Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jul 1914, p. 3

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Fhis influence grants received for churches and hospitals. He was a man of extraordinary ca- pacity. . Continuing, his address His Grace said in part: ZS Religious Education, "No doubt there are many here to- day who fail to understand why or for what reason we should under- take the éxpense in the erection of this new tollege, when we have sueh an Institutipn 'as Queen's university, with its broad acres of suftable buildings and learned professors, and where every branch of learning may be acquired, to fit the young student, 1 think you will all agree with me or Sale 132 ft. fromtage with barn, Price $1050, Easy payments, W. H. Godwin & Son #0 Brock Se. Oven Noon Orown Bank. Phone 424. Light winds, fine and decidedly (warm. Tuesday, mostly fair and warm but thunderstorms at night. | HIS HEAT IN INTERCITY CANOK OF NEW REGIOPOLIS COLLEGE, | CONTESTS SUNDAY AFTERNOON, | -- '| Archbishop Spratt Performed Cepe-. mony Before Nery Large Gather. = ing--Parade From Cathedral His Grace Delivered Address, "I think that You- will all with me that education is (he grang- est and noblest pursuit within reach of man." said' hix grace Arch- bishop Spraii, on Sunday afternoon, in his address after he had laid the PROBABILITIES At Boston and Has Gone to New | York for Races There--~Ganan- Oque's War Canoe Has Arrived. Gananoque, July 6.--~Ralph B. Brit- ton, who won the Mystic trophy ip the International canoe sailing event | in Boston, on Friday morning, in a | Inter-city -- event in the attamoon of the same day in a drifting match lost his heat in the } Prelimiary and was. of course bas from further agres red corner stone Ai One of Kingston's Best -- sn | Your Camera? Nt Have you houkht it yet? ~ Have you looked over a good * . If you already own one, does it ave you Mutisinetions ' re you getting results f gus Muar How do your i. i You hive any camera film or Paper {roubles consult BEST'S, where they nell the best cameras, films and supplies, and where your trouble ean be expinineg away, Films properly and quickly developed, 10c. . I At Best's THE POPULAR DRUG STORE Sunday hours, 1.30 to 5; 6.30 to 9 [llladded His Grace, "and for this rea- One customers pre our best i vert nt, Fyery pair } BOOTS AND SHOES wold by us } nelly others. Every day someone wnyw, Mra. So-and-wo is so well pleased with her shoes that 1 thought I would come to you. We ape nn---never satisfied. We want to add you te our chain To fit you Is to fit your friends in the future. We have nll makes and 'styles of men's, women's and children's boots nnd shoes at the lowest price in the eity.. :a memorial of the event, written in of the pew Regiopolis college, which .is being erected the corner of Division and streets, a The ceremony was w eral thousand peopde, and the Very large attendance, in view of ™ the sweltering heat, showed the interest which is being manifested in, the building * of this new college. The clergy present included Father Kahos of Gananoque, formerly rector of St. Mary's cathedral, and Fathers Hay. ley, Halligan, O'Rielly and Traynor of Kingston. : : Three hundred apd fifty members of the Holy' Name Society 'formed in progession in front of St. Mary's ca- thedral at three o'clock and march. ed to the college grounds via John- son and Division streets. Members of St. Mary's school cadets, forty strong, also tpok part in the par ade, the music for. the march heing furnished by the R.C.H.A. band. Principal McDonald, of St. Mary's school. acted as marshall. The ca- dets took the lead, followed by the band, and. members of the Holy Name Society. After the ceremonies the parade reformed and marched to St. Mary's cathedral, making the return vin Montreal street. Ab the cathed- ral a solemn benediction of the most holy sacrament took place and this closed the special ceremonies "of the day. Nes tugsell itnessed hy py. The Stone Laid. His Grace made a few remarks before laying the corner stone. and continued his address afterwards. He said that perhaps there were a great many people who did not favor the selection of the site for the college, but he pointed out that a great many, things had to be taken into consideration. The spiritual advan- tages hnd to be considered. It was the intention in the near future, to erect a church near the college. This would be built in four, five or six years, gnd perhaps sooner." "There are, no doubt, many old friends of the college here to-day," son I have a package in which you will have the opportunity of placing old coins and treasures. And I-can guarantee their security. A limit is placed in the value of the coins, that of a penny, as otherwise it might be a temptation for. some person to te- move the stone for the treasure." The package was then passed to that education is the grandest and apblest pursuit within reach of 'man. #ble when sought from the motive. Edueation should not sought for one purpose only. In seeking khowledge we should have some end in view. Man is but pas- sing through this world under a trial. The golden link which binds right Religion is the only bound of unity between God and man. All christian people recognize this. A man may work hard at his studies; and pass the most difficult ékaminations' and yet wander. around and. forget God. PEPPER E PPP SPI IEP IEEE PH be CHANGES SUGGESTED. Toronto, July 6.--Report has it that Hen. J. J. Foy will go to the senate at Otta- wa. Thé portfolio of attor- ney-general will then be tak- en by Hon. W. J. Hanna, who in turn will be succeeded as provincial secretary by Hon. J. Lueas; A western man may be made treasurer and an eastern man, minister of public works. Toile blob GR d de ddd ode dead > TESA PPE P Ere +e * od kel el ele a o eee 'Do all things for the honor and glory or God," says St, Paul. - A young 'man, pursuing hfs. studies /is looking for honors, we%th and posi- tion, ahd rightly so, but in his rush he allows himself to stray away from the right path. The object of this institution is to combine the secular and religious work. A young man entering this college will have his intentions formed at the morning prayer and two or three times during the day. Remember that religious training is far above anything else. "This college is selfssupporting. Through the means left by the late Archbishop Cleary, the current ex- penses are met. There is not suffi- cient money to cover all the expen- se incurred in fhe erection of this new college, hut there is enough to warrant us making the start, If there is anything lacking I will go responsible. My first share of tais Education however, is only profit- be dll otMers claimd is that of religion. bi competition. Ralph New York next weck to Prepare for the big international event at Graves. end Bay on the 18th and 19th inst. The Ganpnogue canoe club is send- ing Clifford Ividd and also , John Mal lette, who built the "Tomaliawk,' the fine racer in which Britton won the Mystic trophy on Friday last They will leave here a week prior to e big race and give the local chal- Jenger_all the-assistance they possibly can. : Some twenty-five Bulgarians, who at the outbreak of the recent wat in the Balkans went back home to fight for their country's rights, a, rived back hera on Saturday have encamped cut nean the old TJ. R. station. They will he put. to work on mavvy work along the line of the G.T.R. The Gananoque Canoe and Boat association' has, received handsome war cance and her crew has got settled down to business for hard practicd and expect to have a look-in on some .of the events in their class later in the season. E. H. Hurd, of Kingston, spent yes- terday in town with relatives. Quite a large party of eanoeists ar.' rived here on Saturday and made a trip up the Gananoque river on Sa turday afternoon. There were 'Some twenty-five or thirty in the party. Mrs. Wrank WH. Hurd and the Misses Doris; Helen and Margery Hurd, of Kingston, left for home Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. E. H. Hurd, Brock street, who will spend some time in the city and Kingston Mills. Mrs. John Marshall and sister, Miss I"thel Henderson, of Chicago, are here for 'a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson, Main street. NO OFFICERS OR ARMS. will go on to Motor its Recruiting of Nationalist Volunteers Is Checked. and | 1 Breat for This Preparations Week and Next The Height of the Holiday Season Straw and Sailor. Sunshades In white and colors to $6.00. For morning and iated. 98c to $17.50. Lingerie Waists New Voile, $1.00 to $5.50. Special Values Londen, July 6.--It transpires that, besides being unarmed, the na tionalist volunteers are practically without trained officers, fwelye bat tallions in county Dublin having only one with previous military ex perience of any kind. Reeruitins work was in giving the site for the college valued at $4,000. I am pre-; bared to receive subscriptions from 25 cepts to $500. 1 have receiv- Father Hanley for the receiving of the coins and afterwards was placed on the stone. Mhen with the silver trowel handed to him, His Grace laid the stone, and still another im- portant part in the history of . Re- giopolis college had been performed. The corner stone in addition ' to the package of coins, contained a copy of the three Kingston newspa- ners, British Whig, Standard and Freeman. two coins of the realm and church language, His Grace read a copy of the translation after which he blessed the corper stone. Archbishop's Address, After the cornér stone had been placed in position, Archbishop Spratt StrawHat | Sale Saturday bo -- " $3.50 and $3.00 for $2.00 $2.50 for $1.50 $2.00 for $1.25 $1.50 for §1.00 $1.00 for 65c, PANAMA HATS $8.50 for $6.00 $6.00 for $4.25 $5.00 for $3.75 tke thi to $ave money ang keep up appearances. | fruits it had gathered again 'addressed the gathering. He 'sald that a long period of vears had passed since thg.old Regiopolis col- lege had 'been closed, and since the new institution on King street had been opened. It had been placed Wider the managément of a board of trustees, and hence verv little was ed one donation of $500 already. A poor working girl also sent me $5 for the college fund. Inscription on Stone. Following is the translation the inscription on the stone "Unto-the praisé and glory of the great and good Lord who is thé God of all knowledge; for the benefit of Christian youth; for the advance- ment of religion and of all true science hand in hand un- der the guidance of the holy faith; on the twenty-eighth day of June,. infthe 'year of our Saviour's s1ace, one thousand 'niné hundred and fourteen, the Most Reverend Father in Christ, Michael Joseph Spratt, Lord Archbishop of King- ston in the presence of a number of his clergy and of a large concourse of people, with appointed ritual ob- servance, laid this corner stone of the new home of old Reglopolis col- lege, a seat of learning long since endowed by the civil gevernment with an university charter as well as of known of the history of tiie college. In seeking the sympathy and support of the public in this new :ndertak ing, he felt that some inforcation mid be given regarding the his tory, conditions, inner workings and aims of the {nstitution. The open- ing of the college on King street by the late Archbishop Cleary in 1896-7 was but the beginning of a move ment for the new college, The laying of the corner stong of this new college to-day was a inost eventful ceremony in the history of Regiopolis college. The college was recorded as a famous seat of learn: ing in Catholic church history, and when one looked into its history far the last fifty years ibis direripiionr was found to, be no exaggeration 2n Insticuiton was judged by its merits, and tre measure of merits of this in| stitution was to be found in the His grace referred 10 the wor: of Hon. C. F. Fraser in the 2nilege work. He was recognized as a pow- er behind the throne. He then paid # warm tribue to ex-Senator ur Michael Sullivan for his share of the work. He Was a man among men, both in his profession and out of it. The speaker then referred to the honored name of the late James O'Reilly who, he said, had no peer in the dominion using the time of his public life. He had been offered a judgeship but in the interests of his party had declined it. : Continuing, his grace référréd to the year 1837 when application was made for the incorporation of the college. THis was granted, and in 1838, the first contraet was award- ed. : It would no _doubfbe of interest to know the incfredse in the valua- tion of Building material at that time, over seventy-five - yi Tago, a a The old cons ap- peal ua the 8 e for 'dimen tract price ta ane r t, while pe! oe foot 5 5a five cents cost_thirty cents per ther compatisons werd also given. ; go stoi oe of Xe. gio] college was 4 e late Sloper ald on June 14, 1839, just se - years ago. It had to-dey, as the central portion of the over o the see in the bisliop who with a temporary grant of public money. In later times James Vin- cent Cleary, the first Archbishop of Kingston, labored incessantly with all his might for the welfare of the college and for its future stability and efficiency. He lavished of his own; he appealed not In vain to the liberality of his diocesans. His life- long enthusiasm for the' Christian rearing and tralning of the young within his fold had its apt culmina- tion in the bequest of all his earth- ly goods to this College of Regio- polis." SEER PPEP EER bPPdb Pep dd ddddd TO GO THE LIMIT. Belfast, July 6.--A regi- ment of volunteers marched through the streets of Bel- fast yesterday carrying rifles for the first time. London, July 6.--Sir Ed- ward Carson has made an- other fighting speech. He de- clares Ulster will go the lim- it, 2 ode dbl 2 PAPE D EBD bhp vp a Bh 3 | | 3 3 Surgeon Can Mend Heart. Atlantic, City, July 6--"No injury to the heart, no matter how viplent, should bé& considered hopelees," says Dr. Axel Verbus of Chicago, Resulis of experiments showed, he declared that under anesthesia injuries. and seemingly incurable diseases of the heart and lungs can be repaired with the knife. Certain abnormalities of the. heart, Sich as small openings in the chambers, can now be mended by surgical means, he sald. banish mosquitoes. "lap Wicks" Red Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Cross Drug Store. It's when a man is under a cloud ithat we are apt to see him in a bad light. "A 50c. taleum powder for Me' at Gibson's Hed Cross Drug Store. If it wasn't for the weather lots of peoples would have no exeuse for talk- actions when he is away from home. "A 2%. foot 0 truly laid, ag it stood added His Grace, "By's 'sight seems to have come back again ing. a 1 A or judge a married man by his has been checked, owing io Redmond having gained control. A Curious Church Vane. A curious vane is that to be secn on the steeple of a church at Great Gonerby, near 'Grantham, in Eng- land. This vane is in the form of a fiddle and bow and is of unusual size. An ingeresting history per- tains to the value, Many years ago, it seems, there resided in Great Gonerby a peasant who eked out a modest livelihood by performing on an old violin, which was almost a part of his life. At last he decided to emigrate to America. He pros- pered and became a rich man. He sent to the clergyman at Great Gonerby a sum sufficient to build a' news church. This donation carried one curiqus conditjon--that a metal replica of his old fiddle and bow should be placed on the steeple of the new edifice. The gift was accepted and the vane may still: be seen on thé church. Curiously Absentminded, Henri Poincare, thes##mous French physicist and mathematician, was re markably absentininded. One even ing he was looking in a closed book case for a manuscript. During the search he set the lamp on a shelf in the case and in a moment of abstrac tion closed the door, of the cabinet and sat down in darkness. After he had pondered for a time on 'the dis appearance of the lizht he came te the conclusion that he had suddenly become blind. That seemed to him quite possible since his eyes were weak anyway, and he groaned at the thought of his deplorable condi tion. Suddenly to his surprise a Stream of light appeared, coming from the adjoining room, and he re- marked, with much satisfaction, 'My Not even then did he think of the lamp in the hookecase.--Cri De Paris. Recognized It: One day Smith, who was doing a turn through Switzerland, started up the mountain side accompanied, and by his wife. Hour after hour they climbed, and finally one of the high peaks was reached. "Say, Mary," remarked Suiith to his wife, who was a few yards in ad- vance, 'can you see anything yet?" "Yes," answered wifey, scanning the vista, 'far below I can see what looks like a long strip of white pa- per stretching all the way back to town." "Gee whiz," + exclaimed Smith, rushing upsto where his wife stood. "Is it possible that that hloomin® ho- tel bill is overtaking us?" --Philadel- phia Telegraph. oo Fifty Thousand Sheep, Regina, Sask, July 6.--At 50,000 sh will be imported into Saskatchewan this season by one rancher, according to information re- ceived in Regina. There are already 50,000 "on this ,000-acra ranch, apd with an additional 50,- 900 which will be imported.from Mon- tana will make the largest flock in Saskatchewan. . . least ST TO KING. WILL PROT Deputation of Hindus on Way to England. Toronto, July 6.--A deputation of ten Sikhs, residents of British Col- umbia, arrived here from Vancouver. They are headed by Dr. Sundar Singh, and are enroute to England to lay their grievances before the king. They will make a formal protest to his majesty against the ex- clusion of Hindus from Canada. - | Taught by Experience. | He entered the shop of the fash- ionable bootmaker, a look of deter- niination on his face. It was such a look as: one sees on the face of a nan who is firmly reselved to carry out, at all hazards, a decision which will change the whole course of his life, "H'm?" he began, as the assistant stepped forward and politely ques tioned him as to bis requirements in feet-beautifiers. "I want a pair of hoes for my wife, Mrs. Brown." "Yes, sir, certainly," said the young man, briskly. "Same style and size ws last Week?" une style, sizes fives. fives," replied Brown, decid y "But er eXCuse © me Mr Brown only takes--that is, she us ually has three-and-a-half." exclaim- ed the assistant, who knew the lady well. "Are you married, young mian?" queried Brown, sternly, the look of determination deepening on his care- worn features, "Er-----not yet, sir," answered the shopman blushing. wide New York Dresses afternoon wear, the values must be seen to be apprec- In BATHING SUITS, MIDDIES, NECKWEAR, DR. JAEGER WEAR LINEN for outing purposes. Steacy's " J Wonderful assortments of all hot weather wearables can be procured now while the holiday stocks are at their best Mid-Summer Millinery - Smart Golfine and Ratine Hats , also Panamas and the fashionable White e Bell, Tub and India shapes, from $1 . art wrt % : to be had in th Wa ~ \ A Organdie and Colored Handkerchief Linen Waists, all sizes 4 HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOVELTY ABLES and NATURAL COLORED The Busiest Store in Town TI, S-------------- Fo A full assortment qf Tumblers; Sherbets, Sun- daes, Ice Cream Plates and Dishes, Candy Trays, &c. 1 At Wholesale Prices To You ROBERTSON'S, China We have a beautiful line "I thought not," returned Brown. "I am! I am not going to. suffer half an hour's purgatory every, morning watching a woman trying to sgueeze a bushel of feet into a peck of boots. I've stood it long enough and I'm going to take her a pair shat will fit."---Philadelphia Record. She Wouldn't Wait. They had been engaged three years, but there were no indications that the good ship matrimony was in sight. She was getting restless; but when she touched the subject he dex- terously turned the conversation off to physiology, a science of which he was a student. "Yes," he said airily, "it is a strange but well authenticated fact that the whole human body changes every seven years. You see, my dear, you are Miss Jackson now. In seven years you will have changed completely. present sell will be left, but, all the same, you wilt"still be Miss Jackson.' "Oh, shall 1?" said the angry dam- sel, tugging away at the third finger of her left hand. "I asgure you I won't if I have to marry a dustman! or ajt the cool impudence! Here's your ring, and I never, never want to see you again."--Pearson's Week- ly. Had Been "Drugged." Pearsof"s Weekly Physician --Thls man's condition is not due to drink. He's been drug- Policeman (turning pale and speaking timidly)--1I'm afraid ye're right, sir. 1 drugged him all the way---a matter of a hundred yards or more. Not a particle of your} of Robbins & Myers' . ; yi - Wall and desk Th both rotating ol tionary, at reason able | prices. | H.W. Phone #41. Bi wan Electric Co. A bicyele completely equipped, coaster brake, gas lamp, bell, Dunlop style tires; everything guar- anteed for the season. iF Hina Bina Just fo give the boys and girls sowething, good at prices never lieard of before in Kingston. + + We won't sell cheap bicycles, but we do sell good bicycles cheap. , § Ny am

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