= £ 81.-NO. 153 The Man On Watch With the defeat of the proposal to banish the bar, the Lampman sees no hope far the First Congregational church ppire "straightening up.' It's a wonder to the Lampman that Bookseller McAuley, was not able to bring forth from his shelves some bibles embalmed in cobwebs, for the Frontenac eléction. He could have supplied copies of the Ten Command- ments, which would have done just as well for the swearing of election perjurers. Some years ago, {he Lampman. remembers Lawyer Wal- kem, who was sit{ing at a voter's re- gistration court in the town couneil chamber, using a dictionary to swear in a number of applicants for the franchise, and the mistake was not discovered fpr some time afterwards Two good eshyterian elders working at a poll last Monday cheer- ed some tory [friends of the Lamp man, as they labored shoulder to shoulder with them all day. A Pres byterian grit, who was one of the opposing side, was very wroth at the men who dispense the elements at his communion for daring to work on the side of the bar. After the endorsation the barroom received the Lampman sees no reason for any man who wants to buy a drink being ashamed to walk in at the front door holdly and marching out again _just as boldly---if he can. On reading the remarks of the lieutenant-governor regarding the military school at Point Frederick, the Lafipman recalled what a former military teacher at the college told him years ago as to the reasons which actuated parents in sending their sons to this college. One rea- son was to place some of their off spring, who were inclined to be wild, in a place where they would be curb ed and disciplined; another was. te secure for them a good p cal training, while a_third was to secure for them a social standing. The mi {itary element seemed, he: said, to be the least considered. ho yery small to the. pry "officers, ¥ Hg to become Tm The Lampmad claims to have a good ear for good music, and, there- fore, he was shocked at the state ment of a townsman that We paid frequent visits to Ontario park to have the pleasure of listening to Jones merry-go-round organ, which, he declared gave forth music sweet er than that played by the Horse Ar tillery band, There's not a man in Kingston who could have been elected last Monday with "banish the bar" as h.s " piatform. Had Doctor Ross been against the bar, the Lampman is sure he would have been snowed un- der. Kingston may lean a Iit- ue to temperance at a municipal elee- tion, but at other times the "min- hood' suffrage vote comtyols the sit- uation. The Lampman hears rumore of a municipal vote next January for re- ducing the number of tavern liquor licenses by ten more, leaving the town with only five barrooms. Whe- ther the "temperance" people will succeed is a question, he thinks. If they do, there will be five very lucky tavernkeepers, who will make a mint o" ner in a year. E TOWN WATCHMAN. HE TOWN WA Hypothetical Question. New York Judge. Fair Lady (to, lawyer)---Can I ste her for slander whether she pro ves what she said I said she said or not. 2. EE Jeff Seems To FINDS RADIUM IN DANGER German Scientist Declares Treatment TY. iloubtful Berlin tending (he use of radium are re- as the curative value of the .sub- stance. At a recent congress on diseases of the internal organs at Wiesbad- en, Prof Wernor of Heidelberg uni- versity declared that the difficalty of confining rudlum treatment of the diseased tissue made the ike of radi- nm dangerous in the treatment of cancer .and other tumors. Instan-|. ces had been noted where the radi- wm attacked and destroyed healthy tissue and where perforations and bleedings followed. 111 effects also were cauged sometimes if the diseas- od tissue treated by radium could not he removed. Polsonous chang- es might occur with fatal results. With cancerous growths - in the 'mouth, larynx and throat, ' Prof. Werner seldom found any perman- ent improvement through radium. Satisfactory results were obtained, however, In treating tumors of the thorax and some were completely cured DEF BND] PEEK-A-RBOO WAISTS. Beautiful Female Form? Cleveland, O., July 4.--The peek- a-hoo waist, slit skirt and other ex- treme styles now in vogue had their inning here yesterfday. Miss Annette J. Warner, Cornell university, staunchly defended them. "Fredom in womeh's dress ex- presses fredomh of women's minds," she asserted. "Why should we cov- er a beautiful body to the point of old-time conservatism?" "While this is ig a vol. age, it is in reality only an - Ba pe of the revolution through which 'women of, the present tay are passing." : Why Hide the All "Ahout the Dog. All hail the dog, the friend of man! He always does the best he can; He is intelligent and brave : And loyal, But he won't behave! Of pelicy this noble beast I grieve to say has not the least; He.bites the grocer in the leg, And wags hig-tail at every vegg! The bones he saves from what he's fed He buries in your flawer bed; He digs the sweet geraniums up And spares the burdock, silly pup! He smiles and leaps and wags his tail = At every peddler within hail, Shaps at her venerated knee! He loves to chase the neighbor's cat, , To guard the hallway of the flat And bite the landlord who had méant To lower (80 he says) your rent A noble beast isis canine, , His nature is so trie and fine For him with love my bosom melts, But give him, please, to some one else Handling the Drives. The Tweed Advocate says: man Louis Light who has been in charge of a gang of Rathburn com- pany's men on Mink Creek, North Hastings bringing the winters cut of logs from Mink Lake to Bancroft arrived on Saturday accompanied by a number of men from this distriet. There were inall 12 men engaged and the time taken to drive the block of. logs 100 thousand pieces, a distance of fifty miles was only fifty-eight days which is considered to be exceptionally fast time. "The timber wil be loaded on the C. N. Railway at Bancroft for shipment to Deséronto. His Point of View. "Do you think the world is _grow- ing better?" 'No confound *it! nickel the conductor change this morning, off the car." I dropped the gave me in and it rolled The devil is always an adviser of debt making. WELL, IF You WANT a: HAT Thus ANCIENT Met THIS LID Ha: BAT TLE AX UNBR GC AKARLE te TS The THING. | » BEEN THROUGH Four. wags | AND HAS iT $Tood SABER AND - July 4.--The dangers at- | ceiving much attention in Germany | | But when your rich aunt calls, Why | he Twilight FILIP LISS LABIA SSS Abb br - . » - (Continued Mr. and. Mrs. street, announce from Page 3.) 7 Prevost, the engagement of their only daughter, Katherine Ida, to Mr. E. MW L.aChanee, of Montreal. The marriage is to take place, quiet ly, in September. Earl . Breck, Univer and Mes. J. 8 Master Norman Meleod, will leave, on Monday, to attend the wedding of sister, Miss Laura Mcleod, to Mr. Robert Mebeod, which takes place on Tuesday afternoon. Dr. W. G. Anglin, Earl street, will leave for ®t. John, on Sunday, to at tend the Canadian: Medical Associa tion meeting which \is convening there My. (i. O Connor, of Montréal, spent a few dave, this week, with Mr. J. J Steacy, Johuvson street Mex) 1. IL and Mr. Mr. and gity avenue, Mcleod and Alfred street, for Toronto, their a Mr. anh Mrs? W, F. Niekle and Mrs. ILC, Nickle and Master Donald Nickle motored Toronto, yesterday, to attend. the performance of Mr. Huberty Osborne's prize play, "The Madonna of the Louvre,' which was written for Miss Adele Blood. Rev. Dr. Malcolm Macgillivray, versity uvenue, left, on Thursday, Fort William, to visit his son, Thomas Macgilliveay. - Professor and Mrs. Alexander and Miss, Hilda Laird leit, day, for Prince Edward spend the summer, and Mr to Uni for De. Laivd on Thurs Island, to Miss Elda of her sister, at ther snmmer Mrs. S. G. Satherland land, of St to visit alreet. Mr. R.°M. Calvin came down Toronto, to spend Dominion day his parents, Mr. and Mrs. vin. Miss Lillian Mundell Charlie Mundell went on Wednesday Mrs. W. H. Martin MacDowell is the guest Mrs. W. [. McFarlane, home in Muskoka. Sutherland, Miss Rita and Mr. Stuart Suther- . Louid, arvived, vesterday, the Misses Johnson, Earl from with Hiram Cal and Master to Bowmanville, to® vicit their aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. G Philipsburg, Que., were Mr. -and Mrs: H.W "Ahvington,' this week, Miss Ruth sy, to-day, Horsey. Ars. (i. S. Oldvieve, who the guest of her daughter, Mrs. HH. Byrue, in ¥dmonton, leit, week: to Visit another daughter, Albert Scott, in Vancouver. My. Donald Melntyre, of Toronto, spent Dominion dav with his sisters, the Misses Mcintyre, Johnson street, a 8.» Mr. and Mra. William Gordon come down from Toronto, July, and vesidence, Queen's for: a few weeks Mrs. Peter livingston (Abe guest Mrs. Fife Fowler, Bebok street, and on Thursday. after noon Mrs. Fowler entertained 'inform ally at the tea hour in her honor. Rev. W. FI. Fitztierald and Mrs, FitzGerald leit for Montreal, on Fhursday, and sailed, Vesterday, by the SN. Grampian, the try. McGinnis of the Richardson, couple guests © at Anglin went Miss up to Cres visit Mildred heen John this has will the end of the principal's University grounds will oceapy of Chicago, of for old" coun * Miss Gladys Burton and Miss Dero thy Burton are gxpected in town, from Belleville, shortly, to visit Miss dna Booth, Stuart street. Mr. and Mrs: James Minnes and their family have taken a cottage at Murton's Point for the month of July and moved out vesterday : Mr, and Mrs. Charbs Mehay and Master Lionel MeKay have gone to East View Cottage, on the St. Law- rene, to spend the rest of sum ner. R birs. William Kent, Vancouver, 18 visiting friedds in Kingston. Miss Kathleen Lavell, Edmonton, Alta, is to visit relatives in King ston and the Thousand Islands for the next month. Mr, 'and rs. Colin Macpherson University estenue, and their three sons, are going to Calgary next weak to spend the vext two months. the B.C of days | Mrs | THE C.P.R. EARNINGS. Are Some Three Millions Less Than Last Year. Montreal, July 3--Net earnings of the Canadian "Pacific Ry., for May were 42.863.011 a decrease of $541, 018 as compared with the correspon- ding month last year. This compares with 'a decrease in net just over $600,000 for the month of April For the first eleven months of the current fiscal year, from July 1,-1913 to May 31,,1914, net earnings total $29,000,302, a decrease of $3.,527,- 816 compared with the corres pending perior year earlier. a Loan for Road Building. Lohdon, July 3--S8ubseriptions are invited by the Bank of Montreal for an issue of £1,000,000,-43% per cent registered stock of the province of Quebec, redeemable on January 1st, 1954. The offering 1s made at par. The loan 1s a diréct charge on 'the V; revenues of the province. The ceeds are 10 be used in conn with the Quebec government's good | roads plan New Haven Syndic ate Dissolved New York, July 3--The 8 ndicate organized a short time ago'by J. Morgan and Co., and associates underwrite $20, 000, 600 one-year per cent. notes of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railway company, $20,000,000 New England navigation company three-year 6 per cent. notes, and $10,000,000 Hariem River and Pericheste? rail way pne-year § per cent, expired by limitation and was dissol ved Another Huge Combine, New York, July 3-=It is stated definitely by William B. Walker, pre sident of the tle company, who has just returned from Europe where he has been cal rying on negotiations for the consoli dation of the thermos bottle compan- ies of England, Germany, and the United States, ger will be put through sometime be fore January, options now ready. The new company will be a $4, 000,080 concern doing a direct pro- ducing vusiness and also supplying the subsidiary plants in the various counfries with materials for assemb- ling. The glass manufacturing will | he centered 'in Germihy and the me tal works in Norwich, Conn., where plans for the construction of a new factory are being faken up now. Bonds Fell Twenty Points. London, July 3---North Saskatche wan Land thirty-year bonds added further to their recent decline by falling twenty points on Saturday Important 0il Deal, "LondoW Fly 5 <I 4 understood, that James Cox' Brady, Anthony N. Brady, has concluded an important contract with the Anglo- Mexican Petroleum Pr cts Co., of which Lord Cowdray is head, to sup in the United States. It is said thal the deal runs into millions of pound sterling. { . a SX Increase Nips, Profits. Toronto, July 3---Nipissing mine notes has | | walls ply Mexican crude oil to be delivered i tion | ion >: | ran | | M. G, Butler has been asked by the city to help vamluate Water & Power Co's plant. The plant of the Nova Scotia Steel and Coal company is operating at sixty or sixty-five per cent. capacity. United Cigar Stores of New Jersey declared a dividend of 55 per cent. This makes 110 per cent, since the first of the year, This means total for year of approximately §$t,000, 000, all of which goes into treasury of United Cigar Stores Co., of Ame rica. The Wilson-W olman Costume Co, of Wellington street west, Toronto, has assigned to R. TT. Couch The company was incorporated on March 1st this year' Sir William Pendergfold the deben- ture holders of the Southern Alberta f.and C o., that he was hopeful of oh- taining assistance from the Canadian government provided the debenture holders: agreed to the borrowing of £71 71,000 to preserve the works and continue contracts. ORIGIN or EPPING CAR. { Pullman "Got tdea From. Litile © abin in Colorado. Journal Old inhabitants of Central | Col,, will tell you that George Pull man got his idea for his sleeping car from the little cabin he occupied near the stamp mill he owned and in Russell Gulch when he Wall Street sixties This cabin ters had its sleeping in the form of bunks along to leave more space for quar the the i living room. American Thermos Bot- | i {ing along the lines of { in being | | from | ferry idea of In speaking to his friend _of his a sleeping-car Pullman said it would look like a cabin with bunks along the sides. In 1862 Pullman left Central City, having made con- siderable .money from. his various ventures there. He kept experiment his idea, and the first sleep 1863 constructed {ing car of commercial value Canada | - that the mer- | Big Steel Bridge Completed. Advice has been received at head- , quarters in Montreal that the Grand | Trunk Pacific now carrying pas sengers from Fort William to Prince George, B.C., over an all rail route, a distance of 1,729 miles. As the cteel bridge across the Fraser river at Prince George has now been com- pleted, trains will run directly to and Prince George station and no transter neceRsary From Rupert, eastwurd, passenger in operation to Priestley, niles, and while steel is laid over the gap between Priestley and Prince George work is going for- is | Prince vice is | ward to bring the roadbed up to the { highest standard before through passenger maugurat- ing service bet- ween Winnipeg and the Pacific coast | terminal of the line. i » son of late | To Locate In Brooklyn. Miss Juineta Carscallen, Tam- worth, graduate of Kingston Gener- { al hospital has left for Brooklyn, N operated at a profit estimated for the | month of May at $150,000, operations of mines. The mill which Nipissing erected a year ago, has lately started to treat on a customs basis ores from Kerr Lake and other neighboring proper- ties. This business, it is estimated will increase Nipissing's profits by about $200,000 annually. from the the company's own Calgary Has Third Exchange Calgary, July 3---Two stock ex- 'hanges are not enough for this town apparently so a third has been form- ed, 10 be known as the Public Oil Stock Exchange. The other two are the Calgary Stock Exchange and the Calgary Oil and Stock Exchange. The new exchanges took only one week, less five hours in its organiza- tion, and it opened its doors with 150 members, 'A week later it had near- ly 170 on its books, and is already doing a fair share of the oil stock trading business of the city 4 ~ Financial Notes. ~ J. B. Duke has been sued by the Inter-State Chemical Corporation for $10,000,000. The well-known expert engineer { | Y., wheré she has accepted a posi- Her father A. B. .Carscallen, accompanied her to the city. yy es A lot of people wait until the game is lost before they play their trump cards The right sort of ambition is not easily wearied. Increasing Your Income F your money working for you as it should ? If it is earning less than five per ct 1 are not receiving it is worth Upon request we shall be pleased to suggest suit. able investments for you. A.H. Martens & Co. Mombers Tervato Stock Exchange 'a BOND and SHARE BROKERS © C.P.R. BUILDING, TORONTO J Have Tough Luck; In Getting An Unbreakable Shy-Piece the Montreaky Cily, was | ja pioneer at that place in the garly Ee beet PAGES 9 10 1a Z THE OF CANADA > OFFicy TORONTO KINGSTON BR one H. E. Richardson, ---- Am ESTABUSHED STANDARD BANK wh ECURITY for both principal dad AE sic reas # standards, a depoiit in the savings department of this Bask is an ideal form of investment. . - wr, R A NCH, THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 Capital Paid Up * Reserve Funds - «= $11,560,000 - 13,575,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened One Dollar, h an initial deposit of Interest is credited half Tents JOINT ACCOUNTS An account in the names of two convenient KINGSTON BRANCH, { : Fither person {or the survivor members of a family will be found may operate the account, E. E. NEWMAN, Manager. SC CO DDS DE DOD EED OSCE CORES A AAS 5 ee Write us if you are interested. JS ESTABLISHED 1882 An Investment We Can Guarantee You may put every dollar of your surplus funds into our "Guaranteed Investment." Itis one of the safest in the Dominion sand pays a good interest return. Each investor's capital 1s secured by a first. mortgage or mortgages, ear-marked and set aside as his personal security. Besides the mortgage, we give the Corporation's guaranteeof principal and interest. Nothing safer, nothing better. We accept sums of $500 and upward, for this form of investment." THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION CAPITAL $1.500,000.00 RESERVE $1,500, $00. vo ASSETS UNDER ADMINISTRATION $63,066,883.87. . pos. Head 0ffige, Bay and Melinda Sts. Toronto, Branches, Ota, Wenig, Sskatoon ODD LOTS y « * » . yt. . You can invest $100 or more at 6 1-27 in good safe Stocks and Bonds. You can make part payment on Bonds and Stocks bought through ns, and gradually pay them ap, in full, Buy when priees are. low and profit by the advance which comes when conditions improve. F. B. McCURDY & CO. Members of the Montreal Stock Exchange. 86-88 Brock Street, Kingston. A A A AP AA St Iwantu Gas Iron One cents wor th of gas ia three hours. Keep cool when you iron. it nét satisfied. Price $3.75 complete With Hose. DAVID HALL 66 Brock St. Phones 335, 850 CH -- Try one. Money back ~ A cm lity, By "Bud" Fisher, OH, IT's Ye L COUNT For THE Lire OF ME IMAGINE WHO WAS IN THERE L. SAT?