| a | So ovhiniee ol & prompily "dont * {quenched their thirst. "led by . on Saturday. When the Athletics and Victorias GET ITS EXPERIENICES, meet at the aricket field to-morrow, : > the fans are promised one of the clos- March Through Eleven Milds of Hot wok, games ca ihe. yen Te ey Sand and Unable to Get Pure Wa- op" th, kind of days he has handed ter--Couldn't Drink Dirty Lake ont since' the league an. - he re- gue begs Lignid. Veult' of the game camibot be foretold, The officers, N.C.0.s od wan of tha {The league standing : Won Foi. 14th regiment will long remember the Yonieg 0 on hours they speat at Corry Lake, | Viotorias ........ ........ coon 2 eleven miley fren from Petawawa. on Tues- Athtlebios 0... nies me last. Although thie meu' were al- S------ : t famished for water they stuck Two Baseball Games. o their guns and not ove man fell | p¢ is, expected that .two baseball aut of the 'games will be played at the cricket When the regiment arrived at (ho 'field on Wednesday, July 1st, Do- camp grounds at Corry Lake on Mon- minion Day. day evening last they were met face to face with the dreadful water con- : Bowling Game. ditions. The only water available There was an interesting bowling at this point for drinking purposes | yume a Queen's, Thursday evening, is obtained from Corry Lake, which in which the team skipped by A. Tur. is about two to three feet" deep? The cott -defeated the team skipped by W. fyater is a very bad color. After the |H. Montgomery by 22 to Il. The water was Faved in cans it was doe: | teams were : tored. wit chlorine, which was so| W. R. Givens, L. Sleeth, C. strong that it was almost impossible 'and W. H. Mon{gomery--11. to drink the mixture, much less enjoy | Thomas King, J: Jamieson, A. Mac it. The riflemen were ordered not to {Intosh and A. Turcotte--22. drink the water lest they contract di- 3 -- sease. Baseball Record, When the men left the camp grounds National Jeague~Buston, 7% New on Tuesday morning about eight o'- Vouk, 6. Pittsburgh, 4; St. Louis, 1. clock on their way to Thistle camp Philadelphia, 8; Brockisn, 7; Chicago, She majority of" them were without 8 ai Cincinnati, rain. frop of water. Some of them walk- | American league--Chicago, 3; -- He d or a couple of miles on Monday troit, 2. Cleveland, 6; St. lows, evening and were able to secure somo 3 New York, 3-3; Boston, 24. milk from a farmer. with which they | Federal league--Kansas City, 5; In dianapolis, 3. Chisago, 13; St. Louis, Of Tuesday morning when some of 8. Brooklyn, 5; Baltimore, 1. tuf- the men walked to a farm house tq falo, 6: Pittsburs h, 2. get somo drinking water they were | International lengue--Baltiniore," 12; vefiised it hy the owner as he feared Toronto, 7. Nopireal, 8-1; Newark. the well might go dy. 57. Buffalo, 9; Providence, 7." Roch The experiences the "men' went ooior 0: Jersey 'City, 7 . Tthrough ou the trip from C pray lake i ad WR i y to Thistle comp on Tuesday will not hate tase tasis ded often be Ickgotten for many years. Dur-'W dg ti * ing the trip the men passed throdgh ' THE ACID PEST. a the heft which had been badly burn |g about a week ago. In @ many places the bushes were so thick + that the riflemen were almost com- pelled to heat their way through. Sir John. "They. want it D 1S MISSING. A Jal ' : now," he was told. "Not Thought He Has Been Eaticed Away 50," replied the statesman by Comrades and pelitieian, "I know by the ¥ * # kind of men they are send- John Murphy, Wolfe Island, was , .. parliament that they | in the city, op Thursday night, seek- 4 gqon't want it." You are not [ing to get trate of Maxim SIADP® ¢ going to get prohibition by a lad of fourteen years, who disaD-'s sending down to Toronto men Js from his place on Friday - who will vote down the 14TH BEGIMENT Wi WILL NOT vor. Smith era > - Sir John A. Macdonald was once asked why he did not & give the ceuntry prohibition. "As soon as the peeple want it they can have it," replied - last, Mr. Murphy is of the opinion 's amendment that the bars be that the lad has been enticed away closed on Saturday after- by other s with stories of better noons. You will get the bar 'things elsewhere. It is thought that abolished by sending down Maxim came to the city on the men whe will Vote it out. boat, though this is not definitely Are you sincere? Do you known. Mr. Murphy has had the mean business?" Rev. R. G. lad for four years, taking him out MacBeth, al Paris. seton 00--New Cazpet and rug. buyers are _ bound to patronize the store where reliability of quality is not questioned. whera styles Lore. correct and prices right. Buyers at the Kingston Carpet J Warehouse are sure of getting ; honest value for their money. R. McFAUL Kingston Carpet Ware- 0 Real Estate Investments | | $8809.00 New double frame 7 rooms each. furnace, electric light, rental $400; edsy terms; taxes paid year. n $4350.00---Detached frame; t room. dwelling good cellar and stable. . CL, ble, Queen St., aT Se going Solid brick 7 7 room | ng, B. and C., nice lot, Barrie St 4a etached brick' 7 rooms, hot heating. electric light, hard- Wi floors, Albert St. near and near street car line, - $1050.00--Single frame, * : rooms, Jot 66 x 132, hon i | commencing fort, iid bave heen arrang- 'for the Hi | eee - : a I. 1 Temporary Quarters. si i lho, Bodh A cr fP , and has of the House of Providence, an OE sought 1 be good and hoipfn} Fey ~ i Baking hin a rghi-thinking ¥ STRANGER "TOOK TJ "TOOK THEM: IN". {The sisters at the Providence have HM not heard anything of him. To CREE ua. 40 ' hh is. tall Jal and slight, itn |An Engaaefus Below Tetras ac ark skin en ingston Be aS and t away be wore a gray suit A local tailor and several other BA a Jolt, tan shoes and a hard [kind-hearted people in this city are {sailor ba lamenting the loss which they sus- Mr. or Mrs. 'Murphy are very tdined by the mean treatment ten- {anxious over the lad"s disappearance ;derd them as a reward. for their ad will greatly appreciate to learn hospitality to a stranger whom they a trace of him. took info their confidence. The : small principled man posed as a GRADUATES HAD DINNER. | meleian and through the instru- : : mentality of his benefactors, he was R. M: C. Cadets Had Joly Time on secured a good position in one of Thursday Night. the local government institutions. The annual farewell dinner of the The tailor made a suit for him | sraduates of the Royal Military col- [upon which the runaway pdid only lege took place on Thursday even- A mere pittance, the ungrateful fel- ing, and was a Joly affair. The, Jow, Vght round nr abu other [f members of the st and quile a e a {puma of evendeie wore queniial Soudly Bui; fe Yould pot Dar T. Em tow enounsed H. io aE much of it foolishly. While -- the ! dinner, but It was none the less en |Mmoney lasted he jertainly put in a Hioyable on this account. A fine 'gay time, with the result that he flspréad was provided and everyone lost Ds position and then flew for | rad a most enjoyable time. points unkown to his friends. A large number of the cadets left sna the city today and the remainder PHELPS ESP EE pire fof the out-of-town cadets will leave : a to-night and to-morrow. ¥ RUT THHEE BY LIQUOR. 1 ptr | i Weather Notes. 'o A moderate cool wave covers the % great lakes while a rather propoun- ¥ Of the Ahree-fifths clause, ced depression Is situated in Dakota. ® and not "the leading' temper Rain has fallen beavily in the : ance men of the province," : -* James Haverson, the paid advocate of the liquor party, skates that he was the author ll southern portion of Saskatchewan as claimed by the Whitney Hand in Alberta and some showers sovermment. fHhave occurred in the maritme pro- | gies ' y | rtresretsrstrerrrstreres) PHBE eh I° Wrong Name Given. 1000 IstandssRochester | Through bak he ¥ 3%. Compianciogm ak 1015 o.oo. ough a mistake in the Whig om 5 ma A hein. | lhoursday it was stated that ihe June 7th, for Younk man who awindled - the fem of I and al 5 . for Roches ames Redden & Co out of $15 by Sanda, pa, of hs cashing a bogus cheque had used Roe kwood Nt Nurses Gradjagion. | the ame of Rev. C. K. : a Sura e of St. George's cathedral, s The purses' gradustion exercises at Hint. Ta 'wep oli a as ex. This was a 'mistuke as 1 to take pl July 3rd. Sev br ed lc @ plage on «aly e i | Rey. Dr. Edward Torrance Cw - outside speakers are to be resent pe P fle n whose name was used Ly er. ~The Whig regrets hav "Violet toilet 6G : iolet toilet water." Gibson's the mistake. Thigh not expected that the new college bui Dow in course of erection, will be finished by the. time schools re-open on the first of 5 but ut temporary quar- ters haye been the arch. ha iff "the the loege. bai how og by the different Tont Catho- Tie "Sucietiss on Brock street. Great st Clearing 5 Saje. Prevost, Brock stregt, ha a great assortment of coat aud vest, light well ht for summer wear, alse @ great _ assortment of cl ne coat in fight i on in black. Special low Priees for clergymen. We: the largest ET «stable, Russet! street. .. .. [if oR IN SPORTING CIRCEES. . '} PETAWAWA N HORR Samet mee mea 'ymer house at Sharbot Lake for the next two months. "Lilac toilet water." Gibson's. Fresh vegetables at Pickering's. F. McCoy, King street, loft at noon Friday for Parham: William Swaine. mano tuner. Orders ceived at. McAuley's. Phone 564. "Lilac toilet water." Gibson's. | Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Reid have re turned to the city from Kinosha, Ladies" up-to-date dressmaking. Torms moderate. Miss A. Keys, Colborne street. Music ! AN the latest opera music in stock; high elass songs, ete. Dut toh 's, opposite opera house. "Mosquito Lotion." Gibson's. The women - are with us in this light. With them on our side we can not fail. . "Lilac toilet water." Gibson's Dr. and Mrs. Pee have taken a sum- H. Cunuingham, plano tuner 2 King street. Leave orders at Mec- 160 Princess St. Auley's book store. we 1 Miss Fithel Ormsby, who has recov ered from an. operation for appen- dicitis, left the general hospitdl for her home in Storrington. 2 Sale ! Vests, two for 25¢.; corset covers, 25¢.; Standard Fi Anim Book, with free pattern, 20c. Dutton 's, Finest cured hams at Pickéring's. Miss Kathleen Bibby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Bibby, Barrie | street, left Friday morning for a visit with Mrs. O'Dell, Ottawa. 'Newest Designs "Lilac toilet water." . Gibbons Misses Makion and Helen Fowler have roturned to their home, 'Sunny side;" Glenburnie, aller attending No- tre: Dame. convent. Kingston. "Face chamois," at Gibson's The axle of a light delivery rig, while crossing Princess street at he corner of Wellington, broke on Fri- day morning and had to be taken to a repair shop. Dutton Music Store. lar musie, two for 25c¢. Newcombe piano. "Talcum powders," at Gibson's. This July number of The Red Book contains the heginning of - a two-part story by Meredith Nichol son, a strong story by Hugh John- son, stories "by Opie Read, George Pattullo, Albert Payson. Terhuuie, Kennett Harriy, Bllis Parker Butler, Ida M. Evans, Frederick R. Bech- dolt, James Qliver Curwood, and a number of others. "Ice cream bricks" at Gibson's. "Mosquito Lotion." Gibson's. Opie; Read certainly has 'come back." "Each one of the new short stories which he has running in The Red Book seems to be a little bit better than its predececessor. - They also have that wonderful spirit and that keen. dry humor which made his work the most popular in' America ten years ago. The story in the July Red Book Mdghzine is called "Jane And the Rudder" Latest popu A manufacturers' "The Hat Store" Bourne, ! Summer Hats Ladies Gingham Aprons Large full size with bib, edge bound all round, strong pocket, pretty Biot ori - : ft colors, extra well made. apron on sale Sat. Morning Each 23c SEE WINDOW DISPLAY tterns, regular 5 20 Doz. Ladies' White Marquisette Blouses clearance, dainty 2 signs, this season' latest, in all sizes, 34 42. Regular up to $1.75 each. Sat. Your Choice $1.00 AT LOW PRICES Newman & » The Always Busy Store A GARDEN PARTY HELD By the Ladies' Aid Society of Cooke's . Church. The Ladies' Aid Society of Cooke's Presbyterian church held a garden party on Thursday evening, on the the correct hat for anv J} grounds of W. Jackson, William street , west, Musig was furnished by an or- and every occasion. chesira. At the homemade table wero We Hat Everybody Mrs. T. McLaughlin, Mys. J. Dunlop; : : Mrs. J. Boyd and Mrs. T. Glassiord. Men, ladies and chil- E i i . ihe ice cream and lemonade were look- dren and importing di- ff ed after by Mrs. E. Wesbster, Miss F. rect makes. Burton and Mrs. W. J. Arniel. The Our Prices Very Low tea table was in shazge of Mrs. Mont- gomery and Mrs. ohnstone. Mrs, So low, that it pays to discard the old faded A. Jobuston received the contribution #1 the gate: Mrs. W. Jackson and the president of the society, Miss B se W % r ra sop; received at the entrance. The straw hat. Your com- amount realized will be given to Lhe fort: and appearance make it well worth the outlay. Panamas church decoration fund. $4 and $5. up to $10. We sell our Panamas cheaper than the whole- sales. . Straw Hats Wonderful vataes for It doesn't matter what kind of a sununer hat you want, we have LAP THROWN BY HORSE At Adolphustown, and Sustained a Broken Shoulder Bone. | On Wednesday, Edward Gallagher, Adolphustown township, while riding a horse in a field, met with a painful accident. 'The boy's hat blew off' and tne frightened horse threw him to the und, He was ht to the \ingston goenéral hospital and an N- men amd: bovs, 25¢ up-- ray examination showed a Weoken & shoulder bone. great values. at $1 and man neni $2. ; , © Cadets Held Serenade. : ; { After their dinner, held on Thurs. Linen Hats JLda¥y evening, the members of the x I o= 7 jf sriduating class at the Royal Mili For every body, = 25¢ | tary college: paid a visit to the city to Toe, 253, sore gu do soos ae i ; a r homes," also pa Faiicy Bands a visit to several of their lady A new lot just receiv- Jf friends where they sang song. ed, new designs, 25¢, | S3¢ and H0c¢. to Kingston. Mrs. Thomas Tandy, formerly of Kingston, who is on a ran¢h near with her ns, is in To- | few days ( here' ald and in TL Sheng ton before dos] for a visit. | Thi cision oh a the sile vote It aged thirteen, son of-H. W. G iallaghera | | Erard --- ei RUST IS WIRE'S DEADLY ENEMY Order your . Doors and § from us. We furnish rustproof, galvanized + OF copper wire netting. Nereens made to fit, Lasts for years. 3 Mug & Go. Sereon Wndows of Leather Hand Bags > Half Price 5. 25 Per cent off Collar Boxes so necessary for tourists and travellers. Music rolls and articles too numerous to mention, in souvenir lines of the city and river points. The College Book Store € Are growing within the reach of all. We have beautiful cluster rings paved with diamonds at $50.00, and beauties even at $40.00. "This platinum treatment is by far the mos' sEective way of usinr the smaller brilliant dlamonus. Smith Bros. Jewelrs, Opticians, Marriage Licenses, Lenses Ground GRAY, BROWN, WHITE AND BLACK OSTRICH AND MARABEAU SHULES ewes LURRER. 0081 " ---- EER HERE ARE A FEW Screen Doors, all' sizes, $1.00, isn d W. F. Gourdier's 18-80 Brock Street LOOK AHEAD <3 SEE YOUR WAY '] HAVE A PLAN And let that plan be to ar range to buy a nice heme. $5000--On Aberdeen 'Ave. (New) $5500---0Om Alwington Ave. (New) $3000--On F p .. Wo . 1 js Albert St. he Houses to rent, Fire Insurance, Rents Collected, Money to Loan. E.W. MULLIN Cor. Johnson and Division Streets, Phones 530 and 1456. $4600--0n C $3400----O0n' Collingwood St. $5300--0On AH