COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS. Who Sees a Good in Store For Frontenac Member. A--Appeal of . western mother against curse of liquor, as we have read it, is most pathetic and touch: ing and should be taken to heart by every true man and woman in the electors have forgivew bigger + "political sinners. tario should bé -- Yo have as its leader a man of Mr. Rowell's high character and ability. In entering public life at all he makes a saérifice, which does not seen to have been measured by the little men who are eriticizing him. Ex-Mayor Ellis, of Ottawa, cannot trifle, with a serious issue in' the legislature any more. He was an ardent' tax reformer who fell down, or sat down, when the premier jand certain - occasions intimated that he B---Better day coming, let us hope. was weary 'of the talk. » C--Civilization owes much to the ft public press, science, 'liberty, truth find in her a force unsurpassed by the pulpit itself. She is the bul work of the people against servitude. Churches, schoels, charitable insti- tutions, philanthropic works of all sorts can always count on her doing her big share toward their advance- ment. To hinder her progress, re- strjet her activity by under exactions taxations, is to strike a blow at our very life material, political, intellec- tual, national! D--Don't be so blind, Monsieur le Naitre-General des Postes. E---Entire number of representat- ives in next House of Commons will be 234 instead of 221 as at present, a difference of 18 --a bad omen for. Borden's little business. F--For legislature, a good spank- ing is in store for the present mem- ber for Frontenac. G---Govottes, polkas, minuets, will replace the trots and dips and wig- gles in select society. H---Hugging to music invention. I--In matter of oceanroutes, the St. Lawrence shouldn't be so bad when the "Corinthian" sinks the "Oriole" in the Thames, and the "Pretorian" and 'New York' ram each other in American waters. Fog the foe! J--Jealousy makes a bad binocle. K--King of Siam, whilst favoring [modern reforms, wants Ris people to remain Siamese. L--Let him who loves his own race and blood throw the first stone at this patriotic ruler. -M----Montresl had her procession, but the 65th. bore' frandulent arms. Great man, Sam Hughes! No equal for blustering, blundering, bungling. N---No wonder everybody is in love with him. He is a credit to Bor- den's insight. O---Only France could give herself 48 ministries in 43 years and live. P--President Poincare has enem- ies, but he is no deceiver. Certainitis the nation, as a whole, looks upon him as one who would scorn wrong- Hamilton 'Heruld doing in any form and will adhere : to principle no matter what the cost. With nearly all the able-bodied men Q--Quite "characteristic of "Bob in Ireland eager to bear arws in vue Gamey, the Manitoulin Mastiff, snarl- or other of the volunteer organiza ling "sneak, skunk and scoundrel" tions, this is a poor time for the'at his political opponent. peace propagandists to preach anti- R--Run and get a little rose militiarism in the Emerald Isle. ter, quick. S---Sun'is to hide his face for a lit- tle while on Augist 21st Watch the hens go to roost, then climb down and hold an indignation meet- ing for having been fooled. E T-<The good Vicar of St. Paul's is, we understand, going to Ireland. We hope Saint Patrick will grant him a bon voyage. U---Unususlly, large number of baldheaded men witnessed the hair- rising stunts of. + Ringling's nympths of the air. V--Valiant damsels themselves with glory clothes. W---White duck, in Wisconsin, laid black egg which is to be fertil- ized X----Xpeet a wee "quack ductor" of the Ethiopian persuasion will be the issue, or else a Y--Yankee carard just! --ZACCHEUS Try Our Nobby $5.00 Shoes Bibbys| rue | Our Special '$4.50 | ~ Hand-tailored Real Panama Hats mess Fo 7 At whole sale prices. now on CAPITAL AND WAR, The announcement comes that the peace mediators have concluded their They have not established the terms upon which the revolution an Mexico is to be ended, but they have securing the consent of government to deal With the American Ree a We a The clergy are said by the conser vative press to bk 'rebuked by the election. Rebuked for what?! Do- ing their duty ¥- Obeying the dic- tates of their constience 7 Reflecting and expressing the mind of the great church bodies with which they are connected ? Surely not, 'work Our succeeded" in the Mexican the claim ernment for satisfaction, of life and property sents, and they tine by which the Huerta and Carran- fa parties may meet and become conviled : of gov. for the loss which it repre- | have defined the blighed Dany and my Yetukly by In- the last: Manitoba elections great rascglities were resorted to in the interests of the Roblin govén- ment. It is charged that the Win- nipeg lists have been loaded: with 1,300. names of fictitious persons, and these will be represented by pluggers on election day. rowu- we ew QE Te- ly 4 --- £345 the New York Her- ald publishes a series of 'letters, Hee Bupa j signed, with the signatures omit ted), and tending to show that the capitalists of* Wall street have been : busy with representatives of Governor | PUBLIC OPINION Simultaneously Are real gems. You eould not dupli- (un- £ oT ER SUBSCRIPTION RATES or See our $4.00 Panamas. (Daily Edition) ; Orne year, delivered fun city 2 cate these trousers at the tailor shops for $7.00. Cuff bottom, belt straps, See our $6.00 Panamas. Special val- i | | | : | | Suits Nobby Hats for For young nicn and $1.00 each. Regular $2.00, #: 50. me year, to United State 3. Eix and thive months pro rata. (Stmi-W Roni] Edition) an ot pald in advan ear, to United States x and three months pro rata. Attached is one ot the -best printing offices in Ca Carranza, seeking alliance with him | tunnel loops, semi- peg style. Sizes 30 and for the protection of big interests in oil and railroads. The New York capitalists appear to fear the Pearson | interests of England, with which Lord Cowdray's name has been freely link- ed, and assuming that there is some- thing in the correspondence, that it points to something diabolical in com- mercial qonspiracy. gress men is a great The Cause. Advaptcs. to 36. Rich greys and browns. Toronto Globe Nova Scotia has abolished all "bars outgide of the city oi Halifax, and the anti-bar party have a chance to suppress - them there 'by a bare ma- jority. , < job AT ee yn Ave. men who c Tribune Bla nk R. Notfecop: Manag . OUTLOOK IN MANITOBA. I'he liberal party in Manitoba $s into the provincial election with» advanced platiorm," and it remains to be seen whethér results mlatforms skilfully constructed. or on (noney bags liberally : supplied by affected intere-ts.' For instance, the school system, advocated by the liberals, calls comfiilsory education, in English, without any of the compromises which the Roblin government " committed itself. It calls for gislation which will abolish the bar if the people, in & referendum, taken , subsequent to the election, express a desire for it. It guarantees the suf- ! frage to womien, cleaner elections," di- rect legislation, compensation to working men, goud roads, encourage- ment. to agrigulture, and growth in hydro power. All thewe suggest advanced work in the legislature, with a' liberal * gov- ernment in. power, but it 'does not mean that the people will vote for it... The: "eléctions in Manitoba have been charadterized by the rankest po- nn opigent corruption, and it would be too much to expect that for once' it would be 'missing. Without it the Roblin government might as well sur- kender. . GIVING THEIR ADVICE. Some~of the papers have assumed the role of counsellors of Mr. Rowell. It may be consoling to him, in defeat, or it may be mollifying to learn that Be made a mistake in- magnifying the tgmparance side of his policy 8! "hose péople, mostly newspaper edi- Tors; speak an, "Ltpld-you-so"' tone, afiect. tp he very wise. They do Aa pemember' that Mr.' Rowell "aince he became Jeader of the liberal party, been | progressive. in his policy 'He has pot acted on his own initia- 3 In every step. he has consulted his party, and the party press was dope, and done well, has' result of a .conference has' been any ------ stay It Begins Well. Montreal Mail. r In our enthusiasm over the open- ing of the camping season, let us not forget--46- enthuse over the opening of the camp meeting season which, by all reports, is off to a good start. American : and senators are demand- ing an enquiry. Senator William A. the mind of con- young. See our $10.00 Homespun. Two- Sniith expresses many of his class when he charges that the "ambitious ma- rauders" have been operating against peace until they had' the assurances that their big interests would be pro- tected. What they have been aiming at, according Senator Smith, 18 control of the government so as to piece. Rich shades of grey and brown, depend . on A Cooling Process. Saskatpon Phoenix Throwing tant hecklers the water .may not be a complete ve futation of their arguments, but it will certainly be effective in = cooling their ardor. Out of Tune. Soft hats for one dollar. Christy's into to See Our $15 Suits Made steds in rich shades 6f blues, genteel Walkefields Wolthauser Hats. Sizes 6 5-8 to 7 1-8. >earl Fedoras, and the as for recoup themselves for the money they | advanced the revolution. "Peace," said "would have been secured months ago if the rivalry and the Waters- Pierce people could have been adjust- ed. Before the battle of years ago, three men in a New hotel held in _ the * hollow hands the fate of Mexico, that it merely dollars, "which stood in the of the peace and the happiness of the Mexican peo- ple causes the blush of shame to mount to' the cheek of every patriotic man. American livesthave been taken, American soldiers have been killed, American prestige has been dimmed, Americap-tipldmacy has become a by- word throughout the world because of this whole nasty mess. [ do.not know when it will ever be settled, but I do know that in the light of these recent developments the course of the American government plain." Against this imflammatory talk, and} offsetting it, the declarations of certain peace envoys at Niagara Falls, that. they have one of them not even a slight acquaint- Lord Uowdray, while the of the Carranza party, in Washing- . to | uve for from West of England wor- he, has le- be- tween Lord Cowdray ! . : : greys, models are the favorite Prince- Juarez three ton, Belmont and Harvard. York of their and to think Hosiery for Men : A Zenu- wa- Kick in a Sting. Hamilton Spectator Lloyd George: pays his respects to Magnate J. J. Hill, whe has been criticizing British social © legislation And it ymust be admitted the sting oi the little wasp has quite a *'kick" to it. . Special two pairs for Te was dollars, way double soles Ea heels; ine silk lisle, See Our $18.00 Hand-Tailored Suits Fabrics are blue and grey cheviots. tans, ble we ks and greys. Not- Complimentary. Journal of Commerce, 1¢ is not flattering to Canhda that, while its recent lban brought tenders irom the. public for bnly "twelve per cent. of the amount asked, the South African loan a few days later, ofier- ed in terms only a little more. ia- vorable to the byyer, was over-sub- scribed. . ; Silk and Wool Hosiery, 2 $1.00. . pairs for can cover if not with Blue, brown or grey. = Scoteh cheviots. in sniall checks: and . . v r neat stripes, all wool fabries, correct Real Our Special 26¢ Hosiery i is the same identical quality that most stores sell 18 very masterpieces of tail models. are a Lisle threads or cashmere. ors' art. 'Bibbys |: Kingston Events 25 YEARS AGO. - for 3de. THE COST OF RODENTS. Apnual Loss of $360,000,000 in United States, Rats, mics, flies, mosquitos, and the various forms of body pdrasites have always been held in contempt and disgust, and always and "every- where: have been regarded as ver- min. Growing knowledge of the im- portant role played by these lower fornes of animal life in the transmis- sion of disease is ample justification for this feeling. They are ingly expensive. The Journal of the American Me- dical association comments on a re- cent article in the Farm and Fireside, which disgusses the amount of dam- | age done in this country by rats, and estimates that there are in the Unit- ed States at least 300,000,000 of these animals, alike destructive to property and dangerous to health. Rats are said to destroy $100,000,- 000 worth of grain every year in this country, or enough to feed one hen for every man, woman, and child in the nation. The annual cost of rats to the nation is estimated at $360,000,000. In addition, the rat population of the country forms a fertile fleld for the dissemination of bubonic plague, which only needs a starting point in any of our seaports tb spread throughout the country and cause the loss of thousands of lives. ° In the same issue of the Farm and Fireside, but in a different depart- ment, appears an article on the cat- tle tick, in which it is estimated that the difference between the mar- ket value of an animal free from this parasite and one infested with it is about $8 a cow, and that the cattle tick is today costing the stockmen of the country<$1,000,000,000 each de- cade, or $100,000,000 each year. The discovery development of bacteriology showed that man had been carrying on for centuries an un- conseious struggle with the lower no, connéction, and with Cause ance Ald. Polson ing from a Europe. Cows are still prowling boulevards on Rideau street At the teachers' examination in the city hall there are eighteen can | didates for sgcond-class certificates tand thirty-six for third-class. i+ C. A. Martin has been manager of the Princess street ball team. Unsatisfied. Ralph H. Shaw garden picture, oft -And never finished, never done, Now on my easel, now my wall, Awaits me with each rising sun. returned this | three-months® trip morn to representative or the ton, F. Bathing Suits 50c and up. i constitutionalists, Bathing Suits 50c and up. denies that or Zubaran company, knowledge of conduct the on it has any action dealing with the revolution, and in its settlement Mexican people has, in the interests of any of the lhe big interests may be left to take themselves. Wall street men appear to have targe sums | and it may be as- safely : chosen care ol } Ya se- with What he be the them, and if there reading of the public mind it ha¥ been a misreading in which they have -en- interested in Mexico, sumed 'that they must be bring about conditions in which they with eager to veOvYYYeR. mis- retouched, will realize upon their Women's Pumps in Patent and Gun - Metal TER LEADING FLORIST if . so El a2 . -- King St. . Store 230 | estdence 1213 50 prs. of Women's Pumps in patent leather and gun metal, all regular sprng goods: Worth $2.50 To Clear Them Out at $1.98 H. , d ENNINGS, vestments. ;° But the Herald is assuming too much it that the America, or both combin- the Mexico, and for their personal ends when Plants, ete, etc quets, Funeral fi a Spec- laity, F. J. JOHNSON e says capitalists of aged. Further, he Fsssasmore than others, quite as important iu their day, and not any abler than #Nr Nowell. The conservative partly EDITORIAL NOTES. dd years it was in. 4 ! during the thirty odd y N [hese copious showers are worth a tion in Ontario, had many -leac ) oppgsition 1p lot of, the farmers How ers, and when each igiled he was prac- th . . ow vip. notice. tu uit. The Whig he of toil showing their round, cally & Bitter: things: that gratitude ? | Would sway its lilies to and fro; recalls 'the bitter thing 3 3 {And glimmer that would change their Said about and to' Hon. M. CG. ------------------ : ; The local government did not gain | place, eron and" Sir William Meredith, when dd ae they were leaders of the. party and by the gerrymander tion. In go. hoiore they, discouraged, accepted ap- pointment to the bench The Whig recalls the i that were hucled at Marter when he, true to principle and to consc ieee, ry made, Semi wee an issue in a Lon don bye-electic and lost: Similarly this paj naire the abuse that was put 'upon. Sir James Whitney _ shile he 'wa: '8till in opposition and unoble to land his party in power. England or ed," can control has not suffered any I fail to give it what 1 would, Though more and more iis, colors please; It 'should" have mingled odors And songs of bird and sounds bees; war mn sWeel of , And gentle airs that, whispering are sous were Cam- in the last elec- and this time of bere | should be remembered lessons For Sale OR, To Let Its roses' petals then would fall; Its fountain then would glisten by; Its leafy treétops then would part And give another glimpse of sky is one that The ' clergymen of Winnipeg preaching temperance from the pit on the eve of an election, out the fear of the belted knight fore their eyes. anathemas are pul- with- My picture is so dead to me, e- What sabtle touch has been denied ! Until I give it life and change I never shall be satisfied. sure. --_-- All James A rest from polities, To be All men desire it and need it. 'men may enjoy it, save Sir Whitney. He has to find a new Is Ancient Law Justified ? Christian Herald. _ Is there any sanction for capital seat 5 43 2% The point is that great men cannot +. ®ir Robert Borden - depended on his = He made the most, of his opportuni ties; he combatted 'the things in Op position he- has since approved; he was {ur economy - in provineial finances, 'for 8 non-partizai adminis: tration of the license department, for purity in elections, and a lot of oth- er reforms which he has found it mm- possible in power .to carry out make winning election platforms. Had policy for success he would be still in "opposition" in Ottawa. He negatived Sir Wilfrid Laurier's policy with re: regard to réciprocity, and wom. Sooner "or later the Whitney government, de- spite its superior wisdom or political diplomacy, will strike ifs snag and go , under. Mr. Rowell can help it to that end, by emphasizing its follies, and' whatever he does will no doubt be the for Hon. Dr. Reaume or a new ininis- ter of public works. The separate schools of Ontario, having lost their government grant, will now appeal to theireligious com- munities and the trustees depend up- on them helping thes out of their difficulties. mut Mr. Roosevelt - has been notified that George W. Perkins, the millionaire representative of the harvester trust must "go. And Teddy replies : "H Perkins goes 1 go." Then what be comes- of "the progressive party ! ge What will the legislature do with Evanturel ?. Or will Evan- turei do in the legislature ?. He was expelled for corrupt®motives in cor respondence, and the. electors have It of cossultation with his party. She. horal party of On: CAG TT rl "Mmenders. : Supishment in the New Testament? ° On the contrary the whole spirit of the New Testament would sedm to be decidedly against it. Jesus referred to the old standard: "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and replaced it by a higher standard of forgiveness and service. By his spiritual discernment and authority he prevented the stoning of a woman convicted of 2a crime punishable under the Mosaic law by death Paul refers to the Desking of the e 45 merely urging Christians the ciyil law, say- ing that if ey do righteously they will come Into conflict with it. a a Even the billboard man will tell you there is quite a difference be- tween being well posted and being uek up. Two heads are better than one-ex- 2 cept: in a And A me women are a contrary regular men forms of vegetable life. Recent ad- ditions to knowledge of the habits and characteristics of vermin show that an equally. relentless struggle has been going on between man and the lower forms of animal life. An Old Ballot Box. ° Simcoe Reformer. While rummaging around id the basement at the "ypounty building, Jailer Robertson stumbled onto an ancient instrument of public use in days agone. The find was an old-fash- ioned ballot-box, ' There is nothing to suggest just what period it be- longs to but it is safe in saying that it is very old. It'is made of solid oak boards, dovetailed togeth funny little trap that cellar door. The trap has an 'ordin- ary pair of iron hinges and a trunk lock with the There is also an ordinary auger in the top, about 3 of an inch in di- A er, through which the ratepay- with af. ns lke af key sticking in it. | exterously poked iA good grocery store with dwelling att , good loca tion in Kingston; owner forced to leave the city to look after fo This is a A large list of farm propers Hes fue for sale. Swe. youd bargains in city