church, the moa cs at the residence of Wughes, at * Division street, and heard irom ini u denial of the "statemints Kttributed to him by the Standard. Mr. Hughes' Denial. "Did you'say 'We came to church to hear the word of God and not to | listen to political sermons 7' 7' asked the "Did you stand up in vour seat?" "No," web again the reply. "Did you leave the. church ?"' "No, 1'did not." = 3. Hughes then remarked that he was annoyed at the greacher making | the political address he delivered, but he controlled bis feelings. Mrs. Hughes was sitting directly next to her husband in the family pew, and was in a position to know the statements made by him. Mrs 'Hughes said : "He did not state 'We came to church to hear the word of God and not to listen to political sermons. He did not stand up and rebuke the minister. He did not leave the 'church. T am almost positive that Mr. Hughes stated 'Put it all out and we will all vote for youn." A pumber of the members of the church who sat near the pew occupied bv Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, when seen by the Whig, denied the statements attributed © to Mr. Hughes. One bh member who sat in the sea Sure. behind {stated "he did not make unv such statement. He did not stand up nor did he leave the chureh "* . Another lady who sat two . seats in the rear of Mr. Hughes' pow, corroborated the statement made hy the member who sat in the seat in of her. + + been stated that Rev. Mr. Tteddick made the statement that he intended ing a strong sermon on temperance but had been warned Baptist convention, First Baptist Hs ni 3, right hand corner tor NW. 2 Ny ell, Hberal leader. speaks "ia Oty 3 pm. Our Private City This newspaper has enough readers each day to make up the popula tion of a good sized city. + ------ To each of these read we are a welcome visitor. We hiring the news the people wabt to see. We come in an in timate compaaion. Naturally p turn to our ave i People they have a 'seed to fill. . They have confidence in what say--for 'apo Mr. | Pee Pree er Pet Pete d ROYALTY GUARDED. London, Eng., June 16. Never before has such pre- cautions been taken to'guard the members of the royal family from attacks of mili- tant suffragettes as were tak- en to-day at the Ascot race course, Upwards of 1,000 men of the metropolitan po- lice and hundreds of detec- tives from Scotland Yard as- sembled on the historic course as reinforcements for the regular Berkshire police. PEPPPERPEPARIER ISOS FREER IP PEPE EPP 1 RPE -------------------------------------- by one of the church officials not to touch on the political policies of the parties. The people who entertained Mr. Reddick, while he was in the city, stated to the Whig that on the wav to church on Sunday evening Mr. Reddick remarked that it was his in- tention to speak on the temperance question, but that was all that was said, A Marviage Under the New British Law. London. June 16.--~The findings, of he recent royal gommission on -d; jvorce, so far as both majority and minorily veports agreed, have been incorporated in' a bill introduced in- to parliament by Lord Gorell, for mer president of the divorce court. The most radical departure is =a provision that the sexes shall be on an equality before the divorce court. { Under the existing law a wife must prove both misconduct and cruelty on the part of her husband, while # husband peed only to prove is conduct in order to get a divorce. The new clause provides that any RAL digaolve marriage NSE ha finale guar: inge thereto has committed adultery, The bill also provides that a judic ial separation may be granted on the ground of habitual drunkenness, which includes intoxication hy drugs, ROWELL AT CORNWALL Criticized Whitney'sd Policy and Bi- lingual Schools. Cornwall, June 16.---N. W. Rowell, the liberal leader, on the occasion of his visit here last night, had a stir ring welcome. The town hall where the meeting was held was packed to overflowing, and many had to stand in the passages at the back. Many Indies were in the balcony. 'The tone of the meeting was de- cidedly heartening from a liberal point of view, and those foremost in the fight are confident that the libe- ral candidate, James W. reeve of the township of Cornwall, and warden of the united counties of ! Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, will emerge Victorious. Mr. Mcleod made a distinctly fa- vorable impression, and it is believ- td that disgust with the govern- ment's vacillation on the bilingual school issue will materially aid in turning the scales in his favor. RICH GOLD FINDONT. & N. O, Best Discovery Ever in Northern On- tario is Reported. : Haileybury, June 16.-- What is {claimed to be the biggest gold find | {of Northern Ontario was uncovered {in Maissonville township, near Sesi- kinike Station on the T. and N. O. Three veins between eighteen and | | thirty inches of quartz with heavy {tellurides were found on the Labine jclaims. Assays give $1,300 in gold rand $130 in silver to the tom, wich la most spectacular surface showing. |The find has caused more than or- The claims lie fifteen miles north- west of Kirkland, and are owned by Haileybury men. And Should Take A Course' Saving---The Great Lesson Quebec, July 16." "The great les- son taught the péople of Canada by the Empress of Ireland disaster is obvious," said Dr. Grant, doctor on the Empress on her last h "Every boy and girl in the domini- on who cannot swim shoul be taught in connection with the public school and should also be given a course in Itfe-saving. Hundreds of those who perished in the icy waters of the St. Lawrence: would have been saved had they been able to keep above water for a few miuutes." Dr, Grant arrived in Quebec, last evening, to give evidence at the in- Guiry into the disaster being con- ducted by the royal commission. In Life McLeod, ' dinary interest among mining men. ! | opposition of our ASQUITH WILL NOT REPLY. Declines to Talk ABout the Trish Vol untéer Force. 'London, Jupe 16.~Premier. quith now has to face hecklers information of the rival force Irish nationalists. He assured questioners in the com mons that the Irish parliament would not be entitled to, organize snd maintain an armed volunteer force. but when asked what steps were be: ing taken to disband the new army, m which Redmond is taking so keen an interest, Mr. Asquith would not go beyond the recent assurance pf the chief secretary. All he would now say was that the action of this and of the Ulster force did not cease elighge the 'attention of the govern- ment. The answer provoked an ironical demonstration from the opposition. As for by THE LATEST TIDINGS PRESENTEDSIN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. The Whig's Oondensation of the News of the World From Telo- graph Service smd Newspaper Ex- changes, MeGill university receives $20,000 as well as a valoable entomological collection Uy the will of the late Henry Herbert Lyman, Montreal. At Paris, France, a storm created havoc, tho stegets caved in and many people drowned iu the floods, Thé damage is enormous. Former Magop Francis M. Hugo, | Watertown, N34 is being mentioned as & candidate Mor the republican General Medina Barron. who com- nomination for Hitorney-general, {manded the federal forces, has heen | Byron Wine bag announced his can- promoted to the rank of general of 'didature as'n socialist = in the ap- 'division. ' !proaching provibeinl elections for | std Sradkyille Fiditie, Ubi tou ia She LOST THEIR LIVES ast eleetion and' was hopelessly beat- IN YAWNING ABYSS Houses And Churches Went Down To Destruction In The Cave-In Paris, France, June 16.--1f ia {lieved that a score of people REBEL LOSSES OF 3000, Mexican Federals Claim to Have Won Big Viétory. Mexico City, June 16.~Telegraphic reports received at the capital this morning from Zacatecas say that the losses of the constitutionalists in the battle at that place are estimated st 3,000 At Havana Cl. Charles Aguirra, chief of police of Havana who was minister to Brazil under the Gomez administration, shot and fatally wounded Generose Canal, his partner in the automobile business, during a , quarrel Two Quebec jndgeships were (illed Monday. , * Drouin, of 'Quebec, be: | neceeding Judg#iCook, of Three Riv- lost 'ers, and N, L. Buplessis, of - Three {their lives in the cave-in of a big Rivers, bein ointed to the Sa sewer when several houses and guenay' district, Which is henceforth to churches dropped into the abyss, dur- (have two judges, ing a terrific rainstorm. Ten per sons were caught under the eaves 'of . {the Chwirh of St. Phillipe when jt LAY went through to destruction. Twa + ; EAR ¥ hundred reseuers at work, this moa: i recovered some bodies. All mangled be ing, have 3 _ aye 2 fd FAVORING ROWELL At Montreal on Monday night, at a session of Montreal Methodist Conference Laymen's association, the following resolution was passed on the motion of imer Davis, of Kingston, seceond- ed by W. E. Waffle, of Smith's Falls: ? Recognizing the unquestionable evils of the drink traffic in any form, and tbe uniform opposition of the Methodist church to the traffic, therefore, be it resolved: First: That we, the laymen of the Montreal Methodist church, here 'assembled, do learn with. gratitude that N. W. Rowell, K. C,, has adop- ted the abolition ef the public bar and of club licenses as a plank in his platform in the present campaign in the province of Ontario. Second: That we wish Mr. Rowell God speed in his worthy undertak ing and express the hope that all the members of our church in the province of Onfario will use both their ipfilience and the franchise to elect candidates who. will support Mr. Rowell in his nndertaking. The resolution was carried with- out one dissenting voice and was warmly supported by seven or eight members of the association four of whom stated that they had been life. long conservatives but that on this issue they were in favor of Mr Row- ell and big policy. WELCOME TO MR. ROWELL Diet Determines Sex. New York, Juoe 16.--Dr. Bram, of Philadelphia, in the ow rent nunitber of the New York ' Medi cal Journal, expresses his conviction that food is the determining factor in | controlling sex. He told of a (of sxperiments on thirty patients which he bases a conclusion over-feeding 'brings females. | In his thirty tests the mothers all wanted boys, and, hy following strict iy the dfigorous diet required, twen- ty-six had their wish granted. The. wore given a scanty diet, low in pro teids. The idea was suggested by she fact that war and famine hoys. Israel series on that bring Absconder Caught in Trenton. Montreal, June 16.--A telegram was received by the Merchants' Bank in forming them that Vassall 7. Del mage, the clerk of the bank, whe ; ome weeks ago absconded with a arge sum from the institution, had been captured by the police in Tren ton, Oat. No Collars for Maeterlinck. Paris. 16. Maurice Mueter linck, the Belgian author, plavwright and poet, has joined the anti oiluy league, which is composed of vt dents in the Latin quarter. who 1» fuse to wear collars. Jue { eo nm mn £1.50 corset, $1. Dutton's Fhe good people of Kingston, revurdless of party affiliations, will have {an opportunity of hearing N. W. Rowell, K.t., the present leader of the op- | position and the probable leader of the government the ture. in next » He had always been a liber: al, with a sympathy for moral and social reforms. Hefore he bébame an ac- { tive member of the house he was a pronounced advocate of 1 ! speciing the liguor traffic. | } When he was invited to lead the liberals in Ontario be said he would be guided by his conscience in dealing with public issaes, A man of mark- ed ability, of high standing in his profession, clean in life and/exalied in character, he stands before the electors with a record that deserving of their support. - Mr. Rowell is as candid as he is clear in bis discussion of public ques- tions. It is fortunate for the liberal party that he leads it. He was not long in parlidment until his measure had been taken, and he was a: match, or more than a match, for the boisterous Sir Mi. Rowell could be scolded, but he could not be snuffed out or subdued. The liberal leader ix well vead, familiar with parliamentary history and proceedings, and an eloquent and forceful speaker. He never fails to im- press an audience with his intense ei roestness. Here be will discuss what has become the issue of the hour, theabolition of the bar. and if anything were needed to inspire his followers it can be found in these, words of one of his recent addresses in the west : "Ladies and gentlemen. 'The 'first article of our programme is abolish the bar. It was your cause in the past. Jt was your, cause when 1 fought With you in the ranks. **It was our cause when we fought together, It is Bo less your cause to-day. Having estied me into. this position of leader- ship, 1 am prepared to lead. 1 care uot for ithe opposition of thé bar. 1 care not for the opposition of the moneyed interests back 'of the bar. 1 care not for all the wealth and Power they command. 1 cars not for the te if they ally themselves with the bar. But vou, hy who love what is right, whe love our oo Toad 1 you will follow, and together we will legiala- Mr. Rowell is a modest vet a manly man. legislation re- James Whitney the closing with devotion, T will ELEVEN MEN ORDAINED. | 1 Ordination Service Conducted by ENQUIRY INTO Rev. Dr. William Sparling. Montreal, June; (6---Eleven - yuung p {men were ordained as ministers in | St. James' Methodist chureh Ly Zev. | Dr. William Sparling, president of the | Montreal Methodist conference," now | lin session = in. this city. Seven of | |these have been: students at the Wes- | llevan "Theological - College : John | 'Hurst. A. S, Doggett, Thomas Know- | les, J. 0. Baron, W. G. Ui. Wilson, I" The Lawyers lJ. MecClement and 'W. P. Booth; and | the following have been passed by the | Se British Columbia and Saskatchewan conferences : Frank Stanton, H. I. {AND PROCEEDED TO WITNESSES, Morrison, Henry Cramer and ¥. V. Young. A TRIPLE TRAGEDY. Murde! \ Wife and Ends Life, Galician and Child | | { Capt. Kendall Was the First Called + Kcewatin, Ont, June, 16.--Frauk | Mext, Galician, murdered his wife and ; two-year-old child, and then drowned | himself, a two weeks old infant be- ! ing the only surviving member of the family. Mext, who was employed on the government road being construct- ad to the Manitoba boundary, was seen to strike the child over the head with a stick and throw the body into the race way. When the mother tried to protect the child he threw her into the water and then jumped in. MEDIATORS GETTING "VISIBLY IMPATIENT Over The Failure Of United States And Mexican Delegates To Agree Niagara Falls, substantial agreement between the Mexican and the United States delegates, acceptable to the A., B., C, t mediators, is made before Saturday next, the peace parleys here may be concluded, according to statements here to-day. The mediators say 'that four weeks should bring the end of the conference in sight, and four weeks have passed with little progress being pdde. The mediators are gefting visibly impati- ent. And Told of Being on the Bridge at the Time of the Collision. Quebec, June 16.--Shortly after ten o'clock, the inquiry into the Empress of Ireland disaster opened in the court! house here to-day. jeourt room was impressive | gravity. lhe three in | thier and Judge Mcleod, with the as- | sessors, seven in all, filled the judical bench. Hon. J. D. Hazen, minister of | marine and fisheries, was also present. | The court was filled with attorneys and counsel of the federal govern- ment, and the C.P.R., the officers and engineers of the Storstad. The minion Coal company and the Sailors and Firemen's Union of Great Britain and Ireland also had representatives. The proceedings opened with the for- mal reading of the commission. 1. I Newcombe, K.(., for the Dominion government, then gave an outline of the accident. It took several hours for the lawyers for the various interests to make statements. lord Mersey much of what was said as irrelevant, and showed some impatience to got down to the witnesses and their evi- dence. He declined to accede to ad- journments, and asked that witnesses be called. Capt. Kendall was first. He limped badly and was given a seat in the wit ness box, Capt. kendall said he had held a master's dertilicate for twelve years. Four of his six navigating oi- ficers also held masters' certificates. Capt. Kendall said he was on the June 16.--Unpjess some HEROISM REMEMBERED. & > EXAMINE | The scene in the | engineers of the Emuress, the owners | Po- | ruled out ; | ! { MEN Tax reform would substan- tially reduce the muniuipal taxation of workingmen; Would help make rents and houses cheaper; Would reduce the cost of living; Would fort. The labor have refused reform. The liberal reform. PELE T REEL PEE give greater -com- organization to grant tax ls tax + + + +> [ob LA eb RE RR EE policy 1 its | members of the | | commission, Lord Mersey, Judge Rou- | PEILLPIER000004 $00 In The Parade In Montreal Says | Ottawa, June 16.--Pressed closely as | to what measures he would take to | discipline the officers of the 65th Regi- ment for allowing their men to oarry [rifles at the Corpus Cheist] pusnde, "| Minister of Militia Hughes they {did not carry. their regular govern | ment weapons, but utilized a number tof obsolete rilles for the purpose. "A 50c. violet taloum powder for bc.,"" at Gibson's Red Cross' Drug tore. $ % H. P. Armstrong, Torito, & known insurance agent :s dead 35 < | BuckaeiVe News Depot [208 Clarke, J. W, & O%v.\i is Canadian Government Presents Ital. ian Captain With Binoculars Montreal, June 16.-The Italian consul-general received a handsome pair of binoculars from the Cana- dian government with a letter em- bodying the request that they be forwarded to Capt. Gerolamo Bai- galupo, commander of the steamship Dora Baltea, of Genoa, Italy. The gift is a recognition of Capt. Bacigalupo's heroism in rescuing the officers 'and crew of the schooner I. Wambach, of Liverpool, Cana- dian-owned ship, during © a severe storm in the Mediterranean, on January 17th of this year. { Claimant to Title a Suicide. Paris, June 16.--It has just been disclosed that Ernest Henri Sack ville-West, son of the late Lord Sack- ville and the Spanish dancer, . "Pe- pita," whose name was. Josephine Duran de Ortega, who claimed the Sackville title and estates in 1010, committed suicide" hers, on June 3rd, immediately after = the death of wife from cancer.. The couple greatly devoted to each other. The suicide was apparently in poor = cir cumstances. 4 his were May Go in July. Ottawa, June 16.-- Although the | prime minister's plans for the sum- mer have not yet been decided on | yet, it is said that it is quite pos- sible that he may leave on his trip through the west early in July or within three weeks' time. He has come through session. in apparen:- ly good health and the month . of July would find the western farm- ers better able to attenn his meet- Ings than the busy month of August, | when harvesting has begun. ! Only One Man Lost. St. Catharines, June 16.--It is] now known that only one man lost| bis life in the wreck of the dredge! Delver. LOVE, NOT FEES, MUST 1 - gents, HAIN FIND ARMY BRIBES jdvel and many casualties and it is Te ?'eaid that Prince William EE An international force from pean warships in the harbor surrounding the palace and consulates to protect women and children, ies, to a recent ruling by the kaiser. In the past whun a (Ger: man officer became financially on - messenger." { quartermaster." dall related whistles and the itles, before the collision. able cer Jones call all hands. heads closed. ships struck ?"' to the engine-room to make all speed i head, with {his ship, but he received word all steam had gone. {and the bulkheads had been put out {of action hy the shock of the | sion, The rest have turned up W safely, having been rescued by tugs. by the great | comma iin brilliant 2 {from the attacks of mussulmen insur- na As They Jumped From a Burning men were buried to death, more are dying and several others are them were killed in jumping from the second storey windows. ceived here of Greeks bridge himself from the time the vessel | College Hook Store , left Quebec till the collision ocourred, | Coulter's Grocery .. except when he went below to get a | Cutlen's Grocery, Cor, cup of tea. Hetween Quebec and | Frontenne Hotel ..........Ontarld: Father Point, they ran into a fog | Gibson's Drug Store . Market bank and reduced speed and got safe- ly through, Capt. Kendall said he dropped his pilot at Father' Point. The weather was then fine and clear, "And from this time onward, hav sativa Square | McAuley's Wook Store ....08 Princess | MeGails Cigar Store Cor, Prin. & King | McLeod's Grocery ....5t Uplon SW | Medley's Drug Store 200 University Ave | Paul's Cigar Store ........70 Princess i 0 Princess ing dropped your pilot, did you re | Prowse Drag Stare... 213 gd s | Valleaw's Grocery ....,.308 main in charge of your vessel ?', | Lowe's GPOCEry ..i:ivivines I did. On the bridge was myself, | ------------------------------ BORN. First Officer Jones, Third Officer Moore, the quarte: t t el oore e quartermaster at the whee {GAN--In Kingston on June 13th. nd Mrs. C. J. Corrs 8 quartermaster standing by and the { CORRICH to Mr. al gan, 238 John#on Bt. a son, Sa DIED, GILDERSLEBEVE-~At her residence, 45 Gore street, Kingston, Ont., In ¢ afternoon of unday, the 1 3 June, 1914, Julia, wife of Jang & Gildersleeve, and daughter i. late Isaac N, ¥ of Rosedale, Morrisburg, Ont, Funeral (private) Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 sharp. | McDONALD-~In Toronto, Monday, June 15th, 1914, Henrjet beloved wife of D. D. MeDona: funeral from the Teuidente of her brother, A. Rankin, Collins Wednesday, June 17th, at 2 lends and acquaintances are vr invited to attend. NELL~In Kingston on JF 6th, 1814, Mary . widow of the late Patrick nell, aged 70 years. Funeral (private) from the residence, 64 Arch street, Mary's cathedra here a requiem mass x Wedn, on y re go of her y a acquaint 8 are invited to attend ® "Ot these six on. ' the bridge, how | many of them have been saved 7" "Three." *"I'here is yourself." "Yes, and the first officer and po one June tose, his Quebec, Ken own whis- But some- there was a misunder Seeing a collision inevit- he( said he ordered First Offi to get out the boats and He shouted through the megaphone to the Storstad's captain to stay in the hole in the Empress' side. He ordered all bulk- \ 16.--Captain story of hi& Storstad's on how or other standing. - Lord Memsey-- "That was after the Capt. Kendall--*"Yes." Capt. Kendall said he telegraphed the object of beaching that The engines colli- in on y of Kingston on ry ROBERT J. REID, the leading Undertaker the git ie hel THE PRINCE WOUNDED In Défending His Capital Against Bay, on PA, EA ries Princess & ol 3 'Phone 577 "280 Princess Mussulmen Insurgents. Ny " : Durazzo, Albania, June 16.~Prince filliam of Wied, recently appointed powers to rule Albania, his troops this morning defence of his capital, (hairs. Sofas snd Tables | Just a. Sa -------- 3 There was a brisk artillery 3 dad is w Euro- are Job » a oe, 000 150 00 MANY WERE KILLED Boarding House. Milford. Mass, Jell-O and Jell-O Cream Powder will be ¢ onstrated in our store a this week. Dro and 16. ~8even three June War is Imminent. Athens, Greece, June 16.---News is re- terrible massacres - of 0%

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