/ \ for Sale Property on Mc 102 ft. riage W. 1. Boivin & Son Real Fetate and Insurance 89 Brock 8t. Over Northern Crown Bank. Phone St. a A Albion Hotel Bemodelig Hon 's Bost, Your Camera ? Have son bought It yet? Have you looked over a good ime? If you niready own one, does 1¢ give you satisfacgion? Are You Setting good results from your 'How do your prints look? If you have any camera film or paper roubles consult BEST'S, where they sell the best eamern: where fillms and sapplies, expinined your trouble cap nway, Films properly developed, 10c. < ' At Best's AHE POPULAR DRUG STORE Sunday hours, 130 to 5; 0.30 to 9 be and quickly KEELEY Jr Optomelris Wa Grind the Lemves 8 Dears Above the Opera Houm Goodness is Evident In every thread-- In every Stiteh-- In every dine-- Of Jenkins' Clothing. The new smmmer inspection. Moderately priced. $15, $16.50 and $18.00 Flannels, Homespuns and Lightweight Serges. The New Goods Store Agreeable salesmen to serve 'to town on Satu you. 2% ¢ $ = KERN two- piece riwdels awaiting your sirived home. The Country Club tea for mem- bers on Saturday afternoon was very much enjoyed and was well attended Mrs. Howard Folger and Mrs Jere- Liny Taylor were in charge * the prettily arranged tea table a a few of those who West over were Mi, Iva Martin, Mrs, C. Carter, Mrs. F. 0. Wiltiofft, Me, Norton *Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. £. H. Pense, Mr. ahd Mrs. Bevan Dunbar, Mr. and Ms-Murtay Kirk Greene, Mr R. Holloway Wad- dell, Mrs. W. Hagarty, Miss Plun- kett, Lowell, Sh ; Miss B. Smythe, Miss L. Norton Taylor, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss"E. Macdonnell, Miss Marie Carruthers, Miss, Mabel Brown field, Miss Emma Pense, Miss Florrie Cunningham, Miss Grace Hemming, Miss Phyllis Shert, and Miss Gwen- doling Waddell. . . Miss R. Silla Knapp and Miss Lil- linn Van. Diense, of VPasadéna, Cal, who have been taking a leisurely trip east by way of New Orleans und New week to spend some time and Nys. James Knapp, street. Miss Edith Massie, Earl street; leaving on Friday for Rideau to spend some time, At the cottage of her.sister, Mrs. Cooper. - Mrs. J. with Mr. Johnson is Ferry sumer A, Carruthers, Orillia, panied by her, don; are with Carruthers' sister, Mrs. John kin, Earl street. Mrs. N. Wilmot and Wilmot, Clergy street; from a pleasant visit que : accom Mrs. Gas: Misa have at Fanuha returned Gangno- » * . « Mrs. H. Weir, William street, compgny with Rev. W. F. and FitzGer@d, will sail on Friday spend July and August in the Country. 'Miss Daisy Maxwell, Rideau street, will sail this week for London to visit' her aunt > ¢ Mr. John (. will arrive on holidays - with 'West street, Mrs. (Revi) W. C. manville, accompanied Pr. H. E. Day, by auto and will" visit relatives im this ity. Miss Meta Klemn, hospital in Kingston, Place on her holidays: . - - in Mrs. to Old- of Toronto, spend his Smythe, Smythe, Friday to Miss - Bessie Washington, Bow- her nephew, to Kingston vitia- training - in the 18 at Carleton Miss Gabrielle Roy, of Montréal, came to Kingston yesterday to visit Miss Loretta Swift, King street Miss Molly Cartwright,, will re- turn'to town from Ottawa, this week after a visit with Mrs. C. Morse. Mr. George Mowat came to town today from Teronto to spend a week with Col. 'and Mrs. H. R. Duff, Prin- cess street. ih Miss Janet Richmond, who has spent the past year abroad, has ar Miss Florence "Rien- mond went as far as Montreal to meet her. + ' * * Mrs. J, B. Carruthers and family, "Annandale" left this week for Mur- ray Bay to spend the month of July. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Shaw, Johnson street, went to Ottawa on Tuesdayjto spend a few days. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cornett, of Buckingham, Que., who are visit- ing Mrs. Wm. A. Cornett, University avenue, will spend a couple of weeks amohg the Thousand Islands béfore returning home. Wash, 'vspend. his holidays with Miss Bessie Miss Charlotte Powers 'of Toronto, will spend the summer among the Berkshire hills, New Hampshire " sl. Mrs. H. T. J. Coleman and little Miss Alice Coleman, Frontenac St. left this week for Toronto, Where they will join Dean Coleman, and af- ter. spending a few days there will £0 to their summer home in Musko- ka, to spend the next few months. Mr. Arthur Wilkinson, returned on Thursday from Ottawa Mr. of town Ted Swmythd, will arrive in Spokane, soon to Smythe, West street Mrs. Wm., Skinner, Gore street, re- turned hohie yesterday from Ganano que where she was the guest of Miss Nan Skinner, *"Cataraqui Lodge." ov Wel The Croquet Tournament for dou- bles began on Tuesday at the City Park. In 'the first- game, Miss Betts antl Mrs. Herbert Robinson, defeat- ed Mrs. E. J. B. Pense and Miss Lil- lian Mowat. Miss 'Annie Frase ST, of Vane ouver, who has been Miss Mpy Macdonnell's guest, for a short time, will sail this week for the Old @ouptry on the S.8. Grampian. MF. Gregor Barclay, has been spending "The Ramparts" the guest of and Mrs. Mackie Rev. W_ T_ Wilkins, Trenton, was the guest of Mrs. W. G. Craig, Bar- rie street, one day this week." ss shoe of Montreal, a few days at Dr Dr. and Mrs. James Third and Mr, Reginald Third, Welllngton street have left for Montreal and will sail on Friday from Mohtred] fer the sid country by S.8. i Gordan oa} Gordon and Miss. Minnie Gordon will S. Richardson, of Napanee, who has "been the guest of the] Misses Mcintyre, Johnson street tor a few days, ert Pg Monday to visit Dr. and Mrs. _Holden, of New York at their kin home on the Rideau, ® - oT Mrs. O, G. ph and he her dav ghters tages X and Diisy Johnston He salled ear- ly this ook by ROyal Goose 1d visit ie Fiend in London WGA. MHtcheil, and "Misd Oh pre, William street] returned rday, after visiting Mr. and 'Mrs. E.' CMirchell "a Lion don. --: o 8. 2. Skinner, of Montreal, a Tuosddy, is ERs dy 'Nan Skinner Cataraqul Lode: Qunanoque. £2 York, are expected in téwn this streef, 'went to , Brockville, today to spend the) summer with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kohl. She was ae- companied by Mrs. E. L. Fortt, who will be in. Brockville until Morday. Mr. 'Murray Kirke Groene, has re- turned from Petawawa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, and little Miss Jean Taylor, Johnson St, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. George Mahood, at their sum-| mer home on Simeoe Island. Mrs. men, who have been the guests of Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, left for Montreal on , Tuesday. : Mr. Mack, " Wallace, of Brockville, spent last 'week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hammond, Albert Si. Mrs. Thomas Tandy, of Stopey Plains, Alta., is at present" in Tofon- to, and will visit Mrs. Henry Cun- ningham, Earl Street, some time this smonth. Mrs. 'Alexander Mackie, has Te- turned to Ottawa, after visiting Miss Florence Hope, in Clinton, N.Y. pb Mr. C, Stewart Parsons, of Ot- tawa, spent the week-end with Mp, and Mrs. Janes Henderson, at their Psyinmer home on Wolfe Island. Mr. and Mrs. John Sears of St. Catherines, are en pension af the Avonmore." - Gillies, of Gillies De- J. Mr. Austin pot, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 'S. R. McCann, Wellington street. Mr. Maitland Hanfaford, Master Philip Hannaford, dre spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Hamilton, King street. Mrs, H. W. Richardson, and Mas- ter, Richardson, returned heme 'to- day from Philipsburg, Quebec, where they have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Mc¢Ginnis. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Atkins, of New York, arrived in the city on Monday, from Montreal, to visit their aunt, Mes. W. V. Beaman, Montreal street Miss. Hallie Carmen, © entertainéd at a most enjoyable luncheon at the Country Club, on Monday. Covers were laid for twelve and the guests included: Miss Phyllis Shortt, Miss, Grace Hemming, Miss Muirie Carru- thers, Miss Marjorie Fense, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Christine Coch- ane, Miss Mamie == Anglin, Miss Doris Kent, Miss Isobel Forge, (Pembroke) Miss Jean Duff. and Miss Majorie Brownfield. * » . > Miss Charlotte Witherell, of To- ronto, is the guest of Miss Marjorie Pense, West street. « Mrs. Bellhouse, and Miss Belthouse, Earl Street, are this week for Rice Lake; Julyrand August A H, F. Sare, and hér small son, arrived from Westmount to-day to vi- sit Mrs. George McKay, King street Mr. and Mrs. James Macparland, have gone to their summer home at Tremont Park. Miss Alice Macnee, who has been in Germany; for the past year, will return to town on Monday. Agnes leaving to spend J. Crookall, and Ler fam- Brooklyn, are en- Union street, Mrs. ,€ 4ly of Bayridge, pension at Miss Dolan's, ior the summer months Lt.-Col. H. R. Duff, spent 'I uesday n Brockville. Major C. C. Bennett, was in town for the week-end from Petawawa. Mrs. John Mowat, and Miss Lil- lian Mowaf, Johnston street, have returned from Toronto, and Port Dover, where they have been visiting friends since the middle of Ma Principal Donald Ross, Miss Isa- belrand Miss May Ross, have left for Cushing, Quebec, to spend the sum- mer. Rev. S.J. 'M. Compton, St. An- irew's Manse, was in Gananoque for a day or two this week. Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, and Mrs. . N. Perreau, and their families left on Monday for Prince Edward Is- land, to sperd the summer Latér hey will be jolned by Colonel Ogil- vie and Major Perreau Misses Lesslie, Gore street, left vesterday for Prince Edward Isldng Mrs. Felix Johnston, King street, has returned fo town after spending a couple of months with friends in the United Stafes. Mr. and Mrs. D. son, Sydenham street, the holiday™in Ottawa, turn to town on Friday. ' =" v's Miss Mildred Belton, Alfred has gone fo Montreal and will il fomorrow morning by S.S. ramp, to spend two months abroad. Miss Emily Smythe, and Master George Stanley, of Clinton N.Y., will come to town early next week to vi- sit Mrs. R. D. Sutherland, West St. Mr. Huntly Gordon of Dundas was the guest of Principal Gordon and Miss Gorden, for a days or two this week. Mrs. George Sanderson and Misses Lillius and Kathleen Sandefson have 'ome to town from Toronto, and will gecupy Professor A. 8. Ferguson's house on Albert street for the sul mer. Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Mifs Mabel Dalton, of Kingston, and Mrs Andrew Forman,. Montreal, return- ed* from a three. months trip abroad the end of last week. "mee Stewart Robert- are spending and will re- St., Mr. and Mrs. George Mahood, and family, left yesterday for their sum- mer home "'Bayridge" pon Simcoe Is- land to mond the summer. Rev. Gordon, who is vitae Principal t Miss Gordon, will go to "The Shiels ing" to spénd seme time with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle, before retutn ing home. Mr. James Redden and Miss Mar- ion Redden, are home again after spending the past Ex weeks in 'Eng- land. A Mr. BIW. Robértson, fs #i Toron- to, the guest of "his @aughter, Mrs. te Thi How's This ? We offer One Hundred "Dollars Re- ward for any case of @atarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh ¢ 'ure J. CHENEY & OO: Teledo, O indersigned have Kiy own FF. I. Cheney Ae the last 15 years. "and be- ileve him perfectly hanor le in all business transactions apd financially able to carry out any obligations made oy Bess. aie Kin & M HAT ary i lesale Druggists, Toledo, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly. acting Wreetly upen the blood and mucous sorfaces of the system. Testi- bmonials sent free. Price 15 cents per bottle. Ball by al druggists Take Hall's Family Pills, for constis of Ottawa, jordan and We The Douglas Hasimond, 'Albert! pationg- ° Carmen and Miss Hallie Car-{ and son in-St; Catharines, later: Mr. and MY Arthur Craig, are satling-for home tomorrow, from Liverpool, on the 88 rian. Mrs. Willismr Melons, iin an- nodueal 'the engagement 'of her dau- ghter, 'M. Norval, to Rev. Roy Poun- der, MA. "of Montreal, the marriage to take' since sarily' in July. "Mrs. George Hade 129 Eighty-six: th street, Brooklyn, N.Y., announces the engageinent of her youngest dau- ter, Anna Margaret (Dalsy) to r. Herbert Triadwell, of Freeport, Long Island. = LJ - » Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Michael J. Haney, of Port Credit, anndunee the = ongage- ment of their youngest daughter, Ei: lem, to John F. Galbraith, son of Pean and Mrs. Galbraith, Toréntd. The marrifige will take place quietly in July: J "BAPTIST BUNDAY SCHOOLS Held Joint 'Pientic at Brophy's on Tuesday, Afternoon. The two Baptist "Bible sthools joined in holding theit annual picpic at' Long Island Park on the after noon of Tuesday, June 30th. Fhere kwas a good crowd, the weather was delightful, and 'everybody enjoyed good time. The following is a list 'of | the prize-winners in the sports of 'the First Baptist school : Girls, 5 to 7-<Reobena Patrick, Hil da Friendship. Boys, 5 to 7--Stanley whité, Kenneth Pickering. Girls, 8 to 10- Helen Salsbury, rétta 'Campbell. Boys, § to 10- Pickering. Girls, 11. to Ethel Lake. Boys, llato Harold Salsbury Girls, 14 to Ethel Loke. Boys, 14 to Pople. Threodegged race--S. and Norma Pickering. Young 'Padies', wvace--Miss Mabel Smallridge, "Miss Ethel Musselwhite "Young men's race<Frank Lerengé, Roy Friendship. Married women's 'race--Mrs. ton, Mrs. Musselwhite. Married men's race~William ing, "A. €. Singleton. Fadies' ball throwing contest Mabel Smglividge, Miss Hd ridge. LETTERS TO THE ERITOR. "Mussél Lo ( jeorge Willie Clark, 13--Daisy *¢ ampbell, 13-- Nathan Leronge, 16--Mildred Campbell, 16--Alex. Lacey, Jas A Salsbury Single Picker- Miss Small "After the Battle.""--A Rap at Ald: Hoag. 4 Kingston, July 2.<(To the Fd tor) : Ald. Harrison has nothing to be ashamed of in Tim defeated; bet ter be defeated in good Toause than victorious in a bad ome. You re member how 'the majority jared in the time of the Hood. It's some thing that we have fourteen hundred and thirty-two who were 'heither hought or sold, many of them lea: ing their own patty for the time be ing. The two thousand' nine hun- dred that have voted to protect the bar, in other words silent partners in the liquor traffie, are fesponsible for the harm that will follow. ~ You can- not help to create a' condition with- aut being responsible for the re sult, It ill becomes Ald. Hoag to. cast any slur on the church. No ' one knows better than he what swelled the majority The pulpit bas always been a great educator and while it does. not dictate it must ever de- nounee evil, or preaching is a farce and becomes as useless as a sound- ing brass and a Viukling cymbal. --C1- I'1ZEN. CAUGHT ONE PATIENT Other is "Touring on Dr. Ryan's Bicyele. For the past few days the authori ties at Rockwood asylum have been searching 'the comutry 'for two pu tients who made a sudden depar- ture from that institution. On Wed- nesday the authorities got in touch with Chief Geaham, of 'the Napanee police force, with the wesult that I'homas Kerney, aged forty, who has been missing a couple of days, was landed in that town. He was placed under . arrest and held until Wednesday evening when he was tak- en back tothe asylum by two of the attendants, who went up on 'the evening train, 3 "The other man. who is about twen- tyv:five years of age, has been missing for about a week's time. ~ Since' his departure from the institution noth ing has-been seen of heard of him. It is' thought that he 'is making his way from place to place: on a bicycle whith he took from the home of Dr, Ryan, superintendent, the day he made his escape. Bul the Elected An 'analysis i. Registered Vote. f the vote ia King- '| ston shows 'some remarkable things. The conservatives had the means to secure support and of the 2,500 re- gistered. votes the opinion és that Ro#s secured 2,000 of them. , This left him "900 as thie solid substanti- lists. Harrison got +500 registered votes and 900 also of the electoral vote on the muniefpal lists. chief support came from "She "Soa- ters," and constituted Mis big ma. jority. The manner in which this big vote was sectred 18 well known. Leaving for Treland. Rev. W. F. FitzGerald, M.A., and FMrs. FitzGerald left Thursday on a two months' wisit te the old: coun- try. Canon Grout and Archdeacon Hobbs will take duty in St. Paul's during Mr. FitaGlerald's 'absence, ree Going to St. Joha, N. B. br. WW. G. Anglin will go to St. Apia "Robert 4 Chambers, New York; u 18-year-old' millionaire, got en order pending money. lusist on White Rose flour. D. J. Walker, and will also wisit his al vote of electers on the mumicipal from She court for $100,900 tod AND TORY VIEWS ox THE RESULT OF LT OF THE!'ELEC- TIONS IN ONTARIO. The: Liberals Increased Their Vote in Toronto Four. Times as- Much as |" the Uenservatives. THe Toronto Star, (liberal), coms menting on the election results, says in part: "There is no occasion for faujt-finding. It is true that very few conservatives were feady to put the |, abolition of the bar before their par- ty allegiance but they were 'exerocis- ing an unguéstiened right in mark~ ing their ballots as they did. "It is a remarkable fact that thé liberals gained more in "Toronto thn. throughout, the 'province. They "did |- not succeed in capturing a. seat, but they polled three times as many vo- tes as in the électton of 1911; They Local showers way Friday five and warmer. polled 20,000 more votes than in that |'§! election, while the conservatives in- |" creased their vote by only five thous- and. 3 "The preachers who expressed thélr views fpeely need not worry! over thé abuse heaped wpon them by Tammany peliticiansy Lhe preachers. do not hold their positions by the grace of the patronage committees which hand 'out the political jobs." The Toronto Telegram says: result in Ontario js not without its rioral for the electors of Manitoba, who, eleven days hence; will be call- ed upon to pass a verdict for oragal- nst local option, The contest in' this province in that single particular is similar to the Ontario comrbat. Sir Rodmond Roblin stands with Sir James Whitney © on the local eption 3 {sue 'While it is true Abat Mr. Norris bas not pledged himself to banish the bar, that policy has been set up in apposition to the Roblin government policy of total prohibition by local option. Mr. Norris' attitude is thus notably weaker than that of Mr. Rowell. He latks the courage of his convictions, wivieh characterized Mr. |» Rewell's 'advocacy of the fad." Hamilton 'spectator (conservative): "The 'verdict ofeyesterday means that when the temperance people of Ontario want the bar te go, they want the shop io go with it. It means that they préfer a werkable law thoroughly well enforced than the premature realisation, in form only, of the dream of 'an idealist, soun to become a dead létfer or a farce through lack of rigid:enforce- ment." Montreal Lé Devoir (Nationalist) says: "The election of Mr." Evanturel in Prescott is' very regrettable, but is explained by a number of local cir- cumstances. We have no wish to ex- cuse it, but to those Enghsh-speak ing cotifpatriots in Ontario who "are already making a bg éry about fit we would point out that it is not so long ago that Anglo-Ontarioans re elected Mr. Rykert, who had been expelled from parliwment by his peers." Brantford Courief (conservative) "Whitney has abolished Rowell, and it has been done to the king's taste. The beauty of it al} is that the vie- tory was not achieved by dubious methods, but simply on the splendid record of continuous clean and pro- gressive methods. As, for Rowell, he sought, by usiig 'the temperance cause and the pulpits "for political purposes, to create a stampede, which most markedly failed to even- tuate, Le CanaGa, Montreal, '(lMberal), says: "The lesson 'of the election un- doubtedly is that the people. of On- tario are not in favor of prohibition, not even partial prohibition. Result of the voting cannot be censidered by liberals. in other parts of the coun try because of the introduction of the unique '"'abolish the bar" policy of Mr. Rowell: Montreal Journal of Commerce: Although defeatéd, Mr. Rowell was uccesful in reducing the conservi- 'ive's majority, and we firmly believe that he is speaking from his "heart when he 'declares that "he will con finue to "Aght untit "he achieves, h.¢ object. 'Mr. Rowell i8'n desirable type of 'man to have in public life and will accomplish much before he ends his political eareér, *> Toronto Mail and Empire (conser- vative): "The oposition strategists did not underestimate the moral sense of the people, but they did very greatly miscalculate as to the peo- ple"s common sense. They believed that the voters could be baited and hauled in by spufious moral reform politics, but they did not credit the people with the intélligence to dis- criminate between the sham and the genuine." Winnipeg Free - Press, (liberal): "Provincial party lines in Ontario have been gredly broken by the cam- paign. 'It is certain that Mr. Rowell lost considerable liberal support by his uncompromising advocacy of im- mediate abelition of the bar By le- gislative enactment, and picked up compensating conservative support' The new alignment will continue. Moon Not Weather Factor Washington, July 2--Says a cent depatt ment of agriculture re- port *"The belief, still to be found fn all countries that planets and the moon affect the weather never had any scientific basis. 'We belteve nwi= ther the planets mor the moon: can have any effect, because they -fur- nish so little heat, upon which all weather changes ultimately depend." Former M. FP. Dead. London. July 2---Henry Joseph Wilson, for many years liberal mem- Ber for Holifirth, Yorkshire, 'Is dead. He was a strenuots tof the Boer war in the height of the war tever, Bat of his convic- tions, his public service and his be- unefdactiolis commanded "universal re- spect, ®t Bat py PURE RICH "BLOOD PAEVENTS "DISEASE Bad blood In nm responsible for more Ailments than anything else. It canses eatarrh, dyspepsia, rhewma- tism, weak, tired, fanguid feelings and worse troubles pn Saranpariiia_ bas baen hm wuecessful in purifying 'and evriching the blood, removin seérofula and other humors, a bui _the whole system. Take it--give ll the family so as to avoid illness, Get it today. "The | { re-§ ; Stuning styles, many direct from New York and all to 'be had at extremely modest pricks. Many novelties in * Crepe, Ratine, Novelty Voile, ete, ¢mbracing the season's newesst colorings and white. PRICED FROM $5.50 TO $22.50 Print, Gingham and Pique Dresses in solid color and two tone ef- fegts. 98c TO $4.60 For Misses and ~~ C ildren An unusually attractive assortment Dresses, all late styles and at temptingly low. "of. New York prices that are Steacy's The Busiest Store in Town PROF. DORENWEXD (of Toronte) who has visited your town for: years and hes ny trons Anteba, vicinity, will be a§- ' The Hotel Rando ston, en Monday, LADIES: Who would lke a fine hair-braid, s. switch; tion, wave, pompadounr, - etc. and GENTLEMEN WHO : 3 not overlook this special epportunity of paying a visit to Pref, 'troress wend. Tn order that many more men and women may appreciate: the benefits of Doreawend hair-structures, en this special trip only, enor. mous reductions will be offerea 6n all goods. Prices below cost. EABDIES: Make your appearance youthful and attractive. BALD MEN: You eannot afford to lose this. opportunity of at least having ® demonstration of a Dorenwend toupee which will be of benefit to your health and younger appearance. A DEMONSTRATION Cc? ANY STYLE IS FREE Remember this offer is for this trip only, and bring your friends. The Hotel Randolph, Monday, July 18th special reduction Call early on "We are 'prepared 'with the: stock necessary ur min service wires on Princess: St. adjoirt g streéts. : Those who have-already entrusted us with' work will be looked after so that no interruption power and light will occur. We respectfully solicit your: orders which have prompt and careful «tention. Lawyer Heavily Fined. London, Ont., July 2=R.«M, C. Toothe, a well-known loeal barrister, was fined $25 and costs 'by Police Magistrate «add for seizing Henry C. short by the «throaj. when the latter |o. £1 made a face at him®in the course of \ cross-examination in a Savy 'court death of Mra. C Mil ; Mis ployer, whose body he cut Cg burned in a jurnace. The lation of Uobalt is now ever 6, an advance of Th | last year, BEREE i crazing. } Jouder * Em smoking. . 4 L od re 3 © HT 1 ge mh I Ee ape iNET REBRER Ee eh RR RGN RE BF HE ee