HIS LOVE STORY AND POLITICAL LIFE By Katharine 0'Shea (Mrs. Charles Stewart Parnell) e¢ publication of this remarkable - book 'has been the greatest political-social sensation of the day in England. Two Vols, Illustrated, $5.00 By mail 25¢ extra. {R. UGLOW & CD. '*\, Prices TRY THE BEST. CAIRN'S PURE SCOTCH JAM Strawberry, \ Raspberry Black Currant Green Gage. Bramble Jelly, For sale at all grocers. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. FOR THE JUNE BRIDE A Handsome Electric Table Lamp Put up n 12-0z jars. and 5-1b pails. ° W. J. MOORE & SON THE ELECTRIC SHOP 206-8 Wellington St. COMING Beautiful hair makes {he most of every woman's appearance and all those who desire to make the most of their appearance should pay a visit to Prof. Pember, of Toronto, who will be in Kingston, at the Randolph Ho- tel, on Tuesday, June 23rd, with a full line of the latest styles in hair oods, for ladies, pompadours, tran orma- tions, ks, waves, fronts, switches, ele. A free demonstration to all. FOR ThE GENTLEMEN WHD ARE BALD 6 Pember lightweight ventilated toupee or wig is the most natural sub- stitute for one's own hair ever pro- duced. } Prof. Pember will also diagnose free of charge all cases of scalp trouble. Call and get any information pertain ing to the hair you may require. Ladies who cannot call, 'phone or write, and Prof. Pember will call at your home. Remember the Date At The Randolph Hotel on June 23rd {Let Your Feet Breathe | The pores in 3 your feet are the largest and most § § active in your body-- But if you wear i rope shoes they become covered with dead skin an > callous places and cannot breathe as eu | nature intended. = This condition is impossible if | you wear a : Ded. pion Reed C2 The built-in cushion sole absolutely prevents drawing and hugging of the uppers and 3 the friction that forms callouses and eventu coins is entirely elimi- ned, Ary on a pair aid prove t to your a isfaction, 5s laeis your awn sat ion ~ i ter. THE ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERS. To the Number of 250 Will be Here For Three Hours on Sunday--Will ve Taken to Church. The Rochester Chamber of Com- merce has chartered the steamer Geronia for a tour which *be- gins with Thursday of this week. Between 250 and 300 of the mem- bers will leave Charlotte on Thurs- day afternoon for a trip on the wa- They will call at Hamilton and Toronto and then proceed down the lake and river as far as Ogdens- burg. Returning they will come up through the Canadian channel and stop at. Kingston on Sunday morning at ten o'clock. Some days ago commumication was had with the manager of the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co.. of Kingston, and it was intima ed to him that the members of the Lhamber of Commerce on this trip desired to worship in Kingston at the churches mos: conveniently lo- cated. It was suggested that the party be divided up and that pro- ceeding up Johnston street from the steamboat wharf some drop off a: St. George's Cathedral, some at the Baptist church, some at the Con- gregational church, others at Syd- enham Street church; St. Mary's cathedral and Chalmers church. With this understanding it was understood that communication would be had with the representative members of the Beard of Trade here, and that guides or pilots would be supplied by the churches to take the party to the various churches and see that they were received and fully provided for. Nothing has been heard from the party since two of the number visi- ted Kingston in preparation for this tour, they left with the undercand ing that they would be met at the wharf on Sunday morning, guided to the churches, and from them back to the boat which leaves at one o'clock on Sunday afternoon. It is not known how. many will be in the party. but when Avery B Davis, of Rochester. was in King- ston, he Informed the president of the Board of Trade that there were 250 pledged to come then, and that others would certainly join the party later when full details with regard to it werd made known In a sense it is unfortunate that the trip should be made on Sunday or the disposition of the citizens of Kingston would be to show these visitors about and to let them see what an attractive place Kingston Is for a summer visit. These Roch- ester people renresent the wealth of the city, They represent, too, the touring element, and an ele. ment whose acquaintance is worth cultivating. -- IN MARINE CIRCL Rough Trip Experienced Schooner Charles Marshall. I'he captain of the schooner Charles Marshall, which arrived in port from Oswego on luesday afternoon, reports the roughest trip in twenty vear:, When speaking to some of his friends, the captain stated that he will never forget the experiences he went through on Monday might on the waters ot Lake Ontario There was a terrific wind blowing all night long. It was So strong that the schooner was at the mercy of the waves for hours. The captain stated that the wind started to blow shortly after niné o clock and continued until five o'clock in the morning. At many times the boat was covered with the waves. When the captain appeared on the streets on Tuesday afternoon after his arrival, his face hore the signs _of his trying experience. The steamer Jeska cleared for Sodus to load coal. The steamer Sowards cleared for Os wego to load coal. AL M.T. Co's wharf: arrived from Montreal wi barges; tug 'Thomson Montreal with two steamer Calgarian, Fort William, with tug Emerson leaves to-day, with three grain barges, for Montreal; steamer Purret Court cleared, after discharg- ing a cargo of grain; steamer West- mount down, this afternoon, irom Fort William to Montreal, with grain; steamer Fairmount due, to-night, from Port Colborne to Montreal, with grain. Swift's whari : Steamers Kingston and Caspian, down and up, Tuesday; steamer Brockville, down, from Pic. ton; steamer City of Ottawa. due Tuesday night, going west; steamer City of Hamilton, due Wesnesday mormng, going east; steamers J. H. Plummer at 4 am. Neepawah at 6 a.m., and Bickerdike at 7 a.um., pass- ed down to Montreal, Monday. The steamer A, E. McKenstrey ed up at 7 a.m., Monday, er Canadian is expected to Pass up. Captain William Zealand was pro- moted, Monday, from the steamer .) H. Plummer, to the steamer City of Ottawa. Capt. Chambers succeeds Capt. Zealand on the Plummer. -- Very by Tug Bronson th two light arrived light barges; due to-dight, from a cargo of grain: trom pass- The steam- A movement for linking up of the British and Canadian militia bas re. ceived an impetus in England: Phone G. E. Mairison, 121 cess street, for groups, ete. ight. : 'he home rule amending bill i to be introduced in the lords on June 2rd. Prin- day or 2 Hose sale ! 20e.; ) ton's, Plack or tan, pairs blue or pink, 15¢. a pair. Dut- His arm. THERE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, ; And Was Heard by a Large Audience in the Grand Opera House--Dr, J. P. Sinclair, Liberal Candidate, Looks Like a Winner. Gananoque, June 17.--The first shot in the liberal campaign in South "eeds was fired yesterday af- ternoon at 3.30 in the pers house, Gananoque, by the coming premier, N. W Rowell, K. C., who stopped off here on his way to Kingston 10 address the electors of that city last evening. Word of his comiig was only received at the eleventh hour, tut a large gathering ia-n- ed out to listen to his able 'and enthusiastic address which dealt mainly with the temperance part of his policy, G.-8. Lindsay, K. C., of Toronto was also present and dealt with the rule and misrule of the Whitney administration. The liberal candidate for this comstitu- ency, Dr. J. P. Sinclair, faced the electors of the town for the first time in his campaign and demon- strated conclusively that he has both the push and 'the zeal to carry him to victory on June 20th. Mr. Rowell and his party left by auto- mobile at 5.30 o'slock for Kingston, leaving behind him a decidedly good impression of lis sterling worth and ability to render a good account to the péople of the province for what they may do for him at the polls on June 29th. Large delegations from St. John's Cataraqui, and Minden Lodges, A. F. & A. M. with their degree teams paid a fraternal visit to the breth- ren of Leeds Ledge, No. 201, A. F. & A. M. last evening, and ex- emplified the degrees of that order. After the general business session, the visiting brethren were tendered a banquet in their honor by the members of the local craft. The excursion steamer Thousand Islander made a tour of the islands in this vicinity at 8.15 yesterday afternoon and drew out quite a fair crowd. At 7.30 with the Citi- zen's band on board she ram the first evening excursion of the sea- son, making a short stop at Alex- andria Bay. The excursion was un- der the auspices of the ladies guild of Christ church. Reeve David Darling and Deputy Reeve, W. J. Wilson are attending the session of the counties council of Leeds and Grenville in Brock- ville Rev. Father Meehan, of Morris- burg gave a splendid sermon to the congregation of St. John's church last evening at the close of their forty hours devotions. Rev. Fath- ers Hartigan, of Deseronto, Cullin- ance, of Treelyan and Traynor, of Brewer's Mills, were also in at- tendance to assist the rector, Rev, Father Kehoe, and curate Rev. Fath- er Crowley, in the confessional. Mrs. Allan Wilson, of Brockville, was. in town yesterday in atten. dance at the funeral of her nep- hew, the late Gordon 8. Webster. Dr. and Mrs. Newbold Jones, of To. 1Tonto, have arrived at. their sum. Imer home om St," John's Island. Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Young, of Roch- ester, N. Y., haye opened up their cottage on Hay Island. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Zaring, of New York City, have arrived at the Hay Island house. RE. B. Rawson and (family, of New York, have arrived to spend the summer at their sum- mer home "Grey Rock." Mr. and Mrs. G. Swarz, of New York, have arrived at the Tremont house for the season. GOT ACQUAINTED ALL RIGHT. Amusing Story Told at Meeting in City Hall. G.p PF Lindsay, K.C., one of the speakers at the big liberal rally In the e¢ity hall on Tuesday night, told an amusing story. Some peo- ple he said were opposed to giving Women a vote in the election of men for parliament. He said that perhaps they might meet such an experience as related in a story told by David Lloyd George. The story centred around a newly-matried couple who had been united on very short acquaintance. In order each other, it was select a good argument for breakfast table eve: y. The first argument taken up "Can a woman dress on year?" "The husband took tive," said 'the Speaker, "and when last seen he had crawled up the ladder into his hayloft and pulled the ladder up after him. No doubt some who donot want to give the women a vote have something of this king." Terienced the was, 325 a the affirma- ALD. LITTON FRIGHTENED. Dp. ; chairman of the Board Wears a frightened look When asked by a Whig what the matter' a lady resident of Vie Ald Litton of Works, these days. representative he replied that toria ward was of Works has water waggons could additional blocks until the by-law was amended by the City Council The Vie- toria ward lady called up Ald. Litton by telephone and demanded to know the reason why the watering carts were not on her block. replied that the legal the council had to he fect first, and he was told that it was time the women of the city were giv- en places in the council so that things would be carried out with greater dis- machinery brought into of- patch. -- Sunbury Farmer 'Injured. C.W. I ith, farmer, of Sunbury, et with a very painful accident on . While in the act. of unhitch- a horse, the animal suddenly kiok. him, knocking him down -and frac- ---------------- - we 1 anly Dats ETN pa year for e. ° Re EL Smart Styles to become better acquainted with | agreed that they | A Victoria Ward Lady Is After His Se « was after him. The Board passed ie , upon sn addi- tional street watering area, ot the Bot sprinkle the Ald. Litton of White Footwear Never was white footwear more women than now, "X. canvas Poplin and Nubuck. We also have girls', children's and infants' in 2 Canvas and Nubuck. "Your inspection solicited. Pumps, Colo and Button Boots. Summer Straws Every hat in our store has that tnnate style of appearance, dis- tinction of shape and difference of trimming so much desired by particular young men, Call and see them. CAMPBELL BROS, The Largest Importers of Men's Hats in this part of Ontario. a-------------- ' 'Wood's The Great English Remedy. The and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, utes Nervous Memory. Price $1 per box, pix for $5. One wii lease, rix will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. gy of ioe. Vie iled free. Eorcini G07 ordRTo oH. Thy Bo INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Our Busy Reporters Insist on White Rose flour. Must clear ! All chocolate and tan boots; sweeping reductions. Dutton's. Mrs. C. E. Fralick who has been ill in the general for some time has recurned to her home on Monday. Dr. Vernon's cushion sole boots for men or women, perfect comiort. Dut- tons. H, Freeman has resigned his posi- tion as express messenger for the Dominion Express company and {s visiting his parents in the city. Men's whife canvass shoes, $1; wo- men's white canvass hoots from $1. Dutton's. George Tryon, Queen street, sent ; four homing pigeons by express to Odessa Monday. They were released by the agent there and re-urned to the city in fifteen minutes. ption. It takes the weeds out Black serge skirts, $1.39: black satin blouse, $1. Dutton's. | Dr. Genge, Verona, Captain in | No. 3 Cavalry Field Ambulance, ! went to Petawawa on June 15th, with his corps for annual He will return on the 26th £1.50 black moire underskirts, Dutton's, * Mrs. Frank Pollitt and son, Sterling, who have been residing for the last two years in Hamilton, ar- rived in the city Monday to take over their old residence on Quebec street. Her son, Frank Pollitt, who came down with her, returned to Hamilton Monday night. Piazza chairs (should be given coat of CawPbell's: Green Stain. It produces a very some effect that adds to the attrac tiveness of your front porch or sum- mer house. Anyone can apply this Stain. Dries hard and stays hard. Color card on application to W. A. Mitchell, Kingston, Ont. 81. Varnish First Hay Cut. Probably the first field of hay the county was out Monday, on the farm of Mr. Sigsworth, Hartington, This clover field was very tall and thick, a good indication of the gener al prospects. in re --------------_ ~ Milton Volatariff, in New York poured three pints of benzine over his clothing and face, struck a match anu jumped from the roof, a blazing HOOD'S PILLS: ACONSTIPA- TION 25c. training. | a hand- | popular for We show many styles of white Abernethy's ys. Government Test of Ice Cream | Government Bulletin No. 276 - Shows Our Ice Cream To Be The BEST and PUR- EST In Kingston SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House | The "Buco" | ie Hand Garden Cultivator is HALL SEATS AND HALL MIRRORS, the greatest: tool made for [QUARTERED oak oR MAHOGANY. weed destroying and-eultiva- the soil by roots, loosens thoroughly. Price only Tse. Corbett's | TERS Rw. { HALL RACKS, 'WITH BOX SEAT. MIRRORS RESHELVED AT JAMES REID, LEADING UNDERTAKER, Hn Phone 147. sie GAS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS We have a large stock of Refriger- ators and Gas Stoves; also all kinds of new and second-hand furniture; all to be sold at reasonable prices. Come, sce the bargains. H. SUGARMAN, 243 Ontario Street. Phone 1580. Opposite Crain's Wholesnla .FOR SALE ; A 5Passenger McLaughlin-Buick Automobile In good condition, fully syuipped, with top and windshield, 5 lamps, and tives slightly used. Must be sold and will sell cheap. Price $750. PORRITT GARAGE CO, LTD. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WELLINGTON ST. Suitings Large Selection ~ Prices Right * Inspection Invited Ce Crawford and Wal