ing the rear door and drawing the heavy portidres, but leaving space be tween them so that anyone in the dar} hall could sée through them but mo: be seen from the rodm.. "I don't want too much light ir here, either," said Arrelsford. As he spoke he blew out the candles in the two candelabra which had been placec on the different tables, and left th large, long room but dimly {luminate¢ by the candles in the sconces on the |' walls, . A Mrs. Varney watched him with fas . cinated awe. In spite of herself there 5 3 "| still lingered a hope that Arrelsfore rs HA RVI might be mistaken. Thorne had an fr / ! £3 GILLETTE: s PTE he listed her interest, and he might un J oy Edith Is Forced to Pla Game. der other conditions have arousbd hes. yy 4 BY CYRUS TOWNSEND BRADY Raith la 7 departure 7 3 San fn | matronly affections, and she was hop t 2 ILLUSTRATIONS BY EDGAR BERT SMITH J | terrupted by the inopportune reen-| ing against Jove hat he int yet : . . omT 192 mM OMBANY 3 trance from the back hall of Mr, Ar | prove himself innocent, nol only be E : . ' ' n> Dose: BABAR irelsford, who was accompanied by two | cause of his personality but as well be. \ Ns x. After a real good a fte rnoon s eagerly, his face fushing as he real {soldiers, whom he, directed to remain | cause the thought that she ankght have ; . \ Va i {ized that his fondest desire was now 'by the door. As be advanced rapidly | entertained & Spy was rep:anant to oN fun in the fresh summer alr, to ue. resi, ie ik 'toward Mrs, Varney, Caroline stepped | her, and because x the honor of the ; ; % s I 1 . - as you are , sir. Llaside tow the rear window. Dumont family, which was one of the F ' - am waiting." 1 rg ep Arrelsford, turning | 0ldest and mest Hajostant ones in the i there sa lot of wholesome com fhole *1 am ready now," said Wilfred toward the window, and starting western hills of the Old Dominion, ; 'Fa » about his being killed." He turned to his mother. . "You won't. in surprise as he observed ng back Agrelsford 'meantime completed his | \ \ 4 fort mn the taste of a ham and- o. But he was killed and so was Jobo- | ing mother." he said, his own lips:| for the first time. preparations by moving the couch ; . DYE gi . apy AT po Sheldon--I have his uniform, you | trembling 5 June tor the first time at | "Yes, he is there," answered the| Which Carolize Mittord hag placed be- | wich. Particularly if it's OSC. + ; 'the sight of her ghief. woman, fore the window back to the wall. \ . : : : BN eg "to jotow ie was, but you don't Have | rs. Varoey shook ber head. She | Tomek. Varney." ered Caroline, |. WOW: Mrs. Varney, be said, step to Ham. It is so mild, so ténder « to tell 'your father" .said Caroline, | Stepped nearer to him, smoothed the | ; ping fay back out of sight of the win. \ ' ~- choking up, "you don't have to tele [hair back from his forehead, and 'dow, "wlll you open the curtains? Do hd d vor that it's a treat in graph him the news, do you?" stretched out her arms to him as if it casually, carelessly, please, so as { an savo Y ead "No, of course not, but--" the fain would embrace him, but she . not to awaken any suspicion if yon are . . ~~ . pr ha' all the Is 10 tho loter es. | sontolled herself and handed him tng || ween." itself even if you took nothing pept the end" cap and belt. 4. ye "But your soldiers, won't they--* { { -- 1 0 ; : AN Th, : as it ON "» "Why, that leaves it Just the same "Your brother," she sald slowly, I fi "They are all at the back of the . : 3 A sxcept the part about: 3 : "seems to be a little better, Ha wants AR J { if | house. They came in the back 'way, ] else. ~ And It's nota bit salty, "Yes," sald' Caroline in 4 ir, § You to take his cap and belt. I told 4 MEHMET | and the field in front is absolutely ly, ' 1 .y 1: "and after all the work a him your father had sent for you, and Gl clear, although I have men concealed } : bécause Its E n gl IS h cured, you Sone." { knew you would wish to go to the 4 20% Li ; 1 In the street to stop anyone who may ; ' wi k ith AN fui "Let's try it again." said Wiltred. © front at once." / ; ol SAN 4 attempt to escape that way." = 3 ; see. Fill the picnic bas ct with some rut, "No." "sald Caroline, "there .is Wilfred took the belt from her}! Hi Mrs. Varney walked over tb the Ng ) IN + . ho, Ever caroli . there podingd treibling hands, and buckled it about J L window and drew back the curtains. Ta5s, a home-made pie or two, and lots of Rose "Well. then, we can't tel it. | Bim. His mother handed him the cap. er y. She stood for a moment. looking out 3 Fh ' : 2 It would cost Nn of Slegraph "Howard says he can get another f 1!linto the clear, peaceful quietness of a 3 3 Ham sandwiches, and you needn t be a bit sur 2 "Yes, we can telegraph it." said belt when he wants it, and you are \ soit spring night. The moon was full, \ prised if there's\a vote of thanks tendered"the Daroline determinedly, "you give it to | to have his blankets, too. I will go and. ..being. somewhat; . low. shone by gli em aX >, me. Tl get #t sent. - vr oh IT hie he Xindows acd_into commissariat department" on the way home. "But how are you going to send ft?" She turned and left the room. She oi i H-, gh to: dim it enh 74 SE rT Sa ! -- asked Wilfred, extending the letter. | aL Suoush {0 dil its Fadiance. Her -- "N, ind." was nearly at the end of her resisting task being completed, she turned, and S¥er Ou mind," answered the power, and but for the welcome .di- once more the. man who was in com- fl ¥ version incident to her departure, she 15 ibte al : - Tee here!" the Boy eried: "I am | oouiq' not have cratriin herself : he oipied Ssross the hal toward longer. The last one! One taken, "Are those women in there yet? one trembling, and now Wilfred! he asked peremptorily. The boy entered into none of the Kissed His Mothér Hurriedly, "You. emotions of his mother. He clapped "Where is the key?" the cap on his head and threw it | "there's a heap of soldiers out jn YOUr{ Mrs. Varney left the room and went back. back yard here. You don't reckon | 14 the door. "Fits me just as if it were made |@nything's the matter, do you?" | * "It is on this side," she said. n ry for me," he 'sald, settling the cap The girl did not lower her voice, | "will you lock it, please?" oy : MATTHEWS. --™ firmly in place. "Orderly, I will be |@nd was greatly surprised at the im. The woman softly turned the key ) ER | ] : 'with you in a jiffy." fmediate order for silence which pro. in the lock, and returned to the draw- ZS \ / a, BLACKWELL Caroline stood still near the table, ceeded from Mr. Arrelsford, whose ing room without & sound. As she Cl a - = . rf or LIMITED 'her eyes on the floor. ~ presence she acknowledged with | did eo the noise of the opening of one, / ec J ~ - =r Everywhere tn' Canada "We won't have to send Rt now, | eY cul, indifferent bow. of the long French windows in the! : 5 oC . 'will we?" he pointed to the letter. Ne, ere is nothing the matter. | front of the room attracted the atten- : ! 7 he 4 " dear," said Mrs. Varney. . "Martha, tion, of both of them. 'Bdith Varney . y } Caroline, with a' long, deep sigh, | she said to the old 'servant who had! 8hook her head, and slowly hand come in response to her ring: "1 want entered the room pervously and ed the letter to him. Wilfred took it step forward. She. be breath- 'mechanically. his eyes fixed on the' ou = 5 ns nes Mulort A a low, fovorlaniy. excited girl, who had suddenly .grown very night." fr 4 voice. white of face. trembly of lip, and "Thank you very much, Mrs, Var| "Mamma!" : [teary of eye-lashes. new" answered Caroline. "Come May-| 'Mrs. Varney hurried toward her and "You are very good." he said, tear tha" As she turned, she hesitated | Caught her outstretched hand. Ing the'letter into pieces, "to help me § iy; "I want to speak to you," whispered : like you did." _ ' "You Jou, fesljan She could 80 with [the gir]. » me somewhere else, do you?" "We , " Wittcid Swept His Pen Through It. ois sth ine, iapet od Ys wie "Why, where else do you want to ten i ait SS Aviston, mot going to have yon spend' your to" i A 80 at this hour, my dear girl?" asked | - "You must," persisted the girl. She money, and" : Caroline lifted her eyes to his face, Mrs. Varney, .. |turned to her mother again, "I can't "There's no danger of that, I'land he saw within their depths that Just to--to the telegraph office," | 4, it, I can't! Oh, let me go!" haven't any to spend." She took the | whieh encouraged him. answered Caroline. "But, my dear," said her mother, "letter from his hand. "I reckon Doug- "I can fight twice as well, #--* Mr. Arrelsford, who had been wait- "you 'were the one who suggested | lass Foray'll send it for me. He's in Poor little Caroline couldn't trust|ing with ill-concealed impatience dur that--" 7 Ithe telegraph office and he'll do most herself to speak. She nodded through | IDE this dialogue, started violently. "But T was sure then, and now--" maything for me." her tears "Now!" exclaimed Mrs. Varney in "Has he confesséd?" asked Mrs. "No," said Wilfred sternly. © "Good-bye," sald Wilfred, "you will great surprise, not noticing the actions Varney. l "What's the reason he won't?" ask- write to me about helping me to fight | Of hel latest guest. "At this time of "No, no," answered the girl with a the girl. = twice as well, won't you." You know | Disht? o glance of fear and apprehension to- "Because he won't, what 1 mean?" o Swered Caroline, "it is on ward Arrelsford, who stood staring "What do you care so long as he Caroline nodded again. t business, and --1--* menacingly at her elbow. ow it" "I wouldnt mind if you telegraphed ly Mrs. Varney, "if "Don't speak so loud," whispered a . ie nd os I "Well, T do care and that's enowgh. | me that you would." that is the case, Martha must 80 with (pe secret service agent. RA rR ESO LVED 7 not going to have you making eyes What might have happened further | 70% "Bdith," said her mother ghothing- TH AT The BUS TER BROWN STOCKING "You know we haven't a single serv- fat Dug Foray on my account." determi: for at thi H 8 ( | "Oh, well," said the girl, blushing Xi never ba Varney fies, for this ant left at our house," Caroline said TT 7 { ee IS A Boon TO MoOTHE RS AnD A SNAP in explanation of her request. i His | 401 course 1 You feel that way about ax aid Jaded, Widmiot Het ln oil "1 know," said Mrs. Varney, "and, i \ FOR SANTA CLAUS "That's the way I féel all right. speaking. Wilfred threw it over his Martha, don't leave her for an in you won't give up the idea of shoulder, and kissed his mother hur | "50% » "AN {helping me, will you, because I--teel riedly. : a m, Zasusred Martha. Anil fie thet oo Won't mind much, will yau,| gn TE DLAI teh the veo "No," answered Caroline softly, "IT mother. I will soon be back. Order ing. between the tw 1d} oH; ! you all I can--about that letter, | Jui» ne cried. \ Jaane v 8 two 30 re: a ---- ae pobiord Sook up Sha, gomvernaion. { "Yes, about that: letter and about | "I am ready." sald Wiltred. Sry Ald In slisrp tales. He jother things, too." He threw one long, meaning look "What is she going to do at the | "Give it to me," said the girl, "I | at Caroline, and followed the soldier telegraph office ™ he asked. 1 go over it again." put of the door and across the hall "I have no ides," answered the wom- She sat down at the desk, and as | The opening and closing of an outside an. ishe scanned It, Wilfred watched her | door was heard, and then all was still "Has she had any conversation with mnxiously. To them Mrs. Varney en { Mrs. Varney héld her hand to her hm? said Arrelsford pointing to the tered. Se had an open letter in one heart, and long, shuddering breaths front of the house. : hand and a cap and belt in the other. | came from her. He might soon be "They were talking together in this She stopped in the doorway and mo- | back, but how. She kmew all about room. early thie evening before you tioned for some one in the hall to fol- | the famous injunction of the Spartan came the first time. but it isi't pos- Yow her, and an orderly ¢ntered the | woman, "With your shield or on 16" | ible she could--" » } 'ove ith | but somehow she had no idea . of - ' hha A * { yoom. His uniform was covered w | : Anything is possible," snapped Ar- | "Don't" Want Too Much Light In Gust, his sunburned. grim face was releford impatiently. He was evident- Here" | Povered with sweat and dust also. He ly determined to suspect everybody : / . : stood in the doorway with the ease of - . and leave no stone BE to pre- (17, "what fs it that has changed yon?" Buster Brown Stockings are made to veteraa Zolder that {8 without She Indigestion vent the failure of his plans. "Cor. | She Waited Jor au Ang wat, but hone | stand the test of Tough and tumble play @ " " > * + 9 which marks the young. aspirant for poral," he cried, "have Eddinger fol- [came. The girl's face n very in which every heal y boy--your boy-- low that girl. He must get to the tele | Pale, but it now flushed suddenly with | . . military honors. - : and Headaches graph office a5 500m as she does, and | color. spends half his time. Buster Brown stock- "Wilfred," said Mrs. Varney, quick- don't let any dispateh she tries to send | "Dear," said her mother, "sou must ings are the eatest wear resisters ever Iv approaching. him, 'here is a lefior get out, before 1 see I. Let her give [toll me." made--the Secs long fibre cotton, from your father," She extended the it in, but hold it. Make no mistake | Edith motioned Mr. Arrelsford away. |. . hd x Bp aC. ant It by his Orderly." | Arising From Constipation, - Cured | aboot that. Get an arder from the de: | He went with il-concealed impationce specially twisted an tested for durability, Wilfred stepped eloser to the elder and Regular Habits Established by | partment for you'to bring it to me." |to the far side of the room and waited . with three-ply heel and tc knitted, well woman While Caroline slowly rose | Dr. Chase's Kiduey<liver Pills. As the corporal saluted and turned nervously to give the signal, anxious finished and fast dyed in ck and Leath | trom her chair, her eyes fixed, on | in the western provinces, where so away to give the order, Arrelstord |lest" soiiiatiing should miscarry bo. ' Ss Tat i : : or Mrs; Varney. : i housanids live far from doctors | rated Mre. Varney again. "Are they | cause 'of thls oumate unwilling. : an, Ws : "What does he say, mother?" asked |and ® Stores, very many rely on |'hoth oat there?" : : ness of the girl to play part, » more darni i © Wilfred. ay Dr. Chase's medicines to cure dis- ey eapnaret the woman." "Did | . "What Is it, dear? whispered her No e ng if you buy Buster Brown . J ease and mathtain health and you bring the man from. Libby pris. |uother. os ie ockings. : ; rengih. wi Jotter Sizes some ont 3 x "Mamma," sald Edith, she forced : . : of "what rfect contro iP, i" » : Fh r "I' did, the have hinf out in the words out, "ho--he--loves me. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. exert. over the wa ot i" Surge hav side of the | "Impossible!" returned Mrs. Var the most common ils of lite. house. When we get Thorne in here (Ney, controlling her voice 80 that the nas 3 } a ver, farmers ye alone I'll have him brought over to |Other occupant of the reom could not ten years I suffered from constipa-|¥at window end shoved into the 4 RE 3 tion, indigestion, headache and oa room." = ; 2 .". faltered the girl, "and 1-- guid feelings. 'Ireatment from two| "And where shall T stay?" some oye else must do it." . = or three doctors afforded only tem-{ "Out there," sald Arrelsford, "by the a dou ean said Mrs. Var : jar : rary relief, so I turned to . Dr. | Jower door, opening upon the back | ney, t you return" ° h " 2 's Kidney-Liver Pills, and with 'ball. You ean get & good ack But Mr. Arrelstord's patience haé MILLS AT HAMILTON AND most satisfactory results. Headaches thing from there." been strained to the breaking point Also makers of the celebrated : {have disappeared, regular habits es- "But if he sees me?" : did not know what ; : i g "He won't see you if it is dark. in | was going on bet the t io BE g , the hell" He turned to the corporal | but it. must be 8 a 'who had re-entered and resumed his Cre ! HRT 4 station. "Turn ut those lights out | determination : . {Did you ever think what a there," he said: "We can close i h y foot you might Shave do yesterday