! ; i id ; . Fresh: south-west to mnorth- {IN CATARAQUI CEMETERY DEC- [FOR ITS VISIT TO WATERTOWN: [vr TROTH ABUT N. Wi-How-'§. g West winds, showery to-day, ORATED ON SUNDAY. .. N.Y. FOR THE 4TH, BLA ONE TID clearing. Tuesday fine and warm. ---- . go FE----. 5 » By the Vakious City Lodges--The [1f Will Afvive in the Yankee City at] And it Landed 'the: Great Service He -- 2 Rain Interfered With the Speech] 11 p. m. Friday and Will be Quar{ Rémdered Ontitio and for Which ; " J ae Malking- Part of the Programme, /| téred atthe Armouries. = he Dréw no Metiey: Mrs. Michael Sullivan King street, The imposing ceremony of degotar Watertown, N. Y., has fér some{' Now( that' thé eléction is over; ib entertained at a small dance on Fri- | ting the graves of thir d d Yweeks been plahning for a capital might be pointéd out that the Toron- day night in honor of her daughters, comrades and friends was tally celebration. of the 4th of July this'to News. which, in the bands of the Misses Tetsie and Mary, and their observed on Suliday morning by the {year. Chief of fhe features will be | united tory-whiskey ring, led the cam- visitors Mis§' Cooké" ani' Miss Tréhne' Kingston Oddfellows. and Rebec- [the elaborate Street carnival in that paigu of vilification against N, W. Matayer, of Matitreal, Arbuckles' or kahs. . One of the largest turnouts [city's large square in the business Rowell, printed the following at the chest ra played delightful music, and |, some years attended this' fune- section. : time his able service saved. ihe Soo fEhe. a included Miss Mary | tion. . The various lodges of the or- The 14th regiment of this city, [industries irom. wreck : say A - cw rhage, Cans poll abel, hors der were all represented and includ- | which: is the Canadian corps invited| . "It would be hard to overestimate | : rs ye ba > Hilde Bae oh ;| €d Kingston Canton, Cataraqui [for the celebration on Saturday, is |the vahie of Mr. Rowell's services as 3 10 0 e orarin), "Miss a bal. Rh reic. | lodge, No. 10; Kingston, No. : 59; assured of a good reception and {representing the government in un Remodelle hout, [p | (Pembroke). Sita Teton . Ugiow, | Granite, No. 363: Loulle, No. 10, | pleasant time while there Tos 14m | tengling the EC ia a throug out. Miss Eleanor Phelan Miss Annie- Daughters of Rebeckah, {leaving here on Friday - evening, |voniusion and em hig One of n's Best. (§ |Minnes, Miss Isabel 'Waldron, and{ The. decoration committée in |will arrive in Watertown about ele- | had developed in connection with these ? Sharsian * Sie | charge of this event outside of King- |ven o'clock. When the local volunteer | enterprises. y . ston Canton was: W. Arnel, P. G., [battalion vis..-d there for the 4th atin hut, wedersiond by thi, bybiies bie Steacy, Koss Livingston ,|John Baker, P.. G, J. Cruise for |some years ago, arriving about mid- | ® Roh | ; : 2 ® Roberts, iric MeMuriry CV. Sham Cataraqui 'lodge, T. H. Fungell, P.|night, hundreds of the Americans durttoud, A Shat ; bis rhe the puster W. Bishop, Cuthbert Barwis, George | ©., Norman Reynolds, W. Hipson for gave their Canadian cousins a pro-|™nd » mich us % HL the company 1Rerr, W. Kent Macnee, Leslie Smith, | Kingston; John = Polly,. P, G.; G.|nounced welcome. It was a con | tween the PIBwInGR ANC hd Ble dil : lugh Ry Jacobs afd A. W.Dunlop for Granite | tinuous round of fire works for | 20d Solved the almost inseparable and Hug Ryan. acobs a «W. p e | or r ficulties which were 'mét at every step way lodge and Mrs. Davy, Mrs. J. Cruise, [fiearly half an hour, of the reorganization. 3 Stunning styles; v direct t New York and y J Messrs. Sherman Hill, Roger Stews 5 pri, Dick Elmer, Herbert Steacy, No- Miss Dorothy Vander Smissen has | Mrs. Gwatkins for Louise lodge. Upon the arrival of the 14th "Nor is it untlérstood that' al returned to Toronto, arter being] With abundance of flowers each (there on Friday night 'the regiment y f thicse great. ser 'at extre: est: Miss Helen Campbell's guest for the lodge representation went to the |will march direct to the armouries, fig: he: par oo one no : to be had at mely mod past week. Various: quarters of the cemetery {where the mén will be quartered mones from. the = provincial treasury, a RR where with all solemnity they care- [dnd fed during their stay. There is|"" i ch tural that th : : mr ills Lilian Mundell, Brock street, | fully placed that token of love upon |a large mess hall in the basement of hil Jt nt Liualthe F ] Ii ERE Othlie--Donble strength J will" go to Bewmanville this week to the graves of those departed. In [the Watertown armouries, The wepted his resignation as one of the PREM Doutle strength visft her aunt Mrs. W. H. Martin, spite of the rain, this task was car- | Kingston riflemen wiil take part in Dope a na It is satisfactory " . RE UR ea ,| ried through to completion: the parader on Saturday morning. to. _know' that he is. still --a va Richardson: Alwington The first thing upon the program-| The 14th Wil go over to Water- solicitor for' the company and iii dra 5 3 a Rptained : opna ¥ al tea on Fri- | me after arriving at the cemetery |town between 300 and. 400 Strong; | that! in this connection no political Many novelties in ( repe, Ratine, Novelty Voile, y eh 0 of he nor Of Miss Sher- | was the procession to the I. 0. O. F. {likely in drill order dress, which is consideration can enter, and that, : bracing the seas Is 'este 1 i : fap of 1 on and Miss Grace | jot where Chairman T. H. Funnell, |the khaki. Needless to gay, the therefore, the company and the pro- a embracing 1e Season's newest co. orgs . Ma » of Hamilton. P.G., addressed the gathering. . have are keeh os the trip, which | vince 'will continue to profit by his white. : 2 ohn EER The opening cermony of the noble | WHI terminate a anner drill seasom |experience, ability and integrity. v J § ¢ T ano Jian of Ottawa, Was] rand was taken by W. J. Arniel, |for the local corps. Xperience, , a 2 PRICED FROM $5.50 TO $22.50 ae: tail a ays fase week *d P.G, who made a few remarks, then | It was three years ago, under ) v : CAN Kte. i. ne el Be '«t. | called upon the chaplain, Mrs, White |Lieut.-Col. "A. B. Cunningham's OLDEST KNIGHT A Xa: . . >; . RRO] 1 *nlE mati ibs swecinites tor [120d Mrs. James Stewart, Bagot'st. | called upon he Shaplais commiand, the 14th, as other ies]. Livi wire past | § Print, Gingham and Pique Dresses in solid color and dnity apars Haeire seen in the Mrs. W. J. Tidwell Miss Mabel] | The names: of the deceased broth. |corps. commenced a period of an- ' two tone effects. ; X55 right, i Young and Cadet Howard Tidswell ren: were read by R. J. Diack, J. Les- |0ual field operations. In 1912 the Sir Charlés Boucher de Boucherville | 98¢c TO $4.50 i left town on Thursday after attend- | lie. J. Pollie and Mrs. J. G. Hamil-)14th was well represented at Barrie- I$ 92, and Sits 'in Two Legisla- : | to | field camp. Last year the program- tive Bodies. « 1 9 tug the college closing, x ton op dhe respective lodges ly /me was somewhat different ¢ A " d ' . whic e dead comrades formerly 4 iteren 0 a } 3 t Best S Miss Isabel Porgie os pelonged. After the singing of two fixed camp, for the Kingston volun- Bt aE eseRtor Charles | Sunday hours, 1.80 to §; 6.3 Pembroke on Monday, after visiting)| NYMnS, = "Forever With the Lord." {toers participated in the. "trek of just been made a Kuight Conimander . + ) ry > Mourn, 1800s 030009" [iniss Hilde Kent, Ring Snir "Nearer, My God, to Thee," little [the city corps of this division, the of St. Michael and St, George, is not LR ISses a oe Miss Thelma Mae Marshall perform- [first of its kind conducted for the only one of the oldest members of gr Mis¢ Hilda Kent spent the week | ed the duties of "Floral Offering," | Canadian militia. It was very in- the Upper Chamber at Otfawg, but oy - sud with Mrs. Carlos Kfrkgaard at| when she placed beside the graves [Structive to all ranks. Then, this actually the senior member BF the | §¥ Ch en Sargol Uadomene Compound Cordava. inthe I. 0. 0. F. plot, a handsome (Year, the regiment was equally well Legislative council at Quebec, being : a ia Wreath bearing the shape of the prosnte-20- when it was or-foaifed to that body af confederation, Mr. and Mrs. Relston and Mr. and [triple links. The remainder of the dered to report at Petawawa for the | and bein its first speaker. He is| ¢[ : Bo NR Mrs. Lappage and Miss Dorothy Lap- | programme: was' omitted wr account | manoeuvres. The 14th was with | {ps only renuieioE Dablic niah' in Aw unusually attractive assortment of New York the gue oyored from Toroufo and are [of the'raln' Which came down In |the column 'which came In for the | Canada who occupies seats in two lé-| §. Dresses; all late stvles and at priees that: are the guests of Mrs. James Weir for the [Rorrents thus forcing Mr. Funnell to {hardest work, and, though the mis- islative bodies, his appofutment te . : . y zies-Weir wedding, Tuesmay. bring the programme to a close by [CATTYINg of some arrangements | the senate of Canada, as well as to temptingly low. soe 5 ¥ having the benediction pronounced [Made it a little distasteful for the the legislative countil of Quebec an- Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bateman and | by the chaplain. men at times, now, that it is over, tedating the passage of the law abo- family of Toronto, are visiting Mr. a the members of the regiment are [lishing dual representation. He Was ; and Mrs, G. A. Bateman, University ; fr glad of the experience. As one of |called to the senate in 1879. The ' . Avenue. PANAMA HATS POPULAR the N. C. O's said: "We did not ex- | mention of Senator de Boucherville's eac S ------e iis . pect Petawawa was going to be a | name takes one back many years in OGDENSBURG DEFENDS Taste Nisplwied os alia pitue a he, (ld regiment is the potiticnt Oh ~ een : SPE . * mi em. willing to take th ugh w names o auveau, eau, | di : 3 ---- ng SOD Te Fough with the Cartier, Cauchon, and Dorion were The Busiest Store In Town On Canadians to Make Glorious Four | Panama hats are more popular : . nu than ever this season. Not so many| The trip was a valuable experi. [t0 'the fore: and in the front rank in the' close, bitter, political fighting. of th Success, WA - Success, : yeas ago a woman considered ons Sute for iio Heme. There were those 'days ws the doughty "Doctor !Ogdenstiurg Ne s. u a luxury. no big flies or mosquitoés as were x In common with numerous other : vas | talked ab de: Boucherville. He was in his northern New York cities and tow ns, | The Len ot the panaz hat was left, There waeTo on prime known at "the figming doe- Ogdensburg will celebrate July 4th °F Sinally borrowed from the men, ita . tor," and he was régarded for years in vigorous fashion. ~As'iw other | 0d heretofore the style of trim- is Drea cold, just beautiful {5 "ye champion of the Ultramon- pea ie bulk of the visitors are'ex- [INE With very few exceptions, was for soldicry whose 4 : tane wing of the conservative party. pected to come from over the river, | Porrowed from them likewise. But sllictens an as orte is ig Perhaps the most active period of his or "'over om," as they say in Water | this season; women age to display in- Br y B ceremonial only should, | poiitieni' career closed shortly after ftown. When local promoters un-|9ividual taste. There is no apparent ing) called out.on active service, | the" dismissal of the goveranient of fdertook to give a flying day to at- | end to the attractive combinations of | Make a' pretty spectacle, which he was premier by Lieut-~Gov- tract Canadians here Victoria day, | colors and trimmings that may be ernor Letetlier de St. Just, in 1870. May 24 last, a Montreal paper mar. | used. Persian ribbon plaids and Ro- i Immediately following this famous veled at-the attempt of Americans |nan stripes in wonderful colorings THINGS THEATRICAL. toup-detat Mt. de Boucherville made to *'celebrate" the national day of | are very popular. Ribbon five to six Notes About Plays, Players and Play o Rorets nd affecting Mii : 8 hy "(w a eted much attention; bu KEELEY Ir Optometris the late queen. nt is the fact, ne- | inches' wide, crusheu around the H fains did not hein us dian cou | crown of the hat, yo ie DO 1 Emmett Con aus alfootedt bis. Hori fo rere. SOR $ rard the left, may used, or a tt C s been engag- > - 4 We Gring bg Jan. Fourth, our celebrations of the Hver| 2 1-2- inch grosgrain ribbon with a {ed to play the leading part in Char. When in 1891, Lieut-Gevernor An- Deave Above Doers tlorious would not be the great sue- | neat flat bow. If the wide ribbon [les Klein's new play, 'The Money | B®rS dismissed the Mercier govern- cesses they generally are. And thes used a girdle of the same oftén | Makers.' ment and was'leoking about for a best pare of it in the Canadians cpen. | Completes a costume worn at the| Margaret Anglin is to présent re. a hit Bi leks nalgh dence day as much a do the n tives, | S3me time. ang in the case of the [Vivais of 1 iek classics in the Greek most' acteptable man avatlable; and THiS year the mana rn Ye narrow ribbon \the. predominating |theatre of'the University of Cali after some hesitation on his own gofie' over the line for gemant a color can usually be matched and fornfa. = part, he accepted the post and strongest attractions that Canada has | S°™© S0rt of a pretty color scheme The Trap" is the title of the new formed a government, but retained lo offer; and among them will be the | Worked out. The grosgrain ribbon [Play by Richard Harding Davis and the premfiership long enough merely famed governor general's footguards | 150, comes picot-edged in plain cols [Jules Eckert Goodman, to be pr:- to see it properly organized and band, which has played here so | OTS, ard very often the picot edge [sented next fall. established; and turied- over the many times that the people can al-|!s of contrasting color to the ribbon : Four companies are lo tonr the|reiny or power t6 thé Hon. I. O. most call each red-coat by name, and | 1tsel. It also cones in 'smart polka | country next season in "The Things | Taillon in December of 'the next year. the Cardinal and Kemptville base. | dot effects. That Count No attempt. will be Since that' time 'he has stood ball teams. They have a league | The woman handy with her needle {Made to produce the play in thos | somewhat in the backgFound in the over there this year, while thore ' is | may make some very pretty band- [States where the child labor laws field of politics, taking; however, an #bsolutely not a thing deine in aings. Cut a strip of any soft, white |2f¢ such ak to absolutely prohib.¢ intetligent interest in public affairs baseball way in Ogdensburg, and just | material_that left over from your (ihe émployment of children on ths and' attending the sittings of both now the two teams named are lock- | summer frock will do nieely---to be |Stage. the senate and legislative' council #d in a struggle for first place. Thus two and a half or three inches 'wide Lew Fields and Joe Weber are (0 | with pretty fair regularity. When Sanaa will Show us how she. plays | when completed, and long enough to hese - pe itimate uy est the pinion, parliaments and the our national game. o around the crown Season under e e, "The High uebec legistature are both in ses- Lif thé Montreal paper will © send 5D flat bow. aa hinake _a Cost of Living." sion at the same time the Honorable up another special commissioner, 'he | inches apart in one-inch squares, | Announcement has been mad> io [gentleman's preference, and quite na- will find that Ogdensburg not only circles, fleur de Ilys or some attrac. | NeW York that ° William Gilatte, | turally considering the prominent "celebrates" Victoria day, but that [ive desigh and work solid fin D!anche Bates, and Marie Doro are | Part he has played in.provincial po- rg of King Kedyze's loyal sub~| pon op knots, using heavy floss..One]!® revive "Dl oy." Hues, seems io be for the Quebec . jects detached themselves from the color' may be used or two or three| Mrs. Fiske is to star' mext season chamber, amd bis 'influence there is Dominion body politic long enough conibined An' attractive cost in a new comedy by Joha Lutner Still considerable, In the senate he 1) to help Ogdensburg celebrate the an- WAY be secured: by embrolieTing Long; author of "The Darling of the [Very seldom-speaks at length; but nivers tf th : rics ras v t ey he day America. was[ OY cuffs, girdle, and hat band to ac hier sucetsses. Ys foned (© with attention by. the whore & + rip= Mm : R *' lost to George the Third. matoh : EE ; . ch, osetl a .|house. In private life he has until {fff A it Fr. gy 5 Goodness 1S be i Toros 1ortive Inherited" a millicn. | noise; In private life he has until (ff We are prepared with the. stook necessary. 46 fi a NR tart -- dollar fortune, will star next season : : 3 1 1 1 VOTES FOR WOMEN. Sydenham Public School Exams: |in SH pictires of "Mars on: duties would allow. lived the life of change your main service wires on: Princess St..and vb 6. ; n Ti + 7. ~ g Spenker C 7.8. s| Junfor IV. to Sehfor IV., in order] Cale sei ial' H chery ¢ adjoining streets. ani Evident aor Clark or a 5. House of erit -- Syed Wood { honors). » the south bank of a Bawronce | Those who have already entrusted'us with their 3 4 | TOWELL EXDED CAMPAIGN ~|2 few miles below Montréal, and work willbe looked after so that no intérruption in Washington, June 29--"By 1917 | Leighton Joyader, Idelle Woodruff th ith" his old J 1 : or u little later women will be votin {ath low, i : = ata -- a retical friends light i Ri. I avery str mn en #1ll be vo dng Are. an, Stonness, By a Speech at Woodstock on Satur he loved to Susiayss the doings of power and will occur. = In every thread-- tional officials." "Speaker Clark told | leen Trousdale. day. Night, i ea of 2 hie ll We respectfully. solicit-your orders which will > a suffrage delegation Saturday, which | ~ Senior III. to Junior IV.--Bert| Woodstock; June 20<-Newton W.| past. fom Yours." ne bas made his have prompt and 'careful .ttention, In eve" stitch-- presented him with 300 petitions | Wartman, Van Young, Wilfréd Mae-| Rowell, leader of the' liberal of On. home inthe city of Montreal In May {il P pt w 3 ! from '38 states, : Conuell, Ilean Hogan, Roy Woodruff, | tario, brought his election campaign | of this year Senator. de Boneh ille a" . In every line-- 'Woman suffrage is as. inevitable | Jennie Graham. to a close here Saturday night. He celebrated: his ningty-second. birth- ET. : : #s the rising of lo-morrow's' sun," | * Junior III. to Senior IIL. --Norma| addressed a monster gathering in the day, but when his very active life is Of Jenkins' Clothing. said the speaker, "so I hope you will Woodruff (honors), Reginald Fox-| Arena, thus ending his whirlwind | considered, one would scarcely sus- |i A continue - in the Deaceable way in | ton and Richard Foxton Harold | cimpaign, is which he had visited pect his age, for he has still an er- || which you have started. Canipbell, Gwendoline Stanger, Grace| every part of the. province, awaken-| ect. broad-shouldered figure. He waglilf: The new summer two-|- Ee a SE Phippen, Carrie Davey, Boyde Swer-|ing af enthusiasm never equalled hy) born = at Boucherville, pursued his J " Is atthe iis Prohibition Plans' Abadoned. brick, Charlie Conway, Jean Guess,|a political leader in so short a space| medical course and obtained his de- piece models awaiting vour Washington, June: 20.--Plans for » | Wilfred Varett. James Garvin, Mary|of time and caused by his policy of gredy at Parls univerSity and for mspection. decisive vote in the House Rules | Woodruff, Loyde. Lindsay, Clarence]abolish the barrooms: : - | many 'years thereafter tised his e committee on' July" 16t on: the Hob. § Alport. : Concluding his speech with elo-|p essfon in the district between the ; son constitutional amendment for na- Fredericka Van Rodenstine, Irane| quence despite' his hotrse voice, Mr. ig and Richelieu rivers. Moderately priced. | ftion-wide prohibition: Have: bean aba. | CAFR and Etta Stonness romoted | Hows wary. nee ls the isSue--| His name first appears in the pubic (> Pray tooge r doved. Thete ware many predictions IT, Junior Iff.----Allen kya} = goss /8 Speaking Yocuras of the Canadian assembly, to . ' / : Ta TE SRS. 2 ith ; # es rough its representative ¢ 84 whic 5 elected - a i | » the nattiost lines of $15, £16.50 and $18.00 in the hous that there would be no Knapp (honors), Dorothy Woodruff | and asfemblies on the one hand, and Si is coat oe SL, Te ------ ; gt . We have ; nati eb. fog : actio this session. (Romors), Gorden Barclay (honors, the organized Hquor (rafic on' the | Bedlles bein speaker of the legisla: y Goodyear Welt Oxford she B y 3 2 3 . > » ; rancis Wood, oung, Har-|other. On Monday next these twoltive cou i dt pi iy ? 4 in tans. lacks and fen Flanne Is, Howespuns and : Feromunies Postpatied, old 'Foxton, Tommy Tripp, Edna Dra- | forcos meet in battie array in the hema porns a ; -- 30 b patents. Lightweight Serges.: eng to the inclement weather on | der. Sreacest conflict this province has tion "wmediately: after confederation *y a : To PB. Stnday afternoon the ceremonies jn | Junior IN. to Senior II.-- Agnes Me. | Svar Witnessed: All Camada- is 10ok-| retir,ug with the: government in 1875 PRICES FROM $4.00 TO: $5.00 x A counevtion" with: the 'laying of the Naughton (honors), Fulton: Me-|ing, Great Britian ik looking, and {and succeeding to the premiership in ; yan , " The New Goods Store of the new Regiopolis | Naughton, Mary Abrams, HArsY]Austratie and New: gestunt os jc succession: - to- Mr. Owlmet *in 1874. Oh tor Pi ' i Foot Life ; aes : . Tronsgaia Pomel waowdell, Muriel] iu on. 1t/the forces of Chitlatianity | The Senator beteace ro onder bi: Come here for Packard's Dressings, : J : Fron Trousdale, Flora Woodruff, George{win and the bar is defeated it means] oldest fami In Freach Canada, | Foot Bazers, and all shoe sundries, largest assortment Agreeable salesmen to serve TEE. oe > McNaughton, Jean Gordon, Lloyd|a mighty impetus to ug, of 3 Smilies, from. Lieuteaan city » ai 'on : 3 ite | Young, : - | temperasice: t| Hie world. If} ¢ Pierre Boucher, Sieur the . Sob ated AI Gat : + wd $hother Senior 1. to Junior 11.--Nora Dy-|ghe bar wins; it mean anote of dis- pA e ve ae : , : ope : ER : / | mond, Hazel Clement, George Fox- ¥ - to temperance workers] Three Rivers in 1683, and was also] RIL Mai a : 4 u ; : CL ng Pi ton, Georgia Trusdale, Ida MacFar-| out the 'world. The organized grand. seneschal of Siew. . . lan, Floyd Martin, Dorothy Young, |liquor interests are doing everything : Helen Scott, Marion Dowdell. Le thor can So. defeat me and to defent): oe this policy ih the adjoining constitu-| The Prince of Wales showed himsslf | Two more bodies were found on the}eney. I Hi 1 Work will come quité a soldier in the British mili- Empress of Ireland by divers. . to nought," Fr tary manoeuvres, . 2 R The choicest and: the most beautiful is found in 'our store. : There is a wide range in style and prices, id " a t Groshois, who became governor of