OR. SPANKIE STANDS "IN THE CAUSE OF RIGHT His Address To The Electors Of Frontenac HE WILL 60 AS FAR AS POSSIBLE IN THE INTERESTS OF EDUCATION. - PREP EPEP PPLE EP 000000000 Ottawa, June 22.-- The Ot- tawa Citizen, conbervative, gives prominence to the fol- lowing story of campaign contributions from the liquor interests to help defeat Mr. Rowell: "It is commen BOS- sip in the public places here, where politics is the prevail- ing topic for discussion, thut not only are the local liquor interests, such as the hotel- keepers in Ottawa, contribu- ting to a fund to be spent in an effort 0 defeat the 'aboel- ish-the-bar" 'policy, but the owners of large whiskey dis- tilleriés in Great Britain are contributing $200,000 to the conservative campaign fund, and a big round sum has been subseribed by the whiskey makers and wholesale deal- ers in both Canada and the United States." Men interested in the li- quor business here deny any knowlédge of subscriptions to a fund to be spent to defeat Mr. Rowell and his support- ers. One hotelman, however, admitted that an appeal had been circulated from the ex- ecutive officers of the liguor men in Toronto asking for a subscription of $10,000 faim Ottawa y Ho Wants to See the Country Schools Get Better Attention From the Government--Has Some Good Sug- gestions to Mike, The Frontenae nominations place at Barriefield on Monday after- noon in the township hall, where a gathered to hear the can- Anthony = M. Rankin Dr. William Spankie.. Dv. Spankie said he was a candi- date in the cause of right and fair play. He waa fighting a battle for the sake of the boys of our sol ools und the young wen of our country in order that they may if they wish at any time to offer their services as representative receive at least British fair play and not be crushed to earth by the corrupt conventions that have prevailed of late. It was:a stand for the right and as such he would fight to the finish. He was well-known in the county and had been before the people In a public capacity for many vears. Io was now appealing his case from the would ever legislate on this feature of lower bourt of the corrupt convention lie report. to the highest tribunal available--the | The people had trusted him in people themselves. : EE past with great responsibilities and On the 'public questions of the day he had not betrayed them and he Bite the th oh 2 = RE RS + * - took + + *» * * > 4 + & * * 3 * + + * * * * * * * * * * + + + -* + * +* * + + + &* + + + + * * +> od + -* + * * + + + * » the he was not evasive. He had no cri- thought the o would again trust ticisms to offer but had many su him . this Richer sphere. . gestions for further improvement of te Somditious. Be aide wan She first | THE BILINGUAL QUESTION. in county uce pre- | cin sont system of Abe teaching of agri |The Position of Leader Rowell is onlture through district repiesents- | Ulearly Stated. his to I he rove am sabe. | OMava, Jomo 32_The Worping 1 solution of the agricultural pro. «Citizen (conservative) in Jeplying to Pid The doctor had on all ocean. (80 editorialiin She Evening Hournal TL . | (conservative), dealing with the bi- sions suéaheaged Jud ansisted these 'lingual issue, asserts that Mr. Row- rm que : a pe ell, liberal leader in Ontario, has not dacatioptl work had heen his life's Promived to give' the French-Cana- occupation and during all the years he dians any more bilingual rights than | ocoapied the high position of mspector { they now enjoy. be ne compiaine of parca "oc | DRIVER OF DEATH CAR IS FOREMAN OF JURY a he pg nd enero | Motorist Who Killed Young Woman Acts At Inquest Without Tell Advertisers' Convention. Toronto, June 22,-- After being officially welcomed by Sir John Gib- son, lieutenunt-governor of the pro- vince, and Mayor Hocken, of Toron- ton, delegates to the Great Adver- tising Club's convention Joday set- tiled down to 'business. was a good deal of technical business disonssed and various prizes award- ed for essays om ip and advertising. One great feature of this convention is the number of ladies among delegates and the tre- d part they take in the pro- ceedings, : Candidates Nominated. "/ The nominations for the legislature took place at the city hall, from noon until 2 pm., Monday. At the la hour, «J. B. Walkem, returning of % declared treated all | alike. Justice to all and partiality to none hat characterized his official | career and would continue to do sb if | he were sent to the legislature. He | thought be could make some valuable | suggestions for the betterment of the | conditions of the schools, especially | i our rural "schools. He knew their | ing Coroner wants and their needs as well as their | Toronto, June 22. --Under the eyes work and their capacity. «lle would of 'the young mian to whom she was recommen renewal of sume forn' of engaged to be married, Mary Walsh, local muthority and would suggest the Richmond Hill girl. was killed or proper equipment and maintenance of | * ih an 1 ges oho good eael schools for the training of | Saturday ne. Al an NE . teachers to supply the noeds of the friven by hn pul ' an - small sections. ' | © ery nr De. Spankie said he would suggest moment or two after the accident, a sape system of examination for the [then disappeared into the night, and students of our high schools in Place { half an hour later was subpoenaed 1 of the automatic plucking that has {act off the coroner's jury on the same occurred so long und been so destruc- |case, and appointed foreman. . tive. He believed the school grants| Whaley took his place at the in- should be increased instead of dimin- [quest into the girl's death without ished, and he would give a large fixed saying a word to the coroner o1 the grant to' every school so that trustees {other jurymen concerning his alleged would know what to expect. {part dn the tragedy. Police officials With regard to good roads he 'spent "many hours investigating yes- thought nobody was more familiar {terday before they suspected that with all the roads of this county i Whaley was the man in charge of the than he was. He had travelled over death car. 'A piece of glass which them for many ras and ig a ithey pickey up 0X othe waebe of eh sir advocate of good roads. As ,ccident fit ly with a - i report of the gammisaion on en headlight on Whaley's automo- good roads he could not speak for pile. it was not vet in print and dis Whaley is held on a charge of man- tributed. He dick not believe, Low slaughter, without bail. He lives at ever, that the farmers, after buying 9005 Yonge street. the roads, building them, and main- taining them, lose control of them and have to buy a Hiounse to drive a horse aud w on over them. He did not ink the legislature + DAILY MEMORANDA Ofte council, § p.m. : Lake Ontario park opening this evo- ning. | Elect ko 1 eches, 8 p.m city Han nomination SEN 3 o corner, BSR AE" * ne Truth This is the motto of the ad- vertising men of America who are holding a monster conven- tion in Toronto this month. A higher standard of ethics than ever known is coming into advertising usage. Stel t Jaws are belug passed the various states ~ making untruthful advertising & crime, and vigilance com- mlttées are secing that they are enforced. ere never was a time w x od T. F. Harrison and Dr. A. E. Ross as" the Souvestasite tot addy seat. The shes 'wi this evening, ovary favorable to the election of Ald. Harrison should pmake it a point to be on hand and five the temperance candidate a hen the ol George, granted the Right Hon. + that the latter honor is a +. ol FELPPPEIIP PO LRP PEP PIES ee eset teeters re eam a | tion, in NEW INDIAN RESERVE Tract for Cree Indians Over Twenty- eight Miles Square, Ottawa. June 22, A new Indian reserve has been set apart at Red River, on the Peace River, below Fort vermilion, to be known as Fox Lake Indian Reserve, and a number of the Cree Indians of that district are to be located thereon. The hew reserve contains eighteen thousand and forty-nine acres, or a little ov- er twenty-eight square miles. Fhe Shoal Lake Indian Reserve is increased by the addition of over 200 acres, in which is located the burial ground of the Indians now oc- cupying the reserve. THE LIST REDEEMED By the Honors Couferved Upon Tave Men, : London, June 22.--The Daily Ex- press comes out strongly against the list of names on: the king's birth- day honors. "The list is only re deemed," says the Express, "by the jearldom conferred upon Lord Kitoh- ever and that of Grand Commande: 'of Order of St. Michael and St. R. The Express thinks very pro- per recognition to the worth of true statesmanship. HUSBAND'S DEAD BODY WAS FOUND BY WIFE Dog Found Shee Containing Dead Man's Foot: --The Deceased Had Committed Suicide London, Ont., June 22.-- Body of Donald McDonald, a prominent Ben- tick farmer who has been missing since November 5th, was discovered under the most gruesome circum- | stances to-day. The family dog {came into the house, dragging a shoe "containing the dead man's *t. Mrs. McDonald recognized the shoe. and, taking it way from the animal, followed the dog into the bush, where she came upon the ibody of her husbamds.~it had been i norribly mutilated. It is . believed that the body was torn to pieces by {either dogs or wild animals. In a tre ¢lose by a tin cup was hanging iand it is supposed that McDonald {committed suicide by drinking pois- jon. At the time he went away, {search parties scoured the district | but didn't find him. ' I. Borden' VOTE BY CONSCIENCE. | Temperance Men Should Decide the Matter Thoughtfully. | Rev, G. I. Campbell in the course {of his sermon Sunday evening in | Queen Street Methodist church, took | otcasion to speak of the paramount {issue in the present election. He felt that temperance men, in both parties, should approach the eandi- | dates and find out where they stood in regard to the great question of abolishing the bars ;if both were agreed to aid this issue, then he would be content to have either men represent Kingston. In any case, he felt that it was conscienti- ous duty resting upon every man who believed in advanced temper- ance legislation to support the per- son who would give the most in connection with the matter He was frank enough to say that he had deserted party on other cc- casions and was prepared to.do the Same at any time for the advance- ment of causes for the avelfare of the people and in this paramount issue of the day, every man should carefully weigh the matter and mark hig ballot with a clear conscience. That was all that could be expected of them: SE ------ re -- --r | nnn THE WHITN The Local Option Law Was story: "In 1904--under the Under the poliey of the W licensed places. of any municipality to vote What utter nonsense! bar, It was the local option of the liquor traffic. es 85.000 each, or paign and other heavy and it of laughter, for ITNEY GOVE BLOCKED TEMPERANCE REFORM INSTEAD OF HELPING IT ALONG The conservative press th -When Dr. Ross attempts to give the Whitne his nomination speech to-ni TO MILITARY COLLEGE CADETS WHO FINISH COURSE. gm His Lordship Also Addressed Him- self to the Rochester Visitors, Who Autended St. George's Cathedral Sunday Morning. The . bishop of Kingston was the preacher at the Sunday morming ser- vice in St, George's eathedral. His text was I Cor. ix, 26: "I therefore so run, not as uncertainly, so fight I, not as one that beateth the air." St. Paul illustrates the necessity of pur- pose and conviction in life from the striking pictures of the runner who never swerves from his course, and the boxer who makes every blow ell. Neither talents nor clevebness nor adaptability will bring true success in life unless supported hy earnestness of purpose and conviction of the true meaning of life. Speaking to the Royal Military (ol- lege cadets, he said some of them were +} listening to him for the last time and were about to start in life with every advantage not merely of education but of training in habits of self-re- straint, disciplme, and obedience. lo what use would they put those ad- vantages * Would they just drift along, or would they keep before them the definite purpose of serving God and their fellow men ? He commended St. Paul's words to them as those of a strong, successful man. He was not of course speaking of success in the ordinary sense, but of {something much higher. St. {had before him 'the ideal of the per- fect man Christ Jesus, and his pur- pose was to become lke him. They | would find many conventional christians who simply marked time, ! buf\made no real progress. The great man in the Kingdom of Hea- ven was one who strove always to do at all costs the will of God and {50 write his name in the book of life. The bishop then welcomed the deputation from Rochester, a, city {in which he had himself received the warmest welcome when preaching there recently. le 'said that st, Paul's message applied to every department of Hay cial, vivil; com- mercial and po I. In these days of government by majorities and attempts at social reform by acts of parliament, we needed tae ,Teminder that it is the convinrel Christian life of indivAuals waci alone can reform the world. This was the method Christ himself taught. His followers were to lea- ven and inspire by their lives the life around them. So the convinced bristian led and inspired others because he did not trustito his own 'rength but derived it from the Master whom he humbly strove to serve. These were the lives which count, and the record of which God writes the great book of life. ---------- At Petawawa Camp. Petawawa Camp, June mobilization of some 12,000 at Petawawa for combined training in manoeuvres on the largest scale 'ever attempted in Canada was con- | luded last evening with the: arrival of the last «troop train at about sev- en o'clock. This morning a tactical chemo was 'commenced which will last juntil Wednesday and'will be watched 22.--~The troops by H.R.H. the governor-general, the | Right Hon. R. I. Borden and he Hon. Sam Hughes, minister nilitia. Col. of Mangan-Murray Nuptiais. | The marriage took place in. St. i Barnaby's church, at Brewer's Mills, on Monday morning, of Mise Nellia {Murray and .J. Mangan. Rev. Fath. er Traynor officiated. The bride and groom left on a trip to western points. Put on the Statute Book b Whitney Party Came Into Power at Toronto : Temperance People Millions. roughout the provinee is putting up this Paul | in imperishable characters in RNMENT -------- AN ALBERTA MURDER. Body of Real Estate Agent Found in . a Well. Wainwright, Alberta, June 23. The body of W. B. Crawford, well-known real estate man disappeared, May 14th, was foun a well completely buried with and rubbish. He was undoubtedly murdered dnd thrown: head first into the well which contained six- teen feet of water. -- The Weather by Hicks. ~ Durivg June 21st to the 25th storms will grow In extent and in- tensity as they pass eastwardly across the country. Vivid and startling electrical manifestations will - at- tend these storms. Heavy rain, wind and hail may reasonably be looked for, with tornadoes entirely probable, These storms will reach waeir highest culmination on and touching the 23rd and 24th. Watch for indications. the who d in earth Villa's Officer Deposed. Saltillo, Mex., Felipe Angeles, June 22. ~(eneral acting secretary of war of the constitutionalist cabinet, was deposed from that Position by order of General Carranza for dis. obedience of orders. Angeles is com- mander of Villa's artillery, DELEGATES OF VILLA If 1t Continues-. Rebel General Plans To Oust The Constity- he { Torreon, Coahulla, Mexico General Francisco Villa, powers are believed by many to be almost dictatorial since his deigure of the reins of the constitutionalist government ia Northern Mexico, 18 Planning to oust the constitutional 1st! commissioners in Washington cording to reports. He: is said be especially dissatisfied with Rafael Capmany, and will also send Tepre- sentatives to Niagara Fall 'to keep him in touch with the situation there if mediation negotiations do not col- lapse. decided June 22, whose It is. understood he has send as his representatives Col. bio Colzzado, a general manager of the constitutionalist railway, and John W. Roberts, an American news- paper correspondent The new ap- Pointments are expected to he made in a few days. Though most of Villa's stafi have started for the front, Villa himself is still here. Owing to heavy rains and washouts, extensive movement of troops has been impossible. Wires are open as far south as Fresnilio, but no word has been received re. garding the movement of General Panofil Natera's troops to Eus- About to Roast Baby. Sarnia, June 22--One of the most shocking crimes ever attempted was nipped in the bud in the South Ward when a woman, who was mildly in- | sane, went violently insane, and at- i tempted to roast her baby in an oven. The woman had washed the child, put pepper and salt on it, and was about to place it in the oven when a nei- ghbor stepped in. The child was un- injured i Given an Honor. Dr. W. G. in will. this Jing, be granted a fellowship, in ab- (sentia, in the American College of Surgeons, which holds its convocation (in Philadelphia. = Dr. Anglin mav at- {tend the convention in November 1 next. Rev. J. P. McInnes, of Foxbora. who ran in: Brontenac, is'the liberal candidate in North Hastings Strawberries away down in priee Tuesday at Carnovsky's. even- the Liberals Long Before the itney's Policy Cost the stereotyped Ross government--there were 2,814 liquor licensed places. hitney government there are The poliey of the Whitney government has been to enable the people ont the licensed places if the palities are now without lic enses : of any kind." The policy law which was labormous work for the a government did was ton 1,600, a decrease of 1214 s0 desired, and 347 muniei- of the Whitney government never closed one placed on the provincial statutes 1 fore the Whitney-Foy-Hanma combination was heard of in provincial polities, a determined work of the people. Instead of in the way. permitting its offic be- the rendering assistance the government stood ials to prance wp and down constituencies in the interests As a result, the 1.214 licenses wiped out cost the temperance fore- an aggregate of over six millions of dollars, pot to mention the cam- cause. . ¥ government credit for license redue- t, his hearers may be excused if they are seized this Whitney government élain is one of the biggest jokes ke Joie T0 GO TO CONFERENCE of DAY OF NOMINAT IN 111 CONSTI in One Of Warmest Election Campaigns Ever Held HALF DOZEN MINISTERS : | ls le i HAVE BEEN NOMINATED OVER |+ the recent London conference. TEMPERANCE ISSUE. | | STANDS BY CONSCIENCE. J. W. Eady, of the St. Mary's Journal, has broken | from his party in the temper- ance issue. He is a thor- ough temperance man, a member of the Methodist church and was a delegate to + * He is putting conscience |% above party. It is Expected That There Will be a ieee 4 Fight in Every Riding in the Prov- - ol ince -- Liberal and Temperance | OIL PLAN FROM CALGARY ne Coalition. Showed Some Samples to a Whig ation day in one hundred and eleven | y Rey tative, id constituencies throughout the prov-| On Monday morning a Wile, pa ince of Ontario---nomination day inqPOrter had a conversation with . A the midst of one of the warmest | M: Holland, of Montreal, who is elections ever held in Canada's lar-| tected with one of the large syndi-; gest English-speaking province. From "ales iutetysted in the oil discover- the social reform standpoint the is- |e aroun 1 Calgary. Mr. Holland sues of this election are more pro-| Aa en Samples to Ahoy of the nounced than those of any previous ar ous Ja it a. = of axtracied. | provineial election. Thé liberal- | ol ese was the pure gasoline, temperance coalition party, is out |W ch is obtained direct from the Lwith the '"'abolish the bar" slogan STound without having any refining ' ; | process made to it. This substance and the conservative (government) | P! f ish in 1 forces point to their record of legis- | o 3 Breenis yellow. color, and lation curtailing the liquor traffic! ery strong in odor. Mr. Holland and ask, Why abolish the bar and | Claimed that it was very combustible, leave licensed liquor shops?" j and fren batter than the ord . -This issue has naturally brought | £980 Er ase Foti his 86C~ the churches and moral reformers | no tan > e also some strongly into the fight At least | dark cru .> that ranks high in half a dozen pastors in active chureh | hetcentagh ih oil produeiug quali work will be nominated in various! as. f . ips 4 of: t ese products Ontario constituencies to-day to ap- | SOME from t e Black Diamond mine pose straight conservative govern- | H Ph is use state, according to" ment members at the polls. | AT . ams, of the University of Much interest is taken in tory To-" bere, who is also provineial ronto, which will have ten seats in {2818t, fram the fact that the oil the cméw legislature, but where the |!P& Sands slope down to % grea PEI PESPOEH | Toronto, June 22.--This is nomin- ho hare depth at this point, and has a temn- . teinperance and church forces are us- : ually strong, Toronto's members in dency A> purity the product by ng the last legislature were all conserva- | tDTOUR @ sands, tives. { The Calgary Petroleum Prod The nominations take place in all |SOMpany, who control the grea o'clock to-day 'all over the province. Hore AEs 'ani' of 13000 ] Th ill likely b fight in every : : re Ln yaa be every | 144,000 gallons, which it futends . | keep in surplus stock. Epp ergs raim---- THE EMPRESS ENQUIRY School Promotions. | The results of the promotions in HAD BRIEF SITTING Victoria, Frontenac and Rideau {schools will appear In Tuesday's Senne { Whig. 3 | It Adjourned Monday At 11 a. m. For! -, Reception To Duke of | THEDAILY BRITISH WHIG Connaught |IR CN SALE AT THE FOLLOW Quebec, June 27.-~When the Eni-! ING CITY STORES # press inquiry was resumed this morn- | BuckneiPs News Depot ..208 King a ing Lord Mersey announced that the | conek J. W. & Co ass court would adjourn. at eleven | or Book st Se ao o'clock for the official reception to! pod ore ea the Duke of Connaught. oo ry Granary ad Princess Eidar Reinertz, second officer of en's Grocery, Cor, Peincess & Alfred the Storstadt, was called inta the box phim og MEAL x and said he was awakened by a jar wa ana rushed out. He noticed that |MecAuley's Rook Sters ....08 Princess {the Empress was going fast. MeGail's Cigar Store Cor, Prin, & King | Lord Mersey--""Am 1 to under-|MeLeod's Grocery ....51 Union St, W. {stand that that was after the im- Medley"s Drug Store 200 University Ave i pact?" | Paul's Cigar Store ..,...,.70 Princess | Pronse's Drug Stove .., 512 £4 | Valleau's Grocery ......508 i BASEBAI | Lowe's Grocery .......i4.. IL RECORD. The Games Played on Saturday and Sunday. BORN. CUNNINGHAM In Kingston at wanads," on June Zist, '19% ddeut.-Col, and Mrs. A. B. Cu ham, a son. PAYETTE---In Kingston, on June , 1914, ra Mr. and dre, Chia. Payet Le, 58 L. BOVE, a daughter. Foe REM--In Kingston, "on June i 1814, to Mr. and Mrs J. C Ae Durham St, a son ---- -- National league--Saturday : New York, 7; Cincinnati, 2. Pittsburgh, 4; Brooklyn, 3. Chicago, 5; Philadel- phia, 4, Boston, 3; St. Louis 2. { American league--Saturday = New York, 7; Cleveland, 1. Detroit, i; Washington, 0. Chicago, 5; Boston, 2 Philadelphia, 5 St. Louis, 2. Sunday : Chicago, 5; Boston, 3. Cleveland, 7; New York, 3. Washing- 1 {tom, 7; Detroit, 8. St. Louis, 5; | Philadelphia, 0. ; | Federal league--Saturday : Indiana- polis, 6-7; Brooklyn, Fe. ufiale, 1; Chicago, 0, Pittsburgh, 7; ansas City, 4. Baltimore. 3: St. Louis, 2, | Sunday: Pittsburgh, 7; Kansas City, 3. Chicago, 2; Buffalo, 1. Baltimore, 8; St. Louis, 4. . International leagne-- Saturday; Jergey City, 5-8; Buffalo 2-4; New- ark 5-6; Toronto, 4-0. Providence, 12-6; Rochester, 4-7. Baltimore, 10- 15; Montreal 4-2. Sunday: Providence, 8: Roches- ter 7. Jersey City, 3-5; Buffalo, 0. 4; Toronto, 7-3; Newark, 1-5. Teague Standifig' National ledgue--New York, .620; Cincinnati, .654; Pittsburgh, .510; 8t. Louis, .500; Chicago A838; Philedelphia, .480; Brooklyn, .429; Boston, 423. : American league -- Philadelphia, .607; Detroit, .590; St. Louis, .552; Washington, 526: , 509; Chicago, .466; New York, .37%; Cleveland, A tadiasoalia Federal --= Tn polis, 566; .554; Baltimore, 547; 520; City, 475; Brooklyn, .469; Pittsburgh, 453; St. Louis, 417. a 'International league--- Baltimore, $44; Buffalo oT; MARRIED. DONOGHUE--ASHIE~On = Fab, 1914, by Rev. Father Hanley, Aghie to Cornelius Donoghue, bi of Kingston, -- y % Te » : v SPENCE~In Kingsto e Zlst, © . John Spence, . neds iy Faneral took p da' from nig: ---------------------------- lace ( son's residence, 39 James St, o'clock. 7 Chairs, Sofas a b lot in, at TURK 2 Newark 3 » 4 Jersey v 31%