THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1914, a ry . PAGE ELEVEN ---- abou 3a3 BT Tor f Smee : ------ fg J | chance, A ; Tently into the. room: By the soldiers > § | Indeeq, they "were dlready giving outside. 'He had "been captured, as |[f ® J | him a chance, he thought to himself Arrelsford had sald, earlier in the 29 50 u8 he waited and listened. He was day; he had allowed himself to be VEY utterly unable to divine why he was "taken. He hid been thrust into Libby Bt liberty in the room, and why he rison with dozens of prisoners taken 4 Seva a alt: arid . nab heat was left' alone, or what was towird, In the same sortie. -He had not been A bic vele ¢ omipletely ¢ quippe d, « oaster brake » In the very midst of these crowding Searched, but then none of the others Hl gas lamp, bell, Duniop style tires: everything guar- ; had been; Jat Be heen Selostid for} anteed for the season, a a yonted isismnity one i Just to give the boys and girls something good but the Confederates had made aM at prices never heard of before in Kingston. Show of great haste in disposing of | e won't'sell cheap bicycles, but we do sell good DIN THE SPRING OF 1865 ,elr prisoners, and had promised tofff chenp x d aa a _Sedrch them in the morning. There SEE OUR WINDOW 5 . { i 7% : fore 'H D t had retained th AVHLIAM GILLETTE; BRINE. | or ooo oie oc sve san PYCYRUSTOWNSEND BRADY] | | cn GY, Wh NAMRI cove" fn" I Cycle and Sporting Goods Co 1 _ ILLUSTRATIONS BY EDGAR BERT SMITH § - fe 4 He had been greatly surprised, when Vv UU. Soexniont 1912 Br Dood, MEAD ako COMPANY |] TTHITTAE about a quarter to nine o'clock a {|| #6 PRINORSS STREET. PHONE 5329, KINGSTON, ONT. | squad of soldiers had taken him from; : : : ; y hid wo ; . { the prison, had marched him hurriedly | "46 Wo bile "Fevidently result in fatfure, as bo mary through the streets with which he was "Well, how did you vious plans Ha bi i | entirely unfamiliar, ahd had taken ] ; La " ea F d resulted, because z y : We took it away from him," was RE Tot Se aie ited, poca so lf {him to the 'residence section of .the Iwantu S fon syere . ders that would weaken the positiop, city, and had halted at the back of! q 4 This was a very different statement 'The best h i big house. He had ssked no ques = eg 4+ : e could hope for, in all prob- ; @ Dig house. HH Jil #] [from ber original intention, but_for ability, was the short shrift of a spy. {Hions, ang no explanations Bad been | oo gas 'in Ln {a the moment the girl forgot her part. He had staked his life on ¥he game : { vouthsafed to him. He was more sur three hours. Kaep cool when i 4 Fs 3 oy i 3 Oh said Thorne, "1 think that Hind it appeared that he had lost. prised than ever when he was taken you iron. Try one. Money backigl . : stake Nay, more than life had been wa- up to the porch, the window a. if not satisfied. : gered, honor.» He knew the contempt jopened, and he was thryst violently oat Tes, in which the €py wils held; he knew | ¥ \ 11ito-a room, so violently that he stag- 'Price $3.75 complete ' ' _ Bee us about a this spring. We | "Put why?" that 'even the gal . | zared and had some difficulty in recov- a wy AH en the gallantry and intrepid : , 3 ve a great Eo and cheapest You should have let him dellver it; ity. of Andre and Hale had not saved éring his balance. With Hose, » moe HEE 0 nF re a Ht re | or wo rt arm wn | 10 i min. ALL % $ . room. orne, in the deeger shadows Edith caught him by the arm. Was | Add there was even more than honor fang tumultaous thoughts which ran. 110 rrfibr ond Of 'the room Was so DAVID 1 385 '856. he going out to certain death or what? | "POR the board. His love! Not the through his mind in far, far less time invisible to. him. . He stood 'motion: Brock neg ' "What are you going to do?" she |[eMmOtest idea of succumbing to the at than it has "taken to' record them, | |. es ' the turning of his*Réad " ' asked breathlessly sractions of Edith Varney ever entered | po piora o noise at the window at the See ged o aronfid ri He moved | a { ¢ 8 3 5 . as he looke 2 "I"ind Jonas, and make him tell for Ha oad Juin he auempled the Bee farther side of the room, as if some. few steps toward the end of the » aper was intended. J er p : one fumbled at the catch. Iistantl ¢ . hom tis pares vas tended. He is regarded the Varney house and her- Thorne shrank back behind the nr iv eligi his" ontrance Jamel ant, : 0 : iv the far door or The girl released him, and caught wind fa a Shessboaid ahd 2 Bawn Jn teres of the window he was guarding, |. hich was covered with portieres, ter throat with her hand. Wi game. The strength of character | oo completely concealing himself but |... W"° CCl toward the near door "Captatn Thorne." she choked out.] lieh iad enabled him to assume the sufficiently hid as to be unobserved hilo tHe front hall The door 'wa and there was joy and triumph in her heh viable. part he played. because of | oyoepi by careful scrutiny in the dim] only afar, 'anid 'as he chine Within face, "they have led about you." a Paunlry's Reed, jor his Solmtsy'e light. Once more he chitched the butt range of the opening 'he saw in the Thre turned to her quickly. ang Shich would have carried | of nis revolver swinging at his waist.| gna gows of the hall, érossed bayonets "Lied about me!" . he exclaimed. nin through the obloguy and scorn He bent his body slightly;-and even ad men. Neo escape that. way! : | "What 80 you fean that were sure to be visited upon him | 4; 0 thought of Edith Varney passed| 1. went san past the 'door. towamt He caught the girl's hands in his a death at the Hq not stand from his mind. He stood ready, pow- the large windows at the front of the ld ian ecy (plead When it. came, to erful, concentrated, determined, con house and in another moment would [3 and bent over her. y "Don't_be. angry," pleaded Raith, "T| pio sor, JT: Until he yielded to | ronfig. an almost certain 8NemY [1 vo heen at the front window where Ader , 4 Edith, iis passion, and broke his self-im- with the fierce heart and envenomed hort ? stood The latter dropped 27 Rh nk it would be like this. posed vow of silence, he had fought a orne Slope. : "Yes, yes, but What do you thean? | ;o5d fight. Now be realized that the | 5rice of the fighter at bay. the curtain and stepped out {nto the : ; Faith Bt to. d hei hand rey ; He had scarcely ussumed this post | ro. L G 0 Sought to.draw her hands| woman who should actept his affec i hen 'thi \nd m. 3 ---- a Hon when the Window was epened,! 'p.. .\, \noiusandih part of a second 31 - : : away from him, but Thorne would not | ions would compromise hersélt 'for KINGSTON be denied. ever in the eyes of everything she and a 'man was thrust violently the two brothers stared at each other, 2 PURE -- PALATABLE --_-- Nutrimious ---- BEVERAGES BUSINESS 'COLLEGE "I mist know," he said. held dear, even if he succeeded and through into the room. At the first and then, in a flercely intense voice,d ; + y "Let me go," pleaded the girl, "dan't | lived, which was unlikely glance Thorne, ap yet uANeen, 18c0f: v.10, playing his part, desperately, | ll E FOR SALE BY WINE ab SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE (Limited) you undérstand--" H i : . I " fed in th nized the newcomer as his elder broth- catted out: - i@ had never, #0 he fancied, in the iy : ) Ml » > . . Head of Queen Street 3 But what she might have sald furth- least and remotest way given her any roars Dumont ii, tne Fond pa You are a prisouer} itted : LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts - - T wagdnte : Tv g ve. a . . » Joth brothers were quick w 5 : : ' Courses in bookkeeping, short or wagamterrupted by the sharp, stern | avidence that he loved ber. In reality, two loved 'each other. both 'kites that. thay a under. the can legally order from this brewery whatever they Thorse's muscles relaxed, his hand| closest opservation, both realized that 2 require for personal or family use. Write to TR PR Ea Ss nro general improvement, and a "This way! Look out for that side, | from Jonas, and then to bid her good. | P® Was still alert, but here was not ship, which would incriminate both, te fed i anipulating the telegraph a > woman he loved and stood listening. | « In manipulating the telegraph and trapped him. 'Tn a ash Be perostved| nr. or 1 Ee Hea, prin band, typewriting, civil servic Yoide of the Soporal outside. He [she had read him like an open book, commercial subjects. spoke loud and clearly, there was no as women always do. He had come f Rates moderate. Information necessity. for precaution now. there that night to get the message | Still clutched the buti his revolver, | they were expected to betray relation. ree. , will you?" bye forever, without disclosing the | 8% enemy. He began at once to fath-| and probably result fatally for one and : 5 in P i HN ; § thing at least of the plan and | certainly ruin the lan. Thornes cue : " VY YY YY Tho lease stdte of his affections. If he succeed. | OM SOme ly p GY NAY YY YY NYA . 8. etcalf, cipal rne released the hands of the 0 affections Io suceeed: [yy urpote of ths people who had| was to regard his brother as the pris: 2 YY YY YY NY SN AY VY VY YY YY YAR | " Edith Varney took advantage of such | carrying out his end of the project, he . 0 ] at : A 28 could see no chance of wsenpe Uti. that his enemies were not yet in pos-| ana Dumoni's cue was to regard his arland, Agent, 339-341 King Street East. a session of dll the facts which would brother ns an enemy with whom it mate detection and execution appeared certain, and any avowal would there, | Worrant them in laying hands ubon| was his duty to struggle. The minds ' 3 1 5 fore be useless. But he had counted him. He was suspected, hut the final of the two were made up instantly. Gary & Practical tion of her presence and her artless # dieclosiire, he had not been able to | #0@ them, that every door and window | leaped upon him, shouting again: na Setaba mi. had"eyes solely for him, and that he| "pay | say!" : , make adequate. fesistance. was closely watched for some false] The two men instantly grappled. It eSLony a / 3 J H 3 t as rth t ; | | bs bt nen | moe Ahh mle ety Toa ver a at. I I 3 f TAA p Bo » | plan for which he had ventured 80| gaged in, either. They were of about i 1 | but the flerce, impetudus temperament J i i Ayre of the man was overwhelming when it | ™Uch was still possible;/he Bad not | equal height and weight; if anything, * id . rs To yet falled His heart leaped in his| Thorne was the stronger, but this ad-| Prepared Especially For This Newspaper - .-» !d I hk ba ; . . Dominion Fish Co fo A / ah ores An Be-delt. fat hi breast. The clouds around his hori vantage was offset by the fact that he b Pictorial Review . {i} BIR] Because 4f his iron self-repression zon lifted a little. There was yet a| had been recently ill, and the two y Li . PHONE 590 3 bi . o Zh possibility that he could succeed, that | fought therefore on equal terms at ; A NEW BATHING SUIT. for so long he was the less able to ™ $6ind the Dressure in the end. He he could carry out his part of the cun- first. It was a fierce, desperate grap- had thrown everything to the winds, 4 FH ae 1% $ a without her. She had shown her feel. | ®Vidence upon which to turn suspicion | With a quick movement Dumont|. Ie | i 1); I : into. certainty was evidently lacking. | sought to s his brother, but with vi ght E ings, and he had fallen. To the t ta- & pas ' : gr 0 i 3 &s, and he had fallen. To the tempta He could feel, although he could not 4 movement equally rapid Thorne ome ress ad ng Bixgly Bavised. ind desperte, undeb ple in which they met. As théy strug- er To make this suit requires: a and had told her how he loved her aking, Sepen Of 'wvants of whith | gled, both by a common impulse, : 7 yards %-inch material at Se yard.. 5.9 Eee Out there in the light in the | his. night and the telegraph office] reeled toward that part of the room fg 4 1 yard lining 36 inches Wide...vesseesers 16 i i ¢ iH 0 v ol the he i re © | were to be the culmination. near the mantel which was farthest . " o-- AUTOS FOR HIRE 4 ps fi Fg rr a tg . the OF Te A less cautious and a less resource-| away from doors or windows, and \ td ; 6 Southern night wind, the proxim- |)" might have evinced some| where they would be the least likely The pleces of the pattern are laid on' the open material right side up, with . 5 ¥ they together, , ; the exception of the skirt, back, collar spoken to the mewcomer, 'would have| observed. As ey fought together | and Shiid. These Woh She okey Solar 3 = they stood, the pallor of her face, the " Bibb ? iY rise and fall of her bosom, the flutter at least done something to have at: Thorne called 'out again are laid on a fold of the goods. The y 8 Garage » | ing of her hand as unwittingly or wit. | (F2Cted his attention, but save for that Corporal of the guard, here 1s your ; bloomers are attached to an under x aie "Prisoner, Sir, Broke Out of Libby." oy wii a the TE relaxation of the tenfion, which no| man! Corporal of the guard, what ) body of heavy musiip, and this is easi- 3 , i is ot ' ; one could by any possibility observe,| are you doing?" ly made by taking up the dart in Moderate Charges & Ison. (a Mart tiivigh the upper ud Jia icite Bim, Sud Bs Jove and Thorne stood motionless, silent, 'wait: At that instant' the two reeling front, as indicated; then closing the Ee a neal : a Passion wd broxen a KS Ing; just as he might have stood and| bodies struck the wall next to the] under-arm and shoulder seams. Fin~ oo don't want to be here now," she { he Had spoken to her and she had an- waited had he been what he seemed | mantel with a fearful smash, and 'a! ish edges with narrow hems. Phone 201 Garage, 917 sald, as she flew away. swered. She loved him. What did and the newcomer been utterly un-| chair that stood by was overturned Now, after taking up thé darts in the Thorne's hand went to his revolver | that méan to him now? i bloomers, turn undér extension at right d , ) indifferent to hi ick rement the part of ence which hung at his belt. He had not Sometimes wi 's love k known and indiffersnt. to- him, by a quick movement on Dart | front edge on slot perforations. Close time to i it 'before the corporal} aut me m ans aye a = His brother 'wis dressed in the blue| Henry Dumont, 'who did not know his " leg dnd, center Seaman the Inter fron and the two men burst through the y Saat: BIT. Tike Xig wh h Baa uniform of the United States; like the | brother had already received the im- ¥ upper edge. in back to extension fa Metimes It 1 the crown Which viel, tt had Been good service, but | portant message, In the confusion of front. Bring the "I™ péfforation at - te - y © Fu i | door. There were evidently others] iors wear, and sometimes it 'is the as Thorne glanced from his own! the moment, he hissed In Thorne's 2, upper edge to center-back seam and i | Hi Gi i} | ty of the girl, her eyes shining like . lose) At ii J - ) stars out of the shadows in which emotion, might have gone forward or, to be overheard or to be more closely outside. Thorne's hand fell away from | pall that overshadows defeat, clothes to those of his brother, the ear: tack. Hem the lower edge of the his revolver, and his position was one| tyhat Edith Varney knew or sus $ ¢ tie, aft h y L Ediy) y. Xt blood came to his face, it was like s "Attack ight, plan 3, use tele: bloomers and insert elastic, after whic! HINTS ON LIVING ROOM PIECES | of charming nonchalance, petted concerning him, he could not ing his AD. flag a Yorn he Wow g Sonieh hi ua 3, o*} 4 the bloomers are ready to sew to the . 4 . a : underbody. Dut, here! | SFied. he. somputal tof tell. That she Knew something, that | poment he wished that he had on his | "Yes," réturned Thorne, still keep- | Begin, che bi by "ss eo ,| one of the soldiers, ou ere!" | she suspected something, had been own rightful uniform himself and that ing up the struggle. } o uss back wing pointing to the doorway through evident, but whatever her knowledge : » { . sleeve to front and back as notched. which the two men instantly disa d felon. they w cufficient, | 1° iad never put it off for anything; "Good," said Dumont. "They are! | Close the undgr-arm: seams, hem the a, ¥ P-I'aud suspicion, th: y were not sufficient Iyue guty is not made up of wishes, | watching us. Shoot me in the leg." | y ¢ "right side of the front, creasing on pear on ly powerful or telling to Prevent her gratified or ungratified, and the "No, 1 can't do It" ' whispered | ' fold; then lap right front on left, cen- Thorne « 1 ~ corporal?" asked Jrom uning I 2 ic) Tove, kigs i thought passed as he watched "the | Thorne Kove ters even. Remember that the 'large DEAR Sumpasediy. kiss, Dut 515 OYe im in spite | other man. e- Whi 2 "0" perforations indichte center-front. 'The corporal turned and saluted. of her knowledge and suspicion? The |© Henry Dinont Yad been thrust vio. All the while the two nen were ve] ! P "Prisoner, &ir, broke out of Libby! problem was too .great for his solu ' lng una ponin Be a rugghng We've run 'him down the street, and | tion then. ° -- | EB mst the ay and ed he : he turned in here somewhere. If he| These things passed through hi: a ve decel { : | comes in that way, would you be good | Mind es he stood SHER by tHe Himlow food Slee "Shoot, shoot," sald the elder. i . together to see that the collar is prop- PUDEN to let us know?" With bis hand oh his revolver, wail ; : ' | "I can't shoot my brother," the 'q ; . erly nd} Close the cuff seam and ing. It was all he could do. Some ' { ; / add to the sleeve, as indicated, 3 * : i 'Go on, corporal," said Thorne cool i 3. "I'll look out for this window" Himes even to the most fiery and the |. iy ed Ou. to throw them ¢ seam of the. He steppéd down the long room to- [ Most alert of soldiers comes the con off the scent," persisted Dumont. | oy : ---- ? ES Tl ward the far window, drew the cur. | viction that there I§ nothing to do but - . it" tains, and with his 'hand on his re. | Walt. i fl hike of it Be will ng era hoa, valver, peered out into the tfées be. | Sympathize w es women who are (py ucted Nerves Were Fully Restor-| "Corporal of th guard, I have your | og vio yond the front of the house. lent bend To tien of ar, who have | og by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. bars . . ROCKERS, EASY CHAIRS, COUCH. CHAPTER IX: Tho room had stdfenly become hia | When the Xone Svended =» Wg od 3 Se To aoe other oe AS 5860 PDAVENPOI oe 'world, the walls his horizon, the ceil. [the day's work and in the ac ving : Co o ba sults =, 1S. The Shot Fat Kifted, IRE Bie S03. A: Suy Sxithe would flud (LU fopionished by vestiul sleep at |Bemate 4 ai aes g0 JL. 1] Tory sylan maget for & hihing sult 4 ph : A glance through the window | the way barred. Why had they left i hy oud #¥e Ruse to be Alarmed, > ad ng ORepIets TARIAD aleever ull ie ow showed Captain Thorne that the yard Aim Is the 7 Joom, free, armed, Bis 19 | ine face, . This loner: dares you to] "No, so, Flare.» was the whispered | SO¥oy cgllar. beyond, which had been empty all eve- | volver in his hand? ; by . v : XO, NO, LAFFY, : ed ------ ning, was now ull of armed mich: The | None but the Bravest would fave thie Taost satistietory eure for sleep- Taply, and "Surrender, Sue 'you! Bathing suits for the coming summer Corporal Rad gone out through the hall | entered upon such a career as hp Kad | ary. Dennis Mackin, Maxton, Sask:, | gerr be place I hart vo vow styles A handsome desien is door back of the house whence he hdd | chosen. His nerves were like steel |Writes:-- have just finished using uf don't "care," muttered Du ¢ | sh here, ing the Russian | entered. There was no doubt but that | tn the presence of danger. He had the sixth box of Dr. Chase's Nerve "Lat me have It. Co blouse effect, modernized by one-piece the back windows would be 'equilly trembled before the woman in the Food, and 3 Sn say that when I His. Batide "8 down ¥ raglan sleeves and the new cowboy . well 'guarded. The house was sur [garden a moment since; the stone |C0Mmenced using it my nerves were : pped d from collar. 4 # er - rounded, 'no escape was possible. He walls of the house Were no more rig- | 50 bad that 1 could scarcely get any Louies and grasped he Pletoriil Review Patt: -- gi Sivas 29 24 28. w 40. 42 and 44 busty was trapped, vicfually a prisoner, gl | idly composed than he tn the drawins. ie ig lis arly ait pled ficrcoly, bat the trigéle was 65. | °714 18 18 and 20 years : - ' &. they had | room now. 'It came to him that there : ; : 9 o tert on : & . ot he x a a is trouble knows sery ginning to 'tell 'on Thorne, who was i ma corn hefty the liber _ was nothing: left but one t battle Dassiis. ouple © Phe i Foot not vet in full possession of his phy- : « Ob » fr . ' dat Aus as 0 ® In that room . unless they 'shot him hélped me from 'te start; and has |sieil vitality. His long ilies Above Patterns Can be tained om I: 1208. he was deck | from behind door or window or por {built up my nervous system wonder- | sapped his strewgth. : ~ : of their suspicions, and he more than tere, giving him no chance. 'If they fully. I now enjoy good, sound sleep be' Son , be . a ; feared that his real afMiiations had | gid 'contront 'Nim openly 'he would and instead of fedlink tren in the | flo 3s sonia) : Newman & Sha W, i{been at last discofered. . | Show them that If he had chosen the [morning I am strong And healthy. | The gangWay seems to be the path AVY _ Apparently, there would bé no op | secret servies and the Hfo of a spy he [and well fitted for my daily work." [that leads to political glory, : : . | portunity now iii whieh he could carry | could fight and die 1tke a man and a| Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents] The vermiform appen may 'be Princess Street [ONE Ris part In the canningly devised | moldier. He held some -lives within {3 DOX, 6 for $2.50; all dealers, or Bd- useless to ordinary mortals, but it ii i scheme' of attack. "Plan 3" Would the chamber of manson, Bates & Co. Limited, Tor-fis a source of revenue to the sur' | Sih 5 t ; : a oe - . fon Ron Min bi bien i