Rat eats em a y Deposit Boxes | * Asafe place for your insurance palicies, deeds, 'sbenrities, and other valuable articles, Rentals from | fizble Minerva | Lilan, her young granddaughter-- $2.00 per annum up. A private room for the operation of the boxes. i INCORPORATED 1888 HE we | BANK or TORONTO GEORGE B. MEAY wii Howard 8S. Folger INVESTMENT BROKER : Fire and Life Instirance ° High Grade Bonds and Stocks : Real Estate District Manager of The JUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 44 Clarence Street Phone 995 Builders & Contractors Attention Sand for sale in any quantity CEMENT BRICK FOR SALE Cheapest Brick on the Market : THE KINGSTON TR UCIION COMPANY, " LIMITED. 168 Princess Street. Phone 286. ", Yards, Sowards' Dock ; L Contractor's Attention ! We have just opened a kiln of stock brick and we want the contractors and builders to come out and she them. It won't cost an; to look at them and you don't have to buy them if they uns you, but we invite inspection and challenge comparison. They can also be seen at J. O. Hutton's and McKelvey's hardware stores. See our new hollow brick for inside work. They certainly are dandies. We will also have tile ready for the market in about two weeks. Give us a call. Phone 1396. Kingston Prick & Tile Works - Albert Neal FOR SALE. Solid brick dwelling, nine rooms. hot, watersheating, electric light, gas grate, deep lot; one block from Victoria Park. Price $3800 New frame house, lights, first finish nine rooms, furnaces electric How. about your fire insurance? We represent' nothin hat" the vest conipanies. J. K. Carroll Agency, BROOK S87. / PHONE 68. i JOHN DRIVER, Reéprésentative. Auction _ Sales AR GB Bri Be Bet Bid We are also handling Reas! Estate on a commission basis. Our raputation for the last fifteen years assures you of the utmost satisfaction, prompt re turns, honest and efeclent service We will buy the contents of ar) house for cash. " Allen's 118 Brock If you are looking for results, why not sow seeds that will grow. You can procure them from ° Hoag's Drug Store Opp. T.M.CA. Phone 3538 Phone 353. e, {able regu ting a 0. ul 3. 2 pe or sent on re of price, ee Damphiot. Addresst CONSULT OUR SPECIALIST BROWN, Oph.D re . ORE J 11 COSTS NO ~ HOISAXH HAO I 1ASNOO) 2 are entitled to special effort. That's why Eyesight Speialist, H. C. Brown, Oph. D.. £/dctoien his eutire time thought and effort to Eye Examination, Rodger Optical Parlors 347 KING STREET 3 Zz our | For SALE OR TO | Brick house, No. 118 Victoria St., between | Earl and Johnson Sts. | | Seven rooms, modern; i immediate possession. il Apply 7 "Where the Clock Is In > CL Walk" a TT OUR EYESIGHT On the ~ onan T ¥ (ide ; { © coNsuur ovr seEolausy neighboring plan ! otghbar of 40. ! Te Were two other listeners to i Ni i black. mountain who cooked fur the H Vino , Standing back ois hall, out of sight of the 'white An {old granddaughter of A H--ISPIVIOaS L Amn, "P11 buy back the 260 acres of ns plantation u've 0 sell deed it to i and on the d. Lilah marries me I'll settle 'enough mo- ney on you to em you to live as iyou used to live." The Vinnedge family--old, Alicia, a veftiable Minerva in her sternness a , her son, and the evening shadows on the plantation house's wide gallery, lis- ming to the pi tigns of Niecho- Hopson, a neighboring planter, a Jos ter, 3 Benter-3 icholas, Aunt Yashti Mudd, the edges in the skin-Ann," the 13-yoar- } d und the Bios an) lying op the sand under the h gal- licry. ber woolly head close to the folks," open latticq around its edge. ; er Vinnedges and black i Yashti rejoiced as th stened to Hopkin's offer to raise their. fallen fortunes, but Lilab's -dove-gray eyes filled, and Skin-Ann bit her thumb- nails.and pulled ber wool in enfore-{ ed silent' indignation. ¥ 'Miss Lilah-- my darlin' Miss Lllah!" she groaned under her breath. "Jest as soft and tender and easy to put on by dem old turribles Jas a buttahfly! Dey'll make her con- isent to take Nick Hopson, wid his hard eye and his bal' head, and huh a-lovin' Mistuh Lockard all de time!' An hour later, . when . Skin-An stole into Lilah's room, the girl sal on her bed crying in a heartbroken fashion. 'They made me do it, Skin- Ann!" She held up her slender left hand, on which, in an old-fashioned claw setting, was a magnificent dia- mond solitaire. "When Nicholas took oul this thing grandmother put it on my finger, Pd 4 then he kissed me; and gfter Nichglas left, when I told them I'd promised to marry - Lynn Just as soon as he got enough saved at his ER ine to rent us a house and furnish it, they said I must never see or speak to Lynn again! Oh, Skin-Ann, what must I do? ther hadn't died, I'd have somebody io help me!" You's got me to help you, Miss Lilah, aarlin'!" The lean creature crouched down by Lilah's knees. Lilah wiped her eyes. "Couldn't you take a note to Lynn early in the \moraning for me, Skin-Ann?" The next noon, just beyond the Vinnedge plantation house, a slim deep and serious. Before the girl, trembling and glancing fearfully a e {bout her, reached him, she held up her left hand. The boy turned white. "Oh Lilah," he reproached her. "I had to do it, Lynn!" she faul- tered. "I had to put it on, but it's nothing--nothing to me!" Young Lockard pondered anxious- ly. "You love me, and you're g0~ ing to marry nobodg eise, Lilah?" be asked. "Nobody but you!' she eried, lay- ing. her face against his shoulder. "Then it's all right," he said hap- pily, "If it will keep the peace until 1 get back for you to wear lopson's ring, or borrow money from old lius- 80 on the stone--he'll lend me $200 or so on it--and I'm going to Alaska and bring back enough gold to bhy back your father's land and do every thing for them that Nick Hopson can do." The girl's pink cheeks lost their color. "To Alaska!" she gasped. 'Oh, Lyon, you might not come back. And your mother's ring--your mo- ther's engagement ring!" "My. sweet, dead mother wouldn't care, lovely," he said slowly. "She'd want us to be happy!" One evening three months after the young bookkeeper left Carlsboro Nicholas Hopson entertained the fa- mily of bis betrothed at dinner at his hone. They talked of young Lock- ard and wondered how he had se- cured the money for his Alaskan venture. When Nicholas banded them out at their door from his automobile he bent over Lilah. "If you won't let me kiss your lips," he-said, in a hard voice, when she drew back, "then I'll kiss your hand.!" Bul he did not kiss ber hand "Why, where's the stone in my ring? he asked." Lilah looked at her hand. "I-- why I must have lost it this evening! she cried tremulously, "but--but I I hadn't missed it!" "Were you outside the house?" he asked. "Only out in the chicken pen with grandmother to see your Rhode Island reds," she answered, "and 1 game right in." Nicholas was much vexed. have the premises searched tomor- row," he sald, impatiently, "but 1 : [don't see how that stone could have lost out. It was very firmly set." Two months later Nicholas Hop- son rappeared suddenly before Lilah, wide gallery. No letter had come sitting white and anxious, on' the aska, and she had begun to believe him the victim of some accident. "I've found out where the diamé#d went out of my ring." Hopson sald, "Il went in old Russo's on a venture today, and it's there. You took that diamond and gave it to Lynn Lock: ard to get money to go to Alaska on, didn't you, Lilah?" : Lilah rose and .her eyes blazed "How dare you?" she said. "How dare you! That diamond was Lynn's own." "Prove it!" the man said cruelly. "Prove it!" "I can"t! I can't!" she sobbed. "If you'll prove to us, dear," the parents soothed the hysterical girl, "that he's accusing you- falsely, we won't say another word about your 'marrying Nicholas." Late that pight an exceedingly slim negress sidled through the grove of pecan trees in front of Nicholas Hopson's long, low plantation house. Skin-Ann crept to the .door of the Rhode Island Reds like a stealthy shadow. She tried the door of the little benhouse. It was locked! But Skin-Ann did not despair. There was & narrow hoard off one side the house, and, (hroagh ordinarily ne human being of her age could have passed through the aperature. Skin- Ann managed to force her slim body through the hole: : SKIN-ANNE | If mo-| young fellow waited, his brown eyes| "I'ny LAKE - FARIO PARK. ADMISSION F| i To The Electors Of Portsmouth and {A GENERAL JUNDENSED ADVERT[SING RATES First Insertion l¢ a word. Each con- secutive insertion tNereafter, cent a word. Minhmam charge for one insertion, 5c; three Insertions, $1; one month, $3. THE PEOPLE'S FORUM A TWENTY DOLLAR BILL WE NES. day noon in the city. Kindly re- urn, to Whig office and receive re- ward. ADVT, OF 25 WORDS. OR LESS, | -- ¥ under 'thil NeAd, cout 38e tor ond | PL, night, or Bbc for three. CHAMBERMAID. APPLY BRITISH- American hotel. TRESS AND A GENERAL WAL ; SER- vant. Apply 264 King St.» A COOK; ALSO TWO MAIDS. APPLY a AIN GOLD AUTOMOBILE JACK AND TIRE RIKE- mover, on street somewhere in city last Sunday. Finder return to this office and receive reward. BRACELR evening last, Ci 7 incess or Johnson Sts, Finder Will be re- warded by leaving at Smith Bros. Jewellers. MONDAY 0 LET rent eet este. TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS. Once, 3c; three times, Kingston General Hospital, FU A Loo. APPLY 70 MRS. BROWN. field, cor. Wellington and Union Sts. SERVANT, WELL RE- Rr FROM 1ST MAY, NO, 373 RNISHED ROOMS P0 RENT. Aberdeen St. =.» Thomas Mills, 79 Clare ": commerided. APP in evening te Mrs. Kilborn, 244 King St. THREE HANDY MEN TO WORK ON barn. Apply James W. Bell, Divis- lon St. 21.2 miles from city, COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT, References required. Apply to Mrs. George Robertson, 109 Bagot St, A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK one who is willing to go to. Tre- mont Pdrk, near Gananoque, for the summer, Apply Mrs. F. G. Lockett, 24 Stuart St FURNISHED HOUSE RENT FR 1 Hot Bt. DWELLINGS AT $9, $13, $15, $18 n $255.0. 5. RK Mecunn dsr Sih AND STORAGE FOR FURNITUR 3, Sean snd By McCaan, 5 Brock ree 826 EARL ST. DETACHED pRICK, 7 rooms, hot air furnace. J. McCann, 82 Brock St. B. st May, No. 115 oon 1 ningham & Mudie. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100" EN ir por Y OFFICES IN CLARENCE SP CHAM. ers. Apply to Cunningham & Mu- dle, 79 Clarence St. ' y for newspapers; 'no canvassing, Send for particulars. Press Syndl: SE cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. S FOR CITY, LADIES OR. SALESAG 4 Rent en, whole or part time, sal- VEN ROOM HOUSE, 188 STUART St, B. and C., and gas; newly pap- ered and painted. pely to J. RB. Laidlaw, 248 Divigion St. ar id comynission. A good op- ~ f : Yours for service to the City and Province, backed by your support. Yours, | T. F. HARRISON SCHUHLE"S PURE GRAPE JUICE A healthful and harmless beverage, and one of .the best bigad huilders, known. to medical science. ,.. AT ALL GOOR.GROC- ERS AND DRUG- GISTS od DECORATION DAY CEREMONIES NS A Vans il leave YM.C.A. at 9 a.m. sharp for Cataraqui cemetery. AH members of the Order are re- quested to take part in this cere- mony. T. H. FUNNELL, HIPSON, Sec. Chairman. WM. Committee. Electoral District of Kingston Thomas F. Harrison, of the City Kingston, merchant, a candidate to present the above district in the I lative Assmmbly 6% - Qntario, has ap- puinted William B. ludie. of said city, rarvister, his fin&noidl ag , At the tg be held on the 29th day of fo J. B. WALKEM, Returning Officer. eleatipn June, 19 22nd June, 1914. Kingston , Election NOTICE TO DEPUTY RETURNING | OFFICERS . | All Deputies must call at my of-! fice for their boxes and papers on Saturday from 1 o'clock to 4 o'élock, or in the evening from 7.30 to 9.30. Deputies failing to call will have their commission cancelled and a, new Deputy appointed. from Lynn since Me had reacher Al} | J.B. Walkem, { : Returning Ofticer. ] She knew very well how to twist a! sleeping chicken's neck to render iti dumb. ; | When the red glow in the east. told that the day was not ffr off an utterly exhausted Skin-Ann, wet to the waist, her bare feet bleeding | from the hooked grass burrs they nad encountered, tad her hand po lah's shoulder. "Weck up, missy!" | she breathe, "and come wid me! I; believes I's on de. track o' dat lost | amond!" i When -the sun came up its first | fiys fell on 4 wonderful stone in| Lilah's hahd---a big diamond Skin-, Ann bad drawn from the inner ram- ifications of the tenth Rhod= Island Red victim! - : And while Lilah looked at it and! cried, a messenger boy rode into the yard and handed her a bit of yellow paper. "I've struck it rich, sweet- heart," it read, "and I start home to- day." £5 -- & Ahy kind of 'a man. can # stick to hisoparty; it takes a # big broad minded man to # v change. . I¥ Raat RTS 3 i i ¥ WELCH'S ; 'E may be {obtained AT F. GROC- ERS, AT YOUR PD 4 AT A FOUNT D MUCILEGE MAN: $ Po more than ask for Grape. Juice. j # died 'on a whee he t , > ; ¥ hoi or. sight wes, ¥ ax portunity to make money, forme: experience not required. Address Box 624, Whig office. WANTED GENERAL, PASTURE NEAR CITY. APPLY Susman, 78 Markland St A GOOD HOUSE IN D RABLE calty by July 15th. Rent not to X= ceed $25.00 per month Apply Box 5, Whig office . FOR THE | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Stora ®, 99 Queen St. Phone 526b. 5 . SUMMER, FURNISHED house, all conveniences, electric light, gas and telephone: centrally locat Address Box L, Whig office. I0USE, 165 STUART ST., THIRD DOOR from University Ave., north side; 6 rooms, deep lot: immediate posses- sion. Apply 321 University Ave. Phone 1484. ee a | pon GENTLEMEN . TO BRING THEIR ¥ cloth and have it made up Into up- o-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repairing done on the /RNISHED ROOMS, Two com- fortable, light, airy rooms with all modern conveniences; also one back room; terms reasonable. 152 Sydenham St, shortest notice. Thomas Galloway 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Gar- age. TEACHER WANTED. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S. S. No. 2. Twp. of Clarendon, village of Plevna, 'Duties to commence Sept. 1st, 1914. Salary $400.00 per vear. State qualification and experience. Address J. F. Card, Plevna, Ont. Rideau Lakes Navigation Co. For Ottawa $5,000-80LID BRICK modern. MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND BATEMAN & GARDINER, PHONE Lawrence, five' miles rom King- ston, five and seven omed furn- ished bungalows. A ply to J. D. EASTVIEW PARK, 3 THE ST, Boyd, 106 Pine St, Kingston. FURNISHED HOUSE. UNIVERSITY avenue. HOUSE, 10 1goma, all improvements, large lot. TY . hf LT HOUSE, NEW, ALL SOLD, 394, Money to loan. 7 Clarence 'St.. Kingston. PERSUNAL ! Every Monday, Wednesday, Thars- day and Friday at 6 a.m. \_ For Clayton every Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Friday and Saturday at 6 p. Jones Falls and return, 50c, every Wednesday at 6 a.m. OFFICE, FOOT OF JOHNSON ST. PHONE 391, Passengers going through to Ot. tawa may occupy stateroom the eve- ning previous. No extra charge. MARRY -- THE HAIR, RELIABLE, CONFI- dential Success Club Be large humbers of wealthy, eligible mem- bers, both - sexes, wishing early marriage; descriptions free. Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26m, Oakland, Cal: MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed ermanen'ly, without scar; 27 years' ex erience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, r, Nose Throat and Skin Specialist, 258 Bagot Street. SC CANADA - SHIP LINES LTD. TRIES, x ALP ° MASSAGE FOR FALLING hair, dandruff, etc., treated by el- ectrieity (new method). Latest treatment In shampooing. face manicuring, coh robody, styles in hair work. graduate § 5.5. "Thousand stander" Special Wonr of Thousand Islands calling at all points , SATURDAY, JUNE 27TH waving 2.15 paw Home 530 pin. 'are Die. Meals on Denard. SS: "AMERICA" To Cape Vincent, Sundny, at 7.30 am. amd 2.30 pu Fare Shc. 4 rel Satur | po lowing p $2.00. mn w, cu THE GUEST BEVERAGE It is good taste and tastes good to Welch's Serving Welch' Grape Juice to the unexpected guest, to the chance cal- ler, to the friendss who in, is one of the cheerful touches ch go to make up perfect hospitality, Welch's. is. always ready---always pure--tempting, delicious and satis tying. =, Welch's Grape Juice is mot terated in any way, It is pure, and is not sweetened with r, As some brands sare, to cover a defect In the flavor of the grape. 3 : : _sa 'WE LCH gr Yond GEE TE hr "Mrs, Thomas: ville, EXPERIENCED CATERING EE ---------------------------------------------------- TIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP- banquets, dinners, parties Silverware avd cutlery to ent. - For particulars apply to R 1 Toye's King St. store. pers, WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc also rent dishes, table Mnens and silverware, Reid and Hombrook. M. P. Reid, 30 Union Street. ¥. C. Hambrook, 176 Alf Street. Phones 843 or 303. MUS10, ISIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC- tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Norma Telgmann, Alida Telgmann, BE: O. F. Telgmann, teachers of elocu- tion, plano, violin and all stringed instruments. UPBOLSTERER J; GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairk and carpet work, and Putiidly renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Dagot agget LEGAL NNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. te TH solicitors. Law office, 70 Clarghes street, Kingston. ARCHITBOT P Histor Omees, er Bagot BY A ROT EIA ITS] TE RE POS(TION WANTED. da bookk desi IT. and bookkeeper res on in x ston. Disengaged the end of X XYZ. Wii) FOR SALT Mietie. Once, ed nan times, of one week, $1.00. ; $ GEESE FEATHERS. APPLY TO MRS, GoMman, 387 Division St, A ANY BLA ARTH, UANTITY, per BE. Wathen, a ona DOUBLE SETT OF HAR Apply M. J. Dolan, 21% Princess MISSION, WEBER PIANO, ior! h, $8 per month, St" Phone 16544. A SQUARE PIANO OWNED BY 'ler; Aifred St, Enquire Ro! House, 72 Barrie St. * AY COLT, "4 YEARS OLD, OMY 3 ken, Apply Kingeion Saiirans mpany, 556 Princess Sireet. : EGTON PLAYER PIANO 88 NOT 95---315 cash and $10 ps § Princess St. Phone 1644. NDHA iD QREAN, GOOD § ap. . J. Dawson, pianos Victor Victrolas, 244 Princess GAS RANGES AND ors at reasonable prices, w they last, At Turk's, . . + - -- T CAN SELL YOU A FIRE INSURANCE Jolley on anything you have | nsure in a first class British pany. R. Chas, Bell, 239 Bagot | ANYONE HAVING SECONDHAND stoves or furniture for Siocon 2 me for first class glo. ; . Thompw son. 333 Princess ne 1600, $2100 BRICK VENEER, FURNACE, foprictty, B. and C., $600 cash; - 500, solid brick, rents at $30. §860 cash will buy. R. Charles 239 Bagot Street. : SIX FEET LONG, ih. hish Fhont and 3s 1-2 hn ac ree drawers a top shail. Slightly used. Api British Whig office. ~~ OFFICE DES in, high in A LARGE NUMBER OF OY! also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. arders promptly 'attended to fhrpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 373 King St. LARGE TENT, 40 X 60, SEATS, STA complete outfit for concession 1 medicine show. Cheap to guick cash buyer, Anply at tent, Bagot street, between Princess and Queen stréets. iE GROCERY STORE AND DWEL 152 Ontario street, or will grocery stock and tures grivilege of renting store welling. Doing a first ol - Boss 0d reagon for se Ap p! X. Bazeau, on the premises, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PL square planes, plan ¢ Bans, Angelus player rolls, organs and gramophones. Seale Wiiliame ppyments' N : cale ams Plano v Montreal 8%, Kingston. $7,000 FOR BRICK HOUSE, 2 STORY, « 15 rooms, cement cellar, waters works, 2 furnaces, bath room, elec tric Hghts, double lot, lawn, hens house, stable, barn; corner lo 0 ¥ ectric car passes door. ppl re, Elizabeth rin, Empire & A ant, New Lisksard, On BARBERS' SUPPLIES AND FIX. tures, one silent salesman, 10 ft, and two cash registers. Any pers son wanting same would do well. to look these over, or write The King Bdward, Napanee, as all fix tures must be sol «in thirty days on account of vacating. Address J. A. Ferguson, Box. 102, Napanee. ROOMS AND BOAR. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND also table board: Apply 138 Wels lington St, opposite post office. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN J x ment Society; TnodtPorated 1 §iosident, Colonel Henry R. oney issued on LIVERPOOL, LONDON A Fire inspirance Company, assets, $61,187,215. In additio which the policy holde mited BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; no canvassing: be your own by Send for free booklet: tells Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. PIGEONS PAY DOLLARS wit ; chickens pay cents; small cf needed; small space required; a ways penned up; ready mark 3 send for May issue of our Jour fully explained there; price cents. Rel eo Squab Jour Versailles, Mo, ° 5 # 3 BUSINESS NOTIORS JOSEPH RUSE, 8 CHESTNUT #1 opened up a qQUArry on lop Cut, bullding and rough supplied promptly at reas prices. DENTAL : be Ranoved Wal it stmt - SPARKS AND SPARKS, i590 to (over Car ' OR. C. C. NASH. DEN Bono A rN A Street. © Phone 735. hi $150 F. ora full cartload of 16" estar.