Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jun 1914, p. 10

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We : '9reom house, new; all § improvements, $3,000.00 - & Easy tefins. Apply Have You Visited? , ' J. Zbar's Ice Oréam Parlor, where yon can got the hest ice cream in the city? ' Fruits and confectionery of all Kinds, x 280 Princess Street Contractors, Attention! ; PHONE 1473 PA tI APA int, Get Prices From + David Marshall aati Gasfitiing and Prompt attention and reason able rates guarfnteed. - 101 Queen Street. Noti We desire to inform our friends and patrons that after July lst the cost of all shines will be advanced to lle. Shoes will be dried by electricity be- fore being polished, which will "pre serve the life of the leather and lemgthen the usefulness of shoes. Don't throw away your Panama or | Have us make them We clean them by eleo- Steaw Hats, look like new, tricity. . Pappas Bros. - If You Are Thinking of Buildin® this year it will pay you to get our prices for cement, blocks, = «ato,, as you will save "fi $250.00 between wolli brick "lend cement BUILDERS! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Baves Time. P WALSH DO NOT RENT. WHY NOT BUY? We have some great bar- gains. Two bungalows with 6 rooms, good locality, at #1500," Two houses, $1600, * good locality. Apply to THE KINGSTON BUILD ERS' SUPPLY CO. ~~ 2nd Floor, Room 4, King Edward Building PENN rit iter striatnn Rimp rr 'Money in Good Real Estate is rooms, Tepe BE off heavily and | : this year will make less mo- v Some girly seam to ugh reoge bes CAuse they haven't the cheek to gi EW dout it by After a girl has smiled nt everyd man fn tawn and AARNY shared sw book into an engagement, she helioves' that there should He 4 law making firting a féiony : The reason wily man wants 16 Xiss @ girl agaist Ser Wi is. Becatise Wouldn't want o kiss her If he thought she wis } he whl Early Trials. So that pie tastes Vike the pie your moitier used to make? Yes, mum, beforé me her a cook book. * fader bought , The Enthusiast, While the golf season's apen, he thinks He needs but to sleep forty w'nks From springtime to fall r He's addressi » ball, they say. that he Hives on the lnks Her New Bean. And ney than two did last vear. = This statement was niade by Charles A. | Comiskey, president' of the Chica- 50 Americans. Comiskey declared that the public was weary of the wrangling and contract jumping talk 'and of the emphasis on salari- es which had thrown into the back- ground the sporting features of the pastime, ' "There is no use trying to hide the {rue state of affairs' said Co- miskey, "It has been the players, aided and abetted hy club owners and their agents, who have brought baseball to the condition prevailing af the present. time. If there is room" for three leagues, well and stood. The gate receipts will tell the #lory. The plavers have a right to gat more money if they can, but not ab fhe expense of their conselen- ces in jumping their contracts, It is not so much a question of los ing money so much as it is keeping np the standard of the game. It that is Jowered, the public will des- sert it." f Ty Cobb Faces Trouble Ty Cobb will be the defendant in a damage suit as a resulf of his at: tack on fhe family butcher in De- troit. The meat carver intends to take action against the famous hall nlaver for his assanlt upon him, and as Cobb admits that he was at fault. will likely separates the din mond star from some of his easi- Iv earned money. The Tigers have dropped two games since Cohb has of the game and the De- fans are bexinning to "'edur" their erstwhile hetro heen troit upon ont Johnson Will Weight 210. "Jack" Johnsen the champion heavyweight pugilist. will weigh about 210 pounds when he enters the ring -in; Paris on Saturday for his fight with Frank Moran of Pitsburg. Since Johnson began training he has lost 25 to 30 pounds in weight. He will continue his hard work un- til Friday Yesterday Johnson went for his ensromary six miles of -------- Hiberulan Wit An Irish farmer was asked If he used any of the commereial feriilizer on his land 'No, sore," We replied "To my no- tion there's nothing like the did barn yard kind Nousense, man," said the other, "the time the fertilizer for is coming when a man can carry an acre of land in of his waistcoat pockets returned Pit 'J mobiles, the affair has created quite J} business it might be well to have Nellie ts jist crazy over Fhwen road work. ¥ohngon "says he is in the past week, and after his "'in- So he's her latest, 1s he? Where'd [SHR looking for a taker of a bet of fo naotion" he announced to the trus-| she meet him? $50,000 which he wants to wager |... that he would recommend, the! -- on_himself, payment® of the two years wi 1held | A Mntter of Su The odds in regard to the fight {orant and promised them that a 3 . {range from 5 10 1 down to 2 to 1 in checque would be forthcoming with- father---You exp ne ta sup- Ifavor of Johnson. in the next few dass. 2 port. Margaret indef : i ) § Her sHusband F ho you f=" nd n . rr : H Husband--W L hobe x Lacrosse Conflict Charleston Lawn Social. { may stand from unc 'ry gradual) The rival lacrosse leagues are , . The cial] sh like the federals and oreanized bil Charleston, June 24 3 hg os A Se picking holes in each other. N.1.I7. |iR aid of St Denis Mp, © Shai A Poor Let. ayunnorters made the allegation that | ¥a8 held on Tuesday svening on he Briggé--Sa you didn't think wich of | Nationals laid up a heat or two in | Mis Hudson's Jawa ane ye | thé art exhibit'on winding "np their former game at {Pe a success in every oa casing 3 Griggs--Nq; the pictures seemed tothe Island with ' the . Tecumsehs. | Veather was ideal I an a 3 asi +1 he selected on the principle that "the [NOW the Big Fonr people = come | Early in the evening t e crowd began | weakest must go to the wall right back with the assertion (that |? gather, Tue lawn presented an | the Rosedales pulled up shamefully | 2tiractive and inviting .- appearance ; \ DAINTY SUMME RACE The Praper Metal. f last Saturday at Montreal fo let With its tables laden with the good | Arbies: erty 4d : i . . Shamrocks: make the close finish. -|thin&s provided by the ladies and ijk niusiin The cape k sat Sr pattieghing are pullt of step) { brilliantly illuminated with a pro- d th nk. white Ino By thers nat right { y IDF usd f lights. On a spacious plat- [3° t The bia it ; . i HUSBAND'S IDEAS ANCIEN Salon af 11g HS, 2 'Spy pal fio rrow so c ' SIGIRP. ion wanld more fill] ------ CIENT, form the young people enjoyed |i.) : 1 Seeing. they're ha to fi ! - : s ng ein € {She Declares He Wanted "Old-Fasie themselves dancing for a few hours, te Sitticed ioned Wife." Fhe beloved pastor of St. Denis Tidings From Bath. A Distinction. Ye § 5 hay, . 4 od tas > x ar : New York, June 26.--After heing church graced the Decasion wun his} path," June 25.--Me Youngman, Me nth elm Boing down town this |ngrried thirty-eight years Mrs. Kate | SeDi2l Presence. Among t bse from {eptic and Mr. Holt. all of Toronto. ern ne S. Masterton began suit for a se- 4 distance who attended the social {are visiting at My i res Mrs Exe--8hopping. my de 1 p 1 : wera Mr. Votie and son of Summit, | fe) fF Rochestee. Nb Sok paration from Robert 8: Masterson | Busch, of Rochester, , 18 visiting Mrs. Exe--No, '1 haven't time Toy i financial' Aent alleging that "Ter N. J.; Miss Alice Wood Morrisburg, | at Robert Mott's Lhe steadier Ale- that: just to buy sorhe things that | hushand wanted hor to he "an olf and Mra. Harry O'Brien, Everett, | tha calls here daily instead of the need r ; Wash.; Mrs, O'Brien accompanied | ctenmer Brockville The sehponér fashioned wife," urged her to do the family washing and compelied her to get his breakfasts. Mrs. Masterton - also he was "cruel," and had refused to provide cream for the coffee The trouble began foliowing their thirty- seventh wedding" anniversary. Then, Mrs. Masterton alleges, her husband "grew cold and indifferent." that asserts At Kaladar Station. Kaladar Station, June 24.-- The rain of last week did the berries and farm crops a great deal of goqd. Mr. and Mrs. Wrightmire and three children, of Belleville, were -the guests of Mr. Wrightmire's grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Foros, over Sunday. Miss Olive Shuman vigited at Nelson Tryon's on Mon- day evening. Mr. McLaughlin, one of the. evangelists who has béen at Flinton, accompanied Mr. M .rriek on Sunday morning and preached a "Maybe he will, 'sorr " he'll be able to carry the ¢rop in the other pocket, I'm' thinkin Enslly Remedled. Creditor---Siill no money? Look here I'm mighty tired of this everlasting w r ) Tired? John. fetch a chalr he géntleman --Fliegende Blatter Obeyed Instructions. A fond father vouyghes for this. His little girl had mueh dai rbed her father and mother by we af "devil" } "My: dear," said mother, "that:is al word we do pot use in p : BOCH and I never want 10 heay you say it Again 3 ed that i11ly heeded her admonit'on was Then pn Sunday eve ning. abont. two weeks later, the moths the day's lesson %hall noti caref er inquired what been about Why, mother," was the answer, "it was about the temptation of /the----by by ~-thes~the gentleman that keeps hell? . Pr Because 'Doctor, Used Auto Rushing to Patient. Charlottetown, P. E. I, June 26.-- There is considerable agitation in the city over the running of an autonio- bile between Charlottetown and Al- berton om prohibited territory.. Per- mission was given by the premier to Dr. Ross to run the machine in order to perform an operatien in a very serious case. Ross took the wrong train in the morning. Had he wait- ed for the next he would net have reached Alberton till 11 o'clock at night. In the auto he made the trip in five hours, almost an hour sooner than he would have if he caught the morning train. The auto 'was marked with a red cross. Owing to the prejudice against auto- A sensation. : Before following the advice of a man who tells you how 0 run your a look at the way he is running his own. As a rule if sympathy is in one Jacket and money in the other 'our and gets to the sympathy side first. He who has his eyes tually on onl very impressive service. Mis: Ber- tha and Stanley Wood and Miss Drew were Sunday visitors ai A Forbes.' TIRED, ACHING FEET "TIZ" is wonderful for sore, burn- ing, swollen, sweaty; calloused feet and corns. Good-bye sore feet, burning feet. swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. Good-bye gorns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. ~No more shoe tight- ness, no more limping with 'pain or drawing up your face in agony. "T1Z" is magical. acts right off. "TIZ" draws out all the poisonous exuda tions which puff up the feel. The reinedy That = does. at "TIZ" and 'wear smaller shoes. Ah! how comfortable your feet feel. *"T1Z is a delight. TIZ is harmless, Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now at any druggist or departnient store. Don't suffer. Have goad feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never gat tired... A year's foot thy ground doesn't see sun and the other beauties of the sky. > comfort guaranteed or money re- funded. 3 'major tet] | Quebee, June 26.--In spite. of the unfavorable reports of the' who have beeli at work on the bull A Hchool Grant luvestigation: Set ted by Government Taspector on Bistress Call hy Tery Candidate. Londen, Ont, June 26. While SF Jages Whimey and Hom. "W! JI Hanna and others of the cabinet are loudly proclaiming that this is an, Euglish proviace, and that they have setiled the billing question, a well- anthepntiented story comes from Kent connty that belies all those prefes- sions. "Af Big Point in Dover towh- sbip in a scheol that has before this aroused wide interest through fhe Point a last desperate attempt is to made to-day bythe divers to see if af "the eight hundred dead out of Yhe ship. : Captain Walsh, marine sdperin- fendent of the C. P. R., stated that it has been felt no possible effort to recover these bodies should be neg- lected and that the whole work would be devoted to ilis end. Last evening five divers from H. M. 8. Essex, under comand of Chief Gua- ner MelHarmid, with diver Weath- agticn of Nelson Beechard, now reeve lerspoon of New Yori and three oth- of Dove ahd at one time a promi-|er divers, left on the tug ~ Lord nent conservative worker, who ad-|Strathcona for Father Point. Mg. dressed on ppen letier to Sir James | Weatherspoon has also telegraphed Whitney jiroiesting against the fam-i¢o New York and Chicago with the ous "Regulation No, 17." ~~ For two! {intention of getting two more div- years in succession "the provinciallars' Ag soon 48 $e party 'arrives vent. grant to the Big Point {,¢ Father Point they will "get th bas been withheld, on the re- {work on the sunken hull, and what- of the inspector that the school waver can ba done to open her and 'not complying with the regula-, make her give up her terrible cargo' Now, however, on the eve of the of dead. will be accomplished, election, the government, in face of Te all the protestations on the public; platform, seems to have decided upon! q action that demands the fullest § explanation, if explanation. there is} other than party exigency. The fact: an is, at all events, that tieorge W. Sui-| man, who is a couservative candi- dale for re-election in West Keng! has been finding the tide going; nst him, including the French] tistriet. Fearing defections in! Dover townghip, where he usually; had a majority, defection which ad-} did to the possibi ies of turnovers/ the other parts oi riding, | vould make his defeat tain, he ant a hunrryup call to the govarn-! nent to get the arrears of the school! grant settled before election day. | a the trustees of tha: Big Point; school are looking for the cash with-! ing the next few days, for they have jbeen promised it i The manner in which this promise | was conveyed indicates the straits in; which the government must find it-| self, for in order to give some sem- blance of regularity to the proceed ing, the department of education de i spatched an inspector to Dover with- § by her sisters, Mrs. Sidley also of | Marshall is unloading coal for GA Everett, and Mrs. Dillon. of St. ! Wartman. Rev. A L. Mclear is in Paul, Minn., visiting relatives in! Kingston, attending svtiod committee, fais vicinity after an absence of! 'Ihe ¢ held in the village hall, © twenty-four years. The happy gath- lon T ering dispersed about midnight and , Mr. Cars many were heard to remark that the | The spedker vening, , Wh My in the interest of well attended Carscallen, of Charleston social was the crowning | Napanee, and Mr. Baker and Mr. Giv- event of the month of June ens, of Kingston Miss- Alice Wood, of Morrisbure. | Mrs. Alexander R Milne, of Kings- spending 'a few davs with Mi on, who is stopping.at Mrs. James Fanny Hudson. The infant son of braham's day View Villa,"' Bath; Mr..and Mrs. T. D. Spence is very | has the honor of catching the first in Quite a number attended the | large black bass of the season. It Methodist and Anglican socials at | measured twelve inches and was caught Athens on Monday and Wednesday jot the wharf at the willa. X evenings, Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood, | A very enjoyable tennis tournament trockville, are spending a few days | took place here on Saturday last, on at W. C. Tavior's. Mrs. O'Brien, Dr. Northmore's court, between the Bverett, Wash., is visiting her sig. |Marned and single men After a num ter, Mrs. ID. Heffran. Mr.-and Mrs. | ber of closely contested setts, the mar O. Green, Oak Leaf, are in Guelph i vied 'men victorious. There were attending the wedding of their son. |? number of spectatoss, and after the G. Raymond Green. There js gq |™mdtch fea was served on the lawn by large nlimber of guésts at the ho-| | { i]s. - i were Northmore Doings at Avden. | "Arden, Jine 24.---All hope the abundance of wild strawberries is a 23.~Dr. Dwyre, Perth, |fore-runner of good crops in gen- News From Elgin. Elgin, June and party motored out and were (eral. A Jarge number went to glests of relatives, Dr. Hamilton, | Petawawa for military drill, K, L. who has spent the past year in Mackinnon, M.D., and Miss Blanche Brooklyn hospital, is the guest of Detlor, visited at Hillcrest Place. his 'mother before leaving for the Ca- [Ender the Good Road system con- ti "Mr. and Mrs. H. Coon | Eiderable repai¥s and improvements have returned from Waddington, N. are being made on the roads. Miss Y.. where they were 'ealled to bury a , Sadie Geéndron is visiting friends at relative, Miss Stella Coon, who spent ithe village. Ross and Dale Greene, the winter at Toronto. is liome. Mrs. | W. Jeffries, B. Loyst and the Misses 0 West. 'ohn Dwyre is eritically ill at her | Detlor spent Sunday at Gréen Grove. hame. People ave fighting the tent | Mr _and Mrs. Hagar are visiting at caterpillers whieh are destvoying their (1. E. Ha Fes Mrs. L. Youmans at shide trees. Orchard and- sugar ma } Mrs. Kring's Mr. and Mns.' J. ples are Barker spent a day at Tamworth. being stripped. Stephen | Pennock has his residence nearly pain: { Misses Hazel Greene amd Mary Cro- zier and Erwih Gendron are home ted. The Ladies' Institute hbld an > 1 enthusiastic meeting in the village frou 4 URWORS. 5 Gendron aud lust week. Mrs. W. Sheldon has re- | r eB 0 _foronto. Mrs, FA. 'Miller is at Tamworth attending her son, Ross, whose leg was brok- en while playing ball. turned from Brockville improved in henlth. Mr. Dillon; Gananoque, wag | in the village the past week.' Mr. and | Mrs. Harold Mustard, Toronto, are guests: of their parents) The re | There recently came t fashi mains of Frank Willow, Thilipsville, | able shoe cho & che a Fy ton- were brought to Elgin for interment {Whose ait nel ier Caan jo the cemétery on MondayMr. and | ih very recent years. The young J. Sullivan spent, a few days tw . ; Am Ds oh jWoman was disposed to patronize with friends - in. the vicinity of King- | » ofiize the ston. © Messrs. (i. F. Warren and (i. clerk, and rejected a number of W. Furl were at Montreal last week, "classy" slippers he produced Yo: "apr Rev. Mr. McFarlane has returned from . Judging by Numbers approval. Finally she said: "I think, perhaps, - I shall {ake conference, ' Mrs. McCornish, West: [these two ~ pairs. But, Louis XV port, is the guest of her daughter. Iheels are too high for me. rite ae} The post offfes has recdived on fresh {a ' size jower--or; stay---perhaps coat of paint. Louis XIIl will be high enough, -- Ge Harpet's Magazine. Hutsing No Risk. Dae gloomy day a young country- man went © fo "a dentist to have a tooth 'extracted. Seeing the pat- fent's obvious nervousness, the den- tist inquired: "Would you like gas?" oN "Would I like gas? Of course I'd like gus," exclaimed the 'irate pa- tent. "Do/vou think I'm going to CASTORIA | "aivers | of the Empréss of Ireland at Pather | in any "way théy can.get the bodies | SSRs Home Has Dozens of Re ses for Panshine-- ; Keeps: woodwork and paintwork spotlessly clean and ' ie ay Scours pots and pans. Cleans cutlery and glass- ware. . Makes bathrooms spick and span. Keeps kitchens immaculate and sweet. iE rmsesS\ is a clean, white, pure powder that his no disagreeable smell, won't scratch i and will not injure the hands. Buy n Panshine.' You'll be glad you did, : Si : Weer) Ta 10c. &U A oA rng ---~ < n FLOUR = Our Robin Hood Brand of flour |! 48s & guarantee in every bag for || good quality. : ANDREW MACLEAN, Why Pay High ices? taro Street. : ; 3 -{ Will Give You a |, ASL | he St AUTOS FOR HIRE [||| ™* Fauldon At f will be perfect. Bibby's Garage | Moderate Charges Ee o = The Tallor, Phone 201 Garage, 917 #!| 620 Princess Strees | Residence If Opposite Bt. Andrew's Church LA F IRST of all ITTLEFOLKS must have sweets, Give them something that will benefit them. Maple Buds are a delight. ful solid chocolate confec- tion and they are pure and wholesome. Nothing could' be better for children, Ran The Delicious Solid Chocolate Confection. Cans ann spsien sasidrenan) SOLD EVERYWHERRBE : THE COWAN COMPANY, LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA SS» = a 2 a Te er I ct AA iim sri White Shoes All kinds 6f stylish street and outing shoes, rea- sonable in price and just the thing for coolness and comfort, . AEN RN NE RAN IN White Can $1.50 to $3.00, ; Wlhite Buck Pumps, Colonials and Oxfords, $4. - White Canvas and Buck Boots, $4.00, $4.50, * * Tennis, Yachting and Outing Shoes of all kinds, ras Pumps, Colonials and Oxfords, from T5e up. J. H. SUTHERLAND °& BRO | THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES s have vow yanking out rey teeth in the dark?" rt ",

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