Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jun 1914, p. 3

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3 AY, JUNE 34, 1014. - " Ea . art Robértson, Mrs. Carmen, (Mon-'wesk for St. Patfick, Que., to spend, ton. who fias heen the guest of Mise | Jeter : A : ; teal), Ms. " Trederz pov alg, the ummm. 1 Fe 4 [Emma Pense, West street, Tor a few de : . EO 3 rs. W. R. Givens, Mrs Fran » C.'0.. Lorenz, of Cleveland, is days. Ry 3 : | | or i d p ef Es Strange, 'Mrs. Campbell - Strange the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. 1. Mes. Hal Dougall, of Montreal, is | Fajr and very. warm to-day ; thun- H derstorms in most places to-night Mn. 2 LW Nelle, y Min Sovivis, Alice strest, a ithe 'guest of her mother, Mrs. George . : i . acdonnell an ss Norton-Ta . rofessor R. R. Carr-Harris is in [Henderson, Lower Bagot street. > P § Property on McDonnell St. 3 : ; , y On the same afternoon, Miss Hilda town with his family from Bathurst, oye Lagat . ) and for a part of Tharsday. 132 ft, frontage 'with birn. § : Ld 5 EL --- ® and 3Mss Dorjs Kent entertained at NS, ai Price $1030. Easy payments, J tea in honour of Miss Isobel For- : 3 : ' t - 5 gie of Pembroke. The tei table Mrs. T. H, Fergnson and daugh-4 their cousin, Mrs. George A. Macdon- | A very pueda dance was 'held at | was centred with rose peoaies, and |ter; Frontenac street, who have been | ald, Alired street, for the past week, ? 3 i = --. was in charge of Mrs. Nail C. Pol. on-a two months visit in the west [ have' returned to their hofe in Perth. le * - Ww H Godwin & Son the Yacht on Monday evening. 1 s i There were twenty dances on the | Son, Jr., Mise Vera Carson and Miss [returned home on Tuesday. # Dr. and~Mes, Jdebn Mafkie, who are $ Miss Marjorie Campbell, Emfiy the Misses Macpherson's guests, at 4 Mrs. W: S. Robertson and daughter, . ; LH Jean, who have been the guests of aaa x, " os I programe * and an excellent orches- | Norali Macnee. ¥, 8 [4 hon om street, fame home from New York |'Avemmore," will "zeturn to "The tra supplied the music. At mid- © : p : ' bil- A jolly surprisefpasty was held jon Tuesday. Ramparts ' on Saturday. ; iliard room aud among the large num- last night at the h of Mrs. Bern. | = Miss 'Mildred Wormwith, Earl . Miss G. Sherlock, of Canton, Ohio, ber of guests. noticed were : Captain | ard Browne, Kensington Place, waen |street, left for Montreal on Tuesday ,i8 the guest of her aunts, the Misses land Mrs. P. E. Prideaux, Mr. and [those present were: Miss Ada Pet-|to visit ler sister, Mrs, H. V. Fin- }Rarrie, Division street. Mrso-Ceorge McKay, Mg. and Mrs. | rie, Miss Hazel Browne, Miss Frade nie. + Mr. and Mrs. George Mahood and ¢ [Doitglus Hammend, - Nr. and Mrs. | Burns, Miss Jean Young, Miss Hel-| Mr. Fred Watts, of Teronto, "is family; "Gore street, will go to Hansard Hora, Mr. and Mrs. Bevip 2 Ton Mdlian Mungell Bit ihe ery o Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Se mae home on Stella Point, . =~ 3 obar;' Mrs. Murray Kirke Gel eanap Minnes, Miss Ru as i, jCampbell, lmily street. Friday. Ji & ; Be and Mrs. Neil Oo Poleos. ir Miss Miss Nora Macneq, Miss -Dorvihes Miss Sara Gill, Earl: street, lett | iss Helen Kirkpatrick, of Toronto, A Th Famous over a third of a | Waldron; Miss M. -Pense; Miss Edna Bidwell, Miss Eleanor Phelan, Migs yesterday for Boston to visit her is.a guest at Avonmore. \ : Po Sai Booth, Miss M. Booth, Miss N, Pat- | Ruth Anglin, Miss, Anne Minoes, brother the Rev. Frederick Gill. share & ; a i century ferson, Miss B. Robertson, Miss J. | Miss. Agnes Bellhouse, Miss 84 Mr. and Mrs. John Mills, of Chi-} Mr. and Mrs. James Sutherland and . Si Fraser, Miss S. Anglin Mise J. Dufi, | Kent, Miss Isobel Forgie, (Pem- cago, have taken Col. W. D. Gor- family, Princess street, left. to-day ) Y Migs Helen Duff, Miss Rose. Hap. | broke), Migs Rita Ince, (Toroato); don's house on Bagot street for the to svend the summer at ther cot- i 4 3 - kins (Watertown), Miss Brenda Jack. | Miss Marjorie Gameby, Miss Claire jsummer.' Mr. Mills is a brother of tage on Amherst Island. lean h - Be. s "agi (Brockville), Miss Frada --Ififos, | ROVISGR and Cadets Strong, Deum- (Mrs. . Thomas Mills, University | An enjoyable picnic down the river, WANA UN THE FINEST SILKS Misg Dorothy Chown, - Miss Liban ond, hd ig Morphy, Bar- avenue, Radert Susth { ; ga Saturday Jiteruoon, included Wine NTs i) AN fe ey Nort Marts : Mop. s, Ings, ado, Macphersen, Is, T mythe, of Montreal, | Christine 'ochrane, 18s Syl- ~ y fl Sircart Min a adda Ince, Ub ing, Re Lemeguler, (is the guest of Mrs. K. M. 'Saun- | via Uachuane, Miss ¥ \ortie iA THE WORLD PRO- « \ oT 3 4 . swell, Crawford, wood, ¢- (ders, ce street, for a few g | Stewart, iss Marjorie . Brownheld, J > 4 Miss Gwendoline Waddell, Miss Iaa- I'vean Oxley, Ahern Clarke, White, this week. . Ie day es Tose Hopkine Wnortaeny oad A DUCES Mrs. G, F. Emery and Miss Flor- | Cadets Creemwood, McKeen, Browne, 4 GO ; \ ; ; Jomplete assortments of night suppei was sarved in the . belle Waldron Miss Gladys Heustis i (Fon, A J Greenwood, Browne: Davis and sToronto), Wise Ada Fore, Hise a Leask. . ence Emery, West street, will go to | Cooke and Reade. faohel Macausland (Toronto) ~ Mins ao Gananoque the end of this week to Mrs. Lionel Smith avd her.two sons 4 i$ the prevailing shades, in SMart a island (Toronto), Miss Mrs: P. BE. Prideaux, Welling- spend a few days with friends. Donald. and McKay, are the guests of + . : ? vi A Bi aia donald (Gunanoqte), Miss (ton street was hostess at an enjoy- * ew { Mrs. John McKay, Sydenham street. - v7 plain and novelty silks l sdmonton), . Niss fable little tea on Tuesday afternoon Miss Ethelwyn Macgow ho + Mr. Frel Skinner, f Gananoque, p d sati i 1 Rit Ince. (Toronto), Miss Isubel {in honor of Miss Ada Petrie who is [has been attendeng St Agnes' col. spent the week-end with Mr. Nverst 31' and satins, many of which | Reid and Miss Dorothy Vandersmis- | 1eavifig town soon. Mrs. Murray (lege, Belleville, is home for the McGowan, Barrie street. : } are identical to those isen (Torouto), Miss Aileen, Miss May | Kirkd Green and Miss Nam Paterson | summer holidays, . fmm aoe ol worn la week at the and Miss Hose pin Miss Kath- | were in charge of the tea room,| Mrs. C. J.'Crookall, of Bay Ridge, Mrs. J. Gurd, who has been the ; x i d plech $6 "Jaen Carruthers, Miss Anne Mines, where the table was artistieally cen- | N.Y. came to town yesterday. guest of her sister, Mrs. F.C. Smith; . / gran Sicep ec se : at. Vise Marjorie Minnes. Miss Mary | tred with pink sweet .peas. Their| Miss Grace Malloch, ¢t Hamlilton, {Johnson street, Tet, on Tuesday, for oe Longchamp, "Paris, and | Stewart, Miss Fthel Kent; Mies Nor- | assistants weére Miss Lillian Mun- came to town to-day to visit Mifs (her home in Montreal. 7: : ; the International Pol ah Macnee, Miss Hilda Kent, iMiag | dell, Miss Hazel Browne and Miss | Marion Leslie, William street, for | Mrs. W. O. Tidswell and Miss Mabel : ie niernationai 0 |Doris Kent, Miss Ruth Anglin, Miss | Freda Burns, and the guests include. a short time on her way to Brock- Hope, of Hamilton, are in town fora , matches at Meadowbrook. Agnes Bellhouse, Miss Beth Small] ed Misses Helen and Marjorie Camp- | ville. . - fow days, and are en pension at Miss ; : 4 'Miss Edith Healey (Winnipeg) ~ Miss | bell; Miss Isabel Ried, (Toronto), | Mr. and Mrs. Stanley N. ale Campbell's, King street. * E Frances Fraser, Miss Borgthea Bid- | Miss Florrie Stewart, Mrs. New- and Miss: Ada Birch went to Tho\s- | [x-Uadets George MeGann and Ar- lwell, Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Lillie | combe, Mrs. F. H. Ryan, Miss Ruth nnd Island Park on Monday to opdn | Pur Ryerson, of foronto, will come 2 infurray, Miss Gwendoline Folger, | Martin, Miss Helen Uglow, Miss their summer home. , w | 10 town for the graduates' dinner at -. | Mrs. Clarence Otis Pufnam return- eke Roy.l Military College on Thurs: jed to Utica, N. Y,, the end of last 4 ; h The nervous strain of modern life evenin ralaxations, Miss Mary Strange, Miss Isobel For- | Eleanor Minmes and Miss Sylvia 300m brings on old age, and gle (Pembroke), Miss Evelyn Gil- | Cochrane. * ss week after spending three weeks in fis attending ills. R bert, Mis, Helen Campbell, Miss Mayadas, / ha ; Xr. Howard Folger entertained 'oWh With Mr. and . Mrs, Samue] Nes Myra Dyde's guest, left for her i D EB it} most delightful young people's | Birch, Bagot street. ¢ home in Picton on Monday. CR aa. Mr. and. Mrs; Jomes doce, Miss » 3 8 | 8 Miss Mary Hubbs, who has been Nervozone Sullivan, Mis Claire Robingpn:. w } Messrs. W. Waldron, W. Kent Mace, Alood tor the nerves Ted Rogers, Ross Livingston, Walter | dance at 'Edgewater' on Saturiay . : Increases your bility for Steacy, Herbert Steacy, Jack Hauna- | evening, for Miss Gwendoline aud! Miss Marion Fowler, of Burford, Rita Ince, aud. Miss hrabelle Nacaus- . successful effort in all emer- ford, Bob Richardson, W.. Nickle, W. | Miss Doris, when the guests incigu- |18 the guest of Mr. John Strange, | Lio iu fown for (he graduating A' larire and beautiful assSmbk Lo E0008. ron carr br \M. Burton, Hugh Ryan, Bartlett [€d: Miss Lucy Waddell, Miss Gwen. | Barrie street. -_ 5 grorcises Roval Military Col A large and beautiful assemblage of unique and BEST iDalton; BE. Yan: Leslie, Stanley Cun- Joiiue Waddell, Miss Beth Small, Miss Marion Macdonald return: d °g s Bk re 3 pM te rae: via , . . » : s ningham, Howard Folger, Wendling | Miss" Bdith _ Healey, (Winninag), {to Gananoque esterday atiar viv. |i, 5 cebe's ambbell of Tor original styles in sunshades for all occasions. Anglin, and. Cadets' Cronyn, Roberts, ite Marjorte Miunes Ming Dorothea (1ine Wiss Mary Strange, Sydenham ging iy ra . Pe le, Browne, Greenwood, Kerr, » MISS renda ackion, (Street. | v : ropg------ [Pena Trice, Yoga, Campbell. (Br ckville), Miss Ethel Kent, Miss Mr. Benjamin Robertson. Union here are' men working 5 the con- PRICED FROM $1.00 TO $6.00 {Giles, Brownfield, Carruthers, Ar. |LAura Kilborn, Miss Dorig Brown», [Street is spenfiing his holidiys with | 2tive ranks who are hali-hearted. - noldi, Gooderham, Hadrow, Roberts, Miss Isobel Forgie, (Pembroke), [friends in St. Catharines. ---- SSE Gibson, Ashcroft, Crawjord, Tids- Miss Maly oar, Miss Frances re ang Mrs. G.'Y, Chowa, 'San. ; "Il! well, Pitblado, Walker, Bishop Me- J BEER TF Walter Steacy, Mr. Ken- 'DYside," left this week for s trip - eS nh - » ; Ni 3 Keen, Kittermaster, Campbell, Sch- aylor and Cadets Adair, Pe .|t0 the coast. urrah_for the Burg, June 26th, ow is the Time ta be berger. Ropers... «Gibson, White letier, Reade, Hadrow, Morris, Gi- | Mrs. C. Strong, of Montreal. js {Steamer Thousand Islander. t ! eac 5 : RT ara Tin, ' | 9, Stuart, Pemberton,"Boger Rob- 'en Dension at Mrs. Brooks' api] Po really did put Ttalian 'nd | Get Your Spring Foot- ar) {McMurtry and Parker. < erts and Stubbe.s street, while in to'wn for the gradia. other foreign workmen upon civi¢ wear at the Right Place. d "Rose 3 pwell to | 5 noon, at: "Roselawn," in farewe Frontenac street. on Tuesday' even- | C. closing, "vu tion of her sor, Cadet C, V. §+.ony |FOTks and shut out Kingston la- The Busiest Store in Town & Mrs. A. J. Wolf. Mrs. Hughes wel- Jo "0 bo Tee - = -- coned Hor | guests, on. the Varandah ing, an hele a xery jolly dance. Ihosq * ww 3a Jo 9 x | and Mra. Wolff réceived with hor. In mig Fo or Ni Dae Polsen, Miss | Maior R. W.. Leonard, of St Ca many pink ROL, ; 188 - M80 'raser, therines, is a guest at' Hote ' Pron: a y el Fron- . " i s. H. T. Hugh sntertained at a : n r | Mrs. | ughes entertai £ number of friends surprised Miss Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bishop, of bor ? , Who ¢an locate the facts ? the dining-room, where They favor the wiping out of the - - oe ------ bars. They may finally vote for the measure. rv a tes Mand fter- ; : very charming tea, on Manday alter- | 4. and Miss Margaret Murray, ' Brantford are in town for the R \ Penner, who has been stayin . 1 Ary " ' i 2 | De hot gripfbr cxnse Helen Duff, Miss M Mi iq 128 "Avonnigre", returned to Alm: n Du iss Marjorie Minnes, Miss 1 ee torday with Mi Dorothy ate pain. Purely vegele- Stew s 1 tea. Miss : 3 tewart Robertson poured te (Edmanton), Miss Mary Stewart, Miss wants of Boots and Kleanor' Macdonnell poured cofice and 3 "4 Bie for 8 ne you { Mrs. Campbell. "Strange served ices. Nora Martin, and Cadets Avery, Tin wi nn } raamng | They wore assisted by Miss hd Pling, Urerar, Reade, Grant, Brownfield, | Hemming and Miss Jean Duff. with us that you will 'Hl guests included Mrsf-Iva Martin; Mrs. Roger - Stewart, Eric Carruthers, (ib- | son, Roberts, Morris, Harrower, Uuli- Vé z !. Carter ig, onri P t, Mra. get better va.ue for §R. ('. Carter, Mrs. Henri Pane r Stewart, Thompson, "Stone, Tatto 3. Carruthers, Mrs. Bushy (St your saoney than eise- fii: Et : | and Hadrd¥. Y : : » . John), Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. Wn ' Ni where in the city. Give [fli Rk. Dufi. Mes. F. Strange, "Mrs. The ou Rayl.ess Here : us a trial and be con- Howard Folger, Mrs. P. E. Prideaux, | - A few of the senior cadets were ) > 2 { Mrs. 'Maurice: V. Plummer,' Mrs. H. hosts at a picnic on the "Cock Ro The vinced. Chisholm, Mre..© Guire, Miss Marion Bint, on aatugday, when the guasts { X The : / S Fowler (Burford), Mr. Vernon Eston, {inclu iss Helen Campbell, iss jac? % - x ~g . 1 . gh es Taclar, Mrs. elexerdes May Rogers, Miss Rose Rogers, dine Lagies Cleen's | . : - i {Laird, Mrs. © C. N. Perreau, Mrs. [Isobel Reid (Toronto) iss Ma. v - or : : * H. B. WARTELL | George 0. Wogne:. Mis. Hill, Mrs. | Strange, Miss Kathleen 'Carruthers, hE 60 he tht tt e | For suitable fts for brides, you must not fail | Newcombe, Mrs. W. G6. 'Hagurty, land Cadets McMurtry, Parker, Cron- 8 to see our FINE HINAWARE., 838 KING STREET i Miss Plunkett (Lowell), Mrs. Muzray yn, Mr. W. Kent Macnee and Mr. Fl Fhone 1879 Kirke Green, Mrs. J. N. 8. Leslie, and | pelser (Toronto). i K ; |] Miss Alice Parkin. ° yaar 7 ; You can't find anything prettier, nor cb:sper, a = ---------------- «son M#s. Neill C. Polson, Jr., enter y great variety for your inspection, On Saturday afternoon, Miss 1. | tained at lunch on Saturday in hom-: By taking advantage of our Dwyer, Barrie street, entértained at a Jour of her -guest, Miss Gladys delightful teA-dance for Miss Maizie {| Houstis, Toronto. ; | Bi - » a Dwyer and her guest, Miss Betty Con - - - - i i 4 - | fragrant with quantities of pink' peqns4 _¢ iiinud at tea"on Monday after : 2 ; jes. Mes: Joseph , Swift and Miss noon, for Miss May Wright, the bride High Class Individual Style Summer D1 : s direct } : 9 LIMITED Flanagan presided aythe prettily deck- | pio Coop ; ed tea table, and the ests included .e ee J £ from New York No two alike--all sizes . 4 ; : . Cut Glass, Ete. | Vim Lillian Mundell, MWgs Eleanor Miss Macauley, King treet will . b dnnce, Tiley aida Sats ti jie. | entertain at luncheon on Thursday 0 . wile 'Waldron, Miss Ruth Martin, Miss s. R. is- e Iva Martin, Mise Anne Minnes, Miss fn-howour o1°Mrs. F.. Max - Denk n at 25 % scount + RN : Try our store for your fff!" . ed tata. | Miss, Marjorie. Uglow, Miss Margaret y j Eouide centrdd fhe ABI, FMRC TD. Cundifigham,. Miss Bliss Mac oad tapne fog a few days: this week. 3 Shi ill | I Winnip 1) Isobel Forgie (Pembroke), Miss Jean toun, RJ og. - n Young, Miss Freda Burns and Cadets , . ; led Piiblado, Greene, = McGoun, Roberts, Miss Mactha Smith; Wellington | ET harap street, was hostess atVa small bridge ~ : x a » : Flo --_ Smythe, Strong, Kerr, McKenzie, Ings Ton, h iy i ji " Distinguish- [iif fr dei fan Gas MY prdeanc Naw York ' x i A 3K C : Mrs. T. J. Lockhart, Union street, Mrs. R. E. Kent, King street, was will Ya at. home ito Tor Hiends on | hostess at a very interesting bridge . Liye ¢ . ' . 8 Thursday, Fumg 25th. For ages 2 to 6 vrs. Spdeial at: . : F t on Tuesday afternogn whem ~ Mrs. | - : : ng ea ure Bishy Wis Eo Miss Helen McKay has Ieturned Far ages 8 to 14 yrs. Special at 4. o" &1.: i - - = : other guests included Mrs.' J. B. Car- | from Montreal, whero she has been J . auld : i - i We are prepared. with the stock necessary, to : ; : ruthers, Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. T. D. [attendimg Trafalgar college. =~ § ; changé yoyr main service wires om Princess St. and y . ' R. Hemming, Mrs. Walter Macaee, Mr. John Aird. at Toronto, Ws, S : S M . ge J } 1S es e . | Mrs. P. C. §levensod, Mrs, D. Stew- | in oun fo the ™ Hoatig * Princess] - fl adjoining streets. . ; street. has gone to Conway to visit fl Hundreds to select from in Russian, Buster and 3 Jase Wha Bake already catrusted = With thelt ; . work will | after so no interruption in ; Mr. and. Mrs. Edward Phippen for Ji Sailor: sive rs bmn Dd ® 2S : : a i 'power and light will occur. Much Pain From |- es -] 4 3 Mr. apd Mrs. Stanley Adams ace Jl RED ; SE Sp | OR a dark hb . BETWEEN WHO". . . iis en pension at Mrs. F. Reid's, Bagot} See Bur 69 and 89¢c We respectfully solicit your orders which will oy | Kidney Disease Ti formerly Miss Bela Shorionk, w yh als at - 4 have pronipt and careful attention. Te sannibal : an. ; : i eR 4 Sf RR Sa | - prem - 3 A éannibal and a an a to-day 'for England, where he. will B H. WwW. Newman Electric Co. eo. a 4 - " $ v . Major R. €. Hammond is leaving 3 : : | | Doctored in Vain Until * Pr. Chase's . Rb | Every man owes it to him-| Kidney-liver Pills Were Used. |SPend the summer. ~ The time has coms to fl self, His family, and his city |; Kiduordemtgements ace aften 1 | yy yug Mrs. Arthur Browsing, oll Ake. oe ma " ~ 79 Princess Street. to look and do his best. We 'and under these condi- | New York, yerg in the city gt Sat | oy n- nf AR ng z sid : "#8 jiofp men look their best, {tien orien Kidney weaicnes su. | ley Ao tee, Mrs. W. V. Hesmancflf : THe t cre. It is because re. ou : ; and in accomplishing that of thetr unique, combined action-on 3 na : * . : Mr: d Mrs. R H De lef 1 Fo i : Aland 3% 5 SL Pn they do their best, so we help [the liver, kidneys sud bowels that | oy Monday for a two weeks: vace lll .. . OUr millinsey department closes for the season Batirday evening next. N or men, both tg lok and ae ots" in| {RRR Se SUE) Baliday vouing next. No carrying over I Bin, test their best. Where is the wo- most complicated cases. PO Buffalo. Fo Every. hat and sha le must be sold, T advan A \ are We have the nattiest lines nian or man that does not jp Hunaust Et writes: -- |, ie Bead vilas lof the great induceménts being offered for nex | Na Goodyear Welt Oxford sho feel | Setter; Tool Deiter and Sasou. eighteen years ago my wile |i. Wellington street. i few days. It means money in your pockts. Bl ~ in tans, blacks and patents, So Better whl dressed? o ford "grea from eadaches. pains ha bean hing ve Lois. hall SEE OUR WINDOWS LJ me ia 3 entury - lin bowels and stomach, and her heart | "i" Williamaon, Brock street: for) : LTE PRICES FROM $4.00 TO $5.00 jon Craft Clothes * do th [was affected. For a year she was a, oe -- . : a Sie ala i CE i 1... Come here for Packard's Dressings, Foot Lite a , AR treated by her dogtor, with no appar- d - work for the men and they a L.. She then used five boxes | Nome today. : Pe i ; . , . \ . Mrs. Wiliam Skinner, Gore street, Xx ; 1 r gogii s are found only at left, to-day. for Gananoque, to spend 3 HAT 04 JFoot Eazers, and all shoe sundries, largest hadi -- , jmost a week' with 'Miss Nan Skinner, aff) : \ » ; a 2 Fi , "Cataraqai Lodge." | Mes. W. A. Mitohell and Miss Caro- J Fn he ghey Bout Ho co ests ol r. ai rs. E: CC Mien "ip Mrs: James B. Mille and ber tam: AC a se RGR La

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