ale EVERY » 3 od NOW. ON---BARGAINS IN : . LINE GREAT RANGE 4, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, {duced to prices that please. all re- -- Phone 9), Yours 1. F. HARRISON CO, ee ----------------. ---------- A 1 4 Carpet and rug buyers are bound to patronize the store where rellabllity of quality ls 'Bot questioned, where styles '&re correct and prices right. Buyers at the Kingston Carpet \WhreBouse are sure of getting honest value for their money. n Carpet Ware- house 'Kingsto o - ce (0 'Stay. You get nothing to show for your mowey. it be pid to you e Yon entered your LRTI "IRIs Is my Bowe. No rent to lord te' care ubout. 4 Sav "tor tite + ld sever lavish on And Why not? We enn help you. We'll help you to pick out n home to sult you and we'll ar- range for I I terms. JER | "OE REY. DR. CARMAN REPLIES TO PREMIER WHITNEY, y a Re He Bays the "Demagogic' Clergy Have Sounded a Note That Must Test and Prove Our Manhood. It cannot but be the occasion of much sorrow to us all to observe any indication that the stalwart prime minister of this province seems scarcely to have full recovered from the severe strain of the illness that during the winter beclouded fhe country with such anxiety and grief. Can this be now the old-time rédoubtable Sir James with many, of his followers, Rowell with his cohorts of "demagogie clergy," have frightened well nigh out of their wits certainly out of the hounds of clear vision and safe ut- terance? The langnage used by these "'demagogie clergy" in the pulpits is characterized by the pre- mier as violent and abusive, the Seats creaking, it may be, under "xhddering listeners." while these perverse men of the clergy made a "cold-blooded and dishonest attemnt as a party move, to drive Mr. Whit- ney out of power and put Mr. Ro- well in office. A Minister is a Citizen. These statements, from centre to | circumference. I feel hound to ques tion seriously and respectfully. In the first place, a minister is a man and a citizen, and has his rights. Then, neither Rowell. nor Whitney was by any meéans uppermost in the minds of those speakers, but, on the other hand, their quarrel was with what, after the long and cruel ex- perience of the centurles, they with ruth and justice called the '"'aceur- sed liquor traffic." What sort of "a party move" it was sppearéd 1¥ enough in Rowell's offer to join ranks with the government to stop treating, afolish the bar, or other Wise remedy the evils of the traffic. to seem to carry evefi a slight re- cognition of the situation-that-there might after all be such a thing in the world as a moral conflict, a hattle for sobriéty, truth and righ feousness, a terrible struggle for the welfare and rights of universal hood and childhood, for home and native land." You would think he belongs to the people who deny the existence of wrong and gly and evil amongst us, and takes apparent success, prosperity of popular ap- nlause as the salve of the contcienca if such exists. and the -test of what they wish to he thought right. This stands asunder, toto coelo, from the attitude, svirit, intent and effort of nounces as "demagogic clergy." Courageons Clergy. Many of them and their life and la bors 1 know personally: and of am 1 confident "that never before have they risen to greater cléarness of per ception, grander strength or purpose and the heights of an honorable cour age that shone forth so distinctly in this conflict. Not tor a moment was except as Whitney and Rowell were the representatives and playthings of {forces tossed about by the God oi forces, as Daniel, the prophet in Baby loo, ealls him; not tor a moment was the sin or urgent desire of (hese gos pel ministers to effect such a change for party purposes; but that they might by Rowell or Whitney, or by EEE TEE, i HH | t I Sun Glasses and toggles" I We have the largest and hest Assortment in the city from 15¢ up to $5.00, Get your goggles right. . i fi Eyesight Specialist. i 342 King St. Phone | | 1S Asselstine,0.05 | | | | U '1019 ih Wood's Phosphodine, 7 rent lish dy. Tonia avinptish fhemedy DErvous §; 0, makes hew Blood in eld ervous fe | of or > CO ' ROA | il HUTTON'S 'ED. | 18 Mack 50. Ringo, Insurance and Real Estate Telephone 703 ! | ¥ plain- | Sir James does not 1h his manifes- | manhood. the protection of womnn-g the men whom, as a partizan, he de- | this | { it to put Whitney out and Rowell in, Ho it P | nection with ' eight lee. whom they could and as they could, deliver our land and- our people from the durse and disgrace of the rulmons traflic. Such js the ventiire and the eiort that demands the highest and the noblest in mim; the strongest, pur est, bravest, of which he is capable, iSach vindicate thelr right to be re garded as the most faithful and safest leaders of. the people, who, alas. often j exall the baser principles and set oun "high unworthy men to follow and to honor » { Testing Opr Manhood. | These "deinagogic clergy, so styled, have sounded a note that must best and prove our manghood. Whitney and Rowell will lind their own places, but tins battle must rage along possibly growing ranks till rise 'to the height' of triumph or sink into the pit of deap in the government of {he great d mighty empires of ancient times went down througn their' ousness and idolatries Are we are exempt 7 : Une trae thing Mr. Whitney did 'sav: "Again the people of Ontario have placed us under a tremendous load obligation to them.' Not perhaps to them so much as to God and country and this human race. What a glori- ous opportunity he has, ao opportun ity equal at least to the obligation. j Said Mordecai, the Jéw, to Listher Ahasuerus' Hebrew: queen, if the hou of the Jew's danger: 'Who knoweth whether thou art come to the Kingdon jlor such atime as this?' May | ap ply the question to our time rulers 7? we we of and guy IN MARINE CIRCLES. Steamer Sowards Made Record 'Frip | to Oswego, {..The steamer Sowards«, which is un- jloading coal at Ruckwood hospitil | made record time pn her last trip 11o Oswego. She nfade the trip fron (Kingston to Oswego, loaded, and ar {rived back at the wharf at Rockwood ospital in fourteen hours. Capt | Max Shaw was ne(ified that if he could get into Oswego before dari on Friday' night he would be able fo | get loaded, but as Satnrday was the 14th of July there would be no chance 18s It would be a holiday The cap (tain rushed his boat, --and the--con! {men carried out their part of the bargain, with the result that Lhe | Kington captain was able fo ¢ tal {lish a record. | M. T. Co's | Thomson from i barge Hamilion, which was placed on the drydock; tug Bartlett, fron Montreal, one light barge, cleaved jp with the barge Augustus, 10 load } grain at Port Colberne; steamer Ad (yance, from Montreal, light, on ihe [Way to. Pori €olborne; tug Emerson. due on Tyesdry, with the barge {Kingston, fron Charlotte; steamer {Glenmount passed up light fron fMontpeal, to Oswego, to load coal for Montreal, The steamer W ahcondah fal Swift's for fuel ui 1 p day. ; The' steamer Ionic Passed up .« the Welland capal {rom Montreal at 2.30.p. m. Monday The steamer Nay 'Toronto from midbight. {. The steamer A. E. Ames (down to Man treal from the W |tanal on Sunday at 1 p. m | The sieamer Calgarian pasced {down to Montreal from the Welland I'éandl at 8 pi. Suiiday. | $ The steamer Meaford passed up to | the Welland canal from Montreal at 4.30 p. m. Sunday, The steamer Tagona passed down to Montreal from the Welland canal a. 5 p. m. Sunday. The -steamers Kingston and « | pian passed down and up Sunday | The steamer Belleville passed up {to Toronto from Montreal Saturday | midnight. E | The steamer City of Ottawa passed elevator: , The tun Montreal, swith {he stopped m., Mog ada passed up (o | 1 i Montreal Saturday | } sed pas ellund | | | | | | | as lll down to Montreal from Toronto Sun- day morning pe The steamer City of Hamilton { passed up to Toronto from Montreal Monday morning The steamer ~ Aletha icton Monday. The steamer Alexandria is due to pass down to Quebec from Charlotte Monday night down from STREET METHODIST | PRINCESS "Flower Sunday--~New Pastor, Rev, HOE. Curry Takes Charge. Floral Sunday was observed in Prin cess Street Methodist church, on Sun day. 'The new pastor, Rev. Hl. Carry, tho succéeds Rev, F. (}. Ro- binson, was present af the service and again in the evening, preaching two eloquent 'sermons. . I'he church was decorated for the oc casion, and an enjoyable programme was presented at thé morning service, Lhe children carried fully exercises and choruses. Rev. Mr Curty gave a suitable address in con- the floral service, At the morning service a duet was sung by Mise A. Brebner and W Mack. in (the evenmg W. Mack sang a solo on {titled "Babylon." I'he Orphans' |Home children also rendered a selec. thon, which was enjoyed. 'fhe super- intendent, Miss Emma Wilder, presided at the morning service. The Park Improted. Thousand Island Park has ved greatly in the last year, tically all traces of the big fire have been removed. Several pretentious cottages have been built in the , sec tion that was destroyed, and all of the larger buildings, wish the excap- tion of the Columbian Hotel, have heen rebuilt. impro Prae- A system of ornamental lights ex- [i tending up St. Lawrence avenue and along "the coast is being installed. expense, of installing the lights was met by a "tag day." People who spend the week-end at this resort find it convenient to make train 'connections Sunday afternoons ii from the Park dock instead of being obliged to walk to Fine View. as has been the ease in other years. All boats which connect with {rains now sop at the Park daoek on Sunday: also boats making the "tour of the Islands" and the searchlight trip. Grea. Orearing Sale. through success- |} SON WAS CHARGED WITH ABUS- ING HIS MOTHER. Two Heavy Fiies Hiiposed in Liguor Case--Young Woman Vagrant Given Twelve Hours to Leave City. When John Shannon stood up in {in the police court on Menday morn- ing his mother Sophia Shannon ac- cused bim of assaulting her but af- terwards she stated that he did not assault. her but that he merely threatened. This put.a different side to the question and the magistrate let the son down with a fine of $2 and costs or ten days. The mother sald that h& had been drinking and that this was the canse of the trouble, This row at the Shannon home oc- curred ahout P# o'clock Sunday night. At midnight the police re- ceived a second call to the house. this time to-arest a young woman named Mabel Hemming on a charge of vagrancy. : Constable Naylon tes- tified against the accused, and. she was given twelve hours to leave the city. She said her home was in | Brockville, Mrs. Edith Wills admitted betng drunk while a member of the "pro- 'ibited list" and declared that Karl { Calin who boards at the sare [ house, had given it. to her. Gold- | man stonutly denied the charge but {the magistrate disposed of the case hv imposing a fine of $20 and costs or ore month on both Mrs. Willis ana Goldman, Two fArunks were fined and other was given a chance BASEBALL RECORD. The Games Plaved on Saturday and Sunday. Sunda Cincinnati, 7; Chicago Sit National league 5: Pittsburgh, 4 Lonis, © Saturday : New York, Phila 1-0 Chicago, Pitts 02 Brooklyn, 7-4; Boston Foriis, IR Cinéinnati, 3-1 Chyeago, 6-2; De 5-3: delphin, 13 burgh wt Sunday 6; f Nt Louis troit, 5:0 Saturday : 043. New York, 7 Chicago, «4: land, 10-2; Federal Indianapolis 0 1-2: Washington Philadelphia, 5-6 3-0 lav Boston, 2. St Lonis, Detrait, 8-3 sunglay Kansas City, League St. Lonis 6: 1 Chicago Saturday Pittshurgh, Bal more, 1-5 Brooklyn, 6-4 j-6 St 1-1; hansas Indianapolise 12-3; ( hicago International League Sunda P'ro vidence, 7; Baltimore, 6. Newark. 6-1 Cy, 0-3 Toronto, R2: hester, Montreal, 1-6; Providence Louis, it 0-1 Jersey Saturday 6-3 Ro | Baltimore, f Ciy, 5-9; SR. Jersey 26; Newar 5 Good Vaudeville Programme. There will he an elaborate and varied bill of fare presented at Lake Ontario park this evening and all the rest-of the week. The original Sandor Brothers, the world-renoun- ed acrobats apd gymmasts, will give some of their unrivalled stunts. In addition Texas Elona, the squaw ate some startling features of prairie life and character and sing western songs. Some 3000 feet of new pie- tures will be placed on view, making a pleasing and first-class program- me. oo 1000 Islands<Rochester S8. Caspian leaves at 10,15 a.m. on Sundays, Wednesdays and . Fridays. commencing Juve Tth, for Thousand Islands. and at 5 p.m. for Rochester. Kingston's Famous Far Stove. Advance Showing Of Knitted Coats In New Colors, Mater- ~ ials and Designs : We have just receiv ed from the manufae- turer a large shipment of newest polf jacks. popular subscription and | They are here in time for. vour summer hoat- ing. There are light. medimn and heavy weights, "Colors are white; grey, slate, Ha- Vana. emiqlinal, searlet, reval, cadet, navy, ete., and the prices range from $2.25 to $4.50. Provost, Brock street, has a nt tof coat and vest light also a sum wear, t of « al coat in weight in black. Special low for clergymen. prices | ight See them to-day ~ Bufiale, Buffalo, 3 1-5 4 | h l rte = | | At Woolwich, Eng., twelve thousand i} workmen at the FOR BOY SCOUTS' CAMP + i | . Kingston and Thousand Island Pennants - | From 15¢ To $2.00 Kingston and Thousand Island Pennant Full line of Scout of all kinds; statione ous to mention, to b 8 from 15¢ to $2.00. books in every title published; souvenirs ry, plain and fancy, and articles too numer. e found at the 4 The College Book Store 160 Princess St. an- 3 Phone 919 Platinum .. Prices 500 Yards Black Shantung Silk Are growing within the reach of all. x We have beautiful cluster rings-paved-with-dfamonds at $50.00, and beauties even at $40.00, This platinum treatment is by Tar the most effective way of using the gwaller brilliant diamonds, Smith Bros, In the popular natural color, so serviceable e Jewelrs, Opticians, Marriage Licenses, Lenses Ground and so very-desirable for summer wear ¥ 34 to 35 inches wide. ane This is a manu- facturer's clean-up. Reg. 50c to 60c quality. A genuinely good bargain for Tuesday morni» - y girl, in cowboy costume will deline- | -- BROUGHT BACK TO "PEN." Gottlieb Committed in Detroit. Far violating his parole, Got theb, a German, was brought * to Portsmouth penitentiary frm Wind- sor, on Manday, to serve out the bal- ance of a term of three years he got for burglary at Hamilton. 'He has been out of prison nine months and Just recently was 4ound guilty of burglary in Detroit and given three months in the House of Correction there. (ol Sherwood, of the domin- 10n police, then had him re arrested to serve the balance of* his term Portsmouth, Bert Burglary ert at It Bnys More Land in District. Poston Globe : I'hrough the affice of C. W. Whittier & Bro., S awmut,. Bank building, P. C. Larkin, of the Salada lea company, Loronto, Ont., a large adveNiser in the Globe, has purchased anothér lot of land in the Back Bay from Laurence Minot, trustee for the New York, New .Haven and Hartford railroad, containing 1,300 squara feet, It is situated on Stuart street, adjoin- in his other purchase of 5,200 square feet, and will be added to that site for the large warehouse to be erected by Mr. Larkin. ! Have Reached Edmonton, The Edmonton Journal says : Misa ovick, Mrs. Wallace and little dau- ter, Betty, 'arrived in the city on turday, from 'Kingston, Ont. Mise ick will renin for the ur mer of her sister, wipro Leh- vergity campus. rs. Wal- the week-end with Mrs. Back Bay 1 avi the mann, Ince spent thev will spend ily with friends, and later will joined by 'Mr. 'Wallace, who will combany them haek to Kingston. Miss Jen. Mine Hattie and Miss Kate Henzy, of Kingston, Ont..' were the guests of Mys. W. R. for a few dave, leaving , this 'morning for the coast. ; be ag- Are on strike and left for Red Deer, wiera || several weeks visit- fit wn Like the Parrot Every bargain we have to offer speaks for itself, Sumer prices on now. ! ? Gordie - Furie PAYING RENT MEANS CREATING AN ASSET FOR LANDLORD YOUR Where does your family come in this plan? We have a complete list of single and double dwellings and building lots, at bargain prices, in any dee sived location. Real estate in all its branches. We co-operate with real custom ers. MN General Insurance and mortgage loans. : Houses to rent. Fire Insurance, Rents Collected, Money to Loan. E. W. MULLIN Cor. Johnson and Divigion 8 Phones 539 and 1488, Brown BUPPLIEN aetany BUILDERS® SUPPLIES The Old Oaken Bucket Pte 8 13 LI icy on Test the life of wood agamst metal, or com- position when building SE 8. ANGLIN & Co. Cor. ay esa Wellisgles Sta Woodworking Factory " Will be your clothes if you'll permit un of the always In this HERE ARE A FEW Screen Doors, all sizes, $1.00, $2.28. Complete, . Screens, 25¢, Boe. : 2a LL. 1 Mitchell's i n. arsenal tes 'the d of le lant i